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Mariska Pasaribu [Scam Kendaraan]

Muhammad Ridwan

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Nama IG : Willy Saputra

Nama pelanggar : Mariska Pasaribu

Waktu dan tanggal : Sekitar Jam 12:00

Apa yang dia lakukan : Pertama saya membeli kendaraan dia dengan harga $2850 lalu saya sudah memberikan uangnya kepada dia, lalu saya pas di depan alhambra ditinggal sama dia kebank, kemudian saya report karna dia tiba-tiba dilogin lalu admin sharinggan merespond report saya dan dia IG kembali dengan alasan Terputus/Crash, setelah saya ikut dia kebank tiba-tiba dia OFF dan tidak login kembali. Teman 1 netnya bilang bahwa dia memang suka melakukan hal seperti itu.



[23:52:23] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone

[23:52:23] SMS: {ffff00}Message sent!

[23:52:27] SMS: {ffffff}You have received one new message from '{ffff00}699982{ffffff}'

[23:52:27] Message: {ffff00}3k nego

[23:52:27] NOTE: {ffffff}use '/reply' to quick reply

[23:52:27] SHOP: {ffffff}You've purchased {ffff00}Menu +12 {ffffff}for {00ff00}$0.75

[23:52:28] * {FF0000}Scoot_Kennedy {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Palembang)

[23:52:29] SHOP: {ffffff}You've purchased {ffff00}Menu +12 {ffffff}for {00ff00}$0.75

[23:52:30] SHOP: {ffffff}You've purchased {ffff00}Menu +12 {ffffff}for {00ff00}$0.75

[23:52:32] SHOP: {ffffff}You've purchased {ffff00}Energy Drink {ffffff}for {00ff00}$3.75

[23:52:40] WARNING: {ffffff}You've drunk too much, overall fitness rating decreased by {00ffff}0.06

[23:52:52] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone

[23:52:52] SMS: {ffff00}Message sent!

[23:53:01] SMS: {ffffff}You have received one new message from '{ffff00}699982{ffffff}'

[23:53:01] Message: {ffff00}2,5k?

[23:53:01] NOTE: {ffffff}use '/reply' to quick reply

[23:53:03] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone

[23:53:03] SMS: {ffff00}Message sent!

[23:53:07] SMS: {ffffff}You have received one new message from '{ffff00}699982{ffffff}'

[23:53:07] Message: {ffff00}3k nego

[23:53:07] NOTE: {ffffff}use '/reply' to quick reply

[23:53:12] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[Sell] Fagio,Towtruck,Elegy,Savana,Alpah 3 insurance 2 uprage! CP

[23:53:12] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Ailan_Fank{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}201515{FF0000}]

[23:53:22] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone

[23:53:22] SMS: {ffff00}Message sent!

[23:53:27] SMS: {ffffff}You have received one new message from '{ffff00}699982{ffffff}'

[23:53:27] Message: {ffff00}3 insu 2up

[23:53:27] NOTE: {ffffff}use '/reply' to quick reply

[23:53:47] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone

[23:53:47] SMS: {ffff00}Message sent!

[23:53:53] SMS: {ffffff}You have received one new message from '{ffff00}699982{ffffff}'

[23:53:53] Message: {ffff00}ok mobil apa ini?

[23:53:53] NOTE: {ffffff}use '/reply' to quick reply

[23:54:03] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone

[23:54:03] SMS: {ffff00}Message sent!

[23:54:10] SMS: {ffffff}You have received one new message from '{ffff00}699982{ffffff}'

[23:54:10] Message: {ffff00}gak bisa elegy segitu rugi banda

[23:54:10] NOTE: {ffffff}use '/reply' to quick reply

[23:54:18] SMS: {ffffff}You have received one new message from '{ffff00}699982{ffffff}'

[23:54:18] Message: {ffff00}rugi gua 2up 400$

[23:54:18] NOTE: {ffffff}use '/reply' to quick reply

[23:54:18] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}Mencari dealer yang dapat memesan burrito.

