Seann Posted February 8, 2023 Posted February 8, 2023 Character: Sean_Aldebaran Waktu & Tanggal: 08/02/2023 Barang yang dibutuhkan: lupa password UCP dan tidak ada jalan untuk memulihkannya. Saya membutuhkan refund karena: Saya mengalami kehilangan akun karena saya vakum dalam beberapa bulan bermain gta samp roleplay JGRP. Saya setelah menggunakan laptop ini kembali sudah update windows 11 dan semuanya saya reset kembali semuanya hilang, dan saya mendownload ulang gta samp roleplay karena ingin bermain game itu lagi, dan yang terjadi saya lupa password UCP saya, dan saya tidak tau akses memulihkannya nomor di UCP udah ga aktif lagi saya udh ganti hp dan nomor baru, alamat email yang saya gunakan juga udah lama ga saya pake, jadi saya tolong di refund kembali akun saya, saya ingin bermain gta samp roleplay JGRP, saya kangen sama teman-teman roleplay JGRP. Saya sangat memohon kepada admin untuk merefund akun UCP saya kembali itu satu satunya UCP saya, saya ingin bermain GTA SAMP Roleplay JGRP lagi. Berikut adalah bukti yang berupa screenshot / video: Spoiler Foto yang tersisa di akun One Drive saya: Spoiler 1. Spoiler 2. Spoiler 3. Berikut adalah bukti chatlog: Spoiler [23:39:13] {FFFFFF}SA-MP {B9C9BF}0.3DL {FFFFFF}Started [23:39:13] CodsMP Build For color/model sharing and support, please join the Discord server @ [23:39:18] Connecting to [23:39:20] Connected. Joining the game... [23:39:30] Connected to {B9C9BF}Jogjagamers Reality Project [23:39:31] CodsMP is currently loading custom models. This may cause your game to briefly hang. [23:39:39] {00ffff}SERVER:{ffffff} Selamat datang {ffff00}Sean_Aldebaran{ffffff}. [23:39:39] MOTD: {ffff00}Bingung? baca {ff0000}/help{ffff00}, belum ngerti peraturan? baca {ff0000}/rules [23:39:39] SERVER: {FFFFFF}Anda terakhir login {FFFF00}19 minutes {FFFFFF}yang lalu [23:39:44] {00ffff}SERVER: {ffffff}Today is {ffff00}Mon 07 Feb 2022, 23:39:47 [23:39:44] {00ffff}SERVER: {ffffff}Server memerlukan waktu {ffff00}1305 milisecond{ffffff} untuk memuat data char anda! [23:39:52] VEHICLE: {FFFFFF}Your {00FFFF}Jetmax {FFFFFF}has been {FFFF00}despawned {FFFFFF}due to conflict with other vehicle. [23:40:09] * Marc Gilmer eyes to PCJ. [23:40:11] ENGINEINFO: Mesin masih mati, tekan tombol {FF0000}LMB{BFC0C2} atau command /engine untuk menghidupkannya. [23:40:11] Marc Gilmer says: Anda ya? [23:40:11] ENGINE: Anda mencoba untuk menghidupkan Mesin. [23:40:15] VEHICLE: {FFFFFF}You have {00FF00}successfully {FFFFFF}started the vehicle engine. [23:40:39] SERVER: {FF0000}Erika Kirihara {FFFF00}has left the server. (Disconnected) [23:41:05] Jonathan Regals [phone]: here [23:41:16] ENGINE: Anda telah mematikan Mesin. [23:41:28] [ID:107] {FFFFFF}Ngurah_Amerta (level 3), Ping: 222, Online time: 12 minutes, Client: 0.3.7-R4, Packetloss: 0.0 [23:41:54] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[Ai Homestay] Menyediakan 2 Kamar Kosong Dengan 0/Week. Loc : 102nd Fuller Street. [23:41:54] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Jamal Saepudin{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}1303611{FF0000}] [23:42:09] [ASK] {FFFFFF}Sean Aldebaran[352]: {FFFF00}maksud ctrl + num apaan bang? [23:42:16] Eja Fanhouten [phone]: halo [23:42:58] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[BUY] Kapal Speeder Atau Jetmax Insu 0-1 Ada?SMS! [23:42:58] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Stiven Joy{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}7733399{FF0000}] [23:43:10] ERROR: Unable to spawn vehicle, please go to where your vehicle is parked and try again! [23:43:20] VEHICLE: {FFFFFF}Your {00FFFF}Jetmax {FFFFFF}has been spawned back into the world! [23:43:35] ENGINEINFO: Mesin masih mati, tekan tombol {FF0000}LMB{BFC0C2} atau command /engine untuk menghidupkannya. [23:43:35] ENGINE: Anda mencoba untuk menghidupkan Mesin. [23:43:39] VEHICLE: {FFFFFF}You have {00FF00}successfully {FFFFFF}started the vehicle engine. [23:44:02] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[FJ] Di cari kerjaan tani, kalo butuh pekerja tani yang sudah pengalaman 5 tahun hubungi saya. [23:44:02] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Rival Chaniago{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}7668888{FF0000}] [23:44:04] ENGINE: Anda telah mematikan Mesin. [23:44:10] FISHING: {FFFFFF}You've started fishing, you can cancel anytime using {FFFF00}left mouse click [23:44:22] * Sean Aldebaran hook a bait and start fishing [23:44:30] SERVER: {FF0000}Heru Jamaludin {FFFF00}has left the server. (Disconnected) [23:44:35] TRUCKER: {ffff00}You can now do hauling missions again! [23:45:04] 5/5 ((Mask_287303)) [23:45:04] FISHING: {FFFF00}You caught something on the pole, press {FF0000}mouse left click {FFFF00}to pull the fishing rod [23:45:06] FISHING: {FFFF00}Fish caught, weight: 49oz [23:45:06] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[SELL] Admiral 3Insu 3Up Fullmodif WS Harga Tertinggi Angkut [23:45:06] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Dario Lavezzo{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}3478{FF0000}] [23:45:11] FISHING: {FFFFFF}You've started fishing, you can cancel anytime using {FFFF00}left mouse click [23:45:14] * Sean Aldebaran hook a bait and start fishing [23:46:05] FISHING: {FFFF00}You caught something on the pole, press {FF0000}mouse left click {FFFF00}to pull the fishing rod [23:46:07] FISHING: {FFFF00}Fish caught, weight: 72oz [23:46:09] FISHING: {FFFFFF}You've started fishing, you can cancel anytime using {FFFF00}left mouse click [23:46:11] * Sean Aldebaran hook a bait and start fishing [23:46:19] Gerardo Veronico says: 600 mau ga? [23:46:22] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [23:46:22] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 7733399 [23:46:22] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}adanya 3insu. [23:46:35] FISHING: {FFFF00}You caught something on the pole, press {FF0000}mouse left click {FFFF00}to pull the fishing rod [23:46:36] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (7733399) [23:46:36] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}dana belum cukup [23:46:36] [ID:197] {FFFFFF}Shella_Kenisha (level 1), Ping: 42, Online time: an hour, Client: 0.3.7-R4, Packetloss: 1.1 [23:46:37] Mask_168006 says: iyaa gua nyari nya yang 600 [23:46:39] FISHING: {FFFF00}Fish caught, weight: 40oz [23:46:48] FISHING: {FFFFFF}You've started fishing, you can cancel anytime using {FFFF00}left mouse click [23:46:50] Gerardo Veronico says: Lagi gerard tawar [23:47:09] * Sean Aldebaran hook a bait and start fishing [23:47:15] REPORT: {FFFF00}Sepertinya pertanyaan kamu tidak ditanggapi, mungkin staff kami sedang sibuk atau tidak ada [23:47:15] TIP: {FFFFFF}Silahkan gunakan command '{FFFF00}/askbot{FFFFFF}' untuk mencek apakah pertanyaan kamu sudah pernah dijawab [23:47:18] FISHING: {FFFFFF}You've started fishing, you can cancel anytime using {FFFF00}left mouse click [23:47:20] * Sean Aldebaran hook a bait and start fishing [23:47:52] SERVER: {FF0000}Surya Kurnia {FFFF00}has left the server. (Timeout / Lost Connection / Crash) [23:47:54] Fishes caught: [23:47:54] Fish 1: {FFFFFF}49oz (3.0lbs) [23:47:54] Fish 2: {FFFFFF}72oz (4.5lbs) [23:47:54] Fish 3: {FFFFFF}40oz (2.5lbs) [23:47:54] Total weight: {00FF00}10.1lbs [23:48:04] selesai 5/5 ((Mask_699493)) [23:48:08] FISHING: {FFFF00}You caught something on the pole, press {FF0000}mouse left click {FFFF00}to pull the fishing rod [23:48:10] FISHING: {FFFF00}Fish caught, weight: 101oz [23:48:14] FISHING: {FFFFFF}You've started fishing, you can cancel anytime using {FFFF00}left mouse click [23:48:16] * Sean Aldebaran hook a bait and start fishing [23:48:24] 4/5 ((Heru Jamaludin)) [23:48:30] keget dapet 101oz. ((Sean Aldebaran)) [23:48:54] FISHING: {FFFF00}You caught something on the pole, press {FF0000}mouse left click {FFFF00}to pull the fishing rod [23:48:57] Shock after catch 101oz. ((Sean Aldebaran)) [23:48:58] FISHING: {FFFFFF}You caught only junk [23:49:01] Gerardo Veronico says: Ka jes [23:49:06] Gerardo Veronico says: Mang mau beli mobil apa [23:49:06] FISHING: {FFFFFF}You've started fishing, you can cancel anytime using {FFFF00}left mouse click [23:49:07] Mask_168006 says: iya? [23:49:08] done ((Heru Jamaludin)) [23:49:09] * Sean Aldebaran hook a bait and start fishing [23:49:14] Fishes caught: [23:49:14] Fish 1: {FFFFFF}49oz (3.0lbs) [23:49:14] Fish 2: {FFFFFF}72oz (4.5lbs) [23:49:14] Fish 3: {FFFFFF}40oz (2.5lbs) [23:49:14] Fish 4: {FFFFFF}101oz (6.3lbs) [23:49:14] Total weight: {00FF00}16.5lbs [23:49:26] Gerardo Veronico says: Infernus lagi murah noh [23:49:30] Mask_168006 says: mau taxi [23:49:34] Gerardo Veronico says: 4up stiker harga deler doang anjir [23:49:40] Mask_168006 says: ga suka modelnya [23:49:51] Gerardo Veronico says: Terus mau beli mobil apa [23:49:59] FISHING: {FFFF00}You caught something on the pole, press {FF0000}mouse left click {FFFF00}to pull the fishing rod [23:50:00] Gerardo Veronico says: Ehh ka sini mancing di deket gerard ikannya gede gede [23:50:06] * Udin Bahri memasang umpan dan mulai memancing [23:50:11] FISHING: {FFFFFF}You caught only junk [23:50:16] FISHING: {FFFFFF}You've started fishing, you can cancel anytime using {FFFF00}left mouse click [23:50:20] * Sean Aldebaran hook a bait and start fishing [23:50:27] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[FIND] Roadtrain any insu and up | NO STICKER | Open Price Now! [23:50:27] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Marc Gilmer{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}6266900{FF0000}] [23:50:52] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [23:50:52] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 6266900 [23:50:52] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}3insu 2up modvelg dan n20. [23:51:02] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (6266900) [23:51:02] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}brp? [23:51:02] <====================< {FFFFFF}Paycheck #0478 {00FFFF}>====================> [23:51:02] => {FFFFFF}Previous Balance: {00FF00},621.63 [23:51:02] => {FFFFFF}Bank Interest: {00FF00}0.00 [23:51:02] => {FFFFFF}Income Tax: {FF0000}.00 [23:51:02] => {FFFFFF}New Balance: {00FF00},716.63 [23:51:02] <=========================================================> [23:51:13] FISHING: {FFFF00}You caught something on the pole, press {FF0000}mouse left click {FFFF00}to pull the fishing rod [23:51:18] Karoo Carlos says: dapet berpa oz bang? [23:51:21] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [23:51:21] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 6266900 [23:51:21] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}5,5 [23:51:24] FISHING: {FFFF00}Fish caught, weight: 69oz [23:51:27] Udin Bahri says: cuma 30 [23:51:28] ENGINEINFO: Mesin masih mati, tekan tombol {FF0000}LMB{BFC0C2} atau command /engine untuk menghidupkannya. [23:51:30] Gerardo Veronico shouts: Gatau saya ga bawa timbangan! [23:51:33] catch 5 fish. ((Sean Aldebaran)) [23:51:34] ENGINE: Anda mencoba untuk menghidupkan Mesin. [23:51:37] VEHICLE: {FFFFFF}You have {00FF00}successfully {FFFFFF}started the vehicle engine. [23:51:40] Karoo Carlos says: iya juga [23:51:42] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (6266900) [23:51:42] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}buset biasanya 4-4,5k [23:51:57] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [23:51:57] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 6266900 [23:51:57] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}3insu bro [23:52:04] ENGINE: Anda telah mematikan Mesin. [23:52:17] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (6266900) [23:52:17] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}dealernya 3,5k 3insu [23:52:28] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (6266900) [23:52:28] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}4k gas gmn? [23:52:35] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [23:52:35] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 6266900 [23:52:35] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}beli dealer aja sono [23:52:57] REPORT: {ffffff}Your report has been issued to the queue, use '{ffff00}/reports{ffffff}' to see your report [23:52:58] [id:58] {A020F0}Volunteer Venti [23:52:58] [id:70] {A020F0}Volunteer Kenshin [23:52:58] [id:120] {A020F0}Volunteer Adikusumah [23:52:58] [id:144] {A020F0}Volunteer SuperWings [23:52:58] [id:237] {A020F0}Volunteer bagaswara_satria [23:52:58] [id:409] {A020F0}Volunteer JoniJoni [23:53:28] SERVER: {FF0000}Hans Josh {FFFF00}has left the server. (Disconnected) [23:53:33] [id:58] {A020F0}Volunteer Venti [23:53:33] [id:70] {A020F0}Volunteer Kenshin [23:53:33] [id:119] {FF0000}Junior Helper field [23:53:33] [id:120] {A020F0}Volunteer Adikusumah [23:53:33] [id:144] {A020F0}Volunteer SuperWings [23:53:33] [id:237] {A020F0}Volunteer bagaswara_satria [23:53:33] [id:409] {A020F0}Volunteer JoniJoni [23:53:53] Eja Fanhouten says: 3.60 [23:53:55] Sean Aldebaran: (( njir )) [23:53:55] Putra Ilham [phone]: Police [23:53:56] Deska Alexei says: iya dah iya [23:54:02] Putra Ilham [phone]: Perampok menggunakan duffle bag dan kacamata, orang china, berjas abu abu dan motor sanches di willowfield [23:54:03] * Deska Alexei Membayar Eja [23:54:16] * Eja Fanhouten menerima uang dari deska [23:54:18] Deska Alexei says: eh [23:54:18] ENGINEINFO: Mesin masih mati, tekan tombol {FF0000}LMB{BFC0C2} atau command /engine untuk menghidupkannya. [23:54:19] ENGINE: Anda mencoba untuk menghidupkan Mesin. [23:54:22] VEHICLE: {FFFFFF}You have {00FF00}successfully {FFFFFF}started the vehicle engine. [23:54:22] Deska Alexei says: kelebihan [23:54:44] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[Sell] Sadler 3insurance 4upgrade with fullmodift, text me your best price! [23:54:44] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Natasya Aurelia{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}8005454{FF0000}] [23:55:07] ENGINE: Anda telah mematikan Mesin. [23:55:18] Sean Aldebaran: (( bang )) [23:55:19] * Stiven Joy mengangkat crate dengan kedua tangan lalu memasukkannya kedalam benson [23:55:21] Sean Aldebaran: (( mau tanya )) [23:55:23] * Gerardo Veronico menjual semua ikan pada ipul jelek [23:55:24] done ((Gerardo Veronico)) [23:55:31] Sean Aldebaran: (( ada yang salah dengan ped.ifp gua? )) [23:55:32] * Mask_168006 menjual semua ikan ke ipul [23:55:42] Sean Aldebaran: (( bang )) [23:55:53] Sean Aldebaran: (( bang )) [23:55:55] Gerardo Veronico: (( kunaon )) [23:55:57] Abel Rikkard says: Mas nya [23:56:01] Dario Lavezzo says: Iyah bener [23:56:04] Sean Aldebaran: (( aing larinya lebih cepet ga? )) [23:56:07] Dario Lavezzo says: Udah bawa uang nya? [23:56:10] Sean Aldebaran: (( takutnya salah pasang mod. )) [23:56:11] Abel Rikkard says: Belom [23:56:14] Abel Rikkard says: Ke ATM, mas [23:56:14] Gerardo Veronico: (( ngeblink lu )) [23:56:21] Sean Aldebaran: (( sinyal? )) [23:56:23] [ID:352] {FFFFFF}Sean_Aldebaran (level 10), Ping: 211, Online time: 16 minutes, Client: 0.3.DL-R1, Packetloss: 0.0 [23:56:28] Gerardo Veronico: (( tadi aja gua liat lu ngeblink blink )) [23:56:31] Gerardo Veronico: (( maybee )) [23:56:52] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}Selling flat high garage at 301 Glen Avenue with fully furnished Ground floor, Price: Contact Me: 6-7-6-6 [23:56:52] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Douglas Richardson{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}6766{FF0000}] [23:57:57] REPORT: {FFFF00}Sepertinya laporan kamu tidak ditanggapi, mungkin admin sedang sibuk atau tidak ada [23:57:57] TIP: {FFFFFF}Daripada kamu report lagi, silahkan laporkan player tersebut ke forum agar bisa ditanggapi admin [23:57:57] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[SELL/TRADE] Turismo 3insu 4up fullstiker "Ferrari" hanya 13k. CP: [23:57:57] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Alvin Nugroho{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}5009{FF0000}] [23:57:57] ENGINEINFO: Mesin masih mati, tekan tombol {FF0000}LMB{BFC0C2} atau command /engine untuk menghidupkannya. [23:57:58] ENGINE: Anda mencoba untuk menghidupkan Mesin. [23:58:01] VEHICLE: {FFFFFF}You have {00FF00}successfully {FFFFFF}started the vehicle engine. [23:58:03] VEHICLE: {FFFFFF}Lights {FF0000}OFF [23:58:04] VEHICLE: {FFFFFF}Lights {00FF00}ON [23:59:30] ENGINE: Anda telah mematikan Mesin. [23:59:30] Eja Fanhouten says: siapa [23:59:33] Evelyn Kennedy says: Wan [23:59:36] Eja Fanhouten says: lah [23:59:41] SERVER: {FF0000}Andyka Saputra {FFFF00}has left the server. (Timeout / Lost Connection / Crash) [00:00:54] Eja Fanhouten says: kaget [00:01:09] Evelyn Kennedy says: Belum aku jawab [00:01:15] Eja Fanhouten says: hahahahaha [00:01:18] Evelyn Kennedy