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[REPORT] Alvin Boyd (Not here to rp/trolling )


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Nama pelapor: Gracelina Brooklyn

Nama pelanggar: Alvin Boyd

Peraturan yang dilanggar:

Not here to rp/trolling

Apa yang terjadi:

jadi pas saya lagi keliling pakai foodtruck si terlapor ini naik mobil warna ijo dia nabrak2in foodtruck saya sampai meledak, nabraknya mulai dari bus a&b dan meledaknya di mechanic city






/ado saya masih disini





[20:25:20] Gracelina Brooklyn shouts: Makan?! < Ini lagi di bus a&b
[20:25:22] [LIVE] Leonardo Achilleo: Bisa ke nomor saya langsung, 1819 untuk pemesanan.
[20:25:27] Cristian Kirana says: mas
[20:25:32] Felipe Rodrigo shouts: Kenyang!
[20:25:33] [LIVE] Leonardo Achilleo: Atau bisa lewat DM di instagram De Reve nih di @De_Reve_WO
[20:25:35] Gracelina Brooklyn shouts: Ada yang mau makan?!
[20:25:38] Cristian Kirana says: mas depan
[20:25:46] [LIVE] Leonardo Achilleo: Disitu ada foto - foto hasil kita juga loh.
[20:26:1] [LIVE] Buck Mctavich: Tuh pemirsa, bagi yang ingin memesan terlebih dahulu bisa langsung contact saja.
[20:26:7] [LIVE] Leonardo Achilleo: Atau nih Buck.
[20:26:15] [LIVE] Leonardo Achilleo: Bisa datang ke kantor kami di ujung Verona Beach.


[20:27:34] Mask 968690 says: Wassup ni**a 
[20:27:36] Mask 449159 says: kek < masker dia di antara 2 ini soalnya saya gatau, dia bilang kaya gini pas di depan unity station mobil warna ijo "kaya admiral"
[20:27:36] Lilcoln Johnson says: ))
[20:27:55] [LIVE] Buck Mctavich: Oke, Aku mau tanya nih apa sih tanggapan Client tentang De Reve ini?
[20:28:6] [LIVE] Leonardo Achilleo: Well, secara keseluruhan mereka puas sih.
[20:28:8] * Miso Fujiwara exaiming veh
[20:28:8] VEHICLE: {FFFFFF}Seatbelts {FF0000}OFF
[20:28:11] [LIVE] Leonardo Achilleo: Malahan pada pengen lagi hahaha.

[20:28:14] Kenichi Daesuke shouts: hebat! < dia yang menyaksikan pas food truck saya meledak
[20:28:14] * Liev Blaszczykowski Repairing engine with mechanic tools and wrench and use some components
[20:28:16] Kenichi Daesuke shouts: hebat!
[20:28:17] [LIVE] Leonardo Achilleo: Tapikan ga mungkin nikah 2x ya Buck.
[20:28:19] Kenichi Daesuke shouts: hebat!
[20:28:19] Gracelina Brooklyn: (( trolling ))
[20:28:24] [LIVE] Leonardo Achilleo: Lebih ke merekomendasikan.
[20:28:30] Kenichi Daesuke says: mantap
[20:28:31] 1/2 engine ((Liev Blaszczykowski))
[20:28:31] Kenichi Daesuke says: mantap

