20'Bloods Posted September 5, 2014 Posted September 5, 2014 Banner made by Ruffle. Recommend you watch in 1080p, HD. Los Santos Roleplay's ''1826 Ryder Blocc Families'' is a faction which is heavily based on African American street gangs which are located in Los Angeles, such as: 'The Crips' which is the banner that the street gang falls under. The faction was one hundred percent constructed from different in character events, an eventually developed in to what you see today. Ryder Blocc Families' main priority is to keep portraying that L.S/L.A slum, based neighborhood feel around the areas in Willowfield, where the gang originally planted it's roots. We attempt to keep our roleplay as realistic as possible in terms of how Los Angeles's African American street gangs operate, along a bit of their cultures, and everyday doings despite our own original roleplay scenarios. The faction contains a long an pretty complex history, which manages to catch interest from all sides. Each and every member of the gang posses their own personalities, and different attitudes. Stereo type roleplayers are not tolerated. Originality and dicipline is the key to succeeding in the faction and everyone is welcomed to make an attempt to join. ''Are you ready to put in work!?" 1826 Ryder Blocc Families, commonly abbreviated as R.B.F., 1826 or Ryder Block, is an African American street gang mainly situated in the suburb of Willowfield, Los Santos, on Arbutus Street, which is often addressed as ''Dead End''. The gang culture of the Ryders has spread out to other neighborhoods in Los Santos, but Arbutus Street remains the heart of it's origin.The majority of the gang is ethnically composed of Afro Americans, although a small amount of other ethnical backgrounds has been presented. The Ryder Blocc Families are currently active in the suburb areas of Los Santos, especially locations near Willowfield and Ganton. Members of the 1826 Ryder Blocc Families distinguish themselves with the color Grey and Blue along with gang affiliated tattoos and so called “Ryder marks”, as well as the use of their own hand sign language. The street gang is notorious for it's violent behavior towards other street gangs as well as civilians and law enforcements, along with their criminal activities, which includes robberies, burglaries, murders, drug trafficking, drug dealing, firearm dealing, vandalism, public brawls, along with many other activities. Their wide-ranging activities and elevated status has even caught the eye of the Los Santos Police Department as well as the Anti Crime Unit, the Drug Enforcement Administration and the producers behind the Gangland series. 1826 Ryder Blocc Families gang originated in Los Santos in the late April, 2010 after the fall of the Keniston Blocc Crips. Originally, the gang's main purpose was to protect Dane “Dope” Andrew, whom was attempted murdered in Glen Park. After getting treated for his bullet wounds, which he received from unknown Crip gang members, at the County Gnrl. Hospital in Jefferson. Andrew moved out of Glen Park, for the sake of his own security, and rented a residence in Arbutus Street in Willowfield. With help from a few trusted former members of the Keniston Blocc Crips, like Sean “Fox” Foxton, Terrence “T-Loc” Ward, Jake “Quake” Washington and Clayton “C.C.” Coley, Dwayne "D-Loc" Walker he began claiming the neighborhood as his own. Many former members of the Keniston Blocc Crips joined the gang in the following months, and the gangs criminal activities began raising along with their activeness. A gang war soon errupted between the members of Ryder Block in Willowfield and the few remaining members of the Keniston Block Crip set back in Glen Park. After a series vicious gangland style killings, kidnappings, and unsolved murders, The Ryder Block Families street gang, at that time known simply as 'South East or Willowfield Crips' ranged victorious. Ryder Block began recruiting by large numbers. Gang members swarmed in to Willowfield from U.S locations such as Los Angeles, California when being told about the possibilities of higher street income upon the street gang's plot, which was to make ends meet by any means necessary. Members were recruited, soldiers were made, The 1826 Ryder Blocc Families gang rose. From the very deep roots..."Welcome to Keniston"The bus stopped off at the intersection near the Jefferson Motel at about 12:00, midnight. A blank facial expression was stained on Dane's face as he slowly exited the bus, keeping a firm grip onto his dirty nap-sack as he glanced around, surveillancing the area. Dane slowly narrowed his vision down at the crumbled note in his left hand, sighing deeply as he read the note over. On it was written, "Sorry