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[REFUND] Januar_Alif ( Patriot 1insu 4up )

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Character: Januar_Alif

Waktu & Tanggal: 06/03/23

Barang yang dibutuhkan: Patriot 1insu 4up

Saya membutuhkan refund karena:

saya ingin /spawn tapi kendaraan saya di air jadinya saya /stuck tapi saya tidak sengaja mengklik (kendaraan saya negblink,masuk ai[kendaraan hancur]) saat itu saya tidak sempat /cancel stuck jadinya ilang mobil saya tidak bisa di spawn

Berikut adalah bukti yang berupa screenshot / video:




Berikut adalah bukti chatlog:


[15:16:26] VEHICLE: {FFFFFF}Seatbelts {FF0000}OFF
[15:16:26] TAXI: {FFFFFF}You've paid {00FF00}{field_value_17}.85 {FFFFFF}to the taxi driver.
[15:16:26] Amelia Velantenia says: Sama sama
[15:16:57] AdmCmd: Raymond_Oconnor has been kicked by Lost.
[15:16:57] Reason: SPAM, Last warn.
[15:17:8] [ASK] {FFFFFF}Januar Alif[172]: {FFFF00}ini mobil saya masuk insu di air ambil nya gimana (udah bayar insu)
[15:17:16] [NEWS] Dominico Villopoto: *Opening Special Advertisement SAN Ultimate Fighting League Advertisement Jingle*
[15:17:24] [NEWS] Dominico Villopoto: Hi Fighters!
[15:17:31] [NEWS] Dominico Villopoto: San Andreas News Network kembali hadir dengan event bulanan yang bertajuk SAN Ultimate Fighting League.
[15:17:35] STUCK: {FFFFFF}Laporan stuck kamu telah dikirim kepada staff yang sedang online!
[15:17:41] INSURANCE: {FFFFFF}Your {00FFFF}Patriot {FFFFFF}has been destroyed, your replacement will be ready on {FFFF00}Sun 04 Jun 2023, 15:17:41
[15:17:41] STUCK: {FF0000}Heistoria {FFFFFF}telah membantu kamu untuk unstuck
[15:17:50] ERROR: You don't have any owned vehicles!
[15:17:56] ERROR: You do not have any vehicles!
[19:29:27] Joachim Diethelm: (( kurang tau tuh mas kalo gitui ))
[19:29:29] Joachim Diethelm: (( coba tanya admin ))
[19:29:31] Januar Alif: (( ok mas ))
[19:29:33] Joachim Diethelm: (( tkutnya bug ))
[19:29:43] 1. Vehicle Insurances:
[19:29:43] 2. Health Insurance:
[19:29:43] Insurance Type: [{FF0000}None{FFFFFF}]
[19:29:50] [LIVE] Velliona Vyrize: Kalau boleh tahu kapan acara Auto Show ini di adakan?
[19:29:50] ERROR: You do not own any vehicle!
[19:30:1] ERROR: Vehicle is not ready to be claimed from the insurance!
[19:30:12] ERROR: Unknown command, see '/help'
[19:30:16] ERROR: You do not have any pending auto refund


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Denied, kami telah menolak permohonan refund kamu karena salah satu alasan di bawah ini:

  • Kurangnya bukti yang mendukung permohonan kamu.
  • Pemohon melanggar salah satu peraturan sehingga permohonan hangus.
  • Pemohon tidak menjawab tanggapan admin setelah 30 hari.
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