Ducksheet Posted November 9, 2020 Posted November 9, 2020 Nama pelapor: Rutherford_Cadwallder Nama pelanggar: Cecep_Santoso Peraturan yang dilanggar: OOC Insult Apa yang terjadi: Pada saat saya menjadi mechanic di MV ada seorang trucker yang mau membetulkan trucknya dengan cara tidak sopan. Saya menyuruh dia untuk buka kap truck karna di lock, saya gak bisa buka sendiri tanpa owner trucknya yang buka. Tapi dia malah bilang di ooc chat dengan kata kasar (ada di ss dan chatlog). Bukti: Bukti Screenshoot: Spoiler Bukti Chatlog: Spoiler [12:49:39] {FFFFFF}SA-MP {B9C9BF}0.3.7-R4 {FFFFFF}Started [12:49:42] Connecting to [12:49:44] Connected. Joining the game... [12:49:45] Connected to {B9C9BF}Jogjagamers Reality Project [12:49:53] {00ffff}SERVER:{ffffff} Selamat datang {ffff00}Rutherford_Cadwallder{ffffff}. [12:49:53] MOTD: {ffff00}Kami telah memperbarui command '{00ffff}/help{ffff00}' ! - {ff0000}Ian [12:49:53] {00ffff}SERVER:{ffffff} Anda terakhir login {ffff00}33 menit yang lalu [12:49:56] {00ffff}SERVER: {ffffff}Today is {ffff00}Mon 09 Nov 2020, 12:49:52 [12:49:56] {00ffff}SERVER: {ffffff}Server memerlukan waktu {ffff00}153 milisecond{ffffff} untuk memuat data char anda! [12:49:56] VEHICLE: {FFFFFF}Your {00FFFF}Bullet {FFFFFF}has been {FFFF00}despawned {FFFFFF}for being in a Hot Parking Zone. [12:49:56] VEHICLE: {FFFFFF}Your {00FFFF}Sultan {FFFFFF}has been {FFFF00}despawned {FFFFFF}due to conflict with other vehicle. [12:50:02] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[TRADE] Cheetah 3insu 2up dengan SuperGT atau Elegy yang setara,CP: [12:50:02] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Bread Hudshon{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}2525966{FF0000}] [12:50:09] VEHICLE: {FFFFFF}Your {00FFFF}Sultan {FFFFFF}has been spawned back into the world! [12:50:14] ERROR: Selected vehicle is upside-down [12:50:19] ENGINEINFO: Mesin masih mati, tekan tombol {FF0000}LMB{BFC0C2} atau command /engine untuk menghidupkannya. [12:50:21] ENGINE: Anda mencoba untuk menghidupkan Mesin. [12:50:24] VEHICLE: {FFFFFF}You have {00FF00}successfully {FFFFFF}started the vehicle engine. [12:50:31] VEHICLE: {FFFFFF}Lights {00FF00}ON [12:51:02] Wadblau Ramadhan says: Ga bisa kurang? [12:51:03] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[Professor's Hotel] Menyediakan penginapan dan pelayanan terbaik di Los Santos. @Elcorona. [12:51:03] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Antoneo Angelo{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}220599{FF0000}] [12:51:05] ERROR: You need at least 50 components to join this job! [12:51:06] done ((Clarra Agahta)) [12:51:06] * Punto Alfahmi examine veh [12:51:06] Andrena Demons says: Bisa berapa? [12:51:11] Andrena Demons: (( miss )) [12:51:12] Martin Carlson says: makasih mbak [12:51:14] Clarra Agahta says: oke [12:51:17] Elioenai Castro: (( kap )) [12:51:19] Wadblau Ramadhan says: 85 Mau? [12:51:19] MECHANIC: {FFFF00}Clarra_Agahta {FFFFFF}has started examining your {00FFFF}Sultan [12:51:20] Elioenai Castro says: apaan mas? [12:51:21] * Andrew Smith Start the engine with right hand. [12:51:25] * Clarra Agahta examining veh [12:51:27] Rutherford Cadwallder says: Mesin body [12:51:29] Punto Alfahmi says: 55$ brow [12:51:29] * Elioenai Castro exame veh [12:51:30] Andrena Demons says: Hmm 90 kalau bisa ini dah mesin body lho [12:51:31] MECHANIC: {FFFF00}Elioenai_Castro {FFFFFF}has started examining your {00FFFF}Sultan [12:51:33] Fildan Alinsyirah says: Oke [12:51:37] Salvatore Tremanolli says: 160? [12:51:40] Andrena Demons says: Rusak parah mas soalnya [12:51:44] Clarra Agahta says: 35$ [12:51:45] * Fildan Alinsyirah Membeikan uang kepada mekanik [12:51:45] Wadblau Ramadhan says: Yaudah deh. [12:51:47] Andrena Demons says: Ok [12:51:52] MECHANIC: {FFFFFF}Finished examining vehicle {00FFFF}Sultan [12:51:52] NOTE: {FFFFFF}You are now able to use '{FFFF00}/vehmenu{FFFFFF}' on this vehicle [12:51:53] Wadblau Ramadhan says: Antar saya ke atm terdekat bisa? [12:51:53] Elioenai Castro says: 254 [12:51:55] Salvatore Tremanolli says: 2 up 330 kan? [12:51:57] Andrena Demons says: Astaga [12:51:58] Rutherford Cadwallder says: Mesin body [12:51:58] Andrena Demons says: Bisa [12:51:59] Elioenai Castro says: 25$ [12:52:00] Andrena Demons says: Sini [12:52:01] * Punto Alfahmi repair engine with mechanic tools and wrench [12:52:04] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[SELL] taxi cabbie 500 minat? call [12:52:04] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Shizuya Akamado{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}7671016{FF0000}] [12:52:06] proces ((Punto Alfahmi)) [12:52:09] Rutherford Cadwallder says: Mesin body gak? [12:52:11] * Salvatore Tremanolli membayar mekanik dengan tangan kanan [12:52:13] Elioenai Castro says: 25$ [12:52:14] Myuno Nakano Shouts: ada yang mau Repair or Repaint?! [12:52:15] Elioenai Castro says: iya [12:52:18] * Robert Hutchence take it's and save to pocket. [12:52:19] * Myuno Nakano Memeriksa kondisi kendaraan dengan teliti [12:52:21] * Rutherford Cadwallder Give some money to Eli [12:52:23] * James Remous memeriksa mesin mobil di depan dengan alat mekanik [12:52:23] done ((Punto Alfahmi)) [12:52:25] Salvatore Tremanolli says: Iya [12:52:27] * Michael Curtis mengecek kendaraan [12:52:27] Salvatore Tremanolli says: 2 up [12:52:29] PAYINFO: {FFFFFF}You've paid {00FF00}.00 {FFFFFF}to {FFFF00}Elioenai Castro [12:52:30] Jesyln Luvenia says: Maaf lama ya [12:52:31] Michael Curtis says: mau apa om [12:52:32] * Robert Hutchence memeriksa kondisi mobil. [12:52:33] * Punto Alfahmi repair body with mechanic tools and wrench [12:52:34] Robert Hutchence says: Oke. [12:52:34] * Elioenai Castro take it [12:52:35] Michael Radalovic says: Repair. [12:52:35] Jesyln Luvenia: (( mobil abis leduk kena bug soalnya koawkoaw )) [12:52:36] Michael Curtis says: mesbod? [12:52:37] Done. ((Robert Hutchence)) [12:52:38] proces ((Punto Alfahmi)) [12:52:41] Michael Radalovic says: Mesin aja. [12:52:45] Michael Radalovic says: Body aman. [12:52:45] Michael Curtis says: oke om [12:52:48] Rutherford Cadwallder says: Gak rugi tuh? [12:52:49] * Elioenai Castro membenarkan mesin dengan alat mekanik. [12:52:54] MECHANIC: {FFFF00}Elioenai_Castro {FFFFFF}has started on your {00FFFF}Sultan {FFFFFF}engine repair. [12:52:54] Mask 155496 says: Oh udah balik. [12:52:55] Rutherford Cadwallder says: 68 component [12:52:55] Mask 155496: (( wkwkwk )) [12:52:57] Michael Curtis says: 20 aja om [12:52:57] Mask 155496: (( ngebug kenapa? )) [12:52:59] process ((Elioenai Castro)) [12:53:00] done ((Punto Alfahmi)) [12:53:02] Punto Alfahmi says: udah [12:53:02] Michael Radalovic says: Sebentar. [12:53:05] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[S/T] Linerunner 3 insu 2 up Mesin sehat solar banyak 2,7K nego tipis atau tukar dengan ZR/Flash [12:53:05] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Fabio Malkandrov{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}329720{FF0000}] [12:53:06] Michael Curtis says: iya [12:53:17] Punto Alfahmi Shouts: ada yang mau up ??! [12:53:19] Jesyln Luvenia: (( ada taxi gjls )) [12:53:25] (( PM to [118] Elioenai_Castro: jangan keseringan ambil di bawah component om, ntar di report orang )) [12:53:26] Mask 155496: (( walah )) [12:53:29] Mask 155496: (( yang sabar )) [12:53:29] Jesyln Luvenia: (( udah tiap hari markir disitu )) [12:53:33] done ((Elioenai Castro)) [12:53:33] * Robert Hutchence mengganti mesin lama dengan mesin baru yang kuat dan bertenaga. [12:53:34] Mask 155496: (( WKWKWK )) [12:53:35] Jesyln Luvenia: (( )) [12:53:36] Michael Radalovic says: Ga kurang? [12:53:39] * Jesyln Luvenia Installing engine upgrade with mechanic tools and slowly [12:53:40] * Myuno Nakano Repair engine with mechanic tools and component [12:53:45] Michael Curtis says: 18 deh om [12:53:46] Victor Laporte says: ba [12:53:48] Michael Radalovic says: Oke. [12:53:55] Jesyln Luvenia says: Iya [12:53:56] Victor Laporte says: Temen Ibny kan ? [12:53:58] Jesyln Luvenia says: Iya [12:53:59] Dicky Ohang says: aya [12:54:00] * Elioenai Castro membenarkan body mobil sultan dengan alat mekanik [12:54:04] * Michael Curtis merepair mesin [12:54:05] Victor Laporte says: Up mobil ku dong [12:54:06] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[SELL] SULTAN 2ins 4up FullMod K Net no Trade. CP : [12:54:06] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Dandy Cleverson{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}980000{FF0000}] [12:54:10] MECHANIC: {FFFF00}Elioenai_Castro {FFFFFF}has started on your {00FFFF}Sultan {FFFFFF}body repair. [12:54:12] Jesyln Luvenia Shouts: Oke abis ini! [12:54:15] Punto Alfahmi Shouts: ada yang mau up ??! [12:54:16] Victor Laporte says: Ada yang bisa Up? [12:54:18] proces. ((Elioenai Castro)) [12:54:20] Done repair engine ((Myuno Nakano)) [12:54:22] Punto Alfahmi says: saya bisa [12:54:29] * Myuno Nakano Repair body with mechanic tools and component [12:54:30] Victor Laporte says: NIh mas [12:54:35] Punto Alfahmi says: berapa up [12:54:36] Victor Laporte says: Mobil jelek ini [12:54:40] Punto Alfahmi says: anjir jelek [12:54:41] Victor Laporte says: Full up [12:54:46] Michael Curtis says: beres om [12:54:46] Ryuichi Kaidou [phone]: nanti saya kabarin lagi [12:54:47] Myuno Nakano Shouts: Ada yang butuh repair or repaint?! [12:54:47] Michael Radalovic says: Oke, makasih. [12:54:48] done. ((Elioenai Castro)) [12:54:49] Jesyln Luvenia Shouts: sini temenya ibnu! [12:54:50] Jesyln Luvenia Shouts: sini temenya ibnu! [12:54:51] Punto Alfahmi says: full up ? [12:54:52] Jesyln Luvenia Shouts: ama saya aja! [12:54:52] Michael Curtis says: sama sama om [12:54:54] Jesyln Luvenia Shouts: ama saya aja! [12:54:55] Punto Alfahmi says: 650 [12:54:56] Jesyln Luvenia Shouts: sini temenya ibnu! [12:54:56] Victor Laporte says: eh [12:54:56] Elioenai Castro says: Udah mas. [12:54:58] Victor Laporte says: 2 up ae lah [12:55:04] Punto Alfahmi says: 2 up 330 [12:55:04] Victor Laporte says: Gak ada duit lagi gua [12:55:07] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[B dan S] Sell BF 400 3insu 1up dan Buy ZR 350 Anyinsu anyup dana ada [12:55:07] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Darren Drake{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}193420{FF0000}] [12:55:07] * Mask 454568 memberikan uang ke mekanik [12:55:08] Done repair body ((Myuno Nakano)) [12:55:09] Myuno Nakano Shouts: Ada yang butuh repair or repaint?! [12:56:08] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[BUY] House at Jefferson & El Corona, have a parking lot, call me. [12:56:08] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Reinette Estephanie{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}3377{FF0000}] [12:57:09] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[SELL] Flat High Loc di FF dekor by noah Harga? SMS aja!! [12:57:09] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Rodrigo Copeland{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}1010363{FF0000}] [12:57:50] GPSINFO: You have arrived! [12:57:54] VEHICLE: {FFFFFF}Your {00FFFF}Bullet {FFFFFF}has been spawned back into the world! [12:58:00] ENGINEINFO: Mesin masih mati, tekan tombol {FF0000}LMB{BFC0C2} atau command /engine untuk menghidupkannya. [12:58:02] ENGINE: Anda mencoba untuk menghidupkan Mesin. [12:58:05] VEHICLE: {FFFFFF}Handbrakes {FF0000}disengaged [12:58:05] VEHICLE: {FFFFFF}You have {00FF00}successfully {FFFFFF}started the vehicle engine. [12:58:10] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[SELL] RoadTrain 3insu 0up modif:nos,velg Harga dealer aja,Minat? CP: [12:58:10] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Armando Guerrero{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}1110482{FF0000}] [12:58:48] AdmCmd: Braxton_Chen has been kicked by Mariorianto18. [12:58:48] Reason: AFK [12:58:57] Syarif Kareeem [phone]: dimana bnag [12:58:58] Mask 768151 says: oke sans [12:59:03] TRUNK: {FFFFFF}Trunk data is being loaded, please wait. [12:59:10] KEGUNAAN: /buycomponent [amount > 0] [12:59:11] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[DICARI] Flatbed ada insurance dan ada up, harga ?, SMS saya saja [12:59:11] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Hiraku Ryoichi{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}174444{FF0000}] [12:59:12] KEGUNAAN: /buycomponent [amount > 0] [12:59:16] MECHINFO: Anda telah membeli 250 komponen kendaraan dengan harga 5.00 [12:59:18] ERROR: Tidak bisa membawa lebih dari 250 komponen! [12:59:22] MECHINFO: Anda telah membeli 10 komponen kendaraan dengan harga .00 [12:59:31] MECHINFO: Anda telah membeli 70 komponen kendaraan dengan harga .00 [12:59:37] MECHINFO: Anda telah membeli 9 komponen kendaraan dengan harga .50 [12:59:39] Michael Yu says: bentar [12:59:44] AdmCmd: UCP account ashiapeverything has been blocked by Scumbag. [12:59:44] Reason: Sesuai permintaan yang punya. [12:59:44] TRUNK: {FFFFFF}You've stored {FFFF00}100 unit(s) of component {FFFFFF}into the trunk of {00FFFF}Bullet [12:59:47] TRUNK: {FFFFFF}You've stored {FFFF00}100 unit(s) of component {FFFFFF}into the trunk of {00FFFF}Bullet [12:59:49] TRUNK: {FFFFFF}You've stored {FFFF00}100 unit(s) of component {FFFFFF}into the trunk of {00FFFF}Bullet [12:59:57] MECHINFO: Anda telah membeli 250 komponen kendaraan dengan harga 5.00 [12:59:59] MECHINFO: Anda telah membeli 50 komponen kendaraan dengan harga .00 [13:00:07] TRUNK: {FFFFFF}You've stored {FFFF00}100 unit(s) of component {FFFFFF}into the trunk of {00FFFF}Bullet [13:00:09] TRUNK: {FFFFFF}You've stored {FFFF00}100 unit(s) of component {FFFFFF}into the trunk of {00FFFF}Bullet [13:00:12] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[FIND]Infernus any insu any up. Just call me. CP: [13:00:12] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Gavin Anderson{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}3445{FF0000}] [13:00:18] MECHINFO: Anda telah membeli 200 komponen kendaraan dengan harga 0.00 [13:01:13] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}(SELL) Elegy 3insu 2up fullmodif+rollbar 4,5k negoin aja [13:01:13] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Franky Olsam{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}210060{FF0000}] [13:01:15] Iwan Nurramdani says: itu sama di atm [13:01:24] ENGINE: Anda telah mematikan Mesin. [13:01:26] ENGINE: Anda mencoba untuk menghidupkan Mesin. [13:01:29] VEHICLE: {FFFFFF}You have {00FF00}successfully {FFFFFF}started the vehicle engine. [13:01:31] JOBDUTY: Anda sekarang on-duty sebagai mekanik! [13:01:45] WARNING: {FFFFFF}Owned vehicle parked inside hot parking zone will be despawned in {00FF00}10 minutes [13:01:51] Rutherford Cadwallder says: Upgrade? [13:01:52] * Matthias Rindmann installing upgrade engine with new engine bore up and reinforced [13:01:53] Iwan Nurramdani says: oke nanti aja kerja dulu om [13:01:55] AdmCmd: Anto_Sudirman has been warned by wakdolaa, Total warning: 10 [13:01:55] Reason: /q saat kendaraan kebalik. [13:01:56] Rutherford Cadwallder Shouts: Ada yang mau upgrade?! [13:01:57] Bobby Newell says: saya ada 130 tambah compo bisa ga sekalian up body? [13:01:58] process ((Matthias Rindmann)) [13:01:58] Azi Zain Shouts: repair! [13:02:09] Bobby Newell says: oke [13:02:10] Azi Zain Shouts: repair! [13:02:13] Matthias Rindmann says: nambah duit tapi [13:02:14] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[FIND] Flat bebas Harga 6k CP kalok ada [13:02:14] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Curtis Andreaz{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}7780{FF0000}] [13:02:20] Azi Zain Shouts: repair! [13:02:22] Rutherford Cadwallder Shouts: Mesin body, Upgrade, Repaint?! [13:02:23] 1/3 ((Matthias Rindmann)) [13:02:26] Mask 768151 says: iya [13:02:30] Alex William says: save la mas 511511 [13:02:30] AdmCmd: wakdolaa has jailed Anto_Sudirman for 180 minute(s) [13:02:30] Reason: /q saat kendaraan kebalik + 10 warning. [13:02:31] Michael Yu says: kalo iya 60 saja [13:02:38] Azi Zain says: body aja [13:02:39] * Rutherford Cadwallder Mengecheck kondisi truck [13:02:45] * Michael Yu memperbaiki body [13:02:47] ERROR: Unknown command, see '/help' [13:02:48] KEGUNAAN: /look [1-4] [13:02:53] MECHANIC: {FFFFFF}Finished examining vehicle {00FFFF}Flatbed [13:02:53] NOTE: {FFFFFF}You are now able to use '{FFFF00}/vehmenu{FFFFFF}' on this vehicle [13:02:58] Rutherford Cadwallder says: [13:03:03] AdmCmd: UCP account Dajjal_Slayer has been blocked by mafarid. [13:03:03] Reason: emang lu dajjal, cheater [13:03:04] Azi Zain says: 10 deh [13:03:04] * Rutherford Cadwallder take it [13:03:07] Rutherford Cadwallder says: waduh [13:03:10] Johanes_Stephenson telah keluar dari server. (Terputus/Crash) [13:03:11] Rutherford Cadwallder says: pas pasan hehe [13:03:12] PAYINFO: {FFFFFF}You've received {00FF00}.00 {FFFFFF}from {FFFF00}Azi Zain [13:03:15] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[FIND] Kapal untuk mancing | bisa cp nomer di bawah [13:03:15] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Miko Julli{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}2403332{FF0000}] [13:03:15] Azi Zain says: gas [13:03:15] 2/3 ((Matthias Rindmann)) [13:03:18] AdmCmd: Anto_Sudirman has been warned by wakdolaa, Total warning: 11 [13:03:18] Reason: Bad OOC attitude. [13:03:21] * Rutherford Cadwallder Repair body truck using mechanic tools [13:03:38] MECHANIC: {FFFFFF}You've used {FFFF00}12 components {FFFFFF}to repair the body of the {00FFFF}Flatbed [13:03:39] done ((Rutherford Cadwallder)) [13:03:42] Natasha Olivia says: tunggu aja dah [13:03:43] Azi Zain says: dah? [13:03:45] AdmCmd: Anto_Sudirman has been banned by wakdolaa for 7 day(s). [13:03:45] Reason: Bad OOC attitude. [13:03:45] Michael Yu says: iye [13:04:14] Rutherford Cadwallder Shouts: Upgade, Engine and Body, Repaint, Neon ?! [13:04:16] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}BUY Kendaraan dana 7k ada?:CP [13:04:16] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Haico Rossenberg{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}141405{FF0000}] [13:04:37] 3/3 ((Matthias Rindmann)) [13:04:40] done ((Matthias Rindmann)) [13:04:42] Matthias Rindmann says: dah om [13:05:03] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [13:05:03] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 141405 [13:05:03] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Sultan [13:05:06] ERROR: No player found with 'Haico' [13:05:17] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[BUY] Rumah satu garasi, yang paling murah sms : [13:05:17] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Aland Grissham{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}121208{FF0000}] [13:05:27] AdmCmd: IP has been banned by mafarid. [13:05:27] Reason: Cheater [13:05:48] Rutherford Cadwallder Shouts: Upgade, Engine and Body, Repaint, Neon ?! [13:06:18] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}W.G SportShop FC | DISKON! Pancingan-Mask-Alat Olahraga Murah Murah Dan Berkualitas! | Lokasi: Fort Carson Sebelah Bar [13:06:18] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Andrew Marjorie{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}2256{FF0000}] [13:06:41] SALARY: {ffffff}Your salary statement has been updated, please check command {ffff00}'/mysalary' [13:06:46] HUD: {FFFFFF}Player HUD is {FF0000}hidden [13:06:47] Rutherford Cadwallder Shouts: Upgade, Engine and Body, Repaint, Neon ?! [13:06:57] Alex William says: kap [13:06:58] Rutherford Cadwallder says: Upgrade mas? [13:07:01] * Alex William examining veh [13:07:04] Natasha Olivia says: haha [13:07:08] Natasha Olivia says: lagian [13:07:13] Alex William says: repair mas? [13:07:19] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[SELL] Flatbed 2 Insu 2 Up Price : 800$ Aja | [SELL] Linerunner 3 Insu 2 Up Price : 2,5K Aja Minat ? CP Now !!! [13:07:19] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Clifford Alexander{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}500699{FF0000}] [13:07:22] Mask 781227 says: Pake tanda pengenal dulu. [13:07:25] Johanes Stephenson: (( ngecrash duh )) [13:07:26] Khazana