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Noburu_Bushimaru [NoburuBY]

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Noburu Bushimaru







 Noburu Bushimaru or commonly called Nobru is a teenager who was born on 01 01 2001 Tokyo, Japan. He was born with two parents named Sarah Marsmellow as his mother and father named Takiya Yamaguchi, both of his parents came from Japan. Since childhood, Nobru really liked motorized vehicles, especially motorbikes. This was because Nobru's father had a very large collection of motorbikes in his garage. Since he was 10 years old, Nobru has been taught how to drive a motorized vehicle and how to repair damaged motorbike engines, so it's no wonder that Nobru often repairs his motorbike with his own hands.


    After Nobru is 17 years old, Nobru already has a driver's license. Because he already has a driver's license, Nobru is eager to try motor racing in his city. He looked for motor racing events through the posters attached to the walls of the buildings there. After looking for the poster for a long time, Nobru finally found a legal motorbike racing event in the area near his house. Without thinking much, Nobru immediately called the number listed on the poster. After being registered at the event, Nobru always worked hard to be able to win the event. 14 01 2018 was the date that Nobru made his motorbike racing debut, he was very surprised by the atmosphere there, but Nobru tried to calm down and focus on the event. The event started with Nobru lagging far from first place, but Nobru did not give up until finally Nobru managed to overtake the number one position and win the event. Since then, Nobru has often participated in motor racing events, and has also often won these events. After Nobru became known to many people, Nobru received information from someone that Nobru was invited to a motor racing event in the City of San Andreas. The prizes you get when you win the event are quite large, and all transportation costs are borne by the owner of the event. Not thinking long, Nobru immediately agreed to the invitation.


   After arriving in the City of San Andreas, Nobru received a welcome from the owner of the event. Nobru was immediately taken to the inn and told to get enough rest by the event owner. 2 days later the event had started, Nobru was very tense because of the atmosphere there. Nobru only focuses on one goal, namely "Win". The event had started and Nobru led until the end of the lap. Nobru was very happy because apart from getting money, he also got luxurious facilities there. Nobru really liked living in the City of San Andreas, he tried to contact his parents to get permission to live in San Andreas, his parents agreed to this. Finally Nobru lives in the city of San Andreas until now and continues to participate in motor racing events in the city.





Character Story Pertama: No

Durasi bermain di JG:RP: 3 - 6 bulan

URL Namechange:

Account UCP yang saya miliki:


Account Forum yang saya miliki:



Saya NoburuBY selaku pemilik account UCP NoburuBY bersedia jika Character saya yang disebut di atas (Noburu Bushimaru) dibanned permanent jika character story yang saya buat di atas berupa plagiat dari story milik orang lain.

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  • $NoburuBY$ changed the title to Noburu Bushimaru [NoburuBY]

Sebelum melanjutkan revisi, mohon dijawab pertanyaan di bawah ini:

  1. Apakah ini adalah pertama kali kamu membuat Character Story ? (Ya/Tidak)
  2. Sudah berapa lama kamu main JG:RP? ( Kurang dari 1 bulan / 1 - 3 bulan / 4 - 6 bulan / 6 bulan - 1 tahun / 1 tahun lebih / 3 tahun lebih / 5 tahun lebih )
  3. Apakah character ini baru kamu buat atau baru melakukan prosess Namechange ? (Buat baru/Namechange)
  4. Apakah kamu memiliki account UCP selain yang kamu mainkan saat ini? (Ya/Tidak)
  5. Apakah kamu memiliki account Forum selain yang kamu pakai saat ini? (Ya/Tidak)
  6. Dimana tempat kamu bermain sekarang? (Di rumah / Di warnet)


PENTING: Harap diperhatikan ketentuan dibawah ini!

  1. Menggunakan font yang mudah dibaca (Arial, Tahoma, atau Verdana). Font size: 14, dan jangan diberikan atribut berlebihan (BoldItalic, atau Underline)
  2. Pastikan format penulisan Justify yaitu rata kanan-kiri menggunakan tombol image.png pada toolbar di atas.
  3. Tidak boleh ada plagiarisme! ( Silahkan cari di internet untuk plagiarism checker, contoh: https://smallseotools.com/plagiarism-checker/ )
  4. Ejaan, tanda baca, dan grammar harus sesuai dengan standar bahasa yang dipilih (Bahasa Indonesia atau English).
  5. Character story minimal harus memiliki 300 kata yang dipecah menjadi minimal 3 paragraph. 
  6. Gunakan huruf kapital sesuai penempatan kata dan juga yang baik dan benar.
  7. Untuk mengubah story / cerita character kamu, gunakan feature edit yang sudah disediakan:




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1 jam yang lalu, Ooxy said:

Sebelum melanjutkan revisi, mohon dijawab pertanyaan di bawah ini:

  1. Apakah ini adalah pertama kali kamu membuat Character Story ? (Ya/Tidak)
  2. Sudah berapa lama kamu main JG:RP? ( Kurang dari 1 bulan / 1 - 3 bulan / 4 - 6 bulan / 6 bulan - 1 tahun / 1 tahun lebih / 3 tahun lebih / 5 tahun lebih )
  3. Apakah character ini baru kamu buat atau baru melakukan prosess Namechange ? (Buat baru/Namechange)
  4. Apakah kamu memiliki account UCP selain yang kamu mainkan saat ini? (Ya/Tidak)
  5. Apakah kamu memiliki account Forum selain yang kamu pakai saat ini? (Ya/Tidak)
  6. Dimana tempat kamu bermain sekarang? (Di rumah / Di warnet)


PENTING: Harap diperhatikan ketentuan dibawah ini!

  1. Menggunakan font yang mudah dibaca (Arial, Tahoma, atau Verdana). Font size: 14, dan jangan diberikan atribut berlebihan (BoldItalic, atau Underline)
  2. Pastikan format penulisan Justify yaitu rata kanan-kiri menggunakan tombol image.png pada toolbar di atas.
  3. Tidak boleh ada plagiarisme! ( Silahkan cari di internet untuk plagiarism checker, contoh: https://smallseotools.com/plagiarism-checker/ )
  4. Ejaan, tanda baca, dan grammar harus sesuai dengan standar bahasa yang dipilih (Bahasa Indonesia atau English).
  5. Character story minimal harus memiliki 300 kata yang dipecah menjadi minimal 3 paragraph. 
  6. Gunakan huruf kapital sesuai penempatan kata dan juga yang baik dan benar.
  7. Untuk mengubah story / cerita character kamu, gunakan feature edit yang sudah disediakan:
      Reveal hidden contents





1. Tidak.

2. 4-6 Bulan.

3. Buat Baru.

4. Tidak.

5. Tidak.

6. Di Rumah.


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email_logo.pngJogjagamers Reality Project
Helper Team
Character Story

Dear @Noburu BY,


I am writing to you in regards of your recently submitted character story, we have reviewed your character story and, as a result, have come to the decision to ACCEPT your request. Please read this guide to activate your character story In-Game via our UCP Website.

We hope that you may use this character story to further develop your character.


JG:RP Helper Team

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