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San Maria Crime Family | Chapter I : Bring Back The Glory


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San Maria Crime Family also known as San Andreas Costra Nostra created on 21 October 1947. San Maria Crime Family is one of the large organized crime that actives around Newyork, Philadelphia, Chicago, and San Andreas. San Maria Crime Family on San Andreas was formed and founded by the boss of all bosses, Godfather Rodrigues Galante and his personal Consigliere Jackson Gravilia. This Family runs Money Laundering, protection racketeering, arbitrating disputes between criminals, and brokering and enforcing illegal agreements, prostitute, and smuggling. The family actives around 1947 to 2020, when it was renamed after boss Genovese. Originally in control of the Ocean Docks near Mechanic City and Fishfactory. The family was run for years by "the Godfather" Rodriguez Galante, who feigned insanity by shuffling unshaven through San Andreas wearing a tattered bathrobe and muttering to himself incoherently to avoid prosecution.





Around 18 January 2017 the Godfather Rogue was murdered by other mobster rivals on his mansion because the rivals traped him. And the news about the death of the Godfather spread fast to the other family around the world. The Don Beckham Genovese hear this news and contact his soldier to hold on to the family business on San Andreas because he, unfortunately, has other business with other families on Newyork. But not too many members left because San Maria has no leader again because the death of the 'Rogue' and San Maria Crime Family has many rivals around San Andreas that disturbing San Maria Family Business. The family lost control of the Ocean Docks labor fee and Fish Factory protection control because many family or gangs disturb it and the family member are not loyal as the Godfather still on Control. The member didn't want to risk his life because the family is being attacked by many but the capo Terryl Beasley still had some territorial and still has some loyal soldier to hold on the family name on San Andreas.

CHAPTER I : Bring Back The Glory


As the family is not strong anymore the boss, Genovese decides to going home from his business in New York and going back to San Andreas and rebuild the San Maria Crime Family power. To bring back the power he must be smart and careful because many rivals target the family right now. He must recruit some new members, take back his territory, Control again his racketeering activity on San Andreas. Defend his partner business like cafe, restaurant, and more. 


(cerita chapter akan berlanjut seiring berjalannya kisah roleplay yang dikembangkan secara kreatif)








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