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Character: Alexi_Nai

Waktu & Tanggal:  22:07:39 WIB & 02/23/2021

Barang yang dibutuhkan: SQUALO [2 ASURANSI]

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Berawal dari saya mancing bertiga sama temen sambil sms-an, tiba tiba kapal saya BUG leduk dilaut

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Bukti Chatlog, berupa percakapan pas mancing selagi saya sms-an:  


22:3:30] * Naugtiluz Nixdorf Mengaitkan umpan kekail dan mulai memancing
[22:3:34] Raymond Jefferey says [low]: Mayan 1 ikan buat makan seminggu
[22:3:51] Alexi Nai says: Ayo beli dulu dah

[22:3:56] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (6313111)
[22:3:56] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}trailer house nya masih ada?

[22:4:5] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone
[22:4:5] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 6313111
[22:4:5] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}masih
[22:4:15] FISHING: {FFFFFF}You caught only junk
[22:4:19] FISHING: {FFFFFF}You've started fishing, you can cancel anytime using {FFFF00}left mouse click
[22:4:20] * Alexi Nai mengaitkan umpan pada kail dan melemparkan umpan tersebut kelaut
[22:4:27] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (6313111)
[22:4:27] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}bisa ketemuan untuk beratanya tanya dan melihat kondisi house nya

[22:4:37] * Naugtiluz Nixdorf Mengaitkan umpan kekail dan mulai memancing
[22:4:37] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone
[22:4:37] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 6313111
[22:4:37] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}ketemu mana mas
[22:4:52] Alexi Nai says: Ada yang mau azak ketemu
[22:4:54] FISHING: {FFFF00}You caught something on the pole, press {FF0000}mouse left click {FFFF00}to pull the fishing rod
[22:4:55] FISHING: {FFFFFF}You caught only junk
[22:4:57] FISHING: {FFFFFF}You've started fishing, you can cancel anytime using {FFFF00}left mouse click
[22:4:57] * Alexi Nai mengaitkan umpan pada kail dan melemparkan umpan tersebut kelaut
[22:4:58] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (6313111)
[22:4:58] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}lokasi trailer house nya dimana?
[22:5:0] Alexi Nai says: Mau liat liat
[22:5:6] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone
[22:5:6] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 6313111
[22:5:6] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}angelpine
[22:5:10] Naugtiluz Nixdorf says: Ga beli suruh jalan kaki aja
[22:5:14] * Naugtiluz Nixdorf Mengaitkan umpan kekail dan mulai memancing
[22:5:24] Alexi Nai says: Gue sih tega
[22:5:35] FISHING: {FFFF00}You caught something on the pole, press {FF0000}mouse left click {FFFF00}to pull the fishing rod
[22:5:36] FISHING: {FFFFFF}You caught only junk
[22:5:37] FISHING: {FFFFFF}You've started fishing, you can cancel anytime using {FFFF00}left mouse click
[22:5:40] Alexi Nai says: Junk mulu
[22:5:40] Raymond Jefferey says [low]: Mau jual rumah kah
[22:5:42] ENGINEINFO: Mesin masih mati, tekan tombol {FF0000}~k~~VEHICLE_FIREWEAPON~{BFC0C2} atau command /engine untuk menghidupkannya.
[22:5:45] ENGINE: Anda mencoba untuk menghidupkan Mesin.
[22:5:48] ENGINE: Anda telah gagal untuk menghidupkan mesin: MESIN RUSAK.   <<<<<< Disini saya sudah curiga kenapa mesinnya rusak padahal awalnya masih diangka 800an kondisi mesinnya di command /dl

[22:5:50] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (6313111)
[22:5:50] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}oke ketemuan di truk driver ya
[22:5:59] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone
[22:5:59] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 6313111
[22:5:59] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}bentar gw masi mancing
[22:6:0] Alexi Nai says: Iya
[22:6:1] ENGINE: Anda mencoba untuk menghidupkan Mesin.
[22:6:1] * Naugtiluz Nixdorf Mengaitkan umpan kekail dan mulai memancing
[22:6:3] Raymond Jefferey says [low]: Anja
[22:6:4] Alexi Nai says: Mesin rusak ngentot
[22:6:4] ENGINE: Anda telah gagal untuk menghidupkan mesin: MESIN RUSAK.
[22:6:5] ENGINE: Anda mencoba untuk menghidupkan Mesin.
[22:6:7] Raymond Jefferey says [low]: Anjay
[22:6:8] ENGINE: Anda telah gagal untuk menghidupkan mesin: MESIN RUSAK.
[22:6:11] VEHICLE: {FFFFFF}Helm {FF0000}OFF
[22:6:14] Mask 989838: (( pipis gak tuh ))
[22:6:17] Naugtiluz Nixdorf says: Yahaha kualat
[22:6:24] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (6313111)
[22:6:24] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}mas nya mancing dimana? saya posisi lagi di stadium
[22:6:30] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone
[22:6:30] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 6313111
[22:6:30] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}pier
[22:6:36] FISHING: {FFFF00}You caught something on the pole, press {FF0000}mouse left click {FFFF00}to pull the fishing rod
[22:6:37] Alexi Nai says: Ko ga bisa repair
[22:6:38] FISHING: {FFFFFF}You caught only junk
[22:6:39] FISHING: {FFFFFF}You've started fishing, you can cancel anytime using {FFFF00}left mouse click
[22:6:40] * Alexi Nai mengaitkan umpan pada kail dan melemparkan umpan tersebut kelaut
[22:6:42] * Naugtiluz Nixdorf Mengaitkan umpan kekail dan mulai memancing
[22:6:51] Alexi Nai says: Gue baru 1 ikan
[22:6:52] Alexi Nai says: Tot
[22:6:57] Alexi Nai says: Junk mulu
[22:6:59] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (6313111)
[22:6:59] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}oke kalau gitu saya tunggu di Ipul, atas nama Agra ya mas
[22:7:0] Raymond Jefferey says: Kualat
[22:7:9] Alexi Nai says: Kapal mau leduk
[22:7:14] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone
[22:7:14] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 6313111
[22:7:14] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}oke
[22:7:27] Raymond Jefferey says: Yahahaha
[22:7:28] FISHING: {FFFF00}You caught something on the pole, press {FF0000}mouse left click {FFFF00}to pull the fishing rod
[22:7:29] FISHING: {FFFF00}Fish caught, weight: 50oz

[22:7:29] WARNING: {FFFFFF}Your {00FFFF}Squalo {FFFFFF}was destroyed by {FFFF00}[335] Naugtiluz_Nixdorf  >>>>>>>>> Leduk karna temen padahal dia mancing
[22:7:29] Naugtiluz Nixdorf: (( leduk cok ))

[22:7:39] INSURANCE: {FFFFFF}Your {00FFFF}Squalo {FFFFFF}has been destroyed, your replacement will be ready on {FFFF00}Thu 25 Feb 2021, 22:07:39 >>>>>>>>> Kapal saya tiba2 ledak


[22:7:39] Alexi Nai: (( bug yak  ))
[22:7:43] Alexi Nai: (( kwkwkw ))
[22:7:50] Naugtiluz Nixdorf: (( meninggal kapal lo ))


Berikut adalah bukti chatlog:


Kapal saya masih respawn tapi tiba2 muncul notifikasi destroyed tiba tiba



Pas kapal saya sudah hilang tiba tiba dan katanya destroyed by Naug yang merupakan temen saya
2. sa-mp-023.png


Dikamera temen saya katanya leduk darahnya langsung habis




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