$Jipen$ Posted November 9, 2020 Posted November 9, 2020 Character: Zharvis_Westingler Waktu & Tanggal: 11/09/2020 Barang yang dibutuhkan: Infernus 3 insu 4 up with modification Saya membutuhkan refund karena: Saat itu mobil saya di curi oleh Isaiah_Willoughby dari gym ganton ([21:58:47] * Isaiah Willloughby mmbawa kabur mobil). Saat itu saya off duty PD, dan saya berencana untuk mencari mobil saya yang dicuri dengan duty PD. Saat itu jarak mobil sangat dekat, saya di bawah jembatan enterance SMB Pier. Lalu tiba tiba ada suara ledakan dan ternyata itu adalah mobil saya yang meledak, lalu saya mereport di ingame dan di respon oleh admin Vanice lalu saya disuruh oleh Vanice untuk membuat laporan refund di forum dan Isaiah_Willoughby (Pencuri mobil) telah di warn dan di jail. Berikut adalah bukti yang berupa screenshot / video: Spoiler Screenshot Spoiler Chatlog Spoiler [22:05:42] WARNING: {FFFFFF}Your {00FFFF}Infernus {FFFFFF}was destroyed by {FFFF00}[305] Isaiah_Willloughby [22:05:49] Screenshot Taken - sa-mp-080.png [22:05:50] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[SELL] Cabbie murah!! Mods Spoiler Modif Pelk N20 [22:05:50] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Noval Rhamadhan{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}5495301{FF0000}][22:05:53] (( PM to [305] Isaiah_Willloughby: maksudnya apa? )) [22:05:55] [ID:305] {FFFFFF}Isaiah_Willloughby (level 1), Ping: 33, Online time: 46 seconds, Client: 0.3.DL-R1, Packetloss: 2.4[22:05:55] INSURANCE: {FFFFFF}Your {00FFFF}Infernus {FFFFFF}has been destroyed, your replacement will be ready on {FFFF00}Tue 10 Nov 2020, 22:05:56 [22:05:59] (( PM from [305] Isaiah_Willloughby: ditabrak duneride )) [22:06:04] (( PM from [305] Isaiah_Willloughby: mental )) [22:06:17] REPORT: {ffffff}Your report has been issued to the queue, use '{ffff00}/reports{ffffff}' to see your report [22:06:36] RESPOND: {ff0000}Vanice {FFFFCC}has responded to your report [22:06:42] [ID:305] {FFFFFF}Isaiah_Willloughby (level 1), Ping: 53, Online time: a minute, Client: 0.3.DL-R1, Packetloss: 2.1 [22:06:51] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[SELL] Cheetah 2insu 2up tawarkan harga terbaik mu cp aja kalau minat [22:06:51] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Alison Ichsan{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}6495921{FF0000}] [22:06:53] [RADIO] PO-I Ethan Walsh: 1-ADAM-1 to initiator last TAC-1, requesting the charges of the suspect please, over.[22:06:57] TELEPORT: {FFFF00}Jahmire_Barksdale {FFFFFF}has teleported to you![22:07:02] {ff0000}Vanice: {ffffff}(( wait )) [22:07:14] [RADIO] PO-II Richie Slyvhaschultz: 3-ADAM-2 to initiator, need charges for suspect '61 IC2 male.[22:07:16] Zharvis Westingler: (( lvl 1 dia ))[22:07:18] Zharvis Westingler: (( [22:05:42] WARNING: YFFF}InfFFFF}Infernus was destroyed by [305] Isaiah_Willloughby ))[22:07:21] {ff0000}Vanice: {ffffff}(( id 305 ))[22:07:26] Isaiah Willloughby: (( iya ditabrak duneride mental )) [22:07:40] Isaiah Willloughby: (( mask 859406 )) [22:07:46] [RADIO] PO-II Hans Constantine: 6-DAVID-12 pull-out from last TAC-1 continue, STATUS-4. [22:07:47] Isaiah Willloughby: (( mask 859046 )) [22:07:48] {ff0000}Vanice: {ffffff}(( secara tidak lansugn, lu udah ngeledakin punya nya id 191 )) [22:07:52] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[SELL] Cheetah 2Insu 2Up || Warna Pinki || Tawarkan harga