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Ana_Camilo [dk9008]

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     Ana Camilo was born in Mexico, precisely at Nuevo Laredo. Some small town that stand in Tamaulipan state. At the age of 2, she and her parents move out to Los Santos because her parents decide to become an immigrant for job in America. She was a good girl, she spend her times at school do everything like another kid at her age. For an immigrant their family economy was good enough, she always got her needs are met. They were a good family with strong bond until at the age of 14 (Ana was on junior highschool). Her father do something that embrassing, her father having an affair and left her and her mom for another women. Since that her life was turned out badly. She become depressed with her condition because her bond with her family were broken. Her mother became broke and she didn’t get her needs are not met. In order to make her economy better, she goes for part timer as a cashier at small shop. She makes money herself, and try to fulfill her own needs.




     She finally goes into highschool, at the first she went well with her school and her part-time job. But at the second year, she goes into juvenile. She put Harley Quinn a fictional character from movie called Batman as her role-model at that time. She use Saint as her nickname, because she felt like she is the most saint people among another. Then also she try to smoke, she does the bully things. She does that not without reason, she is trying to vent everything that happen to her in the past and also to feed her mental needs. At second year she try to rule the school and become the most baddiest at her school. She got her own group in school and she rule the school as a baddiest girl.




     Everything didnt went well, she got herself into fight mostly with her senior, because the bad behavior she is got and she always making trouble at the school. Her mother got broke. She kicked out from the part-time job that she had earlier. She’s getting into her worst time, she become depressed and went deep into bad places. Because of that she goes mad, everything that made her curious, she tries to fulfill it. She feed her curiousity neither it is good or bad. Since that she made herself a bisexual. Because her past she rather not have bond with anyone, she went far from what she was.





Character Story Pertama: No

Durasi bermain di JG:RP: Lebih dari 3 Tahun

URL Namechange:


Account UCP yang saya miliki:
Tidak ada


Account Forum yang saya miliki:



Saya LockSadam selaku pemilik account UCP dk9008 bersedia jika Character saya yang disebut di atas (Ana_Camilo) dibanned permanent jika character story yang saya buat di atas berupa plagiat dari story milik orang lain.


Sebelum melanjutkan revisi, mohon dijawab pertanyaan di bawah ini:

  1. Apakah ini adalah pertama kali kamu membuat Character Story ? (Ya/Tidak)
  2. Sudah berapa lama kamu main JG:RP? ( Kurang dari 1 bulan / 1 - 3 bulan / 4 - 6 bulan / 6 bulan - 1 tahun / 1 tahun lebih / 3 tahun lebih / 5 tahun lebih )
  3. Apakah character ini baru kamu buat atau baru melakukan prosess Namechange ? (Buat baru/Namechange)
  4. Apakah kamu memiliki account UCP selain yang kamu mainkan saat ini? (Ya/Tidak)
  5. Apakah kamu memiliki account Forum selain yang kamu pakai saat ini? (Ya/Tidak)
  6. Dimana tempat kamu bermain sekarang? (Di rumah / Di warnet)


PENTING: Harap diperhatikan ketentuan dibawah ini!

  1. Menggunakan font yang mudah dibaca (Arial, Tahoma, atau Verdana). Font size: 14, dan jangan diberikan atribut berlebihan (BoldItalic, atau Underline)
  2. Pastikan format penulisan Justify yaitu rata kanan-kiri menggunakan tombol image.png pada toolbar di atas.
  3. Tidak boleh ada plagiarisme! ( Silahkan cari di internet untuk plagiarism checker, contoh: https://smallseotools.com/plagiarism-checker/ )
  4. Ejaan, tanda baca, dan grammar harus sesuai dengan standar bahasa yang dipilih (Bahasa Indonesia atau English).
  5. Character story minimal harus memiliki 300 kata yang dipecah menjadi minimal 3 paragraph. 
  6. Gunakan huruf kapital sesuai penempatan kata dan juga yang baik dan benar.
  7. Untuk mengubah story / cerita character kamu, gunakan feature edit yang sudah disediakan:





Jawab dengan jujur, kamu memiliki berapa UCP yang kamu mainkan saat ini?


Perlu diperhatikan:

1. Character Story minimal 300 Kata.

2. Perhatikan setiap tanda baca dan EYD kamu ya.

3. Diawal pembuatan pragraf diberi 5x Spasi.

4. Untuk pembentukan per paragraf harus JUSTIFY.

5. Bisa baca Guide Pembuatan Character Story.


Jika sudah di edit, silahkan mereply thread ini.


UCP yang saya punya hingga saat ini hanya dk9008 jika terdapat UCP dengan IP yang sama kemungkinan akun tersebut adalah akun yang digunakan oleh orang lain namun memiliki alamat IP yang sama dengan saya (Koneksi yang saya gunakan merupakan koneksi sharing LAN). Untuk penjelasan lebih lanjut bisa dilihat pada reply CS saya sebelumnya, berikut linknya:

Untuk formatting sudah saya perbaiki sesuai dengan link yang saudara valuable cantumkan

email_logo.pngJogjagamers Reality Project
Helper Team
Character Story

Dear @LockSadam,


I am writing to you in regards of your recently submitted character story, we have reviewed your character story and, as a result, have come to the decision to ACCEPT your request. Please read this guide to activate your character story In-Game via our UCP Website.

We hope that you may use this character story to further develop your character.


JG:RP Helper Team

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