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59 Insane Brim Block.


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59 Insane Brim Block is a teenager conversation that located at East Los Santos, a lot of teenager waste their time there.  A lot people who using red banner or Red gang also known as bad gang, who is playing with their guns n drugs to keep them life in the city. They claimed themself as Bloods, which was it refer to Red Flaggin, This clique started handle some dirty jobs, such as a drugs trafficking, robbery, and many other illegal jobs. 

59 Eastside bloods street have a ni**a who control their neighborhood and their items, The name of that ni**a is Churchill Tropp and his friends Jasemon Tropp.


Beginning with two brothers named Churchill Tropp and Jasemon Tropp, they represented 59 Insane Brim Block in the city of Los Santos. 59 Insane Brim Block not only focuses on casual conversation, they also focus on selling drugs and weapons as well. 59 Insane Brim Block is also a criminal gangster who has committed many crimes, including robbing stores and murdering. 59 Insane Brim Block was also involved in the gang war in the city of Los Santos.




Starting with two brothers named Churchill Tropp and Jasemon Tropp, they represented 59 Insane Brim Block in the city of Los Santos. 59 Insane Brim Block does not only focus on casual conversation, they also focus on selling drugs and weapons as well. 59 Insane Brim Block is also a criminal gangster who has committed many crimes, including robbing shops and murdering. 59 Insane Brim Block was also involved in the gang war in the city of Los Santos. When Churchill and Jasemon were robbing a shop, it was not known that someone had reported it to the police. This makes Churchill and Jasemon surrounded by police, they don't know how to get past so many police. Without thinking, they tried to fight the police. After that, Churchill and Jasemon's actions failed. They must be willing to be arrested and in prison within 7 years, Irvin who knew about this immediately spoke to Churchill so that he took over or led the 59 Insane Brim Block for a while until Churchill was out of prison.

7 years passed, Jasemon and Churchill were free from prison. They continued to live in their old residence, East Los Santos, they also met Irvin and several other members of 59 Insane Brim Lane. Churchill advised Irvin to do drug trafficking, he got these items while he was in prison. Irvin also thought about Churchill's offer, he would bring two of his members to participate in this. Irvin also put the item into his trunk, he will make an agreement with someone who wants to buy the drug. The deal goes wrong, Irvin is trapped by detectives from the police who are posing as drug buyers. Then, Irvin was in prison in less than 10 years. Churchill didn't know that Irvin was in jail, he kept running his drug trafficking.


Churchill and Jasemon create new banner, there's written " 59 Insane Brim Block " in the banner, and they places in East Los Santos.







 How to join this faction.

Anda bisa meroleplaykan karakter developmen anda sebagai orang yang tinggal di sekitar ELS. Dalam peran karakter tidak di sarankan meroleplay memiliki mobil, motor dsb. Karakter di haruskan untuk meroleplaykan developmen yang miskin. Untuk memudahkan anda untuk memasuki faction / families kami anda bisa meroleplaykan karakter berumur 13 sampai 16 tahun. Jika anda memiliki saran atau ingin bergabung dengan faction ini dipersilahkan untuk mengirim pesan kepada @Fluhxrichard




- This is african-american gangster.

- Follow server rules.

- Respect each other.

- Join us mean we allowed to CK you.

- Asslicker, faction jumper is unacceptable here.

- If you want to join, make sure the character you use is main character.

- We using Whatsapp for OOC information.

- (Sangat di larang keras untuk shoutout tanpa ada izin high rank).



Credit by: @Fluhxrichard @DrianK goggle.













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Q: Ini sebenernya faction apa?
A: African - American gangster.

Q: Apakah ras harus African-American ataupun America Samoa?
A: Ya, harus.

Q: Tempat ngumpulnya dimana nih? biar gampang datengnya.
A: Roleplaykan dan cari secara IC.

Q: Saya gak bisa bahasa inggris, agak kaku, dan lain sebagainya. Gimana?
A: Di faction ini kami tidak memaksakan harus full berbahasa inggris, disini kita sama sama belajar dan silahkan bertanya atau gunakan bahasa Indonesia yang baik dan benar jika tidak paham dengan bahasa Inggris. Ayo kita belajar disini bareng bareng, jangan takut dan jangan malu buat coba hal yang baru.

Q: Bang saya mau join, apa hal yang harus pertama kali saya lakukan?
A: Kamu bisa menghubungi forum @m2net_corp via message forum untuk informasi lebih lanjut.

Q: Bang, saya mau nanya entah itu roleplay saya atau kepentingan OOC dan perkembangan saya, kabarinnya bisa kemana ya?
A: Silahkan kontak Whatsapp kami di nomor, 0896-8834-9974 (Ado / @Fluhxrichard) atau bisa juga ke 0877-2077-3751 (Eep Syaifullah / @m2net_corp). Jangan sungkan untuk bertanya, kita sama sama bangun kreatifitas kita dalam beroleplay.





Pastinya kami menerima kritik dan saran dari teman-teman patriot JGRP untuk faction ini, kami menerima semua masukan dari kalian mulai dari hal yang positif ataupun negatif guna perkembangan roleplay yang ada di faction ini. Kalian bisa menghubungi kepada leader serta penasihat di faction ini dengan menghubungi kami via pm forum ke @Fluhxrichard @m2net_corp. Terima kasih dan selamat beroleplay!


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