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[REFUND] Abu Syaid ( Freeway 3 Insu 1 Up )


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Character: Abu Syaid

Waktu & Tanggal: 12/03/2020

Barang yang dibutuhkan: Freeway 3 Insu 1 Up

Saya membutuhkan refund karena:

Saya lagi memancing tiba2 muncul pemberitauhan Freeway has destroy

Berikut adalah bukti yang berupa screenshot / video:



Berikut adalah bukti chatlog:


[18:42:20] * Abu Syaid hook a bait and start fishing.

[18:42:21] * Evan Louis take a bait and start fishing

[18:42:26] Abu Syaid says: fish

[18:42:34] Abu Syaid says: fish

[18:42:37] FISHING: {FFFFFF}You've started fishing, you can cancel anytime using {FFFF00}left mouse click

[18:42:43] * Evan Louis take a bait and start fishing

[18:42:48] INSURANCE: {FFFFFF}Your {00FFFF}Freeway {FFFFFF}has been destroyed, your replacement will be ready on {FFFF00}Fri 04 Dec 2020, 18:53:09

[18:42:51] FISHING: {FFFF00}You caught something on the pole, press {FF0000}mouse left click {FFFF00}to pull the fishing rod

[18:42:55] Done 5/5 ((Mask 188889))

[18:42:57] Screenshot Taken - sa-mp-015.png

[18:43:01] FISHING: {FFFF00}Fish caught, weight: 19oz



Denied, kami telah menolak permohonan refund kamu karena salah satu alasan di bawah ini:

  • Permohonan tidak diclaim dalam jangka waktu 30 hari setelah permohonan diterima.
  • Pemohon melanggar salah satu persyaratan refund yang mengakibatkan prosess refund gagal.
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