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The Irish Nation | Last Chapter : END OF AN ERA


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  • Our purpose is to portray the most realistic Irish-American mob scene in Los Santos. By joining this faction you must understand what you are getting into and do some research before diving into such role-play. We will always do our best to help those in need of it, with that being said we want players to role-play proper Irish-Americans and not off the boat characters. If you need some insight on how to role-play, you can check out this thread: Role-Playing Modern Irish Mobster.
  • Joining a faction of such stature isn't easy from the looks of it, but that's what makes it enjoyable as it creates a sense of aspiration to develop your character and get involved. When joining/trying to join, think about your character and how you want to shape them and what your characters attributes are.
  • When joining through a legal front, this takes time and development as you're trusted to work at a business. You're doing a day-to-day job that is legal, bartender, mechanic, driver, etc. It takes time and development, don't rush things as they aren't meant to be rushed. This is the point of role-play. If you plan on making your character a self-made criminal, who has ties to selling narcotics, robbing people/stealing goods, then act your type. You aren't going to go around telling the world what you do.
  • You must be given permission to post screen-shots on our faction thread. By posting on this thread and gaining screen-shot permission. Any questions or concerns can be private messaged to @Jarvis  @Floz @machismo@Callu @joepramudio @GradarstIf you want to join the faction. 



SUBJECT: [TIN] Firstname_Lastname ((Real Name))


Nama asli kamu & Ingame: Jawaban | Jawaban

Tempat dan Tanggal Lahir(Domisili): Jawaban

Whatsapp: Jawaban

Apakah kamu sudah membaca peraturan yang ada ? : Jawaban

Alasan mengapa kamu ingin masuk di faction ini ? : Jawaban

Pernah masuk faction/family apa saja? Jawaban

Berapa lama waktu kamu dapat in game dalam sehari ? : Jawaban

Apakah anda bisa menyetor screenshoot dengan baik ? : Jawaban

Progam apa yang anda gunakan untuk membuat screenshoot ? : Jawaban

Apakah kamu bermain di warnet atau di rumah? : Jawaban

Jam main pagi/siang/malam ? : Jawaban



Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Ini sebenernya faction apa ?

A: Modern Irish-American Mob


Q: Apakah ras harus Irlandia untuk join faction ini?

A:  Origin Amerika dan Irlandia boleh.


Q: Saya tidak bisa bahasa inggris nih gimana dong?

A: Kami disini semua sama-sama belajar, jadi jangan khawatir jika tidak bisa bahasa Inggris.


Q: Tempat ngumpulnya dimana biasa?

A: Cari kami secara IC.


We use WHATSAPP as our way to communicate each others and also to give any information about this faction. You'll be invited to the group chat only if you're intrigued to roleplay within this faction and has officially became a member of this faction. We do not use this group chat for any kind of metagame. In order to avoid spam in this thread, send a single private message directly to @Jarvis  @AvHs






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Omnia Nightclub Ticket | Surreal


Jack Rabbit Group Irish owned company (“the Company”, “we”, “our”, or “us”) operates the site and subsites located centrally at OmniaClubs.co.

Omnia Night Club entertainment venue and bar that usually operates late into the night, located in Rodeo, Los Santos - United States of America. A stage for live music, one or more dance floor areas and a DJ booth, where a DJ plays recorded music. Upscale nightclubs provide VIP areas on some nights, for celebrities and their guests. Nightclub are much more likely than pub or bar patrons to use guards to screen potential clubs for entry. Nightclub keepers do not accept people in informal attire as part of the dress code. The busiest nights for nightclubs are Saturday and Sunday night. most clubs or nightclubs cater to a specific genre of music, such as house music or hip hop.





The mutual enjoyment of the Club by all of its Members is central to the Omnia NightClub’s existence.


