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February Monthly Bulletin 2022

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San Andreas, 01/03/2022
Good morning, afternoon, evening, night wherever you are, San Andreas community!
SPACEHello loyal fans of the San Andreas Network, back again in the February issue of SANews Monthly Bulletin!! Before starting, let's say our thanks to God Almighty who has given His gift. Thank you very much to all colleagues who work and are enthusiastic about spreading positive things so that we get positive feedback as well. We also sincerely hope that wherever you are, take the time to read this February issue of the SANews Monthly Bulletin. Many things happened this February, let's see together.

Written by: Raphael Marc Gladstone

SPACEWe congratulate all the staff for getting promoted to a new rank. We hope that with this mass promotion, our operational staff of San Andreas News Network can be more active to search for news in the city, produce new works, and serve citizens wholeheartedly and much more.

Caretaker of Corporate Communication to Manager of Corporate Communication


  • #SAN-9917 Tiernan Callaghan


Head of News to Executive Producer


  • #SAN-14026 Zals Redfield


Internship to Staff


  • #SAN-15741 Fiete Steinhaeusser
  • #SAN-15770 Eiji Noboru
SPACEAgain, congratulations! We hope you can continue to show good work performance and continue to improve your skills at work. Hopefully it will contribute to the development of the San Andreas News Network.

Written by: Richard Schaefer

SPACEThe following is a list of operational staff who have served for months or even years and it is time to retire and also for Officers who are no longer serving at the following San Andreas News Network:

  • #SAN-12293 Executive Producer Franco Bartholomew
SPACERetirement does make you lose your routine at work, but that doesn't mean you lose the opportunity to meet longing with colleagues, I hope your retirement is full of happiness. Don't stop creating something useful for everyone in the future.

Written by: Raphael Marc Gladstone

SPACEHuman Resource Development has officially appointed several applicants to work as media clerks at the San Andreas News Network, we wish you all the best for the future of our beautiful country, San Andreas. The following is the statistical data on total recruitment for this batch based on data from Human Resource Development:

Total of Applicants: 21

Total of Accepted: 14

Total of Denied: 6

Total of Banned: 1

Note: Next Recruitment we will inform you more on social media.

Written by: Richard Schaefer

SPACESan Andreas News Network have worked endlessly and never missed to provide a piece of fresh news to be published daily. We highly appreciated some of our staff that is showing their unexpected capability at work more than the other. Therefore, we have given the honour to the hard work of:
SAN-12284 Supervisor I Geraldine Roberta
SAN-15566 Staff Rachel Grezyl

High dedication to the San Andreas News & Network, active and able to work with our team to give a gift certificate and a $ 2,500.00 reward.

February Staff of The Month

Written by: Raphael Marc Gladstone

SPACEThe San Andreas News Network always pays attention to the availability of members every month, this data is obtained from the statistical agency, here are some data on the availability of operational staff at the San Andreas News Network below:

Board of SAN Commissioner: 5 – 11.11%

Commissioner: 5

HIGH COMMAND TEAM : 6 – 13.33%

Chief Executive Officer: 1

Vice Chief Executive Officer: 1

General Manager: 4

SUPERVISOR TEAM : 7 – 15.55%

Manager of Human Resource Development: 1

Manager of Corporate Communication: 1

Manager of Event & Sponsorship: 1

Executive Producer: 1

Head of Operational Staff: 1

Head of Entertaiment: 1

Head of Radio: 1


Supervisor II: 1

Supervisor I: 4


Senior Staff: 4

Staff: 7

INTERSHIP TEAM: 11 – 24.44%

Internship: 11

Written by: Raphael Marc Gladstone

SPACEEmployee spotlights This month we had the opportunity to have an interview with one of the SANews staff highlighted in the monthly bulletin, RACHEL GREZYL. We have asked several questions to the staff from the beginning to the present in their career at SANews so that people can learn better about how to be a Media.

What motivation do you want to become an employee at the San Andreas News Network, and how did you feel after graduating at that time? ️ ‎

Motivasi saya pada saat itu ingin mempunyai kehidupan yang lebih baik, menambah relasi di San Andreas, dan menerapkan sedikit pengetahuan yang saya punya. Tentunya, perasaan saya sangat senang ketika dapat menjadi bagian dari San Andreas Network. Saya sangat bersyukur bisa bergabung ke dalam perusahaan ini.


Let's tell me how you work in your current position at the San Andreas News ‎Network? ‎

Saya bekerja di SANews menjadi seorang Reporter yang menyiarkan berita secara langsung dari tempat kejadian. Saya juga menjabat posisi junior
staff di sub divisi Relation and Communications. Pada posisi tersebut saya dapat menyalurkan hobi saya yaitu bercengkrama dengan warga.


Can you tell us about your experience while working as a current media?

Tentunya banyak pengalaman yang saya dapatkan, salah satunya ketika pertama kali menjadi reporter. Mencoba melawan rasa gugup dan dipaksa agar tetap fokus ditengah-tengah keramaian dan keributan di lapangan.


What are your goals during your career at the San Andreas News Network as a media?

Tujuan saya ingin lebih memperbanyak relasi di San Andreas, ingin lebih merangkul warga agar memudahkan SANews kedepannya jika akan mengadakan kerjasama. Ingin memberitahu khalayak luas agar SANews tidak dipandang sebelah mata.


People find work on the San Andreas News Network just to find the news in town, what do you think it feels like now to be part of the San Andreas News staff

Tentu saja itu salah, SANews lebih dari sekadar mencari berita. Ada sebuah keluarga yang solid di dalamnya. Pekerjaan kami juga bukan hanya mencari berita saja.


What are your hopes for the future of San Andreas Network News and what message would you like to convey to the San Andreas community?‎

Harapan saya kedepannya agar SANews semakin maju, berkembang, dan menghadirkan inovasi-inovasi baru yang berkualitas nantinya.

Written by: Raphael Marc Gladstone

SPACEThis is the end of the February issue of the Monthly Bulletin. Thank you to all readers who have taken the time to be able to read the February issue of the Monthly Bulletin. A lot has happened in the early month of this month, hopefully, in the future, it will be even better. If there are suggestions, criticisms, or others, we hope that you can provide them here to build SANews in the future even better. With this Monthly Bulletin, we, as members of the San Andreas News Network, hope to be a liaison between SANews and all citizens of the city wherever you are. Once again we thank you profusely, and also we apologise if there are mistakes in words, words, actions during this month. See you in the newsletter in the next months!

Written by: Raphael Marc Gladstone
The information contained in this monthly bulletin is accurate at the source of the data. Produced by the Corporate Communication team on writing, editing and publishing approved by the General Manager of the Administration Division.
  • Like 1
  • Thanks 1
6 minutes ago, San Andreas Network said:

EEmployee spotlights This month we had the opportunity to have an interview with one of the SANews staff highlighted in the monthly bulletin, RACHEL GREZYL.


Such an honour, Thank you SANews.

39 minutes ago, San Andreas Network said:

Internship to Staff

  • #SAN-15741 Fiete Steinhaeusser
  • #SAN-15770 Eiji Noboru




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