akbardeepzy Posted July 3, 2014 Posted July 3, 2014 516 Black Gangster Disciples is an fictional faction made by PrinceOfThaWest back in 2011, around the October. Faction was heavily focused upon the so called 'neighborhood role play' term, meaning that members of the faction were spending most of their time in Ganton, area faction was based in. First generation of the faction was developed from the very roots, of so called regular African American ghetto teenagers up to the most ruthless individuals from the block. Everything was made so it fits the story and it made one really nicely grouped up and well made circle of timeline between the generations, as new players arrived to role play with the faction. Faction itself was mainly focusing on neighborhood role play and providing Ganton that realistic ghetto environment, with often brawls, robberies and of course, away from violence, normal atmosphere with Barbecues and other events which are mainly happening in such neighborhoods. PrinceOfThaWest, together with Mogambo, was leading this faction for around three or so months, until the shut down by the Los Santos Police Department, led by Michael Westbrook and other great detectives. They have surely put a lot of effort into taking down this faction, and that time of Jogjagamers Roleplay can be remembered as a good one. Now, months later, PrinceOfThaWest together with couple other players has decided to make a new generation of his best project, the Black Gangster Disciples. This faction will once again, as before, focus upon making it's neighborhood much better place for role playing and making it look once again like true African American styled ghetto neighborhood. This faction is really looking for laid back role players who are willing to put some time into their characters, lay back and enjoy everyday's role play. Members of the community who are willing to join up this faction because of maybe it's huge player base, or maybe because they just like the concept, but on another hand would love to Death Match other factions and players are strictly not welcome. This faction has a three-strikes warning system, and once player reaches up to three strikes within the faction, he'll be kicked out of the faction with no questions asked. As well, there is an skin restriction system within the faction which can be found on our private forums, link is down on the bottom of this topic. Mainly Out of Character information can be found on those forums, as we went trough them into details, deeper and better explained.Last thing which will be posted in this Out of Character short information leak on our topic is that this faction isn't looking for players who will come to it, role play for one week and then leave without even having an proper In Character reason. We will make sure that leadership of the faction and high ranked members always watch over new players within the faction, read trough them and catch up their potential. It is as well an smaller community within the great Los Santos Roleplay one, as this faction has couple of testers within it's member base. So that stands for, if any new community member comes to role play within the faction and doesn't show really good success in role playing, but actually shows will and talent to learn, he'll be taught the best ways of role playing and we'll be the ones who are helping him improve his role playing skills. Private forums will be moderated often as well, so any chance of trolling around them, showing bad and immature expression and such things will just result in being failure and will make you banned from them, for good. Good will, maturity and patience is what this faction is trying to provide and is looking for in return, so anyone who thinks he fits in is welcome! AUGUST 5th, 2011The evening, time of the circle when nobody is safe in Los Santos. It was same time when X', Maniac, Eazy, Rebel and K-Dog was hanging infront one of the porches in Grove Street. Blunt was in rotation and they was all like laughing now and then. "So what you said nigga', he approached you and smashed the bottle of your head? Phaha", said Maniac, one of the old people on the block. "That is not funny man, it was like from behind nigga' - I ain't even expectin' it!" Eazy responded. Others in the crowd were just laughing at the speech of the two men, sitting in their chairs casually and waiting for the blunt. "It all began with that motherfuckin' b-ball X has organized man. We was like playin' against that taco, I mean I was-." Eazy kept his speech on until he was interrupted. "And then you got kicked in the balls nigga!" shouted X' quickly and then burst into laugher. Everyone in the crowd was laughing as Eazy was kind of being irritated by the speech. "Aight motherfuckers, change of the subject nigga. And you niggas tell me, fuck we gonna do here, sit, smoke?! All day err'day same shit, we smoke that blunt and talk here like some motherfuckers, gettin' no payment nigga!", suddenly Eazy started talking with some kind of morale-raising voice tone. X' and Maniac were rubbing their chins casually, taking several drags from their blunts now and then and listening to Eazy with full paid attention. "Man fuck you know about the money making? If we choose illegal way, you seen how those Seville niggas fell to the five oh nigga'?" responded