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[REFUND] Arturo Vicente ( Jetmax )


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Character: Arturo Vicente

Waktu & Tanggal: 11/11/2020

Barang yang dibutuhkan: Jetmax

Saya membutuhkan refund karena:

Lagi mancing keadaan mesin mati normal normal aja tiba tiba keluar api.

Berikut adalah bukti yang berupa screenshot / video:








Berikut adalah bukti chatlog:


[13:59:27] Fishes caught:
[13:59:27] Fish 1: {FFFFFF}10oz (0.6lbs)
[13:59:27] Fish 2: {FFFFFF}81oz (5.0lbs)
[13:59:27] Fish 3: {FFFFFF}82oz (5.1lbs)
[13:59:27] Fish 4: {FFFFFF}65oz (4.0lbs)
[13:59:27] Fish 5: {FFFFFF}93oz (5.8lbs)
[13:59:27] Total weight: {00FF00}20.8lbs
[13:59:29] Arturo Vicente says: gece
[13:59:38] AdmCmd: Cherry has jailed Akira_Kitaro for 10 minute(s)
[13:59:38] Reason: Tolong luangkan waktu membaca RULES JGRP ya >>>>> bit.ly/RulesJGRP
[13:59:40] [NEWS] Krystian Rutledge: *Closing Advertisement Moontown's Ashley Garage Dillimore*
[13:59:46] INSURANCE: {FFFFFF}Your {00FFFF}Jetmax {FFFFFF}has been destroyed, your replacement will be ready on {FFFF00}Thu 12 Nov 2020, 13:59:46
[13:59:46] * Vika Valerianpola hook a bait and start fishing
[13:59:50] KEGUNAAN: /report [text]
[13:59:57] [NEWS] Krystian Rutledge: *Opening Advertisement Midnight ACDC Electro Jingle*
[13:59:58] REPORT: {ffffff}Your report has been issued to the queue, use '{ffff00}/reports{ffffff}' to see your report
[14:0:13] RESPOND: {ff0000}ajengalifa {FFFFCC}has responded to your report
[14:0:15] [NEWS] Krystian Rutledge: Bingung cari alat komunikasi yang murah dan berkualitas keren?
[14:0:24] TELEPORT: {FFFF00}Patricia_Rothschild {FFFFFF}has teleported to you!
[14:0:25] Arturo Vicente: (( yang kemarin belum di refund udah leduk lagi ))
[14:0:31] TELEPORT: {FFFF00}Cevina_Kennedy {FFFFFF}has teleported to you!
[14:0:37] Guillermo Velazco: (( leduk lagi? ))
[14:0:40] Arturo Vicente: (( iya aneh ))
[14:0:41] {ff0000}ajengalifa: {ffffff}(( Jermat apa dah? ))
[14:0:43] [NEWS] Krystian Rutledge: Midnight ACDC Electro adalah solusinya!
[14:0:46] Arturo Vicente: (( jetmax ))
[14:0:47] Guillermo Velazco: (( jetmax ))
[14:0:49] Arturo Vicente: (( yang kemarin belum di refund udah leduk lagi ))
[14:0:55] {ff0000}ajengalifa: {ffffff}(( Oh Jetmax, kenapa leduk? ))
[14:0:57] [NEWS] Krystian Rutledge: Datanglah ke Midnight ACDC Electro yang berlokasi di Verdant Bluffs.
[14:0:59] Arturo Vicente: (( gatau lagi mancing ))
[14:0:59] Guillermo Velazco: (( leduk sendiri ))



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  • Pemohon melanggar salah satu persyaratan refund yang mengakibatkan prosess refund gagal.
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