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Fernando Immanuel [Nando27]

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Character Name: Fernando Immanuel


Hasil gambar untuk gangster


Origin: American Samoa


One day. On July 29, 1983, born a child from the Immanuel Family, he was born to a husband and wife named Arabella Immanuel and Fernando Trevor. They named their son Fernando Immanuel. When Fernando was a toddler, Fernando was entrusted to his aunt Mary Kimberly in London, because Fernando's parents reasoned that they were working on a dangerous project in America.


After a long time the two masters did not return, at that time they got word that their parents had been killed. Because there was someone who hated him at that time in an American city. And that's when Fernando moved to a city called Los Santos, where he worked hard to support himself. Whatever he does is important, the work is right and right. In Los Santos he lived in an apartment in East Los Santos number 4a, where he was delivered by his cousin, Jhonson Wright.


There he works as a handyman for goods such as components and so on, even though the pay is not solid but he always works hard and never neglects it. He also has many friends who often help him during times of joy and sorrow. He also worked in the city of Los Santos and continued his studies there. He wanted to continue his studies until he was a master's degree or more. Because he wants to boast of his parents who have died and do not want to be like his parents who do illegal business or so on. He wants to work legally and be trusted by local people and the government. After working hard long enough, then he owned a car and stayed in the same apartment, because he did not want to waste money just to be happy. He prefers to live with what he has now, and he wants to live peacefully, peacefully, comfortably and safely.


Saya Lavinazahra selaku pemilik account UCP Nando27 bersedia jika Character saya yang disebut di atas (Fernando Immanuel) dibanned permanent jika character story yang saya buat di atas berupa plagiat dari story milik orang lain.


1. Kurang dari 300 kata.

2. Perbaiki tanda BOLD yang berlebihan.

3. Minimal 3 paragraf.



Saya telah mereview character story kamu dan menemukan bahwa story kamu sudah memenuhi kriteria yang kami berikan. Dengan itu kami telah ACCEPT character story yang kamu buat. Mohon ikuti panduan di bawah ini untuk mengaktifkan character story kamu:



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