Johnny_Clark Posted April 26, 2016 Share Posted April 26, 2016 Character: Johnny_Clark Waktu & Tanggal: 04/26/2016 Barang yang dibutuhkan: Uang 20000 Saya membutuhkan refund karena: Saya melihat si pelaku membuat iklan menjual rumah 2 garasi, lalu saya berminat dan SMS dia, nah, setelah deal di angka 20000, saya janjian ketemuan di bank. Setelah saya ambil mobil dan pergi ke bank, saya bertemu dengan si pelaku. Nah setelah saya transfer sejumlah uangnya, sepertinya dia transfer ke akun lainnya dan langsung di banned oleh admin Pelopor. Berikut adalah bukti yang berupa screenshot / video: Spoiler Berikut adalah bukti chatlog: Spoiler [19:03:25] SMS: {ffffff}You have received one new message from '{ffff00}277760{ffffff}' [19:03:25] Message: {ffff00}net nya 35k [19:03:25] NOTE: {ffffff}use '/reply' to quick reply [19:03:25] * {FF0000}Olivia_Margaret {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [19:03:32] * {FF0000}Noval_Daiki {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [19:03:34] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [19:03:34] SMS: {ffff00}Message sent! [19:03:37] * {FF0000}Mateo_Cortales {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Medan) [19:03:41] SMS: {ffffff}You have received one new message from '{ffff00}277760{ffffff}' [19:03:41] Message: {ffff00}gak deh mas [19:03:41] NOTE: {ffffff}use '/reply' to quick reply [19:03:53] SMS: {ffffff}You have received one new message from '{ffff00}277760{ffffff}' [19:03:53] Message: {ffff00}30k dah tuh pas [19:03:53] NOTE: {ffffff}use '/reply' to quick reply [19:03:59] SMS: {ffffff}You have received one new message from '{ffff00}277760{ffffff}' [19:03:59] Message: {ffff00}butuh uang banget [19:03:59] NOTE: {ffffff}use '/reply' to quick reply [19:04:08] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [19:04:08] SMS: {ffff00}Message sent! [19:04:14] * {FF0000}Putri_Oktavian {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [19:04:17] SMS: {ffffff}You have received one new message from '{ffff00}277760{ffffff}' [19:04:17] Message: {ffff00}26k tuh dah ah [19:04:17] NOTE: {ffffff}use '/reply' to quick reply [19:04:23] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[SELL] house di Las Colinas ada lahan parkirnya minat? sms [19:04:23] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Eren_Smith{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}130500{FF0000}] [19:04:28] * {FF0000}Naseer_Zulqarnain {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Tangerang) [19:04:42] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [19:04:42] SMS: {ffff00}Message sent! [19:04:54] SMS: {ffffff}You have received one new message from '{ffff00}277760{ffffff}' [19:04:54] Message: {ffff00}yaudah deh saya butuh uang mas [19:04:54] NOTE: {ffffff}use '/reply' to quick reply [19:04:54] * {FF0000}Marcus_Blackburn {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [19:04:56] * {FF0000}Alberico_Corrado {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Surabaya) [19:04:58] SMS: {ffffff}You have received one new message from '{ffff00}277760{ffffff}' [19:04:58] Message: {ffff00}mau gak ? [19:04:58] NOTE: {ffffff}use '/reply' to quick reply [19:05:03] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [19:05:03] SMS: {ffff00}Message sent! [19:05:08] * {FF0000}Hazama_Kabuto {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [19:05:11] SMS: {ffffff}You have received one new message from '{ffff00}277760{ffffff}' [19:05:11] Message: {ffff00}iya dah biariin [19:05:11] NOTE: {ffffff}use '/reply' to quick reply [19:05:20] * {FF0000}Alex_Horton {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [19:05:29] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [19:05:29] SMS: {ffff00}Message sent! [19:05:29] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}Jual Benson 1 Insurance STNK+Plat aktif dan Feltzer 2 Insurance Modif mantap Hubungi saya [19:05:29] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Gary_Owens{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}992901{FF0000}] [19:05:30] * {FF0000}Tyrone_Madeline {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [19:05:31] * {FF0000}Dimas_Bagaskara {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [19:05:32] SMS: {ffffff}You have received one new message from '{ffff00}277760{ffffff}' [19:05:32] Message: {ffff00}di bank [19:05:32] NOTE: {ffffff}use '/reply' to quick reply [19:05:40] SMS: {ffffff}You have received one new message from '{ffff00}277760{ffffff}' [19:05:40] Message: {ffff00}atas nama? [19:05:40] NOTE: {ffffff}use '/reply' to quick reply [19:05:48] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [19:05:48] SMS: {ffff00}Message sent! [19:05:48] Christian Bourmune says: MAS [19:05:48] * {FF0000}Thomas_Alvred {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [19:05:50] Johnny Clark says: Apa? [19:05:53] * {FF0000}Baron_Dunstan {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [19:05:54] Christian