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[GUIDE] Chinese Slang and How to be Triad

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Hemm... Gue berusaha sebaik mungkin ngumpulin mood buat balik lagi ke server ini dan akhirnya terkumpul. Sekarang gue coba buat Guide lagi, disini gue bakal jelasin tentang bagaimana sih menjadi Triad? Apa sih Triad itu? Ngapain sih? Dan gue bakal ngasih beberapa Chinese Slang yang mungkin bakal membantu kalian dalam melakukan Roleplay.


Triad adalah organisasi kriminal etnis Tionghoa yang berbasis di HongKong, Macau, dan Tiongkok Daratan. Yang membedakan Triad dengan Mafia pada umumnya itu karena Triad terbagi beberapa tingkatan atau level. Kalian ga di'HARUS'kan membuat karakter dengan basis umur 30 keatas untuk masuk Triad, karena kalian ga akan langsung diangkat atau berada di high rank (yaiyalah) *duh*


Jadi, awal" kalian akan me-Roleplaykan karakter kalian sama seperti Gangster pada umumnya tapi dengan gaya gang Asia, biasanya kalau di Asia orang masuk Gang itu mulai dari umur 19 tahun keatas, dimana umur 19 tahun keatas ya orang Asia rata" udah mulai bebas mencari jati diri mereka masing", itulah kenapa terkadang player pro E-Sport Asia juga rata" umurnya 19 tahun keatas.


Oke, balik ke topik pembahasan. Orang Chinese memiliki populasi terbanyak di dunia, jadi kalian bisa meng-RPkan karakter kalian sudah lahir di Los Santos, atau sudah tinggal disekitar situ. Kenapa? Ya karena orang Chinese udah banyak tersebar diseluruh dunia, kalau ga percaya cek google deh.




Terus gimana bwang cara join Triad? Gampang - gampang susah sebenernya, biasanya Triad itu memiliki bisnis legal untuk menutupi aktivitas ilegal mereka mulai dari buka tempat hiburan, hotel, menyewakan tempat tinggal, membuka restoran, dan masih banyak lagi. Sama halnya dengan gangster mereka menguasai beberapa tempat seperti taman, bar, tempat makan, tempat perjudian, pasar, gedung, lapangan dan masih banyak lagi. Mereka biasanya jalan berlalu lalang di daerah yang telah mereka kuasai, untuk memastikan daerah itu aman dan tidak ada pengacau yang berniat merusak bisnis mereka.




Triad biasanya melakukan aktivitas kriminal dalam skala kecil, meskipun anggotanya sudah banyak atau memiliki kekuatan yang cukup. Mereka berusaha membatasi kekerasan antar anggota geng untuk menghindari sorotan publik. Mereka lebih tertutup dan main bersih dalam melakukan kegiatan ilegalnya, seperti melakukan korupsi, menyeludupkan ganja, penculikan, pembunuhan berencana, membuka perjudian dalam skala kecil dan masih banyak lagi. Struktur dalam Triad memperlihatkan bahwa setiap atasan memiliki tugas masing" untuk mengurus bawahannya, jadi mereka memiliki penanggung jawab masing" dan biasanya boss Triad tidak langsung ikut terjun ke lapangan bersama para anak buahnya, dia lebih sering melakukan rapat tertutup bersama para anggota kelas atas yang nantinya mereka (anggota kelas atas) akan mengarahkan anggota mereka masing" untuk menjalankan tugas yang telah direncanakan oleh boss mereka.






Awal mula kamu masuk kamu akan berada di posisi Blue Lanterns dimana aktivitas kamu akan di awasi oleh Ordinary Members yaitu anggota yang sudah lama masuk dan sudah lama berada di dalam Triad.


Red Pole akan mengawasi aktivitas dari Ordinary Members dan Blue Lanterns yang akan dibantu oleh White Paper Fan dan Straw Sandal begitu seterusnya.