[23:54:18] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Adrian_Lino{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}200209{FF0000}]

[23:54:28] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone

[23:54:28] SMS: {ffff00}Message sent!

[23:54:33] ENGINEINFO: Mesin masih mati, tekan tombol {FF0000}LMB{BFC0C2} atau command /engine untuk menghidupkannya.

[23:54:33] ENGINE: Anda mencoba untuk menghidupkan Mesin.

[23:54:37] ENGINE: Anda telah menghidupkan mesin kendaraan.

[23:54:37] SMS: {ffffff}You have received one new message from '{ffff00}699982{ffffff}'

[23:54:37] Message: {ffff00}2,9?

[23:54:37] NOTE: {ffffff}use '/reply' to quick reply

[23:54:41] SMS: {ffffff}You have received one new message from '{ffff00}699982{ffffff}'

[23:54:41] Message: {ffff00}dikit mas

[23:54:41] NOTE: {ffffff}use '/reply' to quick reply

[23:54:54] * {FF0000}Gina_Vernada {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Palembang)

[23:54:55] Mask 943721 says: Yaudah deh Kebank

[23:54:56] SMS: {ffffff}You have received one new message from '{ffff00}699982{ffffff}'

[23:54:56] Message: {ffff00}ini terahir 2,850k terahir NET

[23:54:56] NOTE: {ffffff}use '/reply' to quick reply

[23:55:00] * {FF0000}Adolfo_Leorra {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta)

[23:55:02] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone

[23:55:02] SMS: {ffff00}Message sent!

[23:55:06] SMS: {ffffff}You have received one new message from '{ffff00}699982{ffffff}'

[23:55:06] Message: {ffff00}tunggu

[23:55:06] NOTE: {ffffff}use '/reply' to quick reply

[23:55:07] Lights {33AA33}ON

[23:55:13] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone

[23:55:13] SMS: {ffff00}Message sent!

[23:55:24] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[SAMD] WE FIGHT WHAT YOU FEAR!

[23:55:24] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Alan_Timothy{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}918800{FF0000}]

[23:56:02] SMS: {ffffff}You have received one new message from '{ffff00}699982{ffffff}'

[23:56:02] Message: {ffff00}mariska

[23:56:02] NOTE: {ffffff}use '/reply' to quick reply

[23:56:15] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone

[23:56:15] SMS: {ffff00}Message sent!

[23:56:31] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[SAMD Patroli Bersama] Ikutlah bersama kami, bersatu kita teguh bercerai kita ....., Loc : SANews.

[23:56:31] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Cody_Oberon{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}888555{FF0000}]

[23:57:11] BANK: {ffffff}You've taken {ffff00}$1,000.00 {ffffff}from the bank. Current balance: {ffff00}$2,749.27

[23:57:13] BANK: {ffffff}You've taken {ffff00}$1,000.00 {ffffff}from the bank. Current balance: {ffff00}$1,749.27

[23:57:16] BANK: {ffffff}You've taken {ffff00}$500.00 {ffffff}from the bank. Current balance: {ffff00}$1,249.27

[23:57:22] BANK: {ffffff}You've taken {ffff00}$250.00 {ffffff}from the bank. Current balance: {ffff00}$999.27

[23:57:24] BANK: {ffffff}You've taken {ffff00}$50.00 {ffffff}from the bank. Current balance: {ffff00}$949.27

[23:57:27] * {FF0000}Karin_Santiago {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server.

[23:57:29] BANK: {ffffff}You've taken {ffff00}$100.00 {ffffff}from the bank. Current balance: {ffff00}$849.27

[23:57:37] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}Yang mau ikut patroli bareng SAMD, bawa mobil anda ke SANews. WE FIGHT WHAT YOU FEAR!

[23:57:37] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Jermaine_Jackson{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}990022{FF0000}]

[23:57:38] BANK: {ffffff}You've taken {ffff00}$100.00 {ffffff}from the bank. Current balance: {ffff00}$749.27

[23:57:46] SMS: {ffffff}You have received one new message from '{ffff00}699982{ffffff}'

[23:57:46] Message: {ffff00}saya udah di albaharm club

[23:57:46] NOTE: {ffffff}use '/reply' to quick reply

[23:57:48] * {FF0000}Gavrilovich_Beinhard {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server.

