LOCKDOWN Posted April 18, 2017 Share Posted April 18, 2017 Nama pelapor: Lucas_Galtero Nama pelanggar: Ga tau Peraturan yang dilanggar: Char Hacked Apa yang terjadi: Hari itu saya bermain di warnet tepat sekitar jam 18:00 setelah magrib, selesai sekitar jam 22:00, saat kebesokan hari nya saya IG kembali jam 10:00 pagi, saya mengecek isi rumah saya, terdapat crack 150gram dan Deagle sekitar 3 buah, AKM 1 buah, Material saya lupa tapi disitu ada Material, saat saya check chatlog di UCP ada yang memainkan char saya sekitar jam 01:00 Malam, disitu diambil 20gram crack dan Deagle, Material disitu terdapat di chatlog ada temen warnet saya "Donald Webbster", di situ juga RPan dirumah sepertinya, karena di lihat di chatlog itu lagi di rumah saya, oke itu saja penjelasannya, Bukti: Ini saat saya bermain : [18:54:25] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}Ladang anda membutuhkan petani berpengalaman? Sering membuat laporan dan jarang keluar kota? Hubungi saya! [18:54:25] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}David_Delgado{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}111226{FF0000}] [18:55:28] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[DICARI] Bar yang menerima bandar profesional dan mempunyai modal besar. [18:55:28] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Marcellino_Diogsidah{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}12000{FF0000}] [18:55:34] {8D8DFF}911: {FFFFFF}You have reached the 911 Emergency Service. [18:55:34] {8D8DFF}911: {FFFFFF}Do you need a police or a paramedic ? [18:55:35] HUDMODE: {ffffff}Classic [18:55:35] HUDMODE: {ffffff}Hidden [18:55:37] HUDMODE: {ffffff}Modern [18:55:37] HUDMODE: {ffffff}Classic [18:55:37] HUDMODE: {ffffff}Hidden [18:55:48] HUDMODE: {ffffff}Modern [18:55:50] HUDMODE: {ffffff}Classic [18:55:50] HUDMODE: {ffffff}Hidden [18:55:51] HUDMODE: {ffffff}Modern [18:55:53] CELLPHONE: Anda telah menutup telepon! [18:55:53] Telepon terputus... [18:55:54] Robberto_Achelies telah keluar dari server. (Pergi) [18:56:17] Leonar Aubree: (( wa )) [18:56:19] Lucas Galtero: (( we )) [18:56:21] Leonar Aubree: (( wkkwq )) [18:56:26] Leonar Aubree says: Ayee. [18:56:28] Edurox Alberto says: bro [18:56:30] Lucas Galtero says: Ayyo. [18:56:31] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[ BUY ] MOBIL APA SAJA DANA 2.5 ADA CP [18:56:31] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Hanzo_Sasaki{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}479900{FF0000}] [18:56:34] Edurox Alberto says: bagi duit [18:56:35] Leonar Aubree says: Ayee. [18:56:38] Leonar Aubree says: Gaada. [18:56:38] Lucas Galtero says: Ayoo. [18:56:41] Edurox Alberto says: plis] [18:56:42] Leonar Aubree says: Follow me. [18:56:43] Edurox Alberto says: plis [18:56:49] Edurox Alberto says: bang [18:56:51] Leonar Aubree Shouts: COME HERE! [18:56:53] Lucas Galtero says: Itu ikutin dia. [18:57:1] Edurox Alberto says: bang [18:57:7] Edurox Alberto says: bagi duit lah [18:57:13] BotCmd: Gabe_Castillo telah dikick, alasan: Ping melebihi batas (762) [18:57:21] Lucas Galtero says: Orang gila. [18:57:32] Lucas Galtero says: ASGH tong. [18:57:33] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}Jual PCJ-600, 3 insu, 1 up, STNK 10 mei, harga 1,5k NO NEGO - SMS jika minat. [18:57:33] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Layren_Murphy{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}133300{FF0000}] [18:57:34] Lucas Galtero says: Ya tong? [18:57:39] FRISK: Anda telah merequest izin kepada {FF0000}Takashi Hiroshima {FFFFFF}untuk frisk. [18:57:42] Lucas Galtero says: ASGH. [18:57:45] FRISK: Anda telah merequest izin kepada {FF0000}Takashi Hiroshima {FFFFFF}untuk frisk. [18:57:53] PAYINFO: {ffffff}You've given {ffff00}Takashi Hiroshima [id:61] {00ff00}.00 [18:57:57] Lucas Galtero says: Tuh.. [18:58:1] Lucas Galtero says: Kasihan gua. [18:58:4] Lucas Galtero Says [car]: QUE? [18:58:10] ERROR: Unknown command, see '/help' [18:58:15] ERROR: Unknown command, see '/help' [18:58:24] Lucas Galtero Says [car]: Que, Yosie? [18:58:30] Takashi Hiroshima says: Que passa [18:58:30] Carliste Beardsley Says [car]: yeah [18:58:31] Lucas Galtero Says [car]: Yosie is deaf? [18:58:37] Carliste Beardsley Says [car]: good shi'et. [18:58:37] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[trade] Banshee 3insu fullup dengan Bullet 3insu anyup CP: [18:58:37] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Paul_Toretto{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}91115550{FF0000}] [18:58:37] Lucas Einstein says (cellphone): Taxi [18:58:41] Maverick Bronislav says: ke CGH [18:59:10] Carliste Beardsley Shouts: DIPS! [18:59:21] ENGINEINFO: Mesin masih mati, tekan tombol {FF0000}~k~~VEHICLE_FIREWEAPON~{BFC0C2} atau command /engine untuk menghidupkannya. [18:59:23] ENGINE: Anda mencoba untuk menghidupkan Mesin. [18:59:23] Carliste Beardsley Shouts: DIPS! [18:59:26] Handbrakes {FF0000}OFF [18:59:26] ENGINE: Anda telah menghidupkan mesin kendaraan. [18:59:29] BotCmd: Kingsley_Oshea telah dikick, alasan: Ping melebihi batas (837) [18:59:40] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[SELL] Sultan polos dengan kondisi masih bagus anda tertarik dengan yang saya tawarkan? [18:59:40] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Roxane_Hayleigh{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}569977{FF0000}] [18:59:40] Takashi Hiroshima Shouts: Dem! [18:59:55] Carliste Beardsley Says [car]: Passa mayate ? [18:59:56] MASKINFO: Mask {33AA33}ON [19:0:0] Takashi Hiroshima says: Shut up [19:0:0] Mask 808218 Says [car]: Hooh [19:0:2] WEATHER: Cornelis_Vanegaz mengganti weather! [19:0:6] Carliste Beardsley Says [car]: Que, puto. Rascall ? [19:0:17] Carliste Beardsley Says [car]: POR VIDA ! [19:0:20] Takashi Hiroshima says: Putu ? [19:0:21] Carliste Beardsley says: y [19:0:23] Carliste Beardsley says: )) [19:0:25] Takashi Hiroshima says: Putu Suhartawan ? [19:0:26] Carliste Beardsley says: YE [19:0:32] GPSINFO: You have arrived! [19:0:39] Carliste Beardsley Shouts: m***k! [19:0:42] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}Sell Tow Truck 0 + Neon minat Call or SMS : 505444 [19:0:42] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Jumadi_Baser{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}505444{FF0000}] [19:1:14] SHOP: {ffffff}You've purchased {ffff00}Menu +48 {ffffff}for {00ff00}.00 [19:1:16] SHOP: {ffffff}You've purchased {ffff00}Energy Drink {ffffff}for {00ff00}.75 [19:1:43] RADIO: {ffffff}Radio streaming {ff0000}disabled [19:1:44] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[SELL] Sanchez 3 Insu baru keluar dari dealer, 800$ atau tuker tambah dengan Motor Hardley mu! [19:1:44] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Marcos_Barnes{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}753068{FF0000}] [19:1:53] AME: {C2A2DA}piss [19:2:1] [FAM] Cholo Marco Devalos: eh scam senjata sama drugs boleh kan? [19:2:4] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: leh [19:2:15] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: dwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwa [19:2:20] [FAM] Cholo Munez Martinez: 1k [19:2:25] [FAM] Cholo Munez Martinez: inget kan [19:2:29] [FAM] Cholo Marco Devalos: maksud nya? [19:2:30] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: neck2 apa yang enak [19:2:31] [FAM] Cholo Munez Martinez: 1k duit untuk scam [19:2:41] [FAM] Cholo Munez Martinez: 1k duit maximal yang bisa di scam. [19:2:47] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[BUY] Mobil admiral anda jual sms harga tidak masalah. [19:2:47] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Marcellino_Diogsidah{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}12000{FF0000}] [19:2:51] [FAM] El Jefe del Sur Oscar Garcia: pasti lu scam diatas kan [19:2:56] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: kwoawk [19:3:35] {00ffff}SERVER:{ffffff} Selamat datang {ffff00}Lucas_Galtero{ffffff}. [19:3:35] PAYCHECK: Pergi ke bank dan /signcheck untuk mendapatkan paycheck anda atau pergi ke salah satu ATM! [19:3:35] Family MOTD: {FFFF00}ORDER TUTUP , PERBAIKI ATTITUDE KALIAN DOLO !!! [19:3:35] MOTD: {ffff00}Kalo kamu melaporkan seseorang di /report tapi tidak kasih ID atau nama, kami tidak akan respond [19:3:35] {00ffff}SERVER:{ffffff} Anda terakhir login {ffff00}9 menit yang lalu [19:3:35] * {FF0000}Lucas_Galtero {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [19:3:35] {00ffff}SERVER: {ffffff}Today is {ffff00}Mon 17 Apr 2017, 19:03:35 [19:3:35] {00ffff}SERVER: {ffffff}Server memerlukan waktu {ffff00}197 milisecond{ffffff} untuk memuat data char anda! [19:3:35] NOTICE: {ffff00}0 vehicle(s) is currently impounded [19:3:36] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: karena harga senjata/drug itu ga tetap [19:3:48] [FAM] El Jefe del Sur Oscar Garcia: yakin gak scam? [19:3:51] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[KING] Montgomery Dealer, Menjual Berbagai Jenis Kendaraan Roda 2, Loc@Montgomery [19:3:51] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Sergio_Franklin{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}2901{FF0000}] [19:3:55] HUDMODE: {ffffff}Classic [19:3:55] [FAM] Cholo Marco Devalos: ga [19:3:55] HUDMODE: {ffffff}Hidden [19:3:58] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: tp kalau lu scam crack 100,000 grams juga ga mslh [19:4:2] HUDMODE: {ffffff}Modern [19:4:8] [FAM] El Jefe del Sur Oscar Garcia: ada ni yg ask beli 200 gram [19:4:17] [FAM] Cholo Munez Martinez: duit berapa? [19:4:22] [FAM] El Jefe del Sur Oscar Garcia: siapa ni lu atau bukan [19:4:23] [FAM] Cholo Marco Devalos: gua lagi nganterin packet nya [19:4:27] [FAM] El Jefe del Sur Oscar Garcia: jujur [19:4:31] [FAM] Cholo Marco Devalos: Udah gua bilang ke dia ko gua call [19:4:37] [FAM] El Jefe del Sur Oscar Garcia: ke alano bukan [19:4:40] [FAM] Cholo Marco Devalos: ini aja spec gua aja gua lagi ambil bahan nya [19:4:42] [FAM] Cholo Marco Devalos: iya [19:4:46] [ID] ID:74 | Name: Alano_Benavidez [19:4:48] [FAM] El Jefe del Sur Oscar Garcia: zzzz [19:4:52] [FAM] Cholo Marco Devalos: salah paham dia [19:4:54] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[DICARI] Bar Yang Membuka GG Dan BOS Ada CP Me: [19:4:54] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Hope_Weingartner{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}161610{FF0000}] [19:4:59] [FAM] Cholo Marco Devalos: udah gua icin hold up [19:5:1] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: emang, ditinggal dikit langsung spam [19:5:5] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: scam* [19:5:7] Lucine Hogavian: (( wew kok jadi ada modifnya )) [19:5:10] [FAM] Cholo Marco Devalos: makanya oawkoaw [19:5:10] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: ngira scam* [19:5:13] [id:43] Vice Head Admin Sinatrio (Joeri_Edmondo) [19:5:13] [id:139] Helper vieri07 (Jonas_Edmondo) [19:5:13] [id:143] Admin Level 1 natali19 (Natalia_Hill) [19:5:13] [id:153] First Manager adma (Cornelis_Vanegaz) [19:5:13] NOTE: {ffffff}Volunteer tidak memiliki kedudukan yang sama dengan Helper / Admin [19:5:56] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[sell/trade]Banshee 3insu fullup 6k/trade dengan bullet 3 insu [19:5:56] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Paul_Toretto{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}91115550{FF0000}] [19:6:18] [FAM] El Jefe del Sur Oscar Garcia: alano itu member lama [19:6:18] [id:43] Vice Head Admin Sinatrio (Joeri_Edmondo) [19:6:18] [id:139] Helper vieri07 (Jonas_Edmondo) [19:6:18] [id:143] Admin Level 1 natali19 (Natalia_Hill) [19:6:18] [id:153] First Manager adma (Cornelis_Vanegaz) [19:6:18] NOTE: {ffffff}Volunteer tidak memiliki kedudukan yang sama dengan Helper / Admin [19:6:18] BotCmd: Dylan_Mays telah dikick, alasan: Ping melebihi batas (974) [19:6:22] William Barkley Shouts: What the fuck ! [19:6:22] [FAM] El Jefe del Sur Oscar Garcia: perlu di CK itu [19:6:23] [ID] ID:74 | Name: Alano_Benavidez [19:6:27] [FAM] Cholo Marco Devalos: iya qal [19:6:29] * Herbo Dexter looks at Darkeem. [19:6:30] [FAM] Cholo Marco Devalos: ck [19:6:33] Lucas Sanchez: (( dah )) [19:6:36] [FAM] El Jefe del Sur Oscar Garcia: tapi bukan lo yang CK [19:6:49] [FAM] Cholo Marco Devalos: iya lo aja [19:6:54] HUDMODE: {ffffff}Classic [19:6:54] HUDMODE: {ffffff}Hidden [19:6:59] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[BUY] Sultan Any Insurance Any Upgrade Have? CP : [19:6:59] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Ren_Aoi{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}344334{FF0000}] [19:7:7] HUDMODE: {ffffff}Modern [19:7:20] Lucine Hogavian says: Angel [19:7:28] [id:43] Vice Head Admin Sinatrio (Joeri_Edmondo) [19:7:28] [id:139] Helper vieri07 (Jonas_Edmondo) [19:7:28] [id:143] Admin Level 1 natali19 (Natalia_Hill) [19:7:28] [id:153] First Manager adma (Cornelis_Vanegaz) [19:7:28] NOTE: {ffffff}Volunteer tidak memiliki kedudukan yang sama dengan Helper / Admin [19:7:31] [FAM] Cholo Marco Devalos: ditinggal bentar aja di kira scam [19:7:32] [FAM] Cholo Marco Devalos: wkwk [19:7:36] AdmCmd: Elliot_Laurent has been kicked by clover253. [19:7:36] Reason: Lepas CJ.RUN KAMU [19:7:44] [FAM] Cholo Marco Devalos: padahal ngambil barang nya [19:7:47] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: tampang lu lix, tampang ..... [19:7:51] [FAM] Cholo Munez Martinez: udah lu rpan aja pea, ngapain /f [19:8:2] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[JUAL] Sultan 3 Asuransi 4 Upgrade Full Modift License Aktif. Minat ? CP [19:8:2] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Bonifacio_Donnarumma{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}443444{FF0000}] [19:8:10] AdmCmd: Reinhart_Lincoln has been kicked by Sinatrio. [19:8:10] Reason: Sikat tu yang putus. [19:8:31] HUDMODE: {ffffff}Classic [19:8:32] HUDMODE: {ffffff}Hidden [19:8:45] HUDMODE: {ffffff}Modern [19:8:53] Mask 175285 says: emang didalam sini ada apa? [19:8:57] AdmCmd: Elliot_Laurent has been remote banned by clover253. [19:8:57] Reason: Cheater [clover253] [19:9:21] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[SELL] Bullet with 3 insurace, 4 upgrade, and STNK active, you need? Contac me: [19:9:21] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Keenan_Addison{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}2108{FF0000}] [19:9:35] AdmCmd: UCP account emie235 has been blocked by clover253. [19:9:35] Reason: Cheater [clover253] [19:10:17] AdmCmd: Veronica_Evelyn has been kicked by clover253. [19:10:17] Reason: RELOG BUG [19:10:23] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[KING] Little Mexico Market Menyediakan Barang Barang Terbagus Dan Termurah Loc @Little Mexico. [19:10:23] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Kalzimir_Gergorovich{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}1922{FF0000}] [19:11:22] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: lol gua dapet rumah [19:11:26] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}Dicari Rumah di mana saja Ada? CP: [19:11:26] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Vincent_Bertram{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}180031{FF0000}] [19:11:27] [FAM] Cholo Marco Devalos: ? [19:11:28] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: asell? [19:11:32] [FAM] Cholo Marco Devalos: asell? [19:11:43] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: yah [19:11:46] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: di willow [19:11:47] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: dimana? [19:11:48] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: 2 garasi [19:11:53] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: berapa?a [19:11:59] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: 5K [19:12:1] BotCmd: Rizky_Novand telah dikick, alasan: Ping melebihi batas (822) [19:12:4] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: dah lu beli? [19:12:9] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: ya iyalah [19:12:14] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: wew [19:12:15] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: kalo ga gua beli ga gua kasih tau [19:12:17] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: id 250 [19:12:19] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: ntar lu ambil [19:12:29] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}{INFO}Anda Membutuhkan Bodyguard Dimana Saja Apa Pekerjaan Restock Saya Siap Ada CP or SMS [19:12:29] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Blaxland_Eastwood{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}145454{FF0000}] [19:12:30] BotCmd: Kingsley_Oshea telah dikick, alasan: Ping melebihi batas (765) [19:12:36] Lucas Galtero Shouts: WOY! [19:12:39] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: anjer [19:12:41] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: hoki lu [19:13:0] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: hoki capcay [19:13:6] [FAM] Cholo Marco Devalos: gua ambil ah [19:13:11] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: orang udah di beli [19:13:14] [FAM] Cholo Marco Devalos: ah rumah batas 2 ya? [19:13:20] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: ya [19:13:23] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: gatau [19:13:31] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}BUY | Bussiness Each : Petrol, Restaurant, Electro, Market, Dealer | Contact PERSON : [19:13:31] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Sretko_Neustadter{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}1200{FF0000}] [19:13:35] [FAM] Cholo Marco Devalos: ini masih ada aja mappingan bloods [19:14:11] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: dari jaman kapan itu [19:14:12] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: lol [19:14:14] [FAM] Cholo Marco Devalos: kwwk [19:14:17] [FAM] Cholo Marco Devalos: 2015 [19:14:18] [FAM] Cholo Daniel Demarcos: mager bet dah [19:14:19] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: rebels dah diapus [19:14:29] [FAM] Cholo Daniel Demarcos: chara ini gmpng bet sakit [19:14:34] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[Sell]Mobil Comet 3insu full upgrade full modif dan STNK aktif minat ? Call or Sms [19:14:34] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Tyrell_McBrown{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}480808{FF0000}] [19:14:38] [FAM] Cholo Marco Devalos: berobat [19:14:41] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: lu /usecrack terus sih [19:14:41] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: lu ga makan sih [19:14:43] ERROR: You must be at the weapon training point! [19:14:48] ERROR: You don't have enough cash! [19:14:54] No ATM found! [19:14:55] ERROR: You must be at the weapon training point! [19:15:4] [FAM] Cholo Daniel Demarcos: gue toggle mulu notif nya mike biar ssnya bagus [19:15:8] [FAM] Cholo Daniel Demarcos: malah kelupaan [19:15:30] BotCmd: Kingsley_Oshea telah dikick, alasan: Ping melebihi batas (1090) [19:15:38] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}Beli Rumah Bergarasi, lokasi bebas. Budget besar [19:15:38] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Alexander_Anthony{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}213600{FF0000}] [19:16:23] [FAM] Cholo Daniel Demarcos: dokternya sedikit lg [19:16:29] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: CGH [19:16:32] * Herbo Dexter looks at something in Darkeem's hand. [19:16:41] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}BUY | Bussiness Each : Petrol, Restaurant, Electro, Market, Dealer | Contact PERSON : [19:16:41] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Sretko_Neustadter{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}1200{FF0000}] [19:16:43] [FAM] Cholo Daniel Demarcos: iya di cgh [19:16:47] ERROR: You need to be near your own house! [19:16:52] RADIO: {ffffff}Radio streaming {ff0000}disabled [19:17:4] HOUSE: {FFFFFF}You've stored your {FFFF00}Desert Eagle {FFFFFF}inside this room [19:17:4] HOUSE: {FFFFFF}Move the item to your desired position within this room! [19:17:24] HOUSE: {FFFF00}Item position saved! [19:17:31] HOUSE: {FFFFFF}You've taken {FFFF00}833 unit(s) {FFFFFF}of gun material from this room [19:17:36] HOUSE: {FFFFFF}You've taken {FFFF00}2281 unit(s) {FFFFFF}of gun material from this room [19:17:43] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[BUY] ELEGY berapa aja ada cp [19:17:43] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Hanzo_Sasaki{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}479900{FF0000}] [19:17:53] GUNINFO: {ffffff}You've created {ffff00}Desert Eagle (87 ammo){ffffff}with {ffff00}3000 materials [19:17:55] ERROR: Unknown command, see '/help' [19:17:58] ERROR: Unknown command, see '/help' [19:18:6] ERROR: Unknown command, see '/help' [19:18:10] WEAPON: {ffffff}Scrapped ammo from {ffff00}Desert Eagle {ffffff}for {00ff00}43 materials [19:18:22] ERROR: You need 350 materials to create that ammo [19:18:32] BotCmd: Kingsley_Oshea telah dikick, alasan: Ping melebihi batas (878) [19:18:33] HOUSE: {FFFFFF}You've stored your {FFFF00}Desert Eagle {FFFFFF}inside this room [19:18:33] HOUSE: {FFFFFF}Move the item to your desired position within this room! [19:18:34] HOUSE: {FFFF00}Item position saved! [19:18:46] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}{INFO}Anda Membutuhkan Bodyguard Dimana Saja Apa Pekerjaan Restock Dan Apa Saja Saya Siap Ada CP or SMS [19:18:46] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Blaxland_Eastwood{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}145454{FF0000}] [19:18:50] [id:43] Vice Head Admin Sinatrio (Joeri_Edmondo) [19:18:50] NOTE: {ffffff}Volunteer tidak memiliki kedudukan yang sama dengan Helper / Admin [19:18:56] GMX: {ff0000}tianmetal {ffffff}has scheduled GMX at {ffff00}Mon 17 Apr 2017, 23:18:56 [19:19:4] [FAM] Cholo Marco Devalos: Wow GMX [19:19:6] [FAM] Cholo Marco Devalos: Trunk? [19:19:14] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: sotoy [19:19:19] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: mungkin ada leg kale [19:19:22] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: ada bug2 [19:19:36] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: semoga trunk [19:19:40] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: semoga [19:19:42] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: ga trunk ga main [19:19:46] BANK: {ffffff}You've withdrawn {ffff00},200.00{ffffff} from your bank account [19:19:46] BALANCE: {ffff00},805.52 [19:19:50] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[sell] benson + alpha 2,5k minat cp [19:19:50] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Ancilla_Slooten{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}438757{FF0000}] [19:20:7] ERROR: Unknown command, see '/help' [19:20:18] [id:43] Vice Head Admin Sinatrio (Joeri_Edmondo) [19:20:18] NOTE: {ffffff}Volunteer tidak memiliki kedudukan yang sama dengan Helper / Admin [19:20:53] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}BUY | Bussiness Each : Petrol, Restaurant, Electro, Market, Dealer | Contact PERSON : [19:20:53] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Sretko_Neustadter{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}1200{FF0000}] [19:21:7] DEALER: {ffffff}You've purchased a material package that contains {ffff00}2526 units {ffffff}of material for {00ff00}0.00 [19:21:8] DEALER: {ffffff}You've purchased a material package that contains {ffff00}2463 units {ffffff}of material for {00ff00}0.00 [19:21:9] DEALER: {ffffff}You've purchased a material package that contains {ffff00}2436 units {ffffff}of material for {00ff00}0.00 [19:21:56] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[Dijual]Petroltanker bisa pake hauling insurance ada 3 [19:21:56] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Carlton_King{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}496999{FF0000}] [19:22:4] [id:43] Vice Head Admin Sinatrio (Joeri_Edmondo) [19:22:4] NOTE: {ffffff}Volunteer tidak memiliki kedudukan yang sama dengan Helper / Admin [19:22:12] ERROR: Unknown command, see '/help' [19:22:24] [id:43] Vice Head Admin Sinatrio (Joeri_Edmondo) [19:22:24] NOTE: {ffffff}Volunteer tidak memiliki kedudukan yang sama dengan Helper / Admin [19:22:34] Lucas Galtero says: Mr yosie [19:22:58] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[Buy] Premier,Savanna harus 3 insu ada up dan ada mod saya siap beli [19:22:58] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Emilie_Mitchell{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}330707{FF0000}] [19:23:19] [id:43] Vice Head Admin Sinatrio (Joeri_Edmondo) [19:23:19] NOTE: {ffffff}Volunteer tidak memiliki kedudukan yang sama dengan Helper / Admin [19:23:30] ERROR: You need to be near your own house! [19:23:40] HOUSE: {FFFFFF}You've taken your {FFFF00}Desert Eagle {FFFFFF}from this room [19:23:51] GUNINFO: {ffffff}You've created {ffff00}350 Desert Eagle Normal ammo {ffffff}using {ffff00}175 materials [19:23:57] HOUSE: {FFFFFF}You've stored your {FFFF00}Desert Eagle {FFFFFF}inside this room [19:23:57] HOUSE: {FFFFFF}Move the item to your desired position within this room! [19:23:58] HOUSE: {FFFF00}Item position saved! [19:24:1] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[DICARI] Bar yang membuka permainan GG/BOS! SMS [19:24:1] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Diego_Robinson{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}444744{FF0000}] [19:24:29] GUNINFO: {ffffff}You've created {ffff00}Desert Eagle (87 ammo){ffffff}with {ffff00}3000 materials [19:24:33] BotCmd: Kenneth_Kingston telah dikick, alasan: Ping melebihi batas (923) [19:24:38] WEAPON: {ffffff}Scrapped ammo from {ffff00}Desert Eagle {ffffff}for {00ff00}43 materials [19:24:46] GUNINFO: {ffffff}You've created {ffff00}350 Desert Eagle Surplus ammo {ffffff}using {ffff00}350 materials [19:24:49] HOUSE: {FFFFFF}You've stored your {FFFF00}Desert Eagle {FFFFFF}inside this room [19:24:49] HOUSE: {FFFFFF}Move the item to your desired position within this room! [19:24:50] HOUSE: {FFFF00}Item position saved! [19:24:59] ERROR: You are not holding any firearm! [19:25:4] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[DICARI] BF-400 TRADE SAMA SABRE 3INSU 2UP Minat cp [19:25:4] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Ticiano_Costa{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}217417{FF0000}] [19:25:17] KEGUNAAN: /drop material [amount (100-10000)] [19:25:24] HOUSE: {FFFFFF}You've stored {FFFF00}4100 unit(s) {FFFFFF}of gun material inside this room [19:25:24] HOUSE: {FFFFFF}Move the item to your desired position within this room! [19:25:25] HOUSE: {FFFF00}Item position saved! [19:25:37] HOUSE: {FFFFFF}You've taken your {FFFF00}Desert Eagle {FFFFFF}from this room [19:25:41] HOUSE: {FFFFFF}You've stored your {FFFF00}Desert Eagle {FFFFFF}inside this room [19:25:41] HOUSE: {FFFFFF}Move the item to your desired position within this room! [19:25:44] HOUSE: {FFFF00}Item position saved! [19:26:7] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[!DICARI!]Glandle any insu any up atau sejenis nya.CP: [19:26:7] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Cameroon_Urrington{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}704500{FF0000}] [19:26:33] BotCmd: Kingsley_Oshea telah dikick, alasan: Ping melebihi batas (852) [19:26:46] BotCmd: Hen_Sczanislav telah dikick, alasan: Ping melebihi batas (952) [19:26:51] Cassius Banks says: What you mean pict? [19:26:53] Lawrance Junuzovic says: pict DeE. [19:27:3] Ketty Cheryll says: Aku harus kerja [19:27:9] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}{SELL/Trade} Sabre 3insu 4up 2,5 negoin minat cp:||Trade dengan mobil apa saja ada sms [19:27:9] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Alvaro_Bonifacio{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}880888{FF0000}] [19:27:32] Members online: [19:27:32] - [8]Veterano: [58]Ruben Ayala [19:27:32] - [1]Cholo: [66]Munez Martinez [19:27:32] - [1]Cholo: [69]Marco Devalos [19:27:32] - [1]Cholo: [97]Lucas Galtero [19:27:32] - [10]El Jefe del Sur: [114]Oscar Garcia [19:27:32] - [2]Gangeros: [122]Jesus Aguilar [19:27:51] [FAM] Cholo Marco Devalos: hood nya situ aja qal [19:27:56] [FAM] Cholo Marco Devalos: kayak nya bagus [19:28:4] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: dimana? [19:28:13] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}Sell Tow Truck 0 3insu or neon MINAT Call or SMS : 505444 [19:28:13] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Jumadi_Baser{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}505444{FF0000}] [19:29:4] [FAM] El Jefe del Sur Oscar Garcia: interior macem mana [19:29:16] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[BUY]Kendaraan pribadi utamakan motor!||SMS [19:29:16] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Bench_Ogumemossas{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}666550{FF0000}] [19:29:28] Frederick Jorgensen says: pak. [19:29:30] Lucas Galtero says: Taka. [19:29:31] * Lucas Einstein passes money to doctor with right hand [19:29:31] [FAM] Cholo Marco Devalos: cari interior qal [19:29:32] Lucas Galtero says: Taka taka.. [19:29:36] * Timothy Carroll send money to dokter [19:29:36] [FAM] Cholo Marco Devalos: google banyak [19:29:36] * Takashi Hiroshima kagak denger. [19:29:37] * Frederick Jorgensen receives the money as he stores it into the cashier. [19:29:41] Frederick Jorgensen says: Mari. [19:29:46] * Lucas Galtero nyentil kuping Taka. [19:29:47] * Jims Louis takes it and stores it into the casier [19:29:51] Lucas Galtero says: WOY. [19:29:55] Lucas Galtero says: Taka. [19:29:56] * Takashi Hiroshima ngeles. [19:30:6] * Frederick Jorgensen takes infusion from inside cupboard as he puts it on IV stands [19:30:13] VEHGIVE: {ffffff}You've given your {ffff00}Taxi {ffffff}to {ffff00}Takashi_Hiroshima [19:30:14] Takashi Hiroshima says: Gimme that [19:30:17] Lucas Galtero says: Tuh pegangin. [19:30:17] * Frederick Jorgensen injects patient's hand using IV needle [19:30:18] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}{SELL/Trade} Sabre 3insu 4up 2k negoin minat cp:||Trade dengan mobil apa saja ada sms [19:30:18] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Alvaro_Bonifacio{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}880888{FF0000}] [19:30:19] FRISK: Anda telah merequest izin kepada {FF0000}Takashi Hiroshima {FFFFFF}untuk frisk. [19:30:27] Lucas Galtero says: Oke? [19:30:31] Lucas Galtero says: Oke ga? [19:30:33] Lucas Galtero says: ATAU GUA... [19:30:34] ERROR: No queued reports! [19:31:6] Admin adma: iya bekas [19:31:8] [FAM] Cholo Marco Devalos: bentar brb [19:31:10] Admin adma: }} [19:31:12] [FAM] Cholo Marco Devalos: on back [19:31:18] ERROR: Invalid playerid! [19:31:21] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[BUY] Car Pickup any insu and up, you have it? Contac: [19:31:21] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Daniel_Moraes{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}884688{FF0000}] [19:31:34] [id:43] Vice Head Admin Sinatrio (Joeri_Edmondo) [19:31:34] [id:153] First Manager adma (Cornelis_Vanegaz) [19:31:34] NOTE: {ffffff}Volunteer tidak memiliki kedudukan yang sama dengan Helper / Admin [19:32:24] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[DICARI] Rumah bergarasi daerah bebas, ada ? CP:: [19:32:24] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Patrick_Harrison{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}282228{FF0000}] [19:32:35] ERROR: Unknown command, see '/help' [19:32:37] ERROR: Unknown command, see '/help' [19:32:44] Terima kasih untuk{FFFFFF}: [19:32:44] {00ffff}SA:MP Team{FFFFFF}, {00ffff}SA:MP Forum{FFFFFF}, dan {00ffff}SA:MP Wiki{FFFFFF} untuk membatu scripting. [19:32:44] {00ffff}Y_Less{FFFFFF} untuk YSI, foreach include, sscanf2 Plugin, Whirlpool Plugin. [19:32:44] {00ffff}Incognito{FFFFFF} untuk Streamer Plugin dan GVar plugin. [19:32:44] {00ffff}BlueG{FFFFFF} untuk MySQL Plugin. [19:32:44] {00ffff}JaTochNietDan{FFFFFF} untuk FileManager Plugin dan Execute Plugin. [19:32:44] {00ffff}RyDeR{FFFFFF} untuk CTime Library Plugin dan beberapa function. [19:32:44] {00ffff}Yashas{FFFFFF} untuk BustAim Include [19:32:44] {00ffff}Tianmetal{FFFFFF} untuk membuat script ini. [19:33:7] (( {FF0000}Admin adma: {FFFFFF}kenapa academy sanews harus di mount chilliad? )) [19:33:26] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[Dijual]Roadtrain 3 insurance kondisi bagus pakai hauling trucker 3 taun pengalaman [19:33:26] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Carlton_King{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}496999{FF0000}] [19:34:29] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[Dicari] BMX Harga Murah Ada CP Me: [19:34:29] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Hope_Weingartner{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}161610{FF0000}] [19:34:30] NOTE: {ffffff}Volunteer tidak memiliki kedudukan yang sama dengan Helper / Admin [19:34:32] ERROR: Invalid playerid! [19:34:35] ERROR: Invalid playerid! [19:34:39] ERROR: Invalid playerid! [19:35:32] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}Dijual PCJ-600 3 insu, 1 up, STNK 10 mei, 1,5k no nego - SMS ONLY [19:35:32] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Layren_Murphy{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}133300{FF0000}] [19:35:50] BotCmd: Devian_Louis telah dikick, alasan: Ping melebihi batas (842) [19:36:6] AdmCmd: Rafly_Guelech has been banned by reza212. [19:36:6] Reason: Not here to RP [19:36:34] Roy Raymond says: bantai balik. [19:36:36] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[SELL]Tow Truck 3 Insurance Good Condition, Modifikasi : Neon,Velg. Call/SMS Me [19:36:36] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Ardea_Himawan{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}9998{FF0000}] [19:37:8] Andi Bryan says: aku kerja dulu sayang [19:37:13] No ATM found! [19:37:13] CMDINFO: Harap tunggu 1 detik! [19:37:14] No ATM found! [19:37:14] CMDINFO: Harap tunggu 1 detik! [19:37:17] BANK: {ffffff}You've taken {ffff00}0.00 {ffffff}from the bank. Current balance: {ffff00},305.52 [19:37:20] BANK: {ffffff}You've taken {ffff00}0.00 {ffffff}from the bank. Current balance: {ffff00},205.52 [19:37:23] BANK: {ffffff}You've taken {ffff00}.00 {ffffff}from the bank. Current balance: {ffff00},185.52 [19:37:38] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[Sell]Mobil Comet 3insu full [19:37:38] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Tyrell_McBrown{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}480808{FF0000}] [19:37:49] Amire Sidik: (( sm lo aj lh )) [19:38:3] ENGINEINFO: Mesin masih mati, tekan tombol {FF0000}~k~~VEHICLE_FIREWEAPON~{BFC0C2} atau command /engine untuk menghidupkannya. [19:38:4] WARNING: Use command '/select' if the cursor is gone [19:38:4] VEHINFO: {ffff00}You've purchased Perenniel for 0.00, please select the color you want! [19:38:8] ENGINE: Anda mencoba untuk menghidupkan Mesin. [19:38:12] ENGINE: Anda telah menghidupkan mesin kendaraan. [19:38:22] AdmCmd: Luke_Rice has been banned by hallodunia. [19:38:22] Reason: Cheater [ Vehicle Destroy] (hallodunia). [19:38:28] Arnold_Arinta telah keluar dari server. (Pergi) [19:38:41] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[SELL]Sanchez 3Insu 1Up Kondisi di Tirelock! [19:38:41] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Bench_Ogumemossas{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}666550{FF0000}] [19:38:43] LIMITSPEED: {ffffff}Vehicle speed limit set to {33AA33}15 mph [19:38:47] Han Bonyono says: bodi [19:38:47] Amire Sidik says: body [19:38:48] AdmCmd: IP udhtobat has been banned by hallodunia. [19:38:48] Reason: Cheater [ Vehicle Destroy ] (hallodunia). [19:38:51] ENGINE: Anda telah mematikan Mesin. [19:38:54] Timofey Rasputin says: mesin body? [19:38:55] Lucas Galtero says: Ganti warna. [19:38:56] * Thiago Rousseau mengang kat badan Kurt dengan kedua tangan [19:38:57] Lucas Galtero says: Bisa? [19:38:59] bisa ((Thiago Rousseau)) [19:38:59] Kayonna Maisha says: mechanic [19:38:59] Kayonna Maisha says: mechanic [19:39:0] Timofey Rasputin says: Bisa [19:39:1] Kayonna Maisha says: mechanic [19:39:2] Timofey Rasputin says: warna apa? [19:39:2] Lucas Galtero says: Warna biru. [19:39:2] Roy Raymond says: kurt [19:39:3] Lucas Galtero says: Berapa? [19:39:5] Roy Raymond says: kenape goblog? [19:39:5] Deandre Montana says: Apaan [19:39:5] Kayonna Maisha says: Mesin dong [19:39:6] Deandre Montana says: Mana [19:39:7] Timofey Rasputin says: biru tua apa gelap? [19:39:7] Kayonna Maisha says: ikutin saya [19:39:7] * Thiago Rousseau mengang kat badan Kurt dengan kedua tangan [19:39:8] Timofey Rasputin says: [19:39:8] bisa ((Thiago Rousseau)) [19:39:12] Thiago Rousseau: (( jawab )) [19:39:12] Lucas Galtero says: Biasa aja. [19:39:14] * Roy Raymond mengangkat tubuh kurt dengan kedua tangan. [19:39:14] bisa ((Kurt Easton)) [19:39:14] Jumadi Baser says: Tunggu di belakang MC [19:39:15] Timofey Rasputin says: Oke [19:39:17] bisa? ((Roy Raymond)) [19:39:18] AdmCmd: UCP account triomacan has been blocked by reza212. [19:39:18] Reason: not here to rp [19:39:20] bisa ((Kurt Easton)) [19:39:21] * Lucas Galtero memberikan ke Timo. [19:39:22] Timofey Rasputin says: biayanya om [19:39:24] PAYINFO: {ffffff}You've given {ffff00}Timofey Rasputin [id:160] {00ff00}.00 [19:39:25] Lucas Galtero says: Oke. [19:39:25] Febry Ocon Shouts: neon dong! [19:39:26] * Timofey Rasputin menerima uang tersebut [19:39:28] Thiago Rousseau: (( DIH )) [19:39:28] * Han Bonyono membayar ke mekanik [19:39:30] Timonthy Vindice Shouts: Mechanic! [19:39:31] Timofey Rasputin: (( bentar cari code warna )) [19:39:34] * Amire Sidik menerima nya [19:39:36] * Roy Raymond menaruh kurt di dalam bagasi dengan kedua tangan. [19:39:37] Thiago Rousseau: (( MG ya )) [19:39:38] Lucas Galtero: (( y )) [19:39:39] Timonthy Vindice Shouts: Mechanic! [19:39:43] * Blaxland Eastwood memperbaikin mesin kendaraan dengan bantuan alat alat mechanic [19:39:44] Roy Raymond: (( report aja sono cil. )) [19:39:44] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[FIND] Rumah di daerah ganton atau jefferson yang bisa dipasang pagar dengan baik [19:39:44] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Jay_VanStanley{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}404030{FF0000}] [19:39:44] Kurt Easton: (( jangan PPKO )) [19:39:45] Jumadi Baser says: Mas bisa BODY [19:39:47] proses ((Blaxland Eastwood)) [19:39:47] * Amire Sidik repairing body with using wrench [19:39:51] proses ((Amire Sidik)) [19:39:52] Timonthy Vindice Shouts: Mechanic! [19:39:54] Jumadi Baser says: Mas bisa BODY [19:39:54] Thiago Rousseau: (( tunggu sini aja )) [19:39:55] Febry Ocon Shouts: neon dong! [19:39:59] Thiago Rousseau: (( ampe admin dateng )) [19:40:1] Jumadi Baser says: Mas bisa BODY [19:40:1] dimana kunci mobil? ((Roy Raymond)) [19:40:3] Kurt Easton: (( tunggu aja )) [19:40:3] done ((Blaxland Eastwood)) [19:40:3] done ((Amire Sidik)) [19:40:3] Han Bonyono says: kenapa dia? [19:40:8] Kurt Easton: (( sini aja kita roy )) [19:40:8] Blaxland Eastwood says: Mesin [19:40:9] Jumadi Baser says: Mas bisa BODY [19:40:10] Blaxland Eastwood says: Mesin [19:40:13] Kurt Easton: (( biar kena PPKO dia )) [19:40:14] Roy Raymond: (( ohh yaudah. )) [19:40:16] Roy Raymond: (( sip. )) [19:40:17] Timonthy Vindice Shouts: Mechanic! [19:40:18] Blaxland Eastwood says: Mesin [19:40:21] Thiago Rousseau: (( PPKO ? )) [19:40:23] Febry Ocon says: bro [19:40:23] * Timofey Rasputin mengeluarkan pilog lalu mulai memakainya [19:40:24] Thiago Rousseau: (( Gua rp duluan bro )) [19:40:25] Timonthy Vindice Shouts: I need mechanic over here! [19:40:28] terlihat body mobil mulai berubah ((Timofey Rasputin)) [19:40:29] Jumadi Baser says: Mas bisa BODY [19:40:30] Thiago Rousseau: (( ama lu di perlambat )) [19:40:31] Febry Ocon says: neon dobg [19:40:31] Blaxland Eastwood says: Mesin [19:40:33] Febry Ocon says: )) [19:40:34] Roy Raymond: (( kenapa lu bilang gua metagaming? )) [19:40:36] Febry Ocon: (( miss )) [19:40:37] Timonthy Vindice Shouts: I need mechanic over here! [19:40:37] * Timofey Rasputin terus menyemprotkan spray kearah mobil [19:40:37] Thiago Rousseau: (( sut )) [19:40:38] Roy Raymond: (( you anyproblem? )) [19:40:38] Febry Ocon says: bro [19:40:42] Roy Raymond: (( lol. )) [19:40:43] Febry Ocon says: bro [19:40:44] Thiago Rousseau: (( memperlambat rp banget )) [19:40:44] Kurt Easton: (( ces kelen dua rp in aku jadi binggung )) [19:40:44] Amire Sidik says (cellphone): taxi [19:40:44] Blaxland Eastwood says: Mesin [19:40:45] Amire Sidik says (cellphone): mc [19:40:45] terlihat mobil seluruhnya berubah warna ((Timofey Rasputin)) [19:40:47] BotCmd: Caleb_Martin telah dikick, alasan: Ping melebihi batas (982) [19:40:47] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}{SELL/Trade} Sabre 3insu 4up minat cp:||Trade dengan mobil/Motor apa saja ada sms [19:40:47] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Alvaro_Bonifacio{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}880888{FF0000}] [19:40:49] Febry Ocon says: neon dong [19:40:51] Febry Ocon says: neon dong [19:40:52] Thiago Rousseau: (( ga usah OOClie )) [19:40:53] Timofey Rasputin says: Sip [19:40:54] ENGINEINFO: Mesin masih mati, tekan tombol {FF0000}~k~~VEHICLE_FIREWEAPON~{BFC0C2} atau command /engine untuk menghidupkannya. [19:40:54] Febry Ocon says: ini [19:40:54] ENGINE: Anda mencoba untuk menghidupkan Mesin. [19:40:55] Thiago Rousseau: (( gua rp udah lama )) [19:40:56] Timonthy Vindice Shouts: mechanic! [19:40:57] Timofey Rasputin says: neon? [19:40:57] Timonthy Vindice Shouts: Mana! [19:40:57] ENGINE: Anda telah menghidupkan mesin kendaraan. [19:41:0] Amire Sidik says: tuh [19:41:1] Febry Ocon says: ini [19:41:1] Timonthy Vindice says: Engine. [19:41:2] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: GMX tadi jam berapa? [19:41:3] Han Bonyono says: kenapa dia? [19:41:6] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: 11 [19:41:14] BotCmd: Kingsley_Oshea telah dikick, alasan: Ping melebihi batas (1089) [19:41:15] LIMITSPEED: {ffffff}Vehicle speed limit {ff0000}disabled [19:41:15] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: 11 malam? [19:41:21] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: -.