Luxian_Hanzel Posted August 16, 2014 Posted August 16, 2014 East Pehar 457's Avenue. East Pehar 457 's Avenue is a famous alley in the area of ​​East Los Santos , San Andreas . Pehar is an alley of San Fierro . Before in Los Santos , name Pehar alley in San Fierro is Peharo de Castello . First chairman of the alley Peharo Paulo da Castello is Violence , Paulo died when she was robbing banks with all the gang members Pehar , Paulo was shot dead in the head and chest . When Paulo is no longer leading , all members Peharo da Castello fall apart and eventually broke up . Then the right- hand one is Luxian Hanzel Paulo moved to Los Santos to elude police . Currently he is living peacefully in Los Santos . Rifky Edric , then Luxian told Michael to re- establish his gang are Pehar by changing its name to East Pehar 457 's Avenue . Then Michael and Luxian searching for all members Pehar da Castello in Los Santos then told all the members who have already found that Luxian will replace Paulo and change the name of his gang . Routine activities alley was robbed , kidnapped · Dilarang Break Rules · Hargai semua Helper/Administrator dan seluruh player JGRP · Dilarang melakukan JUNK, BUMP, Dan SPAM di Thread ini · Harus mengerti penggunaan tanda baca · Dilarang Trolling / Non RP Behaviour yang membuat suasana RP tidak nyaman · Jangan melakukan Faction Jumper jika ketahuan maka akan di CK · Jangan keras kepala jika mendapat teguran, bersikap dewasa aja · Kalau mau keluar, kasih alasan yang jelas kepada ketua Faction. Jangan asal keluar seenaknya !
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