$Belvana$ Posted March 10, 2021 Posted March 10, 2021 Nama pelapor: Gracelina Brooklyn Nama pelanggar: Alvin Boyd Peraturan yang dilanggar: Not here to rp/trolling Apa yang terjadi: jadi pas saya lagi keliling pakai foodtruck si terlapor ini naik mobil warna ijo dia nabrak2in foodtruck saya sampai meledak, nabraknya mulai dari bus a&b dan meledaknya di mechanic city Bukti: Gambar: Spoiler /ado saya masih disini damagelog Chatlog: Spoiler [20:25:20] Gracelina Brooklyn shouts: Makan?! < Ini lagi di bus a&b [20:25:22] [LIVE] Leonardo Achilleo: Bisa ke nomor saya langsung, 1819 untuk pemesanan. [20:25:27] Cristian Kirana says: mas [20:25:32] Felipe Rodrigo shouts: Kenyang! [20:25:33] [LIVE] Leonardo Achilleo: Atau bisa lewat DM di instagram De Reve nih di @De_Reve_WO [20:25:35] Gracelina Brooklyn shouts: Ada yang mau makan?! [20:25:38] Cristian Kirana says: mas depan [20:25:46] [LIVE] Leonardo Achilleo: Disitu ada foto - foto hasil kita juga loh. [20:26:1] [LIVE] Buck Mctavich: Tuh pemirsa, bagi yang ingin memesan terlebih dahulu bisa langsung contact saja. [20:26:7] [LIVE] Leonardo Achilleo: Atau nih Buck. [20:26:15] [LIVE] Leonardo Achilleo: Bisa datang ke kantor kami di ujung Verona Beach. [20:27:34] Mask 968690 says: Wassup ni**a [20:27:36] Mask 449159 says: kek < masker dia di antara 2 ini soalnya saya gatau, dia bilang kaya gini pas di depan unity station mobil warna ijo "kaya admiral"[20:27:36] Lilcoln Johnson says: )) [20:27:55] [LIVE] Buck Mctavich: Oke, Aku mau tanya nih apa sih tanggapan Client tentang De Reve ini? [20:28:6] [LIVE] Leonardo Achilleo: Well, secara keseluruhan mereka puas sih. [20:28:8] * Miso Fujiwara exaiming veh [20:28:8] VEHICLE: {FFFFFF}Seatbelts {FF0000}OFF [20:28:11] [LIVE] Leonardo Achilleo: Malahan pada pengen lagi hahaha. [20:28:14] Kenichi Daesuke shouts: hebat! < dia yang menyaksikan pas food truck saya meledak [20:28:14] * Liev Blaszczykowski Repairing engine with mechanic tools and wrench and use some components [20:28:16] Kenichi Daesuke shouts: hebat! [20:28:17] [LIVE] Leonardo Achilleo: Tapikan ga mungkin nikah 2x ya Buck. [20:28:19] Kenichi Daesuke shouts: hebat! [20:28:19] Gracelina Brooklyn: (( trolling )) [20:28:24] [LIVE] Leonardo Achilleo: Lebih ke merekomendasikan. [20:28:30] Kenichi Daesuke says: mantap [20:28:31] 1/2 engine ((Liev Blaszczykowski)) [20:28:31] Kenichi Daesuke says: mantap [20:28:36] [LIVE] Leonardo Achilleo: Jadi kebanyakan client saya puas dan merekomendasikan De Reve ke temennya. [20:28:37] TRUCKER: {ffff00}You can now do hauling missions again! [20:28:42] [LIVE] Leonardo Achilleo: Jadi mulut ke mulut. [20:28:50] [LIVE] Leonardo Achilleo: Apalagi kebanyakan pelanggan maupun tamu De Reve itu. [20:28:58] [LIVE] Leonardo Achilleo: Adalah pejabat - pejabat Buck. [20:29:9] [LIVE] Leonardo Achilleo: Baik di kepolisian, di paramedis, di