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[REFUND] Kiel_Lugh ( Component 1000 )


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Character: Kiel_Lugh

Waktu & Tanggal: 03/05/2022

Barang yang dibutuhkan: Component 1000

Saya membutuhkan refund karena:

Jadi tadi pukul sekitar jam 1:10 Kota sedang server closed gitu atau badai di bilangnya, lalu tiba tiba pas saya login component yang berada di dalam sadler menghilang ada 1000 compo.
Sepeset pun saya belum memakai component.

Berikut adalah bukti yang berupa screenshot / video:



berikut bukti chatlog saya membeli component.

[00:37:54] COMPONENT: {FFFFFF}You've purchased {FFFF00}1000 components {FFFFFF}for {00FF00}0.00
[00:38:01] VEHICLE: {FFFFFF}Seatbelts {FF0000}OFF
[00:38:08] COMPONENT: {FFFFFF}You've purchased {FFFF00}300 components {FFFFFF}for {00FF00}0.00
[00:38:11] TRUNK: {FFFFFF}Trunk data is being loaded, please wait.
[00:38:13] TRUNK: {FFFFFF}You've stored {FFFF00}100 unit(s) of component {FFFFFF}into the trunk of {00FFFF}Sadler
[00:38:15] TRUNK: {FFFFFF}You've stored {FFFF00}100 unit(s) of component {FFFFFF}into the trunk of {00FFFF}Sadler
[00:38:16] TRUNK: {FFFFFF}You've stored {FFFF00}100 unit(s) of component {FFFFFF}into the trunk of {00FFFF}Sadler
[00:38:18] TRUNK: {FFFFFF}You've stored {FFFF00}50 unit(s) of component {FFFFFF}into the trunk of {00FFFF}Sadler
[00:38:23] COMPONENT: {FFFFFF}You've purchased {FFFF00}350 components {FFFFFF}for {00FF00}5.00
[00:38:26] ERROR: You need to be at the component factory to use this command!
[00:38:29] TRUNK: {FFFFFF}You've stored {FFFF00}50 unit(s) of component {FFFFFF}into the trunk of {00FFFF}Sadler
[00:38:32] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[88NATION] Ready Turismo dan RT fullsticker |loc.Pomvinewood
[00:38:32] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Michael Rohimin{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}5390{FF0000}]
[00:38:33] TRUNK: {FFFFFF}You've stored {FFFF00}100 unit(s) of component {FFFFFF}into the trunk of {00FFFF}Sadler
[00:38:44] ERROR: You can not carry more than 350 components!
[00:38:48] COMPONENT: {FFFFFF}You've purchased {FFFF00}150 components {FFFFFF}for {00FF00}.00


Berikut adalah bukti chatlog:


[00:37:54] COMPONENT: {FFFFFF}You've purchased {FFFF00}1000 components {FFFFFF}for {00FF00}0.00
[00:38:01] VEHICLE: {FFFFFF}Seatbelts {FF0000}OFF
[00:38:08] COMPONENT: {FFFFFF}You've purchased {FFFF00}300 components {FFFFFF}for {00FF00}0.00
[00:38:11] TRUNK: {FFFFFF}Trunk data is being loaded, please wait.
[00:38:13] TRUNK: {FFFFFF}You've stored {FFFF00}100 unit(s) of component {FFFFFF}into the trunk of {00FFFF}Sadler
[00:38:15] TRUNK: {FFFFFF}You've stored {FFFF00}100 unit(s) of component {FFFFFF}into the trunk of {00FFFF}Sadler
[00:38:16] TRUNK: {FFFFFF}You've stored {FFFF00}100 unit(s) of component {FFFFFF}into the trunk of {00FFFF}Sadler
[00:38:18] TRUNK: {FFFFFF}You've stored {FFFF00}50 unit(s) of component {FFFFFF}into the trunk of {00FFFF}Sadler
[00:38:23] COMPONENT: {FFFFFF}You've purchased {FFFF00}350 components {FFFFFF}for {00FF00}5.00
[00:38:26] ERROR: You need to be at the component factory to use this command!
[00:38:29] TRUNK: {FFFFFF}You've stored {FFFF00}50 unit(s) of component {FFFFFF}into the trunk of {00FFFF}Sadler
[00:38:32] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[88NATION] Ready Turismo dan RT fullsticker |loc.Pomvinewood
[00:38:32] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Michael Rohimin{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}5390{FF0000}]
[00:38:33] TRUNK: {FFFFFF}You've stored {FFFF00}100 unit(s) of component {FFFFFF}into the trunk of {00FFFF}Sadler
[00:38:44] ERROR: You can not carry more than 350 components!
[00:38:48] COMPONENT: {FFFFFF}You've purchased {FFFF00}150 components {FFFFFF}for {00FF00}.00


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