Dalam struktur Triad sebelum kamu masuk ke dalam Triad mereka akan mengadakan upacara dan ada beberapa sumpah yang harus kamu ucapkan saat melakukan upacara tersebut.






Sama seperti yang dilakukan mafia jepang Yakuza, Triad juga mempunyai ritual dalam menyambut anggota baru, tipikal upacara yang mereka lakukan didedikasikan untuk Guan Yu, dengan mengorbankan beberapa binatang seperti ayam, babi dan kambing. Setelah itu mereka akan meminum anggur yang dicampur dengan darah dari kandidat binatang yang mereka korbankan dalam upcara tersebut. Anggota baru tersebut akan diberikan pedang dan selembar kertas berisi tulisan sumpah - sumpah yang harus mereka bacakan saat upacara berlangsung. Ada 36 sumpah yang harus mereka sebutkan diantaranya:


1. After having entered the Hung gates I must treat the parents and relatives of my sworn brothers as my own kin. I shall suffer death by five thunderbolts if I do not keep this oath.


2. I shall assist my sworn brothers to bury their parents and brothers by offering financial or physical assistance. I shall be killed by five thunderbolts if I pretend to have no knowledge of their troubles.


3. When Hung brothers visit my house, I shall provide them with board and lodging. I shall be killed by myriads of knives if I treat them as strangers.


4. I will always acknowledge my Hung brothers when they identify themselves. If I ignore them I will be killed by myriads of swords.


5. I shall not disclose the secrets of the Hung family, not even to my parents, brothers, or wife. I shall never disclose the secrets for money. I will be killed by myriads of swords if I do so.


6. I shall never betray my sworn brothers. If, through a misunderstanding, I have caused the arrest of one of my brothers I must release him immediately. If I break this oath I will be killed by five thunderbolts.


7. I will offer financial assistance to sworn brothers who are in trouble in order that they may pay their passage fee, etc. If I break this oath I will be killed by five thunderbolts.


8. I must never cause harm or bring trouble to my sworn brothers or Incense Master. If I do so I will be killed by myriads of swords.


9. I must never commit any indecent assaults on the wives, sisters, or daughters, of my sworn brothers. I shall be killed by five thunderbolts if I break this oath.


10. I shall never embezzle cash or property from my sworn brothers. If I break this oath I will be killed by myriads of swords.


11. I will take good care of the wives or children of sworn brothers entrusted to my keeping. If I do not I will be killed by five thunderbolts.


12. If I have supplied false particulars about myself for the purpose of joining the Hung family I shall be killed by five thunderbolts.


13. If I should change my mind and deny my membership of the Hung family I will be killed by myriads of swords.


14. If I rob a sworn brother or assist an outsider to do so I will be killed by five thunderbolts.


15. If I should take advantage of a sworn brother or force unfair business deals upon him I will be killed by myriads of swords.


16. If I knowingly convert my sworn brother's cash or property to my own use I shall be killed by five thunderbolts.


17. If I have wrongly taken a sworn brother's cash or property during a robbery I must return them to him. If I do not I will be killed by five thunderbolts.


18. If I am arrested after committing an offence I must accept my punishment and not try to place blame on my sworn brothers. If I do so I will be killed by five thunderbolts.


19. If any of my sworn brothers are killed, or arrested, or have departed to some other place, I will assist their wives and children who may be in need. If I pretend to have no knowledge of their difficulties I will be killed by five thunderbolts.


20. When any of my sworn brothers have been assaulted or blamed by others, I must come forward and help him if he is in the right or advise him to desist if he is wrong. If he has been repeatedly insulted by others I shall inform our other brothers and arrange to help him physically or financially. If I do not keep this oath I will be killed by five thunderbolts.


21. If it comes to my knowledge that the Government is seeking any of my sworn brothers who has come from other provinces or from overseas, I shall immediately inform him in order that he may make his escape. If I break this oath I will be killed by five thunderbolts.