[20:28:36] [LIVE] Leonardo Achilleo: Jadi kebanyakan client saya puas dan merekomendasikan De Reve ke temennya.
[20:28:37] TRUCKER: {ffff00}You can now do hauling missions again!
[20:28:42] [LIVE] Leonardo Achilleo: Jadi mulut ke mulut.
[20:28:50] [LIVE] Leonardo Achilleo: Apalagi kebanyakan pelanggan maupun tamu De Reve itu.
[20:28:58] [LIVE] Leonardo Achilleo: Adalah pejabat - pejabat Buck.
[20:29:9] [LIVE] Leonardo Achilleo: Baik di kepolisian, di paramedis, di SANews juga ada.
[20:29:9] VEHICLE: {FFFFFF}Seatbelts {00FF00}ON
[20:29:11] Raha Rizki says [car]: ke pizza hut
[20:29:11] ERROR: Unknown command, see '/help'
[20:29:11] Zack Michael says: yang pesen ?
[20:29:15] Gracelina Brooklyn says: Ke unity station
[20:29:17] Gracelina Brooklyn says: Searah
[20:29:19] [LIVE] Leonardo Achilleo: Bahkan pengusaha - pengusaha sukses di San ANdreas ini.
[20:29:20] Raha Rizki says: gua
[20:29:20] [LIVE] Leonardo Achilleo: Begitu hehe.
[20:29:56] Lilcoln Johnson says: Just doin' a chit-chat.
[20:29:56] Adelardo Pearce says: Nothin'.
[20:30:5] Gracelina Brooklyn says: Eh dia duluan aja deh
[20:30:12] Gracelina Brooklyn says: Saya mau ke burger shot vinewood
[20:30:23] TAXI: {FFFFFF}You've given a navigation location to the taxi driver
[20:30:25] AdmCmd: Juan_Carlo has been remote warned by DarthVader99, total warns: 5
[20:30:25] Reason: Metagaming via /pm with Louis McMahon (speaking about IC location in /pm).
[20:30:33] [LIVE] Buck Mctavich: Baguslah kalau begitu, semakin positif semakin banyak Client nya.
[20:30:41] AdmCmd: Juan_Carlo has been remote-jailed by DarthVader99 for 120 minutes.
[20:30:41] Reason: Metagaming via /pm with Louis McMahon (speaking about IC location in /pm) and 5 warns.
[20:30:51] VEHICLE: {FFFFFF}Seatbelts {FF0000}OFF
[20:30:51] TAXI: {ffffff}You've paid {ffff00}{field_value_32}.45 {ffffff}to the taxi driver
[20:30:52] Raha Rizki says: oke sip makasih
[20:30:57] [LIVE] Leonardo Achilleo: Benar sekali.
[20:31:7] AdmCmd: Louis_McMahon has been warned by DarthVader99, Total warning: 5
[20:31:7] Reason: Metagaming via /pm with Juan Carlo (speaking about IC location in /pm).
[20:31:25] AdmCmd: DarthVader99 has jailed Louis_McMahon for 120 minute(s)
[20:31:25] Reason: Metagaming via /pm with Juan Carlo (speaking about IC location in /pm) plus 5 warns extra punis
[20:32:9] [LIVE] Buck Mctavich: Ada satu lagi pertanyaan dari saya nih tentang De Reve.
[20:32:12] [LIVE] Leonardo Achilleo: Oke, silahkan.
