Joshua_Ali Posted June 21, 2020 Posted June 21, 2020 The Mercenaires a group of criminal organizations formed by 5 people who have criminal backgrounds in Los Santos.Yeah, the city of Los Santos where this organization was formed was led by Grunove Northwestern. Grunove Northwestern is a former mobster from United State of America. He sells drugs and firearms, he also plans to reopen his business in Los Santos. Grunove Northwestern has 4 friends that have a criminal background namely, Addison Volkoska, Stellione Volkoska, Benson Chandler, and Chriatiano Litvenko. Nice to meet you and The begin Before the formation of The Mercenaires, Grunove Northwestern meets Addison Volkoska as Mechanic, and Stellione Volkoska.Cristiano Litvenko is a truck driver, a friend of Stellione Volkoska. Year 2020, they met with Benson Chandler, when he offered firearms and drugs. Grunove invited Benson to join in and talk about what he had planned. A few days later, Grunove Northwestern plans to expand sales by working with several Los Santos gangsters.He also got a job that is to become a bodyguard, they agreed on what Grunove was doing, the work was easy and Big pay. Grunove began recruiting others to join, and named their organization The Mercenaires. The new project crime syndicate Their business is selling drugs and firearms, not only that they sell vehicles and houses. Jefferson area, Rodeo area, and Las Venturas which became the center of trade. Establish cooperation with gangsters or other entrepreneurs, and manipulate government activities. Not only that The Mercenaires protect those who contract with him or ally. One of the main jobs carried out by members, is the security of the client or investor. Coordinated activities to maintain the security of an important person, in full vest and firearms equipment. Mini bar a gathering place for members to party or just gather. This place is not open to the public, Gambling all members go to the casino. This place is only used for members and holds closed events, or meetings between members other families for talk about Business. CHAPTER I : RISE OF CRIME SYNDICATE PROJECT To carry out every activity, The Mercenaires requires several members to run each project and form relationships, and form structures within the organization led by Grunove Northwestern, There have been several relationships with gangsters to receive goods and sell goods. Building a business with several other crime syndicates has begun to take shape. Illegal goods supplier from a large gangster in Los Santos, and formed a small network with the community, the Mini Bar. The Mini Bar is open to gangs and close friends who will help create a crime syndicate network. Jefferson area and El Corona area still focus for Rise of Crime Syndicate. (( Chapter dan alur cerita akan mengikuti roleplay kami secara IC, saya meminta maaf apabila ada grammer yang salah, masih belajar om hehe )) Spoiler How to join with us : 1. Memiliki Number WA / Discord 2. Kalian dapat memberikan identitas kalian. 3. Temui kami secara IC. Format : SUBJEK: [ FIRST_LASTNAME ] [ Full name IC ] : answer here [ UCP ] : answer here [ Your character ] : answer here [ Link Character Story ] : answer here Send via PM forum to . @Bexsley_Harlyn @Horizon_Spender @Akihiko_Kyoushi QnA : Untuk kalian yang mempunyai pertanyaan (reply atau pm )@Bexsley_Harlyn Spoiler Q : Ini faction apa roleplay nya? A : Mafia. Q : Saya tidak tahu mafia itu bagaimana, bisa join ? A : Tentu bisa, kan ada guide dari teman teman kita dan akan saya cantumkan link nya. Q : Bahasa Inggris ya? A : Iya bahasa Internasional, kita saling belajar cukup gunakan bahasa yang baik dan benar. Q : Apakah ada skin khusus ? A : Skin tidak ada khusus, cukup berskin putih dan rapih. Q : Apakah kita akan menjadi Security? A : Secara Bodyguard bisa di bilang Security juga tidak jauh berbeda. Bodyguard memiliki Role Play Escorting yang nanti akan di terapkan. Q : Mini Bar yang di maksud bagaimana? A : Tempat kecil yang didesign interior Bar, yang dimana tempat berkumpul atau tempat meeting antar gang dan akan di kembangkan lagi penggunaan nya. Q : Berarti kita kerjasama antar gang? A : Ya, mafia x gangster, tidak hanya gangster relation nanti akan di perluas sesuai dengan IRL mafia itu memiliki jaringan. Sehingga RP kita juga bisa berkembang. Q : Saya masih banyak pertanyaan. A : Ya kamu dapat reply thread ini atau kamu dapat pm saya dan OG nya. FORMAT ACTIVITY Spoiler ACTIVITY (picture) Out Of Character Require Spoiler Disini kami memiliki peraturan dan yang harus dimiliki anggota. 1. Dapat mehami rules Server JGRP & FG Rules. 2. Memiliki Character Story 3. Tidak ada record warn penggunaan Cheat. (Kecuali sama bot) 4. Menghormati sesama anggota ataupun staff server JGRP. 5. Dilarang membawa nama families ke permasalahan pribadi yang di luar RP families. 6. Memiliki sosial media yaitu WhatsApp dan Discord. 7. Mampu post laporan kedalam thread dengan baik. 8. Dilarang Troll yang tidak berguna 9. Kurangi penggunaan /b 10. Menyepakati jika karakter kalian di CK jika out dari families dan tidak dapat masuk kembali selama 3 bulan. GUIDE yang bisa kalian baca dari teman teman kita, makasih Guide nya kawan. BUDAYAKAN MEMBACA SEBELUM BERTANYA!! Spoiler Thank to : Staff JGRP and all player JGRP Google (img and translate) @Bexsley_Harlyn as OG - Story Families @Akihiko_Kyoushi - Supporter @Horizon_Spender - Design Banner @grodas25 @Kuying_Man @edho28 @iXenoMorpH
Masked_Gas Posted July 1, 2020 Posted July 1, 2020 Wow sekut, Faction baru ditunggu aktivitas bikin gegernya. Btw logonya sekut juga, Kaya team-team esport gitu. And yes ofc, Goodluck for you guys!
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