22. I must not conspire with outsiders to cheat my sworn brothers at gambling. If I do so I will be killed by myriads of swords.


23. I shall not cause discord amongst my sworn brothers by spreading false reports about any of them. If I do so I will be killed by myriads of swords.


24. I shall not appoint myself as Incense Master without authority. After entering the Hung gates for three years the loyal and faithful ones may be promoted by the Incense Master with the support of his sworn brothers. I shall be killed by five thunderbolts if I make any unauthorized promotions myself.


25. If my natural brothers are involved in a dispute or lawsuit with my sworn brothers I must not help either party against the other but must attempt to have the matter settled amicably. If I break this oath I will be killed by five thunderbolts.


26. After entering the Hung gates I must forget any previous grudges I may have borne against my sworn brothers. If I do not do so I will be killed by five thunderbolts.


27. I must not trespass upon the territory occupied by my sworn brothers. I shall be killed by five thunderbolts if I pretend to have no knowledge of my brothers' rights in such matters.


28. I must not covet or seek to share any property or cash obtained by my sworn brothers. If I have such ideas I will be killed.


29. I must not disclose any address where my sworn brothers keep their wealth nor must I conspire to make wrong use of such knowledge. If I do so I will be killed by myriads of swords.


30. I must not give support to outsiders if so doing is against the interests of any of my sworn brothers. If I do not keep this oath I will be killed by myriads of swords.


31. I must not take advantage of the Hung brotherhood in order to oppress or take violent or unreasonable advantage of others. I must be content and honest. If I break this oath I will be killed by five thunderbolts.


32. I shall be killed by five thunderbolts if I behave indecently towards small children of my sworn brothers' families.


33. If any of my sworn brothers has committed a big offence I must not inform upon them to the Government for the purposes of obtaining a reward. I shall be killed by five thunderbolts if I break this oath.


34. I must not take to myself the wives and concubines of my sworn brothers nor commit adultery with them. If I do so I will be killed by myriads of swords.


35. I must never reveal Hung secrets or signs when speaking to outsiders. If I do so I will be killed by myriads of swords.


36. After entering the Hung gates I shall be loyal and faithful and shall endeavour to overthrow Ch'ing and restore Ming by co-ordinating my efforts with those of my sworn brethren even though my brethren and I may not be in the same professions. Our common aim is to avenge our Five Ancestors.



mér, Zěnme yàng? (Sup bro?)

kù (Cool)

shuài (good looking)

shuăng (satisfying)

bùxíngle (dying)

chāo (very)

húnào (make trouble)

hēishèhui (triad)

băfēng (to keep watch)

báichī (idiot, lit. white fool)

chùnhuò (idiot) used infrequently

xiăozi (guy)

xīdú (drug, lit. absorb poison)

jiùbā (a bar)

jiùdiàn (a hotel)

yèdiàn (a nightclub) 

lăodá (Big Boss)

làntānzi (bad situation)

xiăodìdì (penis)

tiáozi (a police officer)

zánmen (we, us)

huò (goods, stuffs)

àiyăn (annoying)



Intinya Triad itu adalah semi-mafia kita bisa lihat dari aktivitas dan cara mereka memperlakukan membernya, yang berarti kalian harus mengetahui basis RP Gangster dan RP Mafia yang akan digabungkan secara bersamaan sehingga kalian bisa melakukan RP Triad dalam jalan yang benar, perbedaannya dari Yakuza mungkin cuman distruktur dan upcaranya saja. Sekian Guide yang bisa gue bagikan disini. Semoga bermanfaat dan membantu! Keep a smile... Tai anjing lah, ga, ga jadi diri lu sendiri aja :) 

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4 minutes ago, Minion said:

Betul sekali, kata 'kun' itu sama seperti 'homies' yang biasanya di gunakan untuk menyapa orang-orang yang ada

Oke makasih brow atas informasi nya ya.

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