$GHOSTEMANE$ Posted March 4, 2022 Posted March 4, 2022 Character: Austin Luisnander Waktu & Tanggal: 03/05/22 Barang yang dibutuhkan: Component 1500 Saya membutuhkan refund karena: saya baru saja membeli component lalu saya letakan di tow truck,terus setelah dari pembelian component saya pergi ke modshop yang ada di bone county gak lama berselang pas saya lagi modift-modift mobil server down,terus saya masuk kota lagi component yang saya beli tadi berubah menjadi 158 di storage dan di trunk 500 ilang Berikut adalah bukti yang berupa screenshot / video: Spoiler Berikut adalah bukti chatlog: Spoiler [0:43:6] COMPONENT: {FFFFFF}You've purchased {FFFF00}1000 components {FFFFFF}for {00FF00}0.00 [0:43:11] VEHICLE: {FFFFFF}Seatbelts {FF0000}OFF [0:43:16] ERROR: You need to be at the component factory to use this command! [0:43:19] COMPONENT: {FFFFFF}You've purchased {FFFF00}100 components {FFFFFF}for {00FF00}.00 [0:43:20] CMDINFO: Harap tunggu 1 detik! [0:43:28] COMPONENT: {FFFFFF}You've purchased {FFFF00}100 components {FFFFFF}for {00FF00}.00 [0:43:44] COMPONENT: {FFFFFF}You've purchased {FFFF00}44 components {FFFFFF}for {00FF00}.00 [0:43:47] TRUNK: {FFFFFF}Trunk data is being loaded, please wait. [0:43:50] TRUNK: {FFFFFF}You've stored {FFFF00}100 unit(s) of component {FFFFFF}into the trunk of {00FFFF}Tow Truck [0:43:52] TRUNK: {FFFFFF}You've stored {FFFF00}100 unit(s) of component {FFFFFF}into the trunk of {00FFFF}Tow Truck [0:43:53] TRUNK: {FFFFFF}You've stored {FFFF00}100 unit(s) of component {FFFFFF}into the trunk of {00FFFF}Tow Truck [0:44:2] COMPONENT: {FFFFFF}You've purchased {FFFF00}300 components {FFFFFF}for {00FF00}0.00 [0:44:7] TRUNK: {FFFFFF}You've stored {FFFF00}100 unit(s) of component {FFFFFF}into the trunk of {00FFFF}Tow Truck [0:44:9] TRUNK: {FFFFFF}You've stored {FFFF00}100 unit(s) of component {FFFFFF}into the trunk of {00FFFF}Tow Truck [0:44:16] COMPONENT: {FFFFFF}You've purchased {FFFF00}50 components {FFFFFF}for {00FF00}.00
mafarid Posted March 5, 2022 Posted March 5, 2022 Accepted, silahkan ke tempat asuransi lalu gunakan command '/autorefund' untuk menclaim refund ini secara automatis
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