Rebel with some kind of irritating voice tone. X' and Maniac got more involved in the speech as Rebel mentioned the Seville Boulevard Families members. "Motherfucker you dunno' shit about how them niggas fell to the po-lice!" said Maniac, nodding upwardly towards X' afterwards. "Say nigga', it was like that easy to bring them down?" says Maniac as he stares at X'. "It might be just the shit that they've let themselves exposed man, that's all. For example, this motherfucker here and me..." says X', pointing at Maniac, "could do the shit right away, make the money flow in this motherfucker, y'know what I'm sayin?" X' kept on talking as Maniac nodded his head now and then. Rest of the crowd nodded their head. "So yeah, but what about the structure? I mean, I don't get you niggas!" said Rebel with kind of disappointed voice tone. "Fuck you worry about nigga? Ain't I done tellin' that me and this motherfucker here can handle it?" said X', nodding his head over at Maniac. Maniac agreed on that and puffed his blunt once. Suddenly out of nowhere, Trevon Wright, known as Trev on the block appeared behind them. ''Whats up folks?" he approached and slapped hands with everyone in the crowd. "Man you missed this hella' good blunt!" said X, tossing the blunt down to the ground slowly meanwhile. "Fuck you worry about that man, look what I've got man!" responds Trevon quickly as he unzips his jacket's pocket. He reaches inside of it, withdrawing several pills and small images. "Z and motherfuckin' LSD nigga!" said Trevon, shaking his head as he obviously feels proud of himself. X and Maniac shook their heads, nodding to each other from time to time. "Fuck is that anyways?" said K-Dog, as he puffed on his blunt and laid back on the chair. "Man this motherfucker blunn'ed or yes?" said Trevon with a laugher as he was pocketing his substances. "Motherfucker I can't see from here, tell me what you got man?" said K-Dog, shaking his head in negative manner, rather disappointingly. "Fuck this bullshit Trev and K-Dog, here's the deal man. We should start getting more involved in that drug bid'ness man. Instead of smokin', why don't we sell it motherfuckers?'' said Maniac, shaking his head and expressing his words with hand movements as well. Group kept it silent for some time. "Motherfucker got right, here we go maaan!" said X with kind of a louder than usual tone, shaking hands with Maniac once again. Trevon just nodded his head several times, looking around suspiciously because he has illegal substances in his pockets. K-Dog, Rebel and Eazy was not that much involved into that idea, because they were a bit younger than X and Maniac. "But lets be real, who can slang drugs here man?" said X, looking at K-Dog and rest of the crowded individuals. Suddenly out of nowhere, a girlish voice could be heard. "Heeeey there Maniiii', what about our plans for tonight honey?", said the neighborhood girl - Melissa. "Man you gotta fuck this bitch every evening man? Maaan go fuck yourself!" said Trevon, pushing Maniac's shoulder away with some force, in rather disappointed fashion. Maniac shook his head as he stood up from the chair slowly, walking towards Melissa with kind of frowned facial expression. "Fuck you want this time Melissa, huh?" said Maniac as he was getting closer to her. "DIIIIIIIIIICKKKKKKKKKKKK!" shouted K-Dog as he began laughing loudly afterwards. Rebel turned around, laughing silently, basically keeping his mouth opened as much as he can. X has shown no emotions, while he stared at Maniac and Melissa for some time. "Man don't be a motherfuckin' buster Maniac, you promised me fun tonight!" shouted Melissa at Maniac, who was shaking his head after every word she says. "You know what, fuck you bitch!" shouted Maniac as he felt embarrassed in front of his homies. "Fuck you too motherfucker, you ain't shit!" she shouted back. "You ain't shit motherfuckin' hoe!" shouted Maniac as he raised his hand like he's about to bitch-slap her. "Take your dirty ass home, motherfuckin' hoe before I've done bitch slappin' your ugly cheeks!" shouted Maniac as Melissa was slowly walking away from him. He shook his head once, slowly turning around and heading towards the group. "That was some nasty shit man." said Trevon as he was slowly walking towards Maniac, offering him a fist dap. "Fuck's up with you man? You leavin'?" answered Maniac with confused voice tone. "Nowhere man, you wanted to congratulate you for becoming a man nigga'. You fucked that bitch over because of the homies, you're becoming a man!" said Trevon as he laughed, slamming his fist over Maniac's. "Nigga fuck you nigga', I'm heading home anyways" said Maniac as he went to his house, sighing deeply and shaking his head most of the time.SEPTEMBER 23rd, 2011"Awwwwwghhh" X yawned loudly as he left his house, looking around. The air was fresh and it was really cool and quet morning. Several noisy birds here and there, but it was okay. "Lemme' give a holla' to that motherfucker Trev." said X' as he was withdrawing the cellphone from his right pocket. He afterwards entered the contacts menu, finding 'Trev' in the list of names, dialing his number. "Ayo this y'nigga Trev man?" said the voice over the phone. "Ayo motherfucker, get'yo ass over here to the Grove man. You know what day it is?" said X' as he shook his head whilst talking. "Oww