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[REPORT] Michaell_Gerrad


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Nama pelapor: Dominico_Villopoto

Nama pelanggar: Michaell_Gerrad

Peraturan yang dilanggar:

OOC Inslut dan Mixing

Apa yang terjadi:

Saat saya repair ke dia uang saya kurang, abis itu saya bayar cuma 100 kan aslinya 126. Nah kelar repair saya rp kabur dari dia dan dia nge pm saya seperti chatlog dibawah


[15:53:52] Dominico Villopoto says: Repair bos
[15:53:53] MECHANIC: {FFFF00}Michaell_Gerrad {FFFFFF}has started examining your {00FFFF}ZR-350
[15:53:56] Alden Dashiel shouts: Mekanik!
[15:53:56] VEHICLE: {FFFFFF}Seatbelts {FF0000}OFF
[15:54:00] Alden Dashiel shouts: Repair sini!
[15:54:05] Michaell Gerrad says: Repair?
[15:54:08] Dominico Villopoto says: Iya
[15:54:11] Adam Aaron shouts: Balap sini!
[15:54:18] Michaell Gerrad says: 126$
[15:54:24] Michaell Gerrad says: Body mesin
[15:54:24] Dominico Villopoto says: 100 aja ya
[15:54:29] Michaell Gerrad says: Yahh
[15:54:39] Michaell Gerrad says: Saya ngga dapat untung
[15:54:43] Michaell Gerrad says: Rugi
[15:54:44] * Arturo Bonifacio repairing engine vehicle with tools and some component
[15:54:44] Jacob Bryant shouts: mas repair!
[15:54:53] Dominico Villopoto says: Nanti saya ambilin lagi di atm
[15:54:54] Dominico Villopoto says: Tenang
[15:55:06] Michaell Gerrad says: Yaudah 100 dulu sini
[15:55:10] Dominico Villopoto says: Nih
[15:55:15] * Arturo Bonifacio repairing vehicle body with tools and some component
[15:55:15] Michaell Gerrad says: Nanti saya rpairin untuk dp
[15:55:17] AME: {C2A2DA}hands money to Gerrad
[15:55:21] * Rivai Heicho Repairing Engine
[15:55:22] PAYINFO: {FFFFFF}You've paid {00FF00}0.00 {FFFFFF}to {FFFF00}Michaell Gerrad
[15:55:29] Michaell Gerrad says: Situ ambil ke atm lagi seklebih nya
[15:55:33] Done 3/3 ((Rivai Heicho))
[15:55:38] Alden Dashiel says: Taxi
[15:55:42] Rivai Heicho says: Jadi gak mas
[15:55:42] MECHANIC: {FFFF00}Michaell_Gerrad {FFFFFF}has started on your {00FFFF}ZR-350 {FFFFFF}engine repair.
[15:55:50] * Michaell Gerrad meperbaiki kendaraan yang rusak dengan peralatan mechanic
[15:55:57] Dominico Villopoto says: Far
[15:56:01] Matteo Maximiliano says: Ni?
[15:56:02] * Bykov Alexsandr examine veh
[15:56:07] MECHANIC: {FFFF00}Michaell_Gerrad {FFFFFF}has started on your {00FFFF}ZR-350 {FFFFFF}body repair.
[15:56:09] Matteo Maximiliano says: Ni udah
[15:56:11] Alden Dashiel says: Sejak kapan ada
[15:56:15] Matteo Maximiliano says: Bah
[15:56:23] Alden Dashiel says: Berapa mas
[15:56:27] Dominico Villopoto says: Oke ke atm
[15:56:27] VEHICLE: {FFFFFF}Seatbelts {00FF00}ON
[15:56:28] Michaell Gerrad says: Mas ambil dulu
[15:56:35] Bykov Alexsandr says: 0 mas
[15:56:43] Matteo Maximiliano says: Diapain om
[15:56:43] Mask_454746 says: Repair
[15:56:43] Dominico Villopoto says: Tunggu sini mas
[15:56:44] Alden Dashiel says: Mesin body?
[15:56:45] Michaell Gerrad says: Mana