  • Club membership is by invitation or inquiry. Prospective Members will be to meet with representatives. They will display around the house rules will be discussed. A decision will be precision-engineered after the application form has been completed and discussed by the Committee. Once payment is processed, the membership will provide the member with a copy of the club rules.
  • Application for membership must be in the form provided by the Club for that purpose and submission from the online platform. Therefore, agree to these rules.
  • Each Member guarantees the accuracy of the information provided.
  • The entry fee to the Club without members application of 100 USD once entrance.
  • The entry fee to the Club with regular members application of 250 USD/ month.
  • The entry fee to the Club with VIP members application of 500 USD/ month.
  • The duration of all memberships is a minimum of 12 consecutive months.
  • Every Member of the Omnia Social Club is at least twenty-one years of age.
  • Membership must be renewed within one month from the expiration date to guarantee the same fee.
  • On arrival, members must present their membership cards if requested. Sign the membership book and state the number of guests accompany you on your visit.
  • Membership card is not transferable. If you misuse your membership card, your membership may revoke. If you lose it, please ask the membership office for a replacement.
  • Members who act in violation of the Code of Conduct set out in the Club Rules will be responsible for terminating their membership and possibly forfeiting their annual subscription in whole or in part.
  • Members must comply with the Rules and Regulations established and stated by the Club Owners and Management. Any member who does not obey the Club rules will have his membership reviewed by the Owner. The Committee and their membership maybe terminate without delay. All decisions are final.
  • Each Member must notify the Club and its management of any change of address or relevant information.
  • Only members are allowed to open tabs in the bar, do this simply by showing their OMNIA nightclub membership card. Guests are not allowed run tabs at the bar, but bills can be settled on departure by their members or guests. An additional 20% will be added to the bill if not settled on the day of the visit.
  • Omnia Nightclub is committed to ensuring the privacy and security of all member information. To prevent unauthorized access or disclosure, we have implemented physical, electronic, and managerial procedures to safeguard and secure all information we collect.




  • Guests must be admitted at the discretion of the Club and its management and must be accompanied by a member at all times.
  • Members must be responsible for their guests at all times.
  • Members are responsible for ensuring that their guests are aware of all Club rules and codes of conduct during their stay at the Club and upon leaving the Club Site.
  • Members may not leave before their guests.
  • If your guests are likely to arrive before you, please notify the front desk in advance
  • Groups DO NOT have to consist of men and women.
  • No guests under the age of 18 years old are allowed into the Club unless by prior arrangement or with the permission of an insider of Omnia nightclub.



  • Omnia nightclub encourages individuality and party wear. The Club Dress Rules not meant to be binding or overly restrictive, but we politely ask our Members and their guests to dress for the occasion and respect their clothing choices.



  • All devices must be SILENT OR OFF at all times. Nightclubs or private venues – not applicable.
  • Each Member and their guests must comply with the rules and code of conduct established by the Club.
  • Members and their guests must be responsible for the safety and security of their belongings and property. Each Member and their guests agree that the Owner shall not be liable for any goods or property or be liable for any claims or expenses resulting in loss of or damage to the property of members or guests.
  • Any items found in the Club after closing will be returned in the lost property book, kept for 28 days from the date, and then dispose of.
  • Members will be given a membership card. This card must be presented at a reception and used in conjunction with other identification procedures the Club deems necessary. You must show your membership card to open the tab.
  • Owners reserve the right to refuse entry to or to exclude their members or guests as appropriate. Members must comply with the rules and obligations relating to the reservation of facilities or services as may be established by the Owner from time to time.
  • No Member may move, damage, or destroy any artwork, furniture, or other property of the Club. If a member guest causes the loss, damage, or destruction of property as described, the members are thoroughly responsible and would be charged the applicable fees.
  • Members are advised that CCTV cameras will be used in various parts of the Club.


Violence will not be tolerated by the Omnia Night Club.

  1. No armrests.
  2. No screaming.
  3. Behave politely.
  4. Treat Club staff with respect.
  5. Respect Your Club.
  6. Respect other members.
  7. Each mem. is responsible for the actions and behavior of his guests.
  8. Dress appropriately.
  9. No bullshit.
  10. Taking medication will not be tolerated
  11. Not allowed to enter if you bring sharp objects, schematics, materials, cracks, pots, all types of guns.
  12. No fighting.
  13. Not allowed to make love in the nightclub.
  14. Every guest or fellow of Omnia nightclub who enters is required to show their ID Card.
  15. Must be over 21 years old.
  16. Had to come in for twenty-five USD.


