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[REPORT] Gabriel Shirayanagi

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Nama pelapor: Gregor Victor

Nama pelanggar: Gabriel Shirayanagi

Peraturan yang dilanggar:

ooc insult

Apa yang terjadi:

nge ooc insult ke semua yang antri crate


[18:00:52] Julius Lights: (( pg lu mba ))
[18:00:53] Gabriel Shirayanagi: (( miss ))
[18:00:58] Gabriel Shirayanagi says: lah
[18:00:58] Julius Lights says: balikin
[18:00:59] * Gregor Victor lift the crate then put it into the gasoline slowly
[18:00:59] Roland Hellen: (( wkwk ritat ))
[18:01:01] Gabriel Shirayanagi: (( PG apaan ))
[18:01:02] ERROR: Unknown command, see '/help'
[18:01:03] Roland Hellen: (( balikin aja buang ))
[18:01:04] Julius Lights says: oy
[18:01:05] STORAGE: {ffffff}You've picked up {ffff00}1 canned fish crate
[18:01:06] Gabriel Shirayanagi: (( mana ada ))
[18:01:10] Julius Lights: (( power gaming ))
[18:01:12] VEHICLE: {FFFFFF}Your {00FFFF}Benson {FFFFFF}has been spawned back into the world!
[18:01:12] * Julius Lights mengangkut crate dengan bantuan kedua tangan lalu memasukan nya ke bensont
[18:01:15] TRUCK: {ffffff}You've loaded {ffff00}1 crate {ffffff}of canned fish
[18:01:15] TRUCK: {ffffff}Total crates stored: {ffff00}8
[18:01:17] Gabriel Shirayanagi: (( tau gua apa itu PG ))
[18:01:18] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}|| [BUY] || DIcari Dinghy 0 Jika Ada || HUB OR SMS! ||
[18:01:18] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Jonathan Ashford{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}169000{FF0000}]
[18:01:19] Gabriel Shirayanagi: (( ndas mu ))
[18:01:19] * Roland Hellen Get crate and load to Benson.
[18:01:24] * Hades Dominic mengangkat crate dan membawa ke mobil
[18:01:28] Gregor Victor: (( ooc insult ))
[18:01:31] * Gregor Victor lift the crate then put it into the gasoline slowly
[18:01:34] ERROR: There are no crates!
[18:01:37] 10/10 ((Julius Lights))
[18:01:39] Gregor Victor: (( report ah ))

On 7/13/2021 at 6:19 PM, KrisnaBintangRamadhan said:

gak bisa di ajak bercanda ah, itu juga gua ngomong nya ke orang lain, orang itu juga diem aja, bukan gua ngomong sama lu.

Terimakasih atas penjelasannya, lain kali kalo bercanda liat tempat yaa.


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