terbaikmu!!! [22:07:52] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Gye Dhusik{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}695555{FF0000}] [22:07:55] {ff0000}Vanice: {ffffff}(( itu kesalahan lu )) [22:07:56] Isaiah Willloughby: (( iya, sesuai rules aja min. )) [22:07:56] [RADIO] PO-III Jeremy Clawford: 6-RAPID-3, who was initiate the last situation? [22:08:07] [RADIO] Sergeant II Jerrold Ignazio: 4-LINCOLN-3, negative. [22:08:08] {ff0000}Vanice: {ffffff}(( lu nyuri kendaraan orang, tanggun jawab itu kendaraan meledak ato ga nya ada di lu ))[22:08:08] Zharvis Westingler: (( tujuan rp maling mobil lu apa? )) [22:08:09] [RADIO] PO-II Richie Slyvhaschultz: 3-ADAM-2 to initiator last TAC-1, need charges for suspect '61 IC2 male. [22:08:09] [RADIO] PO-III Luiz Martinez: 3-ADAM-1 as iniatiator, wait please 10-7.[22:08:12] {ff0000}Vanice: {ffffff}(( kalo meledak ya lu yg salah ))[22:08:13] Zharvis Westingler: (( cuma iseng muter2 gk jelas? ))[22:08:16] {ff0000}Vanice: {ffffff}(( tuh )) [22:08:19] {ff0000}Vanice: {ffffff}(( ditanyain )) [22:08:20] {ff0000}Vanice: {ffffff}(( tujuan lu apa )) [22:08:27] Isaiah Willloughby: (( engga, tadi mau nyari kendaraan. )) [22:08:28] [RADIO] PO-III Jeremy Clawford: 6-RAPID-3 to 3-ADAM-1, you are incharge for this situation, don't forget to drop the charges.[22:08:32] {ff0000}Vanice: {ffffff}(( sesuai rules, tapi lo ada akun level 14 )) [22:08:38] [RADIO] PO-II Daichi Matsuyama: 4-ADAM-2 10-99 from 10-55 and back to status four, over. [22:08:40] {ff0000}Vanice: {ffffff}(( dan lu iseng pake akun kecil buat ngerusuh gitu? )) [22:08:40] (( Carlos Canizales: brb )) [22:08:43] Isaiah Willloughby: (( ditabrak mobil duneride min )) [22:08:48] [RADIO] PO-III Luiz Martinez: 3-ADAM-1, Copy. [22:08:53] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[SELL] stratum insu 3 up 2 full modift harga dealer aja CP [22:08:53] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Syahrur Madan{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}550074{FF0000}] [22:08:54] Isaiah Willloughby: (( ini akun buat rp an ni**a )) [22:08:57] [RADIO] PO-III Shaquille Alsheiraz: Officer III 10688 take status 2 [22:08:59] Non-Emergency: Caller: [ Jose_Snow ] Phone: [ 486636 ] [22:08:59] Message: Police saya mau membukak garis police line di flat saya. [22:09:15] Isaiah Willloughby: (( tapi, gua terima semua konsekuensi )) [22:09:25] Zharvis Westingler: (( emg ditabrak gimana? berkali kali? ramming? )) [22:09:25] [RADIO] PO-I Anthony Devhylschaltz: 3-METRO-1 '99 from CODE 7 back to Status 4. [22:09:30] Zharvis Westingler: (( sama duneride? )) [22:09:30] Isaiah Willloughby: (( dikejar tadi, )) [22:09:31] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Suspect: [ Corleon Tempeny ] Reporter: [ Richie Slyvhaschultz ] [22:09:31] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Crime: [ Failure to Comply ] [22:09:42] [RADIO] PO-III Shaquille Alsheiraz: Officer III 10688 watch under 5-ADAM-3 as LINCOLN, clear from '20 Flint Range, Status 4 [22:09:48] [RADIO] PO-III Shaquille Alsheiraz: 5-LINCOLN-4 available for partner [22:09:48] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Suspect: [ Corleon Tempeny ] Reporter: [ Richie Slyvhaschultz ] [22:09:48] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Crime: [ Evading from Polices Stop ] [22:09:53] Isaiah Willloughby: (( trus diserempet, mobil lu miring dan kelanigt )) [22:09:54] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}{Dicari} Kapal ngebut harga miring ada? | CP: [22:09:54] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Zeljko Raznaovic{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}3832773{FF0000}] [22:09:58] Isaiah Willloughby: (( kebakar )) [22:10:01] [RADIO] PO-III Luiz Martinez: 3-ADAM-1, the charges is evading from polices, failure to comply, vehicular endangerment. [22:10:04] [RADIO] PO-III Shaquille Alsheiraz: Corrections, 5-LINCOLN-3 available for partner [22:10:07] Zharvis Westingler: (( soalnya tadi tuh masih mulus mobil engine nya )) [22:10:12] Isaiah Willloughby: (( iya )) [22:10:16] Teo Albert: (( delwyn )) [22:10:19] Isaiah Willloughby: (( tadi mulus banget )) [22:10:35] Lost connection to the server. Reconnecting.. [22:10:35] The server is restarting.. [22:10:35] Connecting to [22:10:41] The server didn't respond. Retrying.. [22:10:41] Connecting to [22:10:47] The server didn't respond. Retrying.. [22:10:47] Connecting to [22:10:53] The server didn't respond. Retrying.. [22:10:53] Connecting to [22:10:59] The server didn't respond. Retrying.. [22:10:59] Connecting to [22:10:59] Connected. Joining the game... [22:11:00] Connected to {B9C9BF}Jogjagamers Reality Project [22:11:03] {00ffff}SERVER:{ffffff} Selamat datang {ffff00}Zharvis_Westingler{ffffff}. [22:11:03] PAYCHECK: Pergi ke bank dan /signcheck untuk mendapatkan paycheck anda atau pergi ke salah satu ATM! [22:11:03] Faction MOTD: {FFFF00}Wajib respond semua 555/911 ! [22:11:03] MOTD: {ffff00}Kami telah memperbarui command '{00ffff}/help{ffff00}' ! - {ff0000}Ian [22:11:03] {00ffff}SERVER:{ffffff} Anda terakhir login {ffff00}1 jam yang lalu [22:11:03] {00ffff}SERVER: {ffffff}Today is {ffff00}Mon 09 Nov 2020, 22:11:04 [22:11:03] {00ffff}SERVER: {ffffff}Server memerlukan waktu {ffff00}134 milisecond{ffffff} untuk memuat data char anda! [22:11:08] Isaiah Willloughby: (( gimana? ))[22:11:09] {ff0000}Vanice: {ffffff}(( id 118 )) [22:11:11] RADIO: {FFFFFF}Radio callsign set to: {FFFF00}7-UNION-1 [22:11:11] VEHICLE: {FFFFFF}Seatbelts {00FF00}ON[22:11:13] Zharvis Westingler: (( ya? )) [22:11:13] {ff0000}Vanice: {ffffff}(( SS ini )) [22:11:16] {ff0000}Vanice: {ffffff}(( bukti meledak )) [22:11:17] Zharvis Westingler: (( oke )) [22:11:18] Screenshot Taken - sa-mp-081.png[22:11:18] {ff0000}Vanice: {ffffff}(( sama bukti jail )) [22:11:21] {ff0000}Vanice: {ffffff}(( terus request refund )) [22:11:28] Zharvis Westingler: (( oke )) [22:11:31] Screenshot Taken - sa-mp-082.png[22:11:31] {ff0000}Vanice: {ffffff}(( mention gue kalo di suruh sama admin yg respond refundnya )) [22:11:32] Isaiah Willloughby: (( maafin bang )) [22:11:38] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Suspect: [ Corleon Tempeny ] Reporter: [ Richie Slyvhaschultz ] [22:11:38] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Crime: [ Vehicular Endangerment ][22:11:40] AdmCmd: Isaiah_Willloughby has been warned by Vanice, Total warning: 1 [22:11:40] Reason: Meledakan kendaraan player lain tanpa alasan yang jelas. [22:11:54] AdmCmd: Vanice has jailed Isaiah_Willloughby for 60 minute(s) [22:11:54] Reason: Meledakan kendaraan player lain tanpa alasan yang jelas.