- [19:41:22] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: y [19:41:24] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: awkwak [19:41:39] MODSHOP: {ffffff}Welcome to Custom ModShop, use command '{ff0000}/myov{ffffff}' to open modification menu [19:41:40] ENGINE: Anda telah mematikan Mesin. [19:41:42] ERROR: Unknown command, see '/help' [19:41:43] WARNING: Please keep your vehicle engine OFF while modifying! [19:41:46] ERROR: You don't have enough money to purchase a custom mod (.00) [19:41:47] MODSHOP: {ffff00}You've left the modshop, it's recommended to relog! [19:41:48] ENGINE: Anda mencoba untuk menghidupkan Mesin. [19:41:49] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}Cari bar buat judi [19:41:49] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Andi_Mariono{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}188567{FF0000}] [19:41:51] ENGINE: Anda telah menghidupkan mesin kendaraan. [19:42:42] (( {FF00FF}[adma] Cornelis_Vanegaz: {FFFFFF}tolong yg di mechanic bertingkah semestinya seperti in real life )) [19:42:51] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[Boy Mech's]Membuka jasa Upgrade dengan harga 0, Loc: Mechanic [19:42:51] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Boy_Alston{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}775775{FF0000}] [19:42:53] (( {FF00FF}[adma] Cornelis_Vanegaz: {FFFFFF}klo ga tau kaya gmn RP di workshop, cari di youtube )) [19:42:55] ENGINE: Anda telah mematikan Mesin. [19:43:12] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [19:43:12] SMS: {ffff00}Message sent! [19:43:13] [FAM] Cholo Daniel Demarcos: wih kaget gue [19:43:17] SMS: {ffffff}You have received one new message from '{ffff00}775775{ffffff}' [19:43:17] Message: {ffff00}ke Mechanic aja [19:43:17] NOTE: {ffffff}use '/reply' to quick reply [19:43:18] [FAM] Cholo Daniel Demarcos: 2 fact verif sekaligus [19:43:25] ENGINEINFO: Mesin masih mati, tekan tombol {FF0000}~k~~VEHICLE_FIREWEAPON~{BFC0C2} atau command /engine untuk menghidupkannya. [19:43:25] ENGINE: Anda mencoba untuk menghidupkan Mesin. [19:43:28] ENGINE: Anda telah menghidupkan mesin kendaraan. [19:43:30] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: Flamboyan kapan nih? [19:43:34] [FAM] Cholo Daniel Demarcos: wkwkw [19:43:36] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: #Flamboyan4Lyfe [19:43:44] [FAM] Cholo Daniel Demarcos: eksitensi crips kalah nih ama rpnya soil [19:43:53] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: awkawk [19:43:54] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[BUY]Gendle any insu any up anda jual CP: [19:43:54] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Dwight_Southern{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}430004{FF0000}] [19:43:55] (( PM from [162] Cassius_Banks: wkwkwkwk )) [19:43:56] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: crips mah [19:44:0] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: bang bang and off [19:44:3] (( PM to [162] Cassius_Banks: ? )) [19:44:4] ENGINE: Anda telah mematikan Mesin. [19:44:17] [FAM] Cholo Daniel Demarcos: role factnya unyil dkk dr dulu [19:44:18] BANK: {ffffff}You've taken {ffff00}0.00 {ffffff}from the bank. Current balance: {ffff00},685.52 [19:44:23] [FAM] Cholo Daniel Demarcos: gaberubah ubah smpe skrg [19:44:25] AdmCmd: adma has jailed Arnold_Arinta for 40 minute(s) [19:44:25] Reason: Bunny-hopping [19:44:28] ENGINEINFO: Mesin masih mati, tekan tombol {FF0000}~k~~VEHICLE_FIREWEAPON~{BFC0C2} atau command /engine untuk menghidupkannya. [19:44:28] ENGINE: Anda mencoba untuk menghidupkan Mesin. [19:44:29] AdmCmd: Arnold_Arinta has been warned by adma, Total warning: 1 [19:44:29] Reason: Bunny-hopping [19:44:29] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: dah dasarnya itu [19:44:31] ENGINE: Anda telah menghidupkan mesin kendaraan. [19:44:35] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: ga mungkin melenceng dari dasarnya [19:44:58] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[Dijual] Sabre 2up+2insu full modift 1k800 nego . [19:44:58] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Aurel_Angelina{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}500340{FF0000}] [19:45:3] ENGINE: Anda telah mematikan Mesin. [19:45:4] Timonthy_Vindice telah keluar dari server. (Pergi) [19:45:10] [FAM] Cholo Daniel Demarcos: si opick aja pen rpan sm soil [19:45:19] KEGUNAAN: /buyplate [slot] [19:45:21] ERROR: Please turn off your vehicle first! [19:45:22] PLATE: {ffffff}You've registered vehicle {ffff00}Perenniel {ffffff}with number plate '{ffff00}YP288KR{ffffff}' [19:45:39] ENGINEINFO: Mesin masih mati, tekan tombol {FF0000}~k~~VEHICLE_FIREWEAPON~{BFC0C2} atau command /engine untuk menghidupkannya. [19:45:39] ENGINE: Anda mencoba untuk menghidupkan Mesin. [19:45:41] Driving license: [{33AA33}Valid until Wed 14 Jun 2017, 10:26:40{FFFFFF}] [19:45:41] Flying license: [{FF0000}Not passed{FFFFFF}] [19:45:41] Boat license: [{FF0000}Not passed{FFFFFF}] [19:45:41] Firearm license: [{FF0000}Not passed{FFFFFF}] [19:45:41] NOTE: use '/licenses show [playerid/name]' to show licenses to other player! [19:45:42] ENGINE: Anda telah menghidupkan mesin kendaraan. [19:45:43] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: gua ada 250 crack, 260 pot [19:45:48] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: hihi [19:46:0] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}Beli Jetmax kondisi bagus. Anda jual? SMS: [19:46:0] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Bianca_Addison{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}770700{FF0000}] [19:46:3] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: crack gua di larikan ramon nih [19:46:8] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: berapa? [19:46:14] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: 30 gram wkwk [19:46:17] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: jir 30 doang [19:46:20] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: lu suruh jual? [19:46:24] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: gua suruh jual, mungkin ga jumpa [19:46:25] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: kalo lu suruh jual ya sabar aja [19:46:27] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: iya [19:46:31] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: paling ntar dikasih [19:46:37] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: kalo ama gw cepet blanc :v [19:46:50] LIMITSPEED: {ffffff}Vehicle speed limit set to {33AA33}15 mph [19:46:51] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: PESTA OPENHOUSE, WILLOWFIELD HOUSE ID 250! [19:46:53] Alvaro Bonifacio says: mesin [19:46:59] * Amire Sidik examine vehicle [19:47:0] * Timofey Rasputin mengeluarkan pilog dari saku lalu mulai menyemprotkan [19:47:2] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [19:47:2] SMS: {ffff00}Message sent! [19:47:3] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[Sell] Mobil Comet 3insu full upgrade full modif dan STNK aktif minat ? Call or Sms [19:47:3] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Tyrell_McBrown{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}480808{FF0000}] [19:47:6] Amire Sidik says: mesin [19:47:8] terlihat warna mobil mulai berubah ((Timofey Rasputin)) [19:47:8] Amire Sidik says: di jamin [19:47:9] SMS: {ffffff}You have received one new message from '{ffff00}775775{ffffff}' [19:47:9] Message: {ffff00}andanya yang dimana? [19:47:9] NOTE: {ffffff}use '/reply' to quick reply [19:47:11] Arsyaf Aurel says: tadi 10 [19:47:13] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [19:47:13] SMS: {ffff00}Message sent! [19:47:13] James Remizer says: mesin [19:47:17] * Timofey Rasputin terus menyemprotkan ke seluruh badan mobil [19:47:22] Arsyaf Aurel says: 10 aja lh [19:47:23] selesai ((Timofey Rasputin)) [19:47:23] Amire Sidik: (( ane ga jobduty soal nya compo kurang dari 50 )) [19:47:25] James Remizer says: mesin donk [19:47:25] Tasya Miura Shouts: Engine body! [19:47:26] * Lorraine Orlantha memberi uang kepada orang di depan dengan tangan kanan. [19:47:27] SMS: {ffffff}You have received one new message from '{ffff00}775775{ffffff}' [19:47:27] Message: {ffff00}ke garasi nomor 5 aja [19:47:27] NOTE: {ffffff}use '/reply' to quick reply [19:47:33] Arsyaf Aurel says: okay [19:47:35] ENGINE: Anda telah mematikan Mesin. [19:47:36] BotCmd: Gabe_Castillo telah dikick, alasan: Ping melebihi batas (1019) [19:47:36] Boy Alston says: Anda? [19:47:38] Amire Sidik says: [19:47:39] [FAM] Pandillero Santiago Porras: gue dirobber wkwk [19:47:39] Lucas Galtero says: Ya. [19:47:41] [FAM] Pandillero Santiago Porras: dirumah sendiri lagi [19:47:42] Lucas Galtero says: 2upgrade. [19:47:42] James Remizer says: boy [19:47:43] [FAM] Pandillero Santiago Porras: anjing [19:47:47] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: lu lagi megang apa? [19:47:47] * Arsyaf Aurel memberikan uang kepada mechanic [19:47:47] Boy Alston says: 0. [19:47:52] * Amire Sidik menerima nya [19:47:54] * Lucas Galtero hands the cash to Boy. [19:47:56] PAYINFO: {ffffff}You've given {ffff00}Boy Alston [id:23] {00ff00}0.00 [19:47:58] James Remizer says: mesin mas [19:47:58] Amire Sidik: (( ga bakal scam )) [19:47:59] Lucas Galtero says: Body dan Engine. [19:48:2] Boy Alston says: Oke [19:48:2] [FAM] Pandillero Santiago Porras: gaada sih [19:48:6] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}BUY | Bussiness Each : Petrol, Electro, Restaurant, Market | Contact person : [19:48:6] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Sretko_Neustadter{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}1200{FF0000}] [19:48:8] Lawrance Junuzovic says: mesin dong sama warna. [19:48:11] * Amire Sidik repairing engine with using wrench [19:48:11] Tasya Miura says: Engine body dong [19:48:18] proses` ((Amire Sidik)) [19:48:24] done ((Amire Sidik)) [19:48:24] Mask 648223: (( emang uang lu ada berapa )) [19:48:25] Amire Sidik says: udah [19:48:29] * Boy Alston mengambil lempengan mesin baja dari dalam lemari dengan kedua tangan [19:48:30] Lawrance Junuzovic says: mesin warna dong [19:48:31] Amire Sidik says: mas [19:48:33] Amire Sidik says: bisa antar [19:48:34] James Remizer says: ameri [19:48:35] Ryland Resderow Shouts: MESIN! [19:48:36] James Remizer says: mesin [19:48:36] dapat ((Boy Alston)) [19:48:38] Lawrance Junuzovic says: mesin warna dong [19:48:40] [FAM] Pandillero Santiago Porras: rob deket barrio boleh ga? [19:48:40] Amire Sidik says: bisa antar [19:48:40] Ryland Resderow Shouts: MESIN! [19:48:41] Arsyaf Aurel says: napa [19:48:42] Amire Sidik says: ke mc [19:48:42] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: ga lo lawan? [19:48:43] Arsyaf Aurel says: ok [19:48:44] Ryland Resderow Shouts: MESIN! [19:48:44] Amire Sidik says: eh [19:48:46] Ryland Resderow says: sini [19:48:46] [FAM] Pandillero Santiago Porras: engga [19:48:46] * Timofey Rasputin mengeluarkan pilog dari kedua sakunya dengan kedua tangan [19:48:47] Amire Sidik says: ke dilimore [19:48:47] Arsyaf Aurel says: kemana [19:48:49] [FAM] Pandillero Santiago Porras: gue udah mati [19:48:51] [FAM] Cholo Daniel Demarcos: kalo di turf org [19:48:51] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: lah? [19:48:52] * Timofey Rasputin mulai menyemprotkan keseluruh badan mobil [19:48:54] James Remizer Shouts: Mechanic! [19:48:54] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: kok mati? [19:48:56] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: deket barrio, berapa jarak ke barrio? [19:48:56] Arsyaf Aurel says: ws? [19:48:56] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: kalo mati ga boleh lagi [19:48:57] [FAM] Cholo Daniel Demarcos: sbnrnya gaboleh [19:48:57] Ryland Resderow says: Mbak [19:48:59] Amire Sidik says: compo [19:49:0] James Remizer says: ameri [19:49:2] [FAM] Pandillero Santiago Porras: gue lari dibunuh [19:49:3] Ryland Resderow says: Ada Sedikit Uang? [19:49:3] Tasya Miura says: Apaa [19:49:4] Amire Sidik says: mau ga? [19:49:4] James Remizer says: Mechanic [19:49:7] Arsyaf Aurel says: okay [19:49:7] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: bego [19:49:7] Ryland Resderow says: Saya Buat Benerin mesin [19:49:7] Tasya Miura says: GA Ada [19:49:7] [FAM] El Jefe del Sur Oscar Garcia: barrio mana [19:49:8] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}BUY | Bussiness Each : Petrol, Electro, Restaurant, Market | Contact person : [19:49:8] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Sretko_Neustadter{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}1200{FF0000}] [19:49:8] Ryland Resderow says: Please [19:49:13] [FAM] Pandillero Santiago Porras: spec gue qal [19:49:13] Tasya Miura says: Kerja [19:49:15] Ryland Resderow says: Ada Gak? [19:49:16] [FAM] Pandillero Santiago Porras: gue didrag dia ini [19:49:18] * Boy Alston memasangkan lempengan mesin baja pada mobil dengan bantuan alat mechanic [19:49:22] [id:71] Helper Jeffytriana31 (Veronica_Evelyn) [19:49:22] [id:92] Admin Level 2 hallodunia (Reinhart_Lincoln) [19:49:22] NOTE: {ffffff}Volunteer tidak memiliki kedudukan yang sama dengan Helper / Admin [19:49:23] proses ((Boy Alston)) [19:49:29] * Amire Sidik give tips to id 57 [19:49:33] failled ((Amire Sidik)) [19:49:40] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: kalo dah dari awal ngerob, dia shootout, bisa di loot [19:49:41] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: kucing2 apa yg ngumpet terus [19:49:44] Ryland Resderow says: mesin [19:49:44] Lawrance Junuzovic says: nih [19:49:45] * Timofey Rasputin examine veh [19:49:47] Lawrance Junuzovic says: mesin warna [19:49:47] Ryland Resderow says: mesin [19:49:51] Ryland Resderow says: mesin [19:49:52] Timofey Rasputin says: 10 [19:49:52] Ryland Resderow says: mesin [19:49:53] Lawrance Junuzovic says: berapa. [19:49:55] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: kucing? [19:49:55] Timofey Rasputin says: ama warna 5 [19:49:57] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: kucing2an [19:50:1] Lawrance Junuzovic says: jadi berapa [19:50:2] Lawrance Junuzovic says: mesin warna [19:50:2] Lorraine Orlantha Shouts: Boody! [19:50:4] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: selamat jerold dapat . [19:50:5] Lorraine Orlantha Shouts: Body! [19:50:6] Alvaro Bonifacio says: ikut aku [19:50:7] Lorraine Orlantha Shouts: Body! [19:50:8] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: lol [19:50:9] Alvaro Bonifacio says: ikut aku [19:50:11] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[Dijual]Elegy 3insu 2up Fullmod Anda Minat hubungi Saya CP: [19:50:11] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Kayonna_Maisha{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}355554{FF0000}] [19:50:12] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: ntar ya abis keluar prisown [19:50:13] Timofey Rasputin says: 15 dong [19:50:13] Lorraine Orlantha says: kemana ? [19:50:15] James Remizer Shouts: mechanic! [19:50:21] * Lawrance Junuzovic passed money to timofey [19:50:22] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: wadoh.. berapa abad lagi pak?> [19:50:23] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: kok jawabnya ga pake pasword? [19:50:24] Lawrance Junuzovic says: tuh [19:50:25] * Timofey Rasputin menerima uang tersebut [19:50:25] Lawrance Junuzovic says: mesin warna. [19:50:27] Lawrance Junuzovic says: warna putih [19:50:28] Lawrance Junuzovic says: warna putih [19:50:31] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: ohiya gapake pasword [19:50:35] AdmCmd: UCP account adilshow has been blocked by adma. [19:50:35] Reason: Insulting the oldest SAMP server in Indonesia for over five years [adma] [19:50:35] Ryland Resderow says: mesin [19:50:37] * Timofey Rasputin mengeluarkan obeng dari dalam sakunya [19:50:40] Mask 648223: (( oke )) [19:50:42] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: nexat password 'papa ruben sehat selalu' [19:50:46] Ryland Resderow says: mesin [19:50:46] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: :v [19:50:48] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: next*)) [19:50:49] Ryland Resderow says: )) [19:50:49] * Timofey Rasputin mengencangkan mur dengan obeng ditangan [19:50:50] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: widih rumah gua ada home theater [19:50:51] * Tasya Miura Mendorong moibl dengan sekuat tenang [19:50:51] Boy Alston: (( jgn troll )) [19:50:54] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: oldest samp server [19:50:57] terlihat mur terbaut satu persatu ((Timofey Rasputin)) [19:50:59] Ryland Resderow says: bro [19:51:1] terlihat mesin siap digunakan ((Timofey Rasputin)) [19:51:1] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: siapa [19:51:2] Timofey Rasputin says: Ape/ [19:51:5] Ryland Resderow says: mesin [19:51:13] Timofey Rasputin says: bentar [19:51:14] Ryland Resderow says: tuh [19:51:15] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[buy] Rumah gubuk yang penting murah meriah ada? CP: [19:51:15] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Roy_Raymond{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}412002{FF0000}] [19:51:16] done ((Boy Alston)) [19:51:16] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: di indo [19:51:20] KEGUNAAN: /showvehlic [playerid/name] [slot] [19:51:22] =================[Vehicle Ownership]================= [19:51:22] Vehicle: {ffffff}Perenniel [19:51:22] Owner: {ffffff}Lucas Galtero [19:51:22] Plate: {ffffff}YP288KR [19:51:22] Insurance: {ffffff}3 year(s) [19:51:22] License: {ffffff}None/Expired [19:51:22] Upgrades: [19:51:22] - {00ff00}Engine [19:51:23] * Timofey Rasputin mengeluarkan pilog dari sakunya lalu menyemprotkanya [19:51:23] [FAM] Cholo Daniel Demarcos: ini [19:51:24] Boy Alston says: Bentar bro ambil component [19:51:26] Lucas Galtero says: Oke. [19:51:28] terlihat badan mobil mulai berubah warna ((Timofey Rasputin)) [19:51:32] James Remizer says: timofey [19:51:35] Tevfik Krijt Shouts: Mechanic! [19:51:36] Timofey Rasputin says: Ape ? [19:51:36] James Remizer says: abis ini gue yah [19:51:37] Tevfik Krijt Shouts: Mechanic! [19:51:39] Tevfik Krijt Shouts: Here! [19:51:40] Timofey Rasputin says: Oyeah [19:51:41] James Remizer says: mesin [19:51:44] Ryland Resderow says: gue [19:51:47] Ryland Resderow Shouts: broi! [19:51:49] Ryland Resderow Shouts: bro! [19:51:57] [FAM] Cholo Marco Devalos: Id 136 [19:51:58] [FAM] Cholo Marco Devalos: jir [19:52:1] [FAM] Cholo Marco Devalos: nick the warriors [19:52:2] * Tevfik Krijt memberikan uang ke mechanic [19:52:3] Ryland Resderow says: Pak. [19:52:4] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: valshaun ramirez katanya mau rp an [19:52:5] [ID] ID:136 | Name: Cochise_Erriegi [19:52:8] * James Remizer Pass money to Timofey [19:52:8] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: ga ada di hood [19:52:11] Ryland Resderow says: Pak [19:52:13] * Timofey Rasputin menerimanya. [19:52:16] Herzeg Hova says: mobil lu? [19:52:17] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[Buy] Mobil 4 pintu harus 3 insu ada up dan ada mod ada? Call me OR Sms [19:52:17] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Emilie_Mitchell{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}330707{FF0000}] [19:52:18] * Julio Bradford memperbaiki mesin dengan alat alat mekanik. [19:52:19] Lucas Galtero says: Ye. [19:52:20] Herzeg Hova says: di jual tidak? [19:52:21] Ryland Resderow says: Pak. [19:52:22] Lucas Galtero says: Ga. [19:52:24] procces ((Julio Bradford)) [19:52:25] * Timofey Rasputin mencopot busi dengan perlahan lalu menggantinya dengan baru [19:52:25] Herzeg Hova says: jual deh [19:52:30] Herzeg Hova says: gua beli 0 [19:52:30] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: gua suruh slangin tadi [19:52:31] terlihat busi terlepas dan terganti baru ((Timofey Rasputin)) [19:52:33] Lucas Galtero says: Buset. [19:52:36] Lucas Galtero says: Harga baru aja 0. [19:52:36] Herzeg Hova says: Mau nya berapa? [19:52:36] Ryland Resderow says: Ada Uang Gak Pak? [19:52:38] terlihat busi baru siap digunakan. ((Timofey Rasputin)) [19:52:38] Fren_Rendy telah keluar dari server. (Pergi) [19:52:39] Lucas Galtero says: Gua baru beli. [19:52:40] * Boy Alston mengambil lempengan body baja dari dalam lemari dengan kedua tangan, membawanya dengan perlahan [19:52:40] Ryland Resderow says: Buat Benerin Mesin [19:52:43] Lucas Galtero says: Dah di upgrade 2. [19:52:44] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: rp dia umur 20 tahun ya [19:52:44] Amoldi Hasew says: mech yang bisa mesin body mana ? [19:52:44] Ryland Resderow says: Ada Gak? [19:52:47] Herzeg Hova says: 0? [19:52:49] Lucas Galtero says: Ga. [19:52:51] dapat ((Boy Alston)) [19:52:53] done ((Julio Bradford)) [19:52:55] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: masa abangan lu suruh jualan [19:53:4] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: dia minta [19:53:4] [FAM] Cholo Marco Devalos: oawkaow [19:53:5] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: gua kasih [19:53:9] Herzeg Hova says: 0? [19:53:11] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: 'gimem sum stuff to slang'` [19:53:12] Lucas Galtero says: Ga. [19:53:14] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: yo wes [19:53:15] Ryland Resderow says: Pak. [19:53:17] Herzeg Hova says: please bro [19:53:20] Lucas Galtero says: Ga. [19:53:20] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[SELL]MTB 2 insu 0 Nego.Minat?Call CP: [19:53:20] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Wax_Lamverzie{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}182070{FF0000}] [19:53:26] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: karena gua mendadak kay [19:53:26] * Timofey Rasputin examine veh [19:53:27] Ryland Resderow says: mesin sama warna [19:53:30] * Boy Alston memasangkan lempengan body baja pada mobil dengan bantuan alat mechanic [19:53:30] Ryland Resderow says: kan [19:53:32] proses ((Boy Alston)) [19:53:33] Timofey Rasputin says: Iyo [19:53:34] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: yang pertama kerumah gua dapet 100$ [19:53:41] Ryland Resderow says: warna pink yah [19:53:43] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: ...... [19:53:43] Timofey Rasputin says: Oke [19:53:48] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: lalu di dalam kita quiz hadiah pot [19:53:49] * Ryland Resderow pass some money to Timofey. [19:53:51] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: azik ga? [19:53:53] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: ..... [19:53:54] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: azik dong [19:53:54] Herzeg Hova says: teman lu ada yang jual mobil classic tidak? [19:53:56] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: kancut2 apa yang meong [19:53:58] Lucas Galtero says: Ga ada. [19:54:0] * Timofey Rasputin menerima uang tersebut [19:54:2] Herzeg Hova says: gua bayarin deh [19:54:4] Herzeg Hova says: 0 pas [19:54:5] Ryland Resderow says: warna Pink [19:54:8] * Timofey Rasputin mengeluarkan pilog lalu mulai menyemprotkanya [19:54:8] Lucas Galtero says: Ga. [19:54:8] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: papa ruben sehat selalu, kancutcing [19:54:9] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: password 'papa ruben sehat selalu' [19:54:10] Herzeg Hova says: butuh [19:54:13] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: salah [19:54:15] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: next [19:54:17] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: sial [19:54:19] * Julio Bradford memperbaiki mesin dengan bantuan alat alat mekanik. [19:54:22] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: papa ruben mati aja dipenjara [19:54:24] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[BUY] Sanchez any insu any up, You sell it? CP [19:54:24] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Lucas_Einstein{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}2903{FF0000}] [19:54:24] terlihat motor mulai berubah warna sepenuhnya ((Timofey Rasputin)) [19:54:24] [FAM] Cholo Marco Devalos: eh rpan jenguk si Ruben yo [19:54:25] Herzeg Hova says: butuh nih bro [19:54:25] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: kawokwa [19:54:28] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: udah tadi [19:54:30] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: eek [19:54:31] Lucas Galtero says: Ga peduli. [19:54:32] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: ga menarik [19:54:32] [FAM] Cholo Marco Devalos: tai [19:54:36] [FAM] Cholo Marco Devalos: kwkw [19:54:39] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: ga ada yg mau jawab quiz [19:54:39] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: ruben di penjara ga jadi bos [19:54:45] * Timofey Rasputin mencopot busi lalu menggantinya dengan yang baru [19:54:50] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: awkawka [19:54:52] terlihat busi tergantikan baru ((Timofey Rasputin)) [19:54:52] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: kasih clue papa ruben [19:54:53] BotCmd: Caleb_Martin telah dikick, alasan: Ping melebihi batas (65535) [19:54:54] procce ((Julio Bradford)) [19:54:55] procces ((Julio Bradford)) [19:55:1] * Timofey Rasputin memeratkanya dengan obeng ditangan [19:55:3] selesai. ((Timofey Rasputin)) [19:55:4] done. ((Julio Bradford)) [19:55:8] Timofey Rasputin says: jos [19:55:9] Ryland Resderow says: oke [19:55:12] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: 'k***** m***** [19:55:14] BotCmd: Chester_Marshall telah dikick, alasan: Ping melebihi batas (915) [19:55:15] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: papa ruben sehat selalu, kancut meong [19:55:21] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: ko***l m***k [19:55:22] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: anjeng kok tau ajg [19:55:25] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: akwawkak [19:55:26] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}BUY | Bussiness Each : Petrol, Electro, Restaurant, Market | Contact person : [19:55:26] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Sretko_Neustadter{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}1200{FF0000}] [19:55:29] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: selamat [19:55:32] Ricardo Adrian Shouts: Mesin Body! [19:55:33] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: tebak2an yg ...... [19:55:36] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: dapet apaan tuh papa? [19:55:37] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: simple [19:55:37] done ((Boy Alston)) [19:55:40] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: jesus aguilar mendapatkan + combo extra large pizza stack [19:55:43] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: dia kebanyakan duit, jadi kasih simple [19:55:45] Lucas Galtero says: Makasih coy. [19:55:50] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: pajak nya ga di potong? [19:55:52] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: om, ganti ke burger aja bisa? [19:55:53] Boy Alston says: Huuh.. [19:55:57] * Lucas Galtero hands tips to Boy. [19:55:58] Boy Alston says: Capek [19:55:58] Admin hallodunia: Gunakan /report untuk melaporkan pelanggaran, /ask untuk bertanya seputar server, /stuck untuk solusi bug. [19:55:59] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: potong sih 12 persen [19:56:1] PAYINFO: {ffffff}You've given {ffff00}Boy Alston [id:23] {00ff00}.00 [19:56:5] Lucas Galtero says: Tips dari gua. [19:56:5] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: jadi pen pesan gojek gua [19:56:6] Boy Alston says: Thanks. [19:56:8] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: wait mau pesan gofood [19:56:11] ENGINEINFO: Mesin masih mati, tekan tombol {FF0000}~k~~VEHICLE_FIREWEAPON~{BFC0C2} atau command /engine untuk menghidupkannya. [19:56:13] ENGINE: Anda mencoba untuk menghidupkan Mesin. [19:56:16] Boy Alston says: Kalo mau UP sama gua aja [19:56:16] ENGINE: Anda telah menghidupkan mesin kendaraan. [19:56:22] Boy Alston says: Harga terjangkau [19:56:22] Lucas Galtero says: Oke, brader. [19:56:24] Amire Sidik says: oke makasih [19:56:26] Lucas Galtero says: Gua jalan dulu. [19:56:27] Arsyaf Aurel says: okay [19:56:29] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[!DICARI!]Glendale any insu any up,butuh banget,lo jual gua beli.CP: [19:56:29] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Dwight_Southern{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}430004{FF0000}] [19:56:29] Boy Alston says: Ok. [19:56:32] KEGUNAAN: /showvehlic [playerid/name] [slot] [19:56:34] =================[Vehicle Ownership]================= [19:56:34] Vehicle: {ffffff}Perenniel [19:56:34] Owner: {ffffff}Lucas Galtero [19:56:34] Plate: {ffffff}YP288KR [19:56:34] Insurance: {ffffff}3 year(s) [19:56:34] License: {ffffff}None/Expired [19:56:34] Upgrades: [19:56:34] - {00ff00}Engine [19:56:34] - {00ff00}Body [19:56:41] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: mesen mie rebus warkop make gojek [19:56:43] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: perenieal bagus ga? [19:56:51] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: pereniel* [19:56:52] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: bisa [19:56:54] LIMITSPEED: {ffffff}Vehicle speed limit {ff0000}disabled [19:56:56] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: kalo lu ibu ibu [19:56:57] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: bagus [19:57:2] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: gw beli itu [19:57:3] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: mobil soccer mom [19:57:6] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: kwaokwa [19:57:14] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: belokannya lincah [19:57:14] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: ga ada yang mau ke rumah gua, padahal 0 gratis. [19:57:21] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: sad [19:57:21] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: capek anjer kalo goes terus 'W' gw sampe mendem [19:57:26] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: lemah [19:57:27] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: itu si santiago direport havey [19:57:30] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: nown rp crashs [19:57:31] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: oh iya [19:57:32] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[Buy] Bussiness, Diutamakan Ladang dan Petrol | Any Location. Cp: [19:57:32] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Sergio_Franklin{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}2901{FF0000}] [19:57:33] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: ppdko bgt [19:57:35] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: gblk [19:57:36] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: Woi Santiago [19:57:38] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: kawkawk [19:57:42] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: ppko [19:57:44] [FAM] Pandillero Santiago Porras: apa [19:57:45] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: awkawkakw [19:57:47] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: di report lu [19:57:49] ENGINE: Anda telah mematikan Mesin. [19:57:53] [FAM] Pandillero Santiago Porras: diforum? [19:57:56] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: ya iya [19:57:57] Lucas Galtero Shouts: bang! [19:57:58] Lucas Galtero Shouts: bang! [19:57:59] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: mau dimana lagi? [19:57:59] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: lu aja udah rp di /me [19:57:59] [FAM] Pandillero Santiago Porras: wait cek forum dlu [19:58:1] Lucas Galtero Shouts: Bang! [19:58:2] [FAM] El Jefe del Sur Oscar Garcia: goblok atau gmn di fb udah gw kasih linknya ga dibaca [19:58:2] BotCmd: Matthew_Delonge telah dikick, alasan: Ping melebihi batas (815) [19:58:6] [FAM] El Jefe del Sur Oscar Garcia: dari kemarin [19:58:7] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: kwoakoakw [19:58:13] PAYINFO: {ffffff}You've received {00ff00}0.00 {ffffff}from {ffff00}Jesus Aguilar [id:122] [19:58:14] Jesus Aguilar says: Selamat. [19:58:15] Lucas Galtero says: Seek. [19:58:18] [FAM] Pandillero Santiago Porras: wkwk, maklum [19:58:19] Jesus Aguilar says: Sini. [19:58:27] Jesus Aguilar says: Wah. [19:58:27] Lucas Galtero says: Wow. [19:58:31] Jesus Aguilar says: Home theater. [19:58:31] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: ngunci pintu ga pernah [19:58:32] Lucas Galtero says: Bokep lah. [19:58:33] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: bangsat [19:58:35] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}Dicari Business Dimana saja Apa saja High Budged Text me You price and You business And location [19:58:35] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Vincent_Bertram{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}180031{FF0000}] [19:58:35] Jesus Aguilar says: SAik. [19:58:37] [FAM] El Jefe del Sur Oscar Garcia: keburu 24jam itu [19:58:37] Lucas Galtero says: Enak kalau segini gede nya. [19:58:39] Jesus Aguilar says: Gua setting. [19:58:40] Lucas Galtero says: Coli puas. [19:58:49] * Jesus Aguilar buka Redtube di computer. [19:58:55] * Jesus Aguilar putar video BDSM [19:58:57] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: diserver high rp -> kalau crash ga sengaja -> minta skip [19:59:5] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: disini ga bisa skip [19:59:6] Lucas Galtero says: Redtube redtube lebih dari tv [19:59:8] Lucas Galtero says: Redtube redtube lebih dari tv! [19:59:8] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: kawakwkwa [19:59:17] Lucas Galtero says: Redtube redtube lebih dari tv! [19:59:20] [FAM] El Jefe del Sur Oscar Garcia: kemarin ada yang mau skip /b skip, gw /aod, /b siapa suruh skip ? [19:59:21] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: biasa itu mah, human error [19:59:27] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: diserver medium rp-> kalau crash ga sengaja -> dituntut rp -> if victim = refuse, then report [19:59:28] terlihat proyektor memancarkan video ke layar. ((Jesus Aguilar)) [19:59:37] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}BUY | Bussiness Each : Petrol,Electro,Restaurant,Market | Contact Person :Jangan Ke Saya CP 1200 Tuh :? [19:59:37] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Blaxland_Eastwood{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}145454{FF0000}] [19:59:41] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: siapa victim kalau dua dua nabrak ga sengaja? [19:59:53] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: there's one guy like santiago [19:59:55] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: else victim != refuse > go to RP [20:0:1] Lucas Galtero says: Ah ga seru. [20:0:3] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: wridisng a bicycle [20:0:4] Jesus Aguilar says: Yang lain? [20:0:10] Lucas Galtero says: Ga treesome. [20:0:12] Lucas Galtero says: Hahah. [20:0:17] Lucas Galtero says: Sukatoro ada? [20:0:21] * Jesus Aguilar memutar anak laki laki diperkosa kuda. [20:0:26] Lucas Galtero says: Hahahah. [20:0:26] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: /me shocked by crash [20:0:34] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: console.writeline("doing rp {0}", rp); [20:0:35] Lucas Galtero says: Jijik anjer. [20:0:37] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: shocking [20:0:41] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[SELL]MTB 2 insu 0 Net.Minat?Call CP: [20:0:41] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Wax_Lamverzie{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}182070{FF0000}] [20:0:44] Lucas Galtero says: Minuman mane neh? [20:0:45] Jesus Aguilar says: Katanya ga seru [20:0:51] Lucas Galtero says: Aduh ga enak ga ada intisari. [20:0:56] BotCmd: Caleb_Martin telah dikick, alasan: Ping melebihi batas (830) [20:0:56] Lucas Galtero says: Intisari dong. [20:0:56] * Jesus Aguilar lempar botol aqua ke Lucas. [20:1:4] Jesus Aguilar says: Yok caw. [20:1:6] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: wkwk mastah si crisp [20:1:6] Lucas Galtero says: Caw. [20:1:8] Jesus Aguilar says: Lu udah ada jualan? [20:1:12] Lucas Galtero says: Jualan? [20:1:18] Lucas Galtero says: Apaan? [20:1:19] Jesus Aguilar says: Ganja. [20:1:20] Jesus Aguilar says: Crack. [20:1:21] Lucas Galtero says: Ga ada. [20:1:24] Jesus Aguilar says: Yok dah. [20:1:25] Lucas Galtero says: Belum order. [20:1:33] Jesus Aguilar says: Ga order. [20:1:34] [FAM] Pandillero Santiago Porras: dah gue reply [20:1:34] ENGINEINFO: Mesin masih mati, tekan tombol {FF0000}~k~~VEHICLE_FIREWEAPON~{BFC0C2} atau command /engine untuk menghidupkannya. [20:1:36] Lucas Galtero says: Emang 2 garasi? [20:1:37] ENGINE: Anda mencoba untuk menghidupkan Mesin. [20:1:38] Jesus Aguilar says: Gini. [20:1:40] ENGINE: Anda telah menghidupkan mesin kendaraan. [20:1:43] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}BUY | Bussiness Each : Petrol, Electro, Restaurant, Market | Contact person : [20:1:43] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Sretko_Neustadter{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}1200{FF0000}] [20:1:45] Lucas Galtero says: Lu ngasih barang ke gua? [20:1:45] Jesus Aguilar says: Lu ada customer lagi nyari? [20:1:51] Lucas Galtero says: Banyak. [20:1:53] Lucas Galtero says: Buanyak. [20:1:54] Jesus Aguilar says: Gua kasih barang ke lu, lu kasih potongan. [20:2:1] Jesus Aguilar says: per gram potongannya. [20:2:1] Lucas