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The Souls Reapers Motorcycle Club 1% [Chapter One : Make A New Era]


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In 2013 an association of small piecemeal located in Mexico there is a motorcycle club that is well known there , the name of the club is the Souls Reapers motorcycle club , and president of the club is Nathan Johnston Louis and as the vice of his is Andrew Stance Carter and followed by members In 2013 an association of small piecemeal located in Mexico there is a motorcycle club that is well known there , the name of the club is the Souls Reapers Motorcycle Club , and President of the Club is Nathan Johnston Louis and as the Vice of his is Andrew Stance Carter and followed by members , their activities are selling illegal goods , such as drugs , weapons and illicit goods other , the prospect who sold it to gangster gangster little mexico like gangsters areas of El Salvador , so they can make and buy the bar they want , but a lot of problems for police smelt what they do , but as the leader of the Souls Reapers very resolute and cunning they can bribe the police surrounding and their businesses running smoothly from year to year.

        [Chapter One: Make A New Era]



2016 Nathan made a club meeting to enlarge the name of the motorcycle club , and was chosen Patched member, namely Mario Mendes as president and vice president Vanyard Lockhert as they were sent to Los Santos along with its members , and where the story The Souls Reapers Motorcycle Club started ..



           [Make A New Era II: Find A Haunts Place On Eastern City

    After Mario and Vanyard around the town with the other members , they stop to wash their bikes , and its owner is the former of patched members of mexico is Mavis Alderich they chat talk about his past , and Mendez told me to look for a place to stay with its members , Mavis was told to stay and take shelter in a car wash and Souls Reapers Motorcycle Club Club also find a lounge , and they start the way of The Souls Reapers Motorcycle Club.





      Official Chapters

Official Chapter Of Souls Reapers is just Mexico and the former of the President is Nathan Louis and have 150 members at there,and to much again some Souls Reapers on the Mexico



                           -If y'all wanna join with us ,find the leader ICly dont use PM if you wanna join.

                            -Come to our turf with the hog like freeway or wayfarer

                            -Be creative if you wanna join with us,be mature.

                            -Use your main character if you wanna join on this family

                            -Use character mexican race or hispanic ras ,if you join with us you're accepting our terms(CK)

                              -Read The Guide Before Join With Us




                         -And me for the thread creation 

                         -The Logo Fajri Ramadhan a.k.a Vanyard


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