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14K Shen (�四K-沉)


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14K Triad


Triad societies are criminal organisations and are unlawful under the Laws of Hong Kong. Triads have become a matter of concern not only in Hong Kong, but also in other places where there is a sizable Chinese community. Triads are often described as organized secret societies or Chinese Mafia, but these are simplistic and inaccurate descriptions. Nowadays, triads can more accurately be described as criminal gangs who resort to triad myth to promote illegal activities. For more than one hundred years triad activities have been noted in the official law and police reports of Hong Kong. We have a long history of special Ordinances and related legislation to deal with the problem. The first anti-triad legislation was enacted in 1845. The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) has, by far, the longest history, amongst other jurisdictions,  in tackling the problem of triads and is the only jurisdiction in the world where specific anti-triad law exists. It must be pointed out that legal enactments alone cannot solve the problem. This has to be supplemented by effective police enforcement action, proper education and publicity campaigns to remind people of the undesirable consequences of associating with triads and the importance of coming forward to report triad-related crimes and more importantly to testify in courts.


The 14K (åå››K) is a Triad group based in Hong Kong but active internationally. It is the third largest Triad group in the world with around 25,000 members split into thirty subgroups. They are the main rival of the Sun Yee On, which is the largest Triad.


The 14K is a Triad that is most commonly known for it's reputation as the second largest triad in the world. With more than 20,000 members, the Triad originated in Hong Kong but has became notoriously widespread throughout the world with the concentration of its current business being performed in the United States. More specifically in the areas of Los Angeles, San Francisco and Chicago. As 14K was formed by Kuomintang, which is an anti-communist group dating back to 1945. The Kuomintang was originally consisted of fourteen members, hence the creation of the name "The 14K". However, some people to this day believe that the fourteen stands for the number of a road of a former headquarters and the K stands for Kowloon, which is one of the most busiest area in Hong Kong where a large amount of illegal activities is known to be committed.


Ranks and Structure






Golden Eras




(When old around 40)

NAME: Shen, Fu Wong

DoB: 07-12-1945
SEX: Male
LAST KNOWN ADDRESS: 12 Quebrada Flats, Firmona Avenue, Los Flores


A recently initiated 14K Dragonhead. Secured important financial funds through sex trafficking, prostitution, drug trafficking and counterfeit sales. Native of the Lok Fu region, Leonard Guo was brought into the organization along side Chester Yao, whose profile will be further detailed in the following file. It is believed through information acquired by the HKPD Anti-Triad unit that Leonard Guo was initiated after murdering 14K associate Kenneth Tsao. He was subsequently relocated to Los Santos to expand the organization's activities. 
NAME: Shen, Hua Wong
DoB: 01-04-1980
LAST KNOWN ADDRESS: 301a Beachview Drive, East Beach
Initiated 14K Deputy Mountain Master and long-time associate of Lord Fu. According to five investigations done throughout China and Taiwan, Chester Yao served as a prominent agent for the organization's murder-for-hire operations. He was formally introduced in the organization after the famous Chow Long Slaying: Chester allegedly broke into an important real estate developer's house and slaughtered the entire household with the use of a MAC-10 and an abundance of bullets at supper time. 

Modern Activity



The14K Shen is a Chinese crime organization of which origin can be traced back to the 14K Triad Organization. The 14K was formed in the 1940s by Kuomingtang Lieutenant-General Koot Win-Wong, in the the province of Guangzhou, as an anti-communism group. The 14  stands for the fourteen original members when the organization was first created, and the K stands for Kowloon, where the 14K headquaters was located. After the victory of the Communist party in the Chinese Civil War, the new Chinese Paramount Leader Mao quickly organized an operation to rid of Triad groups. Due to the large resistance from the government, 14K relocated to the British colony of Hong Kong, where they are free from the control of the Chinese government. The 14K became increasingly active, they gained power and generated income through a variety of illegal activities, such as Heroin and Opium trafficking, prostitution, arms dealing and illegal gambling. The 14K was able to expand to foreign countries such as England, USA, Canada and Macau, where they generated income by mostly drug trafficking. In 1997, Hong Kong was no longer a colony of the British empire, and was given back to the People's Republic of China, A large scaled crackdown of criminal organizations was put into progress by the Chinese government. One took place in early 1997, while a bigger scaled crackdown was put into action in 2009. The leader of the 14K was convicted and sentenced to fifteen years in Prison, due to a series of events that took place during the crackdown. Fourteen of his top enforcers were also sentenced. 14K suffered a nearly fatal blow. Associates that could afford to do so immigrated to other countries illegally with the help of one of their biggest allies, the Snakeheads, who specialize in illegal immigration. Two of the 14K enforcers were able to avoid police detection and immigrate to the city of Los Santos, in hopes to strengthen the drugs and weapons trade link and establish their own criminal empire.

