VinoApredo Posted November 9, 2014 Posted November 9, 2014 Nama In-Game: Bejo_KusumaWaktu dan tanggal: 09/11/2014Apa yang telah terjadi?: Jadi awalnya kan saya liat mobil broadway dengan harga murah di Showroom Los Santos, terus saya beli, setelah itu saya fix bodynya terus saya cat, setelah saya perbaikin semuanya udah mulus saya jual lagi di dealer tapi saya letak cuma 1 hari, pas saya liat di /whereismy broadway, broadwaynya ada di Showroom, nah saya ambil, tapi pas saya makek cmd /returnveh broadway, saya malah kayak di tele ke MC gitu udah gitu naik sultan punya saya jugak bukan malah bradwaynya, pas saya liat lagi di cmd /whereismy broadway, ada di slot 3 tapi pas di /stats gak ada slot 3 nya,, Saya bingung tuh bug atau apa saya gak ngerti, saya report kata admin mgkn di imponunt, tapi disitu bacaannya gak ada di impount kok, kan baru saya ambil dari showroom, di cmd /whereismy jugak gak ada bacaannya di Impount, cuma bacaannya broadway di slot 3 gitu.Apa atau berapa jumlah yang ingin direfund?: Broadway 3 AsuransiBukti:Ini pas awal saya beli di Showroom Los Santos pada tanggal 8 november Ini waktu mobilnya saya Fix setelah membeli dari showroom Ini bukti mobil saya hilang entah kemana Bukti Chatlog: [13:01:10] {FFFFFF}SA-MP {B9C9BF}0.3z {FFFFFF}Started [13:01:13] Connecting to [13:01:14] Connected. Joining the game... [13:01:16] Connected to {B9C9BF}Jogjagamers Roleplay [0.3z-R4] [13:01:22] * {FF0000}Bejo_Kusuma {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [13:01:22] {00ffff}SERVER:{ffffff} Selamat datang {ffff00}Bejo_Kusuma{ffffff}. [13:01:22] MOTD: {00ff00}Kalian tidak harus pake VPN lagi untuk connect ke JG:RP {ff0000}- Ian [13:01:22] {00ffff}SERVER:{ffffff} Anda terakhir login {ffff00}7 jam yang lalu [13:01:22] SERVER: You owned 1 garages! [13:01:24] {00ffff}SERVER: {ffffff}Server memerlukan waktu {ffff00}251 milisecond{ffffff} untuk memuat data char anda! [13:01:33] * {FF0000}Renzo_Massanori {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [13:01:47] BANK: {ffffff}You've taken {ffff00}$20.00 {ffffff}from the bank. Current balance: {ffff00}$10,552.38 [13:01:51] {8D8DFF}SERVICE: {FFFFFF}You have reached the Los Santos Service Center. [13:01:51] {8D8DFF}SERVICE: {FFFFFF}Would you like to order a taxi or a mechanic? [13:01:54] Bejo Kusuma says (cellphone): Taxi [13:01:54] {8D8DFF}SERVICE: {FFFFFF}Please describe your current location! [13:02:01] AdmCmd: ISA20 has jailed Jimmy_Kayden for 60 minute(s) [13:02:01] Reason: Non rp behaviour. [13:02:04] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33} Huntley Up and Mod Body baja neon $1600 Nego! [13:02:04] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Camilio_Sanchez{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}77777{FF0000}] [13:02:04] * {FF0000}Erwin_Pasaribu {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [13:02:06] AdmCmd: Jimmy_Kayden has been warned by ISA20, Total warning: 1 [13:02:06] Reason: Non rp behaviour [13:02:07] Bejo Kusuma says (cellphone): Jemput saya di Rumah sakit ASGH dong, segera ya pak [13:02:07] {8D8DFF}SERVICE: {FFFFFF}We've informed the taxi drivers, we'll send you a SMS if they respond. [13:02:07] Telepon terputus... [13:02:15] * {FF0000}Marc_Button {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [13:02:17] AdmCmd: Jimmy_Kayden has been kicked by ISA20. [13:02:17] Reason: Stop. [13:02:31] CELLPHONE: Ponsel anda berbunyi!, nomor 821133 mencoba untuk menghubungi anda, /p untuk menjawab [13:02:34] CELLPHONE: Anda telah menjawab telpon. [13:02:34] CELLPHONE: Gunakan chat biasa untuk berkomunikasi lewat telpon, /h untuk menutup telpon. [13:02:36] Caller (cellphone): Jo [13:02:40] Bejo Kusuma says (cellphone): Ya? [13:02:44] SMS: {ffffff}You have received one new message from '{ffff00}814820{ffffff}' [13:02:44] Message: {ffff00}Tunggu [13:02:44] NOTE: {ffffff}use '/reply' to quick reply [13:02:45] * {FF0000}Benito_Castanza {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [13:02:49] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [13:02:49] SMS: {ffff00}Message sent! [13:02:53] Caller (cellphone): Lo mau belik mobil ? [13:02:58] Bejo Kusuma says (cellphone): Mobil apa? [13:02:59] * {FF0000}Kenzie_Salvatore {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [13:02:59] * {FF0000}Rolando_Bryan {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [13:03:08] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}Sell House at Palomino Creck two garage,interest? [13:03:08] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Vladimir_Courtland{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}709797{FF0000}] [13:03:10] Bejo Kusuma says (cellphone): Jemput dulu di ASGH [13:03:14] Caller (cellphone): Oke [13:03:18] * {FF0000}Kyle_Belfort {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [13:03:19] Bejo Kusuma says (cellphone): Sekalian liat mobilnya [13:03:20] CELLPHONE: Anda telah menutup telepon! [13:03:20] Telepon terputus... [13:03:24] * {FF0000}Takeshi_Masato {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [13:03:26] AME: {C2A2DA}types something to his cellphone [13:03:26] SMS: {ffff00}Message sent! [13:03:41] * {FF0000}Revan_Pradipta {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [13:03:49] * {FF0000}Marco_Vincenzo {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [13:03:56] Pergi ke bank dan /signcheck untuk mendapatkan paycheck anda atau pergi ke salah satu ATM! [13:04:01] * {FF0000}Charlie_Emmanuel {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [13:04:03] * {FF0000}Rahmat_Ferdyansyah {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [13:04:12] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}Jual Cheetah 3 asuransi fullmod dan upgrade. [13:04:12] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Vladimir_Courtland{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}709797{FF0000}] [13:04:12] * {FF0000}Lloyd_Bradshaw {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [13:04:12] * {FF0000}Henry_Holmes {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [13:04:17] * {FF0000}Raul_Saldivar {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [13:04:23] Bejo Kusuma says: MC [13:04:32] Rio Hasibuan says: Oke Naik [13:04:35] Bejo Kusuma says: Mobil apaan nih? [13:04:41] Rio Hasibuan says: Tampa [13:04:44] Bejo Kusuma says: Mana depan mana belakang ni haha [13:04:44] Rio Hasibuan says: Mau Ngetes [13:04:51] * {FF0000}Natalie_Collins {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [13:04:53] * {FF0000}Martiniano_Claudio {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [13:04:54] Rio Hasibuan says: Mau Ngetes ? [13:04:57] Bejo Kusuma says: No haha [13:05:02] * {FF0000}Alandra_Manson {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [13:05:06] BotCmd: Martiniano_Claudio telah dikick, alasan: Ping melebihi batas (966) [13:05:11] Rio Hasibuan says: Mau Belik lo Jo ? [13:05:15] Bejo Kusuma says: Berapa? [13:05:25] * {FF0000}Rolando_Bryan {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [13:05:26] * {FF0000}Tumpal_Hamonangan {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [13:05:28] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}Jual Sanchez 3insu. [13:05:28] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Vicenzo_Dominique{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}383838{FF0000}] [13:05:32] Rio Hasibuan says: Buka Harga lo aja [13:05:40] * {FF0000}Martiniano_Claudio {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [13:05:42] Bejo Kusuma says: Gak niat [13:05:42] * {FF0000}Ruslan_Shcherbakov {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [13:05:43] Bejo Kusuma says: MC [13:05:45] * {FF0000}Roberto_Claudio {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [13:05:48] Rio Hasibuan says: Oke [13:05:51] * {FF0000}Muhammad_Salam {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [13:05:55] * {FF0000}Frank_Wekershon {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [13:06:06] * {FF0000}Sheldon_Atkinson {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [13:06:21] * {FF0000}Rolando_Bryan {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [13:06:21] ERROR: You need to be in the mechanic area or in a tow