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The Norca Costa


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The Norca Costa








          The Norca Costa was founded in 1990 which was founded by 2 well-known drug dealers and weapons builders in the city of Los Santos who have often served prison sentences namely Bodhi Roxby a weapons builder and Sheldon Patterson a drug dealer and a top-class fraudster. "The  Norca Costa" often deceives people by falsifying signatures to get land, businesses and people's homes in the city of Los Santos. Norca Costar often smuggles narcotics and weapons out of town in any way. The  Norca Costa often does business with the police to circulate drugs, buy cheap weapons and sell them dearly to people in the city of Los Santos. The Norca Costa is also known as a famous killer in the city of Los Santos with his cruelty, and his cunning The  Norca Costa is also famous in the city of Los Santos as a drug dealer, weapons builder, and the cruelest mercenary in the city of Los Santos.


          1998, Las Vegas, America. Sheldon Patterson is a Norca Costa nicknamed the "Black Scorpion". Sheldon Patterson  has a network of relations around the world, because he needs several Drugs and Guns suppliers. In addition to importing Sheldon, he also exports several Narcotics Goods, mainly in the form of Cocaine and Metamtefamin, Drugs are exported in almost all continents of Asia and Europe, Sheldon also has a myriad of Guns which are not only i America. the two are in Los Santos, and the third are in Commerce.


           2000, Mexico city, Mexico. The news about the formation of the Mexican cartel was heard by Bodhi Roxby, he tried to establish a network with the Mexican cartel. On July 7, 1998, Bodhi Roxby met with someone named Robert Vanderson, when Robert was an unemployed homeless person. Bodhi Roxby, invited Robert Vanderson to follow in his footsteps in the world of Drugs or Kertel. Robert Vanderson's job was to oversee Drug's journey from the port of Mexico to the cartels. The diligent and hardworking attitude of Robert Vanderson finally Bodhi grew his trust in Robert Vanderson, and to this day Bodhi Roxby and Robert Vanderson continue to communicate about the development of the Drugs cartel in Mexico.


         Norca Costa is the name of a warehouse located in Los Santos, by producing Drugs and Guns. Sheldon Patterson and Bodhi are trying to form a Drugs  Lab and Lab Guns which will be sold in the city of los santos and exported outside Los Santos. Rise Of Norca Costa has several structures and rules that are made and complied with for all members of  Norca Costa.  Norca Costa does not offer merchandise directly because it is still in the early stages of development, the marketing of Rise of Norca Costa goods through relationships and a point in the corner of the city which aims to avoid the police or law enforcement agencies do not know the activities of  Norca Costa. Not only selling weapons and drugs, Scorpion Mobster also sells stolen vehicles. Norca Costar is already well-known in the city of Los Santos as the most delicate mafia that is often called "American Mobster" in the city of Los Santos.





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Frequently Asked Questions


Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Ini sebenernya faction apa ?

A: American - Mob


Q: Apakah ras harus Amerika?

A: Iya,Tentu.


Q: Saya tidak bisa bahasa inggris nih gimana dong?

A: Kami disini sama-sama belajar bersama.


Q: Tempat ngumpulnya dimana biasa?

A: Cari secara IC!






Credits: Google, @Otishoward, and @ErisBot.


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