Dane, but I fear if you stay here in Ganton your going to end up just like these other low lives around here, and for this reason I'm sending you to live with your grandmother on Keniston Avenue". The last thing Dane expected to see in front his doorstep when he got home from school, was this, along with a nap-sack filled with his clothes. "Where the FUCK was "Keniston Avenue" anyway!?", Dane thought to himself as he walked around, muttering to himself, in a state of frustration. The environment was covered in gang affiliated graffiti, men wearing brown rags patrolled the area, smoking, drinking, selling drugs, basically doing what ever their minds told them to. But no sign of anywhere named "Keniston". Frustrated and tired, Dane dropped his blue nap-sack on the concrete sidewalk, and rested his head down onto it, staring deeply at the note, reading it over and over, still in disbelief that his mother had just kicked him out like that. Suddenly a brown Savanna pulled up, barely running over Dane on the sidewalk where he laid. Two men with brown rags covering their faces suddenly hopped out the vehicle, each of them gripping onto handles of chrome Glock 17s. Dane slowly pushed himself upwards, shocked by the weapons in the men' s hands. "You one of em' Keniston niggas, homie!?", one of the men shouted out as he slowly approached Dane. "G'eah, I think he one of em' Crip niggas', son. Check out his blue threads, nigga", the other gang member said to his partner, keeping a serious facial expression as he stared Dane down from head to toe. Dane kept quiet, still shocked by the situation he had just gotten himself into. "I say we blast 'dis nigga', and drop him off at Glen Park.." one of the men said as he maintained an evil grin on his face whilst staring deeply into Dane's eyes.Suddenly, the sound of sirens could be heard in the distance, the blue and red flashes stabbed through the darkness as the sirens got louder and louder. "Awww' shi', ayo' Kilo, les' go!" one of the men shouted as he roughly nudged his partner's shoulder. The men quickly hopped over the car door, and drove away. Only a few moments later after the men fled, Dane found himself staring at a police cruiser, the police men slowly exited the police cruiser, both of them staring suspiciously at Dane as they slowly approached him. "What are you doing out here so late, son?" the white officer asked as he crossed his arms, "Shi', I'm lost sir, I'm tryna' find out where "Keniston Avenue" at, so I can go home", Dane replied to the officer, "Keniston? **chuckles** must be a pretty nice place you got, huh?". The dark skinned officer replied, chuckling to himself. The white police officer cocked an eyebrow when narrowing his view at Dane's bag, "Whats in the bag, sonny boy?" The officer said, motioning his baton at the bag while cocking an eye- brow up at Dane. "Only ma' threads, homie", Dane replied to the officer, offering him the bag. He officer unzipped the back after withdrawing it from Dane, and peeked inside of it, he then flashed a quick grin when noticing that Dane was telling the truth. "Man, I'm tired, its cold, an' I jus' wanna' find out where Keniston Avenue at, so I can go home" Dane said to the officer, after releasing a deep breathe. The light skinned officer jerked his head over in his partner, "You think we should give him a ride?", he said to his partner, letting off a slight shrug afterward, "I guess there' d be no harm done in doing that" his partner replied. Dane was then offered a ride, which he quickly accepted, hopping into the back of the cruiser. The cruiser drove Dane over to Glen Park, dropping him off on Keniston Avenue. "Thanks man, appreciated." Dane said to the officers as he exited the back of the police cruiser, "Don't mention it kid, and stay outa' trouble!" ,the dark skinned officer shouted as he drove away. The environment was covered in blue col- ored graffiti, the place was dirty, some bullet shells could even be seen on the floor. "Fuck it" Dane thought to himself as he walked through the entrance of his grandmother's gate. This was his new home now, but Dane had no idea what was waiting for him at this place they called "Keniston Avenue". "Crip Affiliated"As the days went by, Dane made new friends around the hood, those of which were affiliated with the local gang in the area called the "Keniston Block Crips". At the time, there was a lot of Mexicans living in the hood, and turf regulations were swift. Being on the wrong side of Glen Park could mean death. Though Dane was not a member of the Crip set in the area, he was affiliated with some of the members which meant he was a target for some of the Mexicans in the area. Dane exited his grandmother's house one