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Rael Adwin [Rael]

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Posted (edited)

Rael Adwin





       One day there was a child named Rael Adwin he was born on 24 05 1998 in Ganton, Los Santos city, he was schooled by his parents from elementary to junior high school, when he was in junior high he was expelled from school because he was always brutal in his association and always shouted at his teacher At first glance, his parents also learned the news from his teacher that Rael was expelled from his school, Rael's parents were very angry and disappointed and ordered him to leave his house.


       Rael was very sorry and accepted him to leave the house, at that time Rael went to meet his friend to want to stay at his friend's house, and his friend allowed him to live with him, Rael also thanked his friend for allowing him to stay at his house, there too Rael told all about what happened to his friend earlier, his friend was disappointed and moved to hear the story that was experienced by Rael.


       At the age of 19, Rael also started working as a small food shop employee in Idlewood, because he know he had grown up to meet his own needs, his salary was not much but he was still grateful for it all, the day was approaching afternoon and Rael immediately returned to his friend's house to rest and did not forget to stop by a place to eat for breakfast with his friend, when he arrived at his friend's house Rael also offered to eat together.


       On Sunday, Rael went out to hangout with his friends in Ganton, there too Rael and his friends chatted with each other and didn't forget to drink coffee together, for a moment it was night, Rael went home and rested for tomorrow At work, while on the road Rael saw a person being beaten by two people using sharp weapons, he went over to him and helped someone who was being hammered by giving money to the two people, and finally the slacker went by motorbike.


       At the age of 23, Rael already has his own house and has a motorbike, even though his house is only simple he is still grateful for the results of his own hard work, for a moment Rael remembers his parents who used to raise him during his childhood, but Rael still accept it and start living for the better.







Tujuan membuat character story:
untuk mengenal charakter saya pada saat in character di game


Account UCP yang saya miliki:


Account Forum yang saya miliki:
Rael Adwin


Berapa lama saya sudah main di JGRP:
1 - 3 bulan


Saya biasa main JGRP di:
Hanya di rumah



Saya Rael Adwin selaku pemilik account UCP Rael bersedia jika Character saya yang disebut di atas (Rael Adwin) dibanned permanent jika character story yang saya buat di atas berupa plagiat dari story milik orang lain.

Edited by Rael Adwin
  • Rael Adwin changed the title to Rael Adwin [Rael]

Halo saya di sini akan mengoreksi hasil character stories kamu, untuk itu tolong jawab pertanyaan di bawah ini terlebih dahulu:

  • Sudah mencapai level berapa character kamu saat ini?
  • Sebutkan semua UCP yang kamu punya. 
  • Character story minimal harus memiliki 300 kata yang dipecah menjadi minimal 3 paragraph. Udah sesuai belum? Penghitung Kata
  • Kamu buat Character Story ini di warnet apa di rumah?
Posted (edited)
5 jam yang lalu, resetemail said:

Halo saya di sini akan mengoreksi hasil character stories kamu, untuk itu tolong jawab pertanyaan di bawah ini terlebih dahulu:

  • Sudah mencapai level berapa character kamu saat ini? Level 3.
  • Sebutkan semua UCP yang kamu punya. Rael
  • Character story minimal harus memiliki 300 kata yang dipecah menjadi minimal 3 paragraph. Udah sesuai belum? Penghitung Kata Sudah.
  • Kamu buat Character Story ini di warnet apa di rumah? Rumah.


Edited by Rael Adwin


To @Rael Adwin

I am writing to you in regards of your recently submitted character story, we have reviewed your character story and, as a result, have come to the decision to APPROVE your request. Please read the following guide to activate your link your store to your In-Game account:



JG:RP Staff Team.

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