SAMID Posted March 8, 2022 Posted March 8, 2022 Miles_Essex \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Essex. August 22nd. 1998, Swansea, United Kingdom, been born a child named Miles Graham Essex. He is the son of the couple named Damon Essex and Danielle Essex. His parents used to stay in Swansea since they were born, but since Miles born, Miles parents decides to move their living place to Fresno, California, United States of America. Miles was born and raised in Fresno or call it California. His childhood is normal like every kid in the world, but there is something that makes Miles different, Miles like to write something, like it is a journal. He started to write a journal in his middle school. He think that if he write his life-line in a journal, it make a spirit for his life. When he reach a senior high school, both of his parent has passed away because of a car crash accident at Los Santos, Miles can't even see both of his parents for the last time because he think that their body was so fucked up. Miles is getting confused on how he raise himself to living a life. Miles and his family is such a modest wealth. Miles need to enroll for some work, earn some money for his college in the future. Because of his parents car crash accident, he write a journal for himself to recall a memory to his parents, the journal title called "Killer Cars". Moving Away. Miles has a chum friend, they are Laura Eldelyna and Collin O'Shaunessy. Miles get along with both of them since he was in senior high school. That is the reason why Miles is working now. Collin's father has a showroom in Fresno, California. He being a sales for around almost 3 years. When he start his work in that showroom, Miles knew everything about a car, he love car, not only a sports car, even a classic car he love the most. After his money earned and a heirdom savings, he insist himself to move to Los Santos. Moving away is not an easy part of his life, because he is gonna leaving his friends, his only friend to get a new life. Miles knew that in Fresno, his neighbors and his parents place is not conducive. A lot of punk and drugs spread all over Fresno, California. Miles packing himself and he will sell his house for a better life in Los Santos. Before the move-out, he keep a promise to his friend, Laura and Collin, the promise is to keep each other's life safe and insist to them to always get a long until old-age comes. Freshman in the City When Miles arrived in Los Santos, he is going to his rented flat around Marina. He was jobless on that day. Miles is putting his resume in a Borgstrom's Company. Borgstrom Company provide a lot of business program, from truck to builder. He meets Kurt Borgstrom there, a young man, the handle of Borgstrom's Company himself. He was applying to be Kurt's assistant, it was accepted to get that job. Almost 2 years in Los Santos, Miles seen a lot of criminal such as robbery, gang-war, and Miles did know that gun there is easy to find. He couldn't even move anymore because of the budget isn't cheap, it was expensive. Miles were thinking about Los Santos and how to take care and take over of all criminal things in Los Santos, he is going to be a Police Officer one day. When he order for some donut, around Mall, he met an high-rank Police named David Tyler. He started to talk about Los Santos and how to reach them, David said that if you are a normal person you can not leave it clear by yourself. Long story short, since Miles wanted to be a Police Officer because of his circumstances, he talks to David Tyler and asking about Police Academy. David told Miles that the Academy is already opened for him and will be have a commendation from high rank Police, David Tyler himself. For a better life, future, and family what he is gonna plan, he enroll himself to be a Police Officer. Questions Character Story Pertama: No Durasi bermain di JG:RP: 3 tahun lebih URL Namechange: Account UCP yang saya miliki: Tidak ada Account Forum yang saya miliki: Saya SAMID selaku pemilik account UCP samid bersedia jika Character saya yang disebut di atas (Miles_Essex) dibanned permanent jika character story yang saya buat di atas berupa plagiat dari story milik orang lain.