truck to go on duty! [13:06:31] * {FF0000}Dedek_Nugraha {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [13:06:34] Bejo Kusuma says: Makasih yaa [13:06:34] * {FF0000}Raul_Saldivar {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [13:06:38] JOBDUTY: Anda sekarang on-duty sebagai mekanik! [13:06:46] GPSINFO: You have arrived! [13:06:49] * {FF0000}John_Hopper {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [13:06:50] * Mask 376116 put the old body to mech rack. [13:06:55] ENGINEINFO: Mesin masih mati, tekan tombol {FF0000}LMB{BFC0C2} atau command /engine untuk menghidupkannya. [13:06:55] ENGINE: Anda mencoba untuk menghidupkan Mesin. [13:06:58] ENGINE: Anda telah menghidupkan mesin kendaraan. [13:06:59] * {FF0000}Alice_Sihombing {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [13:07:02] ENGINE: Anda telah mematikan Mesin. [13:07:04] * {FF0000}Benito_Castanza {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [13:07:06] Rio Hasibuan says: Bagi uang jo ? [13:07:07] * Mask 376116 takes new body from mech rack with both hands. [13:07:10] Bejo Kusuma says: Gak bawak [13:07:17] Rio Hasibuan says: Bagi uang jo ? [13:07:22] * Mask 376116 try install the new body into the car slowly. [13:07:24] AME: {C2A2DA}Memperbaiki mesin yang rusak menggunakan peralatan mekanik [13:07:24] CMDINFO: Harap tunggu 1 detik! [13:07:27] Done. ((Mask 376116)) [13:07:28] Rio Hasibuan says: Untuk Berobat [13:07:30] VEHMENU: You've used 49 components to repair the engine of the Sultan. [13:07:30] JOBDUY: You've less than 50 component, you are not off-duty! [13:07:33] Bejo Kusuma says: Gak bawka uang [13:07:40] Rio Hasibuan: (( Layar ku merah-merah )) [13:07:41] Martiniano Claudio Shouts: Mekanik! [13:07:44] ENGINEINFO: Mesin masih mati, tekan tombol {FF0000}LMB{BFC0C2} atau command /engine untuk menghidupkannya. [13:07:44] ENGINE: Anda mencoba untuk menghidupkan Mesin. [13:07:45] Edward Dwayne says: Mesin ? [13:07:46] Martiniano Claudio says: Fix [13:07:47] ENGINE: Anda telah menghidupkan mesin kendaraan. [13:07:48] Martiniano Claudio says: Berapa? [13:07:48] Edward Dwayne says: Oke [13:07:49] Lights {33AA33}ON [13:07:49] Rio Hasibuan says: Apa ? [13:07:55] Progres ((Mask 376116)) [13:08:08] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[bUY]Kendaraan apa saja ada cp [13:08:08] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Harry_Oliver{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}110092{FF0000}] [13:08:18] Mask 499514: (( awas nubi troll )) [13:08:23] * {FF0000}Elfredo_Ortega {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [13:08:24] Bejo Kusuma: (( wkwokwo )) [13:08:26] Mask 499514: (( kena troll? )) [13:08:27] * {FF0000}Alice_Sihombing {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [13:08:28] Bejo Kusuma: (( report wae )) [13:08:29] Mask 499514: (( mobil gw ancur )) [13:08:33] Bejo Kusuma: (( iya nih )) [13:09:03] KEGUNAAN: /whereismy [nama kendaraan] [13:09:05] * {FF0000}Alandra_Morena {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [13:09:09] VEH: {ffffff}Your {ffff00}Broadway {ffffff}is no longer being previewed at the showroom [13:09:27] BotCmd: Joaquin_Zavala telah dikick, alasan: Ping melebihi batas (817) [13:09:39] ENGINE: Anda telah mematikan Mesin. [13:09:44] * {FF0000}Eduarte_Eleuterio {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [13:09:54] KEGUNAAN: /returnveh [vehicle model/modelid] [13:09:55] * {FF0000}Lynch_Buckley {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [13:10:00] * {FF0000}Louis_Woodman {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [13:10:04] ENGINEINFO: Mesin masih mati, tekan tombol {FF0000}LMB{BFC0C2} atau command /engine untuk menghidupkannya. [13:10:04] Martiniano Claudio: (( Relog )) [13:10:05] Martiniano_Claudio telah keluar dari server. (Pergi) [13:10:10] Bejo Kusuma: (( LOL )) [13:10:14] * {FF0000}Daniel_Harington {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [13:10:16] * {FF0000}Raul_Saldivar {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [13:10:17] Bejo Kusuma: (( kok bisa disini gue :/ )) [13:10:26] VEH: {ffffff}Your {ffff00}Broadway {ffffff}is currently spawned on {00ffff}slot 3 [13:10:27] * {FF0000}Joaquin_Zavala {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [13:10:29] |______________________{00ffff}Bejo Kusuma {ffffff}(pid: {00ff00}55201{ffffff})______________________| [13:10:29] IC Information{ffffff}: [13:10:29] Gender: [Male] Origin: [indonesia] Money: [$20.43] Bank: [$10,553.82] Phone number: [212121] Phone credit: [5503 points] [13:10:29] Job 1: [Mechanic] Illegal Job: [Arms Dealer] Job salary: [$0.49] Side-Job salary: [$0.00] [13:10:29] Married with: [None] Wealth rating: [Medium-Class] Tax rate: [5 percent] Bank Interest: [0.02 percent] [13:10:29] OOC Information{ffffff}: [13:10:29] User: [bejo65] Player rank: [Get a Life!] Paychecks: [147] Time played: [238 hours 54 minutes 26 seconds] [13:10:29] Owned Vehicles: Slot 1:[sultan (vid:16)] Slot 2:[sadler (vid:300)] [13:10:29] Gold owned: [0] Donate rank: [None] Warns: [1] [13:10:29] House: [None] WID: [0] IID: [0] HP: [50.0] AP: [0.0] [13:10:32] * {FF0000}Martiniano_Claudio {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [13:10:34] * {FF0000}Christian_LeMarc {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [13:10:35] Bejo Kusuma: (( zz bugger )) [13:10:36] * Edward Dwayne Use that component with right hand [13:10:39] * {FF0000}Alandra_Morena {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [13:10:40] ENGINEINFO: Mesin masih mati, tekan tombol {FF0000}LMB{BFC0C2} atau command /engine untuk menghidupkannya. [13:10:42] Success ((Edward Dwayne)) [13:10:43] Martiniano Claudio says: Sudah? [13:10:44] * {FF0000}Sebastian_Elijah {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [13:10:44] ENGINE: Anda mencoba untuk menghidupkan Mesin. [13:10:44] Martiniano Claudio says: Makasih [13:10:46] Edward Dwayne says: Sudah pak [13:10:47] * {FF0000}Joseph_James {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [13:10:47] ENGINE: Anda telah menghidupkan mesin kendaraan. [13:10:48] Edward Dwayne says: Ya datang lagi [13:10:50] * {FF0000}Jarod_Pangabean {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [13:10:53] Slot {00ffff}1{ffffff}: Vehicle: [{00ffff}Sultan{ffffff}] Insurances: [{00ff00}3{ffffff}] [13:10:53] Slot {00ffff}2{ffffff}: Vehicle: [{00ffff}Sadler{ffffff}] Insurances: [{00ff00}3{ffffff}] [13:11:02] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[JUAL]Huntley 3 Ansuransi,FullMod,Fullup,CP: [13:11:02] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Bernardo_Mauricio{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}615000{FF0000}] [13:11:25] * {FF0000}Anjas_Hasugian {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [13:11:26] * {FF0000}Liviu_Esperaz {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [13:11:41] Screenshot Taken - sa-mp-294.png [13:11:42] * {FF0000}Sheldon_Atkinson {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [13:11:42] ERROR: You don't have that kind of vehicle stored in the showroom! [13:11:45] Bejo Kusuma: (( lah )) [13:11:54] AdmCmd: UCP account wsan has been blocked by ISA20. [13:11:54] Reason: Not here to RP[iSA20] [13:11:58] * {FF0000}Alice_Sihombing {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [13:12:03] * {FF0000}Alandra_Morena {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [13:12:07] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[JUAL/TUKAR]Elegy 2 Ansuransi,FullMod,Fullup [13:12:07] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Bernardo_Mauricio{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}615000{FF0000}] [13:12:24] REPORT: {ffff00}Your report has been forwared to helper and admins! [13:12:30] * {FF0000}Alexander_Charles {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [13:12:32] VEH: {ffffff}Your {ffff00}Broadway {ffffff}is currently spawned on {00ffff}slot 3 [13:12:37] |______________________{00ffff}Bejo Kusuma {ffffff}(pid: {00ff00}55201{ffffff})______________________| [13:12:37] IC Information{ffffff}: [13:12:37] Gender: [Male] Origin: [indonesia] Money: [$20.43] Bank: [$10,553.82] Phone number: [212121] Phone credit: [5503 points] [13:12:37] Job 