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Jose_Calino [vitalwounds]

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Jose Calino




          Jose Calino is a young man who was born in the city of Tijuana, Mexico. Jose has a father who works in an office in the field of architect and his mother works in a department, namely a doctor. His father was named Luis Galino and his mother Sasha Castilla, their family lived in very simple conditions. Jose himself was also educated in elementary schools in Mexico and Jose himself always received praise from students and even his teachers, because of Jose's craftsmanship and attitude while at school. Finally, Jose graduated with a good record and got several trophies and made his parents proud. Ten years later, both parents no longer worked and Jose was 20 years old. .


          Finally Jose was determined to join one of the people who selling drugs on the streets in the end Jose's performance looks very good and he earns a lot of money from his work. Jose himself decided to focus on this dirty work and Miguell as the leader was proud of Jose and Miguel brought Jose to one of the highest ranking people and Jose was introduced by Miguel to his boss. In the end, Jose was officially in Cartell and every day Jose had to do things he didn't do, Jose always injured local residents and even destroyed his wares. Everything went very smoothly, as soon as Jose's behavior was not good in terms of in the end the local residents wanted to take revenge on Jose and even the Cartell because the police could not take care of him because the Cartell had been bribed. In the end, the residents found out Jose's identity and they already knew the whereabouts of Jose's house.


          Then the residents killed Jose's father and mother so that Jose would know that the violence that Jose did was very dangerous for his family. Jose, who did not know about the death of his parents, was finally notified by the police and Jose immediately rushed home and saw the condition of his father and mother. Jose, who was devastated, was very sorry for the death of his parents, Jose realized that this was all because of what Jose had done to the local residents. Jose, who was hit, finally tried to stay calm and tried to leave his bad path, Jose visited a music venue and he met someone who was very good at playing the guitar, Jose approached and asked him something about playing the guitar. This person was named Josiah Barker, then the two of them got along so well that they always exchanged stories. And Jose explained the problem and Jose himself tried to find a solution or a way out of all this life. Barker also suggested leaving this country and going to Los Santos because Barker was there and he could definitely change and Barker also gave his identity about him and his motorcycle club. Jose, who should have thought about all of this, finally agreed with all of this, because Jose did not want his life to continue like this, in the end, Jose decided to go to Los Santos.




Character Story Pertama: No

Durasi bermain di JG:RP: 3 tahun lebih

URL Namechange:

Account UCP yang saya miliki:


Account Forum yang saya miliki:
frananda arif



Saya frananda arif selaku pemilik account UCP vitalwounds bersedia jika Character saya yang disebut di atas (Jose Calino) dibanned permanent jika character story yang saya buat di atas berupa plagiat dari story milik orang lain.

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Sebelum melanjutkan revisi, mohon dijawab pertanyaan di bawah ini:

  1. Apakah ini adalah pertama kali kamu membuat Character Story ? (Ya/Tidak)
  2. Sudah berapa lama kamu main JG:RP? ( Kurang dari 1 bulan / 1 - 3 bulan / 4 - 6 bulan / 6 bulan - 1 tahun / 1 tahun lebih / 3 tahun lebih / 5 tahun lebih )
  3. Apakah character ini baru kamu buat atau baru melakukan prosess Namechange ? (Buat baru/Namechange)
  4. Apakah kamu memiliki account UCP selain yang kamu mainkan saat ini? (Ya/Tidak)
  5. Apakah kamu memiliki account Forum selain yang kamu pakai saat ini? (Ya/Tidak)
  6. Dimana tempat kamu bermain sekarang? (Di rumah / Di warnet)


PENTING: Harap diperhatikan ketentuan dibawah ini!

  1. Menggunakan font yang mudah dibaca (Arial, Tahoma, atau Verdana). Font size: 14, dan jangan diberikan atribut berlebihan (BoldItalic, atau Underline)
  2. Pastikan format penulisan Justify yaitu rata kanan-kiri menggunakan tombol image.png pada toolbar di atas.
  3. Tidak boleh ada plagiarisme! ( Silahkan cari di internet untuk plagiarism checker, contoh: https://smallseotools.com/plagiarism-checker/ )
  4. Ejaan, tanda baca, dan grammar harus sesuai dengan standar bahasa yang dipilih (Bahasa Indonesia atau English).
  5. Character story minimal harus memiliki 300 kata yang dipecah menjadi minimal 3 paragraph. 
  6. Gunakan huruf kapital sesuai penempatan kata dan juga yang baik dan benar.
  7. Untuk mengubah story / cerita character kamu, gunakan feature edit yang sudah disediakan:




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Just now, Northiz said:

Sebelum melanjutkan revisi, mohon dijawab pertanyaan di bawah ini:

  1. Apakah ini adalah pertama kali kamu membuat Character Story ? (Ya/Tidak)
  2. Sudah berapa lama kamu main JG:RP? ( Kurang dari 1 bulan / 1 - 3 bulan / 4 - 6 bulan / 6 bulan - 1 tahun / 1 tahun lebih / 3 tahun lebih / 5 tahun lebih )
  3. Apakah character ini baru kamu buat atau baru melakukan prosess Namechange ? (Buat baru/Namechange)
  4. Apakah kamu memiliki account UCP selain yang kamu mainkan saat ini? (Ya/Tidak)
  5. Apakah kamu memiliki account Forum selain yang kamu pakai saat ini? (Ya/Tidak)
  6. Dimana tempat kamu bermain sekarang? (Di rumah / Di warnet)



1. Tidak

2. 3 Tahun

3. Buat baru
4. Tidak
5. Ada, @beachluver
6. Warnet

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email_logo.pngJogjagamers Reality Project
Helper Team
Character Story

Dear @frananda arif,


I am writing to you in regards of your recently submitted character story, we have reviewed your character story and, as a result, have come to the decision to ACCEPT your request. Please read this guide to activate your character story In-Game via our UCP Website.

We hope that you may use this character story to further develop your character.


JG:RP Helper Team

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