[23:57:49] SMS: {ffffff}You have received one new message from '{ffff00}699982{ffffff}'

[23:57:49] Message: {ffff00}mana anda

[23:57:49] NOTE: {ffffff}use '/reply' to quick reply

[23:57:53] * {FF0000}Couper_Samuelson {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server.

[23:57:59] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone

[23:57:59] SMS: {ffff00}Message sent!

[23:58:01] MASKINFO: Mask {FF0000}OFF

[23:58:05] * {FF0000}Johnson_Alvison {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Medan)

[23:58:06] * {FF0000}Nickerson_Hampton {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server.

[23:58:08] SMS: {ffffff}You have received one new message from '{ffff00}699982{ffffff}'

[23:58:08] Message: {ffff00}di mana? saya udah di depan

[23:58:08] NOTE: {ffffff}use '/reply' to quick reply

[23:58:13] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone

[23:58:14] SMS: {ffff00}Message sent!

[23:58:43] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[SAMD] Patrol together with SAMD, join with us! Loc. SANEWS HQ | WE FIGHT WHAT YOU FEAR!

[23:58:43] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Evelyne_Alvaretta{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}1969{FF0000}]

[23:58:50] * {FF0000}Daniel_Paddington {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Palembang)

[23:58:51] SMS: {ffffff}You have received one new message from '{ffff00}699982{ffffff}'

[23:58:51] Message: {ffff00}lama anda

[23:58:51] NOTE: {ffffff}use '/reply' to quick reply

[23:59:00] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone

[23:59:00] SMS: {ffff00}Message sent!

[23:59:01] * {FF0000}Takeshi_Masato {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta)

[23:59:12] ERROR: Duration cannot go above 13 weeks or below 1 week!

[23:59:12] * {FF0000}Diaz_Vandy {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta)

[23:59:27] SMS: {ffffff}You have received one new message from '{ffff00}699982{ffffff}'

[23:59:27] Message: {ffff00}lama

[23:59:27] NOTE: {ffffff}use '/reply' to quick reply

[23:59:35] * {FF0000}Leonardo_Krieger {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server.

[23:59:40] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone

[23:59:40] SMS: {ffff00}Message sent!

[23:59:49] APARTMENT: {ffffff}You've rented an apartment room for {00ff00}$100.00

[23:59:49] APARTMENT: {ffffff}Your rent will expire at {ffff00}Tue 12 Apr 2016, 23:57:53

[00:00:00] Mariska Pasaribu says: will

[00:00:05] Mariska Pasaribu says: jadi gak

[00:00:05] Willy Saputra says: Iya

[00:00:08] Willy Saputra says: Jadi

[00:00:08] Mariska Pasaribu says: ini mobilnya

[00:00:21] Mariska Pasaribu says: sini ikut gua

[00:00:25] Mariska Pasaribu says: sini ikut gua

[00:00:27] Willy Saputra says: Mana

[00:00:34] ENGINEINFO: Mesin masih mati, tekan tombol {FF0000}LMB{BFC0C2} atau command /engine untuk menghidupkannya.

[00:00:35] ENGINE: Anda mencoba untuk menghidupkan Mesin.

[00:00:38] ENGINE: Anda telah menghidupkan mesin kendaraan.

[00:00:48] ERROR: You need to be in your own garage or near your house to store vehicle!

[00:00:52] HOUSE: {ffff00}You've stored vehicle {ff0000}Stafford (slot: 2) {ffff00}into the apartment garage!

[00:00:58] * {FF0000}Benicia_Anthony {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server.