$Botjah$ Posted March 8, 2022 Posted March 8, 2022 Halo ada beberapa hal yang harus diperhatikan dalam menulis character story kamu: Pastikan cerita sudah terdiri minimal 300 kata dan dipisah menjadi 3 paragraf. Gunakan paragraph justify. Awal paragraf dibuat menjorok 3-5 kali spasi. Perhatikan penggunaan huruf kapital, gunakan huruf kapital jika itu nama orang, nama tempat/daerah, kata sapaan, awal kalimat/paragraf. Setelah tanda baca koma tidak perlu dikapital. Setelah penggunaan tanda baca titik atau koma, berikan jarak 1 spasi sebelum kata selanjutnya. Perhatikan penggunaan imbuhan di-, imbuhan di- digabung jika kata setelahnya merupakan kata kerja, di- dipisah ketika kata selanjutnya merupakan kata keterangan tempat. Akhiran –nya tidak perlu dipisah dengan kata yang mendahuluinya. Setelah tanda baca koma, awal kalimat, dan awal paragraf jangan menggunakan kata sambung atau hubung. Ubah semua kata ‘ia’ menjadi ‘Dia’ yang diawali dengan huruf kapital. Kata berulang seperti 'tiba-tiba, cita-cita' diberikan tanda hubung (-) di antara kedua kata tersebut tanpa diberikan spasi. Jika masih bingung bisa baca panduan ini untuk membantu kamu dalam memperbaiki character story kamu. Guide Character Story Ada beberapa hal yang perlu diperhatikan juga: Kamu punya 7 hari untuk menyelesaikan character story kamu ini, lebih dari 7 hari akan langsung diarsip oleh JG:RP Bot Pastikan merespon dalam 2x24 jam setelah reply terakhir saya, jika tidak ada respon dalam kurun waktu 2x24 jam maka akan saya denied dan arsip. Kamu bisa membuat character story lagi jika character story kamu ditolak.
SAMID Posted March 8, 2022 Author Posted March 8, 2022 5 minutes ago, Botjah said: Halo ada beberapa hal yang harus diperhatikan dalam menulis character story kamu: Pastikan cerita sudah terdiri minimal 300 kata dan dipisah menjadi 3 paragraf. Gunakan paragraph justify. Awal paragraf dibuat menjorok 3-5 kali spasi. Perhatikan penggunaan huruf kapital, gunakan huruf kapital jika itu nama orang, nama tempat/daerah, kata sapaan, awal kalimat/paragraf. Setelah tanda baca koma tidak perlu dikapital. Setelah penggunaan tanda baca titik atau koma, berikan jarak 1 spasi sebelum kata selanjutnya. Perhatikan penggunaan imbuhan di-, imbuhan di- digabung jika kata setelahnya merupakan kata kerja, di- dipisah ketika kata selanjutnya merupakan kata keterangan tempat. Akhiran –nya tidak perlu dipisah dengan kata yang mendahuluinya. Setelah tanda baca koma, awal kalimat, dan awal paragraf jangan menggunakan kata sambung atau hubung. Ubah semua kata ‘ia’ menjadi ‘Dia’ yang diawali dengan huruf kapital. Kata berulang seperti 'tiba-tiba, cita-cita' diberikan tanda hubung (-) di antara kedua kata tersebut tanpa diberikan spasi. Jika masih bingung bisa baca panduan ini untuk membantu kamu dalam memperbaiki character story kamu. Guide Character Story Ada beberapa hal yang perlu diperhatikan juga: Kamu punya 7 hari untuk menyelesaikan character story kamu ini, lebih dari 7 hari akan langsung diarsip oleh JG:RP Bot Pastikan merespon dalam 2x24 jam setelah reply terakhir saya, jika tidak ada respon dalam kurun waktu 2x24 jam maka akan saya denied dan arsip. Kamu bisa membuat character story lagi jika character story kamu ditolak. Dimengerti. Sebelum membuat character story saya sudah membaca apa yang boleh dan apa yang tidak boleh dalam pembuatan character story.
$Botjah$ Posted March 8, 2022 Posted March 8, 2022 Jogjagamers Reality Project Helper Team Character Story Dear @SAMID, I am writing to you in regards of your recently submitted character story, we have reviewed your character story and, as a result, have come to the decision to ACCEPT your request. Please read this guide to activate your character story In-Game via our UCP Website. We hope that you may use this character story to further develop your character. Sincerely,@Botjah JG:RP Helper Team
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