Bourmune says: BAGI SEDIKIT UANG [19:05:55] * {FF0000}Fauzhie_Magista {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [19:05:56] SMS: {ffffff}You have received one new message from '{ffff00}277760{ffffff}' [19:05:56] Message: {ffff00}oke gua Maddox gua di dalam bank [19:05:56] NOTE: {ffffff}use '/reply' to quick reply [19:05:57] Johnny Clark says: Ga ada [19:06:06] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [19:06:06] SMS: {ffff00}Message sent! [19:06:08] * {FF0000}Kevin_Zhang {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Medan) [19:06:16] * {FF0000}Noval_Daiki {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [19:06:16] SMS: {ffffff}You have received one new message from '{ffff00}277760{ffffff}' [19:06:16] Message: {ffff00}oke [19:06:16] NOTE: {ffffff}use '/reply' to quick reply [19:06:18] * {FF0000}John_Dannyson {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [19:06:24] * {FF0000}Dwak_Korod {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [19:06:32] * {FF0000}Engival_Lirva {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [19:06:34] * {FF0000}Evelyne_Alvaretta {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta Capital Region) [19:06:35] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Alex_Chelsea{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}599501{FF0000}] [19:06:35] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[sell]Benson 1 Insurance Harga Bersahabat?CP: [19:06:40] * {FF0000}Bunrakuken_Hacbirobei {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [19:07:02] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [19:07:02] SMS: {ffff00}Message sent! [19:07:09] * {FF0000}Kravchenko_Petushkov {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [19:07:12] SMS: {ffffff}You have received one new message from '{ffff00}277760{ffffff}' [19:07:12] Message: {ffff00}slow ada gerasi nya [19:07:12] NOTE: {ffffff}use '/reply' to quick reply [19:07:17] * {FF0000}Naseer_Zulqarnain {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Tangerang) [19:07:28] * {FF0000}Larry_Lackwood {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [19:07:32] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [19:07:32] SMS: {ffff00}Message sent! [19:07:34] {8D8DFF}SERVICE: {FFFFFF}You have reached the Los Santos Service Center. [19:07:34] {8D8DFF}SERVICE: {FFFFFF}Would you like to order a taxi or a mechanic? [19:07:35] Johnny Clark says (cellphone): Taxi [19:07:35] {8D8DFF}SERVICE: {FFFFFF}Please describe your current location! [19:07:36] * {FF0000}Axelle_Elroy {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [19:07:40] Johnny Clark says (cellphone): Tol Flint [19:07:40] {8D8DFF}SERVICE: {FFFFFF}We've informed the taxi drivers, they will send you a SMS if they respond. [19:07:40] Telepon terputus... [19:07:41] (( PM from [123] Scharodinger_Maddox: scam rumah gak bolehy )) [19:07:41] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[SELL] Tow Truck 2 Insu 600 Compo + Velg Mantap [19:07:41] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Deangelo_McCullough{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}499999{FF0000}] [19:07:45] SERVICE: {00ffff}Septi_Puspita {ffff00}(phone: 655741) {ffffff}has responded to your taxi call [19:07:46] (( PM from [123] Scharodinger_Maddox: scam rumah gak boleh )) [19:07:52] * {FF0000}Ernest_Bezrukov {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Medan) [19:07:54] (( PM to [123] Scharodinger_Maddox: guw jg tw, tapi scam lagi banyak soalnya )) [19:07:57] (( PM from [123] Scharodinger_Maddox: kalo gua scam report saja )) [19:08:09] (( PM to [123] Scharodinger_Maddox: semua yg scam jg bilang gitu )) [19:08:09] * {FF0000}Alex_Horton {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [19:08:16] * {FF0000}Emiya_Kiritsugu {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta) [19:08:20] (( PM from [123] Scharodinger_Maddox: yaduah kalo lo takut kena scam gak usah dah )) [19:08:31] (( PM from [123] Scharodinger_Maddox: percuma gua main lama lama cuma untuk scam hadeh )) [19:08:40] (( PM to [123] Scharodinger_Maddox: makanya mau mastiin ketemuan di palo )) [19:08:46] * {FF0000}Dinda_Najwa {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [19:08:47] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[SELL] Rumah 2 Gerasi Di Palomino Creek 30k Net CP: [19:08:47] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Scharodinger_Maddox{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}277760{FF0000}] [19:08:59] * {FF0000}Andika_Alvaro {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [19:09:07] [ID] ID:26 | Name: Christoper_Wilstone [19:09:09] (( PM to [26] Christoper_Wilstone: oy )) [19:09:15] (( PM to [26] Christoper_Wilstone: bisa nitip slot rumah> )) [19:09:16] (( PM from [26] Christoper_Wilstone: Knp jon ? )) [19:09:24] (( PM from [26] Christoper_Wilstone: Bisa )) [19:09:33] (( PM to [123] Scharodinger_Maddox: yaudah deh back rp ya )) [19:09:36] * {FF0000}Juan_Valdeze {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta) [19:09:37] * {FF0000}Steven_Leonard {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [19:09:38] * {FF0000}Thorgan_Navas {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jambi City) [19:09:43] SMS: {ffffff}You have received one new message from '{ffff00}114121{ffffff}' [19:09:43] Message: {ffff00}Jon kamu bisa UP kan ? [19:09:43] NOTE: {ffffff}use '/reply' to quick reply [19:09:44] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [19:09:45] * {FF0000}John_Carloz {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [19:09:45] SMS: {ffff00}Message sent! [19:09:53] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Theodore_Nichols{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}111211{FF0000}] [19:09:53] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[SELL] Cheetah 3 insu 4 up full mod ada HYD minat Cp [19:09:53] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [19:09:53] SMS: {ffff00}Message sent! [19:09:57] * {FF0000}Eric_Shakur {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [19:10:01] SMS: {ffffff}You have received one new message from '{ffff00}277760{ffffff}' [19:10:01] Message: {ffff00}yaudah [19:10:01] NOTE: {ffffff}use '/reply' to quick reply [19:10:01] SMS: {ffffff}You have received one new message from '{ffff00}114121{ffffff}' [19:10:01] Message: {ffff00}Di ? [19:10:01] NOTE: {ffffff}use '/reply' to quick reply [19:10:05] * {FF0000}Giancarlo_Giannini {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [19:10:07] Johnny Clark says: Dilimore [19:10:10] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [19:10:10] SMS: {ffff00}Message sent! [19:10:19] (( PM to [26] Christoper_Wilstone: ke bank aja, gw nitip disitu )) [19:10:19] SMS: {ffffff}You have received one new message from '{ffff00}114121{ffffff}' [19:10:19] Message: {ffff00}Eddah anak ini ndak jelas [19:10:19] NOTE: {ffffff}use '/reply' to quick reply [19:10:22] * {FF0000}Maria_alexandria {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [19:10:26] * {FF0000}Noval_Daiki {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [19:10:27] * {FF0000}Richard_Definn {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [19:10:27] Septi Puspita says: dilimore mananya [19:10:32] Johnny Clark says: Tempat component [19:10:32] * {FF0000}Kyle_Johansson {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [19:10:39] Septi Puspita says: turun dulu [19:10:43] WARNING: The driver have disconnected or went off duty! [19:10:45] SMS: {ffffff}You have received one new message from '{ffff00}114121{ffffff}' [19:10:45] Message: {ffff00}Kamu mau jual rumahmu ? [19:10:45] NOTE: {ffffff}use '/reply' to quick reply [19:10:48] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [19:10:48] SMS: {ffff00}Message sent! [19:10:56] SMS: {ffffff}You have received one new message from '{ffff00}277760{ffffff}' [19:10:56] Message: {ffff00}oke [19:10:56] NOTE: {ffffff}use '/reply' to quick reply [19:10:58] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[SELL] house di Las Colinas ada lahan parkirnya minat? sms [19:10:58] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Eren_Smith{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}130500{FF0000}] [19:10:59] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [19:10:59] SMS: {ffff00}Message sent! [19:11:00] ERROR: Unknown command, see '/help'r /> [19:11:01] * {FF0000}Arlan_Foster {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [19:11:05] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [19:11:06] SMS: {ffff00}Message sent! [19:11:16] * {FF0000}Riand_Alfiandy {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Ciluar) [19:11:16] SMS: {ffffff}You have received one new message from '{ffff00}114121{ffffff}' [19:11:16] Message: {ffff00}Lalu ? [19:11:16] NOTE: {ffffff}use '/reply' to quick reply [19:11:23] Septi Puspita says: ada tips? [19:11:23] (( PM to [26] Christoper_Wilstone: pengen mindahin ke ID kaka gw, cuma asal nitip )) [19:11:24] CMDINFO: Harap tunggu 1 detik! [19:11:29] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [19:11:29] SMS: {ffff00}Message sent! [19:11:31] (( PM from [26] Christoper_Wilstone: Oke )) [19:11:35] SMS: {ffffff}You have received one new message from '{ffff00}114121{ffffff}' [19:11:35] Message: {ffff00}Ohh oke aman [19:11:35] NOTE: {ffffff}use '/reply' to quick reply [19:11:36] Septi Puspita says: ada tips? [19:11:42] BotCmd: Kevin_Zhang telah dikick, alasan: Ping melebihi batas (908) [19:11:46] (( PM to [26] Christoper_Wilstone: nnt gw pm pake id Agnar_Mokhamad, itu gw )) [19:11:47] * {FF0000}Aldrick_Aleron {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [19:11:48] Johnny Clark says: Ada [19:11:52] Johnny Clark says: Tempat Compo mas [19:11:53] Septi Puspita says: mana [19:11:55] Johnny Clark says: Eh mba [19:11:58] Septi Puspita