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[REFUND] Kendrich_Black ( Sultan 2insu 2up dan di dalam trunk ada Rifle )

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Character: Kendrich_Black

Waktu & Tanggal: 05/28/2023

Barang yang dibutuhkan: Sultan 2insu 2up dan di dalam trunk ada Rifle

Saya membutuhkan refund karena:

saya lagi nge paket sendirian abis itu saya ke mc mau benerin mobil sebelum benerin mobil saya menaruh rifle terlebih dahulu ke dalam trunk, sesudah sampai di mc saya nge chat secara ic tiba-tiba ke /b sendiri dan di situ saya mencoba reloq. seteleh saya kembali ni mobil masih ada, tapi pas di repair tiba-tiba masuk insu

Berikut adalah bukti yang berupa screenshot / video:





Berikut adalah bukti chatlog:


[22:34:6] GPS: {FFFFFF}Target is currently {00FF00}standing still
[22:34:23] Mask_472676 says [car]: A
[22:34:25] GPS: {FFFFFF}Target is currently {00FF00}standing still
[22:35:6] GPS: {FFFFFF}Target is currently {00FF00}standing still
[22:35:18] GPS: {FFFFFF}Target is currently {00FF00}standing still
[22:35:25] GPS: {FFFFFF}Target is currently {00FF00}standing still
[22:35:37] GPS: {FFFFFF}Target is currently {00FF00}standing still
[22:35:39] ERROR: Unknown command, see '/help'
[22:35:40] [ID:14] {FFFFFF}Daniel_Alvez (level 14), Ping: 65, Online time: 44 minutes, Client: 0.3.7-R4, Packetloss: 0.0%
[22:35:40] [ID:81] {FFFFFF}Daniels_Steven (level 7), Ping: 62, Online time: 3 hours, Client: 0.3.7-R4, Packetloss: 0.2%
[22:35:40] [ID:305] {FFFFFF}Daniel_Foster (level 41), Ping: 58, Online time: an hour, Client: 0.3.DL-R1, Packetloss: 0.5%
[22:35:40] [ID:505] {FFFFFF}Daniel_Bakker (level 4), Ping: 17, Online time: 3 hours, Client: 0.3.7-R4, Packetloss: 0.1%
[22:35:43] GPS: {FFFFFF}Target is currently {00FF00}standing still
[22:35:48] (( {FF0000}Admin whoitsme: {FFFFFF}Akwoakoawko ngeri lo ngecheat main GTA Offline aja deck. ))
[22:35:52] AdmCmd: Albren_Barayev has been banned by whoitsme.
[22:35:52] Reason: Cheater.
[22:35:59] (( {FF0000}Admin richkravhenkoz: {FFFFFF}ampun kk ))
[22:35:59] GPS: {FFFFFF}Target is currently {00FF00}standing still
[22:36:4] (( {00FFFF}Professional Adelio_Javiero: {FFFFFF}maaf ))
[22:36:18] GPS: {FFFFFF}Target is currently {00FF00}standing still
[22:36:21] AdmCmd: Albren_Barayev has been remote warned by whoitsme, total warns: 1
[22:36:21] Reason: Cheater.
[22:36:29] GPS: {FFFFFF}Target is currently {00FF00}standing still
[22:36:39] GPS: {FFFFFF}Target is currently {00FF00}standing still
[22:36:50] GPS: {FFFFFF}Target is currently {00FF00}standing still
[22:36:57] JOB: {FFFFFF}Smuggling job is currently active!, use '{FFFF00}/findpacket{FFFFFF}' to trace the package
[22:37:0] GPS: {FFFFFF}Target is currently {00FF00}standing still
