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Elegant Harris [tuapu]


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Elegant Harris






Phase of life in London, United Kingdom:

Elegant Harris’ parents, the one named Eddy Harris (father) which was a doctor at The Royal London Hospital, and Elizabeth Artshees Harris (mum) which is a chef that owns her own restaurant named Harris Bar Kitchen. They both fell in love when the young Eddy was stopping by at the restaurant that ran by Elizabeth for a dinner. That time went real quick and then they got married- and when it was December 30, 1990 they were blessed with a child that they named Elegant Artshees Harris. Time flies, when Ale (Elegant Harris’ nickname) was turning to 4 year-old boy they decided to move from London, UK to Washington D.C, USA. They did it because they wanted to have a new experience of life, even though they knew in America everything is freer!


Phase of life in Washington D.C, USA:

Ale has became a gentleman, he’s growing up and living his life in USA instead, he had a very good shape of body with 201 cm tall and 99 kg bodyweight. Not surprisingly when he was 15 year-old, he joined a basketball club named Washington Wizards and finally when he was 17 year-old he started his debut as a professional basketball player for the Washington Wizards as small forward. Time really flies with lot of happiness of Ale in his basketball club, but unfortunately he decided to stop playing as a Washington Wizards professional player because he had 3 times left-calf injury, his father who is a doctor told him if he was being hard for himself, his leg would probably be worse. And finally Ale, decided to retire-early as a professional basketball player at the age of 27. Even so, 2 years earlier, he was really happy for his life because he got married to a beautiful girl named Violin Harris. Anyway, 1 year after Ale’s retirement, they both decided to move to a city named San Andreas, there are lot of new things for this happy couple, even though there are bad and good things in the city.


Phase of life in San Andreas:

At the age of 28 years old with the new city and atmosphere, Ale & Violin have explored a lot of things, started from it’s bad to it’s good of San Andreas. These couples are really supportive of each other’s. That is what exactly made this couple keep falling in love with one another… and finally 1 year has passed and now Ale is trying his best to be a part of the San Andreas Police Department.





Tujuan membuat character story:
Sebagai syarat utk masuk ke legal faction dan membuka fitur yang terkunci.


Account UCP yang saya miliki:


Account Forum yang saya miliki:


Berapa lama saya sudah main di JGRP:
2 tahun lebih


Saya biasa main JGRP di:
Hanya di rumah



Saya tuapu selaku pemilik account UCP tuapu bersedia jika Character saya yang disebut di atas (Elegant Harris) dibanned permanent jika character story yang saya buat di atas berupa plagiat dari story milik orang lain.


While i'm reviewing your story, please answer the question below:

  • What level is your character now?
  • Do you got any other UCP?


To @tuapu

I am writing to you in regards of your recently submitted character story, we have reviewed your character story and, as a result, have come to the decision to APPROVE your request. Please read the following guide to activate your link your store to your In-Game account:



JG:RP Staff Team.


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