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626 Eastcoast Empire - Chapter V: GANG ALLIANCE


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626 Felton Uptown Block known as 626, the gang known as a violent and brutal gang on East Los Santos. led by Richard Johnson with assistance from Jeffrey Carbean, the gang growth into a large gang with many members and became a notorious gang. Their action smelt by LSPD, and they began to investigate them, in the end most of the gang members were locked up in jail and disbanded.




Damon Salvadore known as a new rich guy in Los Santos.Damon trying to buy a famous business on Idlewood with all of the resources he got. But unfortunately, he went wrong and got scammed,in desperation of losing most of his resources, he met Jeffrey Carbean by accident. He told him the stories and Jeffrey agreed to help him, in the end Damon managed to gain his resources again and became a friend with Jeffrey. One-day, day Jeffrey came to Damon's house panting over times, bringing a teenager with him. Damon asked who is that teenager, and he explained that he was his brother,and he known nothing about 626. His name is Berthram Lindegaard. Jeffrey requested Damon to keep his brother save . Few weeks later Damon heard that 626 was disband by LSPD and most of their members, including Jeffrey was sentenced.



Few years passed since 626 were disband from Los Santos, Damon told Berthram about his friendship with Jeffrey and how Jeffrey saving him from losing his resources then finally he told Berhram about who Jeffrey was and the gang. One-day, day Berthram opened his mind and met Damon himself telling him that he wanted to re-establish the gang again but within his leadership. Damon agreed with that and he used his resource to help Berthram with his gang. Then they met several men in 626 old neighborhood,they were agreed to join with Berthram and re-establish the gang.



It's been five years after the demise of 626, Bertram walking at the intersection of East Los Santos and met a man named Kurk McGurk that he had known as his peers when the 626 was still existed. They have a conversation, and Bertram said that he intended to rebuild the new 626 with Damon's help. Kurk was not convinced with Damon, who has white skin will help the process of return of 626. Bertram told Kurk to don't worry with Damon because he is a good guy and  he will help us unconditionally. Bertram also told Kurk to recruit some nigger around east Los Santos that can help them to build 626 back.
One day,Bear was met a kid who was rode with his BMX. And Bear came to him and stop him,it makes that kid so confused what he wanted of him. And the kid was throttled his BMX fastly and eventually he flipped from his bike.And Bear ran toward him and Bear said "Kid,are you okay kid?" and the kid said "Yeah im okay".After few conversations. Bear helped him and put him to the corner and look at the kid.He made that kid believe if Bear isnt a killer or something what he think about him. After another few conversations,The kid revealed his name,the kid names Tee.


Several days  passed. New bloods, Jamal, Jericho, and Lamar Are joined 626. They wanted the niggers to have more power at East Los Santos. And now 626 got more about 50 niggers to run their's gang. They started the business with drugs dealing and illegal gambling.

After a long criminal conduct in los santos, 626 were exposed from the LSPD disbanded for a second time.

About 2 years later, the presumed brother of Jericho McBrown is Tracey Redmond with the remaining members of the 626 re-generate the family with the names 626 Eastcoast Empire.





One member of the 626 is Solomon Jedrek, he has a brother named Aaron Jedrek. Aaron is still an outsider in 626, he always screw up and create problems in the eastside. A time when one of the members LSPD patrol in the pig pen area who are looking for brown burrito car owned by Tyson Brownell. Then, Aaron reported that the car owner burrito it was Tyson until Tyson got suspected by LSPD. Knowing the incident Tracey Redmond as OG straight upset because one of its members becomes Betrayer. Tracey did not hesitate to kill Aaron reluctant though he was the brother of Solomon.



CHAPTER II : The kingz of the eastside

Now this alley became the most feared gang in Los Santos, for brutality against something in the way.
With a leader named 'Papa-Cey', This gang can be dominate the city of los santos

They are the biggest arms and drug dealers in the city of los santos, because none of the gang that can compete with them.
They never lost in the shootout, a brawl, another war and others.




When Papa-Cey visit Willowfield area, there is a group of gangsters are amateurs.
Papa-Cey ask taxes to them, but they are against it.
Without thinking, Cey calling all members of 626 to destroy the Willowfield area.






CHAPTER III : Almighty Bear Is Back!

Almighty Bear’s presence

Time goes back in couple years ago, since Berthram wasn’t at the hood he went to earn more cash in through inter-village of Red County new68e7f.png“kna’ wh-ass Iam sayyn’?” the last sentences from Berthram before his departure,  Now he was back. was well-known as Bear the one of O.G related with 626 gang affliation, he brought new-rules. Priority a smuggling within his gang. Known this, Tracey nodded in agreement, because of earnings of the gang was reduced by the time went, Berthram started doing his role, Tracey had the same mind-set so. Bear recalled past failures he didn’t want it happens again, his homie was shot to death right in the head, called him Jimmy. so Bear started back a business more carefull.











$2X rules

Occasionally, Tucci pulled some street-tax he’s known with new O.G from East-Coast. Bad habit raises a worse though, not mandatory be imitated for somebody, Tucci easily to ruin somebody lives by his thug-style, he was the daddy of any crooks but not for the day when he lost his precious stuffs, taken by polices. He started to create a suspenseful thing raised a payment of tax, one of 626 gang members called Darrs was Felton uptown block native, he was at middle-ranked’COMPTON’ or also called like Captain. Tucci planned the new rule now it relied how he would do later, the rules were more and more actived in their hood, rounding up of trusted street-thug of feltons gang. So Darrs represented a new rule and would to keep watch its back, to reassure. Tucci would stamp-out all the rival gang surrounding of los santos, there wouldn’t be turning back for those.




story will be updated as soon as possible.







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-Erie: yang sudah menginjinkan untuk me-reborn faction ini.

-Ervan: Pendiri faction ini.

-Tiak: yang reborn.



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