[15:56:46] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[S/T] Sell MTB 3insu 450$, atau trade shancez or pcj
[15:56:46] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Joaquin Theodor{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}8999435{FF0000}]
[15:56:48] Bykov Alexsandr says: Mesin ancur
[15:56:52] * Matteo Maximiliano examining Elegy
[15:56:53] Michaell Gerrad says: Jangan lama
[15:56:55] Rayan Putra says: Apa ?.
[15:56:58] Alden Dashiel says: Engga maksudnya 120 itu mesin body?
[15:57:01] * Dominico Villopoto kabur dari mekanik dan tidak bayar sisanya
[15:57:01] Bykov Alexsandr says: Iya
[15:57:11] Farwel Dominic says: mantap
[15:57:13] (( PM from [198] Michaell_Gerrad: jangan lama ))
[15:57:17] Farwel Dominic: (( emang boleh scam meka? ))
[15:57:34] Dominico Villopoto: (( boleh dah perasaan ))
[15:57:38] Dominico Villopoto: (( 20 doang juga ))
[15:57:41] Farwel Dominic: (( aowkwkkw ))
[15:57:50] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[SELL] Hustler | 4Upgrade | 3Insurance | Price 2,2 | Minat CP
[15:57:50] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Xrams Hawkins{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}8777077{FF0000}]
[15:57:57] Dominico Villopoto says: Hahaha
[15:58:06] [ID:198] {FFFFFF}Michaell_Gerrad (level 5), Ping: 22, Online time: 30 minutes, Client: 0.3.DL-R1, Packetloss: 0.0
[15:58:11] Dominico Villopoto: (( pm gatuh dia ))
[15:58:16] Dominico Villopoto: (( "jangan lama" kwkw ))
[15:58:17] Farwel Dominic: (( aowkwkwk ))
[15:58:22] Farwel Dominic: (( mix itu ))
[15:58:57] Dominico Villopoto says: Gua mau balik dulu dah
[15:58:59] Dominico Villopoto says: Lu mau kemana?
[15:59:06] Farwel Dominic says: gatau
[15:59:08] (( PM from [198] Michaell_Gerrad: mana kok lama ))
[15:59:21] (( PM to [198] Michaell_Gerrad: ic mas kok ooc sih ))
[15:59:41] Mayumy Hayra says: tunggu sini
[15:59:46] VEHICLE: {FFFFFF}Seatbelts {FF0000}OFF
[15:59:57] ATM: {FFFFFF}You've withdrawn {00FF00}.00 {FFFFFF}from the ATM machine, remaining balance: {00FF00}1,194.80
[15:59:59] ATM: {FFFFFF}You've withdrawn {00FF00}.00 {FFFFFF}from the ATM machine, remaining balance: {00FF00}1,174.80
[16:00:09] WEATHER: {FF0000}tianmetal {FFFFFF}changed the weather to: {00FFFF}0
[16:00:11] VEHICLE: {FFFFFF}Seatbelts {00FF00}ON
[16:01:28] (( PM from [198] Michaell_Gerrad: kontol mana ))
[16:01:42] SERVER: {FF0000}Abdul Faqih {FFFF00}has left the server. (Timeout / Lost Connection / Crash)
[16:01:48] AdmCmd: Sylvester_Foster has been kicked by brainfreeze52.
[16:01:48] Reason: Jangan mixing [reported]
[16:01:59] (( PM from [198] Michaell_Gerrad: atau mati lu ))
[16:02:05] (( PM to [198] Michaell_Gerrad: ih kok kasar sih mas ))
[16:02:48] (( PM from [198] Michaell_Gerrad: cuma 27$ doang anj masa lu ngga ada ))
[16:03:10] (( PM to [198] Michaell_Gerrad: ic atuh mas ic ))
[16:05:35] (( PM from [198] Michaell_Gerrad: mau mati? ))

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