says: saya cewe [19:11:58] * {FF0000}Monica_Anglepin {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta) [19:12:03] (( PM from [26] Christoper_Wilstone: Kalau ndak ada tipsnya aku ndak mau )) [19:12:03] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[SAYA MENJUAL]sepeda murah 180 net [19:12:03] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Rojer_Rodeo{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}211355{FF0000}] [19:12:08] * Johnny Clark memberikan sejumlah uang kepada Septi [19:12:13] PAYINFO: {ffffff}You've given {ffff00}Septi Puspita [id:143] {00ff00}.00 [19:12:15] * {FF0000}Kevin_Zhang {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Medan) [19:12:18] * {FF0000}Noval_Daiki {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [19:12:22] * Fabian Arzak meberi uang kepada robert untuk membayar jasa nya [19:12:23] Johnny Clark says: Makasih [19:12:25] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Ponsel anda berbunyi!, nomor {ffff00}277760 {ffffff}mencoba untuk menghubungi anda, /p untuk menjawab [19:12:25] TAXI: {ffffff}You've paid {ffff00}{field_value_17}.40 {ffffff}to the taxi driver [19:12:26] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Anda telah menjawab telpon. [19:12:26] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Gunakan chat biasa untuk berkomunikasi lewat telpon, '/h' untuk menutup telpon. [19:12:27] Caller (cellphone): masih dimana mas [19:12:27] Johnny Clark says (cellphone): Halo [19:12:35] Johnny Clark says (cellphone): Bentar lagi nyampe tol flint [19:12:36] (( PM from [26] Christoper_Wilstone: Gimana mau ndak >> )) [19:12:38] Caller (cellphone): oke [19:12:39] Telepon terputus... [19:12:44] (( PM to [26] Christoper_Wilstone: sini ke rumah gw )) [19:12:50] * {FF0000}Judith_Laura {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [19:12:56] (( PM from [26] Christoper_Wilstone: Di ? )) [19:12:59] (( PM to [26] Christoper_Wilstone: nnt tak kasih 0 )) [19:13:02] (( PM to [26] Christoper_Wilstone: Dilimore )) [19:13:03] * {FF0000}Stevan_Frankline {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Padang) [19:13:08] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[SELL]Benson 2 insurance plate ada minat?Call [19:13:08] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Ardea_Himawan{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}9998{FF0000}] [19:13:10] ERROR: You need to be in your own garage or near your house to take vehicle! [19:13:12] ERROR: You need to be in your own garage or near your house to take vehicle! [19:13:14] * {FF0000}Andika_Alvaro {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [19:13:14] * {FF0000}Aji_Pardomuan {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [19:13:15] (( PM from [26] Christoper_Wilstone: Idih ndakk usah MG atu orang ada sms kok )) [19:13:16] (( PM from [123] Scharodinger_Maddox: oe )) [19:13:21] * {FF0000}Herman_Vaughn {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [19:13:23] * {FF0000}Evelyne_Alvaretta {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta Capital Region) [19:13:23] (( PM from [123] Scharodinger_Maddox: gua relog dulu yah lag )) [19:13:28] (( PM from [123] Scharodinger_Maddox: lo tunggu bank aja )) [19:13:33] (( PM from [26] Christoper_Wilstone: okwkwk )) [19:13:38] (( PM to [26] Christoper_Wilstone: wkwkkw )) [19:13:40] HOUSE: {ffff00}You've retrieved your vehicle from the house garage [19:13:40] ENGINEINFO: Mesin masih mati, tekan tombol {FF0000}LMB{BFC0C2} atau command /engine untuk menghidupkannya. [19:13:41] ENGINE: Anda mencoba untuk menghidupkan Mesin. [19:13:44] ENGINE: Anda telah menghidupkan mesin kendaraan. [19:13:46] ERROR: Invalid playerid! [19:13:52] (( PM from [26] Christoper_Wilstone: NDak usah duit )) [19:13:52] ENGINE: Anda telah mematikan Mesin. [19:13:55] * {FF0000}Noval_Daiki {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [19:13:58] (( PM to [26] Christoper_Wilstone: hahaha iya dah )) [19:14:08] HOUSE: {ffffff}You've taken {ffff00}Country Rifle {ffffff}with {ffff00}250 ammo {ffffff}from the house [19:14:09] * {FF0000}Dominic_Reyre {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [19:14:12] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Eren_Smith{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}130500{FF0000}] [19:14:12] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[SELL] house di Las Colinas no 28 ada lahan parkir. 