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[REPORT] Nicolas_Pierce (Ledakin mobil orang)


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Nama pelapor: Christian_Jones

Nama pelanggar: Nicolas_Pierce

Peraturan yang dilanggar:

Ledakin mobil orang

Apa yang terjadi:

Jadi gini min kan mobil saya di curi(pake rp) terus saya /q dia report saya abis tuh dibilang admin re-rp aja ya udah abis itu saya tanya "min kalau mobil saya diledakin boleh report kan?" kata admin boleh ya sudah dia ledakin mobil saya tanpa alsan yang jelas



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Saya sebagai Nicolas_Pierce (terlapor) mengkonfirmasi bahwa semuanya itu IC. Pas saya nyuri Elegy dia, Radiit_Kokom dan Samid_Wicaksono memukuli Elegy tersebut sampai meledak dan semuanya itu IC tidak ada unsur kesengajaan.


Bukti SS:





Bukti Chatlog:


[23:30:26] Tony Yates Shouts: Keluar lo!

[23:30:36] Tony Yates Shouts: Ancurin!

[23:30:37] * Samid Wicaksono swings the hammer to Nicolas Elegy.
[23:30:41] Nicolas Pierce Shouts: Luh Jangan Songong Dong!
[23:30:48] Samid Wicaksono says: Lu yang songong.

[23:31:00] * Radiit Kokom jumps toward roof of elegy

[23:31:06] Tony Yates says: Pecahin kaca nya

[23:31:12] * Radiit Kokom hits his baseball bat into the roof of elegy

[23:31:24] Nicolas Pierce Shouts: Jangan Naik-Naik Anjink!

[23:31:31] * Samid Wicaksono menghajar Elgynya Nicolas dengan pau godam.

[23:32:11] Nicolas Pierce Shouts: Stop Anjing Nanti Meledak!

[23:33:43] * Radiit Kokom blows up Pierce vehicle

[23:33:46] Nicolas Pierce Shouts: Woi Anjing!

[23:33:58] Nicolas Pierce Shouts: Turun Luh Anjing Ini Mobil Orank!

[23:34:09] Nicolas Pierce Shouts: Nanti Guah Di Omelin!

[23:34:39] Nicolas Pierce Shouts: Guah Gah Ada Duit!

[23:35:09] Nicolas Pierce Shouts: Ituh Bukan Mobil Guah!
[23:35:13] Nicolas Pierce Shouts: Ituh Mobil Orang!


Edited by FissureMan25
Nambahin Chatlog. (log yang gak penting dihapus supaya gak biking pusing)
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[23:21:44] WARNING: {FFFFFF}Your {00FFFF}Elegy {FFFFFF}was destryed by {FFFF00}[31] Nicolas_Pierce
[23:21:51] Christian Jones says: ancur
[23:21:52] Mela Amelika: (( Meledak ? ))
[23:21:55] Mela Amelika: (( SS ))
[23:21:55] INSURANCE: Your Elegy (slot:3) has been destroyed, insurance company will refund your vehicle in 24 hours
[23:21:58] Mela Amelika: (( SS ))
[23:22:0] * {FF0000}Alguily_Radcliffe {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta, Indonesia)
[23:22:1] Mela Amelika: (( Kirim forum ))
[23:22:8] Mela Amelika: (( Siapa yang meledakin ? ))
[23:22:9] REPORT: {ffffff}Your report has been issued to the queue, use '{ffff00}/reports{ffffff}' to see your report
[23:22:12] Christian Jones says: (( 31 ))
[23:22:21] RESPOND: {ff0000}Justin311 {FFFFCC}has responded to your report
[23:22:21] RESPOND: {ffffcc}Message from admin: {ffffff}Laporkan ke forum beserta bukti.
[23:22:29] Q:Christian Jones[82]: oke min makasih
[23:22:30] Mela Amelika: (( udah di SS ? ))
[23:22:35] Answer: {ffff00}masama

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Waktu itu gua roleplay dipalakin sama Radiit_Kokom, Samid_Wicaksono & Tony_Yates, gua waktu itu cuma bawa $3 dan itu buat makan terus gua gak ngasih mereka duit mereka roleplay memukulin Elegy itu sampai destroyed, semuanya itu IC.


[23:31:00] * Radiit Kokom jumps toward roof of elegy

[23:31:12] * Radiit Kokom hits his baseball bat into the roof of elegy

[23:31:31] * Samid Wicaksono menghajar Elgynya Nicolas dengan pau godam.

[23:32:11] Nicolas Pierce Shouts: Stop Anjing Nanti Meledak!

[23:33:43] * Radiit Kokom blows up Pierce vehicle

[23:34:39] Nicolas Pierce Shouts: Guah Gah Ada Duit!

[23:35:09] Nicolas Pierce Shouts: Ituh Bukan Mobil Guah!

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