[22:37:10] GPS: {FFFFFF}Target is currently {00FF00}standing still
[22:37:20] AdmCmd: Davy_Oconnor has been remote-jailed by Samuel_Supri for 1 minutes.
[22:37:20] Reason: Bug. 
[22:37:22] GPS: {FFFFFF}Target is currently {00FF00}standing still
[22:37:30] GPS: {FFFFFF}Target is currently {00FF00}standing still
[22:37:37] AdmCmd: serendipity has released Davy_Oconnor from Admin Jail
[22:37:40] GPS: {FFFFFF}Target is currently {00FF00}standing still
[22:37:57] AME: {C2A2DA}ambil paket
[22:37:57] VEHICLE: {FFFFFF}Seatbelts {FF0000}OFF
[22:37:59] GPSINFO: You have arrived!
[22:38:3] INFO: {FFFF00}You've picked up the package, now deliver it to the specified checkpoint!
[22:38:10] VEHICLE: {FFFFFF}Seatbelts {00FF00}ON
[22:38:53] AdmCmd: Zhe_Ocorner has been kicked by SilumanUlar.
[22:38:53] Reason: Jangan Car Surfing
[22:39:0] WARNING: You are leaving the OOC Zone!
[22:39:0] MASK: {FFFFFF}Mask {FF0000}OFF
[22:39:0] WARNING: You are entering OOC Zone, all IC command and chat are disabled
[22:39:3] JOB: {FFFFFF}Smuggling job is currently active!, use '{FFFF00}/findpacket{FFFFFF}' to trace the package
[22:40:26] JOB: {FFFFFF}You've delivered the package and recieved the payment of {00FF00}2.05
[22:41:0] AdmCmd: Ooxy has jailed Joshua_Saenz for 1 minute(s)
[22:41:0] Reason: Bug.
[22:41:3] AdmCmd: Ooxy has released Joshua_Saenz from Admin Jail
[22:41:59] VEHICLE: {00FFFF}Road Train {FFFFFF}was despawned due to potential collision, use '/spawn' or '/lock' to spawn manually
[22:42:6] VEHICLE: {FFFFFF}Your {00FFFF}Road Train {FFFFFF}has been spawned back into the world!
[22:42:11] VEHICLE: {FFFFFF}Seatbelts {FF0000}OFF
[22:42:13] ENGINEINFO: Mesin masih mati, tekan tombol {FF0000}~k~~VEHICLE_FIREWEAPON~{BFC0C2} atau command /engine untuk menghidupkannya.
[22:42:13] VEHICLE: {FFFFFF}Seatbelts {00FF00}ON
[22:42:15] TRUCKING: {FFFFFF}You've entered {00FFFF}Hauling Mission {FFFFFF}queue, position in queue: {FFFF00}55
[22:42:15] NOTE: {FFFFFF}You'll get notification when you're first in the queue
[22:42:16] VEHICLE: {FFFFFF}Seatbelts {FF0000}OFF
[22:42:25] TRUNK: {FFFFFF}You've stored weapon {FFFF00}Rifle {FFFFFF}into the trunk of {00FFFF}Sultan
[22:42:31] VEHICLE: {FFFFFF}Seatbelts {00FF00}ON
[22:43:8] Kendrich Black: (( s ))
[22:43:11] proses ((Vince Nichole))
[22:43:14] VEHICLE: {FFFFFF}Seatbelts {FF0000}OFF
[22:43:14] Mask_685264 says: neng
[22:43:15] Muhammad Vico says: Sikat kak
[22:43:15] Kendrich Black: (( reper ))
[22:43:17] ERROR: This command is disabled in OOC Zone!
[22:43:18] Giselle Kimberly says: Duluan.
[22:43:18] Mask_685264 says: riper
[22:43:21] Giselle Kimberly says: Ambil.
[22:43:23] Kendrich Black: (( miss ))
[22:43:23] * Muhammad Vico mengecek kondisi mesin yang ada di depan 
[22:43:24] * Ozzy Conway repairing engine with mechanic tools