[20:32:14] VEHICLE: {FFFFFF}Seatbelts {00FF00}ON
[20:32:16] Gracelina Brooklyn says: Burger vinewood
[20:32:17] SERVER: {FF0000}Zack_Michael {FFFF00}has left the server. (Kicked / Banned)
[20:32:17] VEHICLE: {FFFFFF}Seatbelts {FF0000}OFF
[20:32:22] {8D8DFF}SERVICE: {FFFFFF}You have reached the Los Santos Service Center.
[20:32:22] {8D8DFF}SERVICE: {FFFFFF}Would you like to order a taxi or a mechanic?
[20:32:23] Gracelina Brooklyn [phone]: Taxi
[20:32:23] {8D8DFF}SERVICE: {FFFFFF}Please describe your current location!
[20:32:28] Gracelina Brooklyn [phone]: Pizza stack idlewood
[20:32:28] {8D8DFF}SERVICE: {FFFFFF}We've informed the taxi drivers, they will send you a SMS if they respond.
[20:32:28] Telepon terputus...
[20:32:49] SERVER: {FF0000}Mask_301685 {FFFF00}has left the server. (Disconnected)
[20:32:52] Mask 898898: (( ? ))
[20:32:55] [LIVE] Buck Mctavich: Project atau acara apa yang akan di mulai De Reve dalam waktu dekat ini?
[20:32:58] [LIVE] Leonardo Achilleo: Oke untuk project dalam waktu dekat, kita ada event ya.
[20:33:7] [LIVE] Leonardo Achilleo: Jadi, di sebelah saya udah ada Bapak Adam Josh nih.
[20:33:11] [LIVE] Leonardo Achilleo: dari NVR.
[20:33:22] [LIVE] Leonardo Achilleo: Beliau dan komunitasnya adalah client De Reve Event Organizer.
[20:33:29] REQUEST: {ffffff}Nobody responded to your taxi call, you can now call again
[20:33:33] [LIVE] Leonardo Achilleo: Tapi untuk detail eventnya, mungkin akan dibahas nanti di sesi 2
[20:33:43] [LIVE] Leonardo Achilleo: Karena di sesi 2 akan ada talk show dengan NVR membahas event.
[20:33:45] {8D8DFF}SERVICE: {FFFFFF}You have reached the Los Santos Service Center.
[20:33:45] {8D8DFF}SERVICE: {FFFFFF}Would you like to order a taxi or a mechanic?
[20:33:46] Gracelina Brooklyn [phone]: Taxi
[20:33:46] {8D8DFF}SERVICE: {FFFFFF}Please describe your current location!
[20:33:48] Gracelina Brooklyn [phone]: Pizza stack idlewood
[20:33:48] {8D8DFF}SERVICE: {FFFFFF}We've informed the taxi drivers, they will send you a SMS if they respond.
[20:33:48] Telepon terputus...
[20:33:48] [LIVE] Leonardo Achilleo: Begitu hehehe.
[20:33:50] SERVICE: {00FFFF}Kenzo_Ackerman {FFFF00}(phone: 0) {FFFFFF}has responded to your taxi call
[20:34:29] LOGGING: Damage log flushed, please execute command again!
[20:34:29] CMDINFO: Harap tunggu 1 detik!
[20:34:42] VEHICLE: {FFFFFF}Seatbelts {00FF00}ON
[20:34:44] Kenzo Ackerman says: kemana mba?
[20:34:45] Raha Rizki [phone]: stacked pizza

