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The Green Circle 89

novan ms

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The Green Circle 89 is a gang that is formed as a mission of revenge. Abele Achilleo insulted by the people of Los Santos, and then he recruited people in Ganton Circle. There are Novan Syaban, Fajar Muharrom, Nael Lumbanbatu, Satria Napitupulu, Frans Napitupulu, Sando Simamora, Hasudungan Binsar, Dimas Alfareza, Iqbal Sandjaya, and Irfan Samuel. They wear green clothes, green mask, and car / motorcycle / bicycle green. Then they commit a crime in the City of Los Santos.




After successful crime together, they become more familiar. They routinely gathered in Ganton Circle and then they surround the town to murder, robbery, and other criminal activity. Then to expand territory and add strength, The Green Circle 89 looking for criminals to join them. Criminals are chosen is great and is able to comply with this gang.





How to Join

- Take it ICly

- Any origin can join with us




- Respect to all player and all admin or helper.

- Follow the server rules.
- You must to understand the basic roleplay.
- If you join this faction, so you have to agree that if you'll go out, your character will be killed(CK).

- Don't use /b during rp.

- Active In game and forum(store ss).



Dendam Abele Achilleo 




*Kemudian Abele Achilleo masuk ke Ganton Circle dan mengahampiri sekelompok orang yang menarik perhatiannya*


Menemukan Anggota




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