SANews juga ada. [20:29:9] VEHICLE: {FFFFFF}Seatbelts {00FF00}ON [20:29:11] Raha Rizki says [car]: ke pizza hut [20:29:11] ERROR: Unknown command, see '/help' [20:29:11] Zack Michael says: yang pesen ? [20:29:15] Gracelina Brooklyn says: Ke unity station [20:29:17] Gracelina Brooklyn says: Searah [20:29:19] [LIVE] Leonardo Achilleo: Bahkan pengusaha - pengusaha sukses di San ANdreas ini. [20:29:20] Raha Rizki says: gua [20:29:20] [LIVE] Leonardo Achilleo: Begitu hehe. [20:29:56] Lilcoln Johnson says: Just doin' a chit-chat. [20:29:56] Adelardo Pearce says: Nothin'. [20:30:5] Gracelina Brooklyn says: Eh dia duluan aja deh [20:30:12] Gracelina Brooklyn says: Saya mau ke burger shot vinewood [20:30:23] TAXI: {FFFFFF}You've given a navigation location to the taxi driver [20:30:25] AdmCmd: Juan_Carlo has been remote warned by DarthVader99, total warns: 5 [20:30:25] Reason: Metagaming via /pm with Louis McMahon (speaking about IC location in /pm). [20:30:33] [LIVE] Buck Mctavich: Baguslah kalau begitu, semakin positif semakin banyak Client nya. [20:30:41] AdmCmd: Juan_Carlo has been remote-jailed by DarthVader99 for 120 minutes. [20:30:41] Reason: Metagaming via /pm with Louis McMahon (speaking about IC location in /pm) and 5 warns. [20:30:51] VEHICLE: {FFFFFF}Seatbelts {FF0000}OFF [20:30:51] TAXI: {ffffff}You've paid {ffff00}{field_value_32}.45 {ffffff}to the taxi driver [20:30:52] Raha Rizki says: oke sip makasih [20:30:57] [LIVE] Leonardo Achilleo: Benar sekali. [20:31:7] AdmCmd: Louis_McMahon has been warned by DarthVader99, Total warning: 5 [20:31:7] Reason: Metagaming via /pm with Juan Carlo (speaking about IC location in /pm). [20:31:25] AdmCmd: DarthVader99 has jailed Louis_McMahon for 120 minute(s) [20:31:25] Reason: Metagaming via /pm with Juan Carlo (speaking about IC location in /pm) plus 5 warns extra punis [20:32:9] [LIVE] Buck Mctavich: Ada satu lagi pertanyaan dari saya nih tentang De Reve. [20:32:12] [LIVE] Leonardo Achilleo: Oke, silahkan. [20:32:14] VEHICLE: {FFFFFF}Seatbelts {00FF00}ON [20:32:16] Gracelina Brooklyn says: Burger vinewood [20:32:17] SERVER: {FF0000}Zack_Michael {FFFF00}has left the server. (Kicked / Banned) [20:32:17] VEHICLE: {FFFFFF}Seatbelts {FF0000}OFF [20:32:22] {8D8DFF}SERVICE: {FFFFFF}You have reached the Los Santos Service Center. [20:32:22] {8D8DFF}SERVICE: {FFFFFF}Would you like to order a taxi or a mechanic? [20:32:23] Gracelina Brooklyn [phone]: Taxi [20:32:23] {8D8DFF}SERVICE: {FFFFFF}Please describe your current location! [20:32:28] Gracelina Brooklyn [phone]: Pizza stack idlewood [20:32:28] {8D8DFF}SERVICE: {FFFFFF}We've informed the taxi drivers, they will send you a SMS if they respond. [20:32:28] Telepon terputus... [20:32:49] SERVER: {FF0000}Mask_301685 {FFFF00}has left the server. (Disconnected) [20:32:52] Mask 898898: (( ? )) [20:32:55] [LIVE] Buck