Akash says: `/ID CLIFF [13:07:27] Khazana Akash says: )) [13:07:36] Johanes Stephenson says: om [13:07:37] AdmCmd: javaID has jailed Derryl_Lachmann for 1 minute(s) [13:07:37] Reason: Bug [13:07:46] AdmCmd: John_Gates has been kicked by bbysyaaaad. [13:07:47] Reason: Level 3 tidak bisa membedakan '/ask'. [13:07:58] VEHICLE: {FFFFFF}Your {00FFFF}Sultan {FFFFFF}has been despawned due to being parked in a hot zone for 10 minutes [13:08:07] Natasha Olivia says: lah mobil disini anjir [13:08:13] ENGINE: Anda telah mematikan Mesin. [13:08:16] WARNING: {FFFFFF}Owned vehicle parked inside hot parking zone will be despawned in {00FF00}10 minutes [13:08:20] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[LEOBUILDER] Ingin mempercantik / memperindah hunian anda? HUB me! [13:08:20] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Leonard Hudson{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}1405990{FF0000}] [13:08:36] MECHANIC: {FFFFFF}Finished examining vehicle {00FFFF}Bullet [13:08:36] NOTE: {FFFFFF}You are now able to use '{FFFF00}/vehmenu{FFFFFF}' on this vehicle [13:08:48] * Rutherford Cadwallder Repair engine vehicle using mechanic tools [13:08:54] Alex William says: jadi ga [13:08:54] Mask 781227 says: Tanda pengenal dulu. [13:09:04] * Michael Yu mengecek keadaan mobil uranus [13:09:06] MECHANIC: {FFFFFF}You've used {FFFF00}70 components {FFFFFF}to repair the engine of the {00FFFF}Bullet [13:09:06] Alex William says: ane ini udah 5 tahun [13:09:10] Mask 781227 says: Ga ada tanda pengenal MC mana saya bisa percaya. [13:09:10] Alex William says: di sini [13:09:14] Alex William says: lah tunggu sini [13:09:21] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[SELL]ROADTRAIN 2 Insu 2 up,fullmod WS Jual CEPET 2,5K NET CP SEKARANG KEBURU SOLD! [13:09:21] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}George Duncan{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}1928537{FF0000}] [13:09:22] * Rutherford Cadwallder Repair body vehicle using mechanic tools [13:09:25] selesai ((Michael Yu)) [13:09:29] Mask 781227 says: Mas. [13:09:31] MECHANIC: {FFFFFF}You've used {FFFF00}30 components {FFFFFF}to repair the body of the {00FFFF}Bullet [13:09:34] Mask 781227 says: Benerin sadler dong [13:09:36] * Michael Yu memperbaiki mesin mobil [13:09:36] Rutherford Cadwallder says: Mas [13:09:39] Johanes Stephenson says: berapa mas [13:09:41] Rutherford Cadwallder Shouts: Sini mas! [13:09:44] Natasha Olivia says: 60 kan tadi [13:09:52] Alex William says: nih [13:09:54] Bobby Newell says: bang rindaman [13:09:54] * Matthias Rindmann examine veh [13:09:56] * Rutherford Cadwallder Mengecheck kondisi moobil [13:09:56] Alex William says: dah jelas ane 5 tahun di sini [13:09:57] Bobby Newell says: up lagi bang [13:10:01] Alex William says: kocak [13:10:02] MECHANIC: {FFFFFF}Finished examining vehicle {00FFFF}Sadler [13:10:02] NOTE: {FFFFFF}You are now able to use '{FFFF00}/vehmenu{FFFFFF}' on this vehicle [13:10:03] Matthias Rindmann says: yok [13:10:04] Michael Yu Shouts: pantek ganggu! [13:10:10] Mask 781227 says: Percuma 5 tahun ga peke sragam MV gua ga bakal percaya. [13:10:10] selesai ((Michael Yu)) [13:10:11] Rutherford Cadwallder says: 0 mas body mesin [13:10:11] Alex William Shouts: UP panggil Alexc ! [13:10:20] * Mask 781227 pays up to mech with right hand [13:10:21] Alex William says: lah ini seragam [13:10:22] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}jual mobil uranus 2insu 4up 1,8 nego [13:10:22] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Sekai Brooke{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}5900420{FF0000}] [13:10:24] * Michael Yu memperbaiki body mobil [13:10:25] Alex William says: mata kemane [13:10:28] PAYINFO: {FFFFFF}You've received {00FF00}0.00 {FFFFFF}from {FFFF00}Mask_781227 [13:10:40] Mask 781227 Says [low]: Dia penipu ya? [13:10:40] Alex William Shouts: yo ayo ay o ! [13:10:43] process ((Michael Yu)) [13:10:48] * Rutherford Cadwallder Repair engine vehicle using mechanic tools with booth hand [13:10:56] MECHANIC: {FFFFFF}You've used {FFFF00}101 components {FFFFFF}to repair the engine of the {00FFFF}Sadler [13:10:57] * Rutherford Cadwallder Repair body vehicle using mechanic tools with booth hand [13:11:00] AdmCmd: Demian_Fariz has been remote warned by Krenshaw, total warns: 5 [13:11:00] Reason: Non RP Drive. [13:11:06] selesai ((Michael Yu)) [13:11:08] AdmCmd: Demian_Fariz has been remote-jailed by Krenshaw for 90 minutes. [13:11:08] Reason: Non RP Drive +5 warns. [13:11:21] MECHANIC: {FFFFFF}You've used {FFFF00}82 components {FFFFFF}to repair the body of the {00FFFF}Sadler [13:11:23] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[FIND] di cari kapal dana 500 ada ga [13:11:23] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Mario Christofer{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}6010390{FF0000}] [13:11:24] Mask 781227 says: Makasih. [13:11:25] Rutherford Cadwallder says: Makasih mas [13:11:27] Matthias Rindmann says: kurang dikit lagi [13:11:33] Bobby Newell says: lupa bawa compo di sadler [13:11:35] * Michael Yu menerima uang dari costumer [13:11:37] Matthias Rindmann says: buset [13:11:39] Matthias Rindmann says: oh oke dah [13:11:41] * Johanes Stephenson memberikan uang untuk repair [13:11:45] Bobby Newell says: yauda ambil duit bentar ya [13:11:46] MECHANIC: {FFFFFF}Finished examining vehicle {00FFFF}Bullet [13:11:46] NOTE: {FFFFFF}You are now able to use '{FFFF00}/vehmenu{FFFFFF}' on this vehicle [13:11:47] Matthias Rindmann says: woke [13:11:48] Khazana_Akash telah keluar dari server. (Pergi) [13:11:52] SALARY: {ffffff}Your salary statement has been updated, please check command {ffff00}'/mysalary' [13:11:53] Alex William Shouts: kocak emang ! [13:12:02] Michael Yu Shouts: babay! [13:12:05] * Rutherford Cadwallder Mengganti warna mobil menggunakan spray [13:12:09] Michael Yu Shouts: yoi! [13:12:15] JOBDUTY: You've less than 50 component, you are now off-duty! [13:12:20] ENGINEINFO: Mesin masih mati, tekan tombol {FF0000}LMB{BFC0C2} atau command /engine untuk menghidupkannya. [13:12:21] ENGINE: Anda mencoba untuk menghidupkan Mesin. [13:12:24] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[FIND] Flat low utamakan full dekor dan ada lahan parkir [13:12:24] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Murpes Smith{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}4022059{FF0000}] [13:12:24] VEHICLE: {FFFFFF}You have {00FF00}successfully {FFFFFF}started the vehicle engine. [13:12:28] Michael Yu says: alhamdulilah [13:12:34] WARNING: {FFFFFF}Owned vehicle parked inside hot parking zone will be despawned in {00FF00}10 minutes [13:12:41] TRUNK: {FFFFFF}You've taken {FFFF00}100 unit(s) of