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[REPORT] Barne_Brian (Scam kendaraan,OOClie)


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Nama pelapor: Napoleon_Salvatore

Nama pelanggar: Barne_Brian

Peraturan yang dilanggar:

Scam kendaraan,OOClie

Apa yang terjadi:

Jadi ketika itu gua menjual roadtrain seharga 3K, dan dia mau tetapi dia takut gua scam gitu gua bilang scam diatas 1k gaboleh dan scamm kendaraan juga gaboleh, terus dia minta kunci roadtrain gua, yaudah gua kasih terus dia ambil duit dah tuh ampe dia minta ke MC untuk menagih utang ketemen nya, dan selesai itu dia mengajak ke tempat roadtrainnya, yaudah gua anter dan pas sampe disitu dia rp memberikan uang tetapi dia kasih nya cuma 50, dan dia crash dan anehnya lagi dia crash tetapi mobil nya masih ada, saya berfikir dia give kunci roadtrain ke temannya, tolong di cek.







[08:17:46] Napoleon Salvatore says: Nih.
[08:17:58] Napoleon Salvatore says: Mau liat surat?
[08:17:59] Barne Brian says: liat
[08:18:01] [WT:620] {75AE5D}Arthur Leonardo: test
[08:18:01] Slot {00ffff}1{ffffff}: Vehicle: [{00ffff}Faggio{ffffff}] Insurances: [{00ff00}3{ffffff}]
[08:18:01] Slot {00ffff}2{ffffff}: Vehicle: [{00ffff}Road Train{ffffff}] Insurances: [{00ff00}3{ffffff}]
[08:18:04] Barne Brian says: liat surat
[08:18:07] [WT:620] {75AE5D}John Alvarez: masuk,
[08:18:09] * Napoleon Salvatore memperlihatkan surat surat mobil kepada Barne
[08:18:11] KEGUNAAN: /showvehlic [playerid/name] [slot]
[08:18:16] * Barne Brian take it
[08:18:19] =================[Vehicle Ownership]=================
[08:18:19] Vehicle: {ffffff}Faggio
[08:18:19] Owner: {ffffff}Napoleon Salvatore
[08:18:19] Plate: {ffffff}RE236GS
[08:18:19] Insurance: {ffffff}3 year(s)
[08:18:19] License: {ffffff}None/Expired
[08:18:19] Upgrades:
[08:18:22] Barne Brian says: Faggio?
[08:18:22] =================[Vehicle Ownership]=================
[08:18:22] Vehicle: {ffffff}Road Train
[08:18:22] Owner: {ffffff}Napoleon Salvatore
[08:18:22] Plate: {ffffff}OA727CS
[08:18:22] Insurance: {ffffff}3 year(s)
[08:18:22] License: {ffffff}None/Expired
[08:18:22] Upgrades:
[08:18:22] - {00ff00}Engine
[08:18:22] - {00ff00}Fuel Tank
[08:18:22] - {00ff00}Body
[08:18:22] - {00ff00}Alarm
[08:18:36] Barne Brian says: 3k nih?
[08:18:39] Napoleon Salvatore says: Yops.
[08:19:01] Barne Brian says: anter ke mc dulu
[08:19:06] Napoleon Salvatore says: Ngapain?
[08:19:06] SMS: {ffffff}You have received one new message from '{ffff00}966999{ffffff}'
[08:19:06] Message: {ffff00}Mana?
[08:19:06] NOTE: {ffffff}use '/reply' to quick reply
[08:19:07] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[SELL] MTB 2 asuransi kondisi masih mulus minat CP:
[08:19:07] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Larry_Timothy{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}675151{FF0000}]
[08:19:10] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone
[08:19:10] SMS: {ffff00}Message sent!
[08:19:12] Barne Brian says: nagih utang 200
[08:19:16] Napoleon Salvatore says: Astaga.
[08:19:21] Napoleon Salvatore says: Naek vespa aje
[08:19:54] LIMITSPEED: {ffffff}Vehicle speed limit set to {33AA33}15 mph
[08:20:09] done ((Lucas Dominic))
[08:20:11] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}Proses
[08:20:11] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Sevastian_Schawabacher{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}992222{FF0000}]