shit man yeah, I'm gettin' my Montana spray can nigger!" said the voice over the phone and hung up.After like ten minutes a black Huntley with golden rims stops by. "Aight nigga, so whats up?" says Trevon as he leaves the car, slowly shutting the door closed behind himself."Motherfucker don't act like you dunno whats up man! It's about time we get some more homies up in this motherfucker, feel me?" responds Xavier with kind of a hyped up voice tone. "Ayo check it, pass me my blunt and -then- we can begin with this sprayin' shit, digg my game?" said Trevon with a silly smirk on his face. Xavier shook his head as he was reaching for his pocket, withdrawing a pack of cigarettes afterwards. "But yo, promise you'll do that star good man, because otherwise your ass gets blown the hell out motherfucker!" said X to Trevon, with a slight frown on his face. "No worries, no worries, juss' pass me that shit you got in that pack nigger." responded Trevon, obviously not paying that much attention to Xavier's words. Xavier passed him one of the pre-rolled blunts from the pack, nodding upwardly afterwards as they slapped their hands. "You're my man, you know it - now less' get to bidness!" said Trevon as he grabbed the blunt from Xavier's hand, withdrawing the lighter meanwhile with his other hand. Xavier nodded and they have slowly headed towards the small court between the houses. "You think Maniac will like the graffiti's we're drawing nigger?" says Trevon whilst taking several drags from his blunt. "Man mother fuck that, let us finish this." responded Xavier with nervous voice tone, like he was busy drawing the graffiti's.And so it was, they were drawing the graffiti's over several walls whole morning, until rest of the crew appeared on the streets. "Man what the fuck?" said K-Dog as he left his porch, looking straight at the garage of one of the houses. "Motherfucker you represent B.G.D. or what nigga?" said Xavier, whilst getting support from Trevon who was constantly nodding to Xavier's words. "Hell yeah I do motherfuckers, I was just shocked. You did it so damn fast niggas!" responded K-Dog as he slapped hands with both of them, hugging them afterwards. "But yo, you know what your homeboy needs right now? A motherfuckin' burger nigga!" he kept on talking. In expectation, Trevon and Xavier paid a lot attention to K-Dog's speech, but when they heard that he only wants to eat, they shook their heads in disappointment and used their arms to express their negative votes. After like five minutes of talking about the food, they've finally hopped in Xavier's Greenwood and took a ride to Idlewood, where Pizza Stack is located."Man you seen those mexicans on the way here, man?" said Trevon as they past by Binco store. "Yeah man, don't sweat it. They might be cool neighborhood mexicans after all man." responded Xavier with kind of a calm voice tone. "Anyways, if any problem pops up, I don't want y'all to fuck with them niggas. Feel me?" he kept on talking whilst other individuals were nodding their heads. "Aight man, so they shot us - we don't shoot back, cool", said K-Dog with kind of a disappointed voice tone, shaking his head. Car suddenly stops, and Xavier turns around, looking at K-Dog's face with a frown. "Motherfucker fuck you wanna do, huh? Can't you see that they're deep as the motherfuckers?" shouted Xavier, while Trevon was pulling him back in his seat with both arms. "Chill the fuck out motherfuckers, you will kill my wish for food man!" shouted Trevon aswell. K-Dog stood there speechless, as Xavier turned around and kept on driving.Day reached it's warmest time, noon. It was exactly two o' clock when Trevon and K-Dog headed to their houses, to grab some quick nap after this painful and boring morning. However, Xavier stood on the street to watch over what needs to be done aswell, apart from tagging up the hood. As he was looking around, Jamal 'Rebel' Youngers appeared behind him and tried to scare him, "Boo!". In truth he failed, a lot. "Motherfucker fuck you think you is doing?!" shouted Xavier as Jamal was backing up. "Anyways, let's go, we need to gather up some of the homies yo', it's time for us to get into some real business man!" said Xavier with kind of rough voice tone. Rebel nodded once and so the meeting was called in one of the Grove Street houses.OCTOBER 1st, 2011So the time has passed by, Black Gangster Disciples have marked their territory, they have moved to another whole level. Members of the gang stared representing their turf to the fullest and Folk Nation slowly started growing in Ganton, Los Santos. First contact with Southside Seville Families happened when Juelz 'JJ' Jones, together with some of his friends from the neighborhood, for example Michael 'Mike' Nelson, arrived to Grove Street, greeting it's representives in casual greeting and friendly manner."So this is y'all block, hm?" said JJ, looking around as he was sniffing every now and then. "I remember them times when me n' my big homies used to roll around this spot man, shit was heavy as the motherfucker." he kept his speech. Xavier Bentley and others were nodding their heads as his speech was taking it's place, describing how everything happened and what they've missed. "I've as well seen that G-Town is turnin' into a motherfucking Little Mexico man!" said JJ in kind of rather irritated