[20:35:1] REPORT: {ffffff}Your report has been issued to the queue, use '{ffff00}/reports{ffffff}' to see your report <  ini saya coba report dan di respond oleh admin Jarvis dan katanya "Alvin Boyd"
[20:35:6] Kenzo Ackerman says [car]: halo mba?
[20:35:6] Gracelina Brooklyn says [car]: Ke burger vinewood
[20:35:9] KEGUNAAN: /report [text]
[20:35:9] Kenzo Ackerman says [car]: oke
[20:35:17] Kenzo Ackerman says [car]: pasang sabuk pengaman
[20:35:19] [LIVE] Buck Mctavich: Oke pemirsa, sebelum kita bahas lebih lanjut tentang NVR...
[20:35:23] TAXI: {FFFFFF}You've given a navigation location to the taxi driver
[20:35:26] ERROR: Unknown command, see '/help'
[20:35:30] RESPOND: {ff0000}Jarvis {FFFFCC}has responded to your report
[20:35:31] Gracelina Brooklyn says [car]: Itu saya tandain di gps
[20:35:31] Kenzo Ackerman says [car]: karna kita mungkin akan ugal ugalan karna waktu itu lebih berharga
[20:35:42] (( PM from [325] Kierran_Freeman: alvin_boyd ))
[20:35:50] (( PM to [325] Kierran_Freeman: dia nabrak2in foodtruck sampe meledak ))
[20:36:5] (( PM to [325] Kierran_Freeman: not here to rp banget, mobilnya ijo kalo gasalah ))
[20:36:9] [ID:435] {FFFFFF}Alvin_Anson (level 10), Ping: 104, Online time: 48 minutes, Client: 0.3.DL-R1, Packetloss: 0.2%
[20:36:9] [ID:762] {FFFFFF}Alvin_Febry (level 1), Ping: 108, Online time: 7 minutes, Client: 0.3.DL-R1, Packetloss: 0.1%
[20:36:24] (( PM from [325] Kierran_Freeman: kamu udah SS? ))
[20:36:27] Safety ((Seth Galahad))
[20:36:29] William Petterson shouts: Ya!
[20:36:35] Kenzo Ackerman says: sudah mba
[20:36:38] (( PM to [325] Kierran_Freeman: lupa ss min, tapi ada damagelog, meledaknya pas di mc ))
[20:36:40] VEHICLE: {FFFFFF}Seatbelts {FF0000}OFF
[20:36:40] TAXI: {ffffff}You've paid {ffff00}{field_value_32}.55 {ffffff}to the taxi driver
[20:36:40] Kenzo Ackerman says: sudah sampai di tujuan
[20:36:42] Kayla Salsabilla says: bentar
[20:36:43] Kenzo Ackerman says: mari..
[20:36:47] Seth Galahad says: Orang tolol juga itu
[20:36:48] (( PM to [325] Kierran_Freeman: dia nabrak2in mulai dari bus rute a sama b ))
[20:36:50] [LIVE] Buck Mctavich: Sebelumnya kita ucapkan terima kasih dulu nih untuk Leonardo Achilleo...
[20:36:55] [LIVE] Leonardo Achilleo: Wah makasih banyak Buck dan SANews atas undangannya.
[20:36:55] Seth Galahad says: Udah pernah juga gua ditabrak
[20:36:59] [LIVE] Buck Mctavich: Yang sudah mau hadir di acara kita malam hari ini.
[20:37:0] [LIVE] Leonardo Achilleo: Justru gua yang makasih nih sama SANews.
[20:37:7] [LIVE] Leonardo Achilleo: Hehehehe..
[20:37:15] (( PM to [325] Kierran_Freeman: tapi ado ku masih ada sih, bisa di report forum kah min? ))
[20:37:34] [LIVE] Leonardo Achilleo: Sama - sama, makasih banyak ya, ditunggu teleponnya untuk jasa De Reve.
[20:37:38] Kayla Salsabilla shouts: oyy!
[20:37:43] [ID:435] {FFFFFF}Alvin_Anson (level 10), Ping: 98, Online time: 50 minutes, Client: 0.3.DL-R1, Packetloss: 0.2%
[20:37:43] [ID:762] {FFFFFF}Alvin_Febry (level 1), Ping: 114, Online time: 9 minutes, Client: 0.3.DL-R1, Packetloss: 0.1%
[20:37:59] AdmCmd: DarthVader99 has removed 1 warning(s) from Juan_Carlo, Total warning: 4
[20:38:6] AdmCmd: DarthVader99 has removed 1 warning(s) from Louis_McMahon, Total warning: 4
[20:38:9] AdmCmd: DarthVader99 has released Juan_Carlo from Admin Jail
[20:38:13] AdmCmd: DarthVader99 has released Louis_McMahon from Admin Jail
[20:38:15] AdmCmd: Louis_McMahon has been kicked by DarthVader99.
[20:38:15] Reason: relog
[20:38:26] (( PM to [325] Kierran_Freeman: bisa di report forum min? ))
[20:38:30] [LIVE] Buck Mctavich: Oke pemirsa, selanjutnya kita akan membahas lebih lanjut tentang NVR tetapi setelah jeda iklan dulu nih.
[20:38:35] (( PM from [325] Kierran_Freeman: Tentu. ))
[20:38:35] Jhony Stancovic says: naik
[20:38:37] Sean Shinju says: minum
[20:38:49] (( PM to [325] Kierran_Freeman: tapi pas foodtruck meledak lupa di ss ))



  • $Belvana$ changed the title to [REPORT] Alvin Boyd (Not here to rp/trolling )
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