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[REFUND] Bambang Gumilang ( Sultan 2 Insu 4 UP Full Modift )


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Character: Bambang Gumilang

Waktu & Tanggal: 02/26/21

Barang yang dibutuhkan: Sultan 2 Insu 4 UP Full Modift

Saya membutuhkan refund karena:

Jadi gini min saya kan waktu itu lagi RPan Robbery sama teman teman saya tiba tiba pas saya jalan, saya crash terus mobil teman saya ini lurus terus nyemplung di laut gitu min tolong min di Refund kasihan teman saya itu. Terima Kasih

Berikut adalah bukti yang berupa screenshot / video:


[12:50:11] <====================< {FFFFFF}Paycheck #0273 {00FFFF}>====================>
[12:50:11] => {FFFFFF}Previous Balance: {00FF00}8.83
[12:50:11] => {FFFFFF}Bank Interest: {00FF00}{field_value_16}.64
[12:50:11] => {FFFFFF}Income Tax: {FF0000}{field_value_16}.03
[12:50:11] => {FFFFFF}New Balance: {00FF00}9.44
[12:50:11] <=========================================================>
[12:50:35] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[FIND] Taxi || Budget 0 || CP :
[12:50:35] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Frank Shiner{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}122226{FF0000}]
[12:50:38] Mask 626332 says [car]: makan makan
[12:51:22] Lost connection to the server. Reconnecting..
[12:51:22] The server is restarting..
[12:51:22] Connecting to                              <------------ Ini saya Crash pas lagi nyetir min.
[12:51:23] Connected. Joining the game...
[12:51:24] Connected to {B9C9BF}Jogjagamers Reality Project

[12:51:26] {00ffff}SERVER:{ffffff} Selamat datang {ffff00}Bambang_Gumilang{ffffff}.
[12:51:26] MOTD: {ffff00}Kami telah memperbarui command '{00ffff}/help{ffff00}' ! - {ff0000}Ian
[12:51:26] {00ffff}SERVER:{ffffff} Anda terakhir login {ffff00}1 jam yang lalu
[12:51:27] {00ffff}SERVER: {ffffff}Today is {ffff00}Fri 26 Feb 2021, 07:51:27
[12:51:27] {00ffff}SERVER: {ffffff}Server memerlukan waktu {ffff00}119 milisecond{ffffff} untuk memuat data char anda!
[12:51:27] VEHICLE: {FFFFFF}Your {00FFFF}Tow Truck {FFFFFF}has been {FFFF00}despawned {FFFFFF}due to conflict with other vehicle.
[12:51:28] PHONE: You've turned off your phone!
[12:51:53] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[SELL] Speeder 1 insu polos. Tawarkan
[12:51:53] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Rifky Muhammad{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}225366{FF0000}]
[12:51:53] (( PM from [79] Alex_William: sultan masuk insu astaga ))
[12:51:53] [WT:9124] {75AE5D}Nicholas Dexter: test
[12:51:59] (( PM to [79] Alex_William: HAH? ))
[12:52:08] (( PM from [79] Alex_William: iyaaa kau crash tadi nyempulng ))
[12:52:14] (( PM from [79] Alex_William: astaga ))
[12:52:23] [WT:9124] {75AE5D}Alex William: aku dilaut

Berikut adalah bukti chatlog:


[12:50:11] <====================< {FFFFFF}Paycheck #0273 {00FFFF}>====================>

[12:50:11] => {FFFFFF}Previous Balance: {00FF00}8.83

[12:50:11] => {FFFFFF}Bank Interest: {00FF00}{field_value_17}.64

[12:50:11] => {FFFFFF}Income Tax: {FF0000}{field_value_17}.03

[12:50:11] => {FFFFFF}New Balance: {00FF00}9.44

[12:50:11] <=========================================================>

[12:50:35] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[FIND] Taxi || Budget 0 || CP :

[12:50:35] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Frank Shiner{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}122226{FF0000}]

[12:50:38] Mask 626332 says [car]: makan makan

[12:51:22] Lost connection to the server. Reconnecting..

[12:51:22] The server is restarting..

[12:51:22] Connecting to

[12:51:23] Connected. Joining the game...

[12:51:24] Connected to {B9C9BF}Jogjagamers Reality Project

[12:51:26] {00ffff}SERVER:{ffffff} Selamat datang {ffff00}Bambang_Gumilang{ffffff}.

[12:51:26] MOTD: {ffff00}Kami telah memperbarui command '{00ffff}/help{ffff00}' ! - {ff0000}Ian

[12:51:26] {00ffff}SERVER:{ffffff} Anda terakhir login {ffff00}1 jam yang lalu

[12:51:27] {00ffff}SERVER: {ffffff}Today is {ffff00}Fri 26 Feb 2021, 07:51:27

[12:51:27] {00ffff}SERVER: {ffffff}Server memerlukan waktu {ffff00}119 milisecond{ffffff} untuk memuat data char anda!

[12:51:27] VEHICLE: {FFFFFF}Your {00FFFF}Tow Truck {FFFFFF}has been {FFFF00}despawned {FFFFFF}due to conflict with other vehicle.

[12:51:28] PHONE: You've turned off your phone!

[12:51:53] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[SELL] Speeder 1 insu polos. Tawarkan

[12:51:53] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Rifky Muhammad{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}225366{FF0000}]

[12:51:53] (( PM from [79] Alex_William: sultan masuk insu astaga ))

[12:51:53] [WT:9124] {75AE5D}Nicholas Dexter: test

[12:51:59] (( PM to [79] Alex_William: HAH? ))

[12:52:08] (( PM from [79] Alex_William: iyaaa kau crash tadi nyempulng ))

[12:52:14] (( PM from [79] Alex_William: astaga ))

[12:52:23] [WT:9124] {75AE5D}Alex William: aku dilaut



Denied, kami telah menolak permohonan refund kamu karena salah satu alasan di bawah ini:

  • Kurangnya bukti yang mendukung permohonan kamu.
  • Pemohon melanggar salah satu peraturan sehingga permohonan hangus.
  • Pemohon tidak menjawab tanggapan admin setelah 30 hari.
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