Cancellation fees may apply as follows:

  • Bookings for the use of facilities or services – All cancellations must be made in writing via email [email protected]
  • Cancellation in no less than seven days – free of charge
  • If the members of Omnia nightclubs are not presenting fee will be applicable.


Enjoy the club every Saturday and Sunday.





Management of Omnia Night Club













1. Apaan nih ? :

Bisa dibilang ini adalah salah satu website yang memuat bisnis Taxi milik The Irish Nation.


2. Fungsinya apa ? :

Fungsinya sebagai perantara kalian yang ingin join dengan faction kami tapi enggak tau harus mulai dari mana, jadi bisa di mulai dari daftar supir taxi disini.


3. Keuntungannya apa ? :

Keuntungan daftar lewat sini adalah anda akan  dapat kredit pinjaman taxi. dan juga keuntungan lainnya buat kalian yang baru main JGRP dan ingin mendalami ilmu RP lebih dalam, ya disinilah tempatnya.


4. Apakah ada setoran perminggu ? :

Iya tiap minggu $200


5. Ada perjanjiannya gak ? :

Ya ada perjanjian secara IC, yang nantinya anda ketahui sendiri ketika bertemu dengan kami.


7. Jadi ini kaya sub-faction gitu ya ? :

Bisa kubilang ini Bisnis, bisa juga kubilang ini Sub-Faction. jadi ini Sub-Faction yang berisi Bisnis.


8. Aku masih bingung nih,

PM aja kalo masih bingung.





As the cornerstone of Iron Lion Logistic,  Iron Lion Logistic is the name with which the company began its expansion in the supply stuffs industry based in Red County, Los Santos, USA  Iron Lion Logistic provides superior quality services for over decades.

Over the years, Iron Lion Logistic continues to maintain international standards across our operations. We undergo review, audits and upgrades to ensure our leading edge services, including certification in a number of areas relating to operational excellence, Iron Lion Logistic is positioned to capture continued growth in the years to come.








About Us

Jack Rabbit Liquor Store has been selling both genuine import and local wine and spirits since 2020.

We are open 7 days a week & our working hours is from 08.00 until 21.00. As for today we are providing delivery to IRELAND, AMERICA, GERMANY, SPAIN, ITALY, etc further detail please chat with us.

For instant delivery right now we only serving Los Santos, San Fierro, Las Venturas, New York, Florida, Dublin and will be using 3rd party local courier services.

Please note we support COD for the moment. Direct chat thru WhatsApp, Line & Telegram only for order taking and tracking order only. We don't entertain basic inquiry such us asking stock which is not in our website or price bargaining.


Happy shopping and drinks responsibly !

Jack Rabbit Liquor








People who've never been in a pawn shop have all kinds of misconceptions . and they may be a little uncomfortable because they don't know what to expect! Well, at Jack Rabbit Pawn Shop, we want to solve that mystery!

First, know this: people from every walk of life use pawn shops --- business people, working people, the gal in front of you at the grocery store, that middle-aged lady sitting in the pew next to you at church. So don't feel funny about needing a little help to get you through that temporary cash crunch. That's why we're here.

Second if you come to Jack Rabbit Pawn Shop and borrow money, we --- you and one of our professionally trained staff members --- decide upfront on the loan value of the item you give as collateral, the length of time in which you will repay the loan, and how much the loan will cost you. If for some reason, you choose to not repay the loan, all we do is put the item out for sale. No surprises there!


Third, here's what we don't do at Jack Rabbit Pawn Shop ..we don't ruin your credit..we don't hassle you at your home or work. we don't sue. Unlike any other form of consumer credit, if you don't repay your loan at Jack Rabbit Pawn Shop, nothing happens to you ---- nothing!


How Reliable Pawn Shop Can help you ?

Have you ever been to a pawnshop? For a lot of people, there seems to be something, well, intimidating about these places. But if you haven't been to Jack Rabbit Pawn Shop, you're missing out on some great bargains. Jack Rabbit Pawn Shop is a lot like a dozen garage sales and a flea market all rolled into one. Jack Rabbit Pawn Shop also plays an important role in Sumter and Manning by providing people with an easy, fast way to borrow money. We also purchase fine jewelry, broken and scrap jewelry and we accept items as trade-ins on our retail merchandise.

