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[BUG IN-GAME] Bug notif request job. (sgeneration1742)


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UCP pelapor: sgeneration1742

Character: Selestinus_Clairvaux

Staff: N/A

Penjelasan bug:

Jadi saya memiliki 2 job mechanic & taxi, nah pas duty taxi yang masuk ke notif itu request mechanic & request taxi. setelah itu saya menunggu 5 menit untuk memastikan apakah terdapat bug salary juga ketika duty seperti itu (mana tau double salary dari mechanic & taxi) ternyata tidak.

Cara mereplikasi bug:

Anda harus memiliki 2 job, yaitu mechanic & taxi. terus /jobduty taxi > setelah itu anda menerima request mechanic.

Bukti screenshot:



SS :




Chatlog :


[01:33:51] KEGUNAAN: /jobduty [mechanic/taxi]
[01:33:53] JOBDUTY: Anda sekarang on-duty sebagai supir taksi!
[01:34:19] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[FINDJOB] dicari pekerjaan apa saja yang membutuhkan pegawai dan halal CP!!
[01:34:19] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Fernando Sitorus{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}1243586{FF0000}]
[01:34:21] JOBDUTY: Anda sekarang off-duty!
[01:34:21] VEHICLE: {FFFFFF}Seatbelts {FF0000}OFF
[01:34:31] SHOP: {ffffff}You've purchased {ffff00}Menu +60 {ffffff}for {00ff00}$3.75
[01:34:34] SHOP: {ffffff}You've purchased {ffff00}Energy Drink {ffffff}for {00ff00}$3.75
[01:35:00] VEHICLE: {FFFFFF}Seatbelts {00FF00}ON
[01:35:00] JOBDUTY: Anda sekarang on-duty sebagai supir taksi!
[01:35:08] DISPATCH: {ffffff}Client: [ {ffff00}(id:211) {00ffff}Cochise Walton {ffffff}] Last known position: [ {ffff00}Los Santos International {ffffff}]
[01:35:08] NOTE: Use command '/accept mechanic [playerid]' to respond to the call
[01:35:14] ERROR: That player does not require any taxi service!

[01:35:21] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33} Zr-350 3insu 2up ada modifan nya | 2,9k
[01:35:21] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Alexio Martin{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}775332{FF0000}]
[01:35:55] DISPATCH: {ffffff}Client: [ {ffff00}(id:434) {00ffff}Rio Samboro {ffffff}] Last known position: [ {ffff00}Los Santos {ffffff}]
[01:35:55] NOTE: Use command '/accept mechanic [playerid]' to respond to the call
[01:36:04] ERROR: That player does not require any taxi service!

[01:36:15] Selestinus Clairvaux says: mana si lucy
[01:36:16] Sergio Dexter says: halo bang
[01:36:19] Sergio Dexter: (( switch ))
[01:36:22] Selestinus Clairvaux: (( ngebung ajg ))
[01:36:23] {FF0000}Ad: {33AA33}[FIND] Flat Garage di dalam kota || Ada ? Call/Sms || Cocok ? Angkut
[01:36:23] {FF0000}Contact Info: [{33AA33}Maxleon Christopher{FF0000}] Phone Number: [{33AA33}766666{FF0000}]
[01:36:26] Selestinus Clairvaux: (( abang duty taxi ))
[01:36:30] Selestinus Clairvaux: (( pekara dua job ))
[01:36:33] Sergio Dexter: (( trus ))
[01:36:39] Selestinus Clairvaux: (( jadi request mechanic masuk notifnya ke abang ))
[01:36:41] Selestinus Clairvaux: (( kaowkawoawo ))
[01:36:46] Sergio Dexter: (( lah ))
[01:36:50] Selestinus Clairvaux: (( ngebug ))
[01:36:51] Sergio Dexter: (( aowwkwkwkw ))



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