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[REFUND] Neeyaz_Hendricus ( Elegy polosan 0 insu )


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Character: Neeyaz_Hendricus

Waktu & Tanggal: 09/19/2022

Barang yang dibutuhkan: Elegy polosan 0 insu

Saya membutuhkan refund karena:

Saya sesudah bekerja sweaper dan saya melihat mobil saya di parkiran meledak sendiri

Berikut adalah bukti yang berupa screenshot / video:



Berikut adalah bukti chatlog:


[19:15:44] VEHICLE: {FFFFFF}You have {00FF00}successfully {FFFFFF}started the vehicle engine.
[19:16:32] WEATHER: {FF0000}Opick {FFFFFF}changed the weather to: {00FFFF}1
[19:17:10] Veto Javier shouts: [REY DE PIZZA] Yang mau makan atau minum silahkan merapat, harga terjangkau dan dijamin nikmat.!
[19:17:10] ENGINEINFO: Mesin masih mati, tekan tombol {FF0000}~k~~VEHICLE_FIREWEAPON~{BFC0C2} atau command /engine untuk menghidupkannya.
[19:17:13] SIDEJOB: {FFFFFF}Anda telah memulai pekerjaan Sweeper. Silahkan ikuti checkpoint merah di map!
[19:17:14] ENGINE: Anda mencoba untuk menghidupkan Mesin.
[19:17:17] VEHICLE: {FFFFFF}Handbrakes {FF0000}disengaged
[19:17:17] VEHICLE: {FFFFFF}You have {00FF00}successfully {FFFFFF}started the vehicle engine.
[19:17:23] SIDEJOB: {ffff00}WARNING!{ffffff}, please avoid damage or your job will be ended!
[19:18:8] SIDEJOB: {ffff00}WARNING!{ffffff}, please avoid damage or your job will be ended!
[19:21:2] SIDEJOB: {ffff00}WARNING!{ffffff}, please avoid damage or your job will be ended!
[19:21:4] SWEEPER: {FFFFFF}You've completed Sweeper sidejob and earned {00FF00}.00
[19:21:11] INSURANCE: {FFFFFF}Your {00FFFF}Elegy {FFFFFF}has been destroyed, uninsured vehicle will not be replaced.
[19:21:25] David Dullz says: HALO
[19:22:2] REPORT: {ffffff}Your report has been issued to the queue, use '{ffff00}/reports{ffffff}' to see your report
[19:23:46] AdmCmd: Alexander_Lam has been banned by lordodo.
[19:23:46] Reason: CHEATER
[19:24:29] ERROR: You do not have any pending auto refund
[19:24:41] AdmCmd: Mathys_Lefebvre has been banned by lordodo.
[19:24:41] Reason: CHEATER
[19:25:25] AdmCmd: UCP account kepolo7 has been blocked by lordodo.
[19:25:25] Reason: CHEATER
[19:25:30] AdmCmd: UCP account kepolo8 has been blocked by lordodo.
[19:25:30] Reason: CHEATER
[19:25:33] AdmCmd: UCP account kepolo9 has been blocked by lordodo.
[19:25:33] Reason: CHEATER
[19:25:36] AdmCmd: UCP account kepolo10 has been blocked by lordodo.
[19:25:36] Reason: CHEATER
[19:25:39] AdmCmd: UCP account kepolo11 has been blocked by lordodo.
[19:25:39] Reason: CHEATER
[19:25:42] AdmCmd: UCP account kepolo12 has been blocked by lordodo.
[19:25:42] Reason: CHEATER
[19:25:59] Ruby Cathlyn says: Kak ini motornya bukan?
[19:26:8] Neeyaz Hendricus says: bukan
[19:26:9] Ruby Cathlyn says: Kunci kak nanti di ambil orang
[19:27:1] (( {FF0000}Admin DarthVader99: {FFFFFF}Kawan, berhubung ada cheater, dan kemungkinan cheater itu meledakkan mobil orang-orang. ))
[19:27:11] (( {FF0000}Admin DarthVader99: {FFFFFF}Dan banyak juga orang /report mobilnya dilock tapi destroyed. ))
[19:27:16] AdmCmd: imelda has jailed Steven_Henderson for 6000 minute(s)
[19:27:16] Reason: Character Killed
[19:27:20] (( {FF0000}Admin DarthVader99: {FFFFFF}Jadi yang merasa jadi korban, silakan buat refund ya. ))
[19:27:28] (( {FF0000}Admin DarthVader99: {FFFFFF}Pake SS notifikasi destroy, kalo ga chatlog. ))
[19:27:43] REPORT: {FFFF00}Sepertinya laporan kamu tidak ditanggapi, mungkin admin sedang sibuk atau tidak ada
[19:27:43] TIP: {FFFFFF}Daripada kamu report lagi, silahkan laporkan player tersebut ke forum agar bisa ditanggapi admin
[19:29:3] AdmCmd: Samuel_Zuckerson has been kicked by DarthVader99.
[19:29:3] Reason: afk
[19:29:33] Ernesto Guevara [phone]: taxi
[19:29:36] Ernesto Guevara [phone]: here
[19:30:1] Theo Ardhena says: kemana om
[19:30:14] Kevin Salviva shouts: Go pink?!
[19:30:37] REPORT: {ffffff}Your report has been issued to the queue, use '{ffff00}/reports{ffffff}' to see your report
[19:30:56] Billy Dedo [phone]: Sampai mana mas?
[19:30:58] Kevin Salviva says: Ayo 5 dollar saja
[19:31:4] Ruby Cathlyn says: Kamu mau kemana habis ini
[19:31:7] Billy Dedo [phone]: yaudah
[19:31:13] Billy Dedo says: Bentar lagi rub
[19:31:17] Ruby Cathlyn says: Oke
[19:31:28] Billy Dedo says: itu
[19:31:29] Ruby Cathlyn says: Papay


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