voice tone, on which he got responded by nod of Xavier's head.''You see folk, we're moving this bitch to another whole level man, bringing the old school back up in this motherfucker!" said Xavier, reaching for his pocket meanwhile and withdrawing a pack of 'Prince' cigarettes. As Xavier has opened up the pack, four pre-rolled blunts shown themselves, resting inside and waiting for individuals to smoke them. "You're gettin' these as a greeting for free, folks, but know that we're down to step in that big game shit folk." Xavier kept his speech. JJ and Mike, together with some other friends nodded their heads, however not taking the joints. "C'mon man, smoke these with me and let's get ourselves wasted for the first time, I mean, if y'all down to smoke that shit!" said Xavier, nodding upwardly at JJ. Individual nodded his head, smirking slightly and extending his right hand towards the pack and placing the top of his fingers on one blunt, slowly withdrawing it from the pack afterwards. ''I'm always down for a blunt dog, best believe it!" said JJ as he was placing the blunt between his lips. As JJ grabbed his joint and placed it between his lips, other individuals did the same. "So let's smoke this shit and see whats up man.." said JJ, nodding upwardly at Xavier.So days have passed, weeks as well, and new set named Southside Seville Families grown up, so did Black Gangster Disciples. These two sets kept it as really good relation between the members, from often Barbeques, to brawling with other sets in Los Santos. Problems were solved together, and everything worked fine. Apparently Seville got into beef with purple representing set from Jefferson, named Saint Jefferson Families. A meeting has been called, and representatives of both Seville and Gangster Disciples were called for it. "A'ight so peep the game niggers," said Xavier, nodding upwardly at Tyrese Kartel and Juelz Jones meanwhile. Meeting was held in Grove Street, and members of both sets were hanging at the circle, while the meeting exactly took place in one of the houses. "Since y'all tight with us man, peep me? We're down to help y'all and go to war with them purple motherfuckers from across the bridge, but you know.. One thing that bothers me is, are y'all really down for this shit?" Xavier kept his speech, nodding upwardly at individuals meanwhile as he kept rubbing his palms together, standing in a casual gangster fashion. "For real we're down for it, for you see, we're the ones who got that issue with them, my man, not you nor your set." responded Tyrese, developing a slight frown on his face, obviously taking Xavier's words as disrespect. Juelz nodded his head, shaking it afterwards meanwhile in disappointment. "Don't take me in the wrong way, Reese, folk... I am just askin' this one question for you know, blood on all three sides is going to be spilled." said Xavier, noticing the facial expressions on the individuals' faces. Tyrese stood from the chair he was sitting in, reaching for the back of his waistline and withdrawing a Glock Eighteen. "We're in this motherfucker for real, fam'. Time to learn those motherfuckin' border crossin' faggots some respect and manners nigger, for you see I'm not going to allow some random punks crossin' the borders and comin' up to my block, causing shits!" he kept talking, obviously bursting in rage. Xavier nodded his head once calmly, then afterwards shooting a quick glance at Malcolm he nodded as well. Malcolm nodded once slowly, reaching for the back of his waistline, withdrawing a Glock Seventeen. "We're in this motherfucker as well then, yo!" said Malcolm, nodding upwardly at Tyrese with a slight smirk.And so it was on, shootouts and brawls brought consequences on both sides, people were dying. At first, it was so that shootouts took the place in Saint Jefferson Families neighborhood. Later on Grove was attacked more than Seville, probably because they're closer to the Jefferson. Gang affiliated signs, tattoo's and curses were thrown from both sides, living hell has been brought to Los Santos. At one point, Xavier Bentley, now on the streets known as 'Capone' noticed that neighborhood Hispanic set has also problems with Saint Jefferson Families. Together, both Seville and Black Gangster Disciples, walked from circle of the Grove Street to 27'th Street, where Hispanic gang members were hanging. At first point, it looked like Seville and Gangster Disciples have come there, seeking a beef, but in truth it was much more than just it in the game, a common interest. Curses started to be thrown, as soon as two sides confronted each other. Nevertheless, one voice was more loud than the others. It was Capone's voice, which was shouting that he seeks a meet with Mauricio 'Casper' Ortiz, leader of the 27'th Street Hispanic gang. Mauricio nodded and them two have crossed the street, leaving that huge crowd of raging gang members, from both sides, on the other side of the street. They kept throwing curses and staring at each other with a frown, but Mauricio and Xavier were sensible and calm. Two crowds have separated once Mauricio and Xavier came to a deal, to meet in one of the Grove Street houses.Two gang members, together with Mauricio and his brother Cain have come to Grove Street's circle, where Gangster Disciples reside. Suspicious glances, gang signs and