1: [Mechanic] Illegal Job: [Arms Dealer] Job salary: [$0.49] Side-Job salary: [$0.00] [13:12:37] Married with: [None] Wealth rating: [Medium-Class] Tax rate: [5 percent] Bank Interest: [0.02 percent] [13:12:37] OOC Information{ffffff}: [13:12:37] User: [bejo65] Player rank: [Get a Life!] Paychecks: [147] Time played: [238 hours 56 minutes 24 seconds] [13:12:37] Owned Vehicles: Slot 1:[sultan (vid:16)] Slot 2:[sadler (vid:300)] [13:12:37] Gold owned: [0] Donate rank: [None] Warns: [1] [13:12:37] House: [None] WID: [0] IID: [0] HP: [50.0] AP: [0.0] [13:12:40] VEH: {ffffff}Your {ffff00}Broadway {ffffff}is currently spawned on {00ffff}slot 3 [13:12:42] Screenshot Taken - sa-mp-295.png [13:12:51] Slot {00ffff}1{ffffff}: Vehicle: [{00ffff}Sultan{ffffff}] Insurances: [{00ff00}3{ffffff}] [13:12:51] Slot {00ffff}2{ffffff}: Vehicle: [{00ffff}Sadler{ffffff}] Insurances: [{00ff00}3{ffffff}] [13:12:55] Screenshot Taken - sa-mp-296.png [13:12:55] * {FF0000}Rizky_Nasution {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [13:12:55] * {FF0000}Alandra_Morena {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [13:13:04] * {FF0000}Gregorius_McDolorosa {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [13:13:05] * {FF0000}Dwayne_Errickson {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [13:13:11] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[beli] Mobil apa saja dan berasuransi, dibawah $900, SMS : [13:13:11] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Rigoberto_Manzanares{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}500508{FF0000}] [13:13:16] REPORT: {ffff00}Your report has been forwared to helper and admins! [13:13:32] ENGINEINFO: Mesin masih mati, tekan tombol {FF0000}LMB{BFC0C2} atau command /engine untuk menghidupkannya. [13:13:43] Bejo Kusuma: (( kok gk ada ya )) [13:14:07] RESPOND: {ff0000}danielnvnd {FFFFCC}has responded to your report [13:14:07] RESPOND: {ffffcc}Message from admin: {ffffff}Di impound berarti [13:14:15] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[bUY]Kendaraan ada cp [13:14:15] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Harry_Oliver{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}110092{FF0000}] [13:14:30] * {FF0000}Wahyu_Pamungkas {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [13:14:36] * {FF0000}Kayden_Ryder {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [13:14:36] REPORT: {ffff00}Your report has been forwared to helper and admins! [13:14:38] * {FF0000}Faris_Rifky {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [13:14:40] AdmCmd: IP has been banned by ISA20. [13:14:40] Reason: Not here to rp [13:14:45] * {FF0000}Jonathan_Walker {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [13:14:49] VEH: {ffffff}Your {ffff00}Broadway {ffffff}is currently spawned on {00ffff}slot 3 [13:14:54] * {FF0000}Lewis_Patterson {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [13:15:02] * {FF0000}John_Castelo {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [13:15:19] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}Jual Sanchez 3insu. [13:15:19] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Vicenzo_Dominique{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}383838{FF0000}] [13:15:24] * {FF0000}Emily_Stevan {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [13:15:39] * {FF0000}Kirom_Farid {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [13:15:48] * {FF0000}Joseph_James {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server. [13:16:07] Bejo Kusuma: (( Refund aja dah, nasib )) [13:16:23] {FF0000}Iklan: {33AA33}[sELL] Savanna 3 insu FUll Up dan Mod, minat? [13:16:23] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Jarod_Pangabean{FF0000}] ph: [{33AA33}194417{FF0000}] [13:16:38] * {FF0000}Tuama_Wuaya {FFFF00}telah terkoneksi ke server.
VinoApredo Posted November 9, 2014 Author Posted November 9, 2014 Mohon maaf sepertinya terjadi sedikit kesalahan pas saya login lagi tiba2 sudah ada di slot tiga, mgkn karna keadaan ngelag.. Mohon di Lock aja thread ini min
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