Dragonhead of 14K spotted in LA.
Shen family, started with young man called Fu Shen 18 years Old, in 1934, he life in canton for 10 years working for triad as an insider, when he get some reputation, he got trusted to make his own family in United States under Triad shade. 5 years laters after world war II ends, Fu went to Los Santos, United States of America. He starts to build new bussiness for Triad at there, first they're on legally bussiness like sashimi restaurant and Fu Shen Temple and graveyard, with step by step, Fu shen had a illegally job from illegal gambling, firearms dealing, narcotics, porn movies records, and etc. In United States , Fu have a lot of rivals ,those are disturb Fu's bussiness. In 20 Years,Shen family had worst condition because of their rivals, war and war between family, shoot out from one bussiness to another, and there are a lot of betrayer that must be killed. Fu always thinks what his rival thinking about this condition. With some experience, Fu Shen can handle a lot of war and end it with a peace between rivals and share some territory with them. Fu always doing well at his job, he has own rules "clean killing without trace or you will die with a thousand katana of your brothers". Now Fu shen is 98 years old, he got sick at hospital, he want his oldest grandchild, Hua Shen, to handle his family at Los Santos, then, Fu call Hua to come at Los Santos, Fu tell his story all of about his family before, actually Hua knows a half about Fu's story, but there are some point that Hua didn't know. Two weeks later, Fu shen died with a honor in his family and Triad environtment. Hua ask two of his younger brother to come from Canton to United States, as he help to them to ran this bussiness together, now, they need to find people who can be trusted as a "inside man" of their family. 

Faction Rules



♦ All members are required to follow the JGRP rules of course.
♦ You must always stay IC as much as possible. Unnecessary OOC chat is not tolerated, so refer to /pm.
♦ Upon becoming affiliated with the faction, you automatically agree with us that we reserve the right to CK and/or PK you for any reason deemed necessary by the leader and core members.
♦ Always respect faction members IC and OOC. Obviously, it's your choice if you want to roleplay being disrespectful, but it's just a tip that in this culture, you will not get far.
♦ The only way to get involved with us is IC. Try and figure out a way to get yourself known by our members in game. It's unacceptable to try and become involved with us IC by PMing any of our members either on the forums or in-game for information.
♦ You must understand and speak English fluently and be capable of high-standard, detailed roleplay.
♦ We have zero tolerance for trolling or any form of immature behavior, so do not become involved in roleplay with us if you have a tendency to one of those two behaviors. 
We provide realistic triad RP in the server; robbing every soul and starting trouble is not what we are about at all, but rather, we gradually build up our connections through tradings and gaining reputation. We insert a lot of Chinese-related details/culture into our roleplay. Not only the Chinese food that we cook or the language we speak, but the way we act, the furniture we use and more for you to find out.
If you are not sure about Chinese names or if you have any questions about the faction, feel free to forum PM me.
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Shangri-La SPA is the most relaxing place in Los Santos, people usually get there after a tough day at work, hard training sessions or simply going to relax a little bit of all the stress. The masseurs at Shangri-La SPA is professionela in their work and do so that all customers leave with a smile on his face. 
This spa has a sauna, massage and a warm relaxing pool. After having spent your time at the spa, you get a totally different unique sensation in the body which is one of the biggest reasons that customers are very satisfied. 
It's a very quiet and relaxing place, this is the only spa all around Los Santos. The spa also has waitresses that is handing out free alcohol-free drinks. 
East beach SPA's goal is to keep all customers at peak happy mood and that they are satisfied. We wish all who visit our spa to have a nice time and hope that they enjoy the time they are here. Staff at Shangri-La SPA is doing its best to improve the place in the best way possible to ensure that all customers are satisfied.
With very best wishes, Shangri-LA SPA staff.

Gua suka nih sama gaya gang ini secara In Real Life, kehidupannya keras.
Gang paling di takutin dari tempat asalnya. Semoga aja dalam RP ini gang itu bisa berkuasa di Los Santos. 


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