constant tension were around all the time, at least until Hispanic gangsters have entered the house where the meeting was about to be held. Maniac and Capone, together with Casper and his brother Cain were in the house, slowly staring their talk. Apparently Saint Jefferson Families have done a drive by on Seville Block, and Seville's were late for the meeting. "Why the fuck have we been called here, huh?" said Cain, Casper's brother. Xavier explained them whats up with their common interest, problems with Saint Jefferson Families as well. "Aight, that shit is possible but y'all need to stay fuck outta' 27'th Street, eh!" said Mauricio, talking with rather rough voice tone, spreading his arms as he was doing that. Xavier agreed, and the deal was made. Later on Seville representatives have arrived to the meeting as well. Deal was made, big shootout was about to begin. Deal was that 27'th gangsters do a drive by on S.J.F, and then, as a second wave, Gangster Disciples would go there with their guns and take out another half of their block. As third, and finishing off wave, Seville's were about to make the block a living hell, by cleaning up last remnants of the Saint Jefferson Families' members. It went successfully, and Saint Jefferson Families were basically really broken.Southside Folk NationNOVEMBER 25th, 2011'A'ight player, you must know that we've been in this shit for a big-ass amount of time now, right? Gangster Disciples are well known around this motherfuckin' town at this rate nigga', and that nigga Capone? He's on the motherfuckin' top, together with his motherfuckin' psycho homeboy Maniac, nigga!'Months have passed since the events with Colonial Watts Avenue, Saint Jefferson Families and Rollin' 20's Neighborhood Bloods. There were too many dead individuals on all sides, thanks to the hatred between the neighborhoods, Los Santos has turned into real ghetto war zone. Over time, 516 Black Gangster Disciples, Rollin' 20's Neighborhood Bloods, 343 Saint Jefferson Families and 424 Glen Park Families have stepped into an alliance, called 'The Folk Nation'. Due to the name and whole concept of the 'Nation', all sets have stepped beneath Gangster Disciples' flag. Everything apparently worked out great, since sets were getting along with each other and huge party was hosted in Grove Street, by GD's. All sets of the Folk Nation have attended it, meeting each other better and socializing all together. Someone obviously didn't like the events in Grove Street, pulling the trigger and starting to spray whole Grove Street with bullets. That's where police interfered and party was ruined. However, even that did not stop Folk Nation to proceed with forming and making a name for itself. However, as weeks have passed, it has been dismissed. Truce between 20's and Gangster Disciples fell into water, and those two sets once again started pulling triggers on each other. Saint Jefferson Families have died out, as several of their most vital and royal members have either died or sent to prison. Some of them, such as Joe Baxton and Justice Jeffery, continued to roam the streets of Los Santos, however not being bound to any set. War with Colonial Watts Avenue kept on moving, over territorial disagreement. Blood and police activity seriously did raise in Ganton area, which was now known as Folk Town. Ryder Block Families have joined the war as well, somehow on the side of the Colonial Watts Avenue, against Black Gangster Disciples. Nonetheless, war only brought bad things to Ryders and Watts, keeping Black Gangster Disciples as dominant in it. Casualities took lives of many people, including OG of the Ryder Block Families, named Owen 'Zero' Morris. On the other hand, died Antoine 'Brax' Braxton, small gangster from the streets of Folk Town. Small Braxton was left without head in Grove Street circle, at least Capone heard so, and the payback were executions of small Devontae Banks and Owen Morris. Black Gangster Disciples have as well managed to spread a bit, taking Ganton 24/7 corner, in Ryderfield known as 'Chongs'. Gangster Disciples, being deep in numbers, proceeded to move towards all sides, pushing everyone standing in their way to expand their territory. However, Colonials and Ryders still kept it by themselves, doing their best in pushing GD's backwards. Ryder Block was in madness because of Zero's death, so attacks were more brutal and they were barely leaving anyone alive, even children on the block. It was so for several weeks, maybe even one month, war took so many lives of small neighborhood dope pushers, innocent kids, old men, female individuals and actual gang bangers of all three sets. Yet another day on the block, casual things were happening, day before several kids on the block have gained the rank of loyal soldier of the 'Southside Folk Nation', made as term that keeps whole 516 Black Gangster Disciples set under one banner, with Capone and Maniac on the top. Some of them were Dante 'NH' Wallace, Hispanic individual named Martin 'Casper' Fabian and Cordell 'C-Dell or Little Maniac' Heights. They were new generations of soldiers that have arrived to Folk Nation, or Gangster Disciples Nation."The six points are all to shine when I stand up from the shadows of the city of saints as Folks,Five-One-Six is what I live for and try for, Five-One-Six is what I kill