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Rolando_Manzanedo [zafranamuri]


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Posted (edited)









   Rolando Manzanedo or commonly referred to as Lando or Nedo was born in the city of Los Santos, July 14, and is 18 years old. Lando has always been yelled at by his father since he was 5 years old, Lando lives in the El Corona area and he lives with his brother and father, Lando's mother has died since he was 2 years old due to a disease. Lando once ran away from home because he was not strong at home because he was always scolded by his father and was always rivaled by his brother because his brother is a smart person and often achieves achievements.


   One time Lando no longer wanted to live with his father, he called his brother and begged him to stay there because he didn't have a place for him to rest or anything, at one point Lando saw a job vacancy as a pizza delivery man and he immediately filled out a form for registration of the job because at that time he really needed a job and now he has been doing that job for about 1 year he has been in that job, then he started to earn money and he decided to go to his village and wanted to meet his father and when he went home it had been sealed by the police, and he decided to clean the house again and live there. At one point Lando met someone who was playing basketball near his house.


   Lando really likes playing basketball since he met that person and he has started to be able to play basketball, he really wants to take part in the basketball competition but he can't fulfill all the rules and conditions in the competition, he is a little sad because he can't take part in the competition , at one time Lando's brother met him near his house and his brother offered to take part in the competition because he would meet the requirements in the competition, Lando was very happy in the race and at the event it started Lando got 2nd place and got a big enough prize and he was very happy and thanked his brother for helping him.





Character Story Pertama: No

Durasi bermain di JG:RP: 6 bulan - 1 tahun

URL Namechange:


Account UCP yang saya miliki:


Account Forum yang saya miliki:



Saya Slifky selaku pemilik account UCP zafranamuri bersedia jika Character saya yang disebut di atas (Rolando_Manzanedo) dibanned permanent jika character story yang saya buat di atas berupa plagiat dari story milik orang lain.

Edited by Slifky

Sebelum melanjutkan revisi, mohon dijawab pertanyaan di bawah ini:

  1. Apakah ini adalah pertama kali kamu membuat Character Story ? (Ya/Tidak)
  2. Sudah berapa lama kamu main JG:RP? ( Kurang dari 1 bulan / 1 - 3 bulan / 4 - 6 bulan / 6 bulan - 1 tahun / 1 tahun lebih / 3 tahun lebih / 5 tahun lebih )
  3. Apakah character ini baru kamu buat atau baru melakukan prosess Namechange ? (Buat baru/Namechange)
  4. Apakah kamu memiliki account UCP selain yang kamu mainkan saat ini? (Ya/Tidak)
  5. Apakah kamu memiliki account Forum selain yang kamu pakai saat ini? (Ya/Tidak)
  6. Dimana tempat kamu bermain sekarang? (Di rumah / Di warnet)


PENTING: Harap diperhatikan ketentuan dibawah ini!

  1. Menggunakan font yang mudah dibaca (Arial, Tahoma, atau Verdana). Font size: 14, dan jangan diberikan atribut berlebihan (BoldItalic, atau Underline)
  2. Pastikan format penulisan Justify yaitu rata kanan-kiri menggunakan tombol image.png pada toolbar di atas.
  3. Tidak boleh ada plagiarisme! ( Silahkan cari di internet untuk plagiarism checker, contoh: https://smallseotools.com/plagiarism-checker/ )
  4. Ejaan, tanda baca, dan grammar harus sesuai dengan standar bahasa yang dipilih (Bahasa Indonesia atau English).
  5. Character story minimal harus memiliki 300 kata yang dipecah menjadi minimal 3 paragraph. 
  6. Gunakan huruf kapital sesuai penempatan kata dan juga yang baik dan benar.
  7. Untuk mengubah story / cerita character kamu, gunakan feature edit yang sudah disediakan:




email_logo.pngJogjagamers Reality Project
Helper Team
Character Story

Dear @Slifky,


I am writing to you in regards of your recently submitted character story, we have reviewed your character story and, as a result, have come to the decision to ACCEPT your request. Please read this guide to activate your character story In-Game via our UCP Website.

We hope that you may use this character story to further develop your character.


JG:RP Helper Team

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