[22:43:24] Kendrich Black: (( bug gw ))
[22:43:48] {00ffff}SERVER:{ffffff} Selamat datang {ffff00}Kendrich_Black{ffffff}.
[22:43:48] PAYCHECK: Pergi ke bank dan /signcheck untuk mendapatkan paycheck anda atau pergi ke salah satu ATM!
[22:43:48] MOTD: {ffff00}Mohon untuk {ff0000}tidak PM {ffff00}ke staff yang sedang on-duty (nama merah)
[22:43:48] SERVER: {FFFFFF}Anda terakhir login {FFFF00}an hour {FFFFFF}yang lalu
[22:43:48] {00ffff}SERVER: {ffffff}Today is {ffff00}Sun 28 May 2023, 22:43:48
[22:43:48] {00ffff}SERVER: {ffffff}Server memerlukan waktu {ffff00}142 milisecond{ffffff} untuk memuat data char anda!
[22:43:48] Mask_685264 says: mesbod
[22:43:49] * Ozzy Conway repairing engine with mechanic tools
[22:43:51] Kendrich Black says: A
[22:43:59] Muhammad Vico says: 95 aja kak
[22:43:59] Kendrich Black says: Repair bang
[22:44:0] TRUNK: {FFFFFF}Trunk data is being loaded, please wait.
[22:44:3] MECHANIC: {FFFF00}Ben_Jonas {FFFFFF}has started examining your {00FFFF}Sultan
[22:44:5] Kendrich Black says: Mesin aja bang ya
[22:44:6] * Muhammad Vico repairs the engine and body car using mechanic tool kit fastly and carefully 
[22:44:9] done ((Ozzy Conway))
[22:44:15] [ID:270] {FFFFFF}Alexa_Alexander (level 7), Ping: 76, Online time: 31 minutes, Client: 0.3.7-R4, Packetloss: 0.4%
[22:44:15] [ID:313] {FFFFFF}Alexander_Steven (level 7), Ping: 31, Online time: 2 hours, Client: 0.3.DL-R1, Packetloss: 0.0%
[22:44:15] [ID:474] {FFFFFF}Alex_Somerhalder (level 4), Ping: 28, Online time: 42 minutes, Client: 0.3.DL-R1, Packetloss: 0.0%
[22:44:15] [ID:640] {FFFFFF}Alexius_Trasber (level 3), Ping: 58, Online time: 2 hours, Client: 0.3.7-R4, Packetloss: 0.0%
[22:44:15] Ben Jonas says: Ok bos
[22:44:16] ERROR: No player found with 'lewa'
[22:44:16] * Vince Nichole memeriksa jumlah compo yang di tas
[22:44:18] [ID:10] {FFFFFF}Mordecai_Testacea (level 24), Ping: 42, Online time: 4 hours, Client: 0.3.DL-R1, Packetloss: 0.0%
[22:44:18] [ID:155] {FFFFFF}Morgan_Carlo (level 11), Ping: 54, Online time: 32 minutes, Client: 0.3.DL-R1, Packetloss: 0.4%
[22:44:21] * Ben Jonas check engine
[22:44:32] Kendrich Black says: Berapa pak
[22:44:34] INSURANCE: {FFFFFF}Your {00FFFF}Sultan {FFFFFF}has been destroyed, your replacement will be ready on {FFFF00}Mon 29 May 2023, 22:44:34
[22:44:38] Kendrich Black says: Loh
[22:44:41] Vince Nichole says: mas
[22:44:41] Ben Jonas says: Lah
[22:44:46] Kendrich Black says: Tiba tiba masuk insu
[22:44:46] Muhammad Vico says: Ya
[22:44:47] Ben Jonas says: Kemana dah
[22:44:49] Vince Nichole says: mau beli kompo saya ga?
[22:44:51] Gerald Shaw: (( a ))
[22:44:54] ERROR: Unknown command, see '/help'
[22:44:55] Ben Jonas says: Lah kok bisa
[22:44:57] Muhammad Vico says: Makasih mas saya masih banyak
[22:45:5] Vince Nichole says: ohh oke mas gapapa