0 siapa cepat dia dapat. sms! [19:14:14] (( PM from [26] Christoper_Wilstone: Upgradekan mobilku aja )) [19:14:20] HOUSE: You've withdrawn 283 material, stored: 0 [19:14:20] * {FF0000}Garin_Garing {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [19:14:22] * {FF0000}Fabian_Arzak {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [19:14:25] (( PM to [26] Christoper_Wilstone: ya setelah 4 paycheck )) [19:14:31] HOUSE: You've withdrawn 15 crack, stored: 0 [19:14:33] (( PM from [26] Christoper_Wilstone: Aduh ndak usah deh )) [19:14:33] * {FF0000}Scharodinger_Maddox {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [19:14:36] HOUSE: You've withdrawn 66 pot, stored: 0 [19:14:47] (( PM to [26] Christoper_Wilstone: naro senjata di mobil dah gak bug? )) [19:14:58] AdmCmd: Garin_Garing has been account banned by Onta. [19:14:58] Reason: Ganti nama ke yang lebih realistis seperti: Demetrius_Stickland [19:14:59] (( PM from [26] Christoper_Wilstone: Ndak kayanya )) [19:15:11] * {FF0000}Josep_Walker {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [19:15:13] TRUNK: {ffffff}You've stored {ffff00}66 gram(s) {ffffff}of pot into the trunk, total: 66 gram(s) [19:15:13] AME: {C2A2DA}stores 66 grams of pot inside the trunk. [19:15:14] CMDINFO: Harap tunggu 1 detik! [19:15:14] * {FF0000}Kazuto_Kaneko {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [19:15:15] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[Gas&Gears Garage]Fix,modiift,upgrade @Dilimore. [19:15:15] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Axelle_Elroy{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}908010{FF0000}] [19:15:16] TRUNK: {ffffff}You've stored {ffff00}15 gram(s) {ffffff}of crack into the trunk, total: 15 gram(s) [19:15:16] AME: {C2A2DA}stores 15 grams of crack inside the trunk. [19:15:16] CMDINFO: Harap tunggu 1 detik! [19:15:18] ERROR: Bagasti tidak terbuka! [19:15:21] * {FF0000}Yamasaki_Daisuke {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [19:15:22] TRUNK: {ffffff}You've stored {ffff00}283 unit(s) {ffffff}of material into the trunk, total: 283 unit(s) [19:15:22] AME: {C2A2DA}stores 283 units of gun material inside the trunk. [19:15:29] * {FF0000}Hazama_Kabuto {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [19:15:30] Johnny Clark says: Bentar ya [19:15:32] Christoper Wilstone says: Masih inget sama aku ? [19:15:36] TRUNK: {ffffff}You've stored your {ffff00}Country Rifle {ffffff}into the trunk [19:15:36] AME: {C2A2DA}stores Country Rifle inside the trunk. [19:15:37] * {FF0000}Evelyne_Alvaretta {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta Capital Region) [19:15:41] * {FF0000}Geoffrey_Rhydderch {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta) [19:15:46] HOUSE: {ffffff}You've taken {ffff00}Shotgun {ffffff}with {ffff00}250 ammo {ffffff}from the house [19:15:49] Christoper Wilstone says: Aku bantu [19:15:49] HOUSE: {ffffff}You've taken {ffff00}Chainsaw {ffffff}with {ffff00}1 ammo {ffffff}from the house [19:15:52] * {FF0000}Ardea_Himawan {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [19:15:53] * {FF0000}Nabela_Saputri {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [19:15:54] Johnny Clark says: Jah haha\ [19:16:03] ERROR: You are not holding any weapon! [19:16:05] TRUNK: {ffffff}You've stored your {ffff00}Shotgun {ffffff}into the trunk [19:16:05] AME: {C2A2DA}stores Shotgun inside the trunk. [19:16:06] ERROR: You are not holding any weapon! [19:16:09] TRUNK: {ffffff}You've stored your {ffff00}Chainsaw {ffffff}into the trunk [19:16:09] AME: {C2A2DA}stores Chainsaw inside the trunk. [19:16:10] Christoper Wilstone Says [low]: Senajat sama aku [19:16:10] * {FF0000}Van_Jerome {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [19:16:20] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}DICARI yang jual truck 3 insu [19:16:20] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Christian_Bourmune{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}560606{FF0000}] [19:16:24] * {FF0000}Mark_Sullivan {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [19:16:25] AdmCmd: Ernest_Bezrukov has been warned by Pelopor, Total warning: 2 [19:16:25] Reason: Abuse /stuck [19:16:25] Johnny Clark says: Bentar satu lagi buat mu lah [19:16:27] * {FF0000}Aikawa_Seijuro {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jambi City) [19:16:33] HOUSE: {ffffff}You've taken {ffff00}Shotgun {ffffff}with {ffff00}250 ammo {ffffff}from the house [19:16:38] AdmCmd: Ernest_Bezrukov has been banned by Pelopor for 3 day(s). [19:16:38] Reason: Abuse /stuck [19:16:39] KEGUNAAN: /givegun [playerid] [19:16:42] GIVE: {ffffff}You've given your {ffff00}Shotgun {ffffff}to {ffff00}Christoper_Wilstone [19:16:42] AME: {C2A2DA}hands Shotgun to Christoper Wilstone. [19:16:42] Christoper Wilstone says: Mau mati ? [19:16:46] Johnny Clark says: Simpenin ye [19:16:48] * {FF0000}Erdiato_Sanchez {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [19:16:50] Christoper Wilstone says: Untukku ? [19:16:50] * {FF0000}Kahfi_Leviano {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [19:17:03] * Johnny Clark memberikan kunci rumah kepada Christoper untuk dititipkan [19:17:06] KEGUNAAN: /givehouse [playerid/name] [confirm] [19:17:07] * Christoper Wilstone take it [19:17:08] * {FF0000}Theodore_Nichols {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [19:17:09] HOUSE: {ffffff}You've given your house to {ffff00}Christoper Wilstone [19:17:11] Johnny Clark says: Makasih ya [19:17:12] * {FF0000}Evelyne_Alvaretta {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta Capital Region) [19:17:14] * {FF0000}Roshan_Aryan {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [19:17:14] Christoper Wilstone says: Ini senjata untuk aku ? [19:17:16] * {FF0000}Hazama_Kabuto {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [19:17:18] Johnny Clark says: Ya simpenin aja [19:17:23] Johnny Clark says: Kalo mau dipake pake aja [19:17:25] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[DamDon's Bar]Telah dibuka permainan Gambling apa saja, ramekan sekarang juga! @Dilimore. [19:17:25] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Axelle_Elroy{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}908010{FF0000}] [19:17:29] ERROR: Bagasi tidak terbuka! [19:17:33] Johnny Clark says: Duluan ya [19:17:35] ENGINEINFO: Mesin masih mati, tekan tombol {FF0000}LMB{BFC0C2} atau command /engine untuk menghidupkannya. [19:17:35] ENGINE: Anda mencoba untuk menghidupkan Mesin. [19:17:37] Christoper Wilstone says: Yoi [19:17:38] ENGINE: Anda telah menghidupkan mesin kendaraan. [19:17:39] Christoper Wilstone says: Hati hati [19:17:43] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [19:17:43] SMS: {ffff00}Message sent! [19:17:46] Johnny Clark Shouts: ya! [19:17:47] * {FF0000}Grafisco_Davian {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta) [19:17:48] Lights {33AA33}ON [19:17:48] SMS: {ffffff}You have received one new message from '{ffff00}277760{ffffff}' [19:17:48] Message: {ffff00}iya [19:17:48] NOTE: {ffffff}use '/reply' to quick reply [19:17:52] SMS: {ffffff}You have received one new message from '{ffff00}277760{ffffff}' [19:17:52] Message: {ffff00}didlama [19:17:52] NOTE: {ffffff}use '/reply' to quick reply [19:17:56] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [19:17:56] SMS: {ffff00}Message sent! [19:18:01] * {FF0000}Alexa_Slanislov {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [19:18:06] * {FF0000}Alexander_McCarter {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [19:18:06] * {FF0000}Tyler_King {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [19:18:08] * {FF0000}Dough_Pattison {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [19:18:11] * {FF0000}Nadezsda_Kzvetoslav {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [19:18:14] (( PM from [26] Christoper_Wilstone: Kasih ke siapa ini ? )) [19:18:21] (( PM to [26] Christoper_Wilstone: nnt Agnar_Mokhamad )) [19:18:29] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[SELL] house di Las Colinas no 28 ada lahan parkir. 0 siapa cepat dia dapat. sms or datang langsung ke sanews! [19:18:29] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Eren_Smith{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}130500{FF0000}] [19:18:31] ERROR: Dilarang menggunakan karakter '\' ! [19:18:33] (( PM from [26] Christoper_Wilstone: Oke aman )) [19:18:34] (( PM to [26] Christoper_Wilstone: nnt gw OL in )) [19:18:40] * {FF0000}Joseph_Turner {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [19:18:48] * {FF0000}James_Christopher {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [19:19:00] ENGINE: Anda telah mematikan Mesin. [19:19:03] Marcus Blackburn says: bang [19:19:08] * {FF0000}Tobi_Ediansyah {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [19:19:09] Marcus Blackburn says: bang [19:19:17] Marcus Blackburn says: bang [19:19:19] Johnny Clark says: Apa sih? [19:19:22] Johnny Clark says: Buru buru syaa [19:19:23] Marcus Blackburn says: minta uang [19:19:25] Johnny Clark says: Dih [19:19:32] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}yang jual roadtrain atau sejenisnya murah cp/sms [19:19:32] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Christian_Bourmune{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}560606{FF0000}] [19:19:34] * {FF0000}Eugene_Zerchrov {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [19:19:35] Marcus Blackburn says: bang buat nyewa taxi [19:19:39] Johnny Clark says: Ga [19:19:39] Mask 124799 says: anda [19:19:41] Mask 124799 says: anda [19:19:43] Marcus Blackburn says: buat saya kerja [19:19:43] Johnny Clark says: Mas Maddox? [19:19:45] Mask 124799 says: iya [19:19:49] Johnny Clark says: k? [19:19:49] Marcus Blackburn says: bang [19:19:50] * {FF0000}Muhamad_Deni {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [19:19:50] * {FF0000}Basilius_Berdaguela {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta) [19:19:51] * {FF0000}Steve_Robinson {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [19:19:52] Screenshot Taken - sa-mp-059.png [19:19:53] Marcus Blackburn says: bagi uang [19:19:54] * {FF0000}Rizky_Syaputra {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta) [19:19:59] Mask 124799 says: 23k dah mas [19:20:00] Marcus Blackburn says: buat nyewa taxi [19:20:14] Marcus Blackburn says: aja mas. [19:20:16] * {FF0000}Putri_Oktavian {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [19:20:21] * {FF0000}Milosh_Milovanovic {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [19:20:21] Marcus Blackburn says: mas [19:20:21] * {FF0000}Thomas_Holland {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [19:20:24] Marcus Blackburn says: buat saya kerja [19:20:26] Mask 124799 says: jadi gak mas [19:20:27] Johnny Clark says: Yah mas, saya maksimal aja k [19:20:33] Mask 124799 says: yaudah [19:20:36] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[INFO] Dicari Workshoop Yang open Bisa Up engine,Tipe: WAA,ada,Callme [19:20:36] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Arlan_Foster{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}996630{FF0000}] [19:20:38] * {FF0000}Cristoper_Wade {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [19:20:38] Marcus Blackburn says: mas [19:20:41] Mask 124799 says: mulai nih [19:20:43] BANK: {ffffff}You've withdrawn {ffff00},000.00{ffffff} from your bank account [19:20:43] BALANCE: {ffff00},823.47br /> [19:20:44] BANK: {ffffff}You've withdrawn {ffff00},000.00{ffffff} from your bank account [19:20:44] BALANCE: {ffff00},823.47br /> [19:20:48] Marcus Blackburn says: minta uang dong [19:20:51] Mask 124799 says: transfer aja [19:20:54] Marcus Blackburn says: buat nyewa taxi [19:21:04] Johnny Clark says: Bisa kasih surat surat rumah nya dulu? [19:21:04] Marcus Blackburn says: bang [19:21:05] * {FF0000}Fauzhie_Magista {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [19:21:10] Mask 124799 says: beriskin amat [19:21:11] Marcus Blackburn says: bang [19:21:12] BANK: {ffffff}You've stored {ffff00},000.00{ffffff} into your bank account [19:21:12] BALANCE: {ffff00},823.47br /> [19:21:13] BANK: {ffffff}You've stored {ffff00},000.00{ffffff} into your bank account [19:21:13] BALANCE: {ffff00},823.47br /> [19:21:18] Mask 124799 says: brisik amat [19:21:20] Marcus Blackburn says: bagi uang [19:21:24] Johnny Clark says: Pergi aja lu woy, gak bakal gua kasih [19:21:25] Marcus Blackburn says: cuman 30 [19:21:30] * {FF0000}Alex_Chelsea {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [19:21:31] Mask 124799 says: atu bego [19:21:36] Mask 124799 says: bego sono [19:21:40] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}SELL Buffalo 3 Ansuransi Full Up Full Mod 3K Nego Minat CP: [19:21:40] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Danny_Stevan{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}604577{FF0000}] [19:21:42] Johnny Clark says: Bisa kasih surat surat rumah nya dulu? [19:21:43] Marcus Blackburn says: songong , mentang mentang orang kaya. [19:21:53] Mask 124799 says: ada mas [19:21:54] * {FF0000}Evelyne_Alvaretta {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta Capital Region) [19:21:57] * {FF0000}Van_Jerome {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [19:21:58] Mask 124799: (( kalo saya scam report mas )) [19:22:02] Mask 124799: (( tuh ada mas yurdik )) [19:22:04] Johnny Clark: (( /togmask )) [19:22:08] Scharodinger Maddox: (( tuh )) [19:22:09] [id:41] Volunteer mafarid (Evelyne_Alvaretta) [19:22:09] NOTE: {ffffff}Volunteer tidak memiliki kedudukan yang sama dengan Helper / Admin [19:22:10] * {FF0000}Irianto_Ibrahim {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [19:22:11] * {FF0000}Nadezsda_Kzvetoslav {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [19:22:11] * {FF0000}Fadilvakh_Zalvatores {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta) [19:22:13] [id:41] Volunteer mafarid (Evelyne_Alvaretta) [19:22:13] NOTE: {ffffff}Volunteer tidak memiliki kedudukan yang sama dengan Helper / Admin [19:22:18] * {FF0000}Steve_Robinson {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [19:22:20] Scharodinger Maddox: (( buat apa saya scam percuma main lama lama )) [19:22:21] BotCmd: Milosh_Milovanovic telah dikick, alasan: Ping melebihi batas (1146) [19:22:21] * {FF0000}Dion_Moores {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [19:22:35] * {FF0000}Alex_Bernard {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [19:22:42] Johnny Clark: (( ya buat mastiin mas, kalo barang dah di saya, saya nya tenang )) [19:22:45] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[Patungan's GYM] Fitness berkualitas dengan harga murah? Hanya di Ganton! [19:22:45] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Anthony_Schweinsteiger{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}140255{FF0000}] [19:22:49] Scharodinger Maddox: (( gak bisa )) [19:22:51] Scharodinger Maddox: (( ada uang ada barang )) [19:22:54] * {FF0000}Noval_Daiki {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [19:22:55] * {FF0000}Emiyaa_Shiro {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Tangerang) [19:22:55] * {FF0000}Thomas_Alvred {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [19:22:59] Scharodinger Maddox: (( tuh ada mas yurdik )) [19:23:01] * {FF0000}Angelin_Schweinsteiger {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [19:23:01] Scharodinger Maddox: (( anda tau kan )) [19:23:03] NOTE: {ffffff}Volunteer tidak memiliki kedudukan yang sama dengan Helper / Admin [19:23:07] * {FF0000}Billie_Woods {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [19:23:09] Scharodinger Maddox: (( kalo saya scam report tuh mas yurdik )) [19:23:15] Screenshot Taken - sa-mp-060.png [19:23:19] * {FF0000}Tobi_Ediansyah {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [19:23:24] Johnny Clark: (( yaudah deh terpaksa transfer dulu )) [19:23:29] Johnny Clark says: Nomor rekeningnya berapa? [19:23:29] Scharodinger Maddox: (( iya )) [19:23:30] * {FF0000}Steve_Robinson {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [19:23:35] * {FF0000}Kurnia_Firdaus {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [19:23:36] Scharodinger Maddox says: nomor 146 [19:23:38] Screenshot Taken - sa-mp-061.png [19:23:50] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[BUY]Roadtrain harga murah ada?Call [19:23:50] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Ardea_Himawan{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}9998{FF0000}] [19:23:50] * Johnny Clark memberikan buku tabungan kepada bank teller [19:23:57] * {FF0000}Ucup_Supardin {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta) [19:24:02] Johnny Clark says: Tolong transferkan uang sejumlah 000 ke rekening nomor 146 [19:24:11] Teller : Oke mas, tunggu ya. ((Johnny Clark)) [19:24:14] KEGUNAAN: /transfer [playerid/name] [amount] [19:24:20] TRANSFER: Anda telah mentransfer ,000.00 ke bank milik Scharodinger Maddox [19:24:23] TRANSFER: Anda telah mentransfer ,000.00 ke bank milik Scharodinger Maddox [19:24:25] Screenshot Taken - sa-mp-062.png [19:24:29] Johnny Clark says: Dah mas. [19:24:30] * {FF0000}Mario_Dustin {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [19:24:31] Scharodinger Maddox says: oke [19:24:32] * {FF0000}Judith_Laura {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [19:24:34] * {FF0000}Putri_Oktavian {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [19:24:37] * {FF0000}Thomas_Martinez {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [19:24:41] BotCmd: Carlos_Ramadano telah dikick, alasan: Ping melebihi batas (799) [19:24:55] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}Beli mobil pickup, anda menjualnya? Hubungi saya. [19:24:55] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Thomas_Holland{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}100400{FF0000}] [19:24:58] AdmCmd: Scharodinger_Maddox has been account banned by Pelopor. [19:24:58] Reason: Acc share [19:24:59] Scharodinger_Maddox telah keluar dari server. (di-Kick/di-Ban) [19:24:59] * {FF0000}Muhammad_Ilhamudin {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta) [19:25:18] REPORT: {ffffff}Your report has been issued to the queue, use '{ffff00}/reports{ffffff}' to see your report [19:25:22] Screenshot Taken - sa-mp-063.png [19:25:27] * {FF0000}Kunto_Asalam {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [19:25:28] * {FF0000}Taufiq_Aman {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [19:25:31] * {FF0000}Currier_Dane {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [19:25:52] AdmCmd: Josep_Walker has been remote account banned by Pelopor. [19:25:52] Reason: Account sharing with Scharodinger_Maddox [19:25:55] * {FF0000}Rizky_Syaputra {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta) [19:26:01] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}Dicari, Mobil Van dengan kondisi baik dan harga murah bisa muat empat orang atau lebih. [19:26:01] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Bunrakuken_Hacbirobei{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}7272{FF0000}] [19:26:07] * {FF0000}Andhika_Wardana {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [19:26:17] * {FF0000}Firda_Amalia {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [19:26:21] Q:Johnny Clark[155]: Min, saya transfer uang sejumlah k ke Scharodinger_Maddox buat beli rumah, dia di banned gimana? [19:26:28] * {FF0000}Fabian_Arzak {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [19:26:35] Screenshot Taken - sa-mp-064.png [19:26:35] AdmCmd: Johnny_Clark has been warned by Pelopor, Total warning: 2 [19:26:35] Reason: Misusing /ask [19:26:37] * {FF0000}Richo_Jerycho {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [19:26:47] * {FF0000}Adora_Chapin {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [19:26:50] * {FF0000}Carlos_Ramadano {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta) [19:26:52] Answer: {ffff00}GAUSAH IKUT CAMPUR KEPO [19:26:52] (( PM from [142] Engival_Lirva: bikin report forum aja )) [19:26:57] AdmCmd: Johnny_Clark has been kicked by Pelopor. [19:26:57] Reason: Kepo [19:26:57] Server closed the connection. Link to comment
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