[08:20:12] Lucas Dominic says: dah
[08:20:16] Arvin Bond says: Thanks
[08:20:18] AdmCmd: Sevastian_Schawabacher has been kicked by hallodunia.
[08:20:18] Reason: Fail /ad.
[08:20:19] * Mask 759509 put off a mask
[08:20:20] Patrick Clarke: (( lanjut RP bradah ))
[08:20:23] Hector Barry says: woi
[08:20:33] Lucas Dominic Shouts: engine body?!
[08:20:42] Patrick Clarke says: apa
[08:20:47] Barne Brian says: ayo
[08:20:50] Dennis Zharckov says: Mau pak?
[08:20:52] SMS: {ffffff}You have received one new message from '{ffff00}966999{ffffff}'
[08:20:52] Message: {ffff00}Mana?
[08:20:52] NOTE: {ffffff}use '/reply' to quick reply
[08:20:54] LIMITSPEED: {ffffff}Vehicle speed limit {ff0000}disabled
[08:20:58] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone
[08:20:58] SMS: {ffff00}Message sent!
[08:21:15] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[L&B Fitness Center] Ayo besarkan otot mu disini, dengan alat fitness yang membuat anda nyaman @Temple.
[08:21:15] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Deandre_Montana{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}999990{FF0000}]
[08:21:33] * Napoleon Salvatore menukarkan kunci mobil dengan uang
[08:21:35] Slot {00ffff}1{ffffff}: Vehicle: [{00ffff}Faggio{ffffff}] Insurances: [{00ff00}3{ffffff}]
[08:21:35] Slot {00ffff}2{ffffff}: Vehicle: [{00ffff}Road Train{ffffff}] Insurances: [{00ff00}3{ffffff}]
[08:21:38] KEGUNAAN: /transferveh [playerid/name] [slot (1-5)] [price]
[08:21:42] * Barne Brian takes it
[08:21:42] OFFER: You have offered {FFFF00}Barne_Brian {FFFFFF}your {ADD8E6}Road Train {FFFFFF}for {00FF00}$3,000.00
[08:21:42] INFO: {FFFFFF}Use command '{FFFF00}/cancel transfer{FFFFFF}' to cancel the transaction
[08:22:01] apakah kunci mobil ada 2? ((Barne Brian))
[08:22:06] TRANSFER: {FFFF00}Barne_Brian {FFFFFF}has cancelled the transaction
[08:22:07] Kaga, 1 doang ((Napoleon Salvatore))
[08:22:19] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[SELL] Rumah di EL CORONA 5 ruangan 2 lantai. 7,5k negoin Full furniture, Halaman parkir gede. Minat? CP !
[08:22:19] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Herzegov_Vyacheslav{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}377388{FF0000}]
[08:22:19] Barne Brian says: kunci dulu deh takut ane
[08:22:29] Napoleon Salvatore: (( asli dah, 1 doang gua ))
[08:22:33] Napoleon Salvatore: (( kalau boong report aje ))
[08:22:39] * Napoleon Salvatore menukarkan kunci mobil dengan uang
[08:22:42] OFFER: You have offered {FFFF00}Barne_Brian {FFFFFF}your {ADD8E6}Road Train {FFFFFF}for {00FF00}$3,000.00
[08:22:42] INFO: {FFFFFF}Use command '{FFFF00}/cancel transfer{FFFFFF}' to cancel the transaction
[08:22:57] Napoleon Salvatore: (( scam diatas 1000 gaboleh ))
[08:23:01] Napoleon Salvatore: (( apalagi kendaraan. ))
[08:23:08] TRANSFER: {FFFF00}Barne_Brian {FFFFFF}has cancelled the transaction
[08:23:10] Barne Brian: (( bentar ))
[08:23:21] VEHGIVE: {ffffff}You've recieved {ffff00}Mule {ffffff}from {ffff00}Barne_Brian
[08:23:23] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[Info] Ada yang buka judi BoS ? saya ingin bermain silahkan CP :
[08:23:23] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Buenal_Rasboltav{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}988337{FF0000}]
[08:23:24] Barne Brian says: jaminan tuh
[08:23:30] Barne Brian says: kunci