morning... his lazy eyes are half way shut and the stench of dried saliva on his breath. He was on his way over to big homie "Damian Thompson's" house when he was stopped by a few members of the "Hillside Treece", a Mexican gang which was active in the area. They informed Dane that he was on their side of the turf, and he should leave immediately. Dane refused to leave, shouting insults at the Mexicans, breathing heavily whilst staring coldly into their eyes. It was not long before a fight broke out, and Dane got jumped. The commotion outside alerted one of the high ranking member of the Crips in the area, Marshall "K'loc'" Brown, who quickly sprung out of his house, along with a few more members of the Crip gang, and jumped into the fight, swinging forcefully at the Mexicans. Near-by police cruisers quickly arrived on the scene, a few members of the individual sets was left battered on the floor, while the other members fled the scene. Dane was among one of the people who fled, along with Marshall Brown, Damian Thompson and a few others. A bit later down in the day, the members of the Crips were chilling on the corner, when Dane approached them, his face still slightly swollen, and with a few blood stains on his shirt. Dane knew that he was officially a target for the Mexicans now, because of what he had gotten involved in, and he needed protection in the area if he wanted to survive at his young age. Dane engaged in a conversation with some of the members of the Crips, and informed them that he was down to represent for them. Dane sank more and more deep into the gang life in the 424 area, and it wasn't long until he began getting involved in illegal activities. "The rise of Dope"Time passed in the hood, Dane grew more and more violent in his ways while in the streets. As time kept on passing, Dane slowly began growing a deep passion for drugs. He'd get given 20 grams of Cocaine by one of the Original Gangsters, and sell it in only a matter of 30 minutes. The Original Gangsters in the hood were impressed by Dane, who had just earned his new name "Dope" or "Dopey", given to him by one of his suppliers, "Philip Lazzari". They decided that Dope was ready to get jumped into the set, so on one sunny afternoon, "Bullet", the Top O.Gs' of the Keniston Block Crips ordered three of the members to immediately jump in Dope by surprise. Dope threw his fists up, launching punch after punch at the men, taking a few hard jabs to the face, but still managed to hold his ground. After a few moments of taking forceful punches to the head and face, Dope collapsed to the floor, getting knocked out cold by one of the punches. When Dope again opened his eyes, in the mist of his blur vision, he noticed a blue rag hanging down his chest. He flashed a smirk at it, slowly pushing himself up before wiping some of the stained blood off his mouth. He had just became part of the Keniston Block Crips, and he was proud of it. Time kept on passing in the hood, soldiers died due to rival gang attacks, some Crips left the set, some even being killed by the own members of the set, but Dope kept pushing, eager to make himself known through out the whole 424 area. While members of the gang were asleep or getting drunk, Dope was selling drugs, while members of the gang were "chilling", Dope went off tagging up turf, conducting deals, some- times even murdering rival gang members, anything to get his and his set's name known. It was not long until Dope earned his rightful rank as "Double O.G" in the Keniston Block Crips set, due to all the work he had put in since his arrival. The high ranking members of the gang he had looked up to, he was now standing beside them, laying down street orders, leading the set on gang missions. At this point in time, Dane had completed the task he had set before himself, everyone knew he was now, from rival gang O.Gs, to fake wannabe gangsters. It was a rainy night on the 7th of April, when Dope received a pager message while driving towards Red Berry to construct a deal. Dope took a small toke from the marijuana joint he had been smoking, then withdrew the pager from his back pocket, cocking an eyebrow at the screen whilst reading through the message. Dope widened his eyes in shock whilst reading through the message, one of the gang members' had just informed him that Bullet had been arrested for attempted murder and deported back into his home land to serve his prison time. With some of the other fellow Crip O.Gs being away from the hood for so long, he would then have to take Bullet's place, and lead the set while he was serving his time in prison. And so life went on, Dope was now one of the head Crip members in Glen Park, he still needed a bit of help leading the set