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26 Rebels Bloody


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[ CHAPTER I - Arrival of orange alley to Los Santos ]

A group of members from Italy, led by Alex Barnett and then they start looking for a job for the city of Los Santos but none of decent work for them . But they also create an organization with their favorite color yellow Oren and the group is still in the stage of adjustment members by alex and Barnett





You want to join us ?, you should know about the basic air-rolepaying as Gangster. You can you can join us in a simple way read the rules and mutual respect. Take the IC (Find Us In IC / IN-Character) Understand Basic RP gangster.
We do not accept tba come suddenly and immediately said "Bro gua gabung gang lo", if you want to go in with RP or manner Kreativ Maybe.



- Dilarang break rules atau semacamnya
- Wajib baca http://jogjagamers.c...mations-center/ , dan http://jogjagamers.c...forum/19-guide/
- Hargai seluruh admins, dan seluruh player JGRP
- Dilarang Trolling atau semacamnya yang membuat RP tidak nyaman
- Kalau kamu faction jumper kamu harus siap di CK kapanpun
- Usahakan yang bergabung di faction ini char pertama
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Kalau cuman thread doang kaya sebelumnya mah sama aja, pengen liat bisa sejauh apa cuman itu aja :) Thread bagus tpi klo aktivitas ga ada sama aja. Take it far bro


Kalau cuman thread doang kaya sebelumnya mah sama aja, pengen liat bisa sejauh apa cuman itu aja :) Thread bagus tpi klo aktivitas ga ada sama aja. Take it far bro


Di perbagus lagi bro story sama yang lainnya, kalau bisa tambahin SS banner atau apa gitu biar keceh, anyway good luck


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