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[REPORT] Vins Maez (menggalkan saat sedang bekerja side job)


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Nama pelapor: David Eisenberg

Nama pelanggar: Vins Maez

Peraturan yang dilanggar:

menggalkan saat sedang bekerja side job

Apa yang terjadi:

Pas saya lagi side job dan pas mau kelar, tiba tiba ada trow truck yang nabrakin saya ampe gagal side job





ini bukti chat log nya



[22:14:43] SIDEJOB: {ffff00}WARNING!{ffffff}, please avoid damage or your job will be ended!
[22:14:44] SIDEJOB: {ffff00}WARNING!{ffffff}, please avoid damage or your job will be ended!
[22:14:44] SIDEJOB: {ffff00}WARNING!{ffffff}, please avoid damage or your job will be ended!
[22:14:45] SIDEJOB: {ffff00}WARNING!{ffffff}, please avoid damage or your job will be ended!
[22:14:45] SIDEJOB: {ffff00}WARNING!{ffffff}, please avoid damage or your job will be ended!
[22:14:46] SIDEJOB: {ffff00}WARNING!{ffffff}, please avoid damage or your job will be ended!
[22:14:47] SIDEJOB: {ffff00}WARNING!{ffffff}, please avoid damage or your job will be ended!
[22:14:47] David Eisenberg says: buset
[22:14:48] SIDEJOB: {ffff00}WARNING!{ffffff}, please avoid damage or your job will be ended!
[22:14:49] SIDEJOB: {ffff00}WARNING!{ffffff}, please avoid damage or your job will be ended!
[22:14:49] SIDEJOB: {ffff00}WARNING!{ffffff}, please avoid damage or your job will be ended!
[22:14:58] SIDEJOB: {ffff00}WARNING!{ffffff}, please avoid damage or your job will be ended!
[22:15:02] SIDEJOB: {ffff00}WARNING!{ffffff}, please avoid damage or your job will be ended!
[22:15:02] SIDEJOB: {ffff00}WARNING!{ffffff}, please avoid damage or your job will be ended!
[22:15:03] SIDEJOB: {ffff00}WARNING!{ffffff}, please avoid damage or your job will be ended!
[22:15:03] SIDEJOB: {ffff00}WARNING!{ffffff}, please avoid damage or your job will be ended!
[22:15:04] SIDEJOB: {ffff00}WARNING!{ffffff}, please avoid damage or your job will be ended!
[22:15:06] SIDEJOB: {ffff00}WARNING!{ffffff}, please avoid damage or your job will be ended!
[22:15:06] [LIVE] Buck Mctavich: Selamat malam pemirsa dimanapun anda berada.
[22:15:17] JOB: {FFFF00}Material Shop {FFFFFF}is in need to restock its {00FFFF}Material packages
[22:15:17] INFO: {FFFFFF}Use command '{FFFF00}/findpacket{FFFFFF}' to trace the package
[22:15:17] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[F And S] Find Roadtrain any insurance dan Sell Towtruck 3insu 2up ada 1000component Minat? CP:
[22:15:17] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Martinez Davis{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}888983{FF0000}]
[22:15:18] SIDEJOB: {ffff00}WARNING!{ffffff}, please avoid damage or your job will be ended!
[22:15:18] SIDEJOB: {ffffff}You are causing too much damage, you are not allowed to continue your job!
[22:15:18] VEHICLE: {FFFFFF}Seatbelts {FF0000}OFF


jika bukti kurang kuat bisa cek di live streaming saya


Kepada terlapor bisa memberi penjelasan mengenai laporan ini dalam kurun waktu 1x24 jam. Jika pelapor menemui terlapor di dalam in game harap memberitahukan bahwasanya ia di report dan segera memberikan konfirmasi terkait laporan ini.


sudah saya kasih tau lewat PM, tetapi di ngeyel min malah bilang baperan


dan ini untuk bukti chat log setelah saya ngasih tau dia lewat PM min @deananugerah


22:42:12] (( PM to [470] Vins_Maez: liat forum ya bang ))
[22:42:14] AdmCmd: Abu_Subidin has been remote warned by jeypamungkas12, total warns: 12
[22:42:14] Reason: Refuse RP
[22:42:33] [LIVE] Kate Brooklynn: Iya, seperti itu pak buck
[22:42:33] (( PM from [470] Vins_Maez: hah ))
[22:42:45] [LIVE] Buck Mctavich: Nah bu, kami sekarang sedang mencari informasi detail mengenai daerah pemakaman ini.
[22:43:08] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[Find] Roadtrain any insu any up wajib berstiker Sms Or Cp
[22:43:08] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Brignac Midas{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}9822800{FF0000}]
[22:43:09] (( PM from [470] Vins_Maez: baperan orang aja banyak yang digitun termasuk gua gua juga korban tapi ga baper ))
[22:43:09] AdmCmd: Abu_Subidin has been remote-jailed by jeypamungkas12 for 60 minutes.
[22:43:09] Reason: Refuse RP.
[22:43:19] AdmCmd: David_Romeo has been remote-jailed by jeypamungkas12 for 60 minutes.
[22:43:19] Reason: Refuse RP.
[22:43:22] (( PM from [470] Vins_Maez: baperan anjir men epep ae ))
[22:43:26] (( PM to [470] Vins_Maez: di kasuh tau ga usah ngeyel, ikutin rules ))

[22:43:41] (( PM to [470] Vins_Maez: sebelom maen baca rules dulu biar ga bego ))
[22:43:47] Marico Luisnander says: Mana mas?
[22:43:48] David Eisenberg says: masih belom ke sini
[22:43:55] Marico Luisnander says: Okeh
[22:43:56] David Eisenberg says: saya telepon lagi dah
[22:44:07] PHONE: {FF0000}Number 3070999 {FFFFFF}is trying to call you, use '{FFFF00}/p{FFFFFF}' to answer call
[22:44:16] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Anda telah menjawab telpon.
[22:44:16] CELLPHONE: {ffffff}Gunakan chat biasa untuk berkomunikasi lewat telpon, '/h' untuk menutup telpon.
[22:44:18] David Eisenberg [phone]: dimana mas
[22:44:21] Marico Luisnander says: Makasih banyak mas
[22:44:24] Male Caller [phone]: saya di unity
[22:44:24] (( PM from [470] Vins_Maez: ngamok ))

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