[22:45:6] REPORT: {ffffff}Your report has been issued to the queue, use '{ffff00}/reports{ffffff}' to see your report
[22:45:8] Mask_685264 says: udah om?
[22:45:14] Mask_685264 says: aduh maaf
[22:45:18] Gerald Shaw says: Iya gapapa
[22:45:20] Mask_685264 says: rem nya blong
[22:45:23] Gerald Shaw says: Haha
[22:45:26] Muhammad Vico says: Pale lo blong
[22:45:35] Gerald Shaw says: Ada ada aja 
[22:45:49] Ben Jonas says: Repair bos?
[22:45:52] Morgan Carlo says: mesin body
[22:45:57] Ben Jonas says: Ok
[22:46:2] * Ben Jonas check engine
[22:46:28] Ben Jonas says: 50 aja bos mesbod
[22:46:40] Mask_298290 says: mas
[22:46:44] Mask_298290 says: nebeng ke sagh dong
[22:46:50] * Ben Jonas repair engine with tools and compo
[22:46:53] Mask_298290 says: Oy mas tem
[22:46:57] RESPOND: {ff0000}BabiHutan {FFFFCC}has responded to your report
[22:47:0] TELEPORT: {FF0000}BabiHutan {FFFFFF}has teleported to you!
[22:47:3] {ff0000}BabiHutan: {ffffff}(( halo ))
[22:47:4] Ben Jonas says: Wait compo
[22:47:6] {ff0000}BabiHutan: {ffffff}(( ada bukti ss? ))
[22:47:6] Mask_298290 says: mas
[22:47:11] Mask_298290: (( oalah lagi ooc ))
[22:47:13] Mask_298290: (( oalah lagi oocan ))
[22:47:16] * Vince Nichole memeriksa kondisi body mobil
[22:47:18] Ignacio Berbardo says: mas
[22:47:22] Ignacio Berbardo says: ada mobil ga?
[22:47:27] Kendrich Black: (( di chatlog doang min ))
[22:47:27] Ignacio Berbardo says: nebeng ke sagh dong
[22:47:33] {ff0000}BabiHutan: {ffffff}(( ada bukti ss? ))
[22:47:39] {ff0000}BabiHutan: {ffffff}(( biar bisa di refund nanti di forum ))
[22:47:46] Kendrich Black: (( cuman pas ke destroyed doang ))
[22:47:52] Kendrich Black says: Dalam nya ada rifle
[22:47:55] Kendrich Black: (( dalam nya ada rifle ))
[22:48:3] Kendrich Black: (( gak sempat ss ))
[22:48:6] {ff0000}BabiHutan: {ffffff}(( karena apa? ))
[22:48:8] AdmCmd: Clinton_Rayder has been remote banned by whoitsme.
[22:48:8] Reason: Scamming Property [Forum Report].
[22:48:9] Kendrich Black: (( tiba tiba langsung ngilang ))
[22:48:11] Kendrich Black: (( gak tau min ))
[22:48:11] AdmCmd: Clinton_Rayder has been remote warned by whoitsme, total warns: 1
[22:48:11] Reason: Scamming Property [Forum Report].
[22:48:17] {ff0000}BabiHutan: {ffffff}(( yaudah gini aja ))
[22:48:18] Kendrich Black: (( saya mau repair tadi ))
[22:48:21] {ff0000}BabiHutan: {ffffff}(( kamu request refund di forum ya? ))
[22:48:22] {ff0000}BabiHutan: {ffffff}(( bisa kan? ))
[22:48:25] {ff0000}BabiHutan: {ffffff}(( nanti tag akun forum saya ))
[22:48:33] {ff0000}BabiHutan: {ffffff}(( saya bantu konfirmasi ))
[22:48:34] Kendrich Black: (( oke min ))
[22:48:43] {ff0000}BabiHutan: {ffffff}(( jos ))
[22:48:59] * Ben Jonas repair body with tools and compo


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