component {FFFFFF}from the trunk of {00FFFF}Bullet [13:12:41] * Michael Yu memakan snack [13:12:42] TRUNK: {FFFFFF}You've taken {FFFF00}100 unit(s) of component {FFFFFF}from the trunk of {00FFFF}Bullet [13:12:44] TRUNK: {FFFFFF}You've taken {FFFF00}100 unit(s) of component {FFFFFF}from the trunk of {00FFFF}Bullet [13:12:46] TRUNK: {FFFFFF}You've taken {FFFF00}35 unit(s) of component {FFFFFF}from the trunk of {00FFFF}Bullet [13:12:54] JOBDUTY: Anda sekarang on-duty sebagai mekanik! [13:13:04] DISPATCH: {ffffff}Client: [ {ffff00}(id:163) {00ffff}Yogi Yordean {ffffff}] Last known position: [ {ffff00}Verdant Bluffs {ffffff}] [13:13:04] NOTE: Use command '/accept mechanic [playerid]' to respond to the call [13:13:25] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[W.G Electro Palomino] Diskon besar-besaran! Toll card hanya .00, Pulsa hanya .75, Sim card hanya .00 | Palomino [13:13:25] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Anna Mortensen{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}484788{FF0000}] [13:13:25] Matthias Rindmann says: kap gan [13:13:30] Michael Yu [phone]: ya [13:13:34] * Matthias Rindmann examine veh [13:13:47] Michael Yu [phone]: waduh [13:13:47] * Matthias Rindmann take it [13:13:48] * Bobby Newell membayar mekanik [13:13:57] Michael Yu [phone]: wait [13:13:58] Caller [phone]: bapak dmana?? [13:14:00] Michael Yu [phone]: mv [13:14:02] Tekio Takashi says: repair [13:14:06] Bobby Newell says: body yaaakk [13:14:07] Michael Yu Says [low]: eh ada yang punya towtruck ga [13:14:09] Caller [phone]: dmana tuhh [13:14:12] AdmCmd: William_Christopher has been kicked by bbysyaaaad. [13:14:12] Reason: Relog kamu. [13:14:14] Michael Yu [phone]: blueberry [13:14:17] * Tekio Takashi examining veh [13:14:18] * Matthias Rindmann installing upgrade body with new part's [13:14:20] Caller [phone]: nggk jadi [13:14:22] 1/3 ((Matthias Rindmann)) [13:14:26] Michael Yu says: huft [13:14:26] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[ VB ] Need Builder for your House or Flat with Low Price but Nice Quality Design || Call number below! [13:14:26] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Kenny Martinovich{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}884466{FF0000}] [13:14:50] Michael Yu says: ngumpulin 600$ 1 hari lama ga ya [13:14:56] * Tekio Takashi repairing engine with mechanic tool's [13:14:56] Rutherford Cadwallder says: Enggak [13:14:58] Michael Yu says: mau beli asuransi buat motor [13:14:59] procces ((Tekio Takashi)) [13:15:01] Matthias Rindmann: (( astagoy indihome )) [13:15:06] Matthias Rindmann: (( mantep siang siang )) [13:15:07] Rutherford Cadwallder says: kalau ambil untung 1 component [13:15:14] Alex William: (( makanya gausa indihome )) [13:15:17] AdmCmd: Moza_Ozora has been remote warned by lawyer123, total warns: 1 [13:15:17] Reason: Deathmatch [13:15:17] Michael Yu says: bjir [13:15:19] Bobby Newell: (( ancurin aja bang )) [13:15:20] Alex William: (( pake itu myrepublic )) [13:15:21] Matthias Rindmann: (( pen ganti gaada duit )) [13:15:27] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[SELL] Rumah rusun loc:Montogomery minat call or sms: [13:15:27] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Jonathan Ainsley{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}7022276{FF0000}] [13:15:28] Michael Yu says: 1$ 1 compo [13:15:29] done ((Tekio Takashi)) [13:15:30] AdmCmd: Moza_Ozora has been remote-jailed by lawyer123 for 60 minutes. [13:15:30] Reason: Deathmatch [13:15:30] Matthias Rindmann: (( lom gajian )) [13:15:33] Rutherford Cadwallder says: iyaa [13:15:35] Michael Yu says: kerja ws aja haha [13:15:35] Rutherford Cadwallder says: harga lama [13:15:37] Michael Yu says: jadi mantep [13:15:41] Michael Yu says: ga tawar tawar [13:15:42] DISPATCH: {ffffff}Client: [ {ffff00}(id:116) {00ffff}Bimo Aryo {ffffff}] Last known position: [ {ffff00}El Corona {ffffff}] [13:15:42] NOTE: Use command '/accept mechanic [playerid]' to respond to the call [13:15:46] Alex William says: haha [13:15:50] Rutherford Cadwallder says: Memang gitu harga mechanic dulu [13:15:55] Michael Yu says: iyasih [13:16:02] Rutherford Cadwallder says: cuma banyak orang mikirin pengalaman dari pada duitnya [13:16:14] 2/3 ((Matthias Rindmann)) [13:16:19] Tekio Takashi says: ambil aja tuh [13:16:22] * Alex William examining veh [13:16:28] Sakeem Leonard says: hello [13:16:28] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[SELL] Taxi 2up, 800. call/sms [13:16:28] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Kijul Indiarta{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}9427096{FF0000}] [13:16:38] done ((Matthias Rindmann)) [13:16:39] Leonard Hudson says: ada [13:16:44] Alex William says: 0 mas [13:16:46] * Rutherford Cadwallder Mengecheck kondisi mobil [13:16:47] Alex William says: mesin dan body [13:16:47] Selestinus Clairvaux says: body berapa? [13:16:52] MECHANIC: {FFFFFF}Finished examining vehicle {00FFFF}Taxi [13:16:52] NOTE: {FFFFFF}You are now able to use '{FFFF00}/vehmenu{FFFFFF}' on this vehicle [13:16:58] Alex William says: body [13:17:04] * Sakeem Leonard examining veh [13:17:06] Selestinus Clairvaux says: kau mechanic? [13:17:08] Alex William says: parah body nya [13:17:13] AdmCmd: Franda_Juniver has been kicked by lordodo. [13:17:13] Reason: AFK [13:17:16] Alex William says: kau ga liat pengenal aku? [13:17:20] Zack Adams says: Berapa? [13:17:22] Sakeem Leonard says: 30$ aja [13:17:29] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[SELL] Infernus 2 insu 0 Up baru keluar dari insurance || ,k perlu duit. [13:17:29] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Tommy Prasetyo{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}1477{FF0000}] [13:17:30] * Sakeem Leonard take its money [13:17:32] terlihat Kartu Anggota mekanik di Kantung alex william ((Alex William)) [13:17:33] Fradique Peixoto Shouts: MEKANIK ANJING! [13:17:37] * Leonard Hudson passed money to mechanic [13:17:38] Michael Yu Shouts: ribut! [13:17:40] SALARY: {ffffff}Your salary statement has been updated, please check command {ffff00}'/mysalary' [13:17:40] * Alex William take it [13:17:49] * Sakeem Leonard repairing engine with mechanic tools [13:17:57] * Michael Yu mengecek keadaan elegy [13:17:58] * Rutherford Cadwallder Mengecheck kondisi mobil [13:18:02] MECHANIC: {FFFFFF}Finished examining vehicle {00FFFF}ZR-350 [13:18:02] NOTE: {FFFFFF}You are now able to use '{FFFF00}/vehmenu{FFFFFF}' on this vehicle [13:18:10] Rutherford Cadwallder says: MAS [13:18:12] AdmCmd: Straf_Jakovic has been kicked by lordodo. [13:18:12] Reason: Relog dengan nama baru. [13:18:13] Rutherford Cadwallder says: Mesin body [13:18:15] Sakeem Leonard says: oke [13:18:18] Sakeem Leonard says: uda [13:18:24] Zack Adams says: Abis balapan dimana ini? [13:18:27] Sakeem Leonard says: mat [13:18:28] PAYINFO: {FFFFFF}You've received {00FF00}.00 {FFFFFF}from {FFFF00}Mask_814312 [13:18:30] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[SELL] Tahoma 2insu Minat?, SMS. [13:18:30] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Williamina Dean{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}785100{FF0000}] [13:18:30] Mask 814312 says [Russian Accent]: mesin body [13:18:31] Matthias Rindmann says: ape [13:18:40] * Rutherford Cadwallder Repair engine vehicle using mechanic tools with booth hand [13:18:42] * Rutherford Cadwallder Repair engine vehicle using mechanic tools with booth hand [13:18:45] * Rutherford Cadwallder Repair engine vehicle using mechanic tools with booth hands [13:18:53] MECHANIC: {FFFFFF}You've used {FFFF00}117 components {FFFFFF}to repair the engine of the {00FFFF}ZR-350 [13:18:59] * Rutherford Cadwallder Repair body vehicle using mechanic tools with booth hands [13:19:25] MECHANIC: {FFFFFF}You've used {FFFF00}32 components {FFFFFF}to repair the body of the {00FFFF}ZR-350 [13:19:31] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[sell] super gt 3 insu 4 up masih mulus [13:19:31] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Fitran Aji{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}2422236{FF0000}] [13:19:32] Zack Adams says: Kesana lagi ga? [13:19:37] * Michael Yu memperbaiki mesin [13:19:45] TRUNK: {FFFFFF}You've taken {FFFF00}65 unit(s) of component {FFFFFF}from the trunk of {00FFFF}Bullet [13:19:47] TRUNK: {FFFFFF}You've taken {FFFF00}84 unit(s) of component {FFFFFF}from the trunk of {00FFFF}Bullet [13:19:52] Michael Yu Shouts: HAHAHA! [13:19:53] AdmCmd: Arkan_Yanuar has been kicked by lordodo. [13:19:53] Reason: Abuse /anim [13:19:54] * Sakeem Leonard repairing body with mechanic tools [13:20:05] Zack Adams Shouts: gabisa nyetir gausah gaya gayaan ngebid! [13:20:09] Fradique Peixoto Shouts: KONTOL! [13:20:16] Mask 650000 Shouts: fix! [13:20:17] Mask 701584 Shouts: MESIN BODY! [13:20:18] Mask 701584 Shouts: MESIN BODY! [13:20:19] Mask 701584 Shouts: MESIN BODY! [13:20:19] Alex William Shouts: masok ! [13:20:21] Fradique Peixoto Shouts: MESIN BODY! [13:20:23] selesai ((Michael Yu)) [13:20:27] Fradique Peixoto says: mesin body om [13:20:27] Matthias Rindmann says: gantian mang [13:20:28] * Tekio Takashi xamining veh [13:20:29] Mask 701584 Shouts: MESIN BODY!! [13:20:32] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[Alexandria Corp x Jack Furniture]Menyediakan Jasa Builder Terpercaya|Pesan Langsung di [13:20:32] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Vincent Howard{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}8992990{FF0000}] [13:20:33] Mask 701584 says: mas [13:20:34] Michael Yu says: bayar njing [13:20:34] Tekio Takashi says: gantian bre [13:20:35] Alex William says: gantan mang [13:20:35] Mask 701584 says: mesin body [13:20:36] Mask 701584 says: mesin body [13:20:37] Mask 701584 says: mesin body [13:20:38] Matthias Rindmann says: njir [13:20:40] Tekio Takashi says: aku baru [13:20:40] Matthias Rindmann says: baru aja [13:20:46] * Alex William examining veht [13:20:50] Tekio Takashi says: 40 mba [13:21:00] * Mask 650000 hands money to Tekio's [13:21:05] * Tekio Takashi repairing engine with mechanic tool's [13:21:09] procces ((Tekio Takashi)) [13:21:14] * Michael Yu menerima uang dari costumer [13:21:15] * Mask 701584 given the money with both hands [13:21:18] * Alex William take it [13:21:28] Michael Yu says: rusak parah tadi anjeng [13:21:30] Michael Yu says: nah [13:21:31] Fradique Peixoto says: LAH KOK NGAMOK [13:21:33] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[SELL] Sadler insu 2 up 2 harga 1,5 nego minat? Call: [13:21:33] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Tyrone Kewell{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}1261390{FF0000}] [13:21:34] * Alex William Repairing engine with mechanic tools [13:21:34] done ((Tekio Takashi)) [13:21:35] process ((Alex William)) [13:21:39] Michael Yu says: nah bapack baik [13:21:47] done 1/2 ((Alex William)) [13:21:50] Fradique Peixoto says: BODY [13:21:53] Michael Yu Shouts: woi ada orang mau baikin body ! [13:21:58] * Alex William Repairing body with mechanic tools [13:22:00] proecss ((Alex William)) [13:22:00] * Sakeem Leonard changing color with spary [13:22:04] * Rutherford Cadwallder Examining Elegy [13:22:08] MECHANIC: {FFFFFF}Finished examining vehicle {00FFFF}Elegy [13:22:08] NOTE: {FFFFFF}You are now able to use '{FFFF00}/vehmenu{FFFFFF}' on this vehicle [13:22:11] Rutherford Cadwallder says: [13:22:16] Michael_Yu telah keluar dari server. (Terputus/Crash) [13:22:18] done 2/2 ((Alex William)) [13:22:19] PAYINFO: {FFFFFF}You've received {00FF00}.00 {FFFFFF}from {FFFF00}Fradique Peixoto [13:22:31] * Rutherford Cadwallder Repair body vehicle using mechanic tools [13:22:31] VEHICLE: {FFFFFF}Your {00FFFF}Bullet {FFFFFF}has been despawned due to being parked in a hot zone for 10 minutes [13:22:34] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33} Startrum 2 insu 1 up minat? sms or telp me [13:22:34] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Sayyid Hasyim{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}5192753{FF0000}] [13:22:46] MECHANIC: {FFFFFF}You've used {FFFF00}44 components {FFFFFF}to repair the body of the {00FFFF}Elegy [13:22:51] SALARY: {ffffff}Your salary statement has been updated, please check command {ffff00}'/mysalary' [13:22:57] AdmCmd: Garmond_Addison has been kicked by lordodo. [13:22:57] Reason: AFK [13:23:15] AdmCmd: Fernando_Oneil has been kicked by javaID. [13:23:15] Reason: login ulang dengan nickname baru kamu [13:23:22] Michael Yu says: udah tuh [13:23:30] Sakeem Leonard says: oi [13:23:35] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[SELL] flatbed 3insu 0up 800 aja harga dealer 1k minat? SMS/CP: [13:23:35] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Ambarituja Yassen{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}888588{FF0000}] [13:23:40] Matthias Rindmann: (( miss' )) [13:23:41] Sakeem Leonard says: minat phonix ga mat [13:23:45] Matthias Rindmann says: full [13:23:48] Matthias Rindmann says: males beli beli [13:23:53] Sakeem Leonard says: haha [13:24:10] Matthias Rindmann says: udah cukup NISSAN Fraidly [13:24:17] Matthias Rindmann says: street racer's [13:24:26] Sakeem Leonard says: hahaha [13:24:36] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[SELL] Tornado | 3Insu 2Up | Modif Mantab | Harga? Langsung diskusi kita [13:24:36] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Christian