and die for,I am soldier loyal to my nation and as will I rise I am blessed by King Hoover,I shall now enter the flames of hell for my Nation and take my pitchfork back from the Devil, I shall now live by the side of the men loyal to the great Folk Nation,I shall now carry the ensign of Folk Town Disciple!When it drops I shall drop,I will use my knowledge to find my way out of the greatest mazes,In every way I shall protect my Nation, follow their ways, show them my loyalty!ALL IS ONE, ONE IS ALL!"Ryder Block Families have called leaders of the 516 Black Gangster Disciples for a meeting, and yes, it happened at Playa Del Seville Basketball Courts, where Deangelo Bernes, Cassie Banks, Malcolm Hines and Xavier Bentley have met. Ryder Block had given GD's the 24/7 corner, said that there is no more war between the sets and made some other agreements. It was all good now, because new era begins with this truce, for it's good for both sets. SEPTEMBER 2nd, 2012Everything has started with Damon Blackburn, actually. Lone individual who used to be a good school boy in Liberty City, after moving away from Ganton and all violence Colonial Watts Avenue and Black Gangster Disciples have brought there. Damon used to live with his parents in Ganton, back when notorious Hispanic and African American gangs were on top of their strength, bringing the massive blood shed. Lucas Blackburn was always interested in the ghetto life style, violence and ways big individuals from the block of their time used to run their younger folks. Damon on another side, never had shown any interest in such things, keeping himself to himself and doing what he was doing best, educating himself. Their parents were the main cause of their moving away from the Ganton, not long after the Black Gangster Disciples were taken down by police. The Hispanic individuals who used to roam the area after street gang community of African American individuals were taken down were harassing rest of African American community in the area, slowly making them either move out of the area and get extorted out, killed or whatever they had in mind.Away from everything, Damon moved away from Los Santos actually together with his parents, leaving Lucas behind with some of the bigger individuals from the block, to find his own place in the world. Slowly making his way up to the top of the education system of Liberty City, he managed to make a lot of friends who were on top of the might when it comes to knowledge and connections around the city. He started making some cash off the history, geographic and math tournaments, making best results for his college and slowly getting known around. His parents were proud of him however they broke up by themselves, everything was broken back in the city back when Damon was finishing his college years. His parents, away from each other, brother maybe even dead - his life was lost and a huge mess. While packing his stuff to get back to Los Santos, in hope things have got back to normal as years have passed away, his phone rang suddenly. He answered the call and from the other side, rough voice tone, seemingly not resembling anything he knew in the past years could be heard. After couple of minutes of conversation, it came to that point where individual who dialed him addressed himself as Lucas, now on the streets known as Lucifer. Damon was given a task, a very important one for his brother, on another side having no interest for Damon himself. For the love of his family, Damon accepted and immediately took a flight back to Los Santos.Upon his arrival, there was nobody to wait for him. He dialed the phone Lucas called him from, there was no response. Clearly the phone Lucas used to call him with got dropped away, broken or in any way, it's trace was lost. Now alone, Damon decided to hit the famous place of all times, where half of the city is hanging out at the weekends - Idlewood. As before, Idlewood was now a place populated with Rollin' 20's Neighborhood Bloods and African American individuals from the Crystal Gardens. Two blocks have seemed to be in war, and there was also blood shed between the two sides. Unlucky for Damon, he slowly met both sides and individuals from both sides have made good relations with him. It was so for two weeks, everything was moving smoothly. Damon has gained the knowledge that notorious street gang which Black Gangster Disciples used to beef back in the days, the Ryder Block Families, had been taken down by police as well. At least, rumors from the street said so. Roaming around, slowly grabbing himself a gun in order to survive after getting robbed couple of times, his 'good boy' mentality has faded away. He was just another being which got eaten up by shadows of the streets. Not in any second it was doubted, he was slowly getting affiliated with individuals from Idlewood.Meanwhile, Lucas Blackburn has gathered some of the individuals around the table in his secret house, up in Las Colinas. Individuals around the table were most important people of the second era of Black Gangster Disciples he was about to make, Sedrew 'Flip' Powell, Kurtis 'Crow' Crayford, Denard 'Crazy D' Burks and himself, Lucas 'Lucifer' Blackburn. Two chairmen and two ministers have gathered around the round table, discussing what they're supposed to do. After hours of discussion, they