[08:23:32] Napoleon Salvatore: (( gua kasih kunci roadtrain nih ))
[08:23:36] Napoleon Salvatore: (( lu kasih 3K ga nih? ))
[08:23:41] Barne Brian: (( iyya lah ))
[08:23:45] Barne Brian: (( kan ada jaminan tuh mule gue ))
[08:23:45] Screenshot Taken - sa-mp-008.png
[08:23:48] Barne Brian: (( ngapain berani ngasih ))
[08:23:52] * Napoleon Salvatore give keys roadtrain to barne
[08:23:54] KEGUNAAN: /giveveh [playerid/name] [slot] [confirm]
[08:23:56] BotCmd: Ardea_Himawan telah dikick, alasan: Ping melebihi batas (979)
[08:23:57] * Barne Brian take it
[08:23:57] SMS: {ffffff}You have received one new message from '{ffff00}966999{ffffff}'
[08:23:57] Message: {ffff00}Mana Lama amat
[08:23:57] NOTE: {ffffff}use '/reply' to quick reply
[08:23:57] VEHGIVE: {ffffff}You've given your {ffff00}Road Train {ffffff}to {ffff00}Barne_Brian
[08:24:02] Barne Brian says: ayo ke atm
[08:24:03] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone
[08:24:03] SMS: {ffff00}Message sent!
[08:24:06] Barne Brian: (( gua belom ambil uang wkwkkw ))
[08:24:11] * Napoleon Salvatore give keys mule to barne
[08:24:12] Barne Brian says: pake motor lu
[08:24:15] SMS: {ffffff}You have received one new message from '{ffff00}966999{ffffff}'
[08:24:15] Message: {ffff00}Bawa SGTNYA
[08:24:15] NOTE: {ffffff}use '/reply' to quick reply
[08:24:16] VEHGIVE: {ffffff}You've given your {ffff00}Mule {ffffff}to {ffff00}Barne_Brian
[08:24:16] Barne Brian says: udah pegang
[08:24:17] Barne Brian says: jaminan
[08:24:19] Napoleon Salvatore says: Males.
[08:24:20] Barne Brian says: yee di balikin
[08:24:21] Napoleon Salvatore says: Ayo.
[08:24:25] VEHGIVE: {ffffff}You've recieved {ffff00}Road Train {ffffff}from {ffff00}Barne_Brian
[08:24:25] Napoleon Salvatore: (( kalau scam tinggal forum ))
[08:24:27] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[Buy]Flatbed anyinsu anyup you sell call me :
[08:24:27] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Sevastian_Schawabacher{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}992222{FF0000}]
[08:24:28] Barne Brian says: eh salah
[08:24:28] HUDMODE: {ffffff}Classic
[08:24:29] HUDMODE: {ffffff}Hidden
[08:24:30] HUDMODE: {ffffff}Modern
[08:24:31] VEHGIVE: {ffffff}You've recieved {ffff00}Mule {ffffff}from {ffff00}Barne_Brian
[08:24:34] Barne Brian says: kunci roadtrain
[08:24:40] Barne Brian says: kunci roadtrain
[08:24:47] Barne Brian says: kunci roadtrain
[08:24:51] * Napoleon Salvatore give keys roadtrain to barne
[08:24:52] Barne Brian says: gua salah ngasih
[08:24:53] KEGUNAAN: /giveveh [playerid/name] [slot] [confirm]
[08:24:55] VEHGIVE: {ffffff}You've given your {ffff00}Road Train {ffffff}to {ffff00}Barne_Brian
[08:24:56] Napoleon Salvatore says: Dah.
[08:25:03] Barne Brian says: ke mule nya dulu
[08:25:08] Barne Brian: (( trunk toggle ))
[08:25:14] Napoleon Salvatore says: atm dulu aje
[08:25:17] Barne Brian says: sip
[08:25:24] Napoleon Salvatore says: Yo.
[08:25:40] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone
[08:25:40] SMS: {ffff00}Message sent!
[08:25:52] Barne Brian says: berapa tadi?
[08:25:54] Napoleon Salvatore says: 3k
[08:26:14] BotCmd: Ardea_Himawan telah dikick, alasan: Ping melebihi batas (828)
[08:26:14] Barne Brian says: ke mc dulu
[08:26:17] Napoleon Salvatore says: Astaga.
[08:26:18] SMS: {ffffff}You have received one new message from '{ffff00}966999{ffffff}'
[08:26:18] Message: {ffff00}Bawa SGTnya