Cavriano{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}868888{FF0000}] [13:24:39] Matthias Rindmann says: ama Dodge Hudson [13:25:04] Matthias Rindmann: (( jobduty )) [13:25:08] Michael Yu: (( abis compo )) [13:25:09] DISPATCH: {ffffff}Client: [ {ffff00}(id:615) {00ffff}Yogi Yordean {ffffff}] Last known position: [ {ffff00}Verdant Bluffs {ffffff}] [13:25:09] NOTE: Use command '/accept mechanic [playerid]' to respond to the call [13:25:11] Matthias Rindmann: (( oke )) [13:25:13] Curtis Andreaz [phone]: Dimanna [13:25:14] Matthias Rindmann says: masuk [13:25:15] Alex William [phone]: MV [13:25:16] Curtis Andreaz [phone]: Kerja [13:25:20] Matthias Rindmann says: kap [13:25:20] Alex William [phone]: kerja apa [13:25:20] Curtis Andreaz [phone]: Terus kerja [13:25:22] Michael Yu says: jan nabrak woi [13:25:25] Curtis Andreaz [phone]: Lu kerja kan [13:25:25] Rutherford Cadwallder Shouts: Upgade, Engine and Body, Repaint, Neon ?! [13:25:26] Alex William [phone]: hah? [13:25:28] Matthias Rindmann says: hahah [13:25:30] Dimitri Slav says: Jangan ngalangin woi [13:25:34] * Matthias Rindmann examine veh [13:25:36] Michael Yu says: yamaap woi haha [13:25:37] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[Find]Dicari elegy atau jester polosan 0-2 insu dana 1,5k [13:25:37] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Ariel Wahyudi{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}6900490{FF0000}] [13:25:42] Alex William [phone]: ngomong ape lu curtis busuk [13:25:46] Alex William [phone]: ini gue di MV [13:25:54] Alex William [phone]: jemput sini [13:25:55] DISPATCH: {ffffff}Client: [ {ffff00}(id:638) {00ffff}Sary Leni {ffffff}] Last known position: [ {ffff00}Verdant Bluffs {ffffff}] [13:25:55] NOTE: Use command '/accept mechanic [playerid]' to respond to the call [13:26:05] ERROR: You need to open the engine hood of the car to begin examination [13:26:06] ERROR: You need to open the engine hood of the car to begin examination [13:26:09] Rutherford Cadwallder says: Hood om [13:26:09] Cecep Santoso says: Full repair berapa [13:26:10] ERROR: Vehicle is locked! [13:26:10] * Dimitri Slav memberikan uang kepada matthias. [13:26:16] ERROR: You need to open the engine hood of the car to begin examination [13:26:18] Cecep Santoso says: lah [13:26:18] ERROR: You need to open the engine hood of the car to begin examination [13:26:22] (( PM to [362] Cecep_Santoso: /hood )) [13:26:22] DISPATCH: {ffffff}Client: [ {ffff00}(id:638) {00ffff}Sary Leni {ffffff}] Last known position: [ {ffff00}Verdant Bluffs {ffffff}] [13:26:22] NOTE: Use command '/accept mechanic [playerid]' to respond to the call [13:26:25] ERROR: Vehicle is locked! [13:26:29] ERROR: Vehicle is locked! [13:26:32] Cecep Santoso: (( Kau gausah bodo kan bukan pemilik )) [13:26:37] Cecep Santoso: (( sory emosi )) [13:26:38] Rutherford Cadwallder: (( apa sih? )) [13:26:38] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[SELL] huntley | 1insu | 0up | tambah velg offroad dan n20 | harga 950 minat | CP: [13:26:38] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Rifky Aditiya{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}8250695{FF0000}] [13:26:48] Rutherford Cadwallder: (( kau yang punya mobil )) [13:26:55] Rutherford Cadwallder: (( astaga dek )) [13:26:57] Cecep Santoso: (( kau tadi /hood juga )) [13:27:07] Cecep Santoso: (( tulul )) [13:27:14] MECHANIC: {FFFFFF}Finished examining vehicle {00FFFF}Petrol Tanker [13:27:14] NOTE: {FFFFFF}You are now able to use '{FFFF00}/vehmenu{FFFFFF}' on this vehicle [13:27:16] Rutherford Cadwallder: (( reported kena ban kau ntar )) [13:27:21] Rutherford Cadwallder: (( main yang bener dulu )) [13:27:35] * Michael Yu membisikan sesuatu kepada sakeem [13:27:39] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}(S/T)Bobcat 3Insurance 4Upgrade FullModifikasi 1.8K Nego Dengan Motor Siap Nambah.Call/Sms [13:27:39] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Arlouiss Purbaa{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}560056{FF0000}] [13:27:40] Rutherford Cadwallder says: 0 [13:27:44] Cecep Santoso says: buset [13:27:50] Rutherford Cadwallder: (( KAU KALAU NGOMONG BERCARUT NTAR KENA BAN )) [13:27:50] Cecep Santoso says: berapa komponen? [13:28:00] SALARY: {ffffff}Your salary statement has been updated, please check command {ffff00}'/mysalary' [13:28:02] Rutherford Cadwallder: (( baca rules dulu )) [13:28:07] Cecep Santoso: (( bercarut apa )) [13:28:11] Serginho Gallagher: (( bercarut WJWJWJWJWJ )) [13:28:12] Alex William says: 200 apa [13:28:14] Serginho Gallagher: (( bercarut WKWKWKW )) [13:28:20] Cecep Santoso says: Om sini [13:28:30] Cecep Santoso says: liat kondisinya [13:28:35] * Alex William examining veh [13:28:40] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[buy] rumah lahan parkir dana 30k melar cp!!!! sms!!!! [13:28:40] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Theodore Ben{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}4042060{FF0000}] [13:28:42] Cecep Santoso says: ga mungkin 0 [13:28:48] * Michael Yu memasang mask [13:28:53] Sakeem Leonard says: naik ini atau phonix? [13:28:58] Cecep Santoso says: Berapa? [13:29:04] Matthias_Rindmann telah keluar dari server. (Terputus/Crash) [13:29:05] [ASK] {FFFFFF}Rutherford Cadwallder[7]: {FFFF00}cmd screenshoot [13:29:09] [ANS] {A020F0}bbysyaaaad: {FFFF00}F8. [13:29:12] Cecep Santoso says: Woke [13:29:14] Serginho Gallagher: (( yeh dc )) [13:29:28] Cecep Santoso says: bisa ganti warna juga? [13:29:28] Alex William says: bisa [13:29:28] Alex William says: warna [13:29:36] * Alex William take it [13:29:39] Screenshot Taken - sa-mp-000.png [13:29:41] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[SELL] Hermes 3insu 4up plus nos harga 1,5 minat SMS/CALL [13:29:41] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Tony Sinclair{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}1919949{FF0000}] [13:29:54] * Alex William Repairing engine with mechanic tools [13:29:56] process ((Alex William)) [13:30:03] done 1/2 ((Alex William)) [13:30:10] fail ((Alex William)) [13:30:14] Alex William says: ambi lcompo w [13:30:17] Cecep Santoso says: siap [13:30:27] (( PM to [362] Cecep_Santoso: a )) [13:30:29] JOBDUTY: Anda sekarang off-duty! [13:30:32] (( PM to [362] Cecep_Santoso: siap siap ban ya bro )) [13:31:04] (( PM from [362] Cecep_Santoso: ?? )) [13:31:04] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[So-Nic Mech] Serve : Upgrade, Re-Spray Colour, Tow Vehicle, Repair Engine & Body. | Cepat & Terjangkau [13:31:04] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Scotty Nicholas{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}188188{FF0000}] [13:31:04] Marshall Castillo Shouts: MESIN WOY! [13:31:04] Marshall