Galtero says: Oh, ya ya. [20:2:6] Jesus Aguilar says: Lu jual diatas . [20:2:10] Lucas Galtero says: Ga gini aja. [20:2:12] Jesus Aguilar says: Oke, lu telfon customer lu perlu berapa. [20:2:14] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: QUIZ : SAPI SAPI AJA YANG KEMBUNG [20:2:16] Lucas Galtero says: Neh lu ngasih barang berapa? [20:2:22] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: papa ruben sehat selalu, sapi kembung [20:2:26] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: Salah [20:2:28] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: papa ruben sehat selalu, sambung [20:2:30] Lucas Galtero says: Terus gua harus store ke elo berapa? [20:2:33] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: jesus kehilangan kesempatan buat jawab [20:2:34] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: 1 x aja [20:2:37] Jesus Aguilar says: Jadi gini. [20:2:40] BotCmd: Caleb_Martin telah dikick, alasan: Ping melebihi batas (851) [20:2:46] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[BUY] Sanchez any insu any up, You sell it? CP [20:2:46] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Lucas_Einstein{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}2903{FF0000}] [20:2:48] Jesus Aguilar says: Lu perlu berapa gua kasih, gua ambil potongan per barang. [20:2:48] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: anyone else? [20:2:51] Jesus Aguilar says: Contoh lu perlu 100. [20:2:55] Jesus Aguilar says: Lu jual per barang. [20:3:0] Jesus Aguilar says: DApet tuh 00. [20:3:1] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: sapi aja? [20:3:1] [FAM] Pandillero Rico Elruduz: Susu sapi [20:3:5] Jesus Aguilar says: Lu kasih 00. [20:3:6] Jesus Aguilar says: Ngerti? [20:3:10] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: salah riko [20:3:12] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: next [20:3:13] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: passwordnya [20:3:13] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: papa ruben sehat selalu, sapi hamil ? [20:3:15] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: jangan lupa [20:3:18] Lucas Galtero says: Ga maksud gua... [20:3:21] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: salah crisp, next [20:3:24] Lucas Galtero says: Biar ga ribet. [20:3:28] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: 25 detik ddr sekarang [20:3:31] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: detik ke 50 kelar [20:3:35] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: hadiah 0 [20:3:36] Lucas Galtero says: Jadi lu ngasih gua, terus lu bilang gua harus store lu berapa. [20:3:37] Lucas Galtero says: Gitu. [20:3:45] Jesus Aguilar says: Oh bisa. [20:3:49] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[Sell] Elegy 3insu 2Up 3,3 Nego Dikit Minat CP: [20:3:49] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Kurt_Wazossky{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}900074{FF0000}] [20:3:51] Jesus Aguilar says: Lu perlu berapa? [20:3:51] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: tetot [20:3:55] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: jawabannya? [20:3:57] Lucas Galtero says: 100gram ada lu? [20:3:57] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: jawaban : sapi gelonggongan [20:4:0] Jesus Aguilar says: Ada yok. [20:4:3] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: lol [20:4:5] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: cuk [20:4:7] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: ha? [20:4:7] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: fuck [20:4:9] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: gelonggongan? [20:4:9] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: jawaban : sapi gelonggongan [20:4:10] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: ktl [20:4:12] [FAM] Pandillero Rico Elruduz: lol wkwk [20:4:17] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: jawaban : sapi gelonggongan [20:4:17] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: ...... [20:4:22] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: apa tuh gelonggongan? [20:4:27] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: bash [20:4:30] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: bah [20:4:34] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: gelonggongan gatau [20:4:44] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: di dekat jakun [20:4:45] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: dang paham au [20:4:50] Kendrick Wesley says: Uhh.. Burrito? [20:4:51] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[BUY]Kendaraan pribadi utamakan Sanchez BF-400! [20:4:51] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Bench_Ogumemossas{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}666550{FF0000}] [20:5:0] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: sus lu leg amat [20:5:1] [FAM] Cholo Daniel Demarcos: rawat inap mulu dah [20:5:6] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: taunya ayam tiren doang [20:5:8] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: ahahaha [20:5:13] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: ama ayam kampus [20:5:18] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: keronkonganz [20:5:29] Jesus Aguilar says: Ruang 16. [20:5:29] ENGINE: Anda telah mematikan Mesin. [20:5:36] ENGINEINFO: Mesin masih mati, tekan tombol {FF0000}~k~~VEHICLE_FIREWEAPON~{BFC0C2} atau command /engine untuk menghidupkannya. [20:5:36] Lucas Galtero says: Bentar parkirin. [20:5:37] ENGINE: Anda mencoba untuk menghidupkan Mesin. [20:5:37] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: udh nonton ff8 brader? [20:5:40] ENGINE: Anda telah menghidupkan mesin kendaraan. [20:5:45] [FAM] Pandillero Rico Elruduz: blom [20:5:46] ENGINE: Anda telah mematikan Mesin. [20:5:47] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: ga niat [20:5:47] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: AYAM AYAM APA YG MIRIP JUSTIN BIEBER [20:5:50] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: PRICE : 10s0 [20:5:50] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: kemarin ada yg streaming share ke youtube gilak [20:5:53] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: 100d [20:5:54] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[Sell]Sultan 3insu 4up fullmod bagi anda minat langsung CP: [20:5:54] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Robbert_Bull{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}799918{FF0000}] [20:5:54] [FAM] Cholo Marco Devalos: udah dong [20:6:2] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: papa ruben sehat selalu, ayam justin bieber [20:6:5] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: salah [20:6:7] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: next [20:6:9] * You recived 100 grams of Crack from Jesus Aguilar. [20:6:17] Lucas Galtero says: Oke. [20:6:17] Jesus Aguilar says: 00 potongannya. [20:6:22] Jesus Aguilar says: Jual diatas . [20:6:23] Lucas Galtero says: Gua store lu 00? [20:6:27] Jesus Aguilar says: Yo. [20:6:28] Lucas Galtero says: Oke. [20:6:39] ENGINEINFO: Mesin masih mati, tekan tombol {FF0000}~k~~VEHICLE_FIREWEAPON~{BFC0C2} atau command /engine untuk menghidupkannya. [20:6:39] ENGINE: Anda mencoba untuk menghidupkan Mesin. [20:6:42] ENGINE: Anda telah menghidupkan mesin kendaraan. [20:6:53] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: menit ke 7 detik ke 20w kelar [20:6:53] [FAM] Cholo Daniel Demarcos: pakek ada VIP reguler segala nihh [20:6:56] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: apa motivasi lu bikin quiz quiz gini? [20:6:57] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[SELL]MTB 2 insu 0 Net.Minat?Call CP: [20:6:57] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Wax_Lamverzie{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}182070{FF0000}] [20:7:0] [FAM] Cholo Daniel Demarcos: bikin lama rpan ngobatin [20:7:7] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: CUZ I GOT MONEY TO SPEND BITCHEZZZ [20:7:12] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: weak ass shit [20:7:14] [FAM] Pandillero Rico Elruduz: googling dulu.. [20:7:15] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: 10K off off me [20:7:18] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: of* [20:7:21] [FAM] Pandillero Rico Elruduz: kata google Ayam panggang [20:7:26] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: kwaokawok [20:7:26] [FAM] Pandillero Santiago Porras: ayam sorry [20:7:33] SHOP: {ffffff}You've purchased {ffff00}Menu +12 {ffffff}for {00ff00}{field_value_32}.75 [20:7:34] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: wtetot [20:7:36] SHOP: {ffffff}You've purchased {ffff00}Menu +48 {ffffff}for {00ff00}.01 [20:7:38] [FAM] El Jefe del Sur Oscar Garcia: ayam kampus [20:7:43] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: jawaban : ayam swag [20:7:45] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: ayam sorry, ku tak ai lop yu lagi [20:7:45] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: peler ayam [20:7:49] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: ...... [20:7:51] ERROR: Out of stock! [20:7:52] ERROR: Out of stock! [20:7:55] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: jawaban : ayam swag [20:7:55] ERROR: Out of stock! [20:8:0] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}BUY | Bussiness Each :Petrol,Electro,Restaurant,Market, |Contact Person :Jangan Ke Saya CP 1200 Tuh :? [20:8:0] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Blaxland_Eastwood{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}145454{FF0000}] [20:8:0] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: ayam swag? [20:8:1] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: wtf [20:8:1] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: padahal 00 lho [20:8:2] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: yonglex [20:8:6] [FAM] Pandillero Rico Elruduz: wkwk [20:8:11] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: next [20:8:15] SHOP: {ffffff}You've purchased {ffff00}Energy Drink {ffffff}for {00ff00}.75 [20:8:16] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: gua bertekad memenangkan quiz aneh ini [20:8:25] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: selanjut nya 0 & sanchez dr bapak zuqal [20:8:33] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: asap asap apa yang keras [20:8:34] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: quiz ini di sponsori oleh papa ben [20:8:35] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: passwordnya #Zuqal123forVHA [20:8:43] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: prizE : 0 [20:8:46] WARNING: {ffffff}You've eaten too much, overall fitness rating decreased by {00ffff}0.20 [20:8:46] SHOP: {ffffff}You've purchased {ffff00}Menu +24 {ffffff}for {00ff00}.50 [20:8:48] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: papa ruben sehat selalu, asap rock [20:8:53] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: slah, next [20:8:55] [FAM] Cholo Daniel Demarcos: ke spam ama chat faction [20:8:59] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: papa ruben sehat selalu, kentut berasap [20:8:59] [FAM] Cholo Daniel Demarcos: )) [20:9:2] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}{SELL} Sabre 3insu 4up 2k negoin minat cp: [20:9:2] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Alvaro_Bonifacio{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}880888{FF0000}] [20:9:7] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: anjeng apantuh [20:9:9] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: next [20:9:23] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: asap miras [20:9:31] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: menit 10 kelar [20:9:37] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: 00 [20:9:44] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: asap batu [20:9:47] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: asap ban [20:9:51] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: anjeng [20:9:57] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: yes [20:9:58] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: TETOT [20:9:58] [FAM] Pandillero Rico Elruduz: nyerah [20:9:59] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: TETOT w [20:10:5] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}Beli Rumah Bergarasi yang memiliki parkiran. Jual? Hub [20:10:5] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Alexander_Anthony{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}213600{FF0000}] [20:10:6] Raymond Wish says: bayar dulu [20:10:7] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: jawaban : asapal [20:10:11] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: ? [20:10:11] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: tot [20:10:13] [FAM] Pandillero Rico Elruduz: anjerr wkwkw [20:10:15] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: aspal anjer [20:10:15] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: ngakak gua [20:10:21] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: asapal [20:10:25] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: gitud aja gbisa [20:10:27] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: awkawkawk [20:10:27] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: aspal kantal [20:10:28] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: next [20:10:29] HOUSE: {FFFFFF}You've stored {FFFF00}100 gram(s) {FFFFFF}of crack inside this room [20:10:29] HOUSE: {FFFFFF}Move the item to your desired position within this room! [20:10:29] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: next [20:10:31] HOUSE: {FFFF00}Item position saved! [20:10:36] BotCmd: Caleb_Martin telah dikick, alasan: Ping melebihi batas (757) [20:10:57] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: perbilah2 apa yang sakit [20:10:59] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: 0 [20:11:4] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: hmm [20:11:6] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: perbilah apaan? [20:11:8] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[SELL] Cheetah 3insurance,2upgrade,fullmodift||SMS: [20:11:8] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Tasya_Miura{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}377100{FF0000}] [20:11:8] ENGINE: Anda telah mematikan Mesin. [20:11:8] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: apa tuh perbilah? [20:11:13] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: perbilah kasih [20:11:15] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: bikin bahasa sendiri [20:11:19] [FAM] Cholo Daniel Demarcos: perbilah pedang [20:11:21] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: papa ruben sehat selalu, perbilah kasih [20:11:21] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: slang sendiri [20:11:23] Santiago Porras says: Really? [20:11:29] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: papa ruben sehat selalu, perbilah kasih kejarlah keinginanmu [20:11:29] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: yg lengkap jesus [20:11:30] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: akwkawkaw [20:11:34] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: wew [20:11:34] ENGINEINFO: Mesin masih mati, tekan tombol {FF0000}~k~~VEHICLE_FIREWEAPON~{BFC0C2} atau command /engine untuk menghidupkannya. [20:11:35] ENGINE: Anda mencoba untuk menghidupkan Mesin. [20:11:35] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: selagi masih ada waktu [20:11:36] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: selamat jesus 0 [20:11:38] ENGINE: Anda telah menghidupkan mesin kendaraan. [20:11:39] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: asik [20:11:40] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: saik [20:11:47] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: hadiah di potong pajak [20:11:52] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: hadiah di potong peler [20:11:58] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: wait 500 dtik [20:12:7] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: mau pickup? [20:12:7] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: wah siap2 DM [20:12:10] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[SELL]BF-400 3insurance 1upgrade 1k aja Minat ? CP : [20:12:10] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Joey_Samuel{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}536803{FF0000}] [20:12:40] ENGINE: Anda telah mematikan Mesin. [20:12:41] ENGINE: Anda mencoba untuk menghidupkan Mesin. [20:12:44] ENGINE: Anda telah menghidupkan mesin kendaraan. [20:12:46] ENGINE: Anda telah mematikan Mesin. [20:12:51] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: mana lagi nih quiz? [20:12:51] Members online: [20:12:51] - [8]Veterano: [58]Ruben Ayala [20:12:51] - [1]Cholo: [66]Munez Martinez [20:12:51] - [1]Cholo: [86]Daniel Demarcos [20:12:51] - [1]Cholo: [97]Lucas Galtero [20:12:51] - [10]El Jefe del Sur: [114]Oscar Garcia [20:12:51] - [2]Gangeros: [122]Jesus Aguilar [20:12:51] - [3]Pandillero: [194]Santiago Porras [20:12:51] - [3]Pandillero: [195]Rico Elruduz [20:12:51] - [7]Shotcaller: [202]Jerold Blanco [20:12:51] - [1]Cholo: [222]Marco Devalos [20:12:56] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: dah kehabisan permainan kata kata? [20:13:13] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[Buy] Mobil 4 pintu any insu any up any mod any STNK no cabbie and taxi [20:13:13] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Emilie_Mitchell{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}330707{FF0000}] [20:13:25] [ID] ID:199 | Name: Takashi_Hiroshima [20:13:29] (( PM to [199] Takashi_Hiroshima: crack eh )) [20:13:29] BotCmd: Gabe_Castillo telah dikick, alasan: Ping melebihi batas (825) [20:13:35] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: kertas apa yang lembek? [20:13:45] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: no password [20:13:47] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: bubur kertas [20:13:49] [FAM] Pandillero Rico Elruduz: kertas basah [20:13:51] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: salah [20:13:51] [FAM] El Jefe del Sur Oscar Garcia: kertas bekas coli [20:13:56] [FAM] Cholo Daniel Demarcos: kertas origami [20:14:4] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: kertas nasi [20:14:8] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: ok [20:14:9] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: ........................... [20:14:12] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: lucu kan [20:14:13] [FAM] Cholo Daniel Demarcos: krik lu poo [20:14:14] [FAM] Cholo Daniel Demarcos: krik lu poo [20:14:14] [FAM] Cholo Daniel Demarcos: krik lu poo [20:14:15] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[WANTED] Orang Yang Menyewakan Roadtrain 1x Ada CP Saya; [20:14:15] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Debora_Kamelia{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}576849{FF0000}] [20:14:16] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: h a h a h a [20:14:22] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: penis penis apa yang nenangin? [20:14:22] MASKINFO: Mask {33AA33}ON [20:14:25] * Mask 808218 shakes his head. [20:14:27] [FAM] Cholo Daniel Demarcos: krik lu mike [20:14:27] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: penisilin [20:14:29] [FAM] El Jefe del Sur Oscar Garcia: penistaan [20:14:30] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: asek [20:14:32] [FAM] Cholo Daniel Demarcos: gaada jawabanya [20:14:32] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: penisilin [20:14:38] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: bego gatau penisilin [20:14:48] ERROR: Unknown command, see '/help' [20:14:49] ERROR: Unknown command, see '/help' [20:14:56] HOUSE: {FFFFFF}You've taken your {FFFF00}Desert Eagle {FFFFFF}from this room [20:15:18] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[Sell/trade]Sultan 3insu 4up fullmod dengan Rumah 1 garasi saya siap nambah berapa pun anda jual CP: [20:15:18] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Robbert_Bull{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}799918{FF0000}] [20:15:19] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: hewan 1 huruf (minimal 2) [20:15:30] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: n [20:15:32] Selesai. ((Leongard Bronislav)) [20:15:35] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: n = semut [20:15:37] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: salah [20:15:39] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: lah? [20:15:39] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: indo aja mas [20:15:42] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: oke [20:15:50] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: g ajah, dan i kan [20:16:5] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: ^^ [20:16:6] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: ga ada pasword nya neh? [20:16:7] [FAM] El Jefe del Sur Oscar Garcia: si anjg [20:16:14] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: hewan 2 huruf [20:16:26] [FAM] El Jefe del Sur Oscar Garcia: insurances elegy gw 6 years lol [20:16:33] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: hmmm [20:16:36] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: lu /setinsurance [20:16:39] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: ntah [20:16:40] * Mask 762839 grabs AK-47su,fom bag and ready to shoot target enemy. [20:16:48] [FAM] El Jefe del Sur Oscar Garcia: dijual berapa ni [20:16:50] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: hewan 2 huruf, apa hayo? [20:16:55] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: diatas 3 asuransi harga ga urus [20:17:10] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[DICARI] Burrito Car, Good condition and affordable price. Contact Person: [20:17:10] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Hajime_Kuryakin{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}884888{FF0000}] [20:17:11] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: trade ama nrg [20:17:16] [FAM] Cholo Daniel Demarcos: mk [20:17:23] Mask 762839: (( a )) [20:17:23] Mask 762839: (( a )) [20:17:24] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: mk? [20:17:26] [FAM] Cholo Daniel Demarcos: mk = mike = hewan 2 huruf [20:17:30] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: :v [20:17:30] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: [20:17:31] Mask 426381: (( a )) [20:17:34] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: hotring nya arthuro [20:17:34] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: salah, u dan g [20:17:43] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: m***k [20:17:46] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: ..... [20:17:47] [FAM] Cholo Daniel Demarcos: gadijual po [20:17:56] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: duitnya jual? [20:17:58] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: )) [20:18:3] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: hewan 2 huruf [20:18:4] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: io [20:18:5] [FAM] Cholo Daniel Demarcos: ga [20:18:7] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: ubur2 [20:18:8] [FAM] Cholo Daniel Demarcos: akwkw [20:18:10] [FAM] Cholo Daniel Demarcos: bandar [20:18:11] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: hmmm [20:18:12] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: io [20:18:12] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}(Bandito 3insu 4up fullmod CP: [20:18:12] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Bagas_Soediningrat{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}941134{FF0000}] [20:18:16] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: ga ubur ubur [20:18:18] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: io itu bintang [20:18:22] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: ooo [20:18:22] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: harusnya arkana io menang [20:18:27] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: kirain jelifis [20:18:28] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: bair dia jadi bintang sungguhan [20:18:29] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: sapi sapi apa yg terbang? [20:18:35] Mask 762839 Shouts: GENJING! [20:18:35] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: sapiderman [20:18:35] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: sapiderman [20:18:38] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: anjeng [20:18:39] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: [20:18:42] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: sapirmen [20:18:45] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: spiderman ga terbanglah [20:18:45] Pergi ke bank dan /signcheck untuk mendapatkan paycheck anda atau pergi ke salah satu ATM! [20:18:46] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: tahun 2001 itu kuis [20:18:49] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: :v [20:18:50] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: kawokawowka [20:18:51] Mask 762839: (( a )) [20:18:51] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: tapi tapi apa yang hewan? [20:18:52] Mask 762839: (( a )) [20:18:52] Mask 762839: (( a )) [20:18:52] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: jama sd [20:18:56] GMX: {ffffff}Reminder for scheduled GMX at {ffff00}Mon 17 Apr 2017, 23:18:56 [20:18:57] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: tapi? [20:19:0] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: anjer tapi? [20:19:1] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: shit [20:19:2] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: gmx [20:19:3] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: -__ [20:19:7] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: jam 11 kok [20:19:11] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: hayo [20:19:13] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: hadiah 100 crack [20:19:15] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: fix trunk [20:19:18] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: moga2 [20:19:21] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: tapir [20:19:21] [FAM] Cholo Daniel Demarcos: tai [20:19:22] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: tapir [20:19:23] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: sampe detik 50 [20:19:24] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: tapir [20:19:25] [FAM] Cholo Daniel Demarcos: msh ada 2 de di Arturo [20:19:27] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: bukan [20:19:28] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: tapir oy [20:19:34] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: bulan2 apa yang anjeng [20:19:37] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: [20:19:44] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: 15 detik [20:19:47] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: menit 20 kelar [20:19:55] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: papa ruben sehat selalu, bulantai [20:19:59] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: salah [20:20:1] Mask 762839: (( a )) [20:20:2] Mask 762839: (( a )) [20:20:2] Mask 762839: (( a )) [20:20:4] Mask 762839: (( a )) [20:20:5] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: papa ruben sehat selalu, bulanjing [20:20:6] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: jawaban : meik siburian [20:20:10] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: bulandog [20:20:15] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: wat? [20:20:18] Mask 762839 says: dada [20:20:19] MASKINFO: Mask {FF0000}OFF [20:20:25] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: 00 pdhl [20:20:31] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: cina cina apa yang sawo matang? [20:20:33] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: 10 detik [20:20:36] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: bangsad [20:20:37] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: okwokw [20:20:38] [FAM] Cholo Daniel Demarcos: dENDY [20:20:40] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: Dendi Trilatif [20:20:41] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: akwkawkaw [20:20:47] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: anjeng [20:21:2] DYOC: {ffffff}Weapons attachment {33AA33}enabled [20:21:5] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: medan2 apa yg gatau sapi gelonggongan [20:21:9] WARNING: Weapon size modification will not be saved, please do not report this as a bug! [20:21:14] [FAM] Cholo Marco Devalos: medankebakaran [20:21:14] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: medan perang [20:21:23] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: michael siburian anjink [20:21:25] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: akwakwkaw [20:21:29] DYOC: {ffffff}Weapons attachment {ff0000}disabled [20:21:32] [FAM] Cholo Daniel Demarcos: Medan retard [20:21:40] [FAM] Cholo Marco Devalos: medannya papah ben [20:21:45] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: medan kimak kampang anjeng bodat [20:21:48] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: kakawkwa [20:21:52] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: akkwakwakaw [20:21:52] [FAM] Cholo Marco Devalos: awkawokaow [20:22:6] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: kimak kimak [20:22:34] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: glblk [20:22:35] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: kawkawkawk [20:22:37] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}DER Luxury Bar's, Open Gambling! Loc Alhambra [20:22:37] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Leopold_Andrews{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}490056{FF0000}] [20:23:25] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: id 124 , setelah di kick dr surenos lari ke bloods > di usir bloods > skrg ke soil [20:23:30] [ID] ID:124 | Name: Parker_Reuben [20:23:31] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: nio sapa [20:23:34] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: siapa tuh? [20:23:36] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: raul martin [20:23:40] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}DER Luxury Bar's, Open Gambling! Loc Alhambra [20:23:40] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Leopold_Andrews{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}490056{FF0000}] [20:23:41] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: lol [20:23:43] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: WE [20:23:45] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: diusir bloods kenapa? [20:23:45] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: AJEG [20:23:46] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: emang di kcik dr surenos gara2 apa? [20:23:47] [FAM] Cholo Marco Devalos: siapa tuh [20:23:49] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: awkawkawkawk [20:23:49] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: itu namanay faction jumper ya? [20:23:51] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: emang di kcik dr surenos gara2 apa? [20:23:52] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: insult pd [20:23:55] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: oh [20:23:56] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: ini siapa mike [20:23:56] [FAM] Cholo Marco Devalos: Ohh raul [20:23:58] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: harus 1 week cooldown [20:24:2] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: faction jump [20:24:5] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: itu zuqal ben [20:24:10] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: yeee [20:24:14] [FAM] Cholo Marco Devalos: Si Raul? [20:24:16] ENGINEINFO: Mesin masih mati, tekan tombol {FF0000}~k~~VEHICLE_FIREWEAPON~{BFC0C2} atau command /engine untuk menghidupkannya. [20:24:16] ENGINE: Anda mencoba untuk menghidupkan Mesin. [20:24:20] ENGINE: Anda telah menghidupkan mesin kendaraan. [20:24:20] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: raul depalos [20:24:21] [FAM] Cholo Marco Devalos: Dia Ajax pas di bloods [20:24:23] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: faction jumper gmn [20:24:30] BotCmd: Kingsley_Oshea telah dikick, alasan: Ping melebihi batas (65535) [20:24:38] [FAM] Cholo Daniel Demarcos: gue jg fact jump ini wkwkw [20:24:45] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: dah selesai [20:24:50] [FAM] Cholo Daniel Demarcos: blum kelar ck di death valley lgsg nyelonong kesini [20:24:51] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: contoh nya gmn [20:24:53] ENGINE: Anda telah mematikan Mesin. [20:24:59] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: Daniel emg nickname lu apa dulu? [20:25:2] ERROR: You need to be near your own house! [20:25:4] CMDINFO: Harap tunggu 1 detik! [20:25:11] HOUSE: {FFFFFF}You've taken {FFFF00}4100 unit(s) {FFFFFF}of gun material from this room [20:25:12] [FAM] Cholo Daniel Demarcos: Franck Gallant [20:25:13] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[DICARI] Rumah Budget sekitar K di kota. ada? CP or SMS. [20:25:13] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Han_Bonyono{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}887150{FF0000}] [20:25:14] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: tapi si raul kan udh kelar CK nya [20:25:17] GUNINFO: {ffffff}You've created {ffff00}Shotgun (62 ammo){ffffff}with {ffff00}2500 materials [20:25:22] WEAPON: {ffffff}Scrapped ammo from {ffff00}Shotgun {ffffff}for {00ff00}31 materials [20:25:29] GUNINFO: {ffffff}You've created {ffff00}250 Shotgun Surplus ammo {ffffff}using {ffff00}250 materials [20:25:45] Lucas Galtero says: .000 aja. [20:25:48] PAYINFO: {ffffff}You've received {00ff00},000.00 {ffffff}from {ffff00}Ney Bastero [id:9] [20:25:50] * Lucas Galtero receives the cash. [20:25:53] Dobrashin Osya Shouts [outside]: MOVE! [20:25:57] * Lucas Galtero hands the shotgun to Ney. [20:25:58] Dobrashin Osya Shouts [outside]: MOVE! [20:25:59] * Ney Bastero take its [20:26:0] GIVE: {ffffff}You've given your {ffff00}Shotgun {ffffff}to {ffff00}Ney_Bastero [20:26:0] AME: {C2A2DA}hands Shotgun to Ney Bastero. [20:26:2] [FAM] Cholo Daniel Demarcos: bodo ah [20:26:9] [FAM] Cholo Daniel Demarcos: ilang2 dah DE gue di Arturo [20:26:13] ENGINEINFO: Mesin masih mati, tekan tombol {FF0000}~k~~VEHICLE_FIREWEAPON~{BFC0C2} atau command /engine untuk menghidupkannya. [20:26:13] ENGINE: Anda mencoba untuk menghidupkan Mesin. [20:26:15] [FAM] Cholo Daniel Demarcos: dr pd kegep acc share [20:26:15] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[DICARI] Rumah Budget sekitar K di kota. ada? CP or SMS. [20:26:15] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Han_Bonyono{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}887150{FF0000}] [20:26:16] ENGINE: Anda telah menghidupkan mesin kendaraan. [20:26:26] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: loll [20:26:32] [FAM] Cholo Marco Devalos: Ini elegy berapaan qal [20:26:45] [FAM] El Jefe del Sur Oscar Garcia: 15k aja [20:26:48] [FAM] Cholo Marco Devalos: wanjeng [20:26:49] [FAM] El Jefe del Sur Oscar Garcia: 6 insurance [20:26:50] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: wkaowka [20:26:52] [FAM] Cholo Marco Devalos: kwkw [20:27:5] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: itu lu beli dari polos ? [20:27:7] [FAM] Cholo Marco Devalos: 1k tarik [20:27:18] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}Beli Roadtrain 0-1insurance kondisi apa saja ! CP : [20:27:18] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Sretko_Neustadter{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}1200{FF0000}] [20:27:30] [FAM] Cholo Marco Devalos: emang batas jual berapa kalo di showroom qal [20:27:33] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Anda mencoba untuk menghubungi nomor {ffff00}1200{ffffff}, harap tunggu untuk jawaban [20:27:36] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Telepon telah dijawab. [20:27:36] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Gunakan chat biasa untuk berkomunikasi lewat telpon, '/h' untuk menutup telpon. [20:27:38] Caller (cellphone): Hallo [20:27:38] Lucas Galtero says (cellphone): Ada neh. [20:27:43] Caller (cellphone): Berapa insu [20:27:48] [FAM] El Jefe del Sur Oscar Garcia: ga tau bukan security showroom gua [20:27:49] Lucas Galtero says (cellphone): 1insuransi 2upgrade STNK masih aktif. [20:27:51] ENGINE: Anda telah mematikan Mesin. [20:27:54] Caller (cellphone): Harga? [20:27:59] Lucas Galtero says (cellphone): Hmm... [20:28:6] Lucas Galtero says (cellphone): Anda budged berapa? [20:28:12] Caller (cellphone): Lu jual berapa [20:28:16] Lucas Galtero says (cellphone): .600 [20:28:19] Caller (cellphone): Gila [20:28:20] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[BUY] Workshop or Dealer with high profit! Anywhere! CP: [20:28:20] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Giovanni_Casey{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}9339{FF0000}] [20:28:24] Lucas Galtero says (cellphone): Yaudah berapa? [20:28:32] BANK: {ffffff}You've stored {ffff00},000.00{ffffff} into your bank account [20:28:32] BALANCE: {ffff00},685.52 [20:28:32] Caller (cellphone): 800$ gua tarik [20:28:35] Lucas Galtero says (cellphone): G. [20:28:35] Telepon terputus... [20:28:46] BANK: {ffffff}You've stored {ffff00}.00{ffffff} into your bank account [20:28:46] BALANCE: {ffff00},745.52 [20:28:51] BANK: {ffffff}You've stored {ffff00}0.00{ffffff} into your bank account [20:28:51] BALANCE: {ffff00},845.52 [20:28:52] BANK: {ffffff}You've stored {ffff00}0.00{ffffff} into your bank account [20:28:52] BALANCE: {ffff00},945.52 [20:28:54] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: wah si bantet udh bebas [20:28:57] BANK: {ffffff}You've withdrawn {ffff00}.52{ffffff} from your bank account [20:28:57] BALANCE: {ffff00},900.00 [20:29:0] [FAM] Cholo Marco Devalos: kwkwk [20:29:4] BANK: {ffffff}You've withdrawn {ffff00},000.00{ffffff} from your bank account [20:29:4] BALANCE: {ffff00},900.00 [20:29:9] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: lasak dah tuh [20:29:22] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[Sell] Rancer B 2insu 4 up full mod STNK Aktive buka harga yang wajar CP or SMS me [20:29:22] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Adalberto_Adelric{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}232222{FF0000}] [20:29:22] Members online: [20:29:22] - [1]Cholo: [66]Munez Martinez [20:29:22] - [1]Cholo: [97]Lucas Galtero [20:29:22] - [10]El Jefe del Sur: [114]Oscar Garcia [20:29:22] - [8]Veterano: [166]Ruben Ayala [20:29:22] - [1]Cholo: [191]Juanito Vizcaino [20:29:22] - [3]Pandillero: [194]Santiago Porras [20:29:22] - [7]Shotcaller: [202]Jerold Blanco [20:29:22] - [1]Cholo: [222]Marco Devalos [20:29:50] BANK: {ffffff}You've stored {ffff00},000.00{ffffff} into your bank account [20:29:50] BALANCE: {ffff00},900.00 [20:29:56] No ATM found! [20:30:5] BANK: {ffffff}You've withdrawn {ffff00}.00{ffffff} from your bank account [20:30:5] BALANCE: {ffff00},909.77 [20:30:8] BANK: {ffffff}You've withdrawn {ffff00}.77{ffffff} from your bank account [20:30:8] BALANCE: {ffff00},900.00 [20:30:14] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[SELL] Black Sanchez Motorcycle. Insurance: 5, Upgrade: 0. Special Price 0 Nego. [20:30:14] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Hajime_Kuryakin{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}884888{FF0000}] [20:36:50] {00ffff}SERVER:{ffffff} Selamat datang {ffff00}Lucas_Galtero{ffffff}. [20:36:50] Family MOTD: {FFFF00}ORDER TUTUP , PERBAIKI ATTITUDE KALIAN DOLO !!! [20:36:50] MOTD: {ffff00}Kalo kamu melaporkan seseorang di /report tapi tidak kasih ID atau nama, kami tidak akan respond [20:36:50] {00ffff}SERVER:{ffffff} Anda terakhir login {ffff00}1 jam yang lalu [20:36:50] * {FF0000}Lucas_Galtero {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [20:36:50] {00ffff}SERVER: {ffffff}Today is {ffff00}Mon 17 Apr 2017, 20:36:50 [20:36:50] {00ffff}SERVER: {ffffff}Server memerlukan waktu {ffff00}167 milisecond{ffffff} untuk memuat data char anda! [20:36:50] NOTICE: {ffff00}0 vehicle(s) is currently impounded [20:36:50] BotCmd: Franklien_Gebesis telah dikick, alasan: Ping melebihi batas (898) [20:36:52] * {FF0000}Marcellino_Einstein {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Palembang, Indonesia) [20:36:54] * {FF0000}Neison_Rackley {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Tangerang, Indonesia) [20:36:54] * {FF0000}Camribge_Cameroon {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Medan, Indonesia) [20:36:59] Members online: [20:36:59] - [1]Cholo: [63]Lucas Galtero [20:36:59] - [1]Cholo: [66]Munez Martinez [20:36:59] - [8]Veterano: [68]Ruben Ayala [20:36:59] - [10]El Jefe del Sur: [114]Oscar Garcia [20:36:59] - [1]Cholo: [191]Juanito Vizcaino [20:36:59] - [3]Pandillero: [194]Santiago Porras [20:36:59] - [7]Shotcaller: [202]Jerold Blanco [20:36:59] - [1]Cholo: [222]Marco Devalos [20:37:17] ENGINEINFO: Mesin masih mati, tekan tombol {FF0000}~k~~VEHICLE_FIREWEAPON~{BFC0C2} atau command /engine untuk menghidupkannya. [20:37:18] ENGINE: Anda mencoba untuk menghidupkan Mesin. [20:37:21] Handbrakes {FF0000}OFF [20:37:21] ENGINE: Anda telah menghidupkan mesin kendaraan. [20:37:21] Lights {33AA33}ON [20:37:42] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[Buy] mobil 4 pintu any insu any up no taxi atau Cambie [20:37:42] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Emilie_Mitchell{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}330707{FF0000}] [20:38:4] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: wah di kasi mobil gratis [20:38:6] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: edisi pensi [20:38:11] ERROR: You need to be near your own house! [20:38:17] KEGUNAAN: /drop material [amount (100-10000)] [20:38:23] (( {FF0000}Admin tiak: {FFFFFF}Neison_Rackley 3 menit harus IG kembali. )) [20:38:27] (( {FF0000}Admin tiak: {FFFFFF}sebelum kena hukuman. )) [20:38:39] HOUSE: {FFFFFF}You've stored {FFFF00}1381 unit(s) {FFFFFF}of gun material inside this room [20:38:39] HOUSE: {FFFFFF}Move the item to your desired position within this room! [20:38:43] HOUSE: {FFFF00}Item position saved! [20:38:45] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[Buy]Rumah Gubuk Dimana Saja Budged 2.k ada Cp Me: [20:38:45] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Margarito_Miroslav{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}111375{FF0000}] [20:38:57] [FAM] Cholo Marco Devalos: gua ada peda [20:38:57] [FAM] El Jefe del Sur Oscar Garcia: ada yang mau daftar volunt? bulan mei besok noh buka wkwkwk [20:39:0] No. ((Kendrick Wesley)) [20:39:9] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: oke gue daftar [20:39:9] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: medan bisa ga [20:39:10] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: umur berapa qal? [20:39:17] [FAM] El Jefe del Sur Oscar Garcia: 17 minimal [20:39:24] [FAM] El Jefe del Sur Oscar Garcia: bisa lah [20:39:24] Lucas Galtero Shouts: WOY! [20:39:26] Lucas Galtero Shouts: NGAPAIN ANJENG! [20:39:29] Lucas Galtero Shouts: GUA INJEK LU! [20:39:29] Mask 426381 Shouts: Pull over! [20:39:31] [FAM] Pandillero Santiago Porras: gue 16 [20:39:40] [FAM] Pandillero Santiago Porras: sama aja double admin emg bisa? [20:39:48] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[SELL] Broadway 3insu 4up 1,5 net No trade minat cp; [20:39:48] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Vanda_Rocha{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}595555{FF0000}] [20:39:52] [FAM] El Jefe del Sur Oscar Garcia: bisa keknya [20:40:2] AdmCmd: Neison_Rackley has been remote warned by tiak, total warns: 3 [20:40:2] Reason: refuse RP [20:40:9] [FAM] Pandillero Santiago Porras: gausah dah, ribet ntr [20:40:9] AdmCmd: Neison_Rackley has been remote-jailed by tiak for 120 minutes. [20:40:9] Reason: refuse RP [20:40:22] [FAM] Cholo Marco Devalos: full ah [20:40:24] [FAM] Pandillero Santiago Porras: itu nick mongkutkorn lagi ngehits apa [20:40:29] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: anak GS [20:40:50] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[SELL]Super GT 2 Insu 4 Up FullModift Tawarkan Harga Terbaikmu!Anda Minat?CP/SMS: [20:40:50] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Achmad_Megantara{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}437777{FF0000}] [20:40:52] [FAM] Cholo Marco Devalos: den full [20:41:3] [FAM] Cholo Marco Devalos: Gua juga mau [20:41:6] Seatbelts {33AA33}ON [20:41:22] ENGINE: Anda telah mematikan Mesin. [20:41:25] Seatbelts {FF0000}OFF [20:41:25] Patrick Billboard: (( li Idiot )) [20:41:29] Patrick Billboard: (( lo Idiot )) [20:41:31] * Lucas Galtero approaches Munez. [20:41:39] Patrick Billboard: (( lo Idiot semua nya )) [20:41:53] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[KING Cia's Furniture] Menyediakan Furniture Berkualitas Dan Menarik @Montgomery [20:41:53] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Cristian_Tasya{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}127723{FF0000}] [20:41:54] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: fak [20:42:0] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: kebanyakan ngarep si felix [20:42:1] [FAM] Cholo Marco Devalos: bangsat [20:42:3] [FAM] Cholo Marco Devalos: wkwk [20:42:12] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: rp lah [20:42:16] ENGINEINFO: Mesin masih mati, tekan tombol {FF0000}~k~~VEHICLE_FIREWEAPON~{BFC0C2} atau command /engine untuk menghidupkannya. [20:42:16] ENGINE: Anda mencoba untuk menghidupkan Mesin. [20:42:19] ENGINE: Anda telah menghidupkan mesin kendaraan. [20:42:27] Lucas Galtero says: Wait up, Huron. [20:42:32] Munez Martinez says: Alright. [20:42:46] Lennon_Brownback telah keluar dari server. (Pergi) [20:42:55] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[Dicari]Shancez insu ga masalah, ada? hubungi saya. [20:42:55] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Augustus_Brantson{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}202200{FF0000}] [20:43:13] (( {FF0000}Admin tiak: {FFFFFF}yang di GYM els PM dong. )) [20:43:37] AdmCmd: tiak has released Neison_Rackley from Admin Jail [20:43:41] AdmCmd: tiak has removed 1 warning(s) from Neison_Rackley, Total warning: 2 [20:43:44] Admin tiak: re-rp. [20:43:51] [ID] ID:18 | Name: Takashi_Hiroshima [20:43:59] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}Kalau ada yang jual MOBIL or MOTOR Call or SMS : 505444 [20:43:59] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Jumadi_Baser{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}505444{FF0000}] [20:44:1] [FAM] Cholo Marco Devalos: bentar brb ganti celana [20:44:38] Jonas Wenzel says: Why this shit happen to me [20:44:39] * Nelson Coleman ignore Jonas. [20:44:58] Nathan Lavoie Shouts: taxiiiii! [20:45:1] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[Find]House Di kota ada dana 3k!Ada? Cp or Sms [20:45:1] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Mark_Marvin{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}111140{FF0000}] [20:45:14] Valshaun Ramirez says: Que bola, ese ?. [20:45:30] Munez Martinez says: Buenas as you see. [20:45:32] ENGINE: Anda telah mematikan Mesin. [20:45:33] Munez Martinez says: Why? [20:45:39] * Lucas Galtero approaches the duo. [20:45:41] Munez Martinez says: You wanna claim this place? [20:45:47] Valshaun Ramirez says: Claim for what ?. [20:45:50] Travis Welington says: Ayee [20:45:58] Travis Welington says: Wassup [20:46:1] Travis Welington says: This is SAPD [20:46:3] * Lucas Galtero turn his vision to Travis. [20:46:3] Munez Martinez says: Nothing, miho. [20:46:4] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[SELL] Mansion 4 Garage at Mullholand-Richman, Interest?CP: [20:46:4] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Sailendro_DiCaprio{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}5678{FF0000}] [20:46:4] Travis Welington says: Ankat tangan [20:46:9] Travis Welington says: One [20:46:10] * Valshaun Ramirez is 20 yo wearing blue shirt brown pants white socks and shoes had SSA-13 on his neck [20:46:17] Munez Martinez says: Idiot. [20:46:23] Lucas Galtero says: Just idiot people. [20:46:25] Valshaun Ramirez says: I got bidness mano, peace out. [20:46:30] Munez Martinez says: Orale. [20:46:31] Munez Martinez says: Go on. [20:46:33] Lucas Galtero says: Oralle. [20:46:39] Travis Welington says: i need crack nigge [20:46:41] DYOC: {ffffff}Weapons attachment {33AA33}enabled [20:46:44] Lucas Galtero says: Who's care? [20:46:48] DYOC: {ffffff}Weapons attachment {ff0000}disabled [20:46:51] Munez Martinez says: Who's care, idiot? [20:47:5] AdmCmd: Scandalz_Valcatrozes has been account banned by tiak. [20:47:5] Reason: ganti namanya yang lebih realistis, contoh : Johnny_Wilson [20:47:6] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[DICARI] rumah budget K di kota. ada? CP or SMS. [20:47:6] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Han_Bonyono{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}887150{FF0000}] [20:47:37] ERROR: Invalid playerid! [20:47:43] DYOC: {ffffff}Weapons attachment {33AA33}enabled [20:47:44] DYOC: {ffffff}Weapons attachment {ff0000}disabled [20:48:9] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[S/T]Admiral 2 insu 2 up full mod atau trade sama Rumah Cp: [20:48:9] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Margarito_Miroslav{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}111375{FF0000}] [20:48:10] Munez Martinez says: You the owner of that caro, Luga? [20:48:18] Lucas Galtero says: Yeah, that's new. [20:48:21] Munez Martinez says: Cool. [20:48:26] Lucas Galtero says: Thanks, Huron. [20:48:27] Munez Martinez says: Where you got it? [20:48:38] Lucas Galtero says: Dealer Oceand Docks. [20:48:46] Lucas Galtero says: There so many good caro. [20:48:49] Munez Martinez says: You buy it? [20:48:53] Lucas Galtero says: Sure, ese. [20:49:4] Munez Martinez says: Ah.. nice caro. [20:49:10] Lucas Galtero says: But, i must slangin my tax frist for grab that/ [20:49:12] Lucas Galtero: (( .* )) [20:49:13] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[SELL] Quadbike 4 roda , 2 insu just 700 minat ? CP me [20:49:13] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Sheryl_DeDonata{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}411622{FF0000}] [20:49:16] Lucas Galtero: (( taxi* )) [20:49:30] Munez Martinez says: What you mean? [20:49:52] AdmCmd: Saitou_Shimaru has been kicked by zuqal123. [20:49:52] Reason: ATIP [20:49:56] Lucas Galtero says: I mean for buy that, i must slangin my taxi. [20:50:6] Munez Martinez says: You sell your taxi? [20:50:9] Lucas Galtero says: Yap. [20:50:15] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[SELL/TRADE]Flash 2insu 4up Fullmod STNK Aktiv Buka Harga Sewajarnya CP Or SMS : [20:50:15] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Cristian_Tasya{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}127723{FF0000}] [20:50:53] Lucas Galtero says: Wanna ride, Huron? [20:50:59] Munez Martinez says: Nah imma stay in here. [20:51:3] Lucas Galtero says: Oralle. [20:51:6] HUDMODE: {ffffff}Classic [20:51:6] HUDMODE: {ffffff}Hidden [20:51:18] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[KING Little Mexico Market's]Menyediakan Barang Barang Baru Dan Harga Sangat Terjangkau Loc@ Little Mexico. [20:51:18] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Kalzimir_Gergorovich{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}1922{FF0000}] [20:51:37] HUDMODE: {ffffff}Modern [20:51:46] Lucas Galtero: (( edit ss bentar. )) [20:52:21] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}Dijual flatbed 0 nett. [20:52:21] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Valshaun_Ramirez{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}696669{FF0000}] [20:53:9] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: wah discam gw [20:53:13] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: katanya upgrade semua [20:53:17] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: body aja ga diupgrade ni patriot [20:53:21] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: lol [20:53:24] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[BUY]Rumah di las colinas budget 00 CP OR SMS: [20:53:24] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Dwight_Southern{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}430004{FF0000}] [20:53:27] * Ruben Ayala gets his head out of the window. [20:53:30] * Ruben Ayala shouts at Munez jokingly. [20:53:39] Munez Martinez says: Sup, yo? [20:53:45] * Ruben Ayala laughs along Jerold. [20:53:58] Munez Martinez says: Fuck you, Ben. [20:54:13] Munez Martinez says: Where you will go? [20:54:19] * Ruben Ayala presents his newly bought Hummer 4x4. [20:54:27] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[KING] Montgomery Dealer, Menjual Semua Jenis Kendaraan Roda 2, Loc@Montgomery [20:54:27] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Sergio_Franklin{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}2901{FF0000}] [20:54:48] * Ruben Ayala opens the door for Munez before he gets in. [20:55:28] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[BELI] Garasi Pribadi. Anda Jual ? CP [20:55:28] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Bonifacio_Donnarumma{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}443444{FF0000}] [20:56:31] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}{DICARI}Taxi bukan cabbie ada ?CP: [20:56:31] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Arthur_Leonardo{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}750100{FF0000}] [20:57:11] Anda telah memasuki AFK mode!, ketik /afk untuk lanjut main [20:57:33] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[Sell] Patriot 2 Insu 1 Up Bisa Nego Jual Cepat Minat CP; [20:57:33] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Rizky_Andrian{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}696869{FF0000}] [20:58:37] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}Beli 2 tingkat ada halaman parkirnya ada HUB atau SMS [20:58:37] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Barry_Holmwood{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}435000{FF0000}] [20:59:39] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}Dijual PCJ-600, 3 insu, 1 up, stnk 10 mei, minat ? SMS HARGA WAJAR [20:59:39] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Layren_Murphy{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}133300{FF0000}] [20:59:51] AFK: {ffff00}You are no longer in AFK-Mode! [21:0:10] ENGINEINFO: Mesin masih mati, tekan tombol {FF0000}~k~~VEHICLE_FIREWEAPON~{BFC0C2} atau command /engine untuk menghidupkannya. [21:0:11] ENGINE: Anda mencoba untuk menghidupkan Mesin. [21:0:15] ENGINE: Anda telah menghidupkan mesin kendaraan. [21:0:20] ENGINE: Anda telah mematikan Mesin. [21:0:42] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[Dijual]Roadtrain 3 insurance tawarkan harga [21:0:42] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Carlton_King{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}496999{FF0000}] [21:1:45] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[Dijual]Mesa 3insuransi tahun 3Upgrade full modift Harga 00 Anda minat?Call or SMS [21:1:45] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Raven_Washington{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}991599{FF0000}] [21:2:38] ENGINEINFO: Mesin masih mati, tekan tombol {FF0000}~k~~VEHICLE_FIREWEAPON~{BFC0C2} atau command /engine untuk menghidupkannya. [21:2:38] ENGINE: Anda mencoba untuk menghidupkan Mesin. [21:2:41] ENGINE: Anda telah menghidupkan mesin kendaraan. [21:2:44] Lucas Galtero: (( a )) [21:2:47] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[KING Little Mexico Market's]Menyediakan Paytoll, Painkiller, Bandage Dan Lain Lain Loc @Little Mexico [21:2:47] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Kalzimir_Gergorovich{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}1922{FF0000}] [21:3:53] {00ffff}SERVER:{ffffff} Selamat datang {ffff00}Lucas_Galtero{ffffff}. [21:3:53] Family MOTD: {FFFF00}ORDER TUTUP , PERBAIKI ATTITUDE KALIAN DOLO !!! [21:3:53] MOTD: {ffff00}Kalo kamu melaporkan seseorang di /report tapi tidak kasih ID atau nama, kami tidak akan respond [21:3:53] {00ffff}SERVER:{ffffff} Anda terakhir login {ffff00}27 menit yang lalu [21:3:53] * {FF0000}Lucas_Galtero {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [21:3:54] {00ffff}SERVER: {ffffff}Today is {ffff00}Mon 17 Apr 2017, 21:03:54 [21:3:54] {00ffff}SERVER: {ffffff}Server memerlukan waktu {ffff00}197 milisecond{ffffff} untuk memuat data char anda! [21:3:54] NOTICE: {ffff00}0 vehicle(s) is currently impounded [21:3:54] * {FF0000}Tyrell_Ashford {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Batam, Indonesia) [21:3:57] * {FF0000}Dobrashin_Osya {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [21:3:59] * {FF0000}Aldevaro_Appolonoppi {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [21:4:0] * {FF0000}Tevfik_Krijt {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [21:4:0] * {FF0000}Leonardo_VanDysch {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [21:4:12] ENGINEINFO: Mesin masih mati, tekan tombol {FF0000}~k~~VEHICLE_FIREWEAPON~{BFC0C2} atau command /engine untuk menghidupkannya. [21:4:13] ENGINE: Anda mencoba untuk menghidupkan Mesin. [21:4:17] Handbrakes {FF0000}OFF [21:4:17] ENGINE: Anda telah menghidupkan mesin kendaraan. [21:4:18] Lights {33AA33}ON [21:4:25] Lights {FF0000}OFF [21:4:30] Rasheed Oakley says: Nah, it won't work. [21:4:53] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}Buy workshop, contact : [21:4:53] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Joeri_Edmondo{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}123123{FF0000}] [21:5:10] AdmCmd: Patrick_Billboard has been remote warned by zuqal123, total warns: 1 [21:5:10] Reason: Pasal 21: Deathmatch [21:5:27] AdmCmd: Patrick_Billboard has been remote-jailed by zuqal123 for 60 minutes. [21:5:27] Reason: Pasal 21: Deathmatch [21:5:36] Members online: [21:5:36] - [1]Cholo: [66]Munez Martinez [21:5:36] - [8]Veterano: [68]Ruben Ayala [21:5:36] - [1]Cholo: [91]Lucas Galtero [21:5:36] - [10]El Jefe del Sur: [114]Oscar Garcia [21:5:36] - [7]Shotcaller: [202]Jerold Blanco [21:5:36] - [1]Cholo: [222]Marco Devalos [21:5:45] HUDMODE: {ffffff}Classic [21:5:45] HUDMODE: {ffffff}Hidden [21:5:55] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}FIND 1 orang Farmer yang rajin dan jujur. Datang langsung ke ladang BB no 5 [21:5:55] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Park_Hwanhee{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}6660{FF0000}] [21:6:2] HUDMODE: {ffffff}Modern [21:6:32] [WT] Channel set to '1505' [21:6:37] [WT:1505] {75AE5D}Lucas Galtero: hoy [21:6:42] KEGUNAAN: /setfq [channel [1-9999] [21:6:47] [WT] Channel set to '12' [21:6:58] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[BUY]Rumah 1 garasi,Utamakan daerah ganton,ELS,parkiran luas [21:6:58] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Eduardo_Clayden{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}31082001{FF0000}] [21:7:28] BotCmd: Kalzimir_Gergorovich telah dikick, alasan: Ping melebihi batas (775) [21:7:59] ENGINE: Anda telah mematikan Mesin. [21:8:1] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[!DICARI!]Glendale any insu any up,anda jual saya beli.CP: [21:8:1] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Cameroon_Urrington{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}704500{FF0000}] [21:25:40] {00ffff}SERVER:{ffffff} Selamat datang {ffff00}Lucas_Galtero{ffffff}. [21:25:40] Family MOTD: {FFFF00}ORDER TUTUP , PERBAIKI ATTITUDE KALIAN DOLO !!! [21:25:40] MOTD: {ffff00}Kalo kamu melaporkan seseorang di /report tapi tidak kasih ID atau nama, kami tidak akan respond [21:25:40] {00ffff}SERVER:{ffffff} Anda terakhir login {ffff00}21 menit yang lalu [21:25:40] * {FF0000}Lucas_Galtero {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [21:25:41] * {FF0000}Natasya_Luna {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Tangerang, Indonesia) [21:25:41] {00ffff}SERVER: {ffffff}Today is {ffff00}Mon 17 Apr 2017, 21:25:41 [21:25:41] {00ffff}SERVER: {ffffff}Server memerlukan waktu {ffff00}1504 milisecond{ffffff} untuk memuat data char anda! [21:25:41] NOTICE: {ffff00}0 vehicle(s) is currently impounded [21:25:53] Members online: [21:25:53] - [1]Cholo: [1]Lucas Galtero [21:25:53] - [1]Cholo: [66]Munez Martinez [21:25:53] - [8]Veterano: [68]Ruben Ayala [21:25:53] - [10]El Jefe del Sur: [114]Oscar Garcia [21:25:53] - [7]Shotcaller: [202]Jerold Blanco [21:25:53] - [1]Cholo: [222]Marco Devalos [21:26:21] (( PM from [223] Lionel_Barry: gan )) [21:26:22] * Lucas Galtero gazez toward Lionel. [21:26:24] (( PM to [223] Lionel_Barry: ? )) [21:26:32] (( PM from [223] Lionel_Barry: kok gak bisa naik mobil )) [21:26:32] (( PM to [223] Lionel_Barry: ya? )) [21:26:33] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[DICARI] motor shancez any insu 1 up, yang murah, CP : [21:26:33] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Rizky_Novand{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}262874{FF0000}] [21:26:35] (( PM to [223] Lionel_Barry: ga lah )) [21:26:38] (( PM from [223] Lionel_Barry: kenapa )) [21:26:44] (( PM to [223] Lionel_Barry: itu mobil g )) [21:26:46] (( PM to [223] Lionel_Barry: itu mobil gw )) [21:26:53] (( PM to [223] Lionel_Barry: baca rules lagi aja. )) [21:26:56] (( PM to [223] Lionel_Barry: dah baca rules? )) [21:27:1] (( PM from [223] Lionel_Barry: cara bacanya gimana )) [21:27:7] (( PM from [223] Lionel_Barry: ane baru main gta online )) [21:27:10] (( PM to [223] Lionel_Barry: oh )) [21:27:16] (( PM from [223] Lionel_Barry: belum ngerti semua )) [21:27:30] (( PM to [223] Lionel_Barry: /report bang ajarin saya roleplay, gitu )) [21:27:35] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}The Foundation Gasoline at Montgomerry has been restocked. Visit us! [21:27:35] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Joeri_Edmondo{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}123123{FF0000}] [21:27:53] (( PM from [223] Lionel_Barry: gimana cara reportnya )) [21:28:1] (( PM to [223] Lionel_Barry: tuh udah lu /report )) [21:28:7] (( PM to [223] Lionel_Barry: dah? )) [21:28:11] (( PM from [223] Lionel_Barry: udah )) [21:28:19] (( PM to [223] Lionel_Barry: oke. )) [21:28:38] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[Beli] Garasi pribadi, lokasi dimana aja, anda jual?SMS! [21:28:38] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Keenan_Addison{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}2108{FF0000}] [21:28:48] (( PM to [223] Lionel_Barry: di ajarin ga? )) [21:28:53] (( PM from [223] Lionel_Barry: diajarin )) [21:28:55] (( PM to [223] Lionel_Barry: oke )) [21:29:40] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[SELL] Bisnis Sportshop Profit Medum +4k-6k Penghasilan Bersih. Stock Melimpah. Harga .000 Nego! Minat? SMS!! [21:29:40] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Frankielyson_Hillenburg{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}222505{FF0000}] [21:29:47] ERROR: No queued reports! [21:29:49] [id:24] Volunteer doddyaditya (Elliot_Desmond) [21:29:49] [id:228] Helper Aldynovbp15 (Byron_Prescott) [21:29:49] NOTE: {ffffff}Volunteer tidak memiliki kedudukan yang sama dengan Helper / Admin [21:29:59] DYOC: {ffffff}Weapons attachment {33AA33}enabled [21:30:10] DYOC: {ffffff}Weapons attachment {ff0000}disabled [21:30:42] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[SELL] Cheetah 3insurance,2upgrade,fullmodift PROMO||SMS: [21:30:42] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Tasya_Miura{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}700700{FF0000}] [21:31:4] BotCmd: Cyzarine_Astrid telah dikick, alasan: Ping melebihi batas (767) [21:31:6] ENGINEINFO: Mesin masih mati, tekan tombol {FF0000}~k~~VEHICLE_FIREWEAPON~{BFC0C2} atau command /engine untuk menghidupkannya. [21:31:6] ENGINE: Anda mencoba untuk menghidupkan Mesin. [21:31:9] Handbrakes {FF0000}OFF [21:31:9] ENGINE: Anda telah menghidupkan mesin kendaraan. [21:31:29] AdmCmd: Reno_Roderigo has been banned by Sinatrio for 1 day(s). [21:31:29] Reason: Non RP Behaviour [21:31:45] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[BUY]Rumah 1 garasi,Utamakan Ganton atau sekitarnya,Halaman luas! [21:31:45] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Eduardo_Clayden{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}31082001{FF0000}] [21:31:47] Lucas Galtero says: Damn ese. [21:31:51] Lucas Galtero says: What's going on? [21:31:56] Luther Humpries says: Huh? [21:31:59] Mask 880297 says: baru menang k anjing [21:32:0] * Travone Randolph hides behind the red cheetah. [21:32:4] Luther Humpries says: Shotout sir.. [21:32:8] Lucas Galtero says: Damn, [21:32:12] Lucas Galtero says: We must out from this place. [21:32:22] BotCmd: Cyzarine_Astrid telah dikick, alasan: Ping melebihi batas (994) [21:32:49] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[SELL] Sultan 3 ansuransi 2 upgrade full modift STNK aktif minat CP or SMS : [21:32:49] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Soham_Guillaume{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}264222{FF0000}] [21:32:55] BotCmd: Ibrahim_Drummond telah dikick, alasan: Ping melebihi batas (1078) [21:33:10] AdmCmd: Reno_Roderigo has been remote banned by clover253. [21:33:10] Reason: Cheater [CLOVER253] [21:33:12] Bench Ogumemossas Shouts: Pereniel! [21:33:17] Bench Ogumemossas says: Dijual? [21:33:17] Lucas Galtero says: Ha? [21:33:20] Lucas Galtero says: Berani berapa? [21:33:25] Bench Ogumemossas says: Delernya aja 0 [21:33:28] AdmCmd: IP has been banned by clover253. [21:33:28] Reason: Cheater [clover253] [21:33:31] Lucas Galtero says: 0. [21:33:33] BotCmd: Cyzarine_Astrid telah dikick, alasan: Ping melebihi batas (763) [21:33:37] Lucas Galtero says: Upgrade 2. [21:33:43] AdmCmd: UCP account Reno_Roderigo has been blocked by clover253. [21:33:43] Reason: Cheater [clover253] [21:33:44] Bench Ogumemossas says: Trade? [21:33:46] Lucas Galtero says: Sama? [21:33:48] Bench Ogumemossas says: Sama Sanchez [21:33:50] Lucas Galtero says: G. [21:33:50] Bench Ogumemossas says: 1Up 3insu [21:33:51] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[SELL] mobil Sadler masih mulus dan bagus harga 0 nego minat CP!: [21:33:51] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Sergio_Morgan{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}883636{FF0000}] [21:34:18] ENGINE: Anda telah mematikan Mesin. [21:34:19] BotCmd: Arturo_Mauricio telah dikick, alasan: Ping melebihi batas (1185) [21:43:48] {00ffff}SERVER:{ffffff} Selamat datang {ffff00}Lucas_Galtero{ffffff}. [21:43:48] Family MOTD: {FFFF00}ORDER TUTUP , PERBAIKI ATTITUDE KALIAN DOLO !!! [21:43:48] MOTD: {ffff00}Kalo kamu melaporkan seseorang di /report tapi tidak kasih ID atau nama, kami tidak akan respond [21:43:48] {00ffff}SERVER:{ffffff} Anda terakhir login {ffff00}18 menit yang lalu [21:43:48] * {FF0000}Lucas_Galtero {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [21:43:48] {00ffff}SERVER: {ffffff}Today is {ffff00}Mon 17 Apr 2017, 21:43:48 [21:43:48] {00ffff}SERVER: {ffffff}Server memerlukan waktu {ffff00}220 milisecond{ffffff} untuk memuat data char anda! [21:43:48] NOTICE: {ffff00}0 vehicle(s) is currently impounded [21:44:0] * {FF0000}Kanye_Crooks {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Rewasidori, Indonesia) [21:44:1] * {FF0000}Sretko_Neustadter {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [21:44:2] * {FF0000}Naoki_Tashio {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Manado, Indonesia) [21:44:3] [FAM] El Jefe del Sur Oscar Garcia: jir kebeli kapal buat family awkawkkaw [21:44:9] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: delete [21:44:11] * {FF0000}Cyzarine_Astrid {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [21:44:17] Members online: [21:44:17] - [1]Cholo: [66]Munez Martinez [21:44:17] - [8]Veterano: [68]Ruben Ayala [21:44:17] - [1]Cholo: [72]Lucas Galtero [21:44:17] - [10]El Jefe del Sur: [123]Oscar Garcia [21:44:17] - [2]Gangeros: [146]Jesus Aguilar [21:44:17] - [7]Shotcaller: [202]Jerold Blanco [21:44:17] - [1]Cholo: [222]Marco Devalos [21:44:30] ENGINEINFO: Mesin masih mati, tekan tombol {FF0000}~k~~VEHICLE_FIREWEAPON~{BFC0C2} atau command /engine untuk menghidupkannya. [21:44:30] [FAM] El Jefe del Sur Oscar Garcia: ga dapat uang sedih [21:44:31] ENGINE: Anda mencoba untuk menghidupkan Mesin. [21:44:35] Handbrakes {FF0000}OFF [21:44:35] ENGINE: Anda telah menghidupkan mesin kendaraan. [21:44:35] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[Exodus Bar And Lounge] Menyediakan semua permainan gambling, Loc : Pigpen. [21:44:35] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Branislav_Leonidovich{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}307307{FF0000}] [21:44:38] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: jual [21:44:41] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: t***t [21:44:47] BotCmd: Cyzarine_Astrid telah dikick, alasan: Ping melebihi batas (773) [21:45:4] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: felix tumben ga /f dek qu [21:45:15] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: tidur dia [21:45:21] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: oh shit [21:45:22] ERROR: That player is not paused! [21:45:37] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[SELL] Comet 1 insu , 1 Up, Neon, Velg, Good Condition [21:45:37] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Rudolf_Randolph{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}522155{FF0000}] [21:45:50] BotCmd: Cyzarine_Astrid telah dikick, alasan: Ping melebihi batas (767) [21:46:0] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: godshake, tuhan mengocok [21:46:6] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: hmmm [21:46:8] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: mastrubation [21:46:21] [FAM] Cholo Munez Martinez: Leblanc, good. [21:46:28] HUDMODE: {ffffff}Classic [21:46:28] HUDMODE: {ffffff}Hidden [21:46:41] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[SELL] Comet 1 insu , 1 Up, Neon, Velg, Good Condition [21:46:41] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Rudolf_Randolph{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}522155{FF0000}] [21:47:20] HUDMODE: {ffffff}Modern [21:47:20] HUDMODE: {ffffff}Classic [21:47:20] HUDMODE: {ffffff}Hidden [21:47:21] HUDMODE: {ffffff}Modern [21:47:38] BotCmd: Cyzarine_Astrid telah dikick, alasan: Ping melebihi batas (764) [21:47:39] [FAM] Cholo Munez Martinez: minjem [21:47:44] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[Exodus Bar And Lounge] Membuka semua permainan gambling, Loc : Pigpne [21:47:44] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Branislav_Leonidovich{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}307307{FF0000}] [21:47:53] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: woi [21:48:4] Tyrell Ashford say[18:54:25] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}Ladang anda membutuhkan petani berpengalaman? Sering membuat laporan dan jarang keluar kota? Hubungi saya! [18:54:25] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}David_Delgado{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}111226{FF0000}] [18:55:28] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[DICARI] Bar yang menerima bandar profesional dan mempunyai modal besar. [18:55:28] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Marcellino_Diogsidah{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}12000{FF0000}] [18:55:34] {8D8DFF}911: {FFFFFF}You have reached the 911 Emergency Service. [18:55:34] {8D8DFF}911: {FFFFFF}Do you need a police or a paramedic ? [18:55:35] HUDMODE: {ffffff}Classic [18:55:35] HUDMODE: {ffffff}Hidden [18:55:37] HUDMODE: {ffffff}Modern [18:55:37] HUDMODE: {ffffff}Classic [18:55:37] HUDMODE: {ffffff}Hidden [18:55:48] HUDMODE: {ffffff}Modern [18:55:50] HUDMODE: {ffffff}Classic [18:55:50] HUDMODE: {ffffff}Hidden [18:55:51] HUDMODE: {ffffff}Modern [18:55:53] CELLPHONE: Anda telah menutup telepon! [18:55:53] Telepon terputus... [18:55:54] Robberto_Achelies telah keluar dari server. (Pergi) [18:56:17] Leonar Aubree: (( wa )) [18:56:19] Lucas Galtero: (( we )) [18:56:21] Leonar Aubree: (( wkkwq )) [18:56:26] Leonar Aubree says: Ayee. [18:56:28] Edurox Alberto says: bro [18:56:30] Lucas Galtero says: Ayyo. [18:56:31] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[ BUY ] MOBIL APA SAJA DANA 2.5 ADA CP [18:56:31] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Hanzo_Sasaki{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}479900{FF0000}] [18:56:34] Edurox Alberto says: bagi duit [18:56:35] Leonar Aubree says: Ayee. [18:56:38] Leonar Aubree says: Gaada. [18:56:38] Lucas Galtero says: Ayoo. [18:56:41] Edurox Alberto says: plis] [18:56:42] Leonar Aubree says: Follow me. [18:56:43] Edurox Alberto says: plis [18:56:49] Edurox Alberto says: bang [18:56:51] Leonar Aubree Shouts: COME HERE! [18:56:53] Lucas Galtero says: Itu ikutin dia. [18:57:1] Edurox Alberto says: bang [18:57:7] Edurox Alberto says: bagi duit lah [18:57:13] BotCmd: Gabe_Castillo telah dikick, alasan: Ping melebihi batas (762) [18:57:21] Lucas Galtero says: Orang gila. [18:57:32] Lucas Galtero says: ASGH tong. [18:57:33] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}Jual PCJ-600, 3 insu, 1 up, STNK 10 mei, harga 1,5k NO NEGO - SMS jika minat. [18:57:33] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Layren_Murphy{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}133300{FF0000}] [18:57:34] Lucas Galtero says: Ya tong? [18:57:39] FRISK: Anda telah merequest izin kepada {FF0000}Takashi Hiroshima {FFFFFF}untuk frisk. [18:57:42] Lucas Galtero says: ASGH. [18:57:45] FRISK: Anda telah merequest izin kepada {FF0000}Takashi Hiroshima {FFFFFF}untuk frisk. [18:57:53] PAYINFO: {ffffff}You've given {ffff00}Takashi Hiroshima [id:61] {00ff00}.00 [18:57:57] Lucas Galtero says: Tuh.. [18:58:1] Lucas Galtero says: Kasihan gua. [18:58:4] Lucas Galtero Says [car]: QUE? [18:58:10] ERROR: Unknown command, see '/help' [18:58:15] ERROR: Unknown command, see '/help' [18:58:24] Lucas Galtero Says [car]: Que, Yosie? [18:58:30] Takashi Hiroshima says: Que passa [18:58:30] Carliste Beardsley Says [car]: yeah [18:58:31] Lucas Galtero Says [car]: Yosie is deaf? [18:58:37] Carliste Beardsley Says [car]: good shi'et. [18:58:37] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[trade] Banshee 3insu fullup dengan Bullet 3insu anyup CP: [18:58:37] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Paul_Toretto{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}91115550{FF0000}] [18:58:37] Lucas Einstein says (cellphone): Taxi [18:58:41] Maverick Bronislav says: ke CGH [18:59:10] Carliste Beardsley Shouts: DIPS! [18:59:21] ENGINEINFO: Mesin masih mati, tekan tombol {FF0000}~k~~VEHICLE_FIREWEAPON~{BFC0C2} atau command /engine untuk menghidupkannya. [18:59:23] ENGINE: Anda mencoba untuk menghidupkan Mesin. [18:59:23] Carliste Beardsley Shouts: DIPS! [18:59:26] Handbrakes {FF0000}OFF [18:59:26] ENGINE: Anda telah menghidupkan mesin kendaraan. [18:59:29] BotCmd: Kingsley_Oshea telah dikick, alasan: Ping melebihi batas (837) [18:59:40] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[SELL] Sultan polos dengan kondisi masih bagus anda tertarik dengan yang saya tawarkan? [18:59:40] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Roxane_Hayleigh{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}569977{FF0000}] [18:59:40] Takashi Hiroshima Shouts: Dem! [18:59:55] Carliste Beardsley Says [car]: Passa mayate ? [18:59:56] MASKINFO: Mask {33AA33}ON [19:0:0] Takashi Hiroshima says: Shut up [19:0:0] Mask 808218 Says [car]: Hooh [19:0:2] WEATHER: Cornelis_Vanegaz mengganti weather! [19:0:6] Carliste Beardsley Says [car]: Que, puto. Rascall ? [19:0:17] Carliste Beardsley Says [car]: POR VIDA ! [19:0:20] Takashi Hiroshima says: Putu ? [19:0:21] Carliste Beardsley says: y [19:0:23] Carliste Beardsley says: )) [19:0:25] Takashi Hiroshima says: Putu Suhartawan ? [19:0:26] Carliste Beardsley says: YE [19:0:32] GPSINFO: You have arrived! [19:0:39] Carliste Beardsley Shouts: m***k! [19:0:42] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}Sell Tow Truck 0 + Neon minat Call or SMS : 505444 [19:0:42] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Jumadi_Baser{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}505444{FF0000}] [19:1:14] SHOP: {ffffff}You've purchased {ffff00}Menu +48 {ffffff}for {00ff00}.00 [19:1:16] SHOP: {ffffff}You've purchased {ffff00}Energy Drink {ffffff}for {00ff00}.75 [19:1:43] RADIO: {ffffff}Radio streaming {ff0000}disabled [19:1:44] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[SELL] Sanchez 3 Insu baru keluar dari dealer, 800$ atau tuker tambah dengan Motor Hardley mu! [19:1:44] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Marcos_Barnes{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}753068{FF0000}] [19:1:53] AME: {C2A2DA}piss [19:2:1] [FAM] Cholo Marco Devalos: eh scam senjata sama drugs boleh kan? [19:2:4] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: leh [19:2:15] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: dwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwa [19:2:20] [FAM] Cholo Munez Martinez: 1k [19:2:25] [FAM] Cholo Munez Martinez: inget kan [19:2:29] [FAM] Cholo Marco Devalos: maksud nya? [19:2:30] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: neck2 apa yang enak [19:2:31] [FAM] Cholo Munez Martinez: 1k duit untuk scam [19:2:41] [FAM] Cholo Munez Martinez: 1k duit maximal yang bisa di scam. [19:2:47] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[BUY] Mobil admiral anda jual sms harga tidak masalah. [19:2:47] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Marcellino_Diogsidah{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}12000{FF0000}] [19:2:51] [FAM] El Jefe del Sur Oscar Garcia: pasti lu scam diatas kan [19:2:56] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: kwoawk [19:3:35] {00ffff}SERVER:{ffffff} Selamat datang {ffff00}Lucas_Galtero{ffffff}. [19:3:35] PAYCHECK: Pergi ke bank dan /signcheck untuk mendapatkan paycheck anda atau pergi ke salah satu ATM! [19:3:35] Family MOTD: {FFFF00}ORDER TUTUP , PERBAIKI ATTITUDE KALIAN DOLO !!! [19:3:35] MOTD: {ffff00}Kalo kamu melaporkan seseorang di /report tapi tidak kasih ID atau nama, kami tidak akan respond [19:3:35] {00ffff}SERVER:{ffffff} Anda terakhir login {ffff00}9 menit yang lalu [19:3:35] * {FF0000}Lucas_Galtero {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [19:3:35] {00ffff}SERVER: {ffffff}Today is {ffff00}Mon 17 Apr 2017, 19:03:35 [19:3:35] {00ffff}SERVER: {ffffff}Server memerlukan waktu {ffff00}197 milisecond{ffffff} untuk memuat data char anda! [19:3:35] NOTICE: {ffff00}0 vehicle(s) is currently impounded [19:3:36] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: karena harga senjata/drug itu ga tetap [19:3:48] [FAM] El Jefe del Sur Oscar Garcia: yakin gak scam? [19:3:51] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[KING] Montgomery Dealer, Menjual Berbagai Jenis Kendaraan Roda 2, Loc@Montgomery [19:3:51] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Sergio_Franklin{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}2901{FF0000}] [19:3:55] HUDMODE: {ffffff}Classic [19:3:55] [FAM] Cholo Marco Devalos: ga [19:3:55] HUDMODE: {ffffff}Hidden [19:3:58] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: tp kalau lu scam crack 100,000 grams juga ga mslh [19:4:2] HUDMODE: {ffffff}Modern [19:4:8] [FAM] El Jefe del Sur Oscar Garcia: ada ni yg ask beli 200 gram [19:4:17] [FAM] Cholo Munez Martinez: duit berapa? [19:4:22] [FAM] El Jefe del Sur Oscar Garcia: siapa ni lu atau bukan [19:4:23] [FAM] Cholo Marco Devalos: gua lagi nganterin packet nya [19:4:27] [FAM] El Jefe del Sur Oscar Garcia: jujur [19:4:31] [FAM] Cholo Marco Devalos: Udah gua bilang ke dia ko gua call [19:4:37] [FAM] El Jefe del Sur Oscar Garcia: ke alano bukan [19:4:40] [FAM] Cholo Marco Devalos: ini aja spec gua aja gua lagi ambil bahan nya [19:4:42] [FAM] Cholo Marco Devalos: iya [19:4:46] [ID] ID:74 | Name: Alano_Benavidez [19:4:48] [FAM] El Jefe del Sur Oscar Garcia: zzzz [19:4:52] [FAM] Cholo Marco Devalos: salah paham dia [19:4:54] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[DICARI] Bar Yang Membuka GG Dan BOS Ada CP Me: [19:4:54] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Hope_Weingartner{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}161610{FF0000}] [19:4:59] [FAM] Cholo Marco Devalos: udah gua icin hold up [19:5:1] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: emang, ditinggal dikit langsung spam [19:5:5] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: scam* [19:5:7] Lucine Hogavian: (( wew kok jadi ada modifnya )) [19:5:10] [FAM] Cholo Marco Devalos: makanya oawkoaw [19:5:10] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: ngira scam* [19:5:13] [id:43] Vice Head Admin Sinatrio (Joeri_Edmondo) [19:5:13] [id:139] Helper vieri07 (Jonas_Edmondo) [19:5:13] [id:143] Admin Level 1 natali19 (Natalia_Hill) [19:5:13] [id:153] First Manager adma (Cornelis_Vanegaz) [19:5:13] NOTE: {ffffff}Volunteer tidak memiliki kedudukan yang sama dengan Helper / Admin [19:5:56] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[sell/trade]Banshee 3insu fullup 6k/trade dengan bullet 3 insu [19:5:56] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Paul_Toretto{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}91115550{FF0000}] [19:6:18] [FAM] El Jefe del Sur Oscar Garcia: alano itu member lama [19:6:18] [id:43] Vice Head Admin Sinatrio (Joeri_Edmondo) [19:6:18] [id:139] Helper vieri07 (Jonas_Edmondo) [19:6:18] [id:143] Admin Level 1 natali19 (Natalia_Hill) [19:6:18] [id:153] First Manager adma (Cornelis_Vanegaz) [19:6:18] NOTE: {ffffff}Volunteer tidak memiliki kedudukan yang sama dengan Helper / Admin [19:6:18] BotCmd: Dylan_Mays telah dikick, alasan: Ping melebihi batas (974) [19:6:22] William Barkley Shouts: What the fuck ! [19:6:22] [FAM] El Jefe del Sur Oscar Garcia: perlu di CK itu [19:6:23] [ID] ID:74 | Name: Alano_Benavidez [19:6:27] [FAM] Cholo Marco Devalos: iya qal [19:6:29] * Herbo Dexter looks at Darkeem. [19:6:30] [FAM] Cholo Marco Devalos: ck [19:6:33] Lucas Sanchez: (( dah )) [19:6:36] [FAM] El Jefe del Sur Oscar Garcia: tapi bukan lo yang CK [19:6:49] [FAM] Cholo Marco Devalos: iya lo aja [19:6:54] HUDMODE: {ffffff}Classic [19:6:54] HUDMODE: {ffffff}Hidden [19:6:59] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[BUY] Sultan Any Insurance Any Upgrade Have? CP : [19:6:59] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Ren_Aoi{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}344334{FF0000}] [19:7:7] HUDMODE: {ffffff}Modern [19:7:20] Lucine Hogavian says: Angel [19:7:28] [id:43] Vice Head Admin Sinatrio (Joeri_Edmondo) [19:7:28] [id:139] Helper vieri07 (Jonas_Edmondo) [19:7:28] [id:143] Admin Level 1 natali19 (Natalia_Hill) [19:7:28] [id:153] First Manager adma (Cornelis_Vanegaz) [19:7:28] NOTE: {ffffff}Volunteer tidak memiliki kedudukan yang sama dengan Helper / Admin [19:7:31] [FAM] Cholo Marco Devalos: ditinggal bentar aja di kira scam [19:7:32] [FAM] Cholo Marco Devalos: wkwk [19:7:36] AdmCmd: Elliot_Laurent has been kicked by clover253. [19:7:36] Reason: Lepas CJ.RUN KAMU [19:7:44] [FAM] Cholo Marco Devalos: padahal ngambil barang nya [19:7:47] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: tampang lu lix, tampang ..... [19:7:51] [FAM] Cholo Munez Martinez: udah lu rpan aja pea, ngapain /f [19:8:2] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[JUAL] Sultan 3 Asuransi 4 Upgrade Full Modift License Aktif. Minat ? CP [19:8:2] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Bonifacio_Donnarumma{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}443444{FF0000}] [19:8:10] AdmCmd: Reinhart_Lincoln has been kicked by Sinatrio. [19:8:10] Reason: Sikat tu yang putus. [19:8:31] HUDMODE: {ffffff}Classic [19:8:32] HUDMODE: {ffffff}Hidden [19:8:45] HUDMODE: {ffffff}Modern [19:8:53] Mask 175285 says: emang didalam sini ada apa? [19:8:57] AdmCmd: Elliot_Laurent has been remote banned by clover253. [19:8:57] Reason: Cheater [clover253] [19:9:21] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[SELL] Bullet with 3 insurace, 4 upgrade, and STNK active, you need? Contac me: [19:9:21] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Keenan_Addison{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}2108{FF0000}] [19:9:35] AdmCmd: UCP account emie235 has been blocked by clover253. [19:9:35] Reason: Cheater [clover253] [19:10:17] AdmCmd: Veronica_Evelyn has been kicked by clover253. [19:10:17] Reason: RELOG BUG [19:10:23] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[KING] Little Mexico Market Menyediakan Barang Barang Terbagus Dan Termurah Loc @Little Mexico. [19:10:23] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Kalzimir_Gergorovich{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}1922{FF0000}] [19:11:22] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: lol gua dapet rumah [19:11:26] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}Dicari Rumah di mana saja Ada? CP: [19:11:26] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Vincent_Bertram{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}180031{FF0000}] [19:11:27] [FAM] Cholo Marco Devalos: ? [19:11:28] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: asell? [19:11:32] [FAM] Cholo Marco Devalos: asell? [19:11:43] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: yah [19:11:46] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: di willow [19:11:47] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: dimana? [19:11:48] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: 2 garasi [19:11:53] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: berapa?a [19:11:59] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: 5K [19:12:1] BotCmd: Rizky_Novand telah dikick, alasan: Ping melebihi batas (822) [19:12:4] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: dah lu beli? [19:12:9] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: ya iyalah [19:12:14] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: wew [19:12:15] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: kalo ga gua beli ga gua kasih tau [19:12:17] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: id 250 [19:12:19] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: ntar lu ambil [19:12:29] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}{INFO}Anda Membutuhkan Bodyguard Dimana Saja Apa Pekerjaan Restock Saya Siap Ada CP or SMS [19:12:29] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Blaxland_Eastwood{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}145454{FF0000}] [19:12:30] BotCmd: Kingsley_Oshea telah dikick, alasan: Ping melebihi batas (765) [19:12:36] Lucas Galtero Shouts: WOY! [19:12:39] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: anjer [19:12:41] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: hoki lu [19:13:0] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: hoki capcay [19:13:6] [FAM] Cholo Marco Devalos: gua ambil ah [19:13:11] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: orang udah di beli [19:13:14] [FAM] Cholo Marco Devalos: ah rumah batas 2 ya? [19:13:20] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: ya [19:13:23] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: gatau [19:13:31] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}BUY | Bussiness Each : Petrol, Restaurant, Electro, Market, Dealer | Contact PERSON : [19:13:31] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Sretko_Neustadter{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}1200{FF0000}] [19:13:35] [FAM] Cholo Marco Devalos: ini masih ada aja mappingan bloods [19:14:11] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: dari jaman kapan itu [19:14:12] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: lol [19:14:14] [FAM] Cholo Marco Devalos: kwwk [19:14:17] [FAM] Cholo Marco Devalos: 2015 [19:14:18] [FAM] Cholo Daniel Demarcos: mager bet dah [19:14:19] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: rebels dah diapus [19:14:29] [FAM] Cholo Daniel Demarcos: chara ini gmpng bet sakit [19:14:34] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[Sell]Mobil Comet 3insu full upgrade full modif dan STNK aktif minat ? Call or Sms [19:14:34] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Tyrell_McBrown{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}480808{FF0000}] [19:14:38] [FAM] Cholo Marco Devalos: berobat [19:14:41] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: lu /usecrack terus sih [19:14:41] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: lu ga makan sih [19:14:43] ERROR: You must be at the weapon training point! [19:14:48] ERROR: You don't have enough cash! [19:14:54] No ATM found! [19:14:55] ERROR: You must be at the weapon training point! [19:15:4] [FAM] Cholo Daniel Demarcos: gue toggle mulu notif nya mike biar ssnya bagus [19:15:8] [FAM] Cholo Daniel Demarcos: malah kelupaan [19:15:30] BotCmd: Kingsley_Oshea telah dikick, alasan: Ping melebihi batas (1090) [19:15:38] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}Beli Rumah Bergarasi, lokasi bebas. Budget besar [19:15:38] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Alexander_Anthony{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}213600{FF0000}] [19:16:23] [FAM] Cholo Daniel Demarcos: dokternya sedikit lg [19:16:29] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: CGH [19:16:32] * Herbo Dexter looks at something in Darkeem's hand. [19:16:41] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}BUY | Bussiness Each : Petrol, Restaurant, Electro, Market, Dealer | Contact PERSON : [19:16:41] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Sretko_Neustadter{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}1200{FF0000}] [19:16:43] [FAM] Cholo Daniel Demarcos: iya di cgh [19:16:47] ERROR: You need to be near your own house! [19:16:52] RADIO: {ffffff}Radio streaming {ff0000}disabled [19:17:4] HOUSE: {FFFFFF}You've stored your {FFFF00}Desert Eagle {FFFFFF}inside this room [19:17:4] HOUSE: {FFFFFF}Move the item to your desired position within this room! [19:17:24] HOUSE: {FFFF00}Item position saved! [19:17:31] HOUSE: {FFFFFF}You've taken {FFFF00}833 unit(s) {FFFFFF}of gun material from this room [19:17:36] HOUSE: {FFFFFF}You've taken {FFFF00}2281 unit(s) {FFFFFF}of gun material from this room [19:17:43] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[BUY] ELEGY berapa aja ada cp [19:17:43] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Hanzo_Sasaki{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}479900{FF0000}] [19:17:53] GUNINFO: {ffffff}You've created {ffff00}Desert Eagle (87 ammo){ffffff}with {ffff00}3000 materials [19:17:55] ERROR: Unknown command, see '/help' [19:17:58] ERROR: Unknown command, see '/help' [19:18:6] ERROR: Unknown command, see '/help' [19:18:10] WEAPON: {ffffff}Scrapped ammo from {ffff00}Desert Eagle {ffffff}for {00ff00}43 materials [19:18:22] ERROR: You need 350 materials to create that ammo [19:18:32] BotCmd: Kingsley_Oshea telah dikick, alasan: Ping melebihi batas (878) [19:18:33] HOUSE: {FFFFFF}You've stored your {FFFF00}Desert Eagle {FFFFFF}inside this room [19:18:33] HOUSE: {FFFFFF}Move the item to your desired position within this room! [19:18:34] HOUSE: {FFFF00}Item position saved! [19:18:46] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}{INFO}Anda Membutuhkan Bodyguard Dimana Saja Apa Pekerjaan Restock Dan Apa Saja Saya Siap Ada CP or SMS [19:18:46] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Blaxland_Eastwood{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}145454{FF0000}] [19:18:50] [id:43] Vice Head Admin Sinatrio (Joeri_Edmondo) [19:18:50] NOTE: {ffffff}Volunteer tidak memiliki kedudukan yang sama dengan Helper / Admin [19:18:56] GMX: {ff0000}tianmetal {ffffff}has scheduled GMX at {ffff00}Mon 17 Apr 2017, 23:18:56 [19:19:4] [FAM] Cholo Marco Devalos: Wow GMX [19:19:6] [FAM] Cholo Marco Devalos: Trunk? [19:19:14] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: sotoy [19:19:19] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: mungkin ada leg kale [19:19:22] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: ada bug2 [19:19:36] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: semoga trunk [19:19:40] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: semoga [19:19:42] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: ga trunk ga main [19:19:46] BANK: {ffffff}You've withdrawn {ffff00},200.00{ffffff} from your bank account [19:19:46] BALANCE: {ffff00},805.52 [19:19:50] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[sell] benson + alpha 2,5k minat cp [19:19:50] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Ancilla_Slooten{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}438757{FF0000}] [19:20:7] ERROR: Unknown command, see '/help' [19:20:18] [id:43] Vice Head Admin Sinatrio (Joeri_Edmondo) [19:20:18] NOTE: {ffffff}Volunteer tidak memiliki kedudukan yang sama dengan Helper / Admin [19:20:53] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}BUY | Bussiness Each : Petrol, Restaurant, Electro, Market, Dealer | Contact PERSON : [19:20:53] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Sretko_Neustadter{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}1200{FF0000}] [19:21:7] DEALER: {ffffff}You've purchased a material package that contains {ffff00}2526 units {ffffff}of material for {00ff00}0.00 [19:21:8] DEALER: {ffffff}You've purchased a material package that contains {ffff00}2463 units {ffffff}of material for {00ff00}0.00 [19:21:9] DEALER: {ffffff}You've purchased a material package that contains {ffff00}2436 units {ffffff}of material for {00ff00}0.00 [19:21:56] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[Dijual]Petroltanker bisa pake hauling insurance ada 3 [19:21:56] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Carlton_King{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}496999{FF0000}] [19:22:4] [id:43] Vice Head Admin Sinatrio (Joeri_Edmondo) [19:22:4] NOTE: {ffffff}Volunteer tidak memiliki kedudukan yang sama dengan Helper / Admin [19:22:12] ERROR: Unknown command, see '/help' [19:22:24] [id:43] Vice Head Admin Sinatrio (Joeri_Edmondo) [19:22:24] NOTE: {ffffff}Volunteer tidak memiliki kedudukan yang sama dengan Helper / Admin [19:22:34] Lucas Galtero says: Mr yosie [19:22:58] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[Buy] Premier,Savanna harus 3 insu ada up dan ada mod saya siap beli [19:22:58] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Emilie_Mitchell{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}330707{FF0000}] [19:23:19] [id:43] Vice Head Admin Sinatrio (Joeri_Edmondo) [19:23:19] NOTE: {ffffff}Volunteer tidak memiliki kedudukan yang sama dengan Helper / Admin [19:23:30] ERROR: You need to be near your own house! [19:23:40] HOUSE: {FFFFFF}You've taken your {FFFF00}Desert Eagle {FFFFFF}from this room [19:23:51] GUNINFO: {ffffff}You've created {ffff00}350 Desert Eagle Normal ammo {ffffff}using {ffff00}175 materials [19:23:57] HOUSE: {FFFFFF}You've stored your {FFFF00}Desert Eagle {FFFFFF}inside this room [19:23:57] HOUSE: {FFFFFF}Move the item to your desired position within this room! [19:23:58] HOUSE: {FFFF00}Item position saved! [19:24:1] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[DICARI] Bar yang membuka permainan GG/BOS! SMS [19:24:1] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Diego_Robinson{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}444744{FF0000}] [19:24:29] GUNINFO: {ffffff}You've created {ffff00}Desert Eagle (87 ammo){ffffff}with {ffff00}3000 materials [19:24:33] BotCmd: Kenneth_Kingston telah dikick, alasan: Ping melebihi batas (923) [19:24:38] WEAPON: {ffffff}Scrapped ammo from {ffff00}Desert Eagle {ffffff}for {00ff00}43 materials [19:24:46] GUNINFO: {ffffff}You've created {ffff00}350 Desert Eagle Surplus ammo {ffffff}using {ffff00}350 materials [19:24:49] HOUSE: {FFFFFF}You've stored your {FFFF00}Desert Eagle {FFFFFF}inside this room [19:24:49] HOUSE: {FFFFFF}Move the item to your desired position within this room! [19:24:50] HOUSE: {FFFF00}Item position saved! [19:24:59] ERROR: You are not holding any firearm! [19:25:4] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[DICARI] BF-400 TRADE SAMA SABRE 3INSU 2UP Minat cp [19:25:4] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Ticiano_Costa{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}217417{FF0000}] [19:25:17] KEGUNAAN: /drop material [amount (100-10000)] [19:25:24] HOUSE: {FFFFFF}You've stored {FFFF00}4100 unit(s) {FFFFFF}of gun material inside this room [19:25:24] HOUSE: {FFFFFF}Move the item to your desired position within this room! [19:25:25] HOUSE: {FFFF00}Item position saved! [19:25:37] HOUSE: {FFFFFF}You've taken your {FFFF00}Desert Eagle {FFFFFF}from this room [19:25:41] HOUSE: {FFFFFF}You've stored your {FFFF00}Desert Eagle {FFFFFF}inside this room [19:25:41] HOUSE: {FFFFFF}Move the item to your desired position within this room! [19:25:44] HOUSE: {FFFF00}Item position saved! [19:26:7] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[!DICARI!]Glandle any insu any up atau sejenis nya.CP: [19:26:7] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Cameroon_Urrington{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}704500{FF0000}] [19:26:33] BotCmd: Kingsley_Oshea telah dikick, alasan: Ping melebihi batas (852) [19:26:46] BotCmd: Hen_Sczanislav telah dikick, alasan: Ping melebihi batas (952) [19:26:51] Cassius Banks says: What you mean pict? [19:26:53] Lawrance Junuzovic says: pict DeE. [19:27:3] Ketty Cheryll says: Aku harus kerja [19:27:9] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}{SELL/Trade} Sabre 3insu 4up 2,5 negoin minat cp:||Trade dengan mobil apa saja ada sms [19:27:9] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Alvaro_Bonifacio{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}880888{FF0000}] [19:27:32] Members online: [19:27:32] - [8]Veterano: [58]Ruben Ayala [19:27:32] - [1]Cholo: [66]Munez Martinez [19:27:32] - [1]Cholo: [69]Marco Devalos [19:27:32] - [1]Cholo: [97]Lucas Galtero [19:27:32] - [10]El Jefe del Sur: [114]Oscar Garcia [19:27:32] - [2]Gangeros: [122]Jesus Aguilar [19:27:51] [FAM] Cholo Marco Devalos: hood nya situ aja qal [19:27:56] [FAM] Cholo Marco Devalos: kayak nya bagus [19:28:4] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: dimana? [19:28:13] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}Sell Tow Truck 0 3insu or neon MINAT Call or SMS : 505444 [19:28:13] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Jumadi_Baser{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}505444{FF0000}] [19:29:4] [FAM] El Jefe del Sur Oscar Garcia: interior macem mana [19:29:16] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[BUY]Kendaraan pribadi utamakan motor!||SMS [19:29:16] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Bench_Ogumemossas{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}666550{FF0000}] [19:29:28] Frederick Jorgensen says: pak. [19:29:30] Lucas Galtero says: Taka. [19:29:31] * Lucas Einstein passes money to doctor with right hand [19:29:31] [FAM] Cholo Marco Devalos: cari interior qal [19:29:32] Lucas Galtero says: Taka taka.. [19:29:36] * Timothy Carroll send money to dokter [19:29:36] [FAM] Cholo Marco Devalos: google banyak [19:29:36] * Takashi Hiroshima kagak denger. [19:29:37] * Frederick Jorgensen receives the money as he stores it into the cashier. [19:29:41] Frederick Jorgensen says: Mari. [19:29:46] * Lucas Galtero nyentil kuping Taka. [19:29:47] * Jims Louis takes it and stores it into the casier [19:29:51] Lucas Galtero says: WOY. [19:29:55] Lucas Galtero says: Taka. [19:29:56] * Takashi Hiroshima ngeles. [19:30:6] * Frederick Jorgensen takes infusion from inside cupboard as he puts it on IV stands [19:30:13] VEHGIVE: {ffffff}You've given your {ffff00}Taxi {ffffff}to {ffff00}Takashi_Hiroshima [19:30:14] Takashi Hiroshima says: Gimme that [19:30:17] Lucas Galtero says: Tuh pegangin. [19:30:17] * Frederick Jorgensen injects patient's hand using IV needle [19:30:18] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}{SELL/Trade} Sabre 3insu 4up 2k negoin minat cp:||Trade dengan mobil apa saja ada sms [19:30:18] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Alvaro_Bonifacio{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}880888{FF0000}] [19:30:19] FRISK: Anda telah merequest izin kepada {FF0000}Takashi Hiroshima {FFFFFF}untuk frisk. [19:30:27] Lucas Galtero says: Oke? [19:30:31] Lucas Galtero says: Oke ga? [19:30:33] Lucas Galtero says: ATAU GUA... [19:30:34] ERROR: No queued reports! [19:31:6] Admin adma: iya bekas [19:31:8] [FAM] Cholo Marco Devalos: bentar brb [19:31:10] Admin adma: }} [19:31:12] [FAM] Cholo Marco Devalos: on back [19:31:18] ERROR: Invalid playerid! [19:31:21] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[BUY] Car Pickup any insu and up, you have it? Contac: [19:31:21] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Daniel_Moraes{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}884688{FF0000}] [19:31:34] [id:43] Vice Head Admin Sinatrio (Joeri_Edmondo) [19:31:34] [id:153] First Manager adma (Cornelis_Vanegaz) [19:31:34] NOTE: {ffffff}Volunteer tidak memiliki kedudukan yang sama dengan Helper / Admin [19:32:24] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[DICARI] Rumah bergarasi daerah bebas, ada ? CP:: [19:32:24] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Patrick_Harrison{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}282228{FF0000}] [19:32:35] ERROR: Unknown command, see '/help' [19:32:37] ERROR: Unknown command, see '/help' [19:32:44] Terima kasih untuk{FFFFFF}: [19:32:44] {00ffff}SA:MP Team{FFFFFF}, {00ffff}SA:MP Forum{FFFFFF}, dan {00ffff}SA:MP Wiki{FFFFFF} untuk membatu scripting. [19:32:44] {00ffff}Y_Less{FFFFFF} untuk YSI, foreach include, sscanf2 Plugin, Whirlpool Plugin. [19:32:44] {00ffff}Incognito{FFFFFF} untuk Streamer Plugin dan GVar plugin. [19:32:44] {00ffff}BlueG{FFFFFF} untuk MySQL Plugin. [19:32:44] {00ffff}JaTochNietDan{FFFFFF} untuk FileManager Plugin dan Execute Plugin. [19:32:44] {00ffff}RyDeR{FFFFFF} untuk CTime Library Plugin dan beberapa function. [19:32:44] {00ffff}Yashas{FFFFFF} untuk BustAim Include [19:32:44] {00ffff}Tianmetal{FFFFFF} untuk membuat script ini. [19:33:7] (( {FF0000}Admin adma: {FFFFFF}kenapa academy sanews harus di mount chilliad? )) [19:33:26] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[Dijual]Roadtrain 3 insurance kondisi bagus pakai hauling trucker 3 taun pengalaman [19:33:26] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Carlton_King{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}496999{FF0000}] [19:34:29] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[Dicari] BMX Harga Murah Ada CP Me: [19:34:29] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Hope_Weingartner{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}161610{FF0000}] [19:34:30] NOTE: {ffffff}Volunteer tidak memiliki kedudukan yang sama dengan Helper / Admin [19:34:32] ERROR: Invalid playerid! [19:34:35] ERROR: Invalid playerid! [19:34:39] ERROR: Invalid playerid! [19:35:32] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}Dijual PCJ-600 3 insu, 1 up, STNK 10 mei, 1,5k no nego - SMS ONLY [19:35:32] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Layren_Murphy{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}133300{FF0000}] [19:35:50] BotCmd: Devian_Louis telah dikick, alasan: Ping melebihi batas (842) [19:36:6] AdmCmd: Rafly_Guelech has been banned by reza212. [19:36:6] Reason: Not here to RP [19:36:34] Roy Raymond says: bantai balik. [19:36:36] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[SELL]Tow Truck 3 Insurance Good Condition, Modifikasi : Neon,Velg. Call/SMS Me [19:36:36] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Ardea_Himawan{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}9998{FF0000}] [19:37:8] Andi Bryan says: aku kerja dulu sayang [19:37:13] No ATM found! [19:37:13] CMDINFO: Harap tunggu 1 detik! [19:37:14] No ATM found! [19:37:14] CMDINFO: Harap tunggu 1 detik! [19:37:17] BANK: {ffffff}You've taken {ffff00}0.00 {ffffff}from the bank. Current balance: {ffff00},305.52 [19:37:20] BANK: {ffffff}You've taken {ffff00}0.00 {ffffff}from the bank. Current balance: {ffff00},205.52 [19:37:23] BANK: {ffffff}You've taken {ffff00}.00 {ffffff}from the bank. Current balance: {ffff00},185.52 [19:37:38] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[Sell]Mobil Comet 3insu full [19:37:38] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Tyrell_McBrown{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}480808{FF0000}] [19:37:49] Amire Sidik: (( sm lo aj lh )) [19:38:3] ENGINEINFO: Mesin masih mati, tekan tombol {FF0000}~k~~VEHICLE_FIREWEAPON~{BFC0C2} atau command /engine untuk menghidupkannya. [19:38:4] WARNING: Use command '/select' if the cursor is gone [19:38:4] VEHINFO: {ffff00}You've purchased Perenniel for 0.00, please select the color you want! [19:38:8] ENGINE: Anda mencoba untuk menghidupkan Mesin. [19:38:12] ENGINE: Anda telah menghidupkan mesin kendaraan. [19:38:22] AdmCmd: Luke_Rice has been banned by hallodunia. [19:38:22] Reason: Cheater [ Vehicle Destroy] (hallodunia). [19:38:28] Arnold_Arinta telah keluar dari server. (Pergi) [19:38:41] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[SELL]Sanchez 3Insu 1Up Kondisi di Tirelock! [19:38:41] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Bench_Ogumemossas{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}666550{FF0000}] [19:38:43] LIMITSPEED: {ffffff}Vehicle speed limit set to {33AA33}15 mph [19:38:47] Han Bonyono says: bodi [19:38:47] Amire Sidik says: body [19:38:48] AdmCmd: IP udhtobat has been banned by hallodunia. [19:38:48] Reason: Cheater [ Vehicle Destroy ] (hallodunia). [19:38:51] ENGINE: Anda telah mematikan Mesin. [19:38:54] Timofey Rasputin says: mesin body? [19:38:55] Lucas Galtero says: Ganti warna. [19:38:56] * Thiago Rousseau mengang kat badan Kurt dengan kedua tangan [19:38:57] Lucas Galtero says: Bisa? [19:38:59] bisa ((Thiago Rousseau)) [19:38:59] Kayonna Maisha says: mechanic [19:38:59] Kayonna Maisha says: mechanic [19:39:0] Timofey Rasputin says: Bisa [19:39:1] Kayonna Maisha says: mechanic [19:39:2] Timofey Rasputin says: warna apa? [19:39:2] Lucas Galtero says: Warna biru. [19:39:2] Roy Raymond says: kurt [19:39:3] Lucas Galtero says: Berapa? [19:39:5] Roy Raymond says: kenape goblog? [19:39:5] Deandre Montana says: Apaan [19:39:5] Kayonna Maisha says: Mesin dong [19:39:6] Deandre Montana says: Mana [19:39:7] Timofey Rasputin says: biru tua apa gelap? [19:39:7] Kayonna Maisha says: ikutin saya [19:39:7] * Thiago Rousseau mengang kat badan Kurt dengan kedua tangan [19:39:8] Timofey Rasputin says: [19:39:8] bisa ((Thiago Rousseau)) [19:39:12] Thiago Rousseau: (( jawab )) [19:39:12] Lucas Galtero says: Biasa aja. [19:39:14] * Roy Raymond mengangkat tubuh kurt dengan kedua tangan. [19:39:14] bisa ((Kurt Easton)) [19:39:14] Jumadi Baser says: Tunggu di belakang MC [19:39:15] Timofey Rasputin says: Oke [19:39:17] bisa? ((Roy Raymond)) [19:39:18] AdmCmd: UCP account triomacan has been blocked by reza212. [19:39:18] Reason: not here to rp [19:39:20] bisa ((Kurt Easton)) [19:39:21] * Lucas Galtero memberikan ke Timo. [19:39:22] Timofey Rasputin says: biayanya om [19:39:24] PAYINFO: {ffffff}You've given {ffff00}Timofey Rasputin [id:160] {00ff00}.00 [19:39:25] Lucas Galtero says: Oke. [19:39:25] Febry Ocon Shouts: neon dong! [19:39:26] * Timofey Rasputin menerima uang tersebut [19:39:28] Thiago Rousseau: (( DIH )) [19:39:28] * Han Bonyono membayar ke mekanik [19:39:30] Timonthy Vindice Shouts: Mechanic! [19:39:31] Timofey Rasputin: (( bentar cari code warna )) [19:39:34] * Amire Sidik menerima nya [19:39:36] * Roy Raymond menaruh kurt di dalam bagasi dengan kedua tangan. [19:39:37] Thiago Rousseau: (( MG ya )) [19:39:38] Lucas Galtero: (( y )) [19:39:39] Timonthy Vindice Shouts: Mechanic! [19:39:43] * Blaxland Eastwood memperbaikin mesin kendaraan dengan bantuan alat alat mechanic [19:39:44] Roy Raymond: (( report aja sono cil. )) [19:39:44] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[FIND] Rumah di daerah ganton atau jefferson yang bisa dipasang pagar dengan baik [19:39:44] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Jay_VanStanley{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}404030{FF0000}] [19:39:44] Kurt Easton: (( jangan PPKO )) [19:39:45] Jumadi Baser says: Mas bisa BODY [19:39:47] proses ((Blaxland Eastwood)) [19:39:47] * Amire Sidik repairing body with using wrench [19:39:51] proses ((Amire Sidik)) [19:39:52] Timonthy Vindice Shouts: Mechanic! [19:39:54] Jumadi Baser says: Mas bisa BODY [19:39:54] Thiago Rousseau: (( tunggu sini aja )) [19:39:55] Febry Ocon Shouts: neon dong! [19:39:59] Thiago Rousseau: (( ampe admin dateng )) [19:40:1] Jumadi Baser says: Mas bisa BODY [19:40:1] dimana kunci mobil? ((Roy Raymond)) [19:40:3] Kurt Easton: (( tunggu aja )) [19:40:3] done ((Blaxland Eastwood)) [19:40:3] done ((Amire Sidik)) [19:40:3] Han Bonyono says: kenapa dia? [19:40:8] Kurt Easton: (( sini aja kita roy )) [19:40:8] Blaxland Eastwood says: Mesin [19:40:9] Jumadi Baser says: Mas bisa BODY [19:40:10] Blaxland Eastwood says: Mesin [19:40:13] Kurt Easton: (( biar kena PPKO dia )) [19:40:14] Roy Raymond: (( ohh yaudah. )) [19:40:16] Roy Raymond: (( sip. )) [19:40:17] Timonthy Vindice Shouts: Mechanic! [19:40:18] Blaxland Eastwood says: Mesin [19:40:21] Thiago Rousseau: (( PPKO ? )) [19:40:23] Febry Ocon says: bro [19:40:23] * Timofey Rasputin mengeluarkan pilog lalu mulai memakainya [19:40:24] Thiago Rousseau: (( Gua rp duluan bro )) [19:40:25] Timonthy Vindice Shouts: I need mechanic over here! [19:40:28] terlihat body mobil mulai berubah ((Timofey Rasputin)) [19:40:29] Jumadi Baser says: Mas bisa BODY [19:40:30] Thiago Rousseau: (( ama lu di perlambat )) [19:40:31] Febry Ocon says: neon dobg [19:40:31] Blaxland Eastwood says: Mesin [19:40:33] Febry Ocon says: )) [19:40:34] Roy Raymond: (( kenapa lu bilang gua metagaming? )) [19:40:36] Febry Ocon: (( miss )) [19:40:37] Timonthy Vindice Shouts: I need mechanic over here! [19:40:37] * Timofey Rasputin terus menyemprotkan spray kearah mobil [19:40:37] Thiago Rousseau: (( sut )) [19:40:38] Roy Raymond: (( you anyproblem? )) [19:40:38] Febry Ocon says: bro [19:40:42] Roy Raymond: (( lol. )) [19:40:43] Febry Ocon says: bro [19:40:44] Thiago Rousseau: (( memperlambat rp banget )) [19:40:44] Kurt Easton: (( ces kelen dua rp in aku jadi binggung )) [19:40:44] Amire Sidik says (cellphone): taxi [19:40:44] Blaxland Eastwood says: Mesin [19:40:45] Amire Sidik says (cellphone): mc [19:40:45] terlihat mobil seluruhnya berubah warna ((Timofey Rasputin)) [19:40:47] BotCmd: Caleb_Martin telah dikick, alasan: Ping melebihi batas (982) [19:40:47] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}{SELL/Trade} Sabre 3insu 4up minat cp:||Trade dengan mobil/Motor apa saja ada sms [19:40:47] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Alvaro_Bonifacio{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}880888{FF0000}] [19:40:49] Febry Ocon says: neon dong [19:40:51] Febry Ocon says: neon dong [19:40:52] Thiago Rousseau: (( ga usah OOClie )) [19:40:53] Timofey Rasputin says: Sip [19:40:54] ENGINEINFO: Mesin masih mati, tekan tombol {FF0000}~k~~VEHICLE_FIREWEAPON~{BFC0C2} atau command /engine untuk menghidupkannya. [19:40:54] Febry Ocon says: ini [19:40:54] ENGINE: Anda mencoba untuk menghidupkan Mesin. [19:40:55] Thiago Rousseau: (( gua rp udah lama )) [19:40:56] Timonthy Vindice Shouts: mechanic! [19:40:57] Timofey Rasputin says: neon? [19:40:57] Timonthy Vindice Shouts: Mana! [19:40:57] ENGINE: Anda telah menghidupkan mesin kendaraan. [19:41:0] Amire Sidik says: tuh [19:41:1] Febry Ocon says: ini [19:41:1] Timonthy Vindice says: Engine. [19:41:2] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: GMX tadi jam berapa? [19:41:3] Han Bonyono says: kenapa dia? [19:41:6] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: 11 [19:41:14] BotCmd: Kingsley_Oshea telah dikick, alasan: Ping melebihi batas (1089) [19:41:15] LIMITSPEED: {ffffff}Vehicle speed limit {ff0000}disabled [19:41:15] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: 11 malam? [19:41:21] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: -.- [19:41:22] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: y [19:41:24] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: awkwak [19:41:39] MODSHOP: {ffffff}Welcome to Custom ModShop, use command '{ff0000}/myov{ffffff}' to open modification menu [19:41:40] ENGINE: Anda telah mematikan Mesin. [19:41:42] ERROR: Unknown command, see '/help' [19:41:43] WARNING: Please keep your vehicle engine OFF while modifying! [19:41:46] ERROR: You don't have enough money to purchase a custom mod (.00) [19:41:47] MODSHOP: {ffff00}You've left the modshop, it's recommended to relog! [19:41:48] ENGINE: Anda mencoba untuk menghidupkan Mesin. [19:41:49] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}Cari bar buat judi [19:41:49] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Andi_Mariono{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}188567{FF0000}] [19:41:51] ENGINE: Anda telah menghidupkan mesin kendaraan. [19:42:42] (( {FF00FF}[adma] Cornelis_Vanegaz: {FFFFFF}tolong yg di mechanic bertingkah semestinya seperti in real life )) [19:42:51] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[Boy Mech's]Membuka jasa Upgrade dengan harga 0, Loc: Mechanic [19:42:51] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Boy_Alston{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}775775{FF0000}] [19:42:53] (( {FF00FF}[adma] Cornelis_Vanegaz: {FFFFFF}klo ga tau kaya gmn RP di workshop, cari di youtube )) [19:42:55] ENGINE: Anda telah mematikan Mesin. [19:43:12] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [19:43:12] SMS: {ffff00}Message sent! [19:43:13] [FAM] Cholo Daniel Demarcos: wih kaget gue [19:43:17] SMS: {ffffff}You have received one new message from '{ffff00}775775{ffffff}' [19:43:17] Message: {ffff00}ke Mechanic aja [19:43:17] NOTE: {ffffff}use '/reply' to quick reply [19:43:18] [FAM] Cholo Daniel Demarcos: 2 fact verif sekaligus [19:43:25] ENGINEINFO: Mesin masih mati, tekan tombol {FF0000}~k~~VEHICLE_FIREWEAPON~{BFC0C2} atau command /engine untuk menghidupkannya. [19:43:25] ENGINE: Anda mencoba untuk menghidupkan Mesin. [19:43:28] ENGINE: Anda telah menghidupkan mesin kendaraan. [19:43:30] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: Flamboyan kapan nih? [19:43:34] [FAM] Cholo Daniel Demarcos: wkwkw [19:43:36] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: #Flamboyan4Lyfe [19:43:44] [FAM] Cholo Daniel Demarcos: eksitensi crips kalah nih ama rpnya soil [19:43:53] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: awkawk [19:43:54] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[BUY]Gendle any insu any up anda jual CP: [19:43:54] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Dwight_Southern{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}430004{FF0000}] [19:43:55] (( PM from [162] Cassius_Banks: wkwkwkwk )) [19:43:56] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: crips mah [19:44:0] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: bang bang and off [19:44:3] (( PM to [162] Cassius_Banks: ? )) [19:44:4] ENGINE: Anda telah mematikan Mesin. [19:44:17] [FAM] Cholo Daniel Demarcos: role factnya unyil dkk dr dulu [19:44:18] BANK: {ffffff}You've taken {ffff00}0.00 {ffffff}from the bank. Current balance: {ffff00},685.52 [19:44:23] [FAM] Cholo Daniel Demarcos: gaberubah ubah smpe skrg [19:44:25] AdmCmd: adma has jailed Arnold_Arinta for 40 minute(s) [19:44:25] Reason: Bunny-hopping [19:44:28] ENGINEINFO: Mesin masih mati, tekan tombol {FF0000}~k~~VEHICLE_FIREWEAPON~{BFC0C2} atau command /engine untuk menghidupkannya. [19:44:28] ENGINE: Anda mencoba untuk menghidupkan Mesin. [19:44:29] AdmCmd: Arnold_Arinta has been warned by adma, Total warning: 1 [19:44:29] Reason: Bunny-hopping [19:44:29] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: dah dasarnya itu [19:44:31] ENGINE: Anda telah menghidupkan mesin kendaraan. [19:44:35] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: ga mungkin melenceng dari dasarnya [19:44:58] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[Dijual] Sabre 2up+2insu full modift 1k800 nego . [19:44:58] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Aurel_Angelina{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}500340{FF0000}] [19:45:3] ENGINE: Anda telah mematikan Mesin. [19:45:4] Timonthy_Vindice telah keluar dari server. (Pergi) [19:45:10] [FAM] Cholo Daniel Demarcos: si opick aja pen rpan sm soil [19:45:19] KEGUNAAN: /buyplate [slot] [19:45:21] ERROR: Please turn off your vehicle first! [19:45:22] PLATE: {ffffff}You've registered vehicle {ffff00}Perenniel {ffffff}with number plate '{ffff00}YP288KR{ffffff}' [19:45:39] ENGINEINFO: Mesin masih mati, tekan tombol {FF0000}~k~~VEHICLE_FIREWEAPON~{BFC0C2} atau command /engine untuk menghidupkannya. [19:45:39] ENGINE: Anda mencoba untuk menghidupkan Mesin. [19:45:41] Driving license: [{33AA33}Valid until Wed 14 Jun 2017, 10:26:40{FFFFFF}] [19:45:41] Flying license: [{FF0000}Not passed{FFFFFF}] [19:45:41] Boat license: [{FF0000}Not passed{FFFFFF}] [19:45:41] Firearm license: [{FF0000}Not passed{FFFFFF}] [19:45:41] NOTE: use '/licenses show [playerid/name]' to show licenses to other player! [19:45:42] ENGINE: Anda telah menghidupkan mesin kendaraan. [19:45:43] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: gua ada 250 crack, 260 pot [19:45:48] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: hihi [19:46:0] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}Beli Jetmax kondisi bagus. Anda jual? SMS: [19:46:0] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Bianca_Addison{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}770700{FF0000}] [19:46:3] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: crack gua di larikan ramon nih [19:46:8] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: berapa? [19:46:14] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: 30 gram wkwk [19:46:17] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: jir 30 doang [19:46:20] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: lu suruh jual? [19:46:24] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: gua suruh jual, mungkin ga jumpa [19:46:25] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: kalo lu suruh jual ya sabar aja [19:46:27] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: iya [19:46:31] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: paling ntar dikasih [19:46:37] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: kalo ama gw cepet blanc :v [19:46:50] LIMITSPEED: {ffffff}Vehicle speed limit set to {33AA33}15 mph [19:46:51] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: PESTA OPENHOUSE, WILLOWFIELD HOUSE ID 250! [19:46:53] Alvaro Bonifacio says: mesin [19:46:59] * Amire Sidik examine vehicle [19:47:0] * Timofey Rasputin mengeluarkan pilog dari saku lalu mulai menyemprotkan [19:47:2] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [19:47:2] SMS: {ffff00}Message