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Scam [Vincent Daniels]


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Nama In-Game : Raven_Lawston
Nama Pelanggar: Vincent Daniels
Waktu dan Tanggal : 23:37:53 4 April 2016
Apa yang dilakukan : Dia lagi membuat iklan "[23:24:11] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}Jual Patriot 3insuransi 4Upgrade STNK Aktif fullmod dan ada 1 sticker Anda Minat telpon atau SMS Saya !
[23:24:12] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Vincent_Daniels{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}151515{FF0000}]" Saya beli Patriotnya terus dia memberikan STNK
3 insu 4 up, nah pas saya di give terus saya check /insurances tahu tahu itu insurancesnya satu
[15:53:36] RESPOND: {ff0000}Po1ntless. {FFFFCC}has responded to your report
[15:53:36] RESPOND: {ffffcc}Message from admin: {ffffff}Di SS terus report forum

Ini Chatlog yang dia kasi STNKnya
[23:37:38] =================[Vehicle Ownership]=================
[23:37:38] Vehicle: {ffffff}Patriot
[23:37:38] Owner: {ffffff}Vincent Daniels
[23:37:38] Plate: {ffffff}ZU023MT
[23:37:38] Insurance: {ffffff}3 year(s)
[23:37:38] License: {ffffff}Thu 21 Apr 2016, 15:24:12
[23:37:38] Upgrades:
[23:37:38] - {00ff00}Engine
[23:37:38] - {00ff00}Fuel Tank
[23:37:38] - {00ff00}Body
[23:37:38] - {00ff00}Alarm
Baru saya check
[23:43:47] Slot {00ffff}2{ffffff}: Vehicle: [{00ffff}BMX{ffffff}] Insurances: [{ff0000}No{ffffff}]
[23:43:47] Slot {00ffff}3{ffffff}: Vehicle: [{00ffff}Patriot{ffffff}] Insurances: [{00ff00}1{ffffff}]

SS Waktu Transaksi juga ada :





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