says: Aku bilang aku mau tanya kakak dulu [00:01:21] ENGINEINFO: Mesin masih mati, tekan tombol {FF0000}LMB{BFC0C2} atau command /engine untuk menghidupkannya. [00:01:21] ENGINE: Anda mencoba untuk menghidupkan Mesin. [00:01:24] VEHICLE: {FFFFFF}You have {00FF00}successfully {FFFFFF}started the vehicle engine. [00:01:27] Evelyn Kennedy says: Dia bilang okey [00:01:36] VEHICLE: {FFFFFF}Lights {FF0000}OFF [00:01:39] VEHICLE: {FFFFFF}Lights {00FF00}ON [00:01:58] ENGINE: Anda telah mematikan Mesin. [00:02:14] FISHING: {FFFFFF}You've sold {FFFF00}20.8lbs {FFFFFF}of fish for {FFFF00}8.42 [00:02:29] ENGINEINFO: Mesin masih mati, tekan tombol {FF0000}LMB{BFC0C2} atau command /engine untuk menghidupkannya. [00:02:29] ENGINE: Anda mencoba untuk menghidupkan Mesin. [00:02:32] VEHICLE: {FFFFFF}You have {00FF00}successfully {FFFFFF}started the vehicle engine. [00:03:15] ENGINE: Anda telah mematikan Mesin. [00:03:23] ENGINEINFO: Mesin masih mati, tekan tombol {FF0000}LMB{BFC0C2} atau command /engine untuk menghidupkannya. [00:03:23] VEHICLE: {FFFFFF}Seatbelts {00FF00}ON [00:03:24] TRUCKING: {FFFFFF}Click on the available mission to start delivering cargo trailer [00:03:40] VEHICLE: {FFFFFF}Seatbelts {FF0000}OFF [00:04:05] ENGINEINFO: Mesin masih mati, tekan tombol {FF0000}LMB{BFC0C2} atau command /engine untuk menghidupkannya. [00:04:05] VEHICLE: {FFFFFF}Seatbelts {00FF00}ON [00:04:07] TRUCKING: {FFFFFF}Click on the available mission to start delivering cargo trailer [00:04:16] VEHICLE: {FFFFFF}Seatbelts {FF0000}OFF [00:04:42] ENGINEINFO: Mesin masih mati, tekan tombol {FF0000}LMB{BFC0C2} atau command /engine untuk menghidupkannya. [00:04:43] ENGINE: Anda mencoba untuk menghidupkan Mesin. [00:04:46] VEHICLE: {FFFFFF}You have {00FF00}successfully {FFFFFF}started the vehicle engine. [00:05:27] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[SELL] Sultan 3insu 2up full modift, ,500 Net Minat? Cp [00:05:27] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Yore Doughty{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}3999000{FF0000}] [00:06:01] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [00:06:01] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 5757527 [00:06:01] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}sticker apa? [00:06:10] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [00:06:10] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 3999000 [00:06:10] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}5k gas, [00:06:11] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (5757527) [00:06:11] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Lazada [00:06:31] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[S/T] Huntley 3insu 4up atau trade dengan motor, utamakan sanchez [00:06:31] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Wan Yunlong{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}990990{FF0000}] [00:06:32] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [00:06:32] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 5757527 [00:06:32] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}lokasi? [00:06:41] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (5757527) [00:06:41] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}stadium [00:07:04] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (5757527) [00:07:04] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}mau liat kah? [00:07:04] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [00:07:04] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 5757527 [00:07:04] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}saya cek dulu. [00:07:18] SHOP: {ffffff}You've purchased {ffff00}Menu +24 {ffffff}for {00ff00}.50 [00:07:36] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[SELL] RT 3insu 4up Fullsticker, Price 6,3k [00:07:36] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Caleb Kobe{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}5757527{FF0000}] [00:09:45] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[BUY] Mower any insu, any up. Ada? Tawarkan, cocok langsung angkut! [00:09:45] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Frederick Richardson{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}102333{FF0000}] [00:11:08] [WT:9923] {75AE5D}Chris Wolstenholme: ehh [00:11:12] [WT:9923] {75AE5D}Chris Wolstenholme: Di tembak. [00:11:18] [WT:9923] {75AE5D}Chris Wolstenholme: Itu [00:11:18] ENGINE: Anda telah mematikan Mesin. [00:11:20] [WT:9923] {75AE5D}Chris Wolstenholme: MEreka [00:11:25] [WT:9923] {75AE5D}Giyomi Kimono: jan ngelawan [00:11:53] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[FIND] RoadTrain any insu any up ada? CP:6266900 [00:11:53] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Kiel Lugh{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}9209000{FF0000}] [00:12:14] BANK: {FFFFFF}You've stored {FFFF00}0.00{FFFFFF} into your bank account, total balance: {00FF00},966.63 [00:12:20] BANK: {FFFFFF}You've stored {FFFF00}.00{FFFFFF} into your bank account, total balance: {00FF00},970.63 [00:12:25] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (5757527) [00:12:25] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}jadi mas? [00:12:36] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [00:12:36] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 5757527 [00:12:36] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}gajadi mas. maaf. [00:13:37] Sean Aldebaran says: Haki [00:13:41] Sean Aldebaran says: Hallo [00:13:48] [ID:283] {FFFFFF}Cynzia_Ferrari (level 8), Ping: 32, Online time: 2 hours, Client: 0.3.7-R4, Packetloss: 