Mctavich: Project atau acara apa yang akan di mulai De Reve dalam waktu dekat ini? [20:32:58] [LIVE] Leonardo Achilleo: Oke untuk project dalam waktu dekat, kita ada event ya. [20:33:7] [LIVE] Leonardo Achilleo: Jadi, di sebelah saya udah ada Bapak Adam Josh nih. [20:33:11] [LIVE] Leonardo Achilleo: dari NVR. [20:33:22] [LIVE] Leonardo Achilleo: Beliau dan komunitasnya adalah client De Reve Event Organizer. [20:33:29] REQUEST: {ffffff}Nobody responded to your taxi call, you can now call again [20:33:33] [LIVE] Leonardo Achilleo: Tapi untuk detail eventnya, mungkin akan dibahas nanti di sesi 2 [20:33:43] [LIVE] Leonardo Achilleo: Karena di sesi 2 akan ada talk show dengan NVR membahas event. [20:33:45] {8D8DFF}SERVICE: {FFFFFF}You have reached the Los Santos Service Center. [20:33:45] {8D8DFF}SERVICE: {FFFFFF}Would you like to order a taxi or a mechanic? [20:33:46] Gracelina Brooklyn [phone]: Taxi [20:33:46] {8D8DFF}SERVICE: {FFFFFF}Please describe your current location! [20:33:48] Gracelina Brooklyn [phone]: Pizza stack idlewood [20:33:48] {8D8DFF}SERVICE: {FFFFFF}We've informed the taxi drivers, they will send you a SMS if they respond. [20:33:48] Telepon terputus... [20:33:48] [LIVE] Leonardo Achilleo: Begitu hehehe. [20:33:50] SERVICE: {00FFFF}Kenzo_Ackerman {FFFF00}(phone: 0) {FFFFFF}has responded to your taxi call [20:34:29] LOGGING: Damage log flushed, please execute command again! [20:34:29] CMDINFO: Harap tunggu 1 detik! [20:34:42] VEHICLE: {FFFFFF}Seatbelts {00FF00}ON [20:34:44] Kenzo Ackerman says: kemana mba? [20:34:45] Raha Rizki [phone]: stacked pizza [20:35:1] REPORT: {ffffff}Your report has been issued to the queue, use '{ffff00}/reports{ffffff}' to see your report < ini saya coba report dan di respond oleh admin Jarvis dan katanya "Alvin Boyd" [20:35:6] Kenzo Ackerman says [car]: halo mba? [20:35:6] Gracelina Brooklyn says [car]: Ke burger vinewood [20:35:9] KEGUNAAN: /report [text] [20:35:9] Kenzo Ackerman says [car]: oke [20:35:17] Kenzo Ackerman says [car]: pasang sabuk pengaman [20:35:19] [LIVE] Buck Mctavich: Oke pemirsa, sebelum kita bahas lebih lanjut tentang NVR... [20:35:23] TAXI: {FFFFFF}You've given a navigation location to the taxi driver [20:35:26] ERROR: Unknown command, see '/help'[20:35:30] RESPOND: {ff0000}Jarvis {FFFFCC}has responded to your report [20:35:31] Gracelina Brooklyn says [car]: Itu saya tandain di gps [20:35:31] Kenzo Ackerman says [car]: karna kita mungkin akan ugal ugalan karna waktu itu lebih berharga[20:35:42] (( PM from [325] Kierran_Freeman: alvin_boyd )) [20:35:50] (( PM to [325] Kierran_Freeman: dia nabrak2in foodtruck sampe meledak )) [20:36:5] (( PM to [325] Kierran_Freeman: not here to rp banget, mobilnya ijo kalo gasalah )) [20:36:9] [ID:435] {FFFFFF}Alvin_Anson (level 10), Ping: 104, Online time: 48 minutes, Client: 