though he made the street smart decision, and recruited his gang affiliated brother "Slim Andrew" from Liberty City to Los Santos, to help with the set. They both ran the set, laying down the street rules, keeping everything in check with the help of his fellow soldiers, very eated rival gang beefs were squashed, with gangs such as "Kilo Block", "Willow Field Hights Crew", "Latin Kings" and "Crenshaw Boulervard Bloods". The gang only began growing, old Crip homies came back to Keniston, business got constructed, both legal and illegal the name "Keniston" which Dope was so confused by efore, was now ringing through his ears in the streets, everyone heard about them, everyone knew who they were. Everything was going great in the hood, until that rainy Sunday night..."Biten by one of his own"It was a rainy Sunday night in the late month of April, Dope was inside his house, chopping up grams of crack into dimes like he normally did every Sunday night when he cooked up a new batch.The sudden sound of a hard knock on the door echoed through the house, "Knock Knock Knock!". Dope slowly turned his attention over to the door, he pushed himself up from the chair he had been sitting on,and slowly began approaching the door, only the sound of the rain drops splattering onto Dope's roof, and the loud sound of the knocking could now be heard. Dope peeked through the peep hole in the door, glancing outside. He cracked a smirk when noticing that the stranger had a blue rag around his neck, positive that it was one of his fellow Crip homies, probably bringing him some money, or wanting to speak with him, he unlocked the door, and opened it. But to Dope's surprise, he was not staring at one of his "homies", no, not at all, he was now staring at the barrel of a Glock 17. handgun. The stranger pulled back the trigger twice!, the im- pact of the bullets which tore through Dope's torso, and tossed him back onto his steps. "CLICK-CLICK- CLICK!" went the gun as the man attempted to fire a few more shots into Dane's body, but it was no use, the gun had either been jammed, or ran out of bullets. The man fled the scene, dropping the empty Glock 17. near Dope's body. The commotion woke up some of Dope's neighbours', who most likely called the paramedics and the police men. About 10 minutes later, Dope's house was swarmed with paramedics and police officers. He was token away by the paramedics, covered in blood, his lifeless body left for dead by supposively "one of his own"."The start on Ryder Block"Miraculously, Dope somehow survived the bullet wounds to the chest, he had received at point blank range. He knew he was in danger, left in a paranoid state of mind, constantly rewinding the thought in his head that a member of his own set had tried to murder him. Dope was released from the hospital a few weeks after the shooting. He knew that if he'd of stayed in Glen Park, his life would be in danger, since he did not know who to trust around the area. The blue rag which he had loved and cherished for so long, which gave him a sense of belonging and strength, now only gave him a feeling of hatred and pain. It was not long till he decided to move for his own safety. So, on one cold windy night, Dope packed up his things and left Glen Park without a word. Dope spent some time living on the streets, until he finally found an area where he could reside, it was an area where his old child hood friend "Reggie "Ryder" Samuel" use to live. Ryder was shot to death over an argument about a video game, when Dope was only 14 years old, living in Ganton with his mother. Dope knew it would not be long untill he would get attacked again, when word got out that he survived. He needed some soldiers to watch his back. The members of Keniston Block Crips were now left in the dark, without him being around, and Bullet no where to be found, the set was falling apart. Dope then set out on a small mission, rounding up some of the trusted soldiers of Keniston, who was down to represent for him. Moved them out of Glen Park, and brought them into his new neighborhood, which he called "Ryder Block", re-named after his childhood friend. The move was only suppose to be temporary, but it was not long until the soldiers which he had brought along started to become more and more active in this new hood. Dope himself was getting use to the neighborhood, taking advantage of it's environment for different illegal activities, so he could make end's meet. As time passed, the members grew closer and closer,he considered them to be a "family", since he started back gaining trust for his colors once more. Before Dope knew it, he and a group of his trusted soldiers had developed a new set in the area which they called "Ryder Block