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Synester_Einstein [OroJack]

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Character: Synester_Einstein


          Synester Einstein is an American. He born at California, 20 April 1997, His Father name is Matthew Einstein, Matthew Einstein is a Scientist from Deutsch or commonly known as Germany. His Mother name is Valeria Cooper, Valeria Cooper is a Paramedic at Keck Hospital as Senior Paramedic. Synester born in a Rich family, Synester did'nt have a Sister or Brother but he had a happy big family.


          Synester has a good education backgorund. He study at Santa Maria Pre-School, Santa Maria Elementry School, Santa Maria Junior High School. Synester Einstein move to Africa, Ghana at 15 years old. Synester's parent told to him to live independently in order to determine his own life's goals. Synester studying at Santa Louise High School until he graduate. Synester  got a hard life at Ghana, but he still survive untill he graduate at Santa Louise Highschool.


          Synester Einstein set a flight to America, California. Synester resume his study at California University on a psychology department, at the same time Synester Mother gave an order for internship at Keck Hospital under his Mother supervision. Synester work and study well, he got a perfect body as a result of his routine fitness. After graduate from University Synester resign from Keck Hospital as internship employee. Synester looking for a new job that suits with him at Los Santos.



Saya OroJack selaku pemilik account UCP OroJack bersedia jika Character saya yang disebut di atas (Synester_Einstein) dibanned permanent jika character story yang saya buat di atas berupa plagiat dari story milik orang lain.



To Mr/Ms ID,

I am writing to you in regards of your recently submitted character story, we have reviewed your character story and, as a result, have come to the decision to APPROVE your request. And, your character story will be moved and activated immidiately in  24 hours, if in 24 hours you still cannot access paycheck feature, please do contact one of JG:RP Staff in the game for further action.


Admin rafi17,
Jogjagamers Roleplay Administrative Team.

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