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[REFUND] Ramadhan_Reksa ( Dinghy 1 Insu )


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Character: Ramadhan_Reksa

Waktu & Tanggal: 03/07/22

Barang yang dibutuhkan: Dinghy 1 Insu

Saya membutuhkan refund karena:

Saat saya mau mancing di pier terus saya menaiki dinghy saya dan menuju ke titik hijau (high) sesampainya di sana ada kapal yang terbakar dan meledak sampe dinghy saya tersambar sama apinya dan ikut meledak juga

Berikut adalah bukti yang berupa screenshot / video:



Bukti Kapal Terbakar :







Berikut adalah bukti chatlog:


[07:54:02] VEHICLE: {FFFFFF}Your {00FFFF}Dinghy {FFFFFF}has been spawned back into the world!
[07:54:30] ENGINEINFO: Mesin masih mati, tekan tombol {FF0000}LMB{BFC0C2} atau command /engine untuk menghidupkannya.
[07:54:30] WARNING: {FFFF00}You do not have a Boating License or your Boating License is expired.
[07:54:32] ENGINE: Anda mencoba untuk menghidupkan Mesin.
[07:54:35] VEHICLE: {FFFFFF}You have {00FF00}successfully {FFFFFF}started the vehicle engine.
[07:54:59] Screenshot Taken - sa-mp-072.png
[07:55:10] INSURANCE: {FFFFFF}Your {00FFFF}Dinghy {FFFFFF}has been destroyed, your replacement will be ready on {FFFF00}Tue 08 Mar 2022, 07:55:26
[07:55:19] Bryan Mcroberts says: Harga ikan keburu turun om
[07:55:24] FISHING: {FFFFFF}You've started fishing, you can cancel anytime using {FFFF00}left mouse click
[07:55:25] [id:182] {FF0000}Admin Level 4 188wolfblade
[07:55:25] [id:184] {FF0000}Junior Helper bramkzvn
[07:55:29] Kevin Ardiantah says: satu lagi
[07:55:33] Bryan Mcroberts says: Oke
[07:55:38] REPORT: {ffffff}Your report has been issued to the queue, use '{ffff00}/reports{ffffff}' to see your report
[07:55:46] Kevin Ardiantah says: harga ikan lagi berapa
[07:55:52] RESPOND: {ff0000}bramkzvn {FFFFCC}has responded to your report



Tolong perbaiki screenshot, upload pakai postimage saja, screenshot yang kamu lampirkan itu sudah kecil buram juga

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