sent! [19:47:3] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[Sell] Mobil Comet 3insu full upgrade full modif dan STNK aktif minat ? Call or Sms [19:47:3] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Tyrell_McBrown{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}480808{FF0000}] [19:47:6] Amire Sidik says: mesin [19:47:8] terlihat warna mobil mulai berubah ((Timofey Rasputin)) [19:47:8] Amire Sidik says: di jamin [19:47:9] SMS: {ffffff}You have received one new message from '{ffff00}775775{ffffff}' [19:47:9] Message: {ffff00}andanya yang dimana? [19:47:9] NOTE: {ffffff}use '/reply' to quick reply [19:47:11] Arsyaf Aurel says: tadi 10 [19:47:13] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [19:47:13] SMS: {ffff00}Message sent! [19:47:13] James Remizer says: mesin [19:47:17] * Timofey Rasputin terus menyemprotkan ke seluruh badan mobil [19:47:22] Arsyaf Aurel says: 10 aja lh [19:47:23] selesai ((Timofey Rasputin)) [19:47:23] Amire Sidik: (( ane ga jobduty soal nya compo kurang dari 50 )) [19:47:25] James Remizer says: mesin donk [19:47:25] Tasya Miura Shouts: Engine body! [19:47:26] * Lorraine Orlantha memberi uang kepada orang di depan dengan tangan kanan. [19:47:27] SMS: {ffffff}You have received one new message from '{ffff00}775775{ffffff}' [19:47:27] Message: {ffff00}ke garasi nomor 5 aja [19:47:27] NOTE: {ffffff}use '/reply' to quick reply [19:47:33] Arsyaf Aurel says: okay [19:47:35] ENGINE: Anda telah mematikan Mesin. [19:47:36] BotCmd: Gabe_Castillo telah dikick, alasan: Ping melebihi batas (1019) [19:47:36] Boy Alston says: Anda? [19:47:38] Amire Sidik says: [19:47:39] [FAM] Pandillero Santiago Porras: gue dirobber wkwk [19:47:39] Lucas Galtero says: Ya. [19:47:41] [FAM] Pandillero Santiago Porras: dirumah sendiri lagi [19:47:42] Lucas Galtero says: 2upgrade. [19:47:42] James Remizer says: boy [19:47:43] [FAM] Pandillero Santiago Porras: anjing [19:47:47] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: lu lagi megang apa? [19:47:47] * Arsyaf Aurel memberikan uang kepada mechanic [19:47:47] Boy Alston says: 0. [19:47:52] * Amire Sidik menerima nya [19:47:54] * Lucas Galtero hands the cash to Boy. [19:47:56] PAYINFO: {ffffff}You've given {ffff00}Boy Alston [id:23] {00ff00}0.00 [19:47:58] James Remizer says: mesin mas [19:47:58] Amire Sidik: (( ga bakal scam )) [19:47:59] Lucas Galtero says: Body dan Engine. [19:48:2] Boy Alston says: Oke [19:48:2] [FAM] Pandillero Santiago Porras: gaada sih [19:48:6] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}BUY | Bussiness Each : Petrol, Electro, Restaurant, Market | Contact person : [19:48:6] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Sretko_Neustadter{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}1200{FF0000}] [19:48:8] Lawrance Junuzovic says: mesin dong sama warna. [19:48:11] * Amire Sidik repairing engine with using wrench [19:48:11] Tasya Miura says: Engine body dong [19:48:18] proses` ((Amire Sidik)) [19:48:24] done ((Amire Sidik)) [19:48:24] Mask 648223: (( emang uang lu ada berapa )) [19:48:25] Amire Sidik says: udah [19:48:29] * Boy Alston mengambil lempengan mesin baja dari dalam lemari dengan kedua tangan [19:48:30] Lawrance Junuzovic says: mesin warna dong [19:48:31] Amire Sidik says: mas [19:48:33] Amire Sidik says: bisa antar [19:48:34] James Remizer says: ameri [19:48:35] Ryland Resderow Shouts: MESIN! [19:48:36] James Remizer says: mesin [19:48:36] dapat ((Boy Alston)) [19:48:38] Lawrance Junuzovic says: mesin warna dong [19:48:40] [FAM] Pandillero Santiago Porras: rob deket barrio boleh ga? [19:48:40] Amire Sidik says: bisa antar [19:48:40] Ryland Resderow Shouts: MESIN! [19:48:41] Arsyaf Aurel says: napa [19:48:42] Amire Sidik says: ke mc [19:48:42] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: ga lo lawan? [19:48:43] Arsyaf Aurel says: ok [19:48:44] Ryland Resderow Shouts: MESIN! [19:48:44] Amire Sidik says: eh [19:48:46] Ryland Resderow says: sini [19:48:46] [FAM] Pandillero Santiago Porras: engga [19:48:46] * Timofey Rasputin mengeluarkan pilog dari kedua sakunya dengan kedua tangan [19:48:47] Amire Sidik says: ke dilimore [19:48:47] Arsyaf Aurel says: kemana [19:48:49] [FAM] Pandillero Santiago Porras: gue udah mati [19:48:51] [FAM] Cholo Daniel Demarcos: kalo di turf org [19:48:51] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: lah? [19:48:52] * Timofey Rasputin mulai menyemprotkan keseluruh badan mobil [19:48:54] James Remizer Shouts: Mechanic! [19:48:54] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: kok mati? [19:48:56] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: deket barrio, berapa jarak ke barrio? [19:48:56] Arsyaf Aurel says: ws? [19:48:56] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: kalo mati ga boleh lagi [19:48:57] [FAM] Cholo Daniel Demarcos: sbnrnya gaboleh [19:48:57] Ryland Resderow says: Mbak [19:48:59] Amire Sidik says: compo [19:49:0] James Remizer says: ameri [19:49:2] [FAM] Pandillero Santiago Porras: gue lari dibunuh [19:49:3] Ryland Resderow says: Ada Sedikit Uang? [19:49:3] Tasya Miura says: Apaa [19:49:4] Amire Sidik says: mau ga? [19:49:4] James Remizer says: Mechanic [19:49:7] Arsyaf Aurel says: okay [19:49:7] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: bego [19:49:7] Ryland Resderow says: Saya Buat Benerin mesin [19:49:7] Tasya Miura says: GA Ada [19:49:7] [FAM] El Jefe del Sur Oscar Garcia: barrio mana [19:49:8] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}BUY | Bussiness Each : Petrol, Electro, Restaurant, Market | Contact person : [19:49:8] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Sretko_Neustadter{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}1200{FF0000}] [19:49:8] Ryland Resderow says: Please [19:49:13] [FAM] Pandillero Santiago Porras: spec gue qal [19:49:13] Tasya Miura says: Kerja [19:49:15] Ryland Resderow says: Ada Gak? [19:49:16] [FAM] Pandillero Santiago Porras: gue didrag dia ini [19:49:18] * Boy Alston memasangkan lempengan mesin baja pada mobil dengan bantuan alat mechanic [19:49:22] [id:71] Helper Jeffytriana31 (Veronica_Evelyn) [19:49:22] [id:92] Admin Level 2 hallodunia (Reinhart_Lincoln) [19:49:22] NOTE: {ffffff}Volunteer tidak memiliki kedudukan yang sama dengan Helper / Admin [19:49:23] proses ((Boy Alston)) [19:49:29] * Amire Sidik give tips to id 57 [19:49:33] failled ((Amire Sidik)) [19:49:40] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: kalo dah dari awal ngerob, dia shootout, bisa di loot [19:49:41] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: kucing2 apa yg ngumpet terus [19:49:44] Ryland Resderow says: mesin [19:49:44] Lawrance Junuzovic says: nih [19:49:45] * Timofey Rasputin examine veh [19:49:47] Lawrance Junuzovic says: mesin warna [19:49:47] Ryland Resderow says: mesin [19:49:51] Ryland Resderow says: mesin [19:49:52] Timofey Rasputin says: 10 [19:49:52] Ryland Resderow says: mesin [19:49:53] Lawrance Junuzovic says: berapa. [19:49:55] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: kucing? [19:49:55] Timofey Rasputin says: ama warna 5 [19:49:57] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: kucing2an [19:50:1] Lawrance Junuzovic says: jadi berapa [19:50:2] Lawrance Junuzovic says: mesin warna [19:50:2] Lorraine Orlantha Shouts: Boody! [19:50:4] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: selamat jerold dapat . [19:50:5] Lorraine Orlantha Shouts: Body! [19:50:6] Alvaro Bonifacio says: ikut aku [19:50:7] Lorraine Orlantha Shouts: Body! [19:50:8] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: lol [19:50:9] Alvaro Bonifacio says: ikut aku [19:50:11] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[Dijual]Elegy 3insu 2up Fullmod Anda Minat hubungi Saya CP: [19:50:11] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Kayonna_Maisha{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}355554{FF0000}] [19:50:12] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: ntar ya abis keluar prisown [19:50:13] Timofey Rasputin says: 15 dong [19:50:13] Lorraine Orlantha says: kemana ? [19:50:15] James Remizer Shouts: mechanic! [19:50:21] * Lawrance Junuzovic passed money to timofey [19:50:22] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: wadoh.. berapa abad lagi pak?> [19:50:23] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: kok jawabnya ga pake pasword? [19:50:24] Lawrance Junuzovic says: tuh [19:50:25] * Timofey Rasputin menerima uang tersebut [19:50:25] Lawrance Junuzovic says: mesin warna. [19:50:27] Lawrance Junuzovic says: warna putih [19:50:28] Lawrance Junuzovic says: warna putih [19:50:31] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: ohiya gapake pasword [19:50:35] AdmCmd: UCP account adilshow has been blocked by adma. [19:50:35] Reason: Insulting the oldest SAMP server in Indonesia for over five years [adma] [19:50:35] Ryland Resderow says: mesin [19:50:37] * Timofey Rasputin mengeluarkan obeng dari dalam sakunya [19:50:40] Mask 648223: (( oke )) [19:50:42] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: nexat password 'papa ruben sehat selalu' [19:50:46] Ryland Resderow says: mesin [19:50:46] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: :v [19:50:48] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: next*)) [19:50:49] Ryland Resderow says: )) [19:50:49] * Timofey Rasputin mengencangkan mur dengan obeng ditangan [19:50:50] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: widih rumah gua ada home theater [19:50:51] * Tasya Miura Mendorong moibl dengan sekuat tenang [19:50:51] Boy Alston: (( jgn troll )) [19:50:54] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: oldest samp server [19:50:57] terlihat mur terbaut satu persatu ((Timofey Rasputin)) [19:50:59] Ryland Resderow says: bro [19:51:1] terlihat mesin siap digunakan ((Timofey Rasputin)) [19:51:1] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: siapa [19:51:2] Timofey Rasputin says: Ape/ [19:51:5] Ryland Resderow says: mesin [19:51:13] Timofey Rasputin says: bentar [19:51:14] Ryland Resderow says: tuh [19:51:15] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[buy] Rumah gubuk yang penting murah meriah ada? CP: [19:51:15] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Roy_Raymond{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}412002{FF0000}] [19:51:16] done ((Boy Alston)) [19:51:16] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: di indo [19:51:20] KEGUNAAN: /showvehlic [playerid/name] [slot] [19:51:22] =================[Vehicle Ownership]================= [19:51:22] Vehicle: {ffffff}Perenniel [19:51:22] Owner: {ffffff}Lucas Galtero [19:51:22] Plate: {ffffff}YP288KR [19:51:22] Insurance: {ffffff}3 year(s) [19:51:22] License: {ffffff}None/Expired [19:51:22] Upgrades: [19:51:22] - {00ff00}Engine [19:51:23] * Timofey Rasputin mengeluarkan pilog dari sakunya lalu menyemprotkanya [19:51:23] [FAM] Cholo Daniel Demarcos: ini [19:51:24] Boy Alston says: Bentar bro ambil component [19:51:26] Lucas Galtero says: Oke. [19:51:28] terlihat badan mobil mulai berubah warna ((Timofey Rasputin)) [19:51:32] James Remizer says: timofey [19:51:35] Tevfik Krijt Shouts: Mechanic! [19:51:36] Timofey Rasputin says: Ape ? [19:51:36] James Remizer says: abis ini gue yah [19:51:37] Tevfik Krijt Shouts: Mechanic! [19:51:39] Tevfik Krijt Shouts: Here! [19:51:40] Timofey Rasputin says: Oyeah [19:51:41] James Remizer says: mesin [19:51:44] Ryland Resderow says: gue [19:51:47] Ryland Resderow Shouts: broi! [19:51:49] Ryland Resderow Shouts: bro! [19:51:57] [FAM] Cholo Marco Devalos: Id 136 [19:51:58] [FAM] Cholo Marco Devalos: jir [19:52:1] [FAM] Cholo Marco Devalos: nick the warriors [19:52:2] * Tevfik Krijt memberikan uang ke mechanic [19:52:3] Ryland Resderow says: Pak. [19:52:4] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: valshaun ramirez katanya mau rp an [19:52:5] [ID] ID:136 | Name: Cochise_Erriegi [19:52:8] * James Remizer Pass money to Timofey [19:52:8] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: ga ada di hood [19:52:11] Ryland Resderow says: Pak [19:52:13] * Timofey Rasputin menerimanya. [19:52:16] Herzeg Hova says: mobil lu? [19:52:17] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[Buy] Mobil 4 pintu harus 3 insu ada up dan ada mod ada? Call me OR Sms [19:52:17] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Emilie_Mitchell{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}330707{FF0000}] [19:52:18] * Julio Bradford memperbaiki mesin dengan alat alat mekanik. [19:52:19] Lucas Galtero says: Ye. [19:52:20] Herzeg Hova says: di jual tidak? [19:52:21] Ryland Resderow says: Pak. [19:52:22] Lucas Galtero says: Ga. [19:52:24] procces ((Julio Bradford)) [19:52:25] * Timofey Rasputin mencopot busi dengan perlahan lalu menggantinya dengan baru [19:52:25] Herzeg Hova says: jual deh [19:52:30] Herzeg Hova says: gua beli 0 [19:52:30] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: gua suruh slangin tadi [19:52:31] terlihat busi terlepas dan terganti baru ((Timofey Rasputin)) [19:52:33] Lucas Galtero says: Buset. [19:52:36] Lucas Galtero says: Harga baru aja 0. [19:52:36] Herzeg Hova says: Mau nya berapa? [19:52:36] Ryland Resderow says: Ada Uang Gak Pak? [19:52:38] terlihat busi baru siap digunakan. ((Timofey Rasputin)) [19:52:38] Fren_Rendy telah keluar dari server. (Pergi) [19:52:39] Lucas Galtero says: Gua baru beli. [19:52:40] * Boy Alston mengambil lempengan body baja dari dalam lemari dengan kedua tangan, membawanya dengan perlahan [19:52:40] Ryland Resderow says: Buat Benerin Mesin [19:52:43] Lucas Galtero says: Dah di upgrade 2. [19:52:44] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: rp dia umur 20 tahun ya [19:52:44] Amoldi Hasew says: mech yang bisa mesin body mana ? [19:52:44] Ryland Resderow says: Ada Gak? [19:52:47] Herzeg Hova says: 0? [19:52:49] Lucas Galtero says: Ga. [19:52:51] dapat ((Boy Alston)) [19:52:53] done ((Julio Bradford)) [19:52:55] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: masa abangan lu suruh jualan [19:53:4] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: dia minta [19:53:4] [FAM] Cholo Marco Devalos: oawkaow [19:53:5] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: gua kasih [19:53:9] Herzeg Hova says: 0? [19:53:11] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: 'gimem sum stuff to slang'` [19:53:12] Lucas Galtero says: Ga. [19:53:14] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: yo wes [19:53:15] Ryland Resderow says: Pak. [19:53:17] Herzeg Hova says: please bro [19:53:20] Lucas Galtero says: Ga. [19:53:20] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[SELL]MTB 2 insu 0 Nego.Minat?Call CP: [19:53:20] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Wax_Lamverzie{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}182070{FF0000}] [19:53:26] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: karena gua mendadak kay [19:53:26] * Timofey Rasputin examine veh [19:53:27] Ryland Resderow says: mesin sama warna [19:53:30] * Boy Alston memasangkan lempengan body baja pada mobil dengan bantuan alat mechanic [19:53:30] Ryland Resderow says: kan [19:53:32] proses ((Boy Alston)) [19:53:33] Timofey Rasputin says: Iyo [19:53:34] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: yang pertama kerumah gua dapet 100$ [19:53:41] Ryland Resderow says: warna pink yah [19:53:43] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: ...... [19:53:43] Timofey Rasputin says: Oke [19:53:48] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: lalu di dalam kita quiz hadiah pot [19:53:49] * Ryland Resderow pass some money to Timofey. [19:53:51] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: azik ga? [19:53:53] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: ..... [19:53:54] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: azik dong [19:53:54] Herzeg Hova says: teman lu ada yang jual mobil classic tidak? [19:53:56] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: kancut2 apa yang meong [19:53:58] Lucas Galtero says: Ga ada. [19:54:0] * Timofey Rasputin menerima uang tersebut [19:54:2] Herzeg Hova says: gua bayarin deh [19:54:4] Herzeg Hova says: 0 pas [19:54:5] Ryland Resderow says: warna Pink [19:54:8] * Timofey Rasputin mengeluarkan pilog lalu mulai menyemprotkanya [19:54:8] Lucas Galtero says: Ga. [19:54:8] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: papa ruben sehat selalu, kancutcing [19:54:9] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: password 'papa ruben sehat selalu' [19:54:10] Herzeg Hova says: butuh [19:54:13] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: salah [19:54:15] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: next [19:54:17] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: sial [19:54:19] * Julio Bradford memperbaiki mesin dengan bantuan alat alat mekanik. [19:54:22] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: papa ruben mati aja dipenjara [19:54:24] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[BUY] Sanchez any insu any up, You sell it? CP [19:54:24] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Lucas_Einstein{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}2903{FF0000}] [19:54:24] terlihat motor mulai berubah warna sepenuhnya ((Timofey Rasputin)) [19:54:24] [FAM] Cholo Marco Devalos: eh rpan jenguk si Ruben yo [19:54:25] Herzeg Hova says: butuh nih bro [19:54:25] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: kawokwa [19:54:28] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: udah tadi [19:54:30] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: eek [19:54:31] Lucas Galtero says: Ga peduli. [19:54:32] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: ga menarik [19:54:32] [FAM] Cholo Marco Devalos: tai [19:54:36] [FAM] Cholo Marco Devalos: kwkw [19:54:39] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: ga ada yg mau jawab quiz [19:54:39] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: ruben di penjara ga jadi bos [19:54:45] * Timofey Rasputin mencopot busi lalu menggantinya dengan yang baru [19:54:50] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: awkawka [19:54:52] terlihat busi tergantikan baru ((Timofey Rasputin)) [19:54:52] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: kasih clue papa ruben [19:54:53] BotCmd: Caleb_Martin telah dikick, alasan: Ping melebihi batas (65535) [19:54:54] procce ((Julio Bradford)) [19:54:55] procces ((Julio Bradford)) [19:55:1] * Timofey Rasputin memeratkanya dengan obeng ditangan [19:55:3] selesai. ((Timofey Rasputin)) [19:55:4] done. ((Julio Bradford)) [19:55:8] Timofey Rasputin says: jos [19:55:9] Ryland Resderow says: oke [19:55:12] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: 'k***** m***** [19:55:14] BotCmd: Chester_Marshall telah dikick, alasan: Ping melebihi batas (915) [19:55:15] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: papa ruben sehat selalu, kancut meong [19:55:21] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: ko***l m***k [19:55:22] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: anjeng kok tau ajg [19:55:25] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: akwawkak [19:55:26] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}BUY | Bussiness Each : Petrol, Electro, Restaurant, Market | Contact person : [19:55:26] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Sretko_Neustadter{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}1200{FF0000}] [19:55:29] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: selamat [19:55:32] Ricardo Adrian Shouts: Mesin Body! [19:55:33] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: tebak2an yg ...... [19:55:36] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: dapet apaan tuh papa? [19:55:37] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: simple [19:55:37] done ((Boy Alston)) [19:55:40] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: jesus aguilar mendapatkan + combo extra large pizza stack [19:55:43] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: dia kebanyakan duit, jadi kasih simple [19:55:45] Lucas Galtero says: Makasih coy. [19:55:50] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: pajak nya ga di potong? [19:55:52] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: om, ganti ke burger aja bisa? [19:55:53] Boy Alston says: Huuh.. [19:55:57] * Lucas Galtero hands tips to Boy. [19:55:58] Boy Alston says: Capek [19:55:58] Admin hallodunia: Gunakan /report untuk melaporkan pelanggaran, /ask untuk bertanya seputar server, /stuck untuk solusi bug. [19:55:59] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: potong sih 12 persen [19:56:1] PAYINFO: {ffffff}You've given {ffff00}Boy Alston [id:23] {00ff00}.00 [19:56:5] Lucas Galtero says: Tips dari gua. [19:56:5] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: jadi pen pesan gojek gua [19:56:6] Boy Alston says: Thanks. [19:56:8] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: wait mau pesan gofood [19:56:11] ENGINEINFO: Mesin masih mati, tekan tombol {FF0000}~k~~VEHICLE_FIREWEAPON~{BFC0C2} atau command /engine untuk menghidupkannya. [19:56:13] ENGINE: Anda mencoba untuk menghidupkan Mesin. [19:56:16] Boy Alston says: Kalo mau UP sama gua aja [19:56:16] ENGINE: Anda telah menghidupkan mesin kendaraan. [19:56:22] Boy Alston says: Harga terjangkau [19:56:22] Lucas Galtero says: Oke, brader. [19:56:24] Amire Sidik says: oke makasih [19:56:26] Lucas Galtero says: Gua jalan dulu. [19:56:27] Arsyaf Aurel says: okay [19:56:29] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[!DICARI!]Glendale any insu any up,butuh banget,lo jual gua beli.CP: [19:56:29] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Dwight_Southern{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}430004{FF0000}] [19:56:29] Boy Alston says: Ok. [19:56:32] KEGUNAAN: /showvehlic [playerid/name] [slot] [19:56:34] =================[Vehicle Ownership]================= [19:56:34] Vehicle: {ffffff}Perenniel [19:56:34] Owner: {ffffff}Lucas Galtero [19:56:34] Plate: {ffffff}YP288KR [19:56:34] Insurance: {ffffff}3 year(s) [19:56:34] License: {ffffff}None/Expired [19:56:34] Upgrades: [19:56:34] - {00ff00}Engine [19:56:34] - {00ff00}Body [19:56:41] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: mesen mie rebus warkop make gojek [19:56:43] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: perenieal bagus ga? [19:56:51] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: pereniel* [19:56:52] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: bisa [19:56:54] LIMITSPEED: {ffffff}Vehicle speed limit {ff0000}disabled [19:56:56] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: kalo lu ibu ibu [19:56:57] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: bagus [19:57:2] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: gw beli itu [19:57:3] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: mobil soccer mom [19:57:6] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: kwaokwa [19:57:14] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: belokannya lincah [19:57:14] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: ga ada yang mau ke rumah gua, padahal 0 gratis. [19:57:21] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: sad [19:57:21] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: capek anjer kalo goes terus 'W' gw sampe mendem [19:57:26] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: lemah [19:57:27] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: itu si santiago direport havey [19:57:30] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: nown rp crashs [19:57:31] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: oh iya [19:57:32] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[Buy] Bussiness, Diutamakan Ladang dan Petrol | Any Location. Cp: [19:57:32] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Sergio_Franklin{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}2901{FF0000}] [19:57:33] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: ppdko bgt [19:57:35] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: gblk [19:57:36] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: Woi Santiago [19:57:38] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: kawkawk [19:57:42] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: ppko [19:57:44] [FAM] Pandillero Santiago Porras: apa [19:57:45] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: awkawkakw [19:57:47] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: di report lu [19:57:49] ENGINE: Anda telah mematikan Mesin. [19:57:53] [FAM] Pandillero Santiago Porras: diforum? [19:57:56] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: ya iya [19:57:57] Lucas Galtero Shouts: bang! [19:57:58] Lucas Galtero Shouts: bang! [19:57:59] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: mau dimana lagi? [19:57:59] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: lu aja udah rp di /me [19:57:59] [FAM] Pandillero Santiago Porras: wait cek forum dlu [19:58:1] Lucas Galtero Shouts: Bang! [19:58:2] [FAM] El Jefe del Sur Oscar Garcia: goblok atau gmn di fb udah gw kasih linknya ga dibaca [19:58:2] BotCmd: Matthew_Delonge telah dikick, alasan: Ping melebihi batas (815) [19:58:6] [FAM] El Jefe del Sur Oscar Garcia: dari kemarin [19:58:7] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: kwoakoakw [19:58:13] PAYINFO: {ffffff}You've received {00ff00}0.00 {ffffff}from {ffff00}Jesus Aguilar [id:122] [19:58:14] Jesus Aguilar says: Selamat. [19:58:15] Lucas Galtero says: Seek. [19:58:18] [FAM] Pandillero Santiago Porras: wkwk, maklum [19:58:19] Jesus Aguilar says: Sini. [19:58:27] Jesus Aguilar says: Wah. [19:58:27] Lucas Galtero says: Wow. [19:58:31] Jesus Aguilar says: Home theater. [19:58:31] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: ngunci pintu ga pernah [19:58:32] Lucas Galtero says: Bokep lah. [19:58:33] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: bangsat [19:58:35] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}Dicari Business Dimana saja Apa saja High Budged Text me You price and You business And location [19:58:35] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Vincent_Bertram{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}180031{FF0000}] [19:58:35] Jesus Aguilar says: SAik. [19:58:37] [FAM] El Jefe del Sur Oscar Garcia: keburu 24jam itu [19:58:37] Lucas Galtero says: Enak kalau segini gede nya. [19:58:39] Jesus Aguilar says: Gua setting. [19:58:40] Lucas Galtero says: Coli puas. [19:58:49] * Jesus Aguilar buka Redtube di computer. [19:58:55] * Jesus Aguilar putar video BDSM [19:58:57] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: diserver high rp -> kalau crash ga sengaja -> minta skip [19:59:5] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: disini ga bisa skip [19:59:6] Lucas Galtero says: Redtube redtube lebih dari tv [19:59:8] Lucas Galtero says: Redtube redtube lebih dari tv! [19:59:8] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: kawakwkwa [19:59:17] Lucas Galtero says: Redtube redtube lebih dari tv! [19:59:20] [FAM] El Jefe del Sur Oscar Garcia: kemarin ada yang mau skip /b skip, gw /aod, /b siapa suruh skip ? [19:59:21] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: biasa itu mah, human error [19:59:27] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: diserver medium rp-> kalau crash ga sengaja -> dituntut rp -> if victim = refuse, then report [19:59:28] terlihat proyektor memancarkan video ke layar. ((Jesus Aguilar)) [19:59:37] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}BUY | Bussiness Each : Petrol,Electro,Restaurant,Market | Contact Person :Jangan Ke Saya CP 1200 Tuh :? [19:59:37] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Blaxland_Eastwood{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}145454{FF0000}] [19:59:41] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: siapa victim kalau dua dua nabrak ga sengaja? [19:59:53] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: there's one guy like santiago [19:59:55] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: else victim != refuse > go to RP [20:0:1] Lucas Galtero says: Ah ga seru. [20:0:3] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: wridisng a bicycle [20:0:4] Jesus Aguilar says: Yang lain? [20:0:10] Lucas Galtero says: Ga treesome. [20:0:12] Lucas Galtero says: Hahah. [20:0:17] Lucas Galtero says: Sukatoro ada? [20:0:21] * Jesus Aguilar memutar anak laki laki diperkosa kuda. [20:0:26] Lucas Galtero says: Hahahah. [20:0:26] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: /me shocked by crash [20:0:34] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: console.writeline("doing rp {0}", rp); [20:0:35] Lucas Galtero says: Jijik anjer. [20:0:37] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: shocking [20:0:41] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[SELL]MTB 2 insu 0 Net.Minat?Call CP: [20:0:41] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Wax_Lamverzie{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}182070{FF0000}] [20:0:44] Lucas Galtero says: Minuman mane neh? [20:0:45] Jesus Aguilar says: Katanya ga seru [20:0:51] Lucas Galtero says: Aduh ga enak ga ada intisari. [20:0:56] BotCmd: Caleb_Martin telah dikick, alasan: Ping melebihi batas (830) [20:0:56] Lucas Galtero says: Intisari dong. [20:0:56] * Jesus Aguilar lempar botol aqua ke Lucas. [20:1:4] Jesus Aguilar says: Yok caw. [20:1:6] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: wkwk mastah si crisp [20:1:6] Lucas Galtero says: Caw. [20:1:8] Jesus Aguilar says: Lu udah ada jualan? [20:1:12] Lucas Galtero says: Jualan? [20:1:18] Lucas Galtero says: Apaan? [20:1:19] Jesus Aguilar says: Ganja. [20:1:20] Jesus Aguilar says: Crack. [20:1:21] Lucas Galtero says: Ga ada. [20:1:24] Jesus Aguilar says: Yok dah. [20:1:25] Lucas Galtero says: Belum order. [20:1:33] Jesus Aguilar says: Ga order. [20:1:34] [FAM] Pandillero Santiago Porras: dah gue reply [20:1:34] ENGINEINFO: Mesin masih mati, tekan tombol {FF0000}~k~~VEHICLE_FIREWEAPON~{BFC0C2} atau command /engine untuk menghidupkannya. [20:1:36] Lucas Galtero says: Emang 2 garasi? [20:1:37] ENGINE: Anda mencoba untuk menghidupkan Mesin. [20:1:38] Jesus Aguilar says: Gini. [20:1:40] ENGINE: Anda telah menghidupkan mesin kendaraan. [20:1:43] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}BUY | Bussiness Each : Petrol, Electro, Restaurant, Market | Contact person : [20:1:43] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Sretko_Neustadter{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}1200{FF0000}] [20:1:45] Lucas Galtero says: Lu ngasih barang ke gua? [20:1:45] Jesus Aguilar says: Lu ada customer lagi nyari? [20:1:51] Lucas Galtero says: Banyak. [20:1:53] Lucas Galtero says: Buanyak. [20:1:54] Jesus Aguilar says: Gua kasih barang ke lu, lu kasih potongan. [20:2:1] Jesus Aguilar says: per gram potongannya. [20:2:1] Lucas Galtero says: Oh, ya ya. [20:2:6] Jesus Aguilar says: Lu jual diatas . [20:2:10] Lucas Galtero says: Ga gini aja. [20:2:12] Jesus Aguilar says: Oke, lu telfon customer lu perlu berapa. [20:2:14] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: QUIZ : SAPI SAPI AJA YANG KEMBUNG [20:2:16] Lucas Galtero says: Neh lu ngasih barang berapa? [20:2:22] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: papa ruben sehat selalu, sapi kembung [20:2:26] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: Salah [20:2:28] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: papa ruben sehat selalu, sambung [20:2:30] Lucas Galtero says: Terus gua harus store ke elo berapa? [20:2:33] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: jesus kehilangan kesempatan buat jawab [20:2:34] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: 1 x aja [20:2:37] Jesus Aguilar says: Jadi gini. [20:2:40] BotCmd: Caleb_Martin telah dikick, alasan: Ping melebihi batas (851) [20:2:46] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[BUY] Sanchez any insu any up, You sell it? CP [20:2:46] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Lucas_Einstein{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}2903{FF0000}] [20:2:48] Jesus Aguilar says: Lu perlu berapa gua kasih, gua ambil potongan per barang. [20:2:48] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: anyone else? [20:2:51] Jesus Aguilar says: Contoh lu perlu 100. [20:2:55] Jesus Aguilar says: Lu jual per barang. [20:3:0] Jesus Aguilar says: DApet tuh 00. [20:3:1] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: sapi aja? [20:3:1] [FAM] Pandillero Rico Elruduz: Susu sapi [20:3:5] Jesus Aguilar says: Lu kasih 00. [20:3:6] Jesus Aguilar says: Ngerti? [20:3:10] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: salah riko [20:3:12] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: next [20:3:13] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: passwordnya [20:3:13] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: papa ruben sehat selalu, sapi hamil ? [20:3:15] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: jangan lupa [20:3:18] Lucas Galtero says: Ga maksud gua... [20:3:21] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: salah crisp, next [20:3:24] Lucas Galtero says: Biar ga ribet. [20:3:28] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: 25 detik ddr sekarang [20:3:31] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: detik ke 50 kelar [20:3:35] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: hadiah 0 [20:3:36] Lucas Galtero says: Jadi lu ngasih gua, terus lu bilang gua harus store lu berapa. [20:3:37] Lucas Galtero says: Gitu. [20:3:45] Jesus Aguilar says: Oh bisa. [20:3:49] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[Sell] Elegy 3insu 2Up 3,3 Nego Dikit Minat CP: [20:3:49] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Kurt_Wazossky{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}900074{FF0000}] [20:3:51] Jesus Aguilar says: Lu perlu berapa? [20:3:51] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: tetot [20:3:55] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: jawabannya? [20:3:57] Lucas Galtero says: 100gram ada lu? [20:3:57] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: jawaban : sapi gelonggongan [20:4:0] Jesus Aguilar says: Ada yok. [20:4:3] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: lol [20:4:5] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: cuk [20:4:7] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: ha? [20:4:7] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: fuck [20:4:9] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: gelonggongan? [20:4:9] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: jawaban : sapi gelonggongan [20:4:10] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: ktl [20:4:12] [FAM] Pandillero Rico Elruduz: lol wkwk [20:4:17] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: jawaban : sapi gelonggongan [20:4:17] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: ...... [20:4:22] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: apa tuh gelonggongan? [20:4:27] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: bash [20:4:30] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: bah [20:4:34] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: gelonggongan gatau [20:4:44] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: di dekat jakun [20:4:45] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: dang paham au [20:4:50] Kendrick Wesley says: Uhh.. Burrito? [20:4:51] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[BUY]Kendaraan pribadi utamakan Sanchez BF-400! [20:4:51] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Bench_Ogumemossas{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}666550{FF0000}] [20:5:0] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: sus lu leg amat [20:5:1] [FAM] Cholo Daniel Demarcos: rawat inap mulu dah [20:5:6] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: taunya ayam tiren doang [20:5:8] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: ahahaha [20:5:13] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: ama ayam kampus [20:5:18] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: keronkonganz [20:5:29] Jesus Aguilar says: Ruang 16. [20:5:29] ENGINE: Anda telah mematikan Mesin. [20:5:36] ENGINEINFO: Mesin masih mati, tekan tombol {FF0000}~k~~VEHICLE_FIREWEAPON~{BFC0C2} atau command /engine untuk menghidupkannya. [20:5:36] Lucas Galtero says: Bentar parkirin. [20:5:37] ENGINE: Anda mencoba untuk menghidupkan Mesin. [20:5:37] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: udh nonton ff8 brader? [20:5:40] ENGINE: Anda telah menghidupkan mesin kendaraan. [20:5:45] [FAM] Pandillero Rico Elruduz: blom [20:5:46] ENGINE: Anda telah mematikan Mesin. [20:5:47] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: ga niat [20:5:47] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: AYAM AYAM APA YG MIRIP JUSTIN BIEBER [20:5:50] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: PRICE : 10s0 [20:5:50] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: kemarin ada yg streaming share ke youtube gilak [20:5:53] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: 100d [20:5:54] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[Sell]Sultan 3insu 4up fullmod bagi anda minat langsung CP: [20:5:54] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Robbert_Bull{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}799918{FF0000}] [20:5:54] [FAM] Cholo Marco Devalos: udah dong [20:6:2] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: papa ruben sehat selalu, ayam justin bieber [20:6:5] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: salah [20:6:7] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: next [20:6:9] * You recived 100 grams of Crack from Jesus Aguilar. [20:6:17] Lucas Galtero says: Oke. [20:6:17] Jesus Aguilar says: 00 potongannya. [20:6:22] Jesus Aguilar says: Jual diatas . [20:6:23] Lucas Galtero says: Gua store lu 00? [20:6:27] Jesus Aguilar says: Yo. [20:6:28] Lucas Galtero says: Oke. [20:6:39] ENGINEINFO: Mesin masih mati, tekan tombol {FF0000}~k~~VEHICLE_FIREWEAPON~{BFC0C2} atau command /engine untuk menghidupkannya. [20:6:39] ENGINE: Anda mencoba untuk menghidupkan Mesin. [20:6:42] ENGINE: Anda telah menghidupkan mesin kendaraan. [20:6:53] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: menit ke 7 detik ke 20w kelar [20:6:53] [FAM] Cholo Daniel Demarcos: pakek ada VIP reguler segala nihh [20:6:56] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: apa motivasi lu bikin quiz quiz gini? [20:6:57] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[SELL]MTB 2 insu 0 Net.Minat?Call CP: [20:6:57] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Wax_Lamverzie{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}182070{FF0000}] [20:7:0] [FAM] Cholo Daniel Demarcos: bikin lama rpan ngobatin [20:7:7] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: CUZ I GOT MONEY TO SPEND BITCHEZZZ [20:7:12] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: weak ass shit [20:7:14] [FAM] Pandillero Rico Elruduz: googling dulu.. [20:7:15] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: 10K off off me [20:7:18] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: of* [20:7:21] [FAM] Pandillero Rico Elruduz: kata google Ayam panggang [20:7:26] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: kwaokawok [20:7:26] [FAM] Pandillero Santiago Porras: ayam sorry [20:7:33] SHOP: {ffffff}You've purchased {ffff00}Menu +12 {ffffff}for {00ff00}{field_value_32}.75 [20:7:34] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: wtetot [20:7:36] SHOP: {ffffff}You've purchased {ffff00}Menu +48 {ffffff}for {00ff00}.01 [20:7:38] [FAM] El Jefe del Sur Oscar Garcia: ayam kampus [20:7:43] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: jawaban : ayam swag [20:7:45] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: ayam sorry, ku tak ai lop yu lagi [20:7:45] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: peler ayam [20:7:49] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: ...... [20:7:51] ERROR: Out of stock! [20:7:52] ERROR: Out of stock! [20:7:55] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: jawaban : ayam swag [20:7:55] ERROR: Out of stock! [20:8:0] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}BUY | Bussiness Each :Petrol,Electro,Restaurant,Market, |Contact Person :Jangan Ke Saya CP 1200 Tuh :? [20:8:0] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Blaxland_Eastwood{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}145454{FF0000}] [20:8:0] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: ayam swag? [20:8:1] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: wtf [20:8:1] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: padahal 00 lho [20:8:2] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: yonglex [20:8:6] [FAM] Pandillero Rico Elruduz: wkwk [20:8:11] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: next [20:8:15] SHOP: {ffffff}You've purchased {ffff00}Energy Drink {ffffff}for {00ff00}.75 [20:8:16] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: gua bertekad memenangkan quiz aneh ini [20:8:25] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: selanjut nya 0 & sanchez dr bapak zuqal [20:8:33] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: asap asap apa yang keras [20:8:34] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: quiz ini di sponsori oleh papa ben [20:8:35] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: passwordnya #Zuqal123forVHA [20:8:43] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: prizE : 0 [20:8:46] WARNING: {ffffff}You've eaten too much, overall fitness rating decreased by {00ffff}0.20 [20:8:46] SHOP: {ffffff}You've purchased {ffff00}Menu +24 {ffffff}for {00ff00}.50 [20:8:48] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: papa ruben sehat selalu, asap rock [20:8:53] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: slah, next [20:8:55] [FAM] Cholo Daniel Demarcos: ke spam ama chat faction [20:8:59] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: papa ruben sehat selalu, kentut berasap [20:8:59] [FAM] Cholo Daniel Demarcos: )) [20:9:2] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}{SELL} Sabre 3insu 4up 2k negoin minat cp: [20:9:2] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Alvaro_Bonifacio{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}880888{FF0000}] [20:9:7] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: anjeng apantuh [20:9:9] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: next [20:9:23] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: asap miras [20:9:31] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: menit 10 kelar [20:9:37] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: 00 [20:9:44] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: asap batu [20:9:47] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: asap ban [20:9:51] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: anjeng [20:9:57] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: yes [20:9:58] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: TETOT [20:9:58] [FAM] Pandillero Rico Elruduz: nyerah [20:9:59] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: TETOT w [20:10:5] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}Beli Rumah Bergarasi yang memiliki parkiran. Jual? Hub [20:10:5] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Alexander_Anthony{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}213600{FF0000}] [20:10:6] Raymond Wish says: bayar dulu [20:10:7] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: jawaban : asapal [20:10:11] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: ? [20:10:11] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: tot [20:10:13] [FAM] Pandillero Rico Elruduz: anjerr wkwkw [20:10:15] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: aspal anjer [20:10:15] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: ngakak gua [20:10:21] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: asapal [20:10:25] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: gitud aja gbisa [20:10:27] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: awkawkawk [20:10:27] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: aspal kantal [20:10:28] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: next [20:10:29] HOUSE: {FFFFFF}You've stored {FFFF00}100 gram(s) {FFFFFF}of crack inside this room [20:10:29] HOUSE: {FFFFFF}Move the item to your desired position within this room! [20:10:29] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: next [20:10:31] HOUSE: {FFFF00}Item position saved! [20:10:36] BotCmd: Caleb_Martin telah dikick, alasan: Ping melebihi batas (757) [20:10:57] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: perbilah2 apa yang sakit [20:10:59] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: 0 [20:11:4] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: hmm [20:11:6] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: perbilah apaan? [20:11:8] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[SELL] Cheetah 3insurance,2upgrade,fullmodift||SMS: [20:11:8] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Tasya_Miura{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}377100{FF0000}] [20:11:8] ENGINE: Anda telah mematikan Mesin. [20:11:8] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: apa tuh perbilah? [20:11:13] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: perbilah kasih [20:11:15] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: bikin bahasa sendiri [20:11:19] [FAM] Cholo Daniel Demarcos: perbilah pedang [20:11:21] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: papa ruben sehat selalu, perbilah kasih [20:11:21] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: slang sendiri [20:11:23] Santiago Porras says: Really? [20:11:29] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: papa ruben sehat selalu, perbilah kasih kejarlah keinginanmu [20:11:29] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: yg lengkap jesus [20:11:30] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: akwkawkaw [20:11:34] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: wew [20:11:34] ENGINEINFO: Mesin masih mati, tekan tombol {FF0000}~k~~VEHICLE_FIREWEAPON~{BFC0C2} atau command /engine untuk menghidupkannya. [20:11:35] ENGINE: Anda mencoba untuk menghidupkan Mesin. [20:11:35] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: selagi masih ada waktu [20:11:36] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: selamat jesus 0 [20:11:38] ENGINE: Anda telah menghidupkan mesin kendaraan. [20:11:39] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: asik [20:11:40] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: saik [20:11:47] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: hadiah di potong pajak [20:11:52] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: hadiah di potong peler [20:11:58] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: wait 500 dtik [20:12:7] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: mau pickup? [20:12:7] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: wah siap2 DM [20:12:10] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[SELL]BF-400 3insurance 1upgrade 1k aja Minat ? CP : [20:12:10] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Joey_Samuel{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}536803{FF0000}] [20:12:40] ENGINE: Anda telah mematikan Mesin. [20:12:41] ENGINE: Anda mencoba untuk menghidupkan Mesin. [20:12:44] ENGINE: Anda telah menghidupkan mesin kendaraan. [20:12:46] ENGINE: Anda telah mematikan Mesin. [20:12:51] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: mana lagi nih quiz? [20:12:51] Members online: [20:12:51] - [8]Veterano: [58]Ruben Ayala [20:12:51] - [1]Cholo: [66]Munez Martinez [20:12:51] - [1]Cholo: [86]Daniel Demarcos [20:12:51] - [1]Cholo: [97]Lucas Galtero [20:12:51] - [10]El Jefe del Sur: [114]Oscar Garcia [20:12:51] - [2]Gangeros: [122]Jesus Aguilar [20:12:51] - [3]Pandillero: [194]Santiago Porras [20:12:51] - [3]Pandillero: [195]Rico Elruduz [20:12:51] - [7]Shotcaller: [202]Jerold Blanco [20:12:51] - [1]Cholo: [222]Marco Devalos [20:12:56] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: dah kehabisan permainan kata kata? [20:13:13] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[Buy] Mobil 4 pintu any insu any up any mod any STNK no cabbie and taxi [20:13:13] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Emilie_Mitchell{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}330707{FF0000}] [20:13:25] [ID] ID:199 | Name: Takashi_Hiroshima [20:13:29] (( PM to [199] Takashi_Hiroshima: crack eh )) [20:13:29] BotCmd: Gabe_Castillo telah dikick, alasan: Ping melebihi batas (825) [20:13:35] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: kertas apa yang lembek? [20:13:45] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: no password [20:13:47] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: bubur kertas [20:13:49] [FAM] Pandillero Rico Elruduz: kertas basah [20:13:51] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: salah [20:13:51] [FAM] El Jefe del Sur Oscar Garcia: kertas bekas coli [20:13:56] [FAM] Cholo Daniel Demarcos: kertas origami [20:14:4] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: kertas nasi [20:14:8] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: ok [20:14:9] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: ........................... [20:14:12] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: lucu kan [20:14:13] [FAM] Cholo Daniel Demarcos: krik lu poo [20:14:14] [FAM] Cholo Daniel Demarcos: krik lu poo [20:14:14] [FAM] Cholo Daniel Demarcos: krik lu poo [20:14:15] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[WANTED] Orang Yang Menyewakan Roadtrain 1x Ada CP Saya; [20:14:15] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Debora_Kamelia{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}576849{FF0000}] [20:14:16] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: h a h a h a [20:14:22] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: penis penis apa yang nenangin? [20:14:22] MASKINFO: Mask {33AA33}ON [20:14:25] * Mask 808218 shakes his head. [20:14:27] [FAM] Cholo Daniel Demarcos: krik lu mike [20:14:27] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: penisilin [20:14:29] [FAM] El Jefe del Sur Oscar Garcia: penistaan [20:14:30] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: asek [20:14:32] [FAM] Cholo Daniel Demarcos: gaada jawabanya [20:14:32] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: penisilin [20:14:38] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: bego gatau penisilin [20:14:48] ERROR: Unknown command, see '/help' [20:14:49] ERROR: Unknown command, see '/help' [20:14:56] HOUSE: {FFFFFF}You've taken your {FFFF00}Desert Eagle {FFFFFF}from this room [20:15:18] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[Sell/trade]Sultan 3insu 4up fullmod dengan Rumah 1 garasi saya siap nambah berapa pun anda jual CP: [20:15:18] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Robbert_Bull{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}799918{FF0000}] [20:15:19] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: hewan 1 huruf (minimal 2) [20:15:30] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: n [20:15:32] Selesai. ((Leongard Bronislav)) [20:15:35] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: n = semut [20:15:37] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: salah [20:15:39] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: lah? [20:15:39] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: indo aja mas [20:15:42] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: oke [20:15:50] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: g ajah, dan i kan [20:16:5] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: ^^ [20:16:6] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: ga ada pasword nya neh? [20:16:7] [FAM] El Jefe del Sur Oscar Garcia: si anjg [20:16:14] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: hewan 2 huruf [20:16:26] [FAM] El Jefe del Sur Oscar Garcia: insurances elegy gw 6 years lol [20:16:33] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: hmmm [20:16:36] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: lu /setinsurance [20:16:39] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: ntah [20:16:40] * Mask 762839 grabs AK-47su,fom bag and ready to shoot target enemy. [20:16:48] [FAM] El Jefe del Sur Oscar Garcia: dijual berapa ni [20:16:50] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: hewan 2 huruf, apa hayo? [20:16:55] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: diatas 3 asuransi harga ga urus [20:17:10] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[DICARI] Burrito Car, Good condition and affordable price. Contact Person: [20:17:10] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Hajime_Kuryakin{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}884888{FF0000}] [20:17:11] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: trade ama nrg [20:17:16] [FAM] Cholo Daniel Demarcos: mk [20:17:23] Mask 762839: (( a )) [20:17:23] Mask 762839: (( a )) [20:17:24] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: mk? [20:17:26] [FAM] Cholo Daniel Demarcos: mk = mike = hewan 2 huruf [20:17:30] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: :v [20:17:30] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: [20:17:31] Mask 426381: (( a )) [20:17:34] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: hotring nya arthuro [20:17:34] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: salah, u dan g [20:17:43] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: m***k [20:17:46] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: ..... [20:17:47] [FAM] Cholo Daniel Demarcos: gadijual po [20:17:56] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: duitnya jual? [20:17:58] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: )) [20:18:3] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: hewan 2 huruf [20:18:4] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: io [20:18:5] [FAM] Cholo Daniel Demarcos: ga [20:18:7] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: ubur2 [20:18:8] [FAM] Cholo Daniel Demarcos: akwkw [20:18:10] [FAM] Cholo Daniel Demarcos: bandar [20:18:11] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: hmmm [20:18:12] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: io [20:18:12] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}(Bandito 3insu 4up fullmod CP: [20:18:12] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Bagas_Soediningrat{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}941134{FF0000}] [20:18:16] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: ga ubur ubur [20:18:18] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: io itu bintang [20:18:22] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: ooo [20:18:22] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: harusnya arkana io menang [20:18:27] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: kirain jelifis [20:18:28] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: bair dia jadi bintang sungguhan [20:18:29] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: sapi sapi apa yg terbang? [20:18:35] Mask 762839 Shouts: GENJING! [20:18:35] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: sapiderman [20:18:35] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: sapiderman [20:18:38] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: anjeng [20:18:39] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: [20:18:42] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: sapirmen [20:18:45] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: spiderman ga terbanglah [20:18:45] Pergi ke bank dan /signcheck untuk mendapatkan paycheck anda atau pergi ke salah satu ATM! [20:18:46] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: tahun 2001 itu kuis [20:18:49] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: :v [20:18:50] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: kawokawowka [20:18:51] Mask 762839: (( a )) [20:18:51] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: tapi tapi apa yang hewan? [20:18:52] Mask 762839: (( a )) [20:18:52] Mask 762839: (( a )) [20:18:52] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: jama sd [20:18:56] GMX: {ffffff}Reminder for scheduled GMX at {ffff00}Mon 17 Apr 2017, 23:18:56 [20:18:57] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: tapi? [20:19:0] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: anjer tapi? [20:19:1] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: shit [20:19:2] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: gmx [20:19:3] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: -__ [20:19:7] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: jam 11 kok [20:19:11] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: hayo [20:19:13] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: hadiah 100 crack [20:19:15] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: fix trunk [20:19:18] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: moga2 [20:19:21] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: tapir [20:19:21] [FAM] Cholo Daniel Demarcos: tai [20:19:22] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: tapir [20:19:23] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: sampe detik 50 [20:19:24] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: tapir [20:19:25] [FAM] Cholo Daniel Demarcos: msh ada 2 de di Arturo [20:19:27] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: bukan [20:19:28] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: tapir oy [20:19:34] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: bulan2 apa yang anjeng [20:19:37] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: [20:19:44] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: 15 detik [20:19:47] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: menit 20 kelar [20:19:55] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: papa ruben sehat selalu, bulantai [20:19:59] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: salah [20:20:1] Mask 762839: (( a )) [20:20:2] Mask 762839: (( a )) [20:20:2] Mask 762839: (( a )) [20:20:4] Mask 762839: (( a )) [20:20:5] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: papa ruben sehat selalu, bulanjing [20:20:6] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: jawaban : meik siburian [20:20:10] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: bulandog [20:20:15] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: wat? [20:20:18] Mask 762839 says: dada [20:20:19] MASKINFO: Mask {FF0000}OFF [20:20:25] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: 00 pdhl [20:20:31] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: cina cina apa yang sawo matang? [20:20:33] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: 10 detik [20:20:36] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: bangsad [20:20:37] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: okwokw [20:20:38] [FAM] Cholo Daniel Demarcos: dENDY [20:20:40] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: Dendi Trilatif [20:20:41] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: akwkawkaw [20:20:47] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: anjeng [20:21:2] DYOC: {ffffff}Weapons attachment {33AA33}enabled [20:21:5] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: medan2 apa yg gatau sapi gelonggongan [20:21:9] WARNING: Weapon size modification will not be saved, please do not report this as a bug! [20:21:14] [FAM] Cholo Marco Devalos: medankebakaran [20:21:14] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: medan perang [20:21:23] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: michael siburian anjink [20:21:25] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: akwakwkaw [20:21:29] DYOC: {ffffff}Weapons attachment {ff0000}disabled [20:21:32] [FAM] Cholo Daniel Demarcos: Medan retard [20:21:40] [FAM] Cholo Marco Devalos: medannya papah ben [20:21:45] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: medan kimak kampang anjeng bodat [20:21:48] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: kakawkwa [20:21:52] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: akkwakwakaw [20:21:52] [FAM] Cholo Marco Devalos: awkawokaow [20:22:6] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: kimak kimak [20:22:34] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: glblk [20:22:35] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: kawkawkawk [20:22:37] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}DER Luxury Bar's, Open Gambling! Loc Alhambra [20:22:37] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Leopold_Andrews{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}490056{FF0000}] [20:23:25] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: id 124 , setelah di kick dr surenos lari ke bloods > di usir bloods > skrg ke soil [20:23:30] [ID] ID:124 | Name: Parker_Reuben [20:23:31] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: nio sapa [20:23:34] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: siapa tuh? [20:23:36] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: raul martin [20:23:40] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}DER Luxury Bar's, Open Gambling! Loc Alhambra [20:23:40] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Leopold_Andrews{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}490056{FF0000}] [20:23:41] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: lol [20:23:43] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: WE [20:23:45] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: diusir bloods kenapa? [20:23:45] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: AJEG [20:23:46] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: emang di kcik dr surenos gara2 apa? [20:23:47] [FAM] Cholo Marco Devalos: siapa tuh [20:23:49] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: awkawkawkawk [20:23:49] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: itu namanay faction jumper ya? [20:23:51] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: emang di kcik dr surenos gara2 apa? [20:23:52] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: insult pd [20:23:55] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: oh [20:23:56] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: ini siapa mike [20:23:56] [FAM] Cholo Marco Devalos: Ohh raul [20:23:58] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: harus 1 week cooldown [20:24:2] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: faction jump [20:24:5] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: itu zuqal ben [20:24:10] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: yeee [20:24:14] [FAM] Cholo Marco Devalos: Si Raul? [20:24:16] ENGINEINFO: Mesin masih mati, tekan tombol {FF0000}~k~~VEHICLE_FIREWEAPON~{BFC0C2} atau command /engine untuk menghidupkannya. [20:24:16] ENGINE: Anda mencoba untuk menghidupkan Mesin. [20:24:20] ENGINE: Anda telah menghidupkan mesin kendaraan. [20:24:20] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: raul depalos [20:24:21] [FAM] Cholo Marco Devalos: Dia Ajax pas di bloods [20:24:23] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: faction jumper gmn [20:24:30] BotCmd: Kingsley_Oshea telah dikick, alasan: Ping melebihi batas (65535) [20:24:38] [FAM] Cholo Daniel Demarcos: gue jg fact jump ini wkwkw [20:24:45] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: dah selesai [20:24:50] [FAM] Cholo Daniel Demarcos: blum kelar ck di death valley lgsg nyelonong kesini [20:24:51] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: contoh nya gmn [20:24:53] ENGINE: Anda telah mematikan Mesin. [20:24:59] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: Daniel emg nickname lu apa dulu? [20:25:2] ERROR: You need to be near your own house! [20:25:4] CMDINFO: Harap tunggu 1 detik! [20:25:11] HOUSE: {FFFFFF}You've taken {FFFF00}4100 unit(s) {FFFFFF}of gun material from this room [20:25:12] [FAM] Cholo Daniel Demarcos: Franck Gallant [20:25:13] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[DICARI] Rumah Budget sekitar K di kota. ada? CP or SMS. [20:25:13] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Han_Bonyono{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}887150{FF0000}] [20:25:14] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: tapi si raul kan udh kelar CK nya [20:25:17] GUNINFO: {ffffff}You've created {ffff00}Shotgun (62 ammo){ffffff}with {ffff00}2500 materials [20:25:22] WEAPON: {ffffff}Scrapped ammo from {ffff00}Shotgun {ffffff}for {00ff00}31 materials [20:25:29] GUNINFO: {ffffff}You've created {ffff00}250 Shotgun Surplus ammo {ffffff}using {ffff00}250 materials [20:25:45] Lucas Galtero says: .000 aja. [20:25:48] PAYINFO: {ffffff}You've received {00ff00},000.00 {ffffff}from {ffff00}Ney Bastero [id:9] [20:25:50] * Lucas Galtero receives the cash. [20:25:53] Dobrashin Osya Shouts [outside]: MOVE! [20:25:57] * Lucas Galtero hands the shotgun to Ney. [20:25:58] Dobrashin Osya Shouts [outside]: MOVE! [20:25:59] * Ney Bastero take its [20:26:0] GIVE: {ffffff}You've given your {ffff00}Shotgun {ffffff}to {ffff00}Ney_Bastero [20:26:0] AME: {C2A2DA}hands Shotgun to Ney Bastero. [20:26:2] [FAM] Cholo Daniel Demarcos: bodo ah [20:26:9] [FAM] Cholo Daniel Demarcos: ilang2 dah DE gue di Arturo [20:26:13] ENGINEINFO: Mesin masih mati, tekan tombol {FF0000}~k~~VEHICLE_FIREWEAPON~{BFC0C2} atau command /engine untuk menghidupkannya. [20:26:13] ENGINE: Anda mencoba untuk menghidupkan Mesin. [20:26:15] [FAM] Cholo Daniel Demarcos: dr pd kegep acc share [20:26:15] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[DICARI] Rumah Budget sekitar K di kota. ada? CP or SMS. [20:26:15] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Han_Bonyono{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}887150{FF0000}] [20:26:16] ENGINE: Anda telah menghidupkan mesin kendaraan. [20:26:26] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: loll [20:26:32] [FAM] Cholo Marco Devalos: Ini elegy berapaan qal [20:26:45] [FAM] El Jefe del Sur Oscar Garcia: 15k aja [20:26:48] [FAM] Cholo Marco Devalos: wanjeng [20:26:49] [FAM] El Jefe del Sur Oscar Garcia: 6 insurance [20:26:50] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: wkaowka [20:26:52] [FAM] Cholo Marco Devalos: kwkw [20:27:5] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: itu lu beli dari polos ? [20:27:7] [FAM] Cholo Marco Devalos: 1k tarik [20:27:18] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}Beli Roadtrain 0-1insurance kondisi apa saja ! CP : [20:27:18] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Sretko_Neustadter{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}1200{FF0000}] [20:27:30] [FAM] Cholo Marco Devalos: emang batas jual berapa kalo di showroom qal [20:27:33] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Anda mencoba untuk menghubungi nomor {ffff00}1200{ffffff}, harap tunggu untuk jawaban [20:27:36] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Telepon telah dijawab. [20:27:36] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Gunakan chat biasa untuk berkomunikasi lewat telpon, '/h' untuk menutup telpon. [20:27:38] Caller (cellphone): Hallo [20:27:38] Lucas Galtero says (cellphone): Ada neh. [20:27:43] Caller (cellphone): Berapa insu [20:27:48] [FAM] El Jefe del Sur Oscar Garcia: ga tau bukan security showroom gua [20:27:49] Lucas Galtero says (cellphone): 1insuransi 2upgrade STNK masih aktif. [20:27:51] ENGINE: Anda telah mematikan Mesin. [20:27:54] Caller (cellphone): Harga? [20:27:59] Lucas Galtero says (cellphone): Hmm... [20:28:6] Lucas Galtero says (cellphone): Anda budged berapa? [20:28:12] Caller (cellphone): Lu jual berapa [20:28:16] Lucas Galtero says (cellphone): .600 [20:28:19] Caller (cellphone): Gila [20:28:20] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[BUY] Workshop or Dealer with high profit! Anywhere! CP: [20:28:20] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Giovanni_Casey{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}9339{FF0000}] [20:28:24] Lucas Galtero says (cellphone): Yaudah berapa? [20:28:32] BANK: {ffffff}You've stored {ffff00},000.00{ffffff} into your bank account [20:28:32] BALANCE: {ffff00},685.52 [20:28:32] Caller (cellphone): 800$ gua tarik [20:28:35] Lucas Galtero says (cellphone): G. [20:28:35] Telepon terputus... [20:28:46] BANK: {ffffff}You've stored {ffff00}.00{ffffff} into your bank account [20:28:46] BALANCE: {ffff00},745.52 [20:28:51] BANK: {ffffff}You've stored {ffff00}0.00{ffffff} into your bank account [20:28:51] BALANCE: {ffff00},845.52 [20:28:52] BANK: {ffffff}You've stored {ffff00}0.00{ffffff} into your bank account [20:28:52] BALANCE: {ffff00},945.52 [20:28:54] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: wah si bantet udh bebas [20:28:57] BANK: {ffffff}You've withdrawn {ffff00}.52{ffffff} from your bank account [20:28:57] BALANCE: {ffff00},900.00 [20:29:0] [FAM] Cholo Marco Devalos: kwkwk [20:29:4] BANK: {ffffff}You've withdrawn {ffff00},000.00{ffffff} from your bank account [20:29:4] BALANCE: {ffff00},900.00 [20:29:9] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: lasak dah tuh [20:29:22] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[Sell] Rancer B 2insu 4 up full mod STNK Aktive buka harga yang wajar CP or SMS me [20:29:22] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Adalberto_Adelric{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}232222{FF0000}] [20:29:22] Members online: [20:29:22] - [1]Cholo: [66]Munez Martinez [20:29:22] - [1]Cholo: [97]Lucas Galtero [20:29:22] - [10]El Jefe del Sur: [114]Oscar Garcia [20:29:22] - [8]Veterano: [166]Ruben Ayala [20:29:22] - [1]Cholo: [191]Juanito Vizcaino [20:29:22] - [3]Pandillero: [194]Santiago Porras [20:29:22] - [7]Shotcaller: [202]Jerold Blanco [20:29:22] - [1]Cholo: [222]Marco Devalos [20:29:50] BANK: {ffffff}You've stored {ffff00},000.00{ffffff} into your bank account [20:29:50] BALANCE: {ffff00},900.00 [20:29:56] No ATM found! [20:30:5] BANK: {ffffff}You've withdrawn {ffff00}.00{ffffff} from your bank account [20:30:5] BALANCE: {ffff00},909.77 [20:30:8] BANK: {ffffff}You've withdrawn {ffff00}.77{ffffff} from your bank account [20:30:8] BALANCE: {ffff00},900.00 [20:30:14] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[SELL] Black Sanchez Motorcycle. Insurance: 5, Upgrade: 0. Special Price 0 Nego. [20:30:14] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Hajime_Kuryakin{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}884888{FF0000}] [20:36:50] {00ffff}SERVER:{ffffff} Selamat datang {ffff00}Lucas_Galtero{ffffff}. [20:36:50] Family MOTD: {FFFF00}ORDER TUTUP , PERBAIKI ATTITUDE KALIAN DOLO !!! [20:36:50] MOTD: {ffff00}Kalo kamu melaporkan seseorang di /report tapi tidak kasih ID atau nama, kami tidak akan respond [20:36:50] {00ffff}SERVER:{ffffff} Anda terakhir login {ffff00}1 jam yang lalu [20:36:50] * {FF0000}Lucas_Galtero {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [20:36:50] {00ffff}SERVER: {ffffff}Today is {ffff00}Mon 17 Apr 2017, 20:36:50 [20:36:50] {00ffff}SERVER: {ffffff}Server memerlukan waktu {ffff00}167 milisecond{ffffff} untuk memuat data char anda! [20:36:50] NOTICE: {ffff00}0 vehicle(s) is currently impounded [20:36:50] BotCmd: Franklien_Gebesis telah dikick, alasan: Ping melebihi batas (898) [20:36:52] * {FF0000}Marcellino_Einstein {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Palembang, Indonesia) [20:36:54] * {FF0000}Neison_Rackley {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Tangerang, Indonesia) [20:36:54] * {FF0000}Camribge_Cameroon {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Medan, Indonesia) [20:36:59] Members online: [20:36:59] - [1]Cholo: [63]Lucas Galtero [20:36:59] - [1]Cholo: [66]Munez Martinez [20:36:59] - [8]Veterano: [68]Ruben Ayala [20:36:59] - [10]El Jefe del Sur: [114]Oscar Garcia [20:36:59] - [1]Cholo: [191]Juanito Vizcaino [20:36:59] - [3]Pandillero: [194]Santiago Porras [20:36:59] - [7]Shotcaller: [202]Jerold Blanco [20:36:59] - [1]Cholo: [222]Marco Devalos [20:37:17] ENGINEINFO: Mesin masih mati, tekan tombol {FF0000}~k~~VEHICLE_FIREWEAPON~{BFC0C2} atau command /engine untuk menghidupkannya. [20:37:18] ENGINE: Anda mencoba untuk menghidupkan Mesin. [20:37:21] Handbrakes {FF0000}OFF [20:37:21] ENGINE: Anda telah menghidupkan mesin kendaraan. [20:37:21] Lights {33AA33}ON [20:37:42] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[Buy] mobil 4 pintu any insu any up no taxi atau Cambie [20:37:42] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Emilie_Mitchell{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}330707{FF0000}] [20:38:4] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: wah di kasi mobil gratis [20:38:6] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: edisi pensi [20:38:11] ERROR: You need to be near your own house! [20:38:17] KEGUNAAN: /drop material [amount (100-10000)] [20:38:23] (( {FF0000}Admin tiak: {FFFFFF}Neison_Rackley 3 menit harus IG kembali. )) [20:38:27] (( {FF0000}Admin tiak: {FFFFFF}sebelum kena hukuman. )) [20:38:39] HOUSE: {FFFFFF}You've stored {FFFF00}1381 unit(s) {FFFFFF}of gun material inside this room [20:38:39] HOUSE: {FFFFFF}Move the item to your desired position within this room! [20:38:43] HOUSE: {FFFF00}Item position saved! [20:38:45] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[Buy]Rumah Gubuk Dimana Saja Budged 2.k ada Cp Me: [20:38:45] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Margarito_Miroslav{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}111375{FF0000}] [20:38:57] [FAM] Cholo Marco Devalos: gua ada peda [20:38:57] [FAM] El Jefe del Sur Oscar Garcia: ada yang mau daftar volunt? bulan mei besok noh buka wkwkwk [20:39:0] No. ((Kendrick Wesley)) [20:39:9] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: oke gue daftar [20:39:9] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: medan bisa ga [20:39:10] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: umur berapa qal? [20:39:17] [FAM] El Jefe del Sur Oscar Garcia: 17 minimal [20:39:24] [FAM] El Jefe del Sur Oscar Garcia: bisa lah [20:39:24] Lucas Galtero Shouts: WOY! [20:39:26] Lucas Galtero Shouts: NGAPAIN ANJENG! [20:39:29] Lucas Galtero Shouts: GUA INJEK LU! [20:39:29] Mask 426381 Shouts: Pull over! [20:39:31] [FAM] Pandillero Santiago Porras: gue 16 [20:39:40] [FAM] Pandillero Santiago Porras: sama aja double admin emg bisa? [20:39:48] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[SELL] Broadway 3insu 4up 1,5 net No trade minat cp; [20:39:48] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Vanda_Rocha{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}595555{FF0000}] [20:39:52] [FAM] El Jefe del Sur Oscar Garcia: bisa keknya [20:40:2] AdmCmd: Neison_Rackley has been remote warned by tiak, total warns: 3 [20:40:2] Reason: refuse RP [20:40:9] [FAM] Pandillero Santiago Porras: gausah dah, ribet ntr [20:40:9] AdmCmd: Neison_Rackley has been remote-jailed by tiak for 120 minutes. [20:40:9] Reason: refuse RP [20:40:22] [FAM] Cholo Marco Devalos: full ah [20:40:24] [FAM] Pandillero Santiago Porras: itu nick mongkutkorn lagi ngehits apa [20:40:29] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: anak GS [20:40:50] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[SELL]Super GT 2 Insu 4 Up FullModift Tawarkan Harga Terbaikmu!Anda Minat?CP/SMS: [20:40:50] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Achmad_Megantara{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}437777{FF0000}] [20:40:52] [FAM] Cholo Marco Devalos: den full [20:41:3] [FAM] Cholo Marco Devalos: Gua juga mau [20:41:6] Seatbelts {33AA33}ON [20:41:22] ENGINE: Anda telah mematikan Mesin. [20:41:25] Seatbelts {FF0000}OFF [20:41:25] Patrick Billboard: (( li Idiot )) [20:41:29] Patrick Billboard: (( lo Idiot )) [20:41:31] * Lucas Galtero approaches Munez. [20:41:39] Patrick Billboard: (( lo Idiot semua nya )) [20:41:53] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[KING Cia's Furniture] Menyediakan Furniture Berkualitas Dan Menarik @Montgomery [20:41:53] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Cristian_Tasya{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}127723{FF0000}] [20:41:54] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: fak [20:42:0] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: kebanyakan ngarep si felix [20:42:1] [FAM] Cholo Marco Devalos: bangsat [20:42:3] [FAM] Cholo Marco Devalos: wkwk [20:42:12] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: rp lah [20:42:16] ENGINEINFO: Mesin masih mati, tekan tombol {FF0000}~k~~VEHICLE_FIREWEAPON~{BFC0C2} atau command /engine untuk menghidupkannya. [20:42:16] ENGINE: Anda mencoba untuk menghidupkan Mesin. [20:42:19] ENGINE: Anda telah menghidupkan mesin kendaraan. [20:42:27] Lucas Galtero says: Wait up, Huron. [20:42:32] Munez Martinez says: Alright. [20:42:46] Lennon_Brownback telah keluar dari server. (Pergi) [20:42:55] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[Dicari]Shancez insu ga masalah, ada? hubungi saya. [20:42:55] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Augustus_Brantson{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}202200{FF0000}] [20:43:13] (( {FF0000}Admin tiak: {FFFFFF}yang di GYM els PM dong. )) [20:43:37] AdmCmd: tiak has released Neison_Rackley from Admin Jail [20:43:41] AdmCmd: tiak has removed 1 warning(s) from Neison_Rackley, Total warning: 2 [20:43:44] Admin tiak: re-rp. [20:43:51] [ID] ID:18 | Name: Takashi_Hiroshima [20:43:59] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}Kalau ada yang jual MOBIL or MOTOR Call or SMS : 505444 [20:43:59] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Jumadi_Baser{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}505444{FF0000}] [20:44:1] [FAM] Cholo Marco Devalos: bentar brb ganti celana [20:44:38] Jonas Wenzel says: Why this shit happen to me [20:44:39] * Nelson Coleman ignore Jonas. [20:44:58] Nathan Lavoie Shouts: taxiiiii! [20:45:1] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[Find]House Di kota ada dana 3k!Ada? Cp or Sms [20:45:1] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Mark_Marvin{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}111140{FF0000}] [20:45:14] Valshaun Ramirez says: Que bola, ese ?. [20:45:30] Munez Martinez says: Buenas as you see. [20:45:32] ENGINE: Anda telah mematikan Mesin. [20:45:33] Munez Martinez says: Why? [20:45:39] * Lucas Galtero approaches the duo. [20:45:41] Munez Martinez says: You wanna claim this place? [20:45:47] Valshaun Ramirez says: Claim for what ?. [20:45:50] Travis Welington says: Ayee [20:45:58] Travis Welington says: Wassup [20:46:1] Travis Welington says: This is SAPD [20:46:3] * Lucas Galtero turn his vision to Travis. [20:46:3] Munez Martinez says: Nothing, miho. [20:46:4] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[SELL] Mansion 4 Garage at Mullholand-Richman, Interest?CP: [20:46:4] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Sailendro_DiCaprio{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}5678{FF0000}] [20:46:4] Travis Welington says: Ankat tangan [20:46:9] Travis Welington says: One [20:46:10] * Valshaun Ramirez is 20 yo wearing blue shirt brown pants white socks and shoes had SSA-13 on his neck [20:46:17] Munez Martinez says: Idiot. [20:46:23] Lucas Galtero says: Just idiot people. [20:46:25] Valshaun Ramirez says: I got bidness mano, peace out. [20:46:30] Munez Martinez says: Orale. [20:46:31] Munez Martinez says: Go on. [20:46:33] Lucas Galtero says: Oralle. [20:46:39] Travis Welington says: i need crack nigge [20:46:41] DYOC: {ffffff}Weapons attachment {33AA33}enabled [20:46:44] Lucas Galtero says: Who's care? [20:46:48] DYOC: {ffffff}Weapons attachment {ff0000}disabled [20:46:51] Munez Martinez says: Who's care, idiot? [20:47:5] AdmCmd: Scandalz_Valcatrozes has been account banned by tiak. [20:47:5] Reason: ganti namanya yang lebih realistis, contoh : Johnny_Wilson [20:47:6] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[DICARI] rumah budget K di kota. ada? CP or SMS. [20:47:6] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Han_Bonyono{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}887150{FF0000}] [20:47:37] ERROR: Invalid playerid! [20:47:43] DYOC: {ffffff}Weapons attachment {33AA33}enabled [20:47:44] DYOC: {ffffff}Weapons attachment {ff0000}disabled [20:48:9] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[S/T]Admiral 2 insu 2 up full mod atau trade sama Rumah Cp: [20:48:9] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Margarito_Miroslav{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}111375{FF0000}] [20:48:10] Munez Martinez says: You the owner of that caro, Luga? [20:48:18] Lucas Galtero says: Yeah, that's new. [20:48:21] Munez Martinez says: Cool. [20:48:26] Lucas Galtero says: Thanks, Huron. [20:48:27] Munez Martinez says: Where you got it? [20:48:38] Lucas Galtero says: Dealer Oceand Docks. [20:48:46] Lucas Galtero says: There so many good caro. [20:48:49] Munez Martinez says: You buy it? [20:48:53] Lucas Galtero says: Sure, ese. [20:49:4] Munez Martinez says: Ah.. nice caro. [20:49:10] Lucas Galtero says: But, i must slangin my tax frist for grab that/ [20:49:12] Lucas Galtero: (( .