have reached the point where Damon has to investigate the Willowfield area for the remnants of so called, Ryder Block Crips. Damon was contacted by Lucas every now and then, however he was showing less interest after each call he would receive, clearly not paying any more attention to Lucas and his serious task. Since Damon's take-over ended up in failure, Lucas has sent Flip and Crow to investigate the areas for him, meanwhile picking up the drug money he made whilst he was hanging around Los Santos to buy himself a house down in Arbutus Street, Willowfield. It used to belong to some mobster, who has shaped the papers which had ownership of the house from one of Ryder Block Families members, in the illegal way and gained the house for himself. Now everything was clear and set, Lucas had a house back in Willowfield, whilst doing his work away from the neighborhood. Crow and Flip have secured the area, executing two of the important last Ryder Block Families individuals. Lucas has finally landed down in Willowfield, stepping into his new house and cracking a grin. Four individuals have gathered once again, but Damon was nowhere to be seen.At that rate, Damon was heavily involved with Curtis 'Blank' Roy and Carl 'Maniac' Watson from Rolling 20's Neighborhood Bloods. Lucas had been informed of his brother's actions, and he immediately sent his two most loyal men to change the mind-set of his once little peaceful brother. Call was made, and one more individual has stepped in the game. It was Marlo Denzel, one of Damon's childhood's best friends. Together, they have approached Damon and made him change himself. Days after days, Damon was called a 'slob' around the neighborhood which was by now changing the shape into neighborhood filled with pitchforks, six pointed stars and rest of the infamous Gangster Disciples affiliation. Ryder Block Families members were nothing but residents of the area, however they still had respect between the residents, even by Lucas himself. Shaquan 'Kush' Ramsey approached Lucas one day and made a good connection with him, things were laid down and everything was set. The new era of Black Gangster Disciples was about to begin and new graffiti's have appeared on the walls of the neighborhood, representing the new order which came to claim that area. Willowfield has been slowly earning it's reputation, far above the street level game. Lucas Blackburn was the first individual who ensured his beloved set's name and respect get above the street level. Things were moving pretty smoothly and actually new connections have been made. After receiving couple of good words about the East Side street gangs, Lucas and Denard have decided to pay a visit to infamous street gang, Uptown 424 Kilo Block. After paying a visit to Kilo and earning some knowledge about their alliances, he moved even more North to visit another street gang, on the street known as Choppers. Respective representatives of all three street gangs have gathered in Jefferson Motel to discuss the main and non-avoidable subject, business and trust. In truth, the conversation they had didn't have much success between Kilo and Disciples, however Choppers were completely into it by the looks of it.Days were passing by slowly and there was no word between the sets, however Lucas and other big individuals from Willowfield have slowly moved into some inner business handling, in attempt to severe the beef their youngsters had. Jo-Jo, young Gangster Disciple known from the Ronald Reagan projects, in other words South Central was the individual who shot down to death Cedric Corbett, a money-maker for the Disciples. The beef they had was taken too far from the punches, and it of course drew big individuals' attention. South Central was one night filled with African American individuals who were hanging around Lucifer and his trusted homeboys. Loud noise and strong scent of marijuana they were smoking drew Jo-Jo's attention, and he was forced to step out of the house and check what's going on. As soon as he stepped out of his house, the sight of Lucifer at his door-step was quite shocking for him. Immediately noticing the individual he was looking for, for couple of days, Lucas beckoned him over and indicated him that he should step down to face him. Jo-Jo was not quite sure whether he should step down to face Lucas, or should he stay up on the stairs. "Get down or I'll get you down, six!" Lucas suddenly got irritated with Joseph's actions, clearly appearing to be very mad at the moment. Denard and others who were around have noticed strong scent of tension in the air as duo faced each other. Curses, loud words and dis-respective words came from Lucas' mouth, straight directing towards Joseph. Tension was growing even more and Joseph turned around after some time, walking off away from the crowd deeper into South Central. Other individuals who were around were forced to leave the South, and got given orders to move over to Complex or Arbutus Street.Only ones who were in South Central at that rate were Joseph "Jo-Jo" Holloway, Lucas "Lucifer" Blackburn, Denard "Crazy D" Burks, Cordell "Crack Dell" Heights & Maurice "Lex" Lexington. Seemingly, Lex was next on Jo-Jo's black list and it just kept going on from A to Z. Los Santos Police Department's cruiser pulled over and two individuals, known