[22:11:56] {ff0000}Vanice: {ffffff}(( dah )) [22:11:57] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}LD HomeStay-Tersedia kos kosan mewah fasilitas lengkap,lahan parkir kapal$mobil luas,Lokasi strategis,CP: [22:11:57] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Lrizz Dameville{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}960669{FF0000}] [22:11:58] Screenshot Taken - sa-mp-083.png [22:12:01] Zharvis Westingler: (( oke thanks )) Berikut adalah bukti chatlog: Spoiler [22:05:42] WARNING: {FFFFFF}Your {00FFFF}Infernus {FFFFFF}was destroyed by {FFFF00}[305] Isaiah_Willloughby [22:05:49] Screenshot Taken - sa-mp-080.png [22:05:50] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[SELL] Cabbie murah!! Mods Spoiler Modif Pelk N20 [22:05:50] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Noval Rhamadhan{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}5495301{FF0000}] [22:05:53] (( PM to [305] Isaiah_Willloughby: maksudnya apa? )) [22:05:55] [ID:305] {FFFFFF}Isaiah_Willloughby (level 1), Ping: 33, Online time: 46 seconds, Client: 0.3.DL-R1, Packetloss: 2.4 [22:05:55] INSURANCE: {FFFFFF}Your {00FFFF}Infernus {FFFFFF}has been destroyed, your replacement will be ready on {FFFF00}Tue 10 Nov 2020, 22:05:56 [22:05:59] (( PM from [305] Isaiah_Willloughby: ditabrak duneride )) [22:06:04] (( PM from [305] Isaiah_Willloughby: mental )) [22:06:17] REPORT: {ffffff}Your report has been issued to the queue, use '{ffff00}/reports{ffffff}' to see your report [22:06:36] RESPOND: {ff0000}Vanice {FFFFCC}has responded to your report [22:06:42] [ID:305] {FFFFFF}Isaiah_Willloughby (level 1), Ping: 53, Online time: a minute, Client: 0.3.DL-R1, Packetloss: 2.1 [22:06:51] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[SELL] Cheetah 2insu 2up tawarkan harga terbaik mu cp aja kalau minat [22:06:51] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Alison Ichsan{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}6495921{FF0000}] [22:06:53] [RADIO] PO-I Ethan Walsh: 1-ADAM-1 to initiator last TAC-1, requesting the charges of the suspect please, over. [22:06:57] TELEPORT: {FFFF00}Jahmire_Barksdale {FFFFFF}has teleported to you! [22:07:02] {ff0000}Vanice: {ffffff}(( wait )) [22:07:14] [RADIO] PO-II Richie Slyvhaschultz: 3-ADAM-2 to initiator, need charges for suspect '61 IC2 male. [22:07:16] Zharvis Westingler: (( lvl 1 dia )) [22:07:18] Zharvis Westingler: (( [22:05:42] WARNING: YFFF}InfFFFF}Infernus was destroyed by [305] Isaiah_Willloughby )) [22:07:21] {ff0000}Vanice: {ffffff}(( id 305 )) [22:07:26] Isaiah Willloughby: (( iya ditabrak duneride mental )) [22:07:40] Isaiah Willloughby: (( mask 859406 )) [22:07:46] [RADIO] PO-II Hans Constantine: 6-DAVID-12 pull-out from last TAC-1 continue, STATUS-4. [22:07:47] Isaiah Willloughby: (( mask 859046 )) [22:07:48] {ff0000}Vanice: {ffffff}(( secara tidak lansugn, lu udah ngeledakin punya nya id 191 )) [22:07:52] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[SELL] Cheetah 2Insu 2Up || Warna Pinki || Tawarkan harga terbaikmu!!! [22:07:52] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Gye Dhusik{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}695555{FF0000}] [22:07:55] {ff0000}Vanice: {ffffff}(( itu kesalahan lu )) [22:07:56] Isaiah Willloughby: (( iya, sesuai rules aja min. )) [22:07:56] [RADIO] PO-III Jeremy Clawford: 6-RAPID-3, who was initiate the last situation? [22:08:07] [RADIO] Sergeant II Jerrold Ignazio: 4-LINCOLN-3, negative. [22:08:08] {ff0000}Vanice: {ffffff}(( lu nyuri kendaraan orang, tanggun jawab itu kendaraan meledak ato ga nya ada di lu )) [22:08:08] Zharvis Westingler: (( tujuan rp maling mobil lu apa? )) [22:08:09] [RADIO] PO-II Richie Slyvhaschultz: 3-ADAM-2 to initiator last TAC-1, need charges for suspect '61 IC2 male. [22:08:09] [RADIO] PO-III Luiz Martinez: 3-ADAM-1 as iniatiator, wait please 10-7. [22:08:12] {ff0000}Vanice: {ffffff}(( kalo meledak ya lu yg salah )) [22:08:13] Zharvis Westingler: (( cuma iseng muter2 gk jelas? )) [22:08:16] {ff0000}Vanice: {ffffff}(( tuh )) [22:08:19] {ff0000}Vanice: {ffffff}(( ditanyain )) [22:08:20] {ff0000}Vanice: {ffffff}(( tujuan lu apa )) [22:08:27] Isaiah Willloughby: (( engga, tadi mau nyari kendaraan. )) [22:08:28] [RADIO] PO-III Jeremy Clawford: 6-RAPID-3 to 3-ADAM-1, you are incharge for this situation, don't forget to drop the charges. [22:08:32] {ff0000}Vanice: {ffffff}(( sesuai rules, tapi lo ada akun level 14 )) [22:08:38] [RADIO] PO-II Daichi Matsuyama: 4-ADAM-2 10-99 from 10-55 and back to status four, over. [22:08:40] {ff0000}Vanice: {ffffff}(( dan lu iseng pake akun kecil buat ngerusuh gitu? )) [22:08:40] (( Carlos Canizales: brb )) [22:08:43] Isaiah Willloughby: (( ditabrak mobil duneride min )) [22:08:48] [RADIO] PO-III Luiz Martinez: 3-ADAM-1, Copy. [22:08:53] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[SELL] stratum insu 3 up 2 full modift harga dealer aja CP [22:08:53] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Syahrur Madan{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}550074{FF0000}] [22:08:54] Isaiah Willloughby: (( ini akun buat rp an nigga )) [22:08:57] [RADIO] PO-III Shaquille Alsheiraz: Officer III 10688 take status 2 [22:08:59] Non-Emergency: Caller: [ Jose_Snow ] Phone: [ 486636 ] [22:08:59] Message: Police saya mau membukak garis police line di flat saya. [22:09:15] Isaiah Willloughby: (( tapi, gua terima semua konsekuensi )) [22:09:25] Zharvis Westingler: (( emg ditabrak gimana? berkali kali? ramming? )) [22:09:25] [RADIO] PO-I Anthony Devhylschaltz: 3-METRO-1 '99 from CODE 7 back to Status 4. [22:09:30] Zharvis Westingler: (( sama duneride? )) [22:09:30] Isaiah Willloughby: (( dikejar tadi, )) [22:09:31] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Suspect: [ Corleon Tempeny ] Reporter: [ Richie Slyvhaschultz ] [22:09:31] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Crime: [ Failure to Comply ] [22:09:42] [RADIO] PO-III Shaquille Alsheiraz: Officer III 10688 watch under 5-ADAM-3 as LINCOLN, clear from '20 Flint Range, Status 4 [22:09:48] [RADIO] PO-III Shaquille Alsheiraz: 5-LINCOLN-4 available for partner [22:09:48] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Suspect: [ Corleon Tempeny ] Reporter: [ Richie Slyvhaschultz ] [22:09:48] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Crime: [ Evading from Polices Stop ] [22:09:53] Isaiah Willloughby: (( trus diserempet, mobil lu miring dan kelanigt )) [22:09:54] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}{Dicari} Kapal ngebut harga miring ada? | CP: [22:09:54] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Zeljko Raznaovic{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}3832773{FF0000}] [22:09:58] Isaiah Willloughby: (( kebakar )) [22:10:01] [RADIO] PO-III Luiz Martinez: 3-ADAM-1, the charges is evading from polices, failure to comply, vehicular endangerment. [22:10:04] [RADIO] PO-III Shaquille Alsheiraz: Corrections, 5-LINCOLN-3 available for partner [22:10:07] Zharvis Westingler: (( soalnya