Castillo Shouts: MESIN WOY! [13:31:04] (( PM from [362] Cecep_Santoso: baper om? )) [13:31:06] Marshall Castillo says: Mesin berapa [13:31:11] * Alex William Repairing body with mechanic tools [13:31:12] * Andrena Demons mengecheck mesin kendaraan tersebut dengan alat bantu Repair Kit [13:31:13] process ((Alex William)) [13:31:18] Andrena Demons says: Sabar [13:31:19] PAYCHECK: {FFFF00}Pergi ke bank dan /signcheck untuk mendapatkan gaji anda atau pergi ke salah satu ATM! [13:31:26] done 2/3 ((Alex William)) [13:31:30] (( PM to [362] Cecep_Santoso: gak baper kwkw, tapi ada yang namanya atitude )) [13:33:25] Curtis Andreaz says: Alex repar [13:33:25] Andrena Demons says: Mas [13:33:25] (( PM from [362] Cecep_Santoso: Gua kan udah bilang maaf emosi? )) [13:33:25] * Alex William changing new colour with spray [13:33:26] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}jual phoenix 2insu 2up 2,7k , cari jester dana 2,2 [13:33:26] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Quvipe Naivla{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}4527444{FF0000}] [13:33:26] process ((Alex William)) [13:33:26] Alex William Shouts: sabar curtis! [13:33:26] (( PM from [362] Cecep_Santoso: Ga ngerti orang tempramental? )) [13:33:26] AdmCmd: javaID has jailed Franklin_Stark for 2020 minute(s) [13:33:26] Reason: CK [13:33:26] done ((Alex William)) [13:33:26] done 3/3 ((Alex William)) [13:33:26] Marshall Castillo says: berapa [13:33:26] Andrena Demons says: 5 [13:33:26] Marshall Castillo says: ini [13:33:26] Andrena Demons says: Mesin aja lho [13:33:26] Curtis Andreaz says: Yok [13:33:26] Andrena Demons says: Padahal [13:33:26] Marshall Castillo says: Mahal kali. [13:33:26] Cecep Santoso Shouts: siap! [13:33:26] Andrena Demons says: Hmm [13:33:26] Curtis Andreaz says: Repair [13:33:26] Curtis Andreaz says: Murahib [13:33:26] Alex William says: yo [13:33:26] Andrena Demons says: 5 [13:33:26] Marshall Castillo says: biasanya 100 [13:33:26] Alex William says: mana lawren [13:33:26] Wahyu Khoirul says: tau sarchopagus [13:33:26] Marshall Castillo says: bro mesin [13:33:26] Wahyu Khoirul says: bang [13:33:26] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[SELL] Rumah El Corona | 1 Garasi 4 Ruangan Full Semua | Minat? | CP: [13:33:26] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Kenzano Delduca{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}4107{FF0000}] [13:33:26] Marshall Castillo says: mesin bro [13:33:26] Andrena Demons says: Soalnya ini up mesin mas [13:33:26] Wahyu Khoirul says: tau sarchopagus [13:33:26] Curtis Andreaz says: Di sana gua tinggal heheh [13:33:26] Andrena Demons says: Ya mau gimana? [13:33:26] Alex William says: tis [13:33:26] Marshall Castillo says: okee [13:33:26] Curtis Andreaz says: 25 lah [13:33:26] Alex William says: bego ngape lu tinggal haha [13:33:26] AdmCmd: Victor_Velanquez has been kicked by Juni_Susanto. [13:33:26] Reason: Missusing '/ask' [13:33:26] * Marshall Castillo passed money to Andrena [13:33:26] Alex William says: goblok itu ga ada untung gue [13:33:26] * Andrena Demons take its [13:33:26] Alex William says: masih nawar pual [13:33:26] Curtis Andreaz says: Yauh repair dulu [13:33:26] * Andrena Demons memperbaiki mesin kendaraan tersebut dengan alat bantu Repair Kit [13:33:26] Alex William says: uang dolo [13:33:26] Alex William says: bego [13:33:26] Curtis Andreaz says: Uang gua di atm [13:33:26] Proses ((Andrena Demons)) [13:33:26] Alex William says: ambil sana [13:40:22] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[SELL] Vincent 3insu 4up fullstiker 2,5k aja gas [13:40:22] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Joe Brylee{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}1720{FF0000}] [13:40:22] done ((Andrena Demons)) [13:40:22] Andrena Demons says: Sudah mas [13:40:22] Marshall Castillo says: makasih. [13:40:22] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[LSSK Auto's] Melayani Repair, Modif, Upgrade || Mobil-Truck-Kapal || WAA || Boat Repair~Ocean Docks || 24 JAM! [13:40:22] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Rachelle Gwendolyn{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}3355{FF0000}] [13:40:22] Anda telah memasuki AFK mode!, ketik /afk untuk lanjut main [13:40:22] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[BUY] URANUS 3 insu 4 up full modif DANA ada 2k [13:40:22] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Iwan Nurramdani{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}1740005{FF0000}] [13:40:22] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[Sell] Vincent 3 insu 2 up k ajaa minat? call or sms [13:40:22] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Kruz Lazaro{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}377671{FF0000}] [13:40:22] * Kinomiya Tatsumi examining veh [13:40:22] * Andrena Demons doing taichi [13:40:22] * Kinomiya Tatsumi repairing engine with mechanical tools [13:40:22] * Kinomiya Tatsumi repairing body with mechanical tools [13:40:22] * Tekio Takashi examining veh [13:40:22] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[Sell] mower 2insu 2up price 1k negoin call: [13:40:22] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Alessandro Francesco{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}30304{FF0000}] [13:40:22] * Tekio Takashi repairing engine with mechanic tool's [13:40:22] procces ((Tekio Takashi)) [13:40:22] done ((Tekio Takashi)) [13:40:22] AdmCmd: Levi_Clyde has been remote warned by javaID, total warns: 1 [13:40:22] Reason: Refuse RP (/q saat kendaraan diimpound) [Nazwa_Olivia] [13:40:22] AdmCmd: Levi_Clyde has been remote-jailed by javaID for 60 minutes. [13:40:22] Reason: Refuse RP (/q saat kendaraan diimpound) [Nazwa_Olivia] [13:40:22] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[SELL] BF INJECTION insu 3 up 2 full modift neon noss minat? call [13:40:22] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Bryan Stephensen{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}100086{FF0000}] [13:40:22] * Andrena Demons examining veh [13:40:22] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}Find NRG 1insu ada? Callme [13:40:22] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Randall Mcdaniel{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}407998{FF0000}] [13:40:22] Tekio Takashi says: aku\ [13:40:22] Andrena Demons says: Buset [13:40:22] Andrena Demons says: Ok lah [13:40:22] AdmCmd: javaID has jailed Agiel_Samsudin for 1 minute(s) [13:40:22] Reason: Bug [13:40:22] Tekio Takashi says: kap [13:40:25] AFK: {ffff00}You are no longer in AFK-Mode! [13:40:30] Justin Frankin says: berapa bentar ngambil duit
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