around South Central and rest of Willowfield for harassing the residents, have stepped out - slowly approaching the group. Immediately even more tension appeared and they were harassing Denard, together with Crack Dell. Suddenly, after couple of pushes a police baton was slammed over Crazy D's knee, making him collapse down on the ground. Suddenly annoyed with the situation, Lucifer instantly jumped on one of the officers, pinning him down to the ground and sending couple of punches to his facial region. Other officer who was there, shocked by situation as everything happened in two seconds, quickly pulled out his pistol and aimed at Lucas, ordering him to move away from his partner. Situation was getting even worse, because what that officer did was the death wish when it comes to Disciples, aimed a pistol at their Chairman. Driven with that mentality, Crazy D' and Crack Dell pulled out their weapons, shooting both of the police-men in their faces. Lucas ran away together with others, everyone scattered leaving two dead bodies on the ground. Huge mistake, it was indeed. However there was no other way out of the situation, when the duo was constantly harassing the community of African American individuals in Willowfield. In attempt to get some sort of alibi, Crack Dell, Lucifer, Crazy D and Mosca ran into D's vehicle, driving away from the neighborhood - acting like they were going for the food at that rate. It wasn't long before they got pulled over at Idlewood Motel, with two SWAT units and couple of cruisers. Having tons of guns aimed at them, they shifted the engine off and kept their arms up. Lucas, who in truth had nothing to do with the case, except for pinning part - was imprisoned for eight weeks, until the court trial. Lack of evidence goes in Lucas' favor, as the dashboard camera caught the shooting, however not the shooters nor anyone involved in such tragedy. Only thing it filmed was individuals scattering up and down South Central.Upon his arrival to prison, Lucas has received a pleasant welcome from Brother Shaquille, individual who's pretty much known around the prison for uniting the African American community which resides there, saving them from Mexican Mafia and white individuals who were sticking together. Only thing Disciples are waiting for now is the return of their Chairman, who hopes for better tomorrow of his block and that he'll win on the court. Rules:1. Always follow the server rules, no matter what the situation you are in is.2. Respect OOC words of the leaders or expect to get kicked out of the faction.3. We're trying to set an example on this server, you're required to be positive towards everyone OOC.4. Avoid usage of 'Out of Character' chat (/b), whatever you need use the private message function. (/pm)5. Roleplay realistically, because age and appearance matter a lot in real life. (So they do in here)6. Try to be as active as possible while spending time with this faction, even if Disciples are not online.7. Forget about death matching and random beefing while you're in this faction, we're focusing on normal RP.Regulations:1. OOC attitude is an very important point. Make sure to always follow the rules and be polite, If you have a problem with a RP situation, make sure it's done before taking it up on the forums. We're trying to create a friendly out of character reasoning faction, thus you're required to be polite and friendly at all rates.2. 516 Black Gangster Disciples have an CK agreement format topic on private forums, so make sure to fill that one upon proceeding with your role play with this faction. That way it gives us right to control our members, control the environment around the neighborhood and have rights to fully operate over the area. I can ensure that nobody from the faction is going to CK any member without the leaders permission, and that CK's will not be random. (We will not abuse this power)3. This faction is mainly seeking laid back roleplayers, if you're not one of those and your RP is mainly into shooting others, throwing up bad Out of Character attitude and just willing to make things go your way, then this is surely not a right faction for you. As said before, we would love and we actually expect any player who joins the faction to develop his character from the very roots of his background.4. Three-Strikes system is also implanted and very roughly used in this faction. Players will have three chances to prove us wrong and show us that they're serious about being in this faction. Every rule breaking and getting yourself into an admin jail will give you one strike within the faction. So make sure to follow the rules at all times and be worthy of being in this faction, else expect to get yourself banned no matter how much you would like to RP with it. Credit By: LS-RP
$Rival Roynaldy$ Posted July 3, 2014 Posted July 3, 2014 Hum, Keren. Tapi lebih keren lagi kalau thread ini di buat sendiri, tingkatkan kreativitas.
Fahmi AlGhazalli Posted July 3, 2014 Posted July 3, 2014 Gangsta new nih Good luck deh moga bertahan ampe lama :jg:
snitch. Posted July 3, 2014 Posted July 3, 2014 the hell thats nigga was reborn see ya homie. beware surenos 'ese.
Vandys Posted July 3, 2014 Posted July 3, 2014 buset panjang bener itu cerita, dapet darimana bro? darisini?
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