[00:01:06] Willy Saputra says: Lihat surat surat

[00:01:07] Mariska Pasaribu says: uang

[00:01:14] Willy Saputra says: $2850

[00:01:16] =================[Vehicle Ownership]=================

[00:01:16] Vehicle: {ffffff}Elegy

[00:01:16] Owner: {ffffff}Mariska Pasaribu

[00:01:16] Plate: {ffffff}FP224AM

[00:01:16] Insurance: {ffffff}2 year(s)

[00:01:16] License: {ffffff}None/Expired

[00:01:16] Upgrades:

[00:01:16] - {00ff00}Engine

[00:01:16] - {00ff00}Body

[00:01:17] Mariska Pasaribu says: ya

[00:01:20] Mariska Pasaribu says: ke bank?

[00:01:29] Mariska Pasaribu says: naek

[00:01:29] * Willy Saputra memberikan uang kepada mariska dengan tangan kanan

[00:01:33] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[DiJual] Benson Harga 200 2 insu STNK Aktif

[00:01:33] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Arya_Ramadhan{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}500270{FF0000}]

[00:01:37] PAYINFO: {ffffff}You've given {ffff00}Mariska Pasaribu [id:62] {00ff00}$1,000.00

[00:01:38] PAYINFO: {ffffff}You've given {ffff00}Mariska Pasaribu [id:62] {00ff00}$1,000.00

[00:01:41] * Mariska Pasaribu take it

[00:01:42] PAYINFO: {ffffff}You've given {ffff00}Mariska Pasaribu [id:62] {00ff00}$850.00

[00:01:45] Mariska Pasaribu says: gua ke bank

[00:01:48] * {FF0000}Benicia_Anthony {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server.

[00:01:50] Mariska Pasaribu says: narok dulu

[00:01:54] {00ffff}SERVER: {ffffff} 0 inactive houses was sold

[00:01:54] {00ffff}SERVER: {ffffff} 1 garasi inactive telah dijual!

[00:02:17] Mask 298135 says: kenapa

[00:02:23] Willy Saputra says: Kebank

[00:02:26] * {FF0000}Scoot_Kennedy {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Palembang)

[00:02:32] * {FF0000}Benicia_Anthony {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server.

[00:02:33] Mask 298135 says: bayar lah

[00:02:39] Willy Saputra says: Kebank

[00:02:40] Mask 298135 says: bayar lah

[00:02:42] Mask 298135 says: uangnya

[00:02:45] * {FF0000}Marrio_Belazorov {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server.

[00:02:51] Mask 298135 says: bayar

[00:02:53] ERROR: that player is not connected!

[00:02:56] ERROR: that player is not connected!

[00:03:07] REPORT: {ffffff}Your report has been issued to the queue, use '{ffff00}/reports{ffffff}' to see your report

[00:03:13] * {FF0000}Benicia_Anthony {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server.

[00:03:13] Willy Saputra: (( temen lu scam ))

[00:03:17] * {FF0000}Fajar_Adriano {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. (Jakarta)

[00:03:19] [ID] ID:46 | Name: Mariska_Pasaribu

[00:03:19] * {FF0000}Mariska_Pasaribu {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server.

[00:03:30] RESPOND: {ff0000}Sharinggan {FFFFCC}has responded to your report

[00:03:33] TELE: {ffffff}You have been teleported!

[00:03:33] (( PM to [46] Mariska_Pasaribu: mana lu ))

[00:03:42] Willy Saputra: (( gue ditinggali ))

[00:03:43] {ff0000}Sharinggan: {ffffff}(( scam apa ini ))

[00:03:43] (( PM from [46] Mariska_Pasaribu: bank ))

[00:03:45] Willy Saputra: (( gue ditinggalin ))

[00:03:51] Mariska Pasaribu says: maaf tadi dc

[00:03:54] Mariska Pasaribu says: ni

[00:03:55] * {FF0000}Benicia_Anthony {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server.

[00:04:02] Willy Saputra: (( Ngomong ))

[00:04:06] Mariska Pasaribu: (( ok ))

[00:04:12] Mariska Pasaribu: (( di bank aja mas ))




Hanya ini yang bukti yang bisa saya berikan kalo tidak percaya saksi admin sharinggan.

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