tadi tuh masih mulus mobil engine nya )) [22:10:12] Isaiah Willloughby: (( iya )) [22:10:16] Teo Albert: (( delwyn )) [22:10:19] Isaiah Willloughby: (( tadi mulus banget )) [22:10:35] Lost connection to the server. Reconnecting.. [22:10:35] The server is restarting.. [22:10:35] Connecting to [22:10:41] The server didn't respond. Retrying.. [22:10:41] Connecting to [22:10:47] The server didn't respond. Retrying.. [22:10:47] Connecting to [22:10:53] The server didn't respond. Retrying.. [22:10:53] Connecting to [22:10:59] The server didn't respond. Retrying.. [22:10:59] Connecting to [22:10:59] Connected. Joining the game... [22:11:00] Connected to {B9C9BF}Jogjagamers Reality Project [22:11:03] {00ffff}SERVER:{ffffff} Selamat datang {ffff00}Zharvis_Westingler{ffffff}. [22:11:03] PAYCHECK: Pergi ke bank dan /signcheck untuk mendapatkan paycheck anda atau pergi ke salah satu ATM! [22:11:03] Faction MOTD: {FFFF00}Wajib respond semua 555/911 ! [22:11:03] MOTD: {ffff00}Kami telah memperbarui command '{00ffff}/help{ffff00}' ! - {ff0000}Ian [22:11:03] {00ffff}SERVER:{ffffff} Anda terakhir login {ffff00}1 jam yang lalu [22:11:03] {00ffff}SERVER: {ffffff}Today is {ffff00}Mon 09 Nov 2020, 22:11:04 [22:11:03] {00ffff}SERVER: {ffffff}Server memerlukan waktu {ffff00}134 milisecond{ffffff} untuk memuat data char anda! [22:11:08] Isaiah Willloughby: (( gimana? )) [22:11:09] {ff0000}Vanice: {ffffff}(( id 118 )) [22:11:11] RADIO: {FFFFFF}Radio callsign set to: {FFFF00}7-UNION-1 [22:11:11] VEHICLE: {FFFFFF}Seatbelts {00FF00}ON [22:11:13] Zharvis Westingler: (( ya? )) [22:11:13] {ff0000}Vanice: {ffffff}(( SS ini )) [22:11:16] {ff0000}Vanice: {ffffff}(( bukti meledak )) [22:11:17] Zharvis Westingler: (( oke )) [22:11:18] Screenshot Taken - sa-mp-081.png [22:11:18] {ff0000}Vanice: {ffffff}(( sama bukti jail )) [22:11:21] {ff0000}Vanice: {ffffff}(( terus request refund )) [22:11:28] Zharvis Westingler: (( oke )) [22:11:31] Screenshot Taken - sa-mp-082.png [22:11:31] {ff0000}Vanice: {ffffff}(( mention gue kalo di suruh sama admin yg respond refundnya )) [22:11:32] Isaiah Willloughby: (( maafin bang )) [22:11:38] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Suspect: [ Corleon Tempeny ] Reporter: [ Richie Slyvhaschultz ] [22:11:38] CRIME REPORT: {00ffff}Crime: [ Vehicular Endangerment ] [22:11:40] AdmCmd: Isaiah_Willloughby has been warned by Vanice, Total warning: 1 [22:11:40] Reason: Meledakan kendaraan player lain tanpa alasan yang jelas. [22:11:54] AdmCmd: Vanice has jailed Isaiah_Willloughby for 60 minute(s) [22:11:54] Reason: Meledakan kendaraan player lain tanpa alasan yang jelas. [22:11:56] {ff0000}Vanice: {ffffff}(( dah )) [22:11:57] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}LD HomeStay-Tersedia kos kosan mewah fasilitas lengkap,lahan parkir kapal$mobil luas,Lokasi strategis,CP: [22:11:57] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Lrizz Dameville{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}960669{FF0000}] [22:11:58] Screenshot Taken - sa-mp-083.png [22:12:01] Zharvis Westingler: (( oke thanks ))
$Mariorianto18$ Posted November 9, 2020 Posted November 9, 2020 Accepted, akan diprosess oleh High Admin
mafarid Posted November 14, 2020 Posted November 14, 2020 Accepted, silahkan ke tempat asuransi lalu gunakan command '/autorefund' untuk menclaim refund ini secara automatis
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