There are three things that happen in any pawnshop hundreds of times every day:
People borrow money by putting up something they own as collateral
People sell used merchandise
People buy new and used merchandise


Jack Rabbit Pawn Shop




Green Clover Number Game

“Sometimes the Good Things in Life Do Come Easy”





Green Clover Number Game, is a lottery retailer partnership signed by San Andreas Lottery Corporation and Jack Rabbit, Inc. under an independent name Green Clover Number Game in early 2021. The philosophy embedded in “Green Clover” is rooted in Irish traditional believe, attributed each leaf of the clover to represent, hope, faith, love, and luck. Green Clover Number Game operated independently in the region of Los Santos, situated in the Jack Rabbit Bar, Playa De Seville, dedicating same exact philosophy in every number game they’re hosted.  Green Cover Number Game together with San Andreas Lottery agreed to promote fair, honest, respectful, professional and courteous service to all of the customer.



  1. Customer are required to be an adult (18+)
  2. Customer should be able to provide authentic Identity Card, issued by San Andreas Government.
  3. Customer should be able to provide their Bank Account number.


How to Play:

Selecting a number is getting a lot easier right now, Green Clover Number Game offering the customer online and offline method to select their number.


  1. 1. Online method oblige customer to contact Green Clover Number Game website or email ((@machismo, @wildhorsesyou)). The electronic-mail must  contain all the requirement mentioned afore, plus a picture of himself (selfie) to verified the complete data, phone number and the ticket number they pick.          This is the format of e-mail our staff expected to received :

  2. Name     :
  3. Age        :
  4. Sex         :
  5. Number :
  6. Attachment  the picture of your IDcard      


  1. Offline method could be organized in a face-to-face meeting with Green Clover Number Game staff (If someone claimed to be a part of Green Clover but couldn’t show his membership card, It’s probably a scam) in our office, Jack Rabbit bar, Playa De Seville. Customer should also bring the requirement mentioned a far.


Available number:

            Green Clover Number Game only provide this listed number below :

11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16

21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26

31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36

41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46

51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56

61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66


Rules and regulation:

  1. Each player only given a chance to choose one number from the list.
  2. Green Clover Number Game only accepting first 36 customer that submitted their chosen number.
  3. Green Clover Number Game will be aired and confirmed the list number that’s been accepted two hours before the draw, or even early If all of the number has been sold out before the “draw day”.                                                                                                                                                                         
  4. Once the number submitted, customer couldn’t change their picked number in any way.
  5. Once the number submitted, customer are not entitled for a refund.
  6.  In order to start the game, there's at least 20 picked. If, the number is not sufficient, the draw shall be hold. Customer who already picked the number would be informed.
  7.  Rules and Regulation might change if the operator feel that kind of amandement is neccesarry.

Draw and Payment.

  1. Green Clover Number Game draw will be start in every Saturday. Customer could attend the drawing live in Jack Rabbit Bar.
  2. Green Clover Number Game only single out one number from the list above.
  3. Customer charged with $50 for every number they decide to pick, and the payment should be put in front.
  4. Winning number will be aired soon as the Number Game draw finished.
  5. Winner will be paid on Sunday, in 08:00 PM.


  1. Green Clover Number Game set $1.000 as the winning price on the total pot. The prize pot is very-very dynamic, it’s all depend on the operator’s discretion.

Question and answer could be directly asked to [email protected] (( @machismo ))


  1. karena script lottery machine draw tidak ada di server sehingga digantikan dengan sistem scripted /dice, sehingga hanya nomor nomor diatas yang tersedia.
  2. /dice harus dilakukan dua kali agar nomor-nomor tersebut dapat diperoleh.



        Pada gambar ini, maka angka yang keluar ada 56.


        Pada gambar ini, angka yang keluar adalah 34

        Nick name Zharvis Westingler hanya membantu saya, karena kebetukan saya belum beli dice.

  1. Untuk roleplay pemilihan nomernya akan dilakukan secara langsung di bar Playa De Seville untuk menjaga integritas, dan menjamin kalau ini bukan scam.
  2. Player yang memasang diperbolehkan untuk melihat /dice tersebut, dan yang kebetulan berhalangan akan diberitahukan segera hasilnya. ))


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