0.3.DL-R1, Packetloss: 0.2% [20:36:9] [ID:762] {FFFFFF}Alvin_Febry (level 1), Ping: 108, Online time: 7 minutes, Client: 0.3.DL-R1, Packetloss: 0.1% [20:36:24] (( PM from [325] Kierran_Freeman: kamu udah SS? )) [20:36:27] Safety ((Seth Galahad)) [20:36:29] William Petterson shouts: Ya! [20:36:35] Kenzo Ackerman says: sudah mba [20:36:38] (( PM to [325] Kierran_Freeman: lupa ss min, tapi ada damagelog, meledaknya pas di mc )) [20:36:40] VEHICLE: {FFFFFF}Seatbelts {FF0000}OFF [20:36:40] TAXI: {ffffff}You've paid {ffff00}{field_value_32}.55 {ffffff}to the taxi driver [20:36:40] Kenzo Ackerman says: sudah sampai di tujuan [20:36:42] Kayla Salsabilla says: bentar [20:36:43] Kenzo Ackerman says: mari.. [20:36:47] Seth Galahad says: Orang tolol juga itu [20:36:48] (( PM to [325] Kierran_Freeman: dia nabrak2in mulai dari bus rute a sama b )) [20:36:50] [LIVE] Buck Mctavich: Sebelumnya kita ucapkan terima kasih dulu nih untuk Leonardo Achilleo... [20:36:55] [LIVE] Leonardo Achilleo: Wah makasih banyak Buck dan SANews atas undangannya. [20:36:55] Seth Galahad says: Udah pernah juga gua ditabrak [20:36:59] [LIVE] Buck Mctavich: Yang sudah mau hadir di acara kita malam hari ini. [20:37:0] [LIVE] Leonardo Achilleo: Justru gua yang makasih nih sama SANews. [20:37:7] [LIVE] Leonardo Achilleo: Hehehehe.. [20:37:15] (( PM to [325] Kierran_Freeman: tapi ado ku masih ada sih, bisa di report forum kah min? )) [20:37:34] [LIVE] Leonardo Achilleo: Sama - sama, makasih banyak ya, ditunggu teleponnya untuk jasa De Reve. [20:37:38] Kayla Salsabilla shouts: oyy! [20:37:43] [ID:435] {FFFFFF}Alvin_Anson (level 10), Ping: 98, Online time: 50 minutes, Client: 0.3.DL-R1, Packetloss: 0.2% [20:37:43] [ID:762] {FFFFFF}Alvin_Febry (level 1), Ping: 114, Online time: 9 minutes, Client: 0.3.DL-R1, Packetloss: 0.1% [20:37:59] AdmCmd: DarthVader99 has removed 1 warning(s) from Juan_Carlo, Total warning: 4 [20:38:6] AdmCmd: DarthVader99 has removed 1 warning(s) from Louis_McMahon, Total warning: 4 [20:38:9] AdmCmd: DarthVader99 has released Juan_Carlo from Admin Jail [20:38:13] AdmCmd: DarthVader99 has released Louis_McMahon from Admin Jail [20:38:15] AdmCmd: Louis_McMahon has been kicked by DarthVader99. [20:38:15] Reason: relog [20:38:26] (( PM to [325] Kierran_Freeman: bisa di report forum min? )) [20:38:30] [LIVE] Buck Mctavich: Oke pemirsa, selanjutnya kita akan membahas lebih lanjut tentang NVR tetapi setelah jeda iklan dulu nih. [20:38:35] (( PM from [325] Kierran_Freeman: Tentu. )) [20:38:35] Jhony Stancovic says: naik [20:38:37] Sean Shinju says: minum [20:38:49] (( PM to [325] Kierran_Freeman: tapi pas foodtruck meledak lupa di ss ))
Krenshaw Posted March 10, 2021 Posted March 10, 2021 Lain kali buat laporan isi bagian pelanggaran yang jelas sesuai yang ada di rules kita.
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