* )) [20:49:13] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[SELL] Quadbike 4 roda , 2 insu just 700 minat ? CP me [20:49:13] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Sheryl_DeDonata{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}411622{FF0000}] [20:49:16] Lucas Galtero: (( taxi* )) [20:49:30] Munez Martinez says: What you mean? [20:49:52] AdmCmd: Saitou_Shimaru has been kicked by zuqal123. [20:49:52] Reason: ATIP [20:49:56] Lucas Galtero says: I mean for buy that, i must slangin my taxi. [20:50:6] Munez Martinez says: You sell your taxi? [20:50:9] Lucas Galtero says: Yap. [20:50:15] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[SELL/TRADE]Flash 2insu 4up Fullmod STNK Aktiv Buka Harga Sewajarnya CP Or SMS : [20:50:15] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Cristian_Tasya{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}127723{FF0000}] [20:50:53] Lucas Galtero says: Wanna ride, Huron? [20:50:59] Munez Martinez says: Nah imma stay in here. [20:51:3] Lucas Galtero says: Oralle. [20:51:6] HUDMODE: {ffffff}Classic [20:51:6] HUDMODE: {ffffff}Hidden [20:51:18] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[KING Little Mexico Market's]Menyediakan Barang Barang Baru Dan Harga Sangat Terjangkau Loc@ Little Mexico. [20:51:18] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Kalzimir_Gergorovich{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}1922{FF0000}] [20:51:37] HUDMODE: {ffffff}Modern [20:51:46] Lucas Galtero: (( edit ss bentar. )) [20:52:21] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}Dijual flatbed 0 nett. [20:52:21] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Valshaun_Ramirez{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}696669{FF0000}] [20:53:9] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: wah discam gw [20:53:13] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: katanya upgrade semua [20:53:17] [FAM] Veterano Ruben Ayala: body aja ga diupgrade ni patriot [20:53:21] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: lol [20:53:24] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[BUY]Rumah di las colinas budget 00 CP OR SMS: [20:53:24] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Dwight_Southern{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}430004{FF0000}] [20:53:27] * Ruben Ayala gets his head out of the window. [20:53:30] * Ruben Ayala shouts at Munez jokingly. [20:53:39] Munez Martinez says: Sup, yo? [20:53:45] * Ruben Ayala laughs along Jerold. [20:53:58] Munez Martinez says: Fuck you, Ben. [20:54:13] Munez Martinez says: Where you will go? [20:54:19] * Ruben Ayala presents his newly bought Hummer 4x4. [20:54:27] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[KING] Montgomery Dealer, Menjual Semua Jenis Kendaraan Roda 2, Loc@Montgomery [20:54:27] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Sergio_Franklin{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}2901{FF0000}] [20:54:48] * Ruben Ayala opens the door for Munez before he gets in. [20:55:28] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[BELI] Garasi Pribadi. Anda Jual ? CP [20:55:28] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Bonifacio_Donnarumma{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}443444{FF0000}] [20:56:31] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}{DICARI}Taxi bukan cabbie ada ?CP: [20:56:31] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Arthur_Leonardo{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}750100{FF0000}] [20:57:11] Anda telah memasuki AFK mode!, ketik /afk untuk lanjut main [20:57:33] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[Sell] Patriot 2 Insu 1 Up Bisa Nego Jual Cepat Minat CP; [20:57:33] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Rizky_Andrian{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}696869{FF0000}] [20:58:37] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}Beli 2 tingkat ada halaman parkirnya ada HUB atau SMS [20:58:37] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Barry_Holmwood{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}435000{FF0000}] [20:59:39] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}Dijual PCJ-600, 3 insu, 1 up, stnk 10 mei, minat ? SMS HARGA WAJAR [20:59:39] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Layren_Murphy{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}133300{FF0000}] [20:59:51] AFK: {ffff00}You are no longer in AFK-Mode! [21:0:10] ENGINEINFO: Mesin masih mati, tekan tombol {FF0000}~k~~VEHICLE_FIREWEAPON~{BFC0C2} atau command /engine untuk menghidupkannya. [21:0:11] ENGINE: Anda mencoba untuk menghidupkan Mesin. [21:0:15] ENGINE: Anda telah menghidupkan mesin kendaraan. [21:0:20] ENGINE: Anda telah mematikan Mesin. [21:0:42] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[Dijual]Roadtrain 3 insurance tawarkan harga [21:0:42] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Carlton_King{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}496999{FF0000}] [21:1:45] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[Dijual]Mesa 3insuransi tahun 3Upgrade full modift Harga 00 Anda minat?Call or SMS [21:1:45] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Raven_Washington{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}991599{FF0000}] [21:2:38] ENGINEINFO: Mesin masih mati, tekan tombol {FF0000}~k~~VEHICLE_FIREWEAPON~{BFC0C2} atau command /engine untuk menghidupkannya. [21:2:38] ENGINE: Anda mencoba untuk menghidupkan Mesin. [21:2:41] ENGINE: Anda telah menghidupkan mesin kendaraan. [21:2:44] Lucas Galtero: (( a )) [21:2:47] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[KING Little Mexico Market's]Menyediakan Paytoll, Painkiller, Bandage Dan Lain Lain Loc @Little Mexico [21:2:47] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Kalzimir_Gergorovich{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}1922{FF0000}] [21:3:53] {00ffff}SERVER:{ffffff} Selamat datang {ffff00}Lucas_Galtero{ffffff}. [21:3:53] Family MOTD: {FFFF00}ORDER TUTUP , PERBAIKI ATTITUDE KALIAN DOLO !!! [21:3:53] MOTD: {ffff00}Kalo kamu melaporkan seseorang di /report tapi tidak kasih ID atau nama, kami tidak akan respond [21:3:53] {00ffff}SERVER:{ffffff} Anda terakhir login {ffff00}27 menit yang lalu [21:3:53] * {FF0000}Lucas_Galtero {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [21:3:54] {00ffff}SERVER: {ffffff}Today is {ffff00}Mon 17 Apr 2017, 21:03:54 [21:3:54] {00ffff}SERVER: {ffffff}Server memerlukan waktu {ffff00}197 milisecond{ffffff} untuk memuat data char anda! [21:3:54] NOTICE: {ffff00}0 vehicle(s) is currently impounded [21:3:54] * {FF0000}Tyrell_Ashford {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Batam, Indonesia) [21:3:57] * {FF0000}Dobrashin_Osya {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [21:3:59] * {FF0000}Aldevaro_Appolonoppi {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [21:4:0] * {FF0000}Tevfik_Krijt {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [21:4:0] * {FF0000}Leonardo_VanDysch {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [21:4:12] ENGINEINFO: Mesin masih mati, tekan tombol {FF0000}~k~~VEHICLE_FIREWEAPON~{BFC0C2} atau command /engine untuk menghidupkannya. [21:4:13] ENGINE: Anda mencoba untuk menghidupkan Mesin. [21:4:17] Handbrakes {FF0000}OFF [21:4:17] ENGINE: Anda telah menghidupkan mesin kendaraan. [21:4:18] Lights {33AA33}ON [21:4:25] Lights {FF0000}OFF [21:4:30] Rasheed Oakley says: Nah, it won't work. [21:4:53] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}Buy workshop, contact : [21:4:53] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Joeri_Edmondo{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}123123{FF0000}] [21:5:10] AdmCmd: Patrick_Billboard has been remote warned by zuqal123, total warns: 1 [21:5:10] Reason: Pasal 21: Deathmatch [21:5:27] AdmCmd: Patrick_Billboard has been remote-jailed by zuqal123 for 60 minutes. [21:5:27] Reason: Pasal 21: Deathmatch [21:5:36] Members online: [21:5:36] - [1]Cholo: [66]Munez Martinez [21:5:36] - [8]Veterano: [68]Ruben Ayala [21:5:36] - [1]Cholo: [91]Lucas Galtero [21:5:36] - [10]El Jefe del Sur: [114]Oscar Garcia [21:5:36] - [7]Shotcaller: [202]Jerold Blanco [21:5:36] - [1]Cholo: [222]Marco Devalos [21:5:45] HUDMODE: {ffffff}Classic [21:5:45] HUDMODE: {ffffff}Hidden [21:5:55] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}FIND 1 orang Farmer yang rajin dan jujur. Datang langsung ke ladang BB no 5 [21:5:55] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Park_Hwanhee{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}6660{FF0000}] [21:6:2] HUDMODE: {ffffff}Modern [21:6:32] [WT] Channel set to '1505' [21:6:37] [WT:1505] {75AE5D}Lucas Galtero: hoy [21:6:42] KEGUNAAN: /setfq [channel [1-9999] [21:6:47] [WT] Channel set to '12' [21:6:58] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[BUY]Rumah 1 garasi,Utamakan daerah ganton,ELS,parkiran luas [21:6:58] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Eduardo_Clayden{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}31082001{FF0000}] [21:7:28] BotCmd: Kalzimir_Gergorovich telah dikick, alasan: Ping melebihi batas (775) [21:7:59] ENGINE: Anda telah mematikan Mesin. [21:8:1] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[!DICARI!]Glendale any insu any up,anda jual saya beli.CP: [21:8:1] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Cameroon_Urrington{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}704500{FF0000}] [21:25:40] {00ffff}SERVER:{ffffff} Selamat datang {ffff00}Lucas_Galtero{ffffff}. [21:25:40] Family MOTD: {FFFF00}ORDER TUTUP , PERBAIKI ATTITUDE KALIAN DOLO !!! [21:25:40] MOTD: {ffff00}Kalo kamu melaporkan seseorang di /report tapi tidak kasih ID atau nama, kami tidak akan respond [21:25:40] {00ffff}SERVER:{ffffff} Anda terakhir login {ffff00}21 menit yang lalu [21:25:40] * {FF0000}Lucas_Galtero {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [21:25:41] * {FF0000}Natasya_Luna {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Tangerang, Indonesia) [21:25:41] {00ffff}SERVER: {ffffff}Today is {ffff00}Mon 17 Apr 2017, 21:25:41 [21:25:41] {00ffff}SERVER: {ffffff}Server memerlukan waktu {ffff00}1504 milisecond{ffffff} untuk memuat data char anda! [21:25:41] NOTICE: {ffff00}0 vehicle(s) is currently impounded [21:25:53] Members online: [21:25:53] - [1]Cholo: [1]Lucas Galtero [21:25:53] - [1]Cholo: [66]Munez Martinez [21:25:53] - [8]Veterano: [68]Ruben Ayala [21:25:53] - [10]El Jefe del Sur: [114]Oscar Garcia [21:25:53] - [7]Shotcaller: [202]Jerold Blanco [21:25:53] - [1]Cholo: [222]Marco Devalos [21:26:21] (( PM from [223] Lionel_Barry: gan )) [21:26:22] * Lucas Galtero gazez toward Lionel. [21:26:24] (( PM to [223] Lionel_Barry: ? )) [21:26:32] (( PM from [223] Lionel_Barry: kok gak bisa naik mobil )) [21:26:32] (( PM to [223] Lionel_Barry: ya? )) [21:26:33] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[DICARI] motor shancez any insu 1 up, yang murah, CP : [21:26:33] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Rizky_Novand{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}262874{FF0000}] [21:26:35] (( PM to [223] Lionel_Barry: ga lah )) [21:26:38] (( PM from [223] Lionel_Barry: kenapa )) [21:26:44] (( PM to [223] Lionel_Barry: itu mobil g )) [21:26:46] (( PM to [223] Lionel_Barry: itu mobil gw )) [21:26:53] (( PM to [223] Lionel_Barry: baca rules lagi aja. )) [21:26:56] (( PM to [223] Lionel_Barry: dah baca rules? )) [21:27:1] (( PM from [223] Lionel_Barry: cara bacanya gimana )) [21:27:7] (( PM from [223] Lionel_Barry: ane baru main gta online )) [21:27:10] (( PM to [223] Lionel_Barry: oh )) [21:27:16] (( PM from [223] Lionel_Barry: belum ngerti semua )) [21:27:30] (( PM to [223] Lionel_Barry: /report bang ajarin saya roleplay, gitu )) [21:27:35] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}The Foundation Gasoline at Montgomerry has been restocked. Visit us! [21:27:35] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Joeri_Edmondo{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}123123{FF0000}] [21:27:53] (( PM from [223] Lionel_Barry: gimana cara reportnya )) [21:28:1] (( PM to [223] Lionel_Barry: tuh udah lu /report )) [21:28:7] (( PM to [223] Lionel_Barry: dah? )) [21:28:11] (( PM from [223] Lionel_Barry: udah )) [21:28:19] (( PM to [223] Lionel_Barry: oke. )) [21:28:38] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[Beli] Garasi pribadi, lokasi dimana aja, anda jual?SMS! [21:28:38] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Keenan_Addison{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}2108{FF0000}] [21:28:48] (( PM to [223] Lionel_Barry: di ajarin ga? )) [21:28:53] (( PM from [223] Lionel_Barry: diajarin )) [21:28:55] (( PM to [223] Lionel_Barry: oke )) [21:29:40] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[SELL] Bisnis Sportshop Profit Medum +4k-6k Penghasilan Bersih. Stock Melimpah. Harga .000 Nego! Minat? SMS!! [21:29:40] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Frankielyson_Hillenburg{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}222505{FF0000}] [21:29:47] ERROR: No queued reports! [21:29:49] [id:24] Volunteer doddyaditya (Elliot_Desmond) [21:29:49] [id:228] Helper Aldynovbp15 (Byron_Prescott) [21:29:49] NOTE: {ffffff}Volunteer tidak memiliki kedudukan yang sama dengan Helper / Admin [21:29:59] DYOC: {ffffff}Weapons attachment {33AA33}enabled [21:30:10] DYOC: {ffffff}Weapons attachment {ff0000}disabled [21:30:42] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[SELL] Cheetah 3insurance,2upgrade,fullmodift PROMO||SMS: [21:30:42] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Tasya_Miura{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}700700{FF0000}] [21:31:4] BotCmd: Cyzarine_Astrid telah dikick, alasan: Ping melebihi batas (767) [21:31:6] ENGINEINFO: Mesin masih mati, tekan tombol {FF0000}~k~~VEHICLE_FIREWEAPON~{BFC0C2} atau command /engine untuk menghidupkannya. [21:31:6] ENGINE: Anda mencoba untuk menghidupkan Mesin. [21:31:9] Handbrakes {FF0000}OFF [21:31:9] ENGINE: Anda telah menghidupkan mesin kendaraan. [21:31:29] AdmCmd: Reno_Roderigo has been banned by Sinatrio for 1 day(s). [21:31:29] Reason: Non RP Behaviour [21:31:45] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[BUY]Rumah 1 garasi,Utamakan Ganton atau sekitarnya,Halaman luas! [21:31:45] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Eduardo_Clayden{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}31082001{FF0000}] [21:31:47] Lucas Galtero says: Damn ese. [21:31:51] Lucas Galtero says: What's going on? [21:31:56] Luther Humpries says: Huh? [21:31:59] Mask 880297 says: baru menang k anjing [21:32:0] * Travone Randolph hides behind the red cheetah. [21:32:4] Luther Humpries says: Shotout sir.. [21:32:8] Lucas Galtero says: Damn, [21:32:12] Lucas Galtero says: We must out from this place. [21:32:22] BotCmd: Cyzarine_Astrid telah dikick, alasan: Ping melebihi batas (994) [21:32:49] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[SELL] Sultan 3 ansuransi 2 upgrade full modift STNK aktif minat CP or SMS : [21:32:49] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Soham_Guillaume{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}264222{FF0000}] [21:32:55] BotCmd: Ibrahim_Drummond telah dikick, alasan: Ping melebihi batas (1078) [21:33:10] AdmCmd: Reno_Roderigo has been remote banned by clover253. [21:33:10] Reason: Cheater [CLOVER253] [21:33:12] Bench Ogumemossas Shouts: Pereniel! [21:33:17] Bench Ogumemossas says: Dijual? [21:33:17] Lucas Galtero says: Ha? [21:33:20] Lucas Galtero says: Berani berapa? [21:33:25] Bench Ogumemossas says: Delernya aja 0 [21:33:28] AdmCmd: IP has been banned by clover253. [21:33:28] Reason: Cheater [clover253] [21:33:31] Lucas Galtero says: 0. [21:33:33] BotCmd: Cyzarine_Astrid telah dikick, alasan: Ping melebihi batas (763) [21:33:37] Lucas Galtero says: Upgrade 2. [21:33:43] AdmCmd: UCP account Reno_Roderigo has been blocked by clover253. [21:33:43] Reason: Cheater [clover253] [21:33:44] Bench Ogumemossas says: Trade? [21:33:46] Lucas Galtero says: Sama? [21:33:48] Bench Ogumemossas says: Sama Sanchez [21:33:50] Lucas Galtero says: G. [21:33:50] Bench Ogumemossas says: 1Up 3insu [21:33:51] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[SELL] mobil Sadler masih mulus dan bagus harga 0 nego minat CP!: [21:33:51] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Sergio_Morgan{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}883636{FF0000}] [21:34:18] ENGINE: Anda telah mematikan Mesin. [21:34:19] BotCmd: Arturo_Mauricio telah dikick, alasan: Ping melebihi batas (1185) [21:43:48] {00ffff}SERVER:{ffffff} Selamat datang {ffff00}Lucas_Galtero{ffffff}. [21:43:48] Family MOTD: {FFFF00}ORDER TUTUP , PERBAIKI ATTITUDE KALIAN DOLO !!! [21:43:48] MOTD: {ffff00}Kalo kamu melaporkan seseorang di /report tapi tidak kasih ID atau nama, kami tidak akan respond [21:43:48] {00ffff}SERVER:{ffffff} Anda terakhir login {ffff00}18 menit yang lalu [21:43:48] * {FF0000}Lucas_Galtero {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [21:43:48] {00ffff}SERVER: {ffffff}Today is {ffff00}Mon 17 Apr 2017, 21:43:48 [21:43:48] {00ffff}SERVER: {ffffff}Server memerlukan waktu {ffff00}220 milisecond{ffffff} untuk memuat data char anda! [21:43:48] NOTICE: {ffff00}0 vehicle(s) is currently impounded [21:44:0] * {FF0000}Kanye_Crooks {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Rewasidori, Indonesia) [21:44:1] * {FF0000}Sretko_Neustadter {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [21:44:2] * {FF0000}Naoki_Tashio {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Manado, Indonesia) [21:44:3] [FAM] El Jefe del Sur Oscar Garcia: jir kebeli kapal buat family awkawkkaw [21:44:9] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: delete [21:44:11] * {FF0000}Cyzarine_Astrid {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [21:44:17] Members online: [21:44:17] - [1]Cholo: [66]Munez Martinez [21:44:17] - [8]Veterano: [68]Ruben Ayala [21:44:17] - [1]Cholo: [72]Lucas Galtero [21:44:17] - [10]El Jefe del Sur: [123]Oscar Garcia [21:44:17] - [2]Gangeros: [146]Jesus Aguilar [21:44:17] - [7]Shotcaller: [202]Jerold Blanco [21:44:17] - [1]Cholo: [222]Marco Devalos [21:44:30] ENGINEINFO: Mesin masih mati, tekan tombol {FF0000}~k~~VEHICLE_FIREWEAPON~{BFC0C2} atau command /engine untuk menghidupkannya. [21:44:30] [FAM] El Jefe del Sur Oscar Garcia: ga dapat uang sedih [21:44:31] ENGINE: Anda mencoba untuk menghidupkan Mesin. [21:44:35] Handbrakes {FF0000}OFF [21:44:35] ENGINE: Anda telah menghidupkan mesin kendaraan. [21:44:35] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[Exodus Bar And Lounge] Menyediakan semua permainan gambling, Loc : Pigpen. [21:44:35] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Branislav_Leonidovich{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}307307{FF0000}] [21:44:38] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: jual [21:44:41] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: t***t [21:44:47] BotCmd: Cyzarine_Astrid telah dikick, alasan: Ping melebihi batas (773) [21:45:4] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: felix tumben ga /f dek qu [21:45:15] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: tidur dia [21:45:21] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: oh shit [21:45:22] ERROR: That player is not paused! [21:45:37] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[SELL] Comet 1 insu , 1 Up, Neon, Velg, Good Condition [21:45:37] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Rudolf_Randolph{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}522155{FF0000}] [21:45:50] BotCmd: Cyzarine_Astrid telah dikick, alasan: Ping melebihi batas (767) [21:46:0] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: godshake, tuhan mengocok [21:46:6] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: hmmm [21:46:8] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: mastrubation [21:46:21] [FAM] Cholo Munez Martinez: Leblanc, good. [21:46:28] HUDMODE: {ffffff}Classic [21:46:28] HUDMODE: {ffffff}Hidden [21:46:41] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[SELL] Comet 1 insu , 1 Up, Neon, Velg, Good Condition [21:46:41] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Rudolf_Randolph{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}522155{FF0000}] [21:47:20] HUDMODE: {ffffff}Modern [21:47:20] HUDMODE: {ffffff}Classic [21:47:20] HUDMODE: {ffffff}Hidden [21:47:21] HUDMODE: {ffffff}Modern [21:47:38] BotCmd: Cyzarine_Astrid telah dikick, alasan: Ping melebihi batas (764) [21:47:39] [FAM] Cholo Munez Martinez: minjem [21:47:44] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[Exodus Bar And Lounge] Membuka semua permainan gambling, Loc : Pigpne [21:47:44] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Branislav_Leonidovich{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}307307{FF0000}] [21:47:53] [FAM] Gangeros Jesus Aguilar: woi [21:48:4] Tyrell Ashford says: I got fuck two peopel. [21:48:23] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: this restoran is sealed [21:48:30] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: restoran [21:48:48] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[DICARI] Mobil Glandale Any Insu 0-1? Ada? [21:48:48] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Keith_Laxwell{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}450000{FF0000}] [21:49:22] * Tyrell Ashford using his bandage to torso. [21:49:25] BotCmd: Cyzarine_Astrid telah dikick, alasan: Ping melebihi batas (757) [21:49:51] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[DICARI] Burrito Car, Good Condition. Harga wajar, langsung beli. CP [21:49:51] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Hajime_Kuryakin{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}884888{FF0000}] [21:50:1] AdmCmd: Laurentino_Marcheschi has been kicked by tiak. [21:50:1] Reason: relogs: I got fuck two peopel. [21:48:23] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: this restoran is sealed [21:48:30] [FAM] Shotcaller Jerold Blanco: restoran [21:48:48] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[DICARI] Mobil Glandale Any Insu 0-1? Ada? [21:48:48] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Keith_Laxwell{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}450000{FF0000}] [21:49:22] * Tyrell Ashford using his bandage to torso. [21:49:25] BotCmd: Cyzarine_Astrid telah dikick, alasan: Ping melebihi batas (757) [21:49:51] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[DICARI] Burrito Car, Good Condition. Harga wajar, langsung beli. CP [21:49:51] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Hajime_Kuryakin{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}884888{FF0000}] [21:50:1] AdmCmd: Laurentino_Marcheschi has been kicked by tiak. [21:50:1] Reason: relog SETELAH : [1:43:38] {00ffff}SERVER:{ffffff} Selamat datang {ffff00}Lucas_Galtero{ffffff}. [1:43:38] Family MOTD: {FFFF00}ORDER TUTUP , PERBAIKI ATTITUDE KALIAN DOLO !!! [1:43:38] MOTD: {ffff00}Kalo kamu melaporkan seseorang di /report tapi tidak kasih ID atau nama, kami tidak akan respond [1:43:38] {00ffff}SERVER:{ffffff} Anda terakhir login {ffff00}3 jam yang lalu [1:43:38] * {FF0000}Lucas_Galtero {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [1:43:39] {00ffff}SERVER: {ffffff}Today is {ffff00}Tue 18 Apr 2017, 01:43:39 [1:43:39] {00ffff}SERVER: {ffffff}Server memerlukan waktu {ffff00}184 milisecond{ffffff} untuk memuat data char anda! [1:43:39] NOTICE: {ffff00}0 vehicle(s) is currently impounded [1:43:39] AdmCmd: rifqy has removed IP from the banlist. [1:43:53] Members online: [1:43:53] - [1]Cholo: [7]Lucas Galtero [1:43:58] ENGINEINFO: Mesin masih mati, tekan tombol {FF0000}~k~~VEHICLE_FIREWEAPON~{BFC0C2} atau command /engine untuk menghidupkannya. [1:43:58] ENGINE: Anda mencoba untuk menghidupkan Mesin. [1:44:1] Handbrakes {FF0000}OFF [1:44:1] ENGINE: Anda telah menghidupkan mesin kendaraan. [1:44:16] * {FF0000}Tevfik_Krijt {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [1:44:26] BotCmd: Tevfik_Krijt telah dikick, alasan: Ping melebihi batas (799) [1:45:8] ERROR: Unable to store more items to this room! [1:45:14] HOUSE: {FFFFFF}You've stored your {FFFF00}Desert Eagle {FFFFFF}inside this room [1:45:14] HOUSE: {FFFFFF}Move the item to your desired position within this room! [1:45:16] HOUSE: {FFFF00}Item position saved! [1:45:24] HOUSE: {FFFFFF}You've taken your {FFFF00}Desert Eagle {FFFFFF}from this room [1:45:39] CMDINFO: Harap tunggu 1 detik! [1:45:49] HOUSE: {FFFFFF}You've taken {FFFF00}100 gram(s) {FFFFFF}of crack from this room [1:45:54] KEGUNAAN: /drop crack [amount (10-100)] [1:45:58] HOUSE: {FFFFFF}You've stored {FFFF00}80 gram(s) {FFFFFF}of crack inside this room [1:45:58] HOUSE: {FFFFFF}Move the item to your desired position within this room! [1:46:4] Donald Webbster Shouts [outside]: BUKA ko***l! [1:46:9] HOUSE: {FFFF00}Item position saved! [1:46:59] DROP: {ffffff}You've dropped your {ffff00}Desert Eagle [1:47:7] DROP: {ffffff}You've dropped {ffff00}20 grams {ffffff}of crack [1:49:41] {00ffff}SERVER:{ffffff} Selamat datang {ffff00}Lucas_Galtero{ffffff}. [1:49:41] Family MOTD: {FFFF00}ORDER TUTUP , PERBAIKI ATTITUDE KALIAN DOLO !!! [1:49:41] MOTD: {ffff00}Kalo kamu melaporkan seseorang di /report tapi tidak kasih ID atau nama, kami tidak akan respond [1:49:41] {00ffff}SERVER:{ffffff} Anda terakhir login {ffff00}6 menit yang lalu [1:49:41] * {FF0000}Lucas_Galtero {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia) [1:49:41] {00ffff}SERVER: {ffffff}Today is {ffff00}Tue 18 Apr 2017, 01:49:41 [1:49:41] {00ffff}SERVER: {ffffff}Server memerlukan waktu {ffff00}61 milisecond{ffffff} untuk memuat data char anda! [1:49:41] NOTICE: {ffff00}0 vehicle(s) is currently impounded [1:49:55] RADIO: {ffffff}Radio streaming {ff0000}disabled [1:49:56] ERROR: Unknown command, see '/help' [1:50:3] ENGINEINFO: Mesin masih mati, tekan tombol {FF0000}~k~~VEHICLE_FIREWEAPON~{BFC0C2} atau command /engine untuk menghidupkannya. [1:50:4] ENGINE: Anda mencoba untuk menghidupkan Mesin. [1:50:7] ENGINE: Anda telah menghidupkan mesin kendaraan. [1:50:8] Seatbelts {33AA33}ON [1:50:10] Lights {33AA33}ON [1:50:11] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: a [1:50:48] Rodrigo Marquez: (( IG dimane njir )) [1:50:53] Rodrigo Marquez: (( udeh malem lel )) [1:51:16] ERROR: Unknown command, see '/help' [1:52:7] Members online: [1:52:7] - [1]Cholo: [15]Lucas Galtero [1:52:25] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[SELL] Sanchez 3Insu 650$. Lokasi Sanews. CP : [1:52:25] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Dollok_Siahad{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}255004{FF0000}] [1:52:33] Faction Commands: [1:52:33] /f [text] - untuk Chat dengan keluarga | /setfamily - untuk setting yang berhubungan dengan keluarga [1:52:33] /safedeposit [item] [amount] - menyimpan sebuah benda | /safewithdraw [item] [amount] - mengambil benda yang di simpan [1:52:33] /safebalance - memperlihatkan Jumlah benda yang kamu simpan [1:52:33] /order - memesan item illegal seperti material atau narkoba [1:52:33] /creategun - membuat senjata dari material | /createammo - membuat peluru dari material [1:52:37] ERROR: Your rank is too low to perform this action! [1:53:17] KEGUNAAN: /safedeposit [item] [amount > 0] [1:53:17] Items: Crack Pot Mats Cash [1:53:23] You are not in any family or a rank 4 and higher! [1:53:30] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[SELL] Sanchez 3Insu 650$. Lokasi Sanews. CP : [1:53:30] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Dollok_Siahad{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}255004{FF0000}] [1:53:48] AdmCmd: Caesar_Alfredo has been kicked by clover253. [1:53:48] Reason: relog [1:54:21] Seatbelts {FF0000}OFF [1:54:39] Faction Commands: [1:54:39] /f [text] - untuk Chat dengan keluarga | /setfamily - untuk setting yang berhubungan dengan keluarga [1:54:39] /safedeposit [item] [amount] - menyimpan sebuah benda | /safewithdraw [item] [amount] - mengambil benda yang di simpan [1:54:39] /safebalance - memperlihatkan Jumlah benda yang kamu simpan [1:54:39] /order - memesan item illegal seperti material atau narkoba [1:54:39] /creategun - membuat senjata dari material | /createammo - membuat peluru dari material [1:54:47] ERROR: Your rank is not high enough to use this command! [1:55:30] Seatbelts {33AA33}ON [1:56:26] proses ((Rose Myer)) [1:56:27] Amanda Marpaung says: velg gua jes [1:56:29] Jessica Inversee says: )) [1:56:32] Lucas Galtero says: Anjeng [1:56:34] Seatbelts {FF0000}OFF [1:56:35] Selesai ((Rose Myer)) [1:56:36] Jessica Inversee says: ga bisa di sini [1:56:39] Jessica Inversee says: manda [1:56:41] Amanda Marpaung says: dimana bisanya [1:56:50] Sakchai Mongkutkorn says: Kribo anjing [1:56:50] Jessica Inversee says: Di tempat omar [1:56:55] Pikram Panduwiryo says: mana compo [1:56:57] Amanda Marpaung says: emang ada orang di sana [1:56:57] ERROR: Anda masih mempunyai kontrak selama 7 paycheck dengan pekerjaan ini! [1:56:58] Jessica Inversee says: sms dia aja [1:57:7] Sakchai Mongkutkorn says: Ini mobil loe? [1:57:7] Pikram Panduwiryo says: mana component [1:57:9] [FAM] Cholo Lucas Galtero: a [1:57:15] Pikram Panduwiryo says: mobil amanda [1:57:16] * Sakchai Mongkutkorn Mengeluarkan component dari tas [1:57:20] * Sakchai Mongkutkorn Memberikan kepada Pikram [1:57:21] Lucas Galtero says: Bang. [1:57:22] * Pikram Panduwiryo take its [1:57:24] Lucas Galtero says: Lihat temen gua ga ? [1:57:25] Mask 500073 says: oit [1:57:31] Mask 500073 says: yang mana [1:57:35] Lucas Galtero says: Jerold. [1:57:38] Lucas Galtero says: Kenal ga ? [1:57:38] Jessica Inversee says: Ini mobil siapa halangin jalan [1:57:42] Mask 500073 says: ngga liat [1:57:45] Lucas Galtero says: Sorry. [1:57:49] Sakchai Mongkutkorn says: Ini mobil pinggirin dulu bang [1:57:50] Roy Raymond says: bosq. [1:57:51] Seatbelts {33AA33}ON [1:57:52] Lucas Galtero says: Ya. [1:57:54] Lucas Galtero says: Maaf. [1:57:55] Mask 500073 says: oit [1:57:57] Roy Raymond says: copot nih yang didepan. [1:58:1] Roy Raymond says: modshop atau bukan? [1:58:3] Caesar Alfredo says: mantap [1:58:4] Jessica Inversee says: maju rose [1:58:7] Roy Raymond says: sama sayap. [1:58:8] Amanda Marpaung says: omar [1:58:10] Seatbelts {FF0000}OFF [1:58:13] Gabriel Omar Shouts: Ada apa ini?! [1:58:18] Gabriel Omar Shouts: Rame bener.! [1:58:21] Lucas Galtero says: Mantap. [1:58:22] Amanda Marpaung says: omar bisa ganti velg ga [1:58:23] Lucas Galtero says: Mobil kerenz. [1:58:24] Jessica Inversee says: Mau ngapain nih [1:58:24] Sakchai Mongkutkorn Shouts: Ayo kram! [1:58:25] Pikram Panduwiryo says: hahaa [1:58:26] Mark Maddox says: Oe [1:58:34] Patrick Clarke Shouts: Juan! [1:59:5] ERROR: Your rank is not high enough to use this command! [2:0:8] ERROR: Anda harus di dalam bank untuk menggunakan command ini! [2:1:6] [id:74] {ffff00}Ian_Stance: {ffffff}paused for 1422 seconds [2:1:40] BANK: {ffffff}You've withdrawn {ffff00}0.00{ffffff} from your bank account [2:1:40] BALANCE: {ffff00},500.00 [2:2:8] AdmCmd: Damian_Sifuentes has been kicked by RichMan. [2:2:8] Reason: ia lah gak di respond, cek /health zz [2:2:51] Seatbelts {33AA33}ON [2:2:58] Seatbelts {FF0000}OFF [2:3:7] DEALER: {ffffff}You've purchased a material package that contains {ffff00}2550 units {ffffff}of material for {00ff00}0.00 [2:4:6] LIMITSPEED: {ffffff}Vehicle speed limit set to {33AA33}300 mph [2:4:6] (( PM from [12] Louis_Elioenai: a )) [2:5:37] SHOP: {ffffff}You've purchased {ffff00}Menu +48 {ffffff}for {00ff00}.00 [2:5:38] SHOP: {ffffff}You've purchased {ffff00}Menu +12 {ffffff}for {00ff00}{field_value_32}.75 [2:5:39] SHOP: {ffffff}You've purchased {ffff00}Menu +12 {ffffff}for {00ff00}{field_value_32}.75 [2:6:38] Pergi ke bank dan /signcheck untuk mendapatkan paycheck anda atau pergi ke salah satu ATM! [2:6:58] GUNINFO: {ffffff}You've created {ffff00}Shotgun (62 ammo){ffffff}with {ffff00}2500 materials [2:7:4] ERROR: You need 94 materials to create that ammo [2:7:54] (( {FFFF00}CHIBAKU TENSEI Thomas_McCartney: {FFFFFF}Mongkutkorn Ploydaw IG lagi )) [2:8:23] DROP: {ffffff}You've dropped your {ffff00}Shotgun [2:8:40] DROP: {ffffff}You've picked up a {ffff00}Shotgun [2:8:49] ENGINEINFO: Mesin masih mati, tekan tombol {FF0000}~k~~VEHICLE_FIREWEAPON~{BFC0C2} atau command /engine untuk menghidupkannya. [2:8:50] [ID] ID:12 | Name: Louis_Elioenai [2:8:50] ENGINE: Anda mencoba untuk menghidupkan Mesin. [2:8:54] ENGINE: Anda telah menghidupkan mesin kendaraan. [2:9:7] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[E.Corp Dealer]Sedia berbagai mobil classic. @Market [2:9:7] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Gabriel_Omar{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}440070{FF0000}] [2:9:56] HOUSE: {FFFFFF}You've taken {FFFF00}1381 unit(s) {FFFFFF}of gun material from this room [2:10:3] AdmCmd: Wak_Doyok has been remote banned by RichMan. [2:10:3] Reason: Famous Name | Penemu cream penumbuh rambut asal Malaysia yang mendunia. [2:10:6] GUNINFO: {ffffff}You've created {ffff00}190 Shotgun Normal ammo {ffffff}using {ffff00}95 materials [2:10:17] DROP: {ffffff}You've dropped your {ffff00}Shotgun [2:10:47] ENGINEINFO: Mesin masih mati, tekan tombol {FF0000}~k~~VEHICLE_FIREWEAPON~{BFC0C2} atau command /engine untuk menghidupkannya. [2:10:47] ENGINE: Anda mencoba untuk menghidupkan Mesin. [2:10:50] ENGINE: Anda telah menghidupkan mesin kendaraan. [2:10:53] Lights {33AA33}ON [2:12:1] KEGUNAAN: /drop material [amount (100-10000)] [2:12:4] ERROR: You don't have that much crack! [2:12:6] HOUSE: {FFFFFF}You've stored {FFFF00}1300 unit(s) {FFFFFF}of gun material inside this room [2:12:6] HOUSE: {FFFFFF}Move the item to your desired position within this room! [2:12:9] HOUSE: {FFFF00}Item position saved! [2:12:15] ERROR: Amount cannot go over 10000 or below 100! [2:12:20] ERROR: You must be close to a dropped item to use this command! [2:12:21] ERROR: You must be close to a dropped item to use this command! [2:12:26] HOUSE: {FFFFFF}You've taken {FFFF00}1300 unit(s) {FFFFFF}of gun material from this room [2:12:33] ERROR: You don't have that much crack! [2:12:44] HOUSE: {FFFFFF}You've stored {FFFF00}1336 unit(s) {FFFFFF}of gun material inside this room [2:12:44] HOUSE: {FFFFFF}Move the item to your desired position within this room! [2:12:45] HOUSE: {FFFF00}Item position saved! [2:12:53] HOUSE: {FFFFFF}You've taken your {FFFF00}Desert Eagle {FFFFFF}from this room [2:13:31] HUDMODE: {ffffff}Classic [2:13:33] HUDMODE: {ffffff}Hidden [2:13:34] HUDMODE: {ffffff}Modern [2:13:34] HUDMODE: {ffffff}Classic [2:13:34] HUDMODE: {ffffff}Hidden [2:13:34] HUDMODE: {ffffff}Modern [2:13:34] HUDMODE: {ffffff}Classic [2:13:34] HUDMODE: {ffffff}Hidden [2:13:35] HUDMODE: {ffffff}Modern [2:13:35] HUDMODE: {ffffff}Classic [2:13:35] HUDMODE: {ffffff}Hidden [2:13:35] HUDMODE: {ffffff}Modern [2:13:35] HUDMODE: {ffffff}Classic [2:13:36] HUDMODE: {ffffff}Hidden [2:13:36] HUDMODE: {ffffff}Modern [2:13:36] HUDMODE: {ffffff}Classic [2:13:37] HUDMODE: {ffffff}Hidden [2:13:37] HUDMODE: {ffffff}Modern [2:13:37] HUDMODE: {ffffff}Classic [2:13:37] HUDMODE: {ffffff}Hidden [2:13:37] HUDMODE: {ffffff}Modern [2:13:37] HUDMODE: {ffffff}Classic [2:13:38] HUDMODE: {ffffff}Hidden [2:13:38] HUDMODE: {ffffff}Modern [2:13:38] HUDMODE: {ffffff}Classic [2:13:38] HUDMODE: {ffffff}Hidden [2:13:38] HUDMODE: {ffffff}Modern [2:13:38] HUDMODE: {ffffff}Classic [2:13:39] HUDMODE: {ffffff}Hidden [2:13:39] HUDMODE: {ffffff}Modern [2:13:39] HUDMODE: {ffffff}Classic [2:13:40] HUDMODE: {ffffff}Hidden [2:13:40] HUDMODE: {ffffff}Modern [2:13:41] HUDMODE: {ffffff}Classic [2:13:41] HUDMODE: {ffffff}Hidden [2:13:41] HUDMODE: {ffffff}Modern [2:13:41] HUDMODE: {ffffff}Classic [2:13:41] HUDMODE: {ffffff}Hidden [2:13:42] HUDMODE: {ffffff}Modern [2:13:42] HUDMODE: {ffffff}Classic [2:13:42] HUDMODE: {ffffff}Hidden [2:13:42] HUDMODE: {ffffff}Modern [2:13:42] HUDMODE: {ffffff}Classic [2:13:42] HUDMODE: {ffffff}Hidden [2:13:43] HUDMODE: {ffffff}Modern [2:13:43] HUDMODE: {ffffff}Classic [2:13:43] HUDMODE: {ffffff}Hidden [2:13:43] HUDMODE: {ffffff}Modern [2:13:45] HUDMODE: {ffffff}Classic [2:13:45] HUDMODE: {ffffff}Hidden [2:13:45] HUDMODE: {ffffff}Modern [2:13:45] HUDMODE: {ffffff}Classic [2:13:45] HUDMODE: {ffffff}Hidden [2:13:45] HUDMODE: {ffffff}Modern [2:13:46] HUDMODE: {ffffff}Classic [2:13:46] HUDMODE: {ffffff}Hidden [2:13:46] HUDMODE: {ffffff}Modern [2:13:46] HUDMODE: {ffffff}Classic [2:13:51] ENGINE: Anda telah mematikan Mesin. 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Minat? 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{33AA33}[SELL] Garasi Pribadi di Dekat Bus .000Net. Minat? Langsung SMS [2:15:28] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Frankielyson_Hillenburg{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}222505{FF0000}] [2:15:29] BotCmd: IP has been banned. [2:15:29] Reason: Cheat (Ghosting Vehicle) [2:15:30] (( {FF0000}Admin RichMan: {FFFFFF}Jogjagamers Reality Project #TrueOG )) [2:15:41] (( {FF0000}Admin RichMan: {FFFFFF}hashtag baru. )) [2:15:58] [OOC] Global OOC channel has been enabled by an Admin! [2:16:1] (( {00FFFF}Sensei Mikha_Clarens: {FFFFFF}Oh. )) [2:16:1] (( {00FFFF}High Ranked Roy_Raymond: {FFFFFF}ha )) [2:16:1] (( {00FFFF}9 Lifes Lucas_Galtero: {FFFFFF}okawoadkwoakdaw )) [2:16:1] (( {FFFF00}Menunggu Sherly Gabriel_Omar: {FFFFFF}#Menunggu Sherly )) [2:16:2] (( {00FFFF}No Lifer Louis_Elioenai: {FFFFFF}a )) [2:16:2] (( {00FFFF}Superior Darius_Salcedo: {FFFFFF}adaw )) [2:16:2] (( {00FFFF}9 Lifes Lucas_Galtero: {FFFFFF}okawoadkwoakdaw )) [2:16:2] (( {00FFFF}Get a Life! Mark_Maddox: {FFFFFF}mantap )) [2:16:2] (( {00FF00}FollowerRichman Michael_Bull: {FFFFFF}aw )) [2:16:2] (( {00FF00}$Chuppz$ Kalzimir_Gergorovich: {FFFFFF}HAI )) [2:16:2] (( {00FFFF}High Ranked Roy_Raymond: {FFFFFF}ha )) [2:16:2] (( {00FF00}"MECHANIC" Broderick_Hendrickson: {FFFFFF}Banyak )) [2:16:2] CMDINFO: Harap tunggu 1 detik! [2:16:2] (( {00FFFF}Gamer Jessica_Inversee: {FFFFFF}kocak )) [2:16:2] (( {00FFFF}New Recruit Joseph_Goebbels: {FFFFFF}ya )) [2:16:3] (( {00FFFF}Professional Viola_Rista: {FFFFFF}hoam )) [2:16:3] [OOC] Global OOC channel has been disabled by an Admin! [2:16:3] CMDINFO: Harap tunggu 1 detik! [2:16:3] ERROR: The Global OOC chat has been disabled by an Admin ! [2:16:4] (( {00FFFF}Get a Life! Pablo_Espinar: {FFFFFF}MANTAPPPP DJIWA )) [2:16:15] Members online: [2:16:15] - [1]Cholo: [15]Lucas Galtero [2:16:27] AdmCmd: Gabriel_Omar has been kicked by RichMan. [2:16:27] Reason: sherly udah ada yang punya Link to comment
$Soff0210$ Posted April 19, 2017 Share Posted April 19, 2017 Kurang bukti. No action taken. L&A. Link to comment
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