Families". There was no turning back at that very moment....no turning back at all......What type of faction is RBF? Ryder Block Families is a faction which is based on gangs from Los Angeles with high Crip affiliation. In order to join the faction, one should posses at least some basic knowledge on these type of gangs from Los Angeles, such as; their slang, dressings, .etc. Note that when creating your character you should always attempt to be as original as possible. It is also preffered that someone starts their character at least between the ages of (12-18) when attempting to join the faction with him as an official Ryder Block Family member. The RBF faction also focuses a lot on very highly detailed roleplay, and avoid all unnecessary shootouts, un- less it's performed in a highly roleplay situation or a must in a scenario. The members and outsiders of the faction should roleplay every situation, weather alone or with fellow members, to the best of their abilitiesWhat type of members do you seek? Basically, we're looking for people who can express their characters life through many different roleplay situations. We're not looking for sterio-type members, and you'll have to be able to control and manage a character with feelings and fear. Also, be able to create roleplay by yourself and not wait for others to do it.How do I join the faction? The recruitment process in Ryder Block Families is done strictly in-character, and by in-character methods. Do not expect to get jumped into the set after a couple of days, it takes time (different from player to player) before you get known or noticed by the other gang members, and then you'll slowly get affiliated with the set. One of the more preffered methods of joining the faction though, is role-playing your character being from the neighbourhood. For example, "/do You would of noticed me walking around here going to school before". We consider Ryder Block to be a neighborhood where African American citizens live besides the gang. Roleplaying your character was already living in the neighborhood gives you a better chance of joining as an official member, and brings realism to the table, seeing most individuals who join gangs around a certain area was actually raised in that area.Do I need to be experienced to join? If you have experience in portraying a African American male from L.S/L.A and you have basic roleplay knowledge, then your welcomed to try your luck in joining the faction as an official member. Don't worry, even though you have no experience but you're willing to learn, your also welcomed! In conclusion, to join the faction, you must be able to speak fluent English and be able to speak like a gang banger preferably from the West Coast.All OOC rules which gets broken will result in an OOC kick from the faction.1 § Respect the server rules and follow them to the fullest2 § Respect the server's gang rules of engagement and follow them all times3 § Useless & unnecessary OOC communication IG is NOT tolerated4 § Use /pm ID to communicate about unnecessary things5 § All gang-related roleplay must be performed in a realistic fashion6 § Always remember to RP a acceptable amount of fear7 § Proper grammar, spelling and usage of slang when communicating IC is a must8 § Upon invitation to the faction you agree to a CK, and sign the according agreement.Redirect to Ryder Blocc Families private forumNote to users posting in the faction thread:- Please try to avoid any useless spam. (Speaking on the same topic which has been addressed in multiple posts)- All posts which are being addressed by different users which contain more than "150" characters should be placed in a -Spoiler-- All unedited screenshots should be placed in a spoiler when being posted in the thread.- Flaming, discriminating, or talking reckless about anyone is NO ALLOWED in this thread. - Private messages should be sent to users which the poster/posters are requesting something from. Don't post it in here. Example: "Hey, blah blah, where did you get that mod?"- Use the PM function instead.
unyil Posted September 5, 2014 Posted September 5, 2014 copas from http://forum.ls-rp.c...yder Blocc 1826 hm.
$casualmind$ Posted September 5, 2014 Posted September 5, 2014 http://forum.ls-rp.com/viewtopic.php?f=160&t=95185&hilit=Ryder+Blocc+1826
$HandiPrtm$ Posted September 5, 2014 Posted September 5, 2014 Baru nih, Goodluck, Btw syarat dan perturan untuk gabung gimana?
killers Posted September 5, 2014 Posted September 5, 2014 copas from http://forum.ls-rp.c...yder Blocc 1826 tambahin kreditnya bro cuma nyaranin
$MatteID$ Posted September 5, 2014 Posted September 5, 2014 http://forum.ls-rp.c...yder Blocc 1826 hm.
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