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Alexsey Artyom [Alexsergey]

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Posted (edited)

Alexsey Artyom











28 December 1995, the birth of a baby boy named Alexsey Artyom, or in call under the name Alex.Alex lived with a modest family with his parents named  father Jhon Mecquin and the mother named Quin Aqila,and had a brother named Imanuel Rey.Alex's parents are now farmers in Dilmore Village and his older brother is a doctor in Los Santos City.Alex is currently studying in the City of San Fiero,and wants to continue looking for credit in Los Santos City because the family economy is currently in declining need. In this time Alex has graduated to Bachelor's degree or rather S2 and continues to look for work in Los Santos City.Alex is very fond of cars and hopes to become a Rally driver because Alex is very fond of high-speed cars. Arriving in the city Alex was aiming to his brother's Hospital at ASGH Hospital.After meeting his brother he continued to find work as a forklit driver at the port and became a city cleaner,however,Alex is very keen to get enough of his family in the Village.


At one point Alex was offered a member of a bus driver in Los Santos City and earned a full salary even though Alex didn't forget the job Alex used to work in Alex's spare time working at the port,and cleaning the city.Every day he works with gusto without complaining and Alex does,can buy a second car named Ford Ranger but single cabin not two cabin though so Alex is very happy,and every day Alex told his outing in the village to make them okay.At one point there was news alex's mother fell ill Saeed a Alex rushed home with Rey, and the good news is the mother was just exhausted and sick in general.The next day Alex and Rey say goodbye back to the City to do their respective work,and at that time Alex suffered a crash on his vehicle with Rey and luckily his keuda suffered minor injuries because the car alex was using was so strong,but the bad news was the car was badly damaged so Alex had to do business with Insurance.


After the incident Alex was very careful while driving,because Alex was very affectionate with the car which had helped his family economy.While Alex was driving in the woods,there was someone who was driving away from his vehicle so badly that he hit Alex's car at the front,of Alex's instantly angry and got out of the vehicle and found the driver and even though the driver was gassing alex alone. Alex chased the motorist until the driver failed and caused his vehicle to catch fire.And Alex helps the man immediately and Alex immediately calls the Ambulance, even though it has damaged Alex's car,Alex's heart is broken and not so to compensate for the damage.At one point Alex is offered to be Mechanic at the Workshop and Alex also takes him and where Alex meets a woman named Galuh Chalondra, where the first time Alex has his first love and at that time Alex's heart is very flowering.Even so Alex is still afraid to say his love for Galuh,Where Galuh is Muslim American and Alex is Russian Muslim.At one point Alex declares his Love for Galuh with great confidence and with his sweet Face,and finally they both or date very harmoniously until Alex's brother envies him.With Alex's work now he is very successful and makes his parents Alex very happy in the Village there.


Note:Terimakasih telah membaca Story saya walau beda dengan kenyataanya yang sangat pahit ini,bila ada ejaan yang salah mohon di maff kan karena saya baru belajar bahasa inggris.Bila saya menyontek saya siap di banned dari server ini.







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Saya Alexsergey selaku pemilik account UCP Alexsergey bersedia jika Character saya yang disebut di atas (Alexsey Artyom) dibanned permanent jika character story yang saya buat di atas berupa plagiat dari story milik orang lain.

Edited by Alexsergey


Selagi saya memeriksa hasil CS anda, tolong di jawab terlebih dahulu.

1. Level berapakah kerakter yang anda mainkan sekarang ?

2. Apakah CS anda sudah 300 kata yang dipecah menjadi minimal 3 paragraph yang di beri jarak spasi ?
3. Sebutkan secara jujur UCP apa saja yang anda mainkan!
4. Sebutkan secara jujur anda bermain JG:RP di mana saja? (Rumah atau warnet)


Note :

Jangan melakukan SPAM di thread ini ataupun PM forum kepada admin yang bersangkutan, atau akan di delay atau di kunci sementara.




JG-Roleplay Moderator


1. Level berapakah kerakter yang anda mainkan sekarang ?Level 3

2. Apakah CS anda sudah 300 kata yang dipecah menjadi minimal 3 paragraph yang di beri jarak spasi ?ya mungkin lebih fari 300 kata
3. Sebutkan secara jujur UCP apa saja yang anda mainkan!Ucp yang saya mainkan hanya satu charcter yaitu Alexsey_Artyom
4. Sebutkan secara jujur anda bermain JG:RP di mana saja? (Rumah atau warnet)Di Pondok Pesantren jika berada di rumah saya memainkanya di rumah


Perhatikan dalam penggunaan huruf besar (EYD)

Penggunaan huruf besar di gunakan pada saat :

  • Awal paragraf
  • Nama orang
  • Nama Kota/Tempat
  • Setelah tanda titik
Posted (edited)
21 jam yang lalu, Alexsergey said:

Baik sudah saya perbaiki untuk sotry saya.Mungkin Admin/staff bisa mengecek kembali sotry saya.




Edited by Alexsergey


To @Alexsergey

I am writing to you in regards of your recently submitted character story, we have reviewed your character story and, as a result, have come to the decision to APPROVE your request. Please read the following guide to activate your link your store to your In-Game account:



JG:RP Staff Team.


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