[08:26:18] NOTE: {ffffff}use '/reply' to quick reply
[08:26:19] Barne Brian says: utang gua belom di bayar 200
[08:26:20] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[BUY] Salder Any insu Any up ada CP:
[08:26:20] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Fahmi_Adam{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}665466{FF0000}]
[08:26:24] Napoleon Salvatore says: Ayo dah.
[08:26:26] Barne Brian says: oke
[08:26:32] Barne Brian: (( scam report santai ))
[08:26:42] Mask 562366 Shouts: Idiot!
[08:26:46] Napoleon Salvatore Shouts: Maaf!
[08:26:46] Barne Brian says: lah
[08:27:04] LIMITSPEED: {ffffff}Vehicle speed limit set to {33AA33}15 mph
[08:27:07] Masamune Sanada says: Sudah bu
[08:27:11] Barne Brian says: tunggu parkiran
[08:27:24] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[BUY] Salder Any insu Any up ada CP:
[08:27:24] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Fahmi_Adam{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}665466{FF0000}]
[08:27:40] Deandre Montana says: Engine?
[08:27:48] BotCmd: Victor_Warren telah dikick, alasan: Ping melebihi batas (1100)
[08:28:16] Deandre Montana says: Engine?
[08:28:20] Napoleon Salvatore says: ngga
[08:28:28] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[BUY] Salder Any insu Any up ada CP:
[08:28:28] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Fahmi_Adam{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}665466{FF0000}]
[08:28:53] Napoleon Salvatore says: Cepet ape adh.
[08:28:54] * Aykawa Hendra memperbaiki mesin dengan alat bantu mekanik
[08:29:06] Napoleon Salvatore says: Balikin dah sini.
[08:29:09] Barne Brian says: ayo
[08:29:09] * Rudolf Raflexia mengambil seragam mekanik dari rak bengkel dan menggunakan nya di badan nya dengan kedua tangan
[08:29:10] Napoleon Salvatore says: Kunci roadtrain gua
[08:29:13] Hector Barry says: kemana?
[08:29:17] Barne Brian says: ayo
[08:29:21] Napoleon Salvatore says: Sini duitnye
[08:29:27] Michelle Inggrid Shouts: Mau ngapain lu!
[08:29:28] Barne Brian says: yaudah ke sono lah
[08:29:31] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[BUY] Salder Any insu Any up ada CP:
[08:29:31] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Fahmi_Adam{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}665466{FF0000}]
[08:29:31] Barne Brian says: cepet
[08:29:36] LIMITSPEED: {ffffff}Vehicle speed limit {ff0000}disabled
[08:29:47] Napoleon Salvatore says: Udeh dibayar?
[08:29:54] * Barne Brian memberikan uang kepada Napoleon
[08:29:57] * Napoleon Salvatore take its.
[08:29:58] SMS: {ffffff}You have received one new message from '{ffff00}966999{ffffff}'
[08:29:58] Message: {ffff00}Lama oyy
[08:29:58] NOTE: {ffffff}use '/reply' to quick reply
[08:30:11] PAYINFO: {ffffff}You've received {00ff00}$50.00 {ffffff}from {ffff00}Barne Brian [id:89]
[08:30:17] Napoleon Salvatore says: 50?
[08:30:18] Screenshot Taken - sa-mp-009.png
[08:30:23] Barne_Brian telah keluar dari server. (Terputus/Crash)
[08:30:29] Slot {00ffff}1{ffffff}: Vehicle: [{00ffff}Faggio{ffffff}] Insurances: [{00ff00}3{ffffff}]
[08:30:29] Slot {00ffff}3{ffffff}: Vehicle: [{00ffff}Mule{ffffff}] Insurances: [{00ff00}1{ffffff}]
[08:30:44] REPORT: {ffffff}Your report has been issued to the queue, use '{ffff00}/reports{ffffff}' to see your report


Edited by Amaaar
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