0.1 [00:13:55] ERROR: That player is blocking PM! [00:14:04] Sean Aldebaran says: Mobil apa kak? [00:14:11] Sean Aldebaran says: Mobil apa kak? [00:14:17] Cynzia Ferrari says: Ini ? [00:14:20] Sean Aldebaran says: Iya [00:14:21] Cynzia Ferrari says: Cheetah mas. [00:14:23] Sean Aldebaran says: Oo [00:14:25] Sean Aldebaran says: Makasi kak. [00:14:29] Cynzia Ferrari says: Okay. [00:14:32] Sean Aldebaran: (( modnya keren abis wkwk )) [23:39:13] {FFFFFF}SA-MP {B9C9BF}0.3DL {FFFFFF}Started [23:39:13] CodsMP Build For color/model sharing and support, please join the Discord server @ [23:39:18] Connecting to [23:39:20] Connected. Joining the game... [23:39:30] Connected to {B9C9BF}Jogjagamers Reality Project [23:39:31] CodsMP is currently loading custom models. This may cause your game to briefly hang. [23:39:39] {00ffff}SERVER:{ffffff} Selamat datang {ffff00}Sean_Aldebaran{ffffff}. [23:39:39] MOTD: {ffff00}Bingung? baca {ff0000}/help{ffff00}, belum ngerti peraturan? baca {ff0000}/rules [23:39:39] SERVER: {FFFFFF}Anda terakhir login {FFFF00}19 minutes {FFFFFF}yang lalu [23:39:44] {00ffff}SERVER: {ffffff}Today is {ffff00}Mon 07 Feb 2022, 23:39:47 [23:39:44] {00ffff}SERVER: {ffffff}Server memerlukan waktu {ffff00}1305 milisecond{ffffff} untuk memuat data char anda! [23:39:52] VEHICLE: {FFFFFF}Your {00FFFF}Jetmax {FFFFFF}has been {FFFF00}despawned {FFFFFF}due to conflict with other vehicle. [23:40:09] * Marc Gilmer eyes to PCJ. [23:40:11] ENGINEINFO: Mesin masih mati, tekan tombol {FF0000}LMB{BFC0C2} atau command /engine untuk menghidupkannya. [23:40:11] Marc Gilmer says: Anda ya? [23:40:11] ENGINE: Anda mencoba untuk menghidupkan Mesin. [23:40:15] VEHICLE: {FFFFFF}You have {00FF00}successfully {FFFFFF}started the vehicle engine. [23:40:39] SERVER: {FF0000}Erika Kirihara {FFFF00}has left the server. (Disconnected) [23:41:05] Jonathan Regals [phone]: here [23:41:16] ENGINE: Anda telah mematikan Mesin. [23:41:28] [ID:107] {FFFFFF}Ngurah_Amerta (level 3), Ping: 222, Online time: 12 minutes, Client: 0.3.7-R4, Packetloss: 0.0 [23:41:54] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[Ai Homestay] Menyediakan 2 Kamar Kosong Dengan 0/Week. Loc : 102nd Fuller Street. [23:41:54] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Jamal Saepudin{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}1303611{FF0000}] [23:42:09] [ASK] {FFFFFF}Sean Aldebaran[352]: {FFFF00}maksud ctrl + num apaan bang? [23:42:16] Eja Fanhouten [phone]: halo [23:42:58] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[BUY] Kapal Speeder Atau Jetmax Insu 0-1 Ada?SMS! [23:42:58] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Stiven Joy{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}7733399{FF0000}] [23:43:10] ERROR: Unable to spawn vehicle, please go to where your vehicle is parked and try again! [23:43:20] VEHICLE: {FFFFFF}Your {00FFFF}Jetmax {FFFFFF}has been spawned back into the world! [23:43:35] ENGINEINFO: Mesin masih mati, tekan tombol {FF0000}LMB{BFC0C2} atau command /engine untuk menghidupkannya. [23:43:35] ENGINE: Anda mencoba untuk menghidupkan Mesin. [23:43:39] VEHICLE: {FFFFFF}You have {00FF00}successfully {FFFFFF}started the vehicle engine. [23:44:02] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[FJ] Di cari kerjaan tani, kalo butuh pekerja tani yang sudah pengalaman 5 tahun hubungi saya. [23:44:02] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Rival Chaniago{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}7668888{FF0000}] [23:44:04] ENGINE: Anda telah mematikan Mesin. [23:44:10] FISHING: {FFFFFF}You've started fishing, you can cancel anytime using {FFFF00}left mouse click [23:44:22] * Sean Aldebaran hook a bait and start fishing [23:44:30] SERVER: {FF0000}Heru Jamaludin {FFFF00}has left the server. (Disconnected) [23:44:35] TRUCKER: {ffff00}You can now do hauling missions again! [23:45:04] 5/5 ((Mask_287303)) [23:45:04] FISHING: {FFFF00}You caught something on the pole, press {FF0000}mouse left click {FFFF00}to pull the fishing rod [23:45:06] FISHING: {FFFF00}Fish caught, weight: 49oz [23:45:06] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[SELL] Admiral 3Insu 3Up Fullmodif WS Harga Tertinggi Angkut [23:45:06] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Dario Lavezzo{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}3478{FF0000}] [23:45:11] FISHING: {FFFFFF}You've started fishing, you can cancel anytime using {FFFF00}left mouse click [23:45:14] * Sean Aldebaran hook a bait and start fishing [23:46:05] FISHING: {FFFF00}You caught something on the pole, press {FF0000}mouse left click {FFFF00}to pull the fishing rod [23:46:07] FISHING: {FFFF00}Fish caught, weight: 72oz [23:46:09] FISHING: {FFFFFF}You've started fishing, you can cancel anytime using {FFFF00}left mouse click [23:46:11] * Sean Aldebaran hook a bait and start fishing [23:46:19] Gerardo Veronico says: 600 mau ga? [23:46:22] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [23:46:22] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 7733399 [23:46:22] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}adanya 3insu. [23:46:35] FISHING: {FFFF00}You caught something on the pole, press {FF0000}mouse left click {FFFF00}to pull the fishing rod [23:46:36] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (7733399) [23:46:36] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}dana belum cukup [23:46:36] [ID:197] {FFFFFF}Shella_Kenisha (level 1), Ping: 42, Online time: an hour, Client: 0.3.7-R4, Packetloss: 1.1 [23:46:37] Mask_168006 says: iyaa gua nyari nya yang 600 [23:46:39] FISHING: {FFFF00}Fish caught, weight: 40oz [23:46:48] FISHING: {FFFFFF}You've started fishing, you can cancel anytime using {FFFF00}left mouse click [23:46:50] Gerardo Veronico says: Lagi gerard tawar [23:47:09] * Sean Aldebaran hook a bait and start fishing [23:47:15] REPORT: {FFFF00}Sepertinya pertanyaan kamu tidak ditanggapi, mungkin staff kami sedang sibuk atau tidak ada [23:47:15] TIP: {FFFFFF}Silahkan gunakan command '{FFFF00}/askbot{FFFFFF}' untuk mencek apakah pertanyaan kamu sudah pernah dijawab [23:47:18] FISHING: {FFFFFF}You've started fishing, you can cancel anytime using {FFFF00}left mouse click [23:47:20] * Sean Aldebaran hook a bait and start fishing [23:47:52] SERVER: {FF0000}Surya Kurnia {FFFF00}has left the server. (Timeout / Lost Connection / Crash) [23:47:54] Fishes caught: [23:47:54] Fish 1: {FFFFFF}49oz (3.0lbs) [23:47:54] Fish 2: {FFFFFF}72oz (4.5lbs) [23:47:54] Fish 3: {FFFFFF}40oz (2.5lbs) [23:47:54] Total weight: {00FF00}10.1lbs [23:48:04] selesai 5/5 ((Mask_699493)) [23:48:08] FISHING: {FFFF00}You caught something on the pole, press {FF0000}mouse left click {FFFF00}to pull the fishing rod [23:48:10] FISHING: {FFFF00}Fish caught, weight: 101oz [23:48:14] FISHING: {FFFFFF}You've started fishing, you can cancel anytime using {FFFF00}left mouse click [23:48:16] * Sean Aldebaran hook a bait and start fishing [23:48:24] 4/5 ((Heru Jamaludin)) [23:48:30] keget dapet 101oz. ((Sean Aldebaran)) [23:48:54] FISHING: {FFFF00}You caught something on the pole, press {FF0000}mouse left click {FFFF00}to pull the fishing rod [23:48:57] Shock after catch 101oz. ((Sean Aldebaran)) [23:48:58] FISHING: {FFFFFF}You caught only junk [23:49:01] Gerardo Veronico says: Ka jes [23:49:06] Gerardo Veronico says: Mang mau beli mobil apa [23:49:06] FISHING: {FFFFFF}You've started fishing, you can cancel anytime using {FFFF00}left mouse click [23:49:07] Mask_168006 says: iya? [23:49:08] done ((Heru Jamaludin)) [23:49:09] * Sean Aldebaran hook a bait and start fishing [23:49:14] Fishes caught: [23:49:14] Fish 1: {FFFFFF}49oz (3.0lbs) [23:49:14] Fish 2: {FFFFFF}72oz (4.5lbs) [23:49:14] Fish 3: {FFFFFF}40oz (2.5lbs) [23:49:14] Fish 4: {FFFFFF}101oz (6.3lbs) [23:49:14] Total weight: {00FF00}16.5lbs [23:49:26] Gerardo Veronico says: Infernus lagi murah noh [23:49:30] Mask_168006 says: mau taxi [23:49:34] Gerardo Veronico says: 4up stiker harga deler doang anjir [23:49:40] Mask_168006 says: ga suka modelnya [23:49:51] Gerardo Veronico says: Terus mau beli mobil apa [23:49:59] FISHING: {FFFF00}You caught something on the pole, press {FF0000}mouse left click {FFFF00}to pull the fishing rod [23:50:00] Gerardo Veronico says: Ehh ka sini mancing di deket gerard ikannya gede gede [23:50:06] * Udin Bahri memasang umpan dan mulai memancing [23:50:11] FISHING: {FFFFFF}You caught only junk [23:50:16] FISHING: {FFFFFF}You've started fishing, you can cancel anytime using {FFFF00}left mouse click [23:50:20] * Sean Aldebaran hook a bait and start fishing [23:50:27] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[FIND] Roadtrain any insu and up | NO STICKER | Open Price Now! [23:50:27] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Marc Gilmer{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}6266900{FF0000}] [23:50:52] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [23:50:52] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 6266900 [23:50:52] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}3insu 2up modvelg dan n20. [23:51:02] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (6266900) [23:51:02] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}brp? [23:51:02] <====================< {FFFFFF}Paycheck #0478 {00FFFF}>====================> [23:51:02] => {FFFFFF}Previous Balance: {00FF00},621.63 [23:51:02] => {FFFFFF}Bank Interest: {00FF00}0.00 [23:51:02] => {FFFFFF}Income Tax: {FF0000}.00 [23:51:02] => {FFFFFF}New Balance: {00FF00},716.63 [23:51:02] <=========================================================> [23:51:13] FISHING: {FFFF00}You caught something on the pole, press {FF0000}mouse left click {FFFF00}to pull the fishing rod [23:51:18] Karoo Carlos says: dapet berpa oz bang? [23:51:21] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [23:51:21] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 6266900 [23:51:21] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}5,5 [23:51:24] FISHING: {FFFF00}Fish caught, weight: 69oz [23:51:27] Udin Bahri says: cuma 30 [23:51:28] ENGINEINFO: Mesin masih mati, tekan tombol {FF0000}LMB{BFC0C2} atau command /engine untuk menghidupkannya. [23:51:30] Gerardo Veronico shouts: Gatau saya ga bawa timbangan! [23:51:33] catch 5 fish. ((Sean Aldebaran)) [23:51:34] ENGINE: Anda mencoba untuk menghidupkan Mesin. [23:51:37] VEHICLE: {FFFFFF}You have {00FF00}successfully {FFFFFF}started the vehicle engine. [23:51:40] Karoo Carlos says: iya juga [23:51:42] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (6266900) [23:51:42] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}buset biasanya 4-4,5k [23:51:57] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [23:51:57] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 6266900 [23:51:57] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}3insu bro [23:52:04] ENGINE: Anda telah mematikan Mesin. [23:52:17] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (6266900) [23:52:17] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}dealernya 3,5k 3insu [23:52:28] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (6266900) [23:52:28] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}4k gas gmn? [23:52:35] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [23:52:35] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 6266900 [23:52:35] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}beli dealer aja sono [23:52:57] REPORT: {ffffff}Your report has been issued to the queue, use '{ffff00}/reports{ffffff}' to see your report [23:52:58] [id:58] {A020F0}Volunteer Venti [23:52:58] [id:70] {A020F0}Volunteer Kenshin [23:52:58] [id:120] {A020F0}Volunteer Adikusumah [23:52:58] [id:144] {A020F0}Volunteer SuperWings [23:52:58] [id:237] {A020F0}Volunteer bagaswara_satria [23:52:58] [id:409] {A020F0}Volunteer JoniJoni [23:53:28] SERVER: {FF0000}Hans Josh {FFFF00}has left the server. (Disconnected) [23:53:33] [id:58] {A020F0}Volunteer Venti [23:53:33] [id:70] {A020F0}Volunteer Kenshin [23:53:33] [id:119] {FF0000}Junior Helper field [23:53:33] [id:120] {A020F0}Volunteer Adikusumah [23:53:33] [id:144] {A020F0}Volunteer SuperWings [23:53:33] [id:237] {A020F0}Volunteer bagaswara_satria [23:53:33] [id:409] {A020F0}Volunteer JoniJoni [23:53:53] Eja Fanhouten says: 3.60 [23:53:55] Sean Aldebaran: (( njir )) [23:53:55] Putra Ilham [phone]: Police [23:53:56] Deska Alexei says: iya dah iya [23:54:02] Putra Ilham [phone]: Perampok menggunakan duffle bag dan kacamata, orang china, berjas abu abu dan motor sanches di willowfield [23:54:03] * Deska Alexei Membayar Eja [23:54:16] * Eja Fanhouten menerima uang dari deska [23:54:18] Deska Alexei says: eh [23:54:18] ENGINEINFO: Mesin masih mati, tekan tombol {FF0000}LMB{BFC0C2} atau command /engine untuk menghidupkannya. [23:54:19] ENGINE: Anda mencoba untuk menghidupkan Mesin. [23:54:22] VEHICLE: {FFFFFF}You have {00FF00}successfully {FFFFFF}started the vehicle engine. [23:54:22] Deska Alexei says: kelebihan [23:54:44] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[Sell] Sadler 3insurance 4upgrade with fullmodift, text me your best price! [23:54:44] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Natasya Aurelia{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}8005454{FF0000}] [23:55:07] ENGINE: Anda telah mematikan Mesin. [23:55:18] Sean Aldebaran: (( bang )) [23:55:19] * Stiven Joy mengangkat crate dengan kedua tangan lalu memasukkannya kedalam benson [23:55:21] Sean Aldebaran: (( mau tanya )) [23:55:23] * Gerardo Veronico menjual semua ikan pada ipul jelek [23:55:24] done ((Gerardo Veronico)) [23:55:31] Sean Aldebaran: (( ada yang salah dengan ped.ifp gua? )) [23:55:32] * Mask_168006 menjual semua ikan ke ipul [23:55:42] Sean Aldebaran: (( bang )) [23:55:53] Sean Aldebaran: (( bang )) [23:55:55] Gerardo Veronico: (( kunaon )) [23:55:57] Abel Rikkard says: Mas nya [23:56:01] Dario Lavezzo says: Iyah bener [23:56:04] Sean Aldebaran: (( aing larinya lebih cepet ga? )) [23:56:07] Dario Lavezzo says: Udah bawa uang nya? [23:56:10] Sean Aldebaran: (( takutnya salah pasang mod. )) [23:56:11] Abel Rikkard says: Belom [23:56:14] Abel Rikkard says: Ke ATM, mas [23:56:14] Gerardo Veronico: (( ngeblink lu )) [23:56:21] Sean Aldebaran: (( sinyal? )) [23:56:23] [ID:352] {FFFFFF}Sean_Aldebaran (level 10), Ping: 211, Online time: 16 minutes, Client: 0.3.DL-R1, Packetloss: 0.0 [23:56:28] Gerardo Veronico: (( tadi aja gua liat lu ngeblink blink )) [23:56:31] Gerardo Veronico: (( maybee )) [23:56:52] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}Selling flat high garage at 301 Glen Avenue with fully furnished Ground floor, Price: Contact Me: 6-7-6-6 [23:56:52] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Douglas Richardson{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}6766{FF0000}] [23:57:57] REPORT: {FFFF00}Sepertinya laporan kamu tidak ditanggapi, mungkin admin sedang sibuk atau tidak ada [23:57:57] TIP: {FFFFFF}Daripada kamu report lagi, silahkan laporkan player tersebut ke forum agar bisa ditanggapi admin [23:57:57] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[SELL/TRADE] Turismo 3insu 4up fullstiker "Ferrari" hanya 13k. CP: [23:57:57] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Alvin Nugroho{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}5009{FF0000}] [23:57:57] ENGINEINFO: Mesin masih mati, tekan tombol {FF0000}LMB{BFC0C2} atau command /engine untuk menghidupkannya. [23:57:58] ENGINE: Anda mencoba untuk menghidupkan Mesin. [23:58:01] VEHICLE: {FFFFFF}You have {00FF00}successfully {FFFFFF}started the vehicle engine. [23:58:03] VEHICLE: {FFFFFF}Lights {FF0000}OFF [23:58:04] VEHICLE: {FFFFFF}Lights {00FF00}ON [23:59:30] ENGINE: Anda telah mematikan Mesin. [23:59:30] Eja Fanhouten says: siapa [23:59:33] Evelyn Kennedy says: Wan [23:59:36] Eja Fanhouten says: lah [23:59:41] SERVER: {FF0000}Andyka Saputra {FFFF00}has left the server. (Timeout / Lost Connection / Crash) [00:00:54] Eja Fanhouten says: kaget [00:01:09] Evelyn Kennedy says: Belum aku jawab [00:01:15] Eja Fanhouten says: hahahahaha [00:01:18] Evelyn Kennedy says: Aku bilang aku mau tanya kakak dulu [00:01:21] ENGINEINFO: Mesin masih mati, tekan tombol {FF0000}LMB{BFC0C2} atau command /engine untuk menghidupkannya. [00:01:21] ENGINE: Anda mencoba untuk menghidupkan Mesin. [00:01:24] VEHICLE: {FFFFFF}You have {00FF00}successfully {FFFFFF}started the vehicle engine. [00:01:27] Evelyn Kennedy says: Dia bilang okey [00:01:36] VEHICLE: {FFFFFF}Lights {FF0000}OFF [00:01:39] VEHICLE: {FFFFFF}Lights {00FF00}ON [00:01:58] ENGINE: Anda telah mematikan Mesin. [00:02:14] FISHING: {FFFFFF}You've sold {FFFF00}20.8lbs {FFFFFF}of fish for {FFFF00}8.42 [00:02:29] ENGINEINFO: Mesin masih mati, tekan tombol {FF0000}LMB{BFC0C2} atau command /engine untuk menghidupkannya. [00:02:29] ENGINE: Anda mencoba untuk menghidupkan Mesin. [00:02:32] VEHICLE: {FFFFFF}You have {00FF00}successfully {FFFFFF}started the vehicle engine. [00:03:15] ENGINE: Anda telah mematikan Mesin. [00:03:23] ENGINEINFO: Mesin masih mati, tekan tombol {FF0000}LMB{BFC0C2} atau command /engine untuk menghidupkannya. [00:03:23] VEHICLE: {FFFFFF}Seatbelts {00FF00}ON [00:03:24] TRUCKING: {FFFFFF}Click on the available mission to start delivering cargo trailer [00:03:40] VEHICLE: {FFFFFF}Seatbelts {FF0000}OFF [00:04:05] ENGINEINFO: Mesin masih mati, tekan tombol {FF0000}LMB{BFC0C2} atau command /engine untuk menghidupkannya. [00:04:05] VEHICLE: {FFFFFF}Seatbelts {00FF00}ON [00:04:07] TRUCKING: {FFFFFF}Click on the available mission to start delivering cargo trailer [00:04:16] VEHICLE: {FFFFFF}Seatbelts {FF0000}OFF [00:04:42] ENGINEINFO: Mesin masih mati, tekan tombol {FF0000}LMB{BFC0C2} atau command /engine untuk menghidupkannya. [00:04:43] ENGINE: Anda mencoba untuk menghidupkan Mesin. [00:04:46] VEHICLE: {FFFFFF}You have {00FF00}successfully {FFFFFF}started the vehicle engine. [00:05:27] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[SELL] Sultan 3insu 2up full modift, ,500 Net Minat? Cp [00:05:27] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Yore Doughty{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}3999000{FF0000}] [00:06:01] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [00:06:01] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 5757527 [00:06:01] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}sticker apa? [00:06:10] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [00:06:10] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 3999000 [00:06:10] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}5k gas, [00:06:11] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (5757527) [00:06:11] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}Lazada [00:06:31] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[S/T] Huntley 3insu 4up atau trade dengan motor, utamakan sanchez [00:06:31] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Wan Yunlong{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}990990{FF0000}] [00:06:32] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [00:06:32] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 5757527 [00:06:32] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}lokasi? [00:06:41] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (5757527) [00:06:41] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}stadium [00:07:04] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (5757527) [00:07:04] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}mau liat kah? [00:07:04] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [00:07:04] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 5757527 [00:07:04] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}saya cek dulu. [00:07:18] SHOP: {ffffff}You've purchased {ffff00}Menu +24 {ffffff}for {00ff00}.50 [00:07:36] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[SELL] RT 3insu 4up Fullsticker, Price 6,3k [00:07:36] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Caleb Kobe{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}5757527{FF0000}] [00:09:45] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[BUY] Mower any insu, any up. Ada? Tawarkan, cocok langsung angkut! [00:09:45] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Frederick Richardson{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}102333{FF0000}] [00:11:08] [WT:9923] {75AE5D}Chris Wolstenholme: ehh [00:11:12] [WT:9923] {75AE5D}Chris Wolstenholme: Di tembak. [00:11:18] [WT:9923] {75AE5D}Chris Wolstenholme: Itu [00:11:18] ENGINE: Anda telah mematikan Mesin. [00:11:20] [WT:9923] {75AE5D}Chris Wolstenholme: MEreka [00:11:25] [WT:9923] {75AE5D}Giyomi Kimono: jan ngelawan [00:11:53] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[FIND] RoadTrain any insu any up ada? CP:6266900 [00:11:53] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Kiel Lugh{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}9209000{FF0000}] [00:12:14] BANK: {FFFFFF}You've stored {FFFF00}0.00{FFFFFF} into your bank account, total balance: {00FF00},966.63 [00:12:20] BANK: {FFFFFF}You've stored {FFFF00}.00{FFFFFF} into your bank account, total balance: {00FF00},970.63 [00:12:25] SMS: {FFFF00}Message from {00FFFF}Unknown (5757527) [00:12:25] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}jadi mas? [00:12:36] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [00:12:36] SMS: {FFFF00}Message sent to {00FFFF}number 5757527 [00:12:36] MESSAGE: {FFFF00}gajadi mas. maaf. [00:13:37] Sean Aldebaran says: Haki [00:13:41] Sean Aldebaran says: Hallo [00:13:48] [ID:283] {FFFFFF}Cynzia_Ferrari (level 8), Ping: 32, Online time: 2 hours, Client: 0.3.7-R4, Packetloss: 0.1 [00:13:55] ERROR: That player is blocking PM! [00:14:04] Sean Aldebaran says: Mobil apa kak? [00:14:11] Sean Aldebaran says: Mobil apa kak? [00:14:17] Cynzia Ferrari says: Ini ? [00:14:20] Sean Aldebaran says: Iya [00:14:21] Cynzia Ferrari says: Cheetah mas. [00:14:23] Sean Aldebaran says: Oo [00:14:25] Sean Aldebaran says: Makasi kak. [00:14:29] Cynzia Ferrari says: Okay. [00:14:32] Sean Aldebaran: (( modnya keren abis wkwk ))
$OH-6$ Posted February 8, 2023 Posted February 8, 2023 Denied, kami telah menolak permohonan refund kamu karena salah satu alasan di bawah ini: Kurangnya bukti yang mendukung permohonan kamu. Pemohon melanggar salah satu peraturan